Wild card Uan. Board game UNO (UNO). Board game "Uno": gameplay




Do not know how to pass time in a long trip? Gathered on the journey, and the flight is delayed? Weekend came, waiting for guests, think how to entertain them? The answer suggests itself! Play!

Today we will imagine you a game that time will fly imperceptibly! "UNO" (UNO) is an exciting desktop game, which can be played both by a quiet family evening and a large noisy company. The rules of the game are simple, it is enough to read and play one game, adults and children can play. The big plus is that for the game you will need only a deck of "UNO" cards, a company and, of course, a good mood. Do not forget about the strong table - the game promises to be hot!

Rules of the game:

In "UNO" you can play from 7 years and up to ~, to take part from 2 to 10 players, one party occupies an average of half an hour. The goal of the game is the first to get rid of all the cards. The lead distributes to players for 7 cards on hand and one, shirt down, puts on the table. After that, the move goes to the player sitting next to the leading clockwise. The player considers his cards, if there is a suitable - makes his turn, if not, then takes one card from the deck. A suitable card must have a number of numbers, or a picture or be an active card. Active cards "UNO" (UNO) is: "Miss the move", "on the contrary," "take two". There are still black active cards: "Order Color" "Order Color and Take Four".

"Miss the move" - \u200b\u200bthe next player misses the move; "On the contrary," the game begins to go counterclockwise. "Take two" - the opponent takes from the deck of 2 cards and skips the "order color" move - the player chooses any color, maybe even acting. "Order a color and take four" - the player chooses the color and 4 cards pulls the next player from the deck. But! This card can be postponed only in your turn and only if there is a valid color on your hands. Because the opponent may not believe you for the word and check your cards and, if you are jubilized, then you will have 4 cards for you! In the event that you told the truth, the opponent takes 4 cards and plus 2 more for distrust. In the atmosphere of universal fun, babysitting and excitement, the game is unnoticed by an end. When the player remains on his hand two cards, he shouts "UNO" (UNO) before its move, putting the penultimate card. In his next move, he can finish the game. If he forgot about it, other players with great joy him about it remind, because in this case he will have to take from the deck of 2 cards and about the victory for now to forget.

uno Game Cards (UNO)

When the game ends, there is a counting points. You can count in two ways. The first: Summates the glasses of all players and are recorded on the winner. The one who first gives 500 points. The second: the losers record points for themselves, loses the one who first drops 500 points. In principle, 500 is not a mandatory number, it can be enlarged at will.

These are the basic rules, also in the game you can use all sorts of fines and additional rules that will make the game are still brighter and more interesting.

Did you like the description of the game and you will be spicitized for her to the store? And then you will find a plus game "Uno" (UNO) is a pretty budget game, its price is 300-400r, so everyone can buy it. Play, having fun before you fall, interfere with the enemy, enter additional rules and then you will forget what the word is "boring"!

So, summarize:

The game "UNO" (UNO) is easy, with simple rules game, the perfect option for both home family games with children and a large company. Compact, with bright design, budget. Does not take much time and "does not boil" the brain complexity.

  • Mastering the game - 83 points
  • Mechanics game - 47 Points (well, it's just a card)
  • Interest in the plot - 0 Points (for a general assessment it will not affect)
  • Convenience to play - 95 Points
  • Quality and design - 46 points
  • Received fun - 78 points
  • TOTAL - 70 points

The number of unwarked cards may vary. UNO 4 includes 108 cards. If this kit contains 112 pieces, then 4 of them are empty. They are provided for first to replace with the loss of basic. The main cards are divided into digital and on the action cards, or in a different active.

Digital cards

In UNO 4 colors of cards with numbers from 0 to 9. With zero one color, that is, there are only four cards from the deck. Before putting the card on the table, you need to consider that all other numbers in each color have 2 cards. You need to memorize your cards, and even better try to calculate what others can be in the hands.

Value of maps action

Active (with pictures)

Just like digital, in UNO 4 colors of active cards. They prescribe certain actions.

You should explore the value of special images on them.

The "empty" cards - to enter new rules - are absent in UNO 4.

The image in UNO "Take 2" obliges to take the next playing from the deck "Bakeup" 2 pieces.

Card "Return" changes the direction of moves. That is, if the queue went clockwise, after it is laid out, the move goes to the previous participant, and then the turn comes counterclockwise. And so continues until someone else will not put the same.

The "skipping pass" card allows you to make one person to make another move.

Black active cards

Also prescribe the action, but how easy it is to guess from the title, made in one color - black. A distinctive feature is that they can be laid at any time, no matter what color is from above "reset". The one who made such a card calls the next color.

There are only 2 of their kind: a black color change card and a black shift card + 4 extra. The second one, in addition to changing the color, undertakes the next player to take 4 pieces from the deck.

Cost card

The cost is very easy to remember, because it is fixed depending on the images.

Each digital costs the cost corresponding to its number. That if two is drawn on it, 2 points are awarded for it, and in the same way with the rest.

For conventional action cards, 20 points are charged. Most of all is awarded for active color shift cards - 50 points.

Special rules (add-ons to basic rules)

In a different way, they are called "home". They are recommended to be made for a variety after the development of the basic rules. Due to the fact that the beginners do not always explain when they play according to the special rules that they are not basic, incorrect ideas about the game process appear. This contributes to the spread of a large number of misconceptions about how it is necessary, and how it is impossible to play UNO.

Interception of stroke

The player can make a move out of turn if both conditions are complied with respect to the central card:

  • card of the same color
  • it shows the same digit or picture.

Card "Color + 4" card is an exception and can be laid out only in your course.

At the very beginning of the game, the interception of the stroke is impossible, since only the next player after the dealer can walk with any scenario.

Laying two identical cards

If the player has two identical cards, after laying out one of them, it can make a "stroke interception" another. However, it is forbidden to put them at the same time. It contributes to the development of the reaction and quite well revive the game. After all, after the first card is posted, the next player may have time to do its move.

Seven - zero

When dropping out the "0" card, each player transmits its maps to the next game.

When dropping out the "7" card, the one who laid out it, exchanges cards with any of the players at will.

Uno with accumulation

When the player put the "+2 card" card, the next person is allowed to put in the presence of the same, then the third will have to take four pieces from the deck.

With the Card "Change of Color + 4 Maps", everything is happening by the same principle. That is, the third player in such a situation will have to be pulled out from the deck of "bonus" as many as 8 pieces. Color orders the last of the positive card.

Cards "+2" or "Change color + 4" can be put as long as they are running at the players. If 4 players in a row put the "+ 2 cards" cards, it means that the fifth does not have them, then it will be forced to take 8 pieces.

In one move, each player can put only one of the "+2" maps or "color + 4" cards.


The player posted a digital map "5" has the right to exchange with the selected player. The map on each side may be any at the request of the exchange participants.

Lazy counting points

Each tour of UNO completes points. The player who was the first to get rid of everything that he had, becomes the winner, getting the right to open the next round with his move. The player with the maximum amount of points of the remaining cards - the loser and then becomes distributing, that is, a dealer. A fairly convenient method of counting, which is excellent saves time:

no need to memorize or record the results after each tour

after any tour you can finish playing

Uno in the center

When the player puts in the "reset" the penultimate card with the cry "Uno", he does not remove his hand, but leaves her above the center and waiting for all other participants to put their hands on top. The one who has priedered and remains the last must take 2 pieces. It revives the gameplay.

Change color in a circle

After laying out the black card "Change of color" or "color + 4" change, the color changes to the one that is drawn on it next in a circle after the current one. That is, if the last color was red when playing the last color, after laying out one of them, the color changes to blue. And if, when playing a clockwise, the last color was yellow, then after laying out the black card action, the color changes to the green.


When the "Changing Direction" card is laid out, any previous action returns back. This means that if the previous player put the card "Take 2", then after laying out the next player "Change of Direction", 2 pieces from the deck should take not the next player, and the previous one.

Until the last

The game goes until anything remains only at one member who is recognized by the loser. And only two people remain playing, it may be unexpected. It is important to monitor that the upper card does not allow the opponent to make unpleasant moves, such as "passing" and others.

UNO in 7 rounds

When the playing get rid of all the cards, he needs to pull 6 from the deer 6 and continue to play. If they are running out again, it already takes 5 pieces. And every subsequent time is less than one more. When the playing takes one card and get rid of it, he is confessed by the winner, and the game is considered complete.

Reset zero

If the player has only a digital card "0", its cost when calculating becomes not zero, but 50 points.

More interesting


In order for the game of UNO to be attractive for children, new versions are constantly being produced. Mechanics everywhere are the same, only theme is different.

For the smallest Uno Junior with funny little animals, which is recommended for children from 3 years old.

There is a version for older boys - a complete set, where the "Ninja Turtles" are depicted. They will also be interested in the version of UNBRACK.

Do it yourself

Cards for unan not necessarily buy. Make uno to everyone with your own hands, because it is quite simple. It is enough to take a sheet of cardboard, cut the rectangles of a suitable size, and then draw the corresponding characters. If you want to simplify the task, and the printer experiences, the Internet is filled with ready-made print options.

UNO - one of the most popular games. Sold according to official data more than 150 million copies. Therefore, on the box, the rules of the UNO game are indicated immediately in the 2nd languages: not only in Russian, but also in English. The ability to play the same on Apple and Android electronic platforms.

All rights to the publication and distribution of this product belong to the American company "Martell", which produces the famous Barbie doll.

It has several dozen varieties. Amo H2O is allocated among them - water resistance is distinguished, so the set is made of translucent plastic.

In order to be interested and fun to spend the evening, you will need a company of friends (relatives, colleagues, unfamiliar people) and uno card deck. The main advantage of this game is simple rules. Thanks to the direct contact between the players, the game always passes fun, gambling, and most importantly, every time in a new way. Uno can play both adults and children. Another indisputable advantage of UNO is compactness: the deck of maps of space will take a little, and the pleasure will deliver a huge!

What kind of game is it?

"UNO" is one of the most famous and exciting card games. When you want to spend great time in the company or pass time on the journey, "UNO" will be the best option for a large company: Ordinary card games become uninteresting when the game is already in the game, but "UNO" is quite normal and played dynamically, even if ten human.

What is good "Uno"?

  • The rules of the game are very simple. Even if in the company out of ten people only you know the rules, everything from the second party will know them all.
  • "UNO" is very interesting. There are also excitement, and requirements for the care of players, and bluff - and all this at a very dynamic pace.
  • In the "Uno" you can play at home, in the office, on the road, at a party and even on the beach. Any age and any company - no restrictions! Everything you need is just to have a small deck, which in size is a little more standard card.
  • The deck of cards "UNO" can be played in other games. There are more than twenty modifications of the rules putting the game with legs on the head.
  • The game "UNO" is one of the most popular desktop games. Since 1971, it was sold as many as 150 million decks!
  • What is the essence of the game?

    You have a deck of cards from which 7 each of the players will be distributed. Then another card is put on the table, with which the game begins. Task - reset all your cards. In your course, you have the right to lay out the card on the table, which is the value (picture) or color coincides with the top on the game table (as in the "American Fool" or "101"). There are special cards that create different effects. When you still have only one card on your hand, you need to shout "UNO" - if your rivals shift, then you will be forced to take more cards.

    What does the gameplay look like?

    Party usually leak quickly enough: it is important to have a good reaction, be able to navigate in the situation and watch other players. In some modifications, the rules are significantly paid to Blebuf, in some - the strategy of the game. In the basic version there are elements and the other.

    "UNO" and "Swints"

    The game "Uno" has a domestic analogue - "Swints". In fact, this is a slightly modified game to which a completely different atmosphere and plot have been added. "Swints" is a cynical office "UNO", the purpose of which is to substitute his colleagues. If you want to have fun in the company, where the majority are office employees, the Swintus will become a very relevant and relaxing game.

    What cards in the deck?

    In the "UNO" 112 cards, from which 19 refer to each of the colors, 24 card effects with color and 12 wild cards. The kit also has basic rules of the game.


    "I love this game) The more the people play - the steeper) always fun, noisy and ignorly))))"

    With the board games I met in a distant 2012, when the parents bought me and sisters of UNO. And rushed! The game attracted its simple rules and a wonderful feeling of excitement! I still consider it the main game in which you need to play everyone. Do not know what to buy? Take UNO!

    Katya, seller in Yekaterinburg

    About desktop game uno

    A classic game with cards for attention, reaction and tactical thinking. Suitable for companies from 2 to 10 people. There are more than 10 options for the rules.

    First came out in 1971..


    2010 Goldengeek - "Best Compared Game" (Nominee)

    2010 Goldengeek - "Best Edition" and "Best Compared Game" (Nominee)

    2011 is a prize of sympathy of Japanese players.



    • Germany - Amigo Spiel + Freizeit GmbH
    • Italy - As Manufacturas
    • Spain - Borras Plana S.A.
    • USA - Clipper.
    • Europe - Damm / Egmont
    • USA - Fundex.
    • Germany - Gebr. Ludwigs OHG.
    • Spain - Grow Jogos E Brinquedos
    • USA - Homax
    • USA - International Games
    • United States, United Kingdom - Sababa Toys, Inc.
    • United Kingdom - WaddingTons Games

    Home Rules

    For board games, UNO from our animators:

    • You can put exactly the same card as the top in the stack, even if now is not your course.
    • All players change the maps in the direction of the course if zero was played.
    • When two is played, one circle is silent. If someone speaks - takes 2 cards.
    • If you played "Take two", you can play the same - and then the next player will take 4 cards.
    • When you put the penultimate card, you need to scream "UNO" - and at the same time do not remove your hands from the stack. The rest should put your arms over yours - who will do it last, take 2 cards.

    Submitted Anton:

    Hello! Bought a deck for work and play for 7-8 people dinner!

    At the end of the party, everyone considers the number of points, which he earned, and at the reach of the amount more than 500, flies out of the game. There are a couple of nuances:

    1. If a player completes the party "0" card (zero), then it is written off 20 points.
    2. If the "Wild Card" ("+4" or the one you can order), then 50 points are written off!
    3. If a player picks up smoothly (!) 500 points, then all his points are written off on zero (Believe me, it is very difficult to do)
    4. If during the battery of the deck from which you want to take cards, ends, then all subsequent earned points are multiplied by 2 (!) And so in ascending - if the deck is over, it is multiplied by 3, etc.
    5. . We just throw a "wild card", order the color and the next player takes 4 cards and skips the move, or throws the necessary card \u003d) without any openings and checks "believe", "do not believe" \u003d) because we have harsh players! If the deck is lit. then everyone remembers: D

    With us, when playing 8 people, a deck disassemble very quickly and this is "innovation" with multiplication of points on 2, 3, etc. justifies himself! And about the end of the "0" or "wild card", I can say that it is quite difficult to do (say, save until the last moment "+4" card)

    Greetings. In today's review, I want to tell you about the UNO card game, or in the commoner - "M @ ND @ loshka".

    I came across the board of board games and ordered a couple of sample, not even knowing the rules.

    Fortunately, the most games can be found on the Internet rules.

    Sometimes I am visiting, and the evenings began to be monotonous.
    And so, fortunately, the cards came to the friend's birthday. Evening, in his own review passed with a bang.

    Maps came in the package, inside which turned out 2 decks. Cards in decks are the cheapest, ordinary quality, from ordinary cardboard, although printing and normal, but are not very convenient.

    Well, the game is cool. The instruction was present in Chinese and English, but nobody read it, of course.)

    In general, as my friend said, the rules are the same as in "M @ ND @ company", in which, by the way, you can play and the usual deck of cards.

    The principle is simple, although we remembered the rules of the game in the course of the game).

    For example, first played altogether with one deck in general, then noted that there are only 2-color cards in it, and the action card (which can be put on any card) in Figure 4 colors in the ellipse.

    In general, the rules briefly, such - the cards of four colors and with numbers to 9. Wins the one who first will throw out all the cards, and when one card remains on the hands of "UNO!" (Well, or - "MandaVashka!" Who like it).

    Because glasses game (up to 101 points), you must first throw off the cards with b0lsch numbers.

    The first player goes from any card, say from 9-ki red. The next player must put either any red card, or a map of any other color, but with a par.

    The game goes in a circle, i.e. Maps put one on one by all players in turn in circle. If you do not have any action cards, no cards of suitable color or nominal - dial from the deck until you find the right one.

    You can also put an action card. There are 4 Action Cards.
    The first card "Reverse" - the game goes in the opposite direction (counterclockwise), the second card is "passing a stroke", i.e. There should be not the next player to fight back to your move, but after one.

    The third card "color" (empty ellipse), it can be put on any card and up - a new card on your choice.
    Fourth Card "Kozyr", ellipse with four colors, it can be put on a map of any color, and also, on it, accordingly, you can also put the card of any color and nominal.

    Yes, there are still cards with numbers +2 and +4, if you see that the player to whom you go, there are few cards left, and it can jump out of the game - go with this card, and it will have to dial from the deck 2 or 4 cards at the same time, passing.

    Well, already at the end of the game, the rates of cards remaining in their hands are calculated and the account is carried out (only color cards with numbers are taken into account).

    Rules of the game Uno.

    A task: first throw off your cards. This tour ends on this and there is a counting of points for the cards remaining in the hands.

    Win.You can count the glasses in two ways - as you like more.
    The player who was the first to get rid of his cards is charged the amount of points remaining in the hands of all other players. And so in every round. Wins the one who scores 500 points from the results of several tours. This option stimulates precisely to win the tour, that is, the first to throw off your cards.
    Players recorded points, counted on their hands on their hands (a player who first got rid of his cards gets zero glasses). And so in every round. The losers are considered to be the one who will score 200 points, the rest of the winners :-) This option stimulates rather throw off the most "expensive" cards.

    Varieties of cards.
    Total in the deck of 108 cards.

    Uno digital cards. Cost on nominal - from 0 to 9 points. Each digit of 4-colors. All numbers (except 0) in double quantities.

    Active UNO cards: "Miss the move", "Take two", "on the contrary." The cost of each card 20 points. Each image of 4 colors in double quantity.

    Black Active Uno Cards: "Order Color", "Order Color and Take Four". The cost of each card is 50 points. 4 cards of each type.

    Rules of the game Uno.
    1) Distribution of cards
    At the beginning of the game, everyone is heard from 7 cards (in dark). The rest of the cards are put with a shirt up - this is a deck of "bite". The upper card from the "Bakeup" deck turns over, put it nearby and becomes the first card of the "Reset" deck.

    2) Game
    The game begins "clockwise". The first player goes after the distributor (distributed each tour changes, usually clockwise). During his stroke, the player has the right to post one card on the "Reset" deck for the following rules:
    - or the card must be the same color.
    - or the card must have the same digit, or the same picture (be active card), or be a black active card.
    - In the absence of a suitable card, the player takes one card from the "Bakeup" deck (in dark). If the card satisfies the above conditions - the player can post the map on the "Reset" deck, if not satisfying - the player leaves the card itself, says "PAS" and moves to the next player.

    The game continues until someone from the players will throw off all the cards. After that, the points counting on the hands remaining in the hands of the hands.

    Active Uno cards.
    "Miss the move" - \u200b\u200bthe next player misses its move.
    The player can "escape" from the action of this card only posing exactly the same card (the same color, the same picture), that is, after performing intervention.
    "Take two" - the next player takes two cards from the deck of "bonus" and skips its turn.
    Player can "be saved" from this card by posting his "Take two" card (color maybe any).
    The actions of the "Take two" cards are not summed up, and the last player, which ended the "chain" of the layout of the "Take two" cards, takes from the deck of a "bonus" of only two cards and skips its move.
    "On the contrary," the direction of the stroke is changing to the opposite. For example, it was "clockwise", after laying out the "On the contrary" card, it will be "counterclockwise".

    When laying out several maps "on the contrary, they are summed up. For example, two cards "on the contrary" do not have any impact - the move continues in the same direction as before, three cards "on the contrary" change the direction of travel to the opposite, etc.
    "Order color" - allows you to change the player current color (on any, including for the current color). The following player must put any map of the specified color. In order to lay out the "Order color" card, the player does not require any special conditions, unlike the next card "Order Color and Take Four" ...

    "Order Color and Take Four" - can only be lined with a player only in your turn and only if the player (player 1) does not have a current color (and the current digit / active cards / black active card "Order Color" can and Attend - it does not matter, the main absence of the current color). Simultaneously with the laid out of this card, it is necessary to order a color (maybe any, including the current color). The next player (player-2) takes four cards from the deck (in dark) and skips the move.

    Player-2 can "be saved" from the action of this card only by posting the "Take two" card of the new ordered color (hereinafter, everything goes as usual with the standard action of the Map "Take two").

    Check for honesty. If the player-2, which is directed to "Order Color and Take Four", suspects that he is deceived and player-1, who posted this card, actually there is a current color, he may ask for a player to present his cards. If suspicions are justified, player-1 takes his card "Order Color and Take Four" back to hand, takes four cards from the "Bakeup" deck (in dark), passes the move (in fact on the player - 1 passed the action of the "Order Color and Take four"). If the suspicions were in vain, the player-2 takes the four cards from the deck of "Bake", as well as two more cards for distrust and misses the move.

    The rule of politeness. The game continues only after the player sorts his new four cards and will say "ready."

    Rule "Uno!"

    The player must warn that he has one card left and maybe he will soon finish the game. After laying out the penultimate card (until he went to her yet), the player must have time to say "UNO!" (That in Italian means "one"). If the player does not do, "good friends" (or one friend) can notice this and remind "UNO!". Friends should have time to do this from the moment of vacationing the player with its penultimate card before the start of the next player (laying out the card or pull the card from the deck). For the forgetfulness of the player, in time I did not say "UHO!", Takes two cards from the deck "bonus" (in dark).

    Note. Players do not have the right to hide the number of cards in the hand (that is, to collect a heaven or hide under the table). Friends should always be aware to help the forgetful player;)

    With a large number of errors and inattention, an additional rule can be introduced - with any erroneously laid out map, false cry, etc. The player takes two cards from the deck (in dark).

    Home Rules Uno.

    Uno game with intervention.

    The same rules as in the usual game UNO, with the following adds.

    The player can go out of turn if he has exactly the same map that lies the top in the "Reset" deck. Exactly the same map - this means simultaneous compliance with the two conditions:
    The same color.
    The same digit / the same picture / Black "order color" card.

    Attention! These conditions do not apply to the "Order Color and Take Four" card - it is laid out only in your turn.

    Note. The interception of the course does not work at the beginning of the game when the first map of the "Reset" deck is posted on the center. At the beginning of the game, the right of the course has only a player after the distribution.
    Uno game. Laying two identical cards.

    If the player has two identical cards (see above two mandatory conditions), a player in its turn can lay the first of the same cards and immediately fulfill the intervention of exactly the same card. That is, two identical cards can not be laid at once with one movement of the hand, only alternately: one card, then another card. Accordingly, the next player will have the opportunity to put a map in his turn, without giving the player to perform "intervention".

    Uno Seven-Zero game.

    Each time "Zero" falls, all participants transmit their cards to neighboring players in the direction of the game.
    Every time "seven" falls out, a player who put "seven" is exchanged by cards with one of the players in his choice.
    Uno game with accumulation.

    The same rules as in the usual game of UNO, with the following additions:
    When the player puts the "Take two" card, the next player can also put a "Take two" card, and then the third player must take four cards.
    The same rules apply to "Order Color and Take Four" cards: When one player puts the "Order Color and Four" card, the next player can also put a "order color and four" card, and then the third player must take eight kart. The last of the players who put the next "order color and four" card, orders the color. If the player put the "Order and Take Four" card not according to the rules and "caught", the usual rules apply, but the amount of the fine increases depending on the number of cards used.
    Playing can lay the "Take two" or "order color and take four" until they are running out. For example, if 4 players in a row put the "Take two" cards, the next player (who has no card "Take two") should take eight cards.
    A player can put in one move only one map "Take two" or "Order Color and Take Four", even if he has several such cards in his hands.

    In general, the game, despite the Svid, the simple rules is very gambling.)
    We lost all evening several parties up to 101 points and your submissive servant was lucky, but then I had to wash the dishes, the floor, and go for the parking lot at 2 am.) While I soap dishes, the guests continued to play and began a new batch) .

    The verdict - the game is worthy and will bring you a lot of fun minutes and makes a variety of at your pastime!

    Pay Arduino Uno. - Center of the Large Empire Arduino, the most popular and most affordable device. It is based on the ATMEGA chip - in the last revision Arduino UNO R3 is ATMEGA328 (although the market can still meet the options for UNO fees with ATMEGA168). Most Arduinshchikov start from the UNO fee. In this article, we will look at the main features, characteristics and device of the Arduino Uno Revision R3 Revision, power requirements, the possibility of connecting external devices, differences from other boards (MEGA, NANO).

    The UNO controller is the most suitable option to start working with the platform: it has a convenient size (not too big, like MEGA and not so small, like Nano), is sufficiently available due to the mass release of all kinds of clones, a huge amount of free is written under it lessons and sketches.

    Characteristics of Arduino Uno

    Images of circle Arduino Uno

    The original board looks like this:

    Original and official ARDUINO UNO

    Numerous Chinese options look like this:

    Board - Clone Arduino Uno

    More examples of boards:

    Where to buy Arduino Uno

    The minimum prices for UNO fees can be found in Chinese electronic stores. If you have a few weeks to wait, you can save significantly, buying cheap (in the region of 200-300 rubles) with free shipping. Moreover, you can find both the simplest options and official or "almost original" boards based on the original microcontroller. Another group of goods is unusual boards with built-in WiFi (based on ESP8266 or ESP32), additional connectors for a more convenient connection of the periphery. Here are some options that you can buy from proven suppliers on Aliexpress:

    Arduino Uno R3 (CH340G) MEGA328P. A typical representative of Arduino boards on Aliexpress with a price below 250 rubles Quality board Arduino Uno R3 on CH340G. The kit without a cable with a minimum price of about 220 rubles Arduino wholesale - 10 UNO R3 controller boards with Mega328p ATMEGA16U2 on board
    Official ARDUINO UNO R3 MEGA328P based on Atmega16U2 - Maximum Quality MEGAPOWER UNO board based on the original ATMEGA328 R3, FTDI FT232RL Original Arduino Uno R3 (board based on the original MEGA and ATMEGA16U2 chips) with a USB cable in a cardboard box
    Two in one! Arduino Uno with built-in Sensor Shield (ATMEGA328P ATMEGA16U2 Plus Sensor I / O Shield) Arduino Uno and WiFi under the same roof: R3 ATMEGA328P + ESP8266 (32MB Memory) Excellent option from Keyestudio - UNO R3 Mega328p ATMEGA16U2 with combined Sensor Shield

    Difference from other boards

    Today, there are many options for Arduino boards on the market. The most popular competitors of UNO are Nano and Mega fees. The first will go for projects in which size is important. The second - for projects, where the scheme is quite complex and a lot of outputs are required.

    Differences Arduino Uno from Arduino Nano

    Modern Arduino Uno cards and R3 versions are usually on board a common microcontroller: ATMEGA328. The key difference is the size of the board and type of contact pads. Arduino Uno: 6.8 cm x 5.3 cm. Arduino Nano dimensions: 4.2 cm x 1.85 cm. Models contact pads are not soldered at all. Naturally, the larger size of UNO compared to Nano in some cases is an advantage, and in some - disadvantage. With a large-size board, it is much more convenient to install, but it is inconvenient in real projects, because Highly increases the dimensions of the end device.

    On Arduino Uno boards, the Type-B connector is traditionally used (also used to connect printers and MFPs). In some cases, you can find an option with a Micro USB connector. ARDUINO NANO cards are MINI or Micro USB.

    Naturally, there are differences in the power connector. In the UNO board there is a built-in DC connector, it simply did not find a place in Nano.

    In addition to hardware, there are still small differences in the process of loading the sketch in the fee. Before downloading, make sure that you have chosen the right fee in the Tool-Fee menu.

    Differences from Arduino Mega

    In full compliance with its name is today the largest and number of ARDUINO controller pins. Compared to it in UNO, much less pins and memory. Here is the list of the main differences:

    • Mega's board uses a different microcontroller: ATMEGA 2560. But its clock frequency is equal to 16 MHz, as well as in UNO.
    • In MEGA board, more digital pins - 54 instead of 14 UNO fees. And analog - 16/6.
    • MEGA card has more contacts that support hardware interrupts: 6 against 2. More serial ports - 4 against 1.
    • By volume of UNO memory is also significantly inferior to Meg. Flash is 32/256, SRAM - 2/8, EEPROM - 4/1.

    Based on all this, it can be concluded that for large complex projects with large programs and the active use of various communication ports is better to choose MEGA. But these boards are more expensive than UNO and take more space, so for small projects that do not use all the additional features of MEGA, it will be quite comfortable by UNO - a significant increase in speed when switching to the "senior" brother you will not receive.

    Brief conclusions

    Arduino Uno is a great option for creating. 14 digital and 6 analog pins allow you to connect a variety of sensors, LEDs, engines and other external devices. The USB connector will help connect to a computer without additional external devices. The built-in stabilizer allows you to use different power items with a wide range of voltage, from 6-7 to 12-14 V. ARDUINO UNO is quite conveniently implemented by working with popular protocols: UART, SPI, I2C. There is even a built-in LED, which can be frown in their first sketch. What else to wish the novice Arduncher?