Dragon Age: Origins: Manuals and Passage. Dragon Age: Origins Land Meeting Dragon Age Passage Land Meeting

"Land Meeting" in Dragon Age: Origins is a storyline quest and one of the most important events in the game. The political issues of Ferlden are solved. By Quest, the player needs to try to enlist the support of the nobility and choose the ruler of the country. Most often, the meeting does not work out without fights and fights. How to achieve the support of the nobles and avoid unnecessary battles?

Additional tasks

After collecting all allies, plot quests will lead the gray guards in Dencherim, where the lands meeting will be held. To successfully complete the task and get a maximum of votes at the Land Meeting in Dragon Age: Origins, you must first execute the following quests.

  • "Save the Queen" - the main quest. During the assignment, the guard should save the Queen Anora from Earla Denerima. Upon completion of the quest, you can talk to the queen about the upcoming meeting.
  • "In captivity!" - Quest will begin if in the previous task to surrender or lose Sir Kuurten. In the plot, the guard hits the Fort Drakon (himself or with Alistair), where the execution should wait. You can escape from captivity on your own or waiting for help from the allies.
  • "Nobleman under torture" is a side task that can be obtained by descending into the dungeon during the passage of the task "save the queen". Freeing Ovwina, talk with his father, a bath cigard. Bann will hand out the reward and votes for him at the meeting.
  • "The Missing Tempera" is a secondary task that begins in the dungeon of Erla Denerma's estate. By Quest, the templerik, Irminirick asks the hero to take the ring of his sister Alfistan. If the task is completed, it will vote for the guards at the Land Meeting in Dragon Age: Origins.
  • "Riots in the elphin" - a storyline quest, according to which you need to figure out what is happening in the elphin. During the investigation, the guard will find out that the elves take into slavery, and will be able to tell about it at the meeting.
  • "Raven Test" - a series of quests that can be obtained in different ways. In addition to the award, after their completion, the hero will receive an additional voice at the meeting.

Before the meeting, it is necessary to finish all the tasks, because it will not be able to return back to return, and be sure to talk to the anory, since her voice is extremely important.

Meeting with Sir Cowutre

Before you enter the palace on the instructions of the "Land Meeting" in Dragon Age: Origins, the path to you to block Sir Kuurten (provided that she survived after the quest "Save the Queen"). You can fight it or persuade to miss you. This time it is easier to beat with a coiner than in Erla's estate, and in case of victory you will get a good sword. If you decide the question peacefully, the player will receive 250 points of experience.


"Land Meeting" in Dragon Age: Origins is a kind of vote. The more important nobleman at this event, the more important his voice. For a relatively "peaceful" passage of the "Land Meeting" in Dragon Age: Origins need to get as many votes as possible. Otherwise, it will be necessary not only to fight the Logoe, but also to fight off his guard.

  • do not mention that Loguene threw Kailana to death, since it is not possible to prove it;
  • try to convince Login that the real enemy is Mor, and not Orleans;
  • if you saved Ovwin across the quest, then tell about the dungeons of Hou;
  • tell the meeting about the slave trade in Elfinage;
  • perform the task "Missing Tempera", give my sister Ring irminik, and you can mention the attempt on Earl Eamon;
  • freeing the wog, you will receive an additional voice;
  • another nobleman will support you if all the tasks of the crows were performed;
  • promise the anteau to support her power, and it will appear on your side.

If you say the anteor that you support Alister or that Loguene must answer for the deed, then at the meeting she will betray you. Also, Anora will not support excitement, if you do not talk at all.

  • if you lose in the voting, the battle with the Logyan and his guard will begin. In the fullness of the battle interferes with the priestess and will suggest solving a dispute with a duel;
  • if you defeat the meeting, then Logain will immediately require a duel.


Before starting a duel, you can choose who those present near the allies will fight. If a dog is with you, it will not be possible to choose it. It is also important to know that Alistaer will not spare the Login on the duel and will deprive you of some scene development options.

It is easiest with the Logian to cope with a heavy arm character with a shield. The shield makes the player almost invulnerable to tipping, and heavy armor allows you to survive a strong opponent damage.

Mago win a duel is also quite simple. It can easily freeze the logain and apply damage to any spell from his arsenal.

The rest of the battle classes is a bit harder, but everything will depend on the selected abilities, equipment and difficulty level.

Choosing a ruler

After the completion of the duel, you have to decide what to do with Logyan (if an alistair does not kill him) and choose who will rule the country. This decision will become the end of the quest. Available in Dragon Age: Origins options for the passage of the "Land Meeting" are as follows.

  • You can spare Logyne and offer it to become gray guard. In this case, Alistair will be very angry, but it will be possible to convince him to become a king if it is tougher. The option also remains that it will start to rule together with the anory if you decide this question to the land collection. In any case, Alistae will leave the detachment and, if it does not accept the crown, will leave Ferlden or will be executed by anorya.
  • If you kill Logain, then Anora does not want to marry alistar or a male bit.
  • If you choose Anora Queen, then she will immediately require an alistaster to reject complaints about the throne, which will be only happy.
  • Marrying an Antista, Alistaire will fight with you to fight with the archdaire.
  • If Alister becomes king, then he will stay with guard to victory over the sea, and Earla Eamon will appoint his regent. Aner will damn in the tower, because she does not want to recognize Alistair King.
  • A woman-Klland can be made by the Queen even without a romantic relationship with Alistair, but the level of belief and friendly relationship should be high.


The decision you make will affect not only the further plot of Dragon Age: Origins, but also on some events of the following parts. So, in Dragon Age 2 it will be possible to meet a drinking alistar in the tavern, if he in his time leaves gray guards and leavefende. If Alister marries the antere, the hero of the second part of the game will be able to get the quest "King Alistair" and meet the king.

So, the troops are collected, now we will go to Earlu Eamona to go with him to the land collection. The passage of Dragon Age is coming to an end. To do this, we will first go to the castle of the Redcliffe, then we will go to the throne hall and talk to Erl himself. He will say that you can convene the land collection now, if we are ready. And we, naturally, are ready! Therefore, we spend right now. You look at the roller about Delmanim, who will report a little about his history. And also will witness the extremely polite communication between Erl and Login. Talk to the Logyan itself as you find fit. He did not cause respect. The same Hou, which at the very beginning killed your relatives at the very beginning. I immediately demanded blood right! This is natural, considering how obstacles he has been subjected to the passage of Dragon Age. And it turns out that we are considered traitors, and therefore allegedly deprived of all rights. Okay, it's all you can learn themselves. After the conversation, Earl will tell us when will be ready, came to him in the living room to discuss what to speak at the meeting.

But, as always, do not rush there. First, let's explore the terrain. When finished inspecting - go to Earlu Eason. There you will meet the queen's maid, who asks for our help. The maid will tell us that the queen may be in danger. Perhaps Logain will try to kill his daughter and blame us in her death. This is a risk, because let's not allow this. Yes, and protect a woman is a holy deal. Especially, considering how realistic passage of Dragon Age Origins. After the end of the dialogue, you will have a new task - save the queen. Well, excellent. This will be done. Go out through the main entrance to the estate, dial a detachment. There I propose to go to the mysterious door (mark on the map) and pass the casket that you got. If you still need something from the supplies - buy them now, while you can. If not - we move to the exit from the area. Go out and on the map Go to the estate of Earla Dencherim. I came across the representative of the crows on the way. There will immediately appear if you did not have it in the detachment. He will immediately be refined. And Zevran will attack you. What an interesting game turn to the passage of Dragon Age Origins is not true? In any case, kill everyone and move on. As soon as you come to the estate of Earla denerima - a maid will meet you and asks you to follow her. Go a little ahead and talk to the maid. She will say that Hou in the castle, but we must bring her Mrs away from there. And it is necessary to quietly pass by the crowd. Okay, let's try. Go around the house on the other hand. I did not work out so as not to attaches the guards. Most likely, in a different way, and can not. Putting guards, moving on. Before the finish direct maid will change you into the uniforms and says to hide in the bushes until she is to distract the guards. Then go to the mark on the map and watch the roller, as the maid distracts the guards. When they leave - quickly run into the door they guarded. Inside, talk again with the maid, which will say that it is better not to stand out among the guards and not talk to anyone. Okay, do it. Move to the north until you see the pointer on the map. Adjust there. Going to the door, we learn that there is one small obstacle. The hospitable host sealed the door with the help of magic. What an annoying hindrance to the passage of Dragon. Prudently, nothing will say. And we need to find a magician who would remove the spell. But he is most likely on the side of Hou. Ha, that's the opportunity to calmly dwell with this creature. Move east until it stops, there you will find the Western small room, which is a treasury. Successfully we went, right? Well, okay, take trophies and move north. By this point you should have a mark on the map so that you know where to go. After passing to prison, you will see how someone shakes the guard, then puts on his armor ... Yes, excellent. This is another guard, Reordan, who captured Earl Hou. He also gives the papers that you found in the chest in the room before. He also will tell that he took a lot of new papers and himself can conduct a ritual of initiation. Excellent! Only there is another "but". For a full dedication, a drop of blood archid is needed. And from the stoves someone took blood. It will be necessary to find it. Also, he will tell that Hou now can be in the basements. Well, there and go. Especially since the guard will find us later, when I find yourself a good gear. As if we could not cure it with magic or parires. Anyway. Go down and begin to kill the guards of Hou systemfully. Opponents are weak, so you will succeed. Do not worry, in the easy level, the passage of Dragon Age is a whore case. Hou is marked on your card, go there and move. In principle, it is better to go to the south first, where you can remove the son of one of the baths. This is a useful weight against Logain, since his father will oppose Login at the land collection. Even in the southeastern corner of the prison you will find the recaller you need to find one of the early quests. The key from his camera is at the jailer, which you kill right there. True, he was crazy, well, yes it is the little things. Well, okay when you finish visiting the prison - move to the mark Hou on the map. Before entering the door there will be autosave. Come to visit them. You are already waiting here - talk from the hoose about everything, what you want, and then kill. The output of another we will not leave us. I advise you to first kill the magicians, but only after that they are taken for the rest. Otherwise, magicians will give us many troubles. But in any case, you can kill everyone. When Hou will die, he will curse us and says that he did not deserve death. After that, take the key from his body that opens the doors of the queen. So, soon the passage of Dragon Age will allow us to save the queen!

If you go back to the north - you will find the heir of the former Earle denerime. Let him go, we will need every voice in the land collection. Immediately you can release the Temmer, who will ask you to take the ring of his sister. Agree, the temples are not enemies. Well, in prison there is nothing more to do. It's time to out. As soon as you open the door of the princess - it will come to you, dressed as a knight. And when you come to the exit, you will be arrested by the Logain Guard. Do not touch her! Let her lead you. Immediately you look at the roller as the saved queen says that he wants to save the guardians. That is us. That's no wonder we took Morrigan's Ring, far from vain. You remember that section of the passage game Dragon Age, where Morrigan gives you a ring? Now they will know where we are. And you will be in prison. Talk to Alistair, and then tell him who will come out. Be careful, since those you call, and will get you out. I chose Morrigan and Ogren. Will you find a dragon in the fort. And begin to act two selected Hall characters. Go a little forward, talk with the guards, and if you have no tricks, then kill them. Reinforcement will come to them, but I interrupted them without any problems. After that, pick the key from the body and go on, to the intersection. Right to you the road is closed, again you need the key. It can be removed from the body of the captain. I did it. We go further south. There you will have four balleys. Speak from the first two and quickly run forward until the guards were distracted by the ballista shot. Further you will fight again. But it is not such a big problem. Further at the intersection - to the West. We should save your own and not run through the barracks. Go to the mark on the map. From the body of the jailer, take the key and open the cameras. Like magic your characters are dressed again and ready for a fight! Well, now you can develop the remaining part of the castle. Although personally I did not find anything useful for myself. Even a single piece of the code. Anyway. Experience will also come in handy. In any case, go out from there and move to Earlu Eason. I hope you remember how to get there.

Finally, we have Eamona, you can breathe calmly. In the passage, the game Dragon Age comes a small respite. As soon as you enter it into room - the dialog will begin. He will give you as his own son. Nice, however. Anora says that you have to work together, and Logain is crazy. He can tell right now that we captured Anora. Okay, you need to get to her father. And it is necessary to find reliable and murderous facts that would compromise Login. We need to go to Elfhenage, there may be something to find out. And she will tell you that you need a decent challenger on the throne. That is, she. Anora argues that it is the best option. I thought that her thoughts really have the soil. Then she will remove, saying that he wants to talk to us personally. Earl Eamon also says that she can become dangerous to us. Only there is one "but"! There is not a drop of royal blood in the anteau. The best option would be to marry Aister and Anora. Okay. I accepted such a policy. Marriage is the best option, but if not, then Alista will be king. But now it is worth going to the antere and talk to her. She wants to enlist our support. Hmm, behind others? Excellent. She hints at that we become husband and wife, and ruled together. I do not know whether to agree on it ... or still count that Alistrauer does not need a throne? I do not think. I certainly do not need a throne. I did not answer her anything. After that, I went to Aleravera and talked to him. But it turns out that he still does not want to become a king. Hmm Maybe this is a good idea - so that I become the king instead of Alistair. In any case, survive before making the final decision. I decided to try to become a king. And the friend will be free, and the throne of the queen will not succeed under him. So, I suggested that Queen go for me and she agreed. Now leave the shelter and go to the elfhenage.

I think you can independently get there. And here you are in place. Go forward to the shop itself. There you will have a new video that will show the queue, and you talk to one elf. She will tell. What many who are trying to treat spells did not. They just disappeared. HM interesting. Listen to what you will be told. These alien already have several dozen elves at the shop, and few of them came out. Quite interesting. Agree to figure out. But first go to the temple of Otto, who lost his view in the battle with a powerful magician. He will tell that somewhere in Elfenget hid blood magicians of blood. He did not find a trace of them, but he feels some malfunction in Elfrenage itself. And we need to track this irregularity. Find evil. So, now go to the side entrance to the shelter. Pay him 6 gold and he will let you down. Come inside. There will have to kill three opponents. After that, collect trophies and take a note from the table. When you leave the house, you will attack those magicians and guards that stood before the front entrance. Kill them. Further, near the house opposite the main entrance to the hospital, you will find a puddle of blood and a dead dog. Inspect them and go back to Otto. Tell us about your finds. He will ask to take him to the shelter. In the shelter, open the second room and rescue the elves from there. Go out and tell our familiar elf about it. Show her a note you found. She will tell you that you have to look for the hospital, according to Luggam. Come there and find the door to slums. Come inside. Explore everything, up to a broken vase and blood puddles. From the chest in the northern room, you can pick up a sextant that we need in Quest. When you finish - go through the door of the door. Here you will meet more soldiers who need to be bother. Collect trophies and move the next door. Fortunately, the path is so far. There you have to listen to a lot of interesting things - for example, the elves were sold to slave trades. I decided to kill her. After the murder - collect trophies and move on. At the end of the long corridor, three more future corpses are waiting for you. Before passing further - Save and rummage into a large hall. There you will set up the magician from Teveliter, who wants his affairs without a bitch, without a zadorinka. It is a pity that the game Dragon Age can not get to their homeland. He will suggest us to agree - we will pay 100 gold and get a letter for this. Hmm Also pay?! Kill him for it. I, at least, never regretted that I destroyed this scum. Before death, he will surrender. Well, how much can you? Offer him to quit him on the confusion of the same elves and he is cavale. Suggested at the expense of lives of elves to increase our vitality. I naturally refused. After his death, you will find the workman's documents. Talk to the old elf and tell me that he was looking for a friend. Elves will go after him. Now it remains to collect trophies and can go outside. There should be marked on the map, where you found blood puddles and the corpse of the dog. Come inward, there you are already waiting for Otto. He will say that the feeling of evil is especially strong. And he will send us forward. Okay, let it be so. We move forward. Go first to the eastern room, then - in Western. From there you can go further. So far, one way, so move forward. Several mad dogs will be attacked. But they are not opponents. In the room tightened by the web, you will meet the ghost of a woman who is very aggressive. Having gave the causing causing moving on. Yes, be sure to stay in front of the room in which the mark is located! Going there, you will see the next demon, which, it seems, and is the focus of evil. Okay, kill it. It is not difficult, even taking into account the fact that he will call himself the weaker assistants. Anyway, the daemon is still. But Otto feels that it is not all! We must go ahead. Always forward - and the passage game Dragon Age Origins will be submitting you!

Corridor, full of blood, and you are in the new room. Kill the Spirit there and a couple of shadows - and move forward. The direction here is one thing, do not listen. Before the room itself, there is nothing remarkable, I will not describe it to think that I will not. Before the room itself, survive and enter inside. Here OTTO will begin to pray. But it does not work on the demon. In any case, now the daemon will appear in front of you. This is a very weak opponent. He died in 8 seconds. Now Darkness retreats! Excellent. But what is it? Otto kills forks! The demon is not expelled! It was only pitiful parodies before the real opponent. In theory. Almost at him and his relatives left for 30 seconds. Maximum. Immediately, take a shabby amulet from the chest. He will come in hand in handy to give it to Elfenage and get another piece of experience. Now you can leave there. I propose to go to the Trade Quarter and give a sextant preaching, thereby granting the task. After that, go to the tavern and talk with two people. Ask the first to support the Council, and the second give the ring. Excellent, two more completed quest! After that, we go to Earlu Eason. I hope you have not forgotten the way to him.

Erlu, tell me about the fact that Logain is involved in the slave trade. Excellent, the last round is completed and it's time for us to assembly lands, to the palace! Well, there and go. And here we are in the palace. Who is destined to sit on the throne? Who will continue to rule the country? It all depends on you. As soon as you go to the palace, the favorite guard of Logain will appear in front of you. I tried to convince her that Logain had changed. She noticed it, but cannot betray. Well, I fully understand her. And I managed to convince her that I would need to give me to stop Login. Excellent! I would not want to kill such a proud warrior. Go forward to the land collection hall. I will not retell everything that was said there. I will only tell you that I tried to convince everything, and not to intimidate. I got to the battle with Login. When I almost already killed him - the mother hand stopped the fight, and it was decided that a duel would be arranged. Duel before the moment when someone agree to surrender. Excellent. Now the battle with the Login one on one. And again we will not let him kill it! When Logain is almost dead - he will give up! Well, I believe that he is worthy of life. In the end, he is an excellent warrior and a commander. But here will appear the Gray Guard liberated by us and will offer a dedication with a logoe. But Alisser is against! The very peaceful alistaer demands the death of Logain! And I chose Alistair. He is my friend and I trust him. Yes, there will be an alistair king. And then Alister execute Logaine. And Anora refused to swear alistaer. And the newly minted king decided to put it in the tower. You also listen to his speech before the lands meeting. And he will say that he will go with us, no matter what. Well, get ready to go hike! After that, talk to Alistair when he goes into your room, and get ready to advance.
Run in merchants, see new products. Guide ingredients for poisons and traps. Insert new runes in weapons. In general, get ready for the final campaign! And when you are ready - go to the village of Redcliff. Keep in mind that there is a final stage in the passage game Dragon Age Origins, so it's better to complete all side quests.

And then you will find a surprise in the form of an inverted van and dead livestock near the entrance. Go through the bridge, and you will be met by the surviving peasant from the village. He will say that darkness attacked the village of Darkness. But almost all the peasants managed to hide in the castle. After you finish talking to this peasant, you will be updated with the task. The castle rakelif is surrounded, and it is necessary to fall his defenders. No problem. Go down to the village, destroy the trees of darkness along the way. When in the village it will be empty - go to the castle itself and cut out everything resisting there. Keep in mind the waves of the occurrence of Darkness will be several. When you finish - come to the guard, who will tell that part of the species of darkness penetrated the castle, but they killed them there. He also will say that Riordan, our friend is a gray guard, arrived here with important Westers. Then ask you to let and spend you in the main hall. There you will start a dialogue with Riordan. The main part of the horde is moving on denerem. Excellent situation! Yes, and the archdoor demon finally manifested itself. Well, thank the creator, waited! But we will be put forward only at dawn. I do not understand why pull? We would cope with the whole of the Horde. After that, go to the gnomes, standing at the other end of the hall and find out that one of the houses of the gnomes did not send fighters. Okay. We will cope and without them. Now go to the second floor and talk to Riordan, as he asked. And he will tell us very exciting news. If the gray guard will kill the architeon - its essence will go into the gray guard. That is, the gray guard will die. Excellent situation. Okay, do not care. We will cope. After that, go to Morrigan and talk to her. She will say that he knows another way. Morrigan knows the ritual, which many would call the blood magic. Well, let's listen in more detail. She offers to conceive a child with her and bring him sacrificing. Well, it is rudely said, of course ... but still. I decided to agree, as the child, in principle, nothing threatens. In the morning you will see how everyone goes to war. Grand Spectacle. We will pray that enough forces. I will not retell everything you see there. But ... I was very touched by this picture. For Fellow!

Drag into the ranks of the species of darkness, cleaning destroyed by denerem. When you kill those who accumulated in the city gate area - talk to Riordan. He proposes to take a alistar, two more people, and go to the Fort Dragon to devil the archlegation there. Choose a detachment and move to the city center. I took my standard set - Alister, Ogren, Morrigan. Go to the shopping area and read it. After that, leave there some kind of army and move to the elfhenage. Immediately you will meet your old familiar elf. And get a new task - to protect the elfhenage. After that, move to where the sounds of broken gates come from. After you kill all opponents in Elfrenage - go back to the familiar elf and hand over her task. After that, go to the Palace Quarter. Immediately you will see how the archdoor dub will burn the bridge. To retreat nowhere.

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Main plot
Now that all allies to deal with the sea are collected, it's time to go to Dencherim to the Meeting of Lands along with Earl Eamon. In the capital of Ferrendel, we will meet us Logain himself with his vile associates: Lieutenant Cowotrine and Erl Hou. Answer on his baffle extremely politely, but truthfully. How can you threaten the fact that he was not left for him (this is pure truth). The Eamon will go to his mansion, and you can enhance the tasks for the good of the city and your own pocket. When you come to the mansion to Eamonu, he will give you the first task.

Save the queen
The servant of the Queen Anora (Widow Kailana) will tell us that Her Mrs. is kept locked into the estate of Earl Hou. She specifically sent her so that she persuaded us to save her. Eamon will say that the help of the anory would be useful to us at the Meeting of Land, so we go on a visit to the bloody Earlu. At the main entrance to the estate you will see something like the strike workers. This noise is in your hand. The servant of Anora Erlin will offer us to go through a black move, behind the house. Just start bypassing the house on the left side, and you will certainly find it.
On the way, four soldiers will attack you, getting rid of them, continue the way. Erlen's input itself will give you the form of Guards Hou and ask for a wait in the bushes. She herself will distract two strokes from the door. Everything, the path is free, go to the estate!
Inside, be careful. Do not talk to nonsense with someone from the guard, otherwise you will quickly share. Quietly shake each room in search of poorly lying things and Queen. Having reached the room where the anore was enclosed, you will see that the door is protected by a magic barrier, to remove which only Hou himself can obviously. We go to the Earla Cabinet and we punish the contents of its chests. Careful, in one of the nearest rooms sits the head of the Guardians, which is going to have fun with one of the maids. If you disturb him, he will raise anxiety. From the Cabinet Khou go straight to the basement (the door is here in the office). We look at the roller, as a rapid prisoner turns the neck guard. We release the captive and talk to him. This is Riordan, he is also a gray guard. We give him documents from the chest of Hou, stolen minutes earlier, and say goodbye. Explore the dungeon further. Here the disguise will not work. The first post will triggers the alarm, so we start to releasing your hatred on the Hou soldiers. Soon, you will free two more prisoners, in gratitude they will help you with our voices at the Meeting of Land, if you, after visit them in the tavern "Frontalist nobleman." Now we go beat the Hou. It is especially pleasant to do those who play the story of a noble person from the kind of Cousords. Having killed with the special cruelty of this little butcher, taking a key from his main entrance to the basement and from the anory prison, we return to the main rooms of the mansion. We free aner and go with it to the exit. Here we block the path of Lieutenant Cowutrein with a huge crowd of soldiers. We have two options, or beat with a whole roth, or surrender. Anora, by the way, will betray us, saying that we are kidnapping her. Then it can be found in Earl Eamon's estate.

For rent
We find ourselves in prison in Fort Drakon. There, again, two options: or insert the prison with friends of the Republic of GH or they are released. With storm everything is clear: massacre, meat and a lot of blood. A much more interesting option with personal liberation. In prison, we will be together with Alistair. We are looking for a security guard and break him the neck (as Riordan showed us). We take the key, open the camera and chest with all our faugs. Armed with teeth and go further. In the next room there will be a pot, kill him and dogs himself, after which you search the rack with armor. We change clothes into the armor of the Guardians and go to the Colonel. He will take us for recruits and send to the patrol. We will go with a few soldiers who accidentally understand that the intensity does not give swords. We go to the scoundrel and threaten to tell about all the colonel. Swords with us. On the question of the colonel "without which the soldiers can not live?" We answer "without discipline, sir." We go to the exit. One of the soldiers will tell the guards of the gate password "Rabbit". We leave from the fort and go to the Eamon mansion.

Battle with Cowutre
Win this warrior - I don't care what to defeat the dragon. She has crazy damage and accuracy. Plus, her archers have all the skills that can only be pumped up with arrors. The forehead will not work in the forehead. In the party it is better to have two warriors (at least one of them should be shields) and two magicians (Morrigan and Winn). If you have made from Leliana of a steep archer, then it is also good. First, cast on the archers of Buran or a storm with Morrigan (better so that she did it from the corridor, because there it will not get enemy arrows and won't interrupt the spell). Leliana (Winn) also leave in the corridor. Wait for you to compete with Cowutre and Bates her warriors. Use the warriors therapeutic kap, as soon as health is about half. Cowutre is quite able to kill your friend or even you with so much hp. It is better if the runes will be inserted in the weapon, and I also recommend freezing Cowotre Cowle Cowle (Clear Morrigan). As soon as the personal bodyguard of the Logain will be dead, you can be taken for shooting archers. By the way, if you have in the party Leliana, then she is quite calm it can do herself, while your friends are fighting with Cowutre. As soon as you break the whole detachment, go to the emaon mansion. As a reward for the victory, you will get a weapon of Cowutren Summer Sword (very powerful thing).

Riots in Elfinza
In the mansion, Anora will apologize to you for a betrayal and will offer cooperation. She will tell Eamonu about the riots in the elvenge, and he will, in turn, will send us there, what is the case there. Agree. You can try to immediately convince Aner to give your voice for us, then at the meeting everything will be much easier. Do not forget to talk with Guardian Riordan. He will tell you a lot of interesting things about the Order, as well as he will tell about the cache of gray guards in the warehouse of the denerime trading area. There you will find a Duncan's shield that can be given alielera. Go to the elf. Talk to the girl Sheani. She will tell you about the plague and that Tevinter magicians seem to be going to help. Only here is the question: not all elves who hit the hospital, returned back. The circumstances of their disappearance are held in secret. We go to the hospital from the black stroke, pre-kill the guard. There we find Zolotishko and a letter. We go out. Tevelinurs immediately attack us. Having understood with them, speak again with Sheani, she will give us the second set, this time on the old house of the landowner (he will be immediately for the hospital). Go there. We pass through the building and get into the courtyard, where we understand with a few guards. We go inside and speak with the guard of the girl. If you do not get it to convince not to interfere with us, kill it and go on. In the end, you will find a long narrow corridor, which will lead you to the leader of the whole gang. It will be a Caelandrius blood magician, which is going to catch elf to slavery. He will offer you a 100 gold transaction in exchange for a compromising of the Logane, while he takes the elves to himself. We send it far away and start a fight. It is better to first kill the minions of Caelanderus, and then to do it themselves. When he was death, he will make us another sentence: he will increase our health at the expense of lives caught by elves, gives the paper on the Logain, and he will wash off. For a deal with a blood magician, many satellites will be offended on you, so it's better to stop it, pick up money, and paper, and elves save. We choose out, perform a couple of secondary tasks and come back to Eason.

Meeting of land
Referring to Eamen about his adventures in El Chunge, schedule for lands. Previously you can talk to the anory again. Depending on what you will tell her, there may be various layouts in the future. Initially, she will suggest you to support it in exchange for what she will support you, in this case she will vote against Logane. You can also deepen this deal and thus becoming the king with her (Anora also votes for you). But if you decide to support Alistair or marry Anora and Alistair, then she will vote for Logain. And depending on who will kill him (or will not kill at all), a number of layouts are possible on the throne section. However, about everything in order. First you will conduct the DIMENSION Personally with Logyan. The case will go much easier if you have a good conviction. It is more often for Taire that happened in the Ostagar, mention the workers of the elf and the attempt on Earl Eamon. Tell the meeting that the chief enemy is Mor, and not the Orselian cheval. Then the anore will perform. It does not matter who she will support, the matter will still end the mass plotting in the collection hall. As soon as Logyna remains a little more lively, the Great Reverend Mother is in God's court. You have to fight with Logyan. You can choose yourself, alistar or one of the two remaining friends you took with you to the meeting. If the alistaer is fighting, then the outcome for Taire will be one - death. In this case, the Anora will never agree to a marriage with Alistair (but may agree to marry you, if you have previously discussed it). Other layouts are also possible.
King Alişer
This option is possible both in the event of the murder of Logyna Alistair, and in any other. Just name your friend King, after Eamon asks about it. If Logain was killed, then Aner will be imprisoned.
Queen Anora
This option is also possible anyway regardless of the Logain. Just name Anora Queen, after Eamon asks you about it.
Particular: Logain can stay alive at the same time if you spare it, but do not dedicate to the guard (in this case, Alister will leave your group).
King - Alister, Queen - you
This is only possible in case of witching for a female character and despite the fact that you have love with Alistair (relationship above 70%). This alignment is also independent of the Logain.
Queen - Anora, King - You
This alignment is only possible if you spoke in advance all the subtleties with anory. With Logyan in this case, you can do anything. He can even kill Alistaist, you can make it guard or just send it away.
King - Alister, Queen - Anora
This option has 2 sobs.
1. You can negotiate her marriage with Alistair in advance. But she will offer himself as the first violin, and the Alister should only fight for Ferreland's glory. In this case, Anora will vote at the meeting for Logain, but after his death (from the hand of anyone not alistar) will agree to marry him.
2. All the same, only with one small subtlety. Anora will consider Alister a full king and reckon with his opinion. This is possible only if at the end of the personal quest of Aleister about his sister Goldna, you forced him to overestimate something in life. To do this, do not calm the alistar, but to say that everyone tries for himself. After that, it will become much more tough. This is necessary to hit the aner.

Once you have stopped the Civil War - go to the general battle with the sealing of darkness.

Decoupion and Final Battle
First we go to the Redcliff. As soon as we arrive at the place, we find out that the city was attacked. The city is uncomfortable, because Take the darkness of the murut of two times. After our little victory, we go to the castle and speak with Earl Eamon. It turns out that the Horde of the Ratings of Darkness is not on the Redcliff, as it was assumed, but turned on denerem (which is protected only by the small city garrison). At dawn, you need to move towards the capital Ferrelden together with the army.
After conversation with Eamon, go to the second floor to Riorudan. He will tell you and Alistaer (Login) that only the gray guard can kill the architeon, after which he will die himself. The prospect of gloomy. Go to your room. There we will be waiting for Morrigan, which will say that the way to keep the guard life is there. To do this, with the help of the Blood Magic, the soul of the architeon should go into a child conceived by gray guard. It suggests a reasonable and logical question "Where to take a child?" With this, everything is simple: if your character is a man, then the child will be born from you and Morrigan, if a woman is from you and Alister / Logaine.
If you agree to the offer of Morrigan, then you are waiting for the night of love with her (or with Alistair / Logoe, if you play for a woman). If you answer her sentence, Morrigan will be offended and leave the squad, and you die immediately after the death of the archlegon.

And so the next morning we are in denerime. All your colleagues will fight next to you. Load all enemies, then talk to Riordan (it will be at the center of the location). You will get a task from him to kill two garlock-generals. We recruit a party that will be with you to the end, leave someone from your friends to command the defense gate of denerim and go fighting on.
Now they will join the army that you collected the whole game:
Gnomes - Not bad infantry, able to distract the attention of the enemy. If you managed to persuade to take part in the battle of the Legion of the Dead, then it will go much faster (these gnomes cause good damage);
Golemia - Strong and lively, are able to spread everything in the fluff and dust. Better use their services in the most serious moments in battle;
Doli archers - Real snipers. Beat far and hurt. Better to use their help on the battle with the Archdavelo itself;
Werette - Useless meat, romate very quickly, are suitable only to distract the attention of the enemy;
Magi. - Crazy damage, sweating spells in the area. These guys are also better to take care of the meeting with the archdiction;
Temples - the strength is similar to the dwarfs from the Legion of the Dead;
Knights Rarclifa - Beautiful helpers in battle with crowds of small species of darkness;
You will be available 4 detachments:
- knights;
- elves or wolves;
- Mages or khamovniki;
- Dwarfs or golems;
The help of each of them can be used only once.
Let's go back to the generals. The first one will be on the market square, the second - in the elphin. After you are shaped with them, go to the Palace District of the city. You will see a roller in which Riordan will try to kill the architeon, but, alas, he can only hurt his wing and at the same time will die. The wounded leader of the species of darkness justices on the roof of the Dragon Fort. Now you have there. We cut through the crowd of the species of darkness to the goal leading to the fort. Here you can use the help of gnomes, knights or temples. After you break to the door in the fort, the events will be transferred to the city gate. Your remaining characters will need to reflect the occurrence of the origin of darkness. As soon as it is done, you will move back to your main character. Punch through the first and second floors of the fort on the roof. There you will be waiting for your final opponent.
The fight with the archdoor can be divided into 3 rounds:
1. This is a common battle. Procheate from his fiery breathing and follow the flights;
2. When the architeon has less than half of health, it will start calling the species of darkness. It's time to use the help of archers.
3. When the architeon will have only a quarter of health, it will apply crushing damage and make a walking bomb from his servants. It's time to use the help of magicians.
As a result, you still kill this epic villain and see the final scene.

Minor tasks
Debt of honor
In the trading quarter of Derulema, you will meet the Knight Landry, who believes the Rosskaznam Logyna that the Gray Guards killed King Kailan. This knight wants to take revenge on you. To convince it in the opposite will be possible only when the belief is the skill 3. And so, with the most successful scenario, you will fight it one on one. Landry is a slight opponent. He carries good armor and weapons, as well as possesses the abilities of Vityaz. After you defeat the knight on a duel, his retinue will disperse, and the quest will close.

Friends of red Jenny
In the tower of the circle you will find a painted box. Give it through the door to the so-called friends of Red Jenny (this is something like a password). In a reward, get a few gold.

Test Voronov
In Denerime, you will find a representative of antivanic raven. This guild belonged to Zevran until you took it with you (or not taken). Master Ignacio will offer you a little on him. There are several options:
1. You can fulfill Ignacio orders (Alister and Leliana will not approve this);
2. You can convince Ignacio to leave you alone;
3. You can send Ignacio in a rough form, then kill in a fight.
Anyway, the quest will be completed.
Note: If you decide to work on Ignacio, the antivan crows will support you at the Meeting of Lands.

Orders Ignacio
Kill Pedana
The quest is taken in the leaflet on the wall next to the elphinage. We go to the pearl, call the password (the griffins will rise again), kill Hou mercenaries and come back to Ignacio. If you were already killed - just tell him about it.

Hunt for mercenaries
A new location opens on the map. We go there and kill all mercenaries kunari.

Audience at the Ambassador
You need to kill the ambassador Gainley. The goal is in the Royal Palace under the castle. The quest will be available as assignments in Ozammar (if you play Belen - immediately after talking with him, if for goodness - after coronation).

Kidnapped nobleman
Earla How people stole a son of one rich. We go to a meeting with the people of Hou to give them a redemption and get a boy back. Instead of redemption, get into the fight. Returning to Ignacio, we learn that we were a forting, the hostage was released, the boy's dad thanks us.
Note: After performing these quests, additional goods will appear at the Cesar merchant.

Pearl and pig
Sergeant Kilown will ask you to deal with the Booth of the mercenaries "White Falcons". They sit in the brothel "Pearl". You can immediately get involved in the fight (in this case, kill them, and then go back to the shopping area to the sergeant). And you can convince to leave in a good way. True, in this case, as soon as you meet with a kilown, white falcons will fit to you and attack (there will be a group fight your detachment + kilown squad against the Sokolov gang). The quest is completed as soon as you are shaking with rascals.

Last request
In one of the gangster districts, you will find the corpse of the knight Era Fredan. Searching for him, you will learn about the location of the secret society of the Malifers. Go there and nail everyone you can.

Bloody poles
Another task from Sergeant Killown. Go to the tavernu "Frontalist nobleman" and deal with a broken gang of mercenaries "Blood paddle." These guys are more involved than the deceased white falcons. They can be convinced to leave the bar in a good way. However, you can kill them, the experience does not exist. Once all go back, go back to the sergeant for a reward.

Forgotten poems
From the priest of sister Justina you will learn that she collects the ancient artifacts of Andrasta. In the Temple, the propheted in Quest "Urna Holy Prach" you will find an ancient scroll. Give it to Justine. She will translate it and generously rewards you.

Breeding on the will
In their wanders you will find dead adventurers who have strange letters with them. The last note will lead you to one of the gangster regions of Deromener in a strange house. There you will talk to the magician Wilm Madona, which will be the Supreme Demon of Gakskang. Kill it, and the quest will be completed.

Armor of Dragon Schee
As soon as the quest "Urn of Holy Prach", be sure to look at all the collected dragon trophies to the master Waid. He will be damn glad to make for you armor of the dragon scales. And for free. For discontent of his assistant, do not pay attention. True if you want to buy something from him, do it immediately, because After your return behind the armor, the shop will cling. And so, Wade came to work. Now you can go on your affairs to other cities and regions. As soon as you return back to Denemanim and visit Wade - the armor will be ready. Be sure to immediately make the second order. After that, the assistant Wade will cease to trade with you. Stroll again to another area on the map (you can just go to the camp) and return to Waid. He will make you the armor similar first, only with higher parameters. Save (!!!). Now, if you have already killed an ice dragon in the temple of Andrasta, then show your scales. In a reward, he will make you the choice of perfect medium, heavy or massive armor (and again for free). This time you do not have to sit in the camp or walk around the world. Armor will be obtained immediately. After that, the quest will be completed.

Missing temple
In the dungeon of Earla Hou Mansion you will meet the Templer Irminrik. He will ask you to give the amulet to his sister Bann Alfistanna (she sits in the cabin "Frontalist nobleman"). As a reward for it, she will support you at the Meeting of Land.

Nobleman under torture
In the dungeon of Earla Hou mansion in the hall for torture you will meet the nobleman, which will be the son of the Buna of Sigarad. Tell the Banne that his son is alive. It can be found in the tavern "bored nobleman." As a reward for this, he will support you at the lands meeting.

In the elven, you will meet the blind Temple Sir Otto, who will ask to tell him about the strange things taking place in the district. Near the old shelter we will find a dead dog and puddle blood. As soon as we tell about this Sir Otto, he will want to explore this sinister house. Inside it will be necessary to find and kill two demons. And the last of them will kill Otto himself. It is not difficult to find creatures. Just shake each room. After the murder of the Main Demon, you must take a blue amulet. It will be needed for the next quest.

Ilighten voice
Coming out of the shelter, give the amuleu standing near the crazy girl. It will not be insane, because The demon will be dead, but the amulet earlier belonged to her grandmother and the girl would be happy that the family relic returned to her.

Board preacher
Justice in Zakolek
It is necessary to kill all gangs in the sleeping areas of denerime. Just go through all such places and eliminate criminals.

You need to find Knight Rexel, who disappeared after events in Ostagar. You can find it in the dungeon of the Hou mansion. From all over the experience, he will not be a little in himself, but the quest will still be fulfilled as soon as you tell about your find a priest at the preacher board.

Order of Fazizil
You have to find a sextant of the Sailor of Fazil. You can find the item traveling through the elf along the quest of the main storyline.

Offensive Logain
The task is simply performed. The Location "Civil War" will appear on the map. We go there and help "our" against "not ours."

Thieves tasks
1. Price of flooring - 50 silver coins. Steps a bag with precious stones at the maid. It stands on shopping area (designated by a quest icon)
2. The price of the flooring is 1 gold. Steal the sword from Lady Nansin, which is located in the bench "Dicks of the Tedas".
3. The price of the flooring is 3 gold. Drafting silver mastster Tilver. He stands at home. Check with him (my gg rushed to hugging him, "remembering", as they cooked together). The key opens two chests on the retail space.
4. The price of the flooring is 6 gold. Decorate the Crown of Logain at Seneshal, which is located in the tavern "Frontalist nobleman." You can kill all the guards and pick up the crown from the Saneshal corpse, you can apply the "belief" skill and send them to the ravis.

quests on robbery
1. The cost of the flooring is 1 gold. Rob the chest in the room of Lady Sofia in the tavern "Frontalist nobleman." If you have already robbed Sofia's chest, Coldri will return money to you.
2. The cost of the flooring is 4 gold. Earl Khow plays the treasury and sunk silver bars in the warehouse (you have been there, for sure). We need, we kill the guard (attacks himself) and take the bars.
3. The cost of the flooring is 10 gold. You must rob the treasury Buna Forerela. Go to the new location appeared on you on the map. It will be a trap. Guarders will be attacked for you, make it easy to exit, return to the prone. He knew nothing about the stay and returns to you.
4. In order to get this task, you need to finish the quest "Land Meeting". Svdri's pads will send you there, where you were last time, behind the sacred relics of the Andrasta tears. Since his past tip turned out to be an ambush, this time he will not take money for the tip. On the way to the treasury, you are full of guard and traps, so you can leave friends and imperceptibly to sneak one robber. Couldri will give the relic of the church.
After passing the chain, get the title of class thief with a beautiful name.

Author Diego1987.
For help in describing quests thieves Special thanks to NN

The status in this thread cannot be placed new answers.

How nevertheless to marry Alistara and Princess in Dragon Age: Origins? The answer must be simple - I will describe your version of the passage.

  1. Not necessarily, but probably it is desirable that relations with Alinear are close to 100%.
  2. Take a quest for the rescue of the princess.
  3. During the gravity, we immediately pass ... and leave the fortress alone.
  4. Paragraphs 1-3 most likely have nothing to do with the quest itself, but they had a place in my passage.
  5. We talk to the princess and agree to support it in the election, if she marries.
  6. In the elections, I davim on the regent - I did it with the conviction that the most important Orselianians, slaves sell badly and support should be supported, and not to be enjoyed.
  7. After reporting that we are talking about his problems, and not about ours (although here, judging by the further conversation, nothing changes).
  8. After the vote, we offer regent recognize defeat.
  9. We offer a duel - on the duel we go.
  10. After the duel, we immediately offer to die.
  11. Gray Guard I ask why he actually wants to turn regent to comrades
  12. Support Alistair and kill the regent yourself.
  13. In the current confusion, we apply that we want to talk to both applicants.
  14. We speak with the princess about everything you can, then with Alinear.
  15. We add about your choice - marry them on each other.
  16. Curtain and option - "By the way, you can congratulate you with engagement!" Provides to -1 relationships.

They say, if you kill Logyan the main character, not an alistar, Anora may marry him for him. If it was previously a perspective. It will be necessary to check this method in a new game.

They will not marry if Alistair kills Login, so it must be done self-tone. It is necessary to engage the lands before the assembly of land, if there is no conviction skill. And further.
Why did this anore surrendered? Alistair can be "tightening" during a personal quest with a sister, if not to wipe it snot, and say that "everyone for himself." And, most importantly, then in the camp, not to refuse. Then Alista will take the mind, willingly become a king. And, by the way, excellent. Will learn from Eamon, to cope with the duties for all one hundred. If he does not have a novel from the GG, he will not go away at all, even the words will not give to say - immediately for the Korona DAC! If there is a novel, it will break a little, but the throne does not want to give an anteau. Recruit relations with GG after the lands meeting tightened alista will not. But those who wish to become the Queen should be choming him during the meeting, because Its phrase that no one will prevent him from marrying love, he does not in a hurry to implement. Perhaps the developers simply did not provide for such an earlitude of the main character.

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Postponclination of quests in Dencherime - Dragon Age: Origins


So you are in deserim. As soon as you appear, you will immediately stop Logain and starts to interrogate Eamon. If you are responsible politely, you will have a chance to plant a alistar on the throne of Ferlden. After talking, you will have a free time that you can spend on the execution of side quests, or immediately go to the Cabinet of Eamon, where from the servant of Queen Anora, she is the daughter of Logain, you will learn that Hou, Earl Denerima, locked the Queen in the mansion and she asks for help. Go to Earla's house, save the queen.

Having come to the place, you will find that a crowd of people gathered at the entrance. Talk to the maid of the anory, she will tell about the black course. Go along the path to the left. Stumble on the soldier, you will have to kill them. Having reached the black move, talk to Erlina, she will respond to guard at the door, and you are hiding, use the disguise, and then hide in the bushes and wait for the care of the guards. Now you can go inside.

Do not talk with anyone, otherwise, the masking will disappear, just go through the rooms. Having reached the right door, you will see that the door is sealing a magic seal, because of which the queen cannot go out. Go to Cabinet Hou, and then to the door to the basement. The guard will be very surprised than the prisoner will take advantage and strangles him. The captive was the Gray Guardian Rorandan, he would dress in the form of a killed guard. He needs to give paper found in Hou. Also from him you will learn about the cache in the denerime market. Release it and run to the basement. Here your disguise will come an end, and from now on will have to get rid of everyone in its path.

In the basement you will find two more prisoners, free them. Now you can go to Hou. Please note that the liberated captives will later help you in the fight against Login. To do this, go to the tavernu "Buped nobleman." They will be there.

After you get rid of Hou and Mages, go through the dungeon to the end. There you will find two more prisoners, free them, and get two more voices for you at the Meeting of Land. Now you can free the queen. Go with her to the exit, there you will meet a patrol led by Sir Katerin. Here you will have two options, or fight them, or surrender. Consider both options:

if you said that you will be thrown in Fort Drakon.

You can either go to the assault with friends, or free yourself with the help of tricks. Waking up in prison with Alistair, call the guard and kill him. Take the keys from him and go out. Immediately there is a chest nearby - there is your equipment. Go further, in the next room you will see the guard with dogs, get rid of them. Immediately there is a mannequin, try on it the guards clothes on it. Now go to the Colonel, he will take you for recruits and orders to prepare for patrol. You will be sent to you and the soldiers who will say that the apartmentmaster refuses to give swords. Go to himself, and threaten to tell all the colonel. He will give swords, distribute them to soldiers. When Colonel will ask the question "Without which the soldiers cannot live?" You must answer "without discipline, sir." Now go to the exit. If you have a skill of pocket theft, you can steal a leaflet with a password for a password for a password. If not - go and listen carefully. One of the recruits will say the password to the guard - rabbit. Get out of the fort and go to Earlu Eamonu.

Here you say that they came to save the queen, but women are strange creatures ... She will say that it was stolen it. You will have to fight, but the anore will slip away. After you deal with Logian soldiers, go to the Eamon mansion and speak there with him and with the queen. It will be better if you make her give you a voice at the meeting.

Eamon will say that something incomprehensible is happening in the elven quarter, and you need to understand what. Go to the tavern "Frontalist nobleman", talk to the liberated and get a vote in your favor at the meeting. Now you can go to the elf.

Having come there, it will immediately be clear that the places of the plague. Talk to Shiyanni on the main square, she will tell about the so-called "hospital", which built magicians of the Tevinter Empire, and from which no one else was alive. Accordingly, you now. Find a black move and drive inside through it. You must find a letter and money. Everything, there is nothing more to do. At the exit you will attack the hosts of the hospital. Getting rid of them, go back to Shijanni and learn that the elves disappear in the office of the landowner, located behind the hospital. We go there.

Go through the building and go to the courtyard. There will meet a group of soldiers, after conversation kill them. Go to the warehouse located right there. You will see El Afius, who needs to try to convince that it is not worth it to fight. If there is still a need to apply force, work out all the rooms and go to a long narrow corridor. We will come to him in another room, which you also need to clean. Ahead of you will be waiting for the leader of the Tevinterns - Kaladrius. He will offer a deal - you give him to leave with the prisoners in exchange for compromising on Logaine. Do not agree, choose the battle and kill first guard. Then concentrate efforts on Caelandrius itself. It will prefer to surrender. Now you can boight it, pick up money, documents and slaves. Do not forget to search the chests, then go out and speak from Shijanni. Having received her thanks, go back to Eason and inform him of news.

Dragon Age Origins: Passage "Meeting of Land"

Passage "Meeting of Land"

Here in a conversation with Login there are several important points.

It is impossible to allow Login to blame you. In conversation, try to drive it into a dead end, as soon as there is such an opportunity. For example, you can ask why he left under Ostabara, mention the waste of darkness. With a successful outcome, most of the hall will vote for you. Logain will begin to rebel and you will have to calm his supporters. When the level of health of the login drops to 10-15%, the head of the church will offer not to be injured, but to solve the case of an honest duel. Here you will get a choice - who will fight against Login? I think you also decide to fight yourself without relying on satellites. I want to warn that Logain is a dangerous opponent, it is good equipped. Use all the most powerful spells / strikes to cope with it. Do not forget about the first aid kits. After the victory over him, you will be given to make a choice - to spare the login and make you join your team, or kill him.

In the event that you decide to spare the login, and leave anory on the throne, then the Alistair will most likely leave you. In principle, Logain may well replace him with a tank.

If you still decided to kill it, then you will have several options for the throne section:

Alistair kills Logaine, hides anory to the dungeon and rules alone,

If your main character is a girl, then, provided that the location to you alistar is more than 70%, it will rule together with you,

If you have left Login alive, but did not take it to your team, Alista will rule together with the anory. If they took in gray guards, then persuade Alister to a wedding with anory will be very difficult, for this your skill "eloquence" should be at the maximum level,

If Alista does not agree to take power into his hands, Anora will rule alone, this is if you have not dedicated to the Logain in Gray Guards,

If your character is a man and you have previously discussed with anory, then an option is possible that Anora will rule together with you. In this case, Alistair can kill Logaine.

Well, that's all, it's time to prepare for the final battle. Good luck!

Interesting Facts