Final Fantasy 14 game review. Overview of the game Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is a revived MMO. Be my hero

Final Fantasy XIV is an online game in the Final Fantasy Universe.

About the Final Fantasy series heard everything. Yes all. Yes, even those who do not like anime at all, manga and Japanese computer games. And by the number of outgoing parts, this series can be attributed to both the record holders of the game industry.

Well, well, we are not talking about the whole series, but about the part for which the first time developers had to apologize. Even the delicate of critics could not characterize the 14th part of the finals otherwise as "very mediocre and uncomfortable MMO." By closing it, they exhaled, they found the comrade named Yosido Nassaki and put the task before him to repeat the attempt, just this time successfully. He scratched in the back of the head (probably) and agreed. Now we have before our eyes the fruits of his works and his team.

We must admit, this time online final fantasy came out much better. And just it was necessary that to make the world from scratch, leave a couple of good finds from the old version (like multiple classes for one character) and throughout the development process, do not forget that MMORPG is done, and not just another part of the series .

As a result, it turned out a very worthy MMO, which was first taken suspiciously, but quickly won popularity and today it is already very simple on the legs in anticipation of additions, even more expanding its content. True, it already has a lot of interesting things. Interesting? Then let's start ...

A little about the world

The atmosphere of the Middle Ages, originating in another 11 parts of the series, gave way to "high fantasy".

Before closing the first "version" of this game, the developers hinted on a kind of meteorite, which will split this continent to his continent's grandmother. Obviously, a new team, when creating, decided to play the role of this meteorite. The continent they were called noble. From the initial geography there is almost nothing left. A couple of old names, however, remained, but everything else is radically new. Apparently, this meteorite not only reanged themselves, but also collapsed and increased the previous area for many times. Now, instead of monotonous "tunnel" locality there are extensive colorful spaces that can be studied by hours.

A lot is built on the plot here. Up to most game features. However, do not be afraid, no one will constantly go for the handle. On the contrary, the main points you will open relatively quickly, after which no one will restrain you again. Moreover, the Sandbox mode is very curious here, and you will also go to his development a lot of interesting hours.

But back to the plot. There will be no tears from you, instead there is a well-meted dose of epic ("not mixed and not sick," as they say). No, seriously, the plot is made so fascinating that in the first passage, you and thoughts do not arise to switch to something outsider.

In addition, the developers clearly remembered that MMOs make, so a lot of plot tasks are tied to the command passage of the set of dungeons. By the way, the latter are made here, on the one hand, according to the classic scheme ("Cut to the boss and kill it"), on the other, the enemies here are so smart, especially the bosses that they do not give it too.

Therefore, it is necessary to work well in advance with your team in advance, and only then you will have every chance of victory. All this makes the passage of the plot even more interesting, believe me.

Who can play?

In the world of the fourteenth "last fantasy", much more technologies surrounding the world of stalk more modern, and races, although remained similar to predecessors, also evolved.

At the beginning of the article it was already mentioned that one character may, in principle, master all classes and professions. Yes, by the way, professions are also varieties of classes, with an absolutely separate splitting and gameplay (in both as). And how many of them are here, these very classes and professions? As Zadornov says "they scored all the air ... Ready?" So ... seventeen classes and ten prestige classes. Not impressive? And how do you like this moment, that, pumping the second class, you can attach any skills from the first (third, fifth, tenth) to it. The unlable field for builds is evaporated, right?

Combat classes are divided into followers of war, which are six species, and followers of magic, koi only three. Peaceful professions are divided into followers of hand, which are eight species, and followers of land, which are still three. Well, there are still ten prestige of classes. Although they, rather, should be called multi-classes, because to master them, you need to bring at least two other "basic" class to a certain level.

At first glance, everything looks somewhat confusing, but this system is not only very interesting and unusual, but also (that rarity) it works. That is, it is not so difficult to figure it out. Much more difficult to choose your own way. But in the same and all interest, right?

Video Final Fantasy 14

What is the result?

The second attempt to withdraw Final Fantasy on MMO-Arena came out much more successful. It is already clear that this is quite an independent, working and interesting project that can not only resist, but also to start actively competing with many Mastodones of the modern MMO World. He has everything to do this for this, and the developers do not intend to dwell on what is reached. So, if you missed good and interesting MMORPG - Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - for sure for you! Good luck!

We did not have time to wake up from the exit, as, after a few months, Square was reported by a new roller through the Final Fantasy XIV universe. All would be nothing, "Online" appeared at his end. Waiting for a cool ordinary finite was disappeared, but there were expectations for something else. Fortunately, we already have, with what to compare.

First impressions:

It can be understood in different ways, but, nevertheless, Final Fantasy XIV Online has ever been released, although it turns out to be "output" with an incredible effort. The thing is probably in my perception of MMORPG, which I since ancient do not regret. Well, who needs, those will continue to play, who would not say, well, and I only look very closely to each such project, going out in one of my favorite Final Fantasy series. Fortunately, it is not often to look. But only once came out, but we have already figured out with her, and here as a thunder among the clear sky, the first Final Fantasy XIV trailer is very soon after the release of the 13th part!

Do not think anything, the MEGA trailer himself is a beautiful and awesome with militant races and ambitious landscapes, but when at the end, under the inscription, the word "Online" was floating, I got sick somewhere there, under the spoon. Honestly, we are waiting for the Final Fantasy Versus XIII is already a hopeless cloud of time, so also the 14th part will be MMORPG. At such moments, you want to tear your hair on your head, but it's better to warm up health. Actually, the new Final Fantasy should become a kind of heir, and 2 game universes will exist separately from each other. True, the beta test was promised to allow several players from and those who possessed the promotional code by purchasing FFXIII (I also possessed the code, but I was not lucky, the choice passed by).

But it turned out exactly the opposite. The game was not ready for release even on PC (this is the first case when Final Fantasy was generally launched primarily on the PC platform, and not on consoles). Large, but the same locations, interesting, but the buggy combat system and the funny images practically set the cross on the game, but Final Fantasy XIV did not surrender, but just took a 2-year time out. What went awry and at what stage? Why did not happen to repeat the success of ffxi, because the company had a giant experience in this business? At the moment, the game is hastily restored for the release on PS3 and salary with permanent patches and poppipes. No elements are added to it, professions, but everyone is waiting for one single patch version 2.0, which will revive the universe ever. So it was called "A Realm Reborn". I hope that the game everything will be favorably (we will learn about this in the winter of 2012), but for now we have introduced a wonderful opportunity to disassemble the Square Enix errors, which she or looked or did not want to notice for the first time.

Aspect of time:

You probably agree with me that in MMORPG games you often have to live every day, from week a week, etc., spending in them from 3 to 18 hours a day. If you live, then live, for sure, I want comfortable. Fortunately, the choice among such fun is much larger than in 2002, when Final Fantasy Xi came out. This is the first moment. The number of players in online games is though growing, but not the way it once began at the beginning. Therefore, it is hardly the only way to take the audience from the neighboring game becomes - the presence of more favorable and comfortable conditions for gemina. Developers from Square did not take into account the influence of the time and development of other companies over the past decade, deciding that players will move towards them in the universe simply because it is Final Fantasy. Annually, but it is not. Though though they rule the rapid reflexes, but they are able to think independently, and there was no one herd that would have unexpectedly rushed into a ready-to-settlement world.

Aspect of history:

For what Square can really say thank you so, it is that she is trying to suck the story constituent into the world of the game, and not for some excuse, but in the form of the goal of the game. It is not so often found in other games, as you might think, and due to this item, they are floating with players who are important to the story. Therefore, it is worth considering what is going on in the world of FF XIV.

That's just done it is impossible. The story, which was conceived by the company, is completely neoconated. No one releases the MMORPG game immediately with a completed history if it is going to milk it for a long time. In fact, creating a character and starting them the game, you will not divelly, what is happening (Final Fantasy XIII with his attack on the train and unexpectedly unfolded on your eyes the war and the death of the hole - now will be revealed in terms of filing the plot). What is there, the story, it is not clear even how to go home, after you were killed (it's all a pair of mouse clicks, but since no tutorial explains this, there are completely ridiculous confulas). Looks like a face aspect # 2.

In general, if you seriously look at this case, then you can hardly expect something new on the story. We will have to accept the fact that we are invited to participate in religious conspirs, blind faith, hard political repression and war in such an incredible world like Iziza (Eorzea). A threat of a highly advanced race is also possible, well, or Koya considers itself so. Alone does not save the world, so we combine into some guilds, from where the world is already shining, located outside the window.

What we were lucky, so this is that the plot component of the game develops through the Cat scenes. They are voiced and it's nice. Dialogues with NPS are standard and do not seek much importance if they do not send you to quests or you are not interested in the stories about the environment. One important distinguishing feature is that the game has 3 possible ties. They differ depending on the cities where you decide to start the game. Each story has unique quests that are divided into: plot, Livi Quests (Levequest) and other Events (BEHEST).

Promotion on history is carried out with a set of rank (reminds the system from FFXI). As soon as the required rank or level will be recruited, access to new plot quests will open. It is clear, it is done to increase the duration of the game, but restricting the heroes access to the scenery ... well, why was it. All available zones of the game you can enhance, as the world is not yet very big. In general, the game will not prevent the increase in plot quests.

Examples of plot quests: Find the necessary person in your region, complete the first battle. The second, mostly tied on hunting or crafting of the desired subject (the reward is obtained by the customer). For obvious reasons, it can be performed repeatedly, which means items obtained for them too. That's just a limit is installed on them - no more than 8 livi quests per day (you can imagine how hardcore players have been hung). Even if you dare or not be able to execute Liva Quest, it will all go in the good test of the torn quests. Fale # 3. To take part in more advanced quests associated with your specialization, you will have to increase the skills of the profs with the help of special guilds.

But the bichests are unlimited. Begin hourly in the camps in which you must register under the guise of a party in order to take part. Their meaning is to gain more glasses for murdering monsters than other players groups. However, if you spend at a computer or PS3 no more than 2-3 hours a day, it is unlikely that you can often take part in such events.

Be my hero:

Everyone remembers the famous phrase of Captain Lunned: "How do you call the ship, so he saves"? I can add here to the following: "As a character you will create, so you will be the rest of the game." Almost any MMORPG game begins with the fact that you are inventing yourself a hero (although it is difficult to call it difficult to name) in the character editor of the pre-installed options. We are given a choice of several races, the floor of the character, appearance, faces, colors. It is important to try to create a hero that will easily distinguish between in the crowd to your brethren in misfortune. (An option is particularly well working with the creation of a high-ended ambulance with a stupid expression on the face and idiotic appearance - know, you do not confuse you with anyone - do not translate your view on the name of this paragraph, and then still turns ...)

The starting area is subject to choice (option 3, as mentioned above). Do not be afraid to miss anything from the story, since Square assures that the differences will be minimal, and you don't miss anything really fateful. Your class will also be appointed now, although it can be changed without any special problems in the game itself. This is definitely good news for those who love to be frozen in different specializations. You have an appointment of the name and surname to the character, and FFXI players can import their nicknames from there.

Go - Work:

The game has a fairly extensive choice of specializations and for those who like to fight, just engage in craftting and other related manipulations with objects. If you don't like it, you can switch to another specialization, without losing the abilities earned at all. In fact, the death instrument depends on your profession that you will keep in your hands. It can be changed completely without any restrictions. In the coupe with the ability to simultaneously use the abilities of other professions, and not just that you now, you can imagine what fun begins. In my understanding, this is a positive step, because it does not have to suffer before choosing a profession, leaving the techniques and the magic of others overboard. Want to play a knight in shining armor? You are welcome. Wish to try on Lord's mantle? Black magician at your service.

Each profusion is pumped separately. To do this, there are points of skills (Skill Points) issued for the successful use of the technician of this professional. Its level is not related to the level of the character himself, which we raise the standard for role-playing games by the accumulation of ExP. Especially to deepen this does not make sense, just know the higher the level of your profession, the more abilities you can use, it also affects HP and MP Hero, wearable equipment and quests to which we get access. But here he shows the limiting mechanism. Unfortunately, more than 8 hours a week to accumulate SP for one profession will not be released. In fact, it is not quite nonsense, as it may seem at first glance. The developers made it so that all the categories of players (hardcore and casual) felt more or less comfortable on the same locations. Well, no one forbids you switch to another profession after the expiration and accumulate SP there.


This is one of the most important elements of any game. It was here that Final Fantasy XIV should not be completely no jambs, because the company already has an unprecedented successful experience with the 1st part. In fact, there is Faile on Fale.

Now that you are ready for the worst, let's start slowly to restore the reputation. The aiming system is unequivocally lame, as it is sometimes difficult to hit the enemy of a good admission. This is especially unpleasant during responsible battles and missions. Another cant is associated with spell delay. When you need a tremendous or attacking spell, and the magician will hang out waiting, more than once, remember who usually recall in such cases.

But there are good moments. Serious opponents without preparing and a certain strategy storming do not take, and the sharply moved directly from FFXI. The game gives a good scatter for tactics in particular when you use skills from the list (shorts of Kati), which is included in your combat menu (Action Bar). Since not all techniques and skills can be assigned directly to this menu, you have to think about filling it even before the start of the battle and even the mission (I do not think that you will decide to change the profession right in its full swing).

You should not forget about the skills that you borrow from other professions you are. In the battle, their proper application will play on the arm, and it has a great influence on the Battle Strategy itself. Tactical points (TACTICAL POINTS) again in the go. They allow you to use the skills attached to the weapon that you keep in your hands. While there is a battle, they will dig with each blow. Attacking enemies with side and behind, bring them more damage. It works in the opposite direction towards us. If you attack the right-hand side of the monster, then sometimes a hand falls off, so he will not be able to use specialists with his weapon. HP is slowly restored if you enter passive mode (remove the weapon into the sheath), which cannot be said about MR. Fortunately, there are abilities restoring MR.

It cannot be said that monsters that you meet on the way, very wooden palls. AI quite squeezedly manage them, supporting them in constant movement. They are included in the zone of your attack, then come out of it, try to attack you from the back and generally run away. There are even such copies that disappear from the zone of your review, burning into the ground or deserted high in the clouds (will have to aim). You are required not to yawn, to respond to their tactics in a timely manner and may begin to prosecute. But what if you play a magician? Panic away. Unlike most other MMORPG Mages from FFXIV do not stand still, but move during a spell caste. You can perform successfully in battles under any combat professional. They are still that seven: 2 magic (Thaumaturge and Conjurer) and 5 physical (Gladiator, Marauder, Pugilist, Lancer and Archer). It should be noted that further replenishment is expected in the future.

Hesterns in the shop:

Gathering in the world of FFXIV received a new step in development. First of all, the game takes entire professions under this case (who played Star Ocean - there were similar specializations), with each of its unique skills and opportunities. The search process and resource extraction process now reminds the prey of mana from the Atelier series, but, in view of the variety of technician, much more interesting. Well, he himself resembles a mini game. To start, you specify a place where you are going to start learning resources, then trying to use your tools as closely as possible (a special scale serves to you with a hint), well, at the end you receive a message how successful your attempt was. "You Feel Something Promising" - There is something nearby, "You Feel Nothing Near" - there is nothing nearby, "Getting Further from the Mark" - you left from the alleged site of the excavation in general in the deaf debris and "you" ve almost got IT, Only One More Attempt Required, "says that you have found an ideal place.

That's just there is one small nuance with this business. In the process of attempts, another scale appears, which slowly devoid. When it completely disappears, you will not be able to continue the excavation. Theoretically, this means that you broke the subject that they tried to get. Such a small complexity does not greatly harm the production of objects, and it makes the event itself even more exciting. While there are 3 professions specializing in resource extraction: Botanist, Miner and Fisher. It is quite logical that with fishing networks and a collection of herbarium in real battles, it is better not to join, so their lots are passive.


Prof., which can show the skill of possession of this art, much more than the previous ones. There are only eight of them: Carpenter, Blacksmith, Armorer, Goldsmith, Tanner, Weaver, Alchemist and Culinarian. You probably see some of them for the first time. Let them not particularly help us in the battle, but those things that can be created with their help will be the key to our combat force. The crafting process is no less interesting to the resource production process. Also represents a mini game where you need to follow 3 scales: Durability Bar, Progress Bar (Progress Bar) and Quality Bar.

The scale of attempts is exactly the same as in extracting resources, the more attempts have been done, the less chance to maintain the subject. The progress scale displays how successfully the crafting process (each action fills it and 100% means a successful synthesis of the subject). Quality scale reports the quality of the final product. During crafting, you can apply actions: normal (Normal), effective (efficient) and cautious (Careful). Each of them reduces the scale of attempts, while providing various growth in the parameters of progress and quality. However, the entire system is just a nightmare number of other nuances (Color Sparks in the process, time of day). Plus it is necessary to possess special books, knowledge, skills, level of profession and the ability to work with a bunch of materials to synthesize even the simplest objects. Do not choose these profes, newcomers. This is Fail.


Most of the quests give you a guild in which sooner or later you will have to join if you are going to raise your professional level. In FFXI quests were issued by ordinary NPS. Krafts for crafting are in the usual synthesis of the required objects, while the customer provides you with the necessary ingredients. Quests for gathering also not far away - you only need to collect the necessary number of objects or find all the resources in the zone where you are sent. For example, I note that we send us far from the safest zones, so the enemies can attack our botany without warning. At such moments there will be additional combat skills, intended in another professional. The remaining part of quests is associated with a hunt for a certain number of opponents or their LUT. At the same time, if the mint will be able to escape from your environment and run away to the nearest conifers, you will have to deal with everyone.

All regional quests are limited in time. These include gathering (gives 30 minutes for execution) and hunting (ranked depending on the chosen complexity - only 5 levels). The level of complexity also defines the number of EPAN, SP and the LUT obtained from the quest. Local quests (crafting) are not limited in time, but also those and others can be taken no more than 8 per day. The next limit, this time is absolutely unreasonable.

Well, at least, despite the impaintity of ideas with quests, they do not bother them. First, you study the ability to different professions, secondly, commit all these actions in a friendly company, thirdly, simply explore the beautiful world (with monotonous locations) around yourself. And this world will only improve and expand. What will bring the update "A Realm Reborn" to the game difficult to say. Developers argue that this will be a completely new game. Perhaps this is not so far from the truth, but we will witness only after the snow will turn off our roads.

Business - such a business:

Trade takes a new round of development in FFXIV, since this time the dealers have been added to the game, which the player can transfer to 80 of its items for sale so that they pushed them to players. The system itself is quite useful (do not look for buyers yourself), just find the right subject among hundreds of people in dozens of market rooms almost unreal! Everyone has its own set for sale, and the characters are changing from time to time. In addition, to reveal the list of items, it is necessary to click on each merchant, while the menu opens only a second later. It infuriates. By the way, in the inventory there is no opportunity to sort things. This is the 6th Fale!

Ati Bati walked soldiers:

At the time of the release of the game, Chokobo has not yet been added, but that this should soon happen, it was possible to guess for small cocobo stalls in the starting areas of the world. Moving Peshkarus on familiar territories ceases to deliver after several tens of hours of the game, so that a new high-speed vehicle is simply necessary. Due to the fact that the game was not subjected to oblivion immediately after the release, but continued to support patches until the upcoming remastering, this option already hovers in the air.

However, this is not one global innovation that make patches. In the future, travel between cities will be carried out, as in FFXI, through aircraft travel. Also in the game there are vessels for traveling by maritime stages, and speeding the character, you can study a special ability. It is impossible not to note another useful option - teleport. We will move to any local location visited by us, where a special AETHERIAL NODE device is located. It is worth this trick 4 Anima (the initial number of these points 100 and they are filled with 6 points in 24 hours). In fact, this option is similar to teleportation crystals from FFXII. Here the new Fale pops up. The recovery rate is clearly small. When you open new zones to whom walking for hours, you will just start breaking.


Pretty strange, if in the extensive MMORPG you are going to play solo. Most likely, you will not work seriously and have to turn to the help of benevolent neighbors. Actually, it is imposed on the genre of the game. The party is better to look for people so that people play at one time with you, their characters had the abilities that you still have no, and one more wish is due to the fact that you can find a common language and to communicate and to fulfill quests.

To invite another player to himself in the party, it must be within visibility on the screen, that is, you first have a friendly meeting ....xm, rather unusual. At the very beginning of the review, I mentioned the blasphemy of the aiming system, so this is fully manifested if you are not alone in the party. Fale # 7.

Graphics and music:

There is, somewhere justice is that the game is named after FF, then it manifests itself in the fact that the graphic filling of the game is gorgeous. Not every game will be able to stand in the competition for this parameter with FFXIV. Landscapes encountered on the path of magnetic: Each object discards the plausible shadows, the leaves in the trees live their own life, the stars are lit in heaven, and the sandy storms periodically begin in dry areas and deserts. If you find yourself next to the ocean, check out the purest surface of the water with small ripples running along it. All these beauty is quite expensive to your PC (unlike PS3, which is designed for more than the load, but has not yet acquired its version of the game). Option Disable or lower Settings is present, but you are denying a real quality that is able to give a game.

Nature is filled with sounds, whether it is a wolf drum or a knock of a cobblestone. And it fits the effect of presence, that is, the closer you are to the sound, the clearer he sounds and vice versa. Musical accompaniment to the level no worse than the 11th part was. The tracks are not so much, but now there are several compositions of Battle Theme. Over music, the returned Matcher of the Industry of the Wamatsu, who personally, did not even expect to see for the conductor in the new FINAL Fantasy after FFX. Recently, a new trailer came out to reboot the game, in addition to the chic animation and staged scenes in it, the melodic composition in the Spirit of Final Fantasy sounded. When every corner of the game is filled with such a sound, no one will have a doubt about the game that has risen the head.


I want to note that the universes FFXIV and FFXI are the only online projects (well, more Ragnarok Online), to which I managed to touch from all the abundance of MMORPG, which is now. The point is not that I am a demanding or inept player. Just me, first of all, attracts the world with familiar monsters, recognizable professions, high-quality locations, like everything in the games of the series, and, of course, a good plot. FFXIV toy is still far from the final. In fact, it is only at the stage of either nucleation, or on the way to school. In short, living her still live, learn and learn. But if some place in the virtual universe can be called a house where it is pleasant to be, communicate with friends and spend hours in a funny company, it will definitely be here and may already be very soon.

Final Words:

This review completes the series of descriptions that I wanted to set out on SF on the Final Fantasy series. I know that it has not covered all the games, but the greatest part of them and, I hope, thereby brought the benefit of those who are not familiar with the numerous game universe of this wonderful series. Regarding Final Fantasy XIV I have nothing more to add. The output of the game a couple of years ago was a heavy test, both for the company and hoped for a great project of players. After 2 years of languid expectations, I want to believe that the PS3 version of the game will be much better than the predecessor. Thanks to all!

Several beautiful arts finally:

04/14/2014 Released on PlayStation 4. Below you can read the version on the version for PS3 and PC, published in September 2013.

All MMO is gradually transformed. For example, playing the team is now fashionable except in Korean "Grindilki." That before the rest of the representatives of the genre, for team games there are separate modes or tasks; All the rest of the time the player passes by single quests, pumped into one person and gets to the conditional "final" of history. The most vivid example of the last - Star Wars: The Old Republic: the voiced dialogues, many beautiful scenes on the engine, the script, which would envy any single role-playing game. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Developing this idea further. Now the MMO can also be adapted to the home console (they were before, on PS2 and Dreamcast, but not at such a scale), and the main problem is not in management. The key value has the convenience of passing for those who do not like social activity outside the gearplay itself.

Imagine Final Fantasy XII, the world of which is inhabited by avatar players. There is NPC, memorable characters, the main characters and villains, history with their turns. The first fifteen levels - and this is a few days of slow passage - the player in principle does not need to be contacted with others. He gets tasks, half an hour is looking for where to go, performs them, acquires new skills and receives a donant strong armor and weapons. After the fifteenth level, it is released from the starting city - to travel through the incredibly beautiful world of Eorzia, which is on the study and logic of building a little different from what you could see in other issues of the long-playing series. But the story does not let go with the taste and then: the hero travels from one story quest to another, looks beautiful five-minute screensavers and does not flash in the head and the shadow of doubt is that it is Final Fantasy in the last fashion, only very fancifully arranged in Plan of combat system. If you wish, in all this you can see the next World of Warcraft, but it is better not to hurry with the conclusions and sail downstream.

Final Fantasy XIV is generally surprisingly comfortable, but there are also unpleasant moments. In most cases, the player perfectly understands what he does and why, and most importantly, he constantly looks at the plot, keeping the overall picture of the world and the position of things in it. But the game is too traditional in places in relation to the IMO as a genre. Navigation, for example, racks questions: Find a place on the map, without having been there before it is extremely difficult. The teleportation from the crystal to the crystal requires money and in principle convenient, only the crystals are not everywhere - sometimes they forced to rent a chocobo, for what, again, you need to check the owner of the riding animal in advance and we shake the back of the yellow bird for a few minutes to go left or right. Most of the time have to spend exactly the search for something. A little less time is required to move from the point "A" to the point "B" to speak simply with someone. Although this is explained by the plot of the game, it does not become easier from this.

Approximately the same story with races and classes. All characters are obtained beautiful, just in the style of the latest Final Fantasy. There is a cute race of dwarfs, there are both girls-cats, and high, similar to the elf creatures, and just people. In the settings of their appearance, it is possible to get lost, but the stupor will cause another - completely opaquely formulated descriptions and names of classes. Words are beautiful, but what is hiding behind them - go, guess. The second character, for example, I made a marauder. A warrior-shaped warrior with an ax, in the description of which they say about its strength and the ability to apply colossal damage, in all dungeons play the role of a tank. Nevertheless, he has no special abilities for this and it does not carry a shield, but to reassign the role in the Duty Finder (the service for the automatic selection of the command) does not work.

Over time, to all this, as well as to manage with gamepad, you get used to. This is not Diablo III on consoles, here you need to use all the available buttons, and sometimes clamping several immediately and then select the desired icons. This is the only difficulty in the version for PS3: about any communication in the chat is better to immediately forget (you can connect a USB keyboard, but it is not very convenient, playing not at the table), and remembering the layout once, you are afraid to forget it after a long break. But overcoming this barrier, the Final Fantasy XIV wants to come back again and again. Because it relies on the same licking details as other successful MMOs: beautiful characters, comfortable pumping, which brings a tangible result, colorful locations that are not bored to wander, cunningly planned battles with bosses and tons of fanservis, starting with email Muglov And ending with battle with Iphritis.

Today, Final Fantasy XIV seems to be an excellent example of console MMO with joint servers for the PC version. She is still not ideal for individual details, but the most important thing she managed: it is convenient and interesting to play PS3.

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Rebornalready on sale for PS3, PC and PS4. The versions for PS3 and PC were reviewed.

From time to time, the site will appear early and other materials from the printed "game". When and what - we do not say you. Watch out for announces and publications.

Itself was a terrible game - chapters Square Enix. I even had to apologize for her. Online universe, defective, as they say, by Design, caused vast damage to the reputation of the series. To fix everything, we lacked the patches alone, so soon the project was transferred to another team led by a gambling fan MMORPG Yoshida Noki.which before that was engaged in the design of Online. The task before him was set a simple - to build a game from scratch.

Tabula Rasa

When the Final Fantasy XIV was closed, the plot smoothly summed up to the fact that the Giant Meteor's Giant Meteor would be pointed to the world. This meteor was the team of Yoshida Naoki.

Quests are issued through simple, often unrelated, but still cute dialogues. It is much better than the walls of the text that MMORPG usually operate.

New developers opened the planet in dust and started everything from a clean sheet. History A Realm Reborn begins several years after the notorious cataclysm. The changed continent Eorzion, where FF XIV events occur, is recognized perhaps that by names and urban areas like old gridania remaining as a tribute to the past. The rest of the topology was redesamed completely: the same valleys and forest labyrinths characteristic of the old Final Fantasy XIV, turned into spacious, dirty and really beautiful places where you finally have something to do.

True, A Realm Reborn needs time to accelerate: the first ten levels (a couple of hours) you will be engaged exclusively to quests. But then it becomes better: at the tenth level, they get acquainted with a number of key mechanics, on the fifteenth - send to explore the world outside the native location. The storyline gradually moves away from small, almost domestic feats and is closer to the most important thing - that thousands of such as you, adventures appeared in Eor region.

By giving tribute to fashion, developers added random events to the game, in which all passersby can participate. It turned out not very: developing on them conveniently and quickly, but you do not feel the importance of events. The battles are quite typical for MMO, but at first perceived strange: pauses between the use of skills is much longer than, say, in WoW. But it helps to focus on tactics, instead of repelning twenty-poop rotations.

Because we are heroes

In the original FF XIV interface gradually improved by patches, but now everything finally fell into place. Still not perfect, but already convenient. And with the gamepad is not bad, although you need time to get used to.

A Realm Reborn is much reluled on the plot, and in Square Enix, unlike BioWare. With her, they never forgot what they make an online game. Your hero is undoubtedly great and important, but besides him on the continent there are several thousand of the same. Therefore, from the tenth level you will be started to prepare for battles in the team.

Very soon there are mandatory for the plot of the dungeon. Before this happens, they are offered to pass a series of small cooperative tasks, of which it becomes clear what your role is in the team, how to coordinate how to find tactics to fight bosses and the like. To understand how important it is to study this before, you can remember the situation in after the exit Cataclysm.. The importance of early dungeons has been gone there almost to zero. For the sixtieth level, newcomers were moved from caramel Azeroth to the Old Believer Welcomeland and fell into their first instances, without having the slightest concept, how to act and what buttons to harm.

As it should be, in Eor region, full of fanservis for old fans of the series. Mugla, Chokobo and Kyttoars are an iron minimum.

The dungeons in A Realm Reborn work on the same principles as in most modern MMORPG, are strips of obstacles with strong monsters, valuable trophies and cunning bosses. At the same time, they are beautiful, quite complex and very negligee are designed.

The fact that many plot moments will be held in a team, distinguishes the history of Final Fantasy XIV. The final raids are given hardly any more emotions than all eight campaigns The Old Republic, combined, is simply because you and the seven of your companions came to the goal together, having passed through seven circles of hell. About hell - almost literally: Zhaitan from compared to the final boss A Realm Reborn seems to be a first-level label, which you have pine at the very beginning of your adventure.

This particular Final Fantasy will not press the snot-tears from you, as almost all previous parts do. It rules simple as a plug, but an incredibly warming hero epic. And this is good.

On all hands master

In order for even the most stupid minor quest seemed to be an exciting adventure, it suffices to turn on the perky background music. It is strange that Square Enix thought to it alone.

Probably the only thing that the initial version of the Final Fantasy XIV turned out to be great - this is a class system. You choose one of them, but already at the tenth level, if we get tired, you can enter any of the guilds of Eorzia and vote on the fly. The new class will have to develop from scratch, but you will be able to change the specialization almost at any time. The need for "twinks" disappears - all possible combinations will fit on the only hero. There are still peculiar prestige classes: let's say, gaining thirty levels on a spear and fifteen on Marauder, you can deepen a specialization and learn about the dragoon - one of the strongest attacking fighters in the game.

Craft professions are also separate classes. They have their own equipment, their own parameters and their skills. For example, to make anything, playing the horsemen, you need to play a small mini-game - to apply the object to the workpiece as much as possible improvement skills, without spoiling it. The process is a simple and monotonous, but to have at least the slightest control over the production is actually very nice. Just put a film with a background and combine pleasant with useful.

Very soon, the masters appear the ability to put a few identical objects in the automatic queue. Although under the flow of production, control over the quality of things is lost.

It is clear that the development of each class implies Grind. But they do not force them, you can pass the storyline for the main class and no longer think about anything. Content for those who mastered the campaign, not so much, but it is - enough for a few weeks. The first large patch will be released by the first large patch, where the first isna for PVP will finally appear, the ability to start their home, the mountain of content for pumping and a couple of new dungeons. And, of course, the next story arch will begin.

Video about changes in patch 2.1.

* * *

A Realm Reborn has nothing to do with that Final Fantasy XIV, which came out three years ago. She has a sane interface and relatively low requirements for the gland, and each mechanic works as it should have been working from the very beginning. It turned out not the original, but very good online role-playing game, which would have to learn many modern "innovators."

Final Fantasy XIV, released several years ago, was subjected to fierce criticism from the players and journalists who indicated a very low quality of the game. This year, Square Enix returned with an updated version, promising that this is a completely new game. After spending a lot of time with a version for PlayStation 3, we must agree with this.

The fourteenth part of the Final Fantasy cycle is inscribed in history as one of the most sensational lesions in the MMO market. The game came out at the end of 2010 on the PC and was extremely critically accepted by fans. The game was sterile, hermetic, strange, wrong and empty, and as if all this was not enough, the public had almost no contact with the developers. Square Enix tried to save the game, but it was too late. In the end, the publisher decided to take a desperate step, to withdraw the Final Fantasy XIV from the appeal to calmly finalize and convert the product.

The basic version of the Final Fantasy XIV was so weak that few people believed in the success of the Japanese plan. But the game came out transformed for the better, and quite successfully returned to the gaming market. It pleases, because it is one of the few games of this type available on the console, and, in particular, on PlayStation 3.

Final Fantasy and MMO.

The action of the fourteenth part unfolds in the world of Hydaelyn, on the continent of Eoraze, who survived a serious cataclysm. We are talking, of course, about the famous "death" messenger, named Bahamut, symbolizing indirect fate of the first, version of Final Fantasy XIV. In the game you play the role of heroes who participated in these events, but do not remember anything from their past. Thus, Square Enix explains the development of the universe and the fact that the veterans of the first part of the game are now found in it and completely new faces. Characters unites one goal - help in restoring peace and overcoming the strength threatening to him.

As a rule, it happens in such games, the plot is transmitted in the description of the tasks. Only a part of the quests has a voice acting, so get ready to read a lot if you want to carefully follow the development of events. In the plot, you must admit, there are interesting topics, and they cause pleasant associations. Especially since he is associated with the mechanics of the game - for example, with a service in one of three factions, local cities-states. Final Fantasy XIV operates also traditional for a series of design - absolutely serious questions are closely intertwined with absurd. Therefore, wait for a mixture of pathos and humor provided for example, in the form of battles as with powerful beasts, as with a mad pudding. Thanks to this, Final Fantasy XIV becomes a bit brighter among other parts of Final Fantasy.

Character classes.

Updated and the mechanics of the game, which now looks more thoughtful. Let's start with the fact that in the game we create a hero representing one of the eight classes that satisfy classic roles in MMO; Tank, Hilera, Support and DPS classes - the first of them is designed to concentrate the attention of the enemy, the other - to treat, the third strengthen the allies, and the fourth to damage damage. An interesting fact is that, starting from a certain moment, the class can be freely changed, and to increase its level, at the same time, by purchasing additional skills, and even opening new directions of development. Not all the abilities of another class can be used, but everything is, there is from what to choose. As a result, the mechanics of the game first seem to be quite simple, but over time it allows you to create various combinations and creates a large field of activity. One option is to unlock a special profession connecting the features of several others - for example, an archer can turn into a bard. A good idea, because to some extent eliminates the need to create several heroes to try all the options.

According to a similar principle, professions are working, they allow you to collect raw materials, or create objects. Every of them we are developing separately, and if I am not mistaken, there are no restrictions here. In addition, even Shakhtar, or Alchemist have its skills - some of them allow you to track minerals, others facilitate prey or increase the chances of the success of the craft.

The game leads us by the hand using the log system indicating the next thing for crafting or pharmacy. A positive point is that it was also that it was possible to avoid the need to create hundreds of items to raise the level - instead, most often we work with one subject, improving its quality. In addition, Final Fantasy XIV offers Dale-Quests dedicated to each of the disciplines.


  • - Arcanist (Scholar or Summoner ") - causes damage, treats, calls for;
  • - Archer (Bard) - damage, offers support;
  • - Conjurer (White Mage) - heals, resurrect;
  • - Gladiator (Paladin) - Tank;
  • - Lancer (Dragoon) - Deals damage;
  • - Marauder (Warrior) - Tank;
  • - Pugilist (MONK) - damage;
  • - Thaumaturge (Black Mage) - causes damage, CROWD-CONTROL.

Over time, we get new opportunities, often in the places visited earlier. An example is a very good system of three associations, within which we carry out special levequests, supply raw materials or products and get printing. You can change them on rewards, for example, on Chocobo, which performs the role of a horse. There are also dynamically emerging events called "fate", most often based on the fight against the group of enemies and the boss. These are particularly generous task experiences are very popular. The raids of various levels should be added to this - complete dungeons, smaller, group and so-called "tests". You can start them with a pre-prepared team or rely on a part search. It happens slowly, but works well, and to the same, the search occurs in the background, so we do not need to stand still, waiting for the group's set.

It is great that almost any form of pastime can be used from an early level. Thanks to this, in Final Fantasy XIV you can find a lot of classes on any location, we always have many opportunities to acquire experience. Abundance and variety is the features of the fourteenth part - and for it you can praise Square Enix, because there was a fear that the company will not cope with the filling of the time players.
And Realm Reborn is in no way revolutionary in terms of combat mechanics, but also offers reliable solutions. This system is based on the abilities requiring the time required for their recovery (Cooldown) and a certain amount of points, tactical or magical. The game displays the area of \u200b\u200baction of some attacks, so in many battles, you need to constantly move. In general, the fight is quite typical for MMO, with all the advantages and disadvantages of this type of games. I will say this: there are a lot of battles, but it is interesting to play, because various solutions are offered for everyone. You can always find something for people who just want to relax. There are also many places though. A special problem is dungeons and contractions with bosses that are implemented in an interesting way. Raid bosses often call on assistants and sometimes use non-standard moves - the lack of reaction from the raid ends rapid death.

In Final Fantasy XIV, I spent a lot of time - all the time sitting on the sofa in front of the TV. This will not be something unusual for Final Fantasy Xi fans, games available on three platforms, including two consoles. I think PC gamers do not believe that it is possible to curb such complex systems with the help of gamepad. But I admit that this is possible, because Square Enix has done a lot of work in working interface. Of course, at the first moment it seems incredibly complex, chaotic, and strange (the problem will be tracking / blocking the camera on opponents). The console controller does not guarantee such accuracy as the keyboard and mouse, but works quite well. Another thing, write in the chat and on the forum - here it is worth purchasing additional accessories, which is probably not a problem, because any USB keyboard, the game recognizes without problems. To PlayStation 3, you can even connect a wireless mouse and play on the same conditions as on PC.

This version of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn in terms of "brakes" is far from perfect. Probably, it is not wine Square Enix, only equipment and the need to work at full power. In short, on the PlayStation 3, the game looks and works very unevenly. In some locations, you can see 15 frames of animation per second, and on others everything is in order. Such declines occur, despite the marked deterioration of the graphics, and it can be seen in low resolution, poor quality textures, pixels, and sometimes bad frame animations of characters and objects. The game on a small screen is likely to even bring headaches (especially in the vicinity of Gridania).

Eorza saved.

After the cloudy and hermetic first version of the Final Fantasy XIV, Square Enix redested a lot and returned with the project, which is very nice to play. Realm Reborn delays, the rich world of Final Fantasy, thoughtful game systems, a variety of gameplay - these elements should lead to the fact that Final Fantasy XI veterans will be delighted.

In addition, Square Enix once again proves that in MMO you can safely play with a wait in your hand, which may not be important in the context of the last generation of consoles, but will definitely be important in the future. The publisher offers an almost ready-made game at the Premier PlayStation 4. - In short, Final Fantasy XIV is, indeed, the "revival of the kingdom", and is in this "miracle" to participate.