Guide on budget decks for beginners: Shaman, Warlock, Priest. Choosing a budget chapter Hearthstone budget decks

Budgetary decks are the best choice for all newcomers, who have just come to the world of Hearthstone, who want to learn how to play at a high level. On this page you can find the best budget decks for all game classes, as well as detailed guides on the game.

What is a budget deck and why should I play her at the beginning? Everything is very simple! As you could already understand, most Hearthstone cards you get during the game, and the more you will be given the game, the faster you can replenish your collection. And in order to quickly get used in the game and understand its mechanics, you are offered free maps for all classes, you can collect that you can reach the level 10 playing character.

Once you get the cherished level 10, we recommend starting to use budget decks that you can find below. Absolutely, all decks have a high victorious potential, and thanks to our detailed instructions, you will also be easier to get comfortable in the game and understand the very essence of each game class. In addition, with the help of budget decks, you can move through the game staircase in the rating game mode and receive unique shirts of the cards at the end of each month.

Budgetary decks are the best way to start correctly and competently playing the Hearthstone and make your first victories to replenish the collection of cards and improve the decks in the future!

Hearthstone budget decks for all classes

In order to view the desired deck, click on the image. The page describing the deck will open in the same window.

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This article is intended for those people who played in Hearthstone very little. It is suitable for those who are more experienced, but did not master the proposed classes. You can find a large number here. budget dealers: From compiled only from basic cards, to optimal, to which you need to strive, as well as some of their variations. In addition, the main points of the game in the ladder will be painted, the strategy, the choice of cards on Mulligans and key points when designing your own assembly.


This issue will be dedicated to three classes: Shaman, Warlock and Priest. Their popularity varies greatly in the ladder: if deck Shaman You can meet in every second game, then degration of Priest Much less often. But whatever class you have chosen, any of them you can show a decent result, If you correctly create a deck, you will have experience and follow the proposed advice.


Shaman - one of the most popular classes in Hearthstone at the moment. It is represented by three archetypes: Agro, Mendertz and Chaman control, among which you can find a large number of variations. The most optimal deck for a beginner will be Middertge Shaman., to assemble the budget version of which is not so difficult, but to achieve the perfect assembly will have to acquire a large number of adventure quarters.

Shaman budget decks

Basic deck 1lvlBasic deck 10 lvlBudget shaman Shaman on TotemachMiddertge Shaman.

Optimal basicdeck of shaman first level Lack has enough and contains only two class cards presented in two copies. Your first priority will be the receipt of the tenth level, thanks to which you will have access to strong maps, such as the totem of the flame language, thirst for blood and Elemental fire. Three these cards will greatly facilitate your parties and

let profitably be swapped with the beings of the opponent or unexpectedly apply a fatal damage. Their strength is that they provide instant powerful effect immediatelyas soon as used. Do not forget about the potential of your Hero's strength. Many totems, of course, do not look frightening at first glance, but in any of your decks there should be a sufficient number of cards interacting with them, which either amplify them or amplify from them. If you already have an advantage on the table, perhaps the best solution will be to use the power of the hero, and not to put another creature. So you don't use your whole hand too fast, because you have not so much sources of good, And you will beat the potential enemy effects.

In this game moment, the spirit of the wild wolf should be played to protect the tide of mana from the silver blade. Two more mana crystals will remain, which should be spent on the power of the hero, and not on a totem golem, so as not to lose too many cards from aoe cleaner control of the Paladin.
In some cases, even the power of the hero is not to use the scuffle to survive one of the strong creatures

Already using the budget version you can show decent results in the ladder and seek high ranks. The main weakness in comparison with full assemblies will be the absence of a sure start in the form of a ghost claw and tunneling trogging, as such an alternative and worthy of replacement they do not have, so at the start of the game you will sometimes have some difficulties. Try to intercept the initiative later with the help of any spells and point removals. It is important to correctly use something from the depths because it can be set free. This creature is perfect for the interception of the initiative, because after stripping the table with the help of thunderstorms, zipper and the evil eye, you will not have a manana crystals at all for setting creatures for this and the following course due to overload, but free or very cheap something from the depths will be strong help for your strengthening on the table in the future. Capturing the initiative, try to be profitably exchanged with creatures with the help of the totems enhanced by different ways. You will have not only totems called by the Hero's strength, but also others from your hand: the totem of the flame language, a totem nailer, tide of mana, also cadkar-shaman causes one of the basic totems - they all reduce the cost of something from the depths as well Strengthening with a knight of a thunder rock.
In addition to favorable exchanges, try to systematically empty the hand of the opponent, Fard the possible any effects and increase the advantage on the table. With the help of a thunder rock knight, you can unexpectedly for the opponent quickly finish the game, the main thing is to be available to you to activate inspiration the power of the hero, which in the presence of all four basic totems on your side will not work.

Important game skill will be planning your actions for the following few moves. Think which creature you will put the following, which spells can pronounce to get rid of opponent threats. Do not forget that you have many cards with overload, which will reduce the number of mana crystals available to you.

Another aspect that is worth paying attention is positioning your creatures on the game field. This is important exclusively due to a flame totem that will bring you more benefit due to the correct positioning. Your strength of the hero will always call on the base totem to the right of all other creatures. Difficult to murder creatures from hand (Squire avant-garde, something from the depths, the Knight of Ground Rock) and creatures that you would not want to lose (Totem tide of mana) should be set as soon as possible. Thus, your toteth of the flame language ideally should be located between weak basic totters on the right, which are translated from the beings of the opponent and die, and then strong creatures will gain strengthening of the flame totem.
Since Squire avant-garde does not die when attacking, it should be put to the left so that it is the last to gain an increase in the attack from the flame language totem

At the stage of Mulligan first try to find creatures for drawing them on the mana curve. Ideally, you must find the first, second and third move. Do not leave, however, in your hand weak themselves cards, such as the Totem of the Language of Flame and Totem Ting Mana, they will not be especially useful at the start. Against some opponents, you should leave your cheap point remuvals (zipper, lightning strike, stone) to get rid of opponent threats at the initial stage, leave these spells against the magician, shaman, warlock and hunter. Also, good maps against the priest will be the evil eye, so as not to give it to use the resurrection on a strong creature, and against the Warlock - the thunderstorm and portal: the whirlwind, who will help you to intercept the initiative after the aggressive start of this class.
The totem of the flame language is not very needed in the starting hand, because it is rarely useful to the second move, in this case the term of the hero will be faithful.

To bring your deck to perfection, you will need several quarters of the adventure. First of all, the second quarter of the league of the researchers in which you will get a very strong tunnel tunnel - with him you can confidently create a deck of Agro Shaman. Then you need all four quarters of parties in Karazhan to get ghost claws and portal: whirlpool. The only necessary legendary card will be a blood magician Talnos, which at the beginning can be replaced by Kobold-geomanta, but they should be placed on their inclusion in a deck only after receiving ghost claws.

Other useful, but optional cards will be: Barnes, Rock Hammer, Harrison Jones, Ragnaros.


Warlock - stable and always popular class in Hearthstone thanks incredibly effective herothat never gives him to stay without cards in his hand. There are two main archetype of this class - aggressive (zooolock and warlock on dropping cards) and control (Renolok and Hendlock). Newcomers are more suitable for the first aggressive archetype, since it is much easier to create it.

Budgetary decks of Warlock

Basic deck 1lvlBasic deck 10 lvlBudget ZooletZoolet Warlock on discharging cardsWarlock on dropping cards from HotMeowth

Basic deck The warlock is rather reminiscent of Medrontzh archetype than aggressive. But your game style should be sharpened on maximum pressure from the first movesthat, of course, does not exclude and profitable differences, if possible. In the deck there is an arrow of darkness - a good spot removal, as well as the hellish flame, with which you can get rid of the opponent immediately from several creatures (but also your too, be careful).

Upon reaching the tenth level, you will acquire another point recreation (soul burn), which, plus everything, can be used to apply lethal damage. Try not to use this card without need, because it can reset an important card from your hand. Much better if the soul burn remains the only card in your hand - then you will not lose anything else. Also, you will be created by several sources of one unit of damage (Flag of Tlen and Creek Infernal), which will allow you to achieve damaged creatures.

At the beginning of Stroke always plan how you will spend all mana crystals available to you. If you have any two crystals of mana during counting, use the Hero's strength first (exception, if you only burn your hand in your hand - use it first, and then a lifetime) to get an additional card that sometimes can change your plans. Your hero's power will allow you to always stay with a sufficient number of cards in your hand, but it is not desirable to use at the beginning of the game, since you can lose the table control. At an early stage, when playing an aggressive deck of a warnik, it is also preferable to play a creature, rather than pull an additional card.

Your power of the hero takes 2 units of health from your hero. It should not seriously worry you if you control the table. In the game there are not so many ways to apply a large number of damage if you have no creatures on the table, so health is not the most valuable resource. Of course, there are certain archetypes that specialize in applying a huge amount of damage without creatures on the table, in these cases, use the lives gently.

As you replace basic cards on budget, yours budget deck It will become cheaper, but, it means more aggressive. First of all try to get cheap maps of ordinary quality, Most of them are incredibly effective. The most important card of rare quality will be the guard of horror. Most creatures will cost 1, 2 or 3 crystals of mana, and it means that you can play them very quickly, and by the middle stage of the game you empty your hand. Then you can easily play the guards of horror, having received an incredibly strong creature with a jerk for only 5 mana crystals, which will be able to fully change or attack the enemy hero.
Horror's guard should not always be played to the fifth move: in this game situation, the best solution will be the use of the Hero force, Jonglera Dagger and Demonsens
If the loss of cards is not critical, you can use horror guard and on the fifth go

Then, as already mentioned, the strength of the hero will help you fill the loss of cards and increase the presence on the table.

There are several key mechanics in Zoolok deck:

First - strengthening creaturesrepresented by the fermented sergeant, overflowing, the leader of the junior wolves and the defender of Argus. These cards will help you to make profitable differences or apply an unexpected damage for your opponent. As in the case of the totem of the flame of the shaman, they instantly affect your creatures, strengthening them. The leader of the junior wolves is very similar to the totem of the flame of the flame effect, so the rules of the destruction of creatures will be the same: those of whom it is difficult to kill (Squire avant-garde, an obsessed peasant, harvesting gooler, a member of the Top Molesian Council and others) should be located at the edges.
An example of the correct placement of creatures

The second card that makes the settlement of creatures is important, - defender Argus.

At the stage of Mulligan, you, as well as in the case of Shaman, you will need creatures for the first, second and third move. The ideal combination of cards for the two crystals of Mana will be a fiery demon and demonless demon. You can play them together already on the first move, if you have a coin. Squire avant-garde and an obsessed peasant - two more excellent cards for the start.

You will need only two cards from adventure to make a classic zoolet assembly. Black Archaeologist Available in the First Quarter League researchersWhich incredibly well shows itself in all matches thanks to its flexibility and providing an effective mana curve, and the head of the Badge of demons, affordable after passing the second quarter of the Black Mountain. This is an incredibly sticky and difficult to stripping the creature, which almost always causes at least one Besa 1/1, that is, in the amount it will have at least 3/5 characteristics for 3 mana crystals, which is extremely profitable.

Currently popular has become warfish deck on card reliefwhich uses creatures from a party in Karazhan. To create this deck, you will need all four quarters of the adventure. The warlock on the discharge of cards is distinguished by a little: it has a devilsar, a soul burn, a librarian of the darkness and a dishwasher. These four horror cards and guard are added another strong mechanics for resetting cards to archetype, which becomes an incredibly profitable for the Warlock, because it can make it possible to sort out the deck and free to exhibit a 3/3 creature on the table.
Rashless golel will be put on the table for free, which makes this move incredibly effective

The warlock on the discharge of card shows itself more confident in the current mete, although it is not so stable as a classic zoolet, but new combinations sometimes are incredibly strong.
The best option is a draw of the Besa Maja and Burn of the soul to get rid of the Tottemic Golem and the Dog of Two Cards


Priest - The most unpopular class in the lander is currently. Despite this, many players believe and hope that his time will come. This class is represented by one control of the archetype with some of its variations. There is also a kind of hybrid Midrhendzh and the control of styles - the priest on the dragons. Whatever the deck you choose, they all require a sufficient amount of gold and magician dust for their creation, and budget versions of the priest deck will be sufficiently weak.

Priest budget decks

Basic deck 1lvlBasic deck 10 lvlBudget to "Tun PriestTo "Tun Priest n" Zot Prishpet Priest on dragonsControl Priest Control Priest 2

And mind control. These cards will allow efficiently swapped with enemy creatures and eliminate most of its threats at any stage of the game.

The power of the hero will allow you to maintain the health of your creatures at a high level., that is, they will be able to exchange profitable and do not die longer. Its only her weakness is that it applies only if you have fixed on the table, but if you are behind - it becomes ineffective.

Point and rebellious priests - reaction cards themselves. With their help, you can always cancel at least one to one with the opponent cards. Using them without the presence of your creatures on the table, you do not change the situation in any way: Yes, you got rid of one being, but the next course the opponent will expose one more. The true potential of these cards is revealed only in the presence of your creatures on the table - then you can build a pace and not to give an opponent to entrenched and intercept the initiative.

Two important mechanics - hero and Remwal - Reveal your potential only when possession of the table, but just with this priest and problem. His creatures at an early stage of the game are weak and cannot compete with the creatures of other archetypes, so most of the time you will only fight back, then your Hero's power and your recreates will not be able to be used as efficiently as possible.

Another priest problem - enclose of his spells. All of them are good only in some situations, but none of them are universally, as, for example, a fireball. You will greatly handle the creature 7/7 with the word Darkness: death, but how to cope with the creature 4/4? Many cards require synergies to be effectively used, this concerns, for example, a circle of healing, which is rare when applicable without The priest has the opportunity to fully clean the table due to the dark madness, but in this case you will leave the opponent too good purpose for the resurrection. Killing the same black elephant and putting a twilight healer, you will benefit greater benefit from the situation

And finally, another problem of this class - lack of universal cardsWhat is why to go through the deck and find the necessary cards for the established situations and parts of the combinations will be difficult.
In this situation, the priests have the opportunity to use a circle of healing for the dobor of two cards, but in this case the royal element will not be killed, and the priest will remain without any sweep, which is extremely dangerous. Therefore, it is better to simply click "Finish"

If all of the above has not yet been discouraged by your desire to play for the priest, you will come across the last problem: all his decks are very difficult to create. The only competitive budget deck - K'tun Priest. The only legendary card in it, K'tun himself, many have in stock, as it was obtained for free. Ideally, of course, get some more legendary cards and cards from the adventure, but without them, you can show a decent result.

K'tun Priest - Control of the deck with good creatures for the initial and middle stage of the gamethat strengthen the ancient God. With the help of the abundance of the stripping, treatment and creatures with a provocation, you can restrain the opponent aggression and try to gain a foothold on the table. K'tun can serve either an additional stripping table or finisher.

Do not forget that all your treatment is damage, even from the twilight healer. Using it together with Auchenary priestess is not recommended

With the help of the Rock Clauseer, you can mix another K'tun in a deck if the first dies. It is important that the ancient God is died. If the opponent uses burial or evil eye on it, you will not be able to get K'tun back.
The second used K'tun can deliver many problems to the opponent and win the party. Since the warrior used the great Rafaam's thief before, he has the opportunity to apply a fatal damage to the priest with the help of Anub'araka, from which you need to get rid of, even risking to be stopped by a provocateur or death agent to the next move

At the stage of Mulligan, look for, as always, creatures on the first, second and third move. If one of the creatures already exist for the start, you can leave the word strength: shield. Against opponents with dangerous early creatures (magician, shaman, warlock and hunter), leave the word darkness: pain. If a combination of aogena priestess and a circle of healing came to your hand, you can leave them against the same classes above. With a coin also against them, you can leave dark madness.

To fully reveal the already small efficiency, the priests require cards from adventure. First of all, this burial, which is available after the passage of the league researchers is completely. This is a key spell in any assembly of this class.

To create a priest on the dragons you will need to completely pass the black mountain. For K'tun Priests - to purchase the Emperor of Century'lore. The most common and, probably, the strongest archetype of this class - control of the priest on the resurrection - requires a huge number of legendary maps depending on the assembly, as well as the first quarter of the Black Mountain and the second party in Karazhan. And, unfortunately, all these cards are required, not optional. They constitute the kernel of the priest deck and without them it is impossible to do.


Always remember that even without significant investments on your part you can achieve high results in Hearthstone. With basic decks you can compete with budget decks, and with budget - with usual. It's solely in your skills and knowledge, honing which you will be successful. Do not forget that legendary cards and all purchased adventures do not provide you with a high percentage of victories by themselves, they must be supported by skill, to develop which can be started with basic and budget decks.

Finally, you can see the modest statistics of the author of this article, who played the proposed budget decks in the ladder at the beginning of the October season. This is not the limit of the capabilities of these decks, they can provide you with a positive percentage of victories and to the fifth rank, and maybe further.

Statistics (click to open).

Thank you for your attention and good luck in the conquest of the Ladder!

Prepared: RedSnapper., edited: Summan., designed: Derzkaya..

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The cereal town of Prijambassk It has long been available, but not everyone acquired the best cards for each class to make top decks. Moreover, many top decks of the golden city of Pribambaska are sufficiently costly: there are many legendary and epic cards in them, but this does not mean that both modest resources cannot be created a competitive deck for each class. Budget decks of the cereal city of PrijambasskaOf course, they will not show such good results, as their analogues, in which all the cards available in the Hearthstone are used, but still they can be highlighted in the lade.

The budget deck is such a deck in which the legendary and epic quality cards are not used, as well as adventure cards. But you probably have in a collection of at least some of them, so you can supplement the budget decks of the cereal city of Pribambasska with some strong maps that are in your collection. But choose wisely, even universal and strong cards, as, for example, Silvana vinder or Ragnaros, fit far from each assembly of budget decks.

Budget pirate Warrior

Perhaps budget deck Pirate Warrior - One of the most effective budget decks in the game, and it is very simple to assemble it: a lot of basic cards and only six rare quality. With this assembly, you can get very high in the lander, but there is one card that you should get first in order to significantly increase your percentage of victories - this is a pirate of the month. Do not deceive the fact that it is a creature with minimal characteristics, it is extremely useful in a budget deck. Pirate Warrior. You only need two more legendary cards to make your assembly as efficient as possible: Sir Finley MRRGGLON (third quarter of the league of researchers) and Learn Jenkins (the legendary card from the standard set, which will never go to free mode, so it is always useful to you in Collections).
Detailed guide by deck pirate warrior you can read.

Budget Agro Paladin

Another budget Agro deck in the ranking, which is based on the mechanics of Rusty Bugaev, Divine Shields and other reinforcements of creatures. All this creates extremely fast start and difficult to stripping creatures that can be accomplished by favorable differences, as well as attack "in the face". Budget dealer Agro Paladina There are not enough of several expensive cards: the guard of order, small bumps, the keeper Uldaman (the second quarter of the adventure of the league of researchers), Sir Finley Mrrgglton and others. Someone uses even Saintoplah Fireus, as well as a few heavy maps: Ragnaros and Thyrion Fordring Fordring. If you want to make your budget deck a little harder to increase the percentage of victories, add two copies of the DopordGangster to it.

Budget hybrid hunter

If you are a connoisseur of this class, you can assemble a similar budget deck of a hunter with the synergy of Rusty Bugaev. It is quite aggressive, although to the old good Fais Hanter. Does not reach at speed, but compensates for this stronger middle stage of the game and the potential for placing the most dangerous creatures with increased characteristics. If the enemy does not have a response to one of them, you probably won. It should be noted a magnificent combination of a stray cat with a leader of junior wolves and a hyiennium-a paddle, which will provide you with a good start. Even if you have a High Savannah, think twice, is it worth using it in your budget hunter's budget deck. This, of course, a very strong creature, but with the mechanics of Rusty Bugaev it works not so well, because, "absorbs" the additional characteristics that you would like to give not so slow creatures. In the end, the high-year savannah is incredibly good already with 6/5 characteristics. If you enjoy the budget deck of the hunter, you can supplement it with the following expensive cards: rapidity (the first quarter of the adventure Black Mountain), rat flock, Kulaks and others.

Budget Jade Druid.

Jade Druid. - A very popular archetype in the current mete, which is due to its excellent potential at the late stage of the game. Many wonder: how to replace one or another legendary map in the deck of Jade Druid. There is always a way out. Instead of expensive legendary cards (Feddral deer helmet, aya black paw, a statue of the crow (the fourth quarter of the adventure of the league of researchers) you can use more protective cards with a provocation, and the absence of the Tree of war can compensate for the dark arakko, let it cost as many mana crystals, how much and jade monster. In budget deck Jade Druid So many creatures with a provocation for one simple reason - a vulnerability in the match-anop with a popular agro warrior. Therefore, the missing expensive cards in the deck are replaced by protective tools that will make match-AP with Agro War more profitable. If you want to improve your budget deck of Jeid Druid by expensive cards, buy at first Ayu black paw, and Fadl deer helmet will become more consistent with the statue of the crow. Also a good goal for attaching your magician dust - two copies of the tree of war.

Detailed guide by Jade Druidu You can read.

It is difficult to assemble the budget deck of Shaman, since this class relies on several key creatures that not get so simple. First, it is a tunneling trogg, which is only available to the second quarter of the league researchers. Secondly, it is a hammer of rock epic quality, which is a mandatory card for an aggressive archetype class. Thirdly, it is a few strongest partner cards in Karazhan, which interact with the damage from spells: Ghost claws and portal: whirlpool. Therefore, a full-fledged budget deck with minimal loss of efficiency is not easy. One of the options - deck budget Midrhendzh Shamanwho can still show itself from a good side in the current mete.

Budget Miracle Robber

Budget deck of classical Miracle Robber includes an adventurer who is a good alternative to Edwina Van Cliff (sometimes they are played together), but there are two indispensable cards: the preparation and breakthrower of tombs, which are superbly interacting both with an adventurer, and with a goblin-auctioneer . Therefore, try to create these cards as quickly as possible. In the rest budget Miracle Robber It does not differ from the usual: the huge potential of the stripping of the table, the possibility of applying an explosive damage with two copies of cold-blooded and gutting. Key creatures can be protected using a spell to disguise. If you have a pirate of the eye, you can add to the deck of it, as well as a small buckanera and a buckaneer to secure a confident start. Another option is to add to the deck of scarhusmet.

Budget Temo Mag.

Of all the archetypes of the magician, the best candidate for budget deck is Temo Mag. This assembly is like something Temo Maga from Pavelwhich was based on creatures and heavy mana curve. Instead of the arsonist, the vacant place of the third Drop occupies a freight - a controversial being, but with good characteristics. The budget pace of the magician has more source of the deck of deck than the classic, therefore, and without cards, you should not remain at any stage of the game. Portal: Fire expanses - a card from the adventure party in Karazhan, but from the prologue, that is, to get it can be free each, defeating the Boss of the Malcezar. In the rest budget Temo Mag. It is going very easily: the mass of basic cards and ordinary quality cards.

Budget K'tun Priest

Budget deck of priests on dragons

The priest is a unique class, which is incredibly difficult to collect a budget deal. The only option - budget K'tun PriestHowever, in the realities of the current MET, it is not particularly dangerous. For priest lovers, this deck was completely attached in the article, but it's better not to choose this class for the game if you do not have enough resources to create the necessary cards. You can see another the priest deck on dragonswhich contains minimum cards from adventure and epic quality cards. With this priest on the dragons you can begin to conquer the Ladder, because the archetype has become extremely strong after the release of the evil city of Pribambaska. To create this deck, you will need only a fully purchased adventure of the Black Mountain, as well as four cards of epic quality: two copies