Hyde for choosing a mouse holding type. How to use mouse mouse or mouse mouse for dummies clamp mouse master finger scope

It is time for at least one year to call "a year of a sedentary man", and not the "year of the sheep";)
A sedentary lifestyle becomes truly a visiting card 21 century. Many people, especially among young people, spend more and more time sitting at the computer. At the same time, far from everyone knows how to sit at the computer.
Today, our task will learn this yet too late.

You ourselves noticed how time was flying at the computer. Especially playing computer games. How much time do you spend on it?
And if the time of staying for the PC can be reduced and take breaks, then the correct position of the seating at the computer needs to be studied. Otherwise, it is not possible to avoid troubles, such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis, and so on. Which in turn will negatively affect all systems and organs.
How to avoid this? In order to know the rules of seating at the computer and adhere to them:

First of all, it is necessary to take care of the acquisition of a high-quality computer chair and suitable in the height of the table, it is better to buy a regular writing on which the keyboard and mouse will be located at the level of elbows and without superstructure for the monitor from above, so that the screen is below the eye level.

Next you need to learn how to sit correctly. To do this, you must adjust the height of the chair so that the legs of the full feet stood on the floor at an angle of 90 degrees. And the elbows were lying on the armrest when you print and hold the mouse. Sitting in the chair must be pushed the lower back to the back and align the back. Ideally, the spine must be in equilibrium, and the back muscles are only slightly supported. Clearing into any side of the muscles will overvolt and then root. Only equilibrium and relaxation as when meditating the ideal posture for seating. The shoulders are relaxed. The head should also be equilibrium, and the neck serve only support. Neck muscles should be stiffening minimally. To tilt the head forward can not, as well as throw back.

Otherwise, the blood circulation of the brain will deteriorate that it will entail the fall in performance, and therefore salaries. And the gamers threatens in this case of a sudden Game Over! One day, a weak opponent sitting correctly will win you! In addition, in the profile you will look something like this:

Not very attractive spectacle: SAD:

To avoid this - you need to sit at the computer!

If after 2-3 hours of seating at the computer you have a spin hurt, loin, neck or hands - it means you are not right. If after 4-5 hours of seating you have everything hurts - you sit too long. Make breaks and workout.

How much can you sit at the computer.

How much can you sit at the computer solves each for yourself. But if you do not take breaks every hour or a maximum every 2 hours for 10-15 minutes, then soon your body will make it make it and it will be much longer and not more pleasant. You decide!
It is enough to put a reminder or alarm clock and you will remember how much you can sit at the computer and take breaks.

Proper position while working on a computer or what can not be done:

You can not follow the foot to the leg, so you worsen blood circulation in the feet.
- You can not touch your head. Why do you need to displace the cervical vertebrae and the pain in the neck?
- You can not "crawl" in the chair, sit directly and keep your balance.

How to keep the mouse.

How to keep the mouse is shown in the picture. There are also alternative ways to keep the mouse, but this most anatomically correct and convenient.
When you hold the mouse as shown below, the load from clicks is distributed to a larger amount of fingers and the hand is less tired. So it is worth it if you hold the mouse is not correct. When buying a mouse, it is important to choose it to pick it up under the size of your palm. The main criterion - you should be comfortable to keep it. Do not chase the design and unnecessary frills.

It will also be useful to learn to print blindly. It will help to avoid tilt head and tension of the neck when you look at the keyboard. This will help you to teach the printing blindly.
Download free keyboard simulator on our website.

Hands should not strain and lie straight. With force, knocking on the keyboard should not, remember, the times of printed machines have long passed: FELLOW:

How to protect your eyes sitting at the computer.

The distance to the monitor on an elongated hand will help to avoid impairment of vision. It is also worth replacing your old monitor on liquid crystal if you have not done this yet.

When you take breaks, give 1-2 minutes of eye exercises. Find them on the Internet is easier than simple.

To determine how to keep the mouse in the game, you need to take into account several factors:

  • sensitivity (resolution) mouse
  • size rug
  • form of mouse

Mouse sensitivity

Changing the sensitivity of the mouse, you can adjust the speed of the pointer on the monitor and in the game. The lower the sensitivity of the mouse, the slower its speed and vice versa, the higher the sensitivity, the speeds are faster. Some mouse models are equipped with additional buttons that allow you to instantly switch the mouse dpi by changing its sensitivity.

Mouse sensitivity in CS game

The smaller the sensitivity of the mouse, the greater the accuracy of firing on distant and average distances, but less your mobility in the near distances. And vice versa, with a large sensitivity of the mouse, you are quite comfortable moving around the map, you can quickly react to an unexpected situation, but at the same time you lose exactly on distant and average distances.

In order to establish the optimal sensitivity of the mouse in the CS game, you need to put the mouse for the middle of the carpet and make a movement with hand to the edge of the rug. Your model in the game should turn 180 degrees. Consequently, by conducting the mouse horizontally through the entire rug, the modeling turn should be at least 360 degrees.

If you have an insufficient turn, do not spin the mouse sensitivity, pay attention to the rug. Maybe it is worth buying its larger sizes. After all, the larger the size of the mouse rug, the higher your mobility without loss in accuracy.

How to configure the sensitivity of the mouse?

  • If your mouse is equipped with additional buttons for dynamic sensitivity changes, then switch resolution (DPI) You can click on them.
  • If the mouse is not equipped with additional buttons, then you need to run the mouse control center, choose your mouse and click on the main parameters. There you will find sensitivity. Adjust the settings and press the Apply button.

Position of the rug, hands and fingers in the game

The position of the rug in the game

Right keep the mouse in the game Not enough, it is necessary to position the rug below it. The position of the rug when the game should be so that it hung a little from the table. This is another advantage of a large rug. With this position, your hand will have the same surface all over. This will increase the stability of your game, as there will be no extra variable factors. Otherwise, you will have two sharp corners that will deliver micro discomfort.

Hand position in the game

Keep the mouse in the game Try the most natural possible. The hand should not be strongly tense. If the wrist lies tightly on the rug, it improves accuracy with micro aiming, but does the movement in the near battle and when turning from the grenade.

Keep mouse in the game It is better so that the wrist slightly concerned the rug and the hand at it is not in constantly tension. To do this, place your hand so that the middle of the forearm relies on the edge of the table (rug).

Position of the fingers in the game

The way you hold your fingers on, directly depends on its shape. For AIM, three fingers are answered - big, Unnamed and Mysinetse. Lower your hand on the mouse and clamp the three fingers. The little finger should barely touch the rug. An ignorant finger is worth tightly pressing the little man so that it does not hang out and did not touch the mouse button. Keep the mouse in the game you need three fingersSo that the nonlessly dangle and did not interfere with the pointer to press the mouse button.

The remaining fingers, index and medium responsible for clicks and reaction. In order to maximize the speed of clicking the mouse, it is necessary to keep the index finger to bend a bit. You should not bend it too much or vice versa, keep it straightened, it will reduce the speed of pressing the mouse button.

Let's summarize. How to keep the mouse in the game

Keep the mouse in the game It is necessary as much as possible by closing it with three fingers. The little finger should barely touch the rug. For maximum speed of the mouse, the index finger should be kept slightly bent.

The rug should hang out a little from the table, the wrist is slightly touching the rug, and the middle of the forearm rely on the edge of the table (rug).

Do not forget about the correct configured mouse sensitivity and the size of the rug.

Well, we figured out how to keep the mouse in the game. It turns out this is not so difficult.

I'll bend, perhaps, with a little accession, why I decided to write a given guide. I recently happened to attend regional lane and watch different players in several cyberdisciplines. At the same time, I paid attention to their ability to keep a sports projectile. Yes, yes, it is the skill. And many, by the way, they do not possess. There are several main types of mouse holding and about them I would like to talk in this article. Of course, this guide is not a scientific work. Therefore, it is not necessary to take it as much as possible. And so, proceed. The view is the first: 2 fingers. This species, perhaps, can be called canonical, as most players use it, but it does not mean that he is the best. It has many advantages, but also the minuses. About the pros: you reliably hold the mouse, which allows you to use low sensitivity and often tear off the brush from the table surface. Great and fit for medium and high sensivati. The palm is actually in the natural state, which will avoid the fatigue of the hand as a whole. Suitable for people with any type of palm and fingers. About minuses: The main disadvantage of such a grip is that your palm partly lies on the table, which creates additional friction when the mouse is moving on the table, and this, in turn, interferes with the accuracy of the cursor positioning. I think all the sign that unpleasant itching in the wrist, when you have a long time to fill a certain pixel on the screen. As much as a significant minus is that the fingers lie longitudinally on the buttons and it takes a little longer time to press itself. It is necessary to transfer the finger to the central wheel of the mouse. We all know that the proportion of a second can solve the outcome of the game. Conclusion: A good grip for MMO games in which there is no need to make a lot of clicks and minimal delay, it will also be wonderful for players who love RPGs and the single in general. Fans of cyberports, and in particular players in CS or DOTA, we do not recommend this kind. Type of second: 3 fingers.
It is much less common than the first, but has a number of advantages in front of him, but also acquired new flaws. About the pros: no time required to transfer the finger on the mouse wheel. Great for medium and high sensitivity. Palm is in a natural position and does not get tired. Suitable for people with any type of palm and fingers. About minuses: not suitable for low sensitivity, since you raise the mouse with two fingers, it leads to a strong fatigue of the little finger and increases the likelihood of the shells of palm (observed such a case on Lan, at a responsible moment at one player just dropped the mouse, about the result of the fire You, I think, guessed). Due to the fact that the arm is every time in a large voltage when picked up, the fence increases. Fingers lie longitudinally on the buttons and takes a little more time to press itself. Your palm partially lies on the table, which creates extra friction when the mouse is moving along the surface. Conclusion: If you are often using the mouse wheel when playing, then this grip will be suitable for you. In general, only for the single with medium and high sensitivity. Introne I do not recommend cystrokesmen. The view of the third: claw.
The second prevalence type of mouse hold and is often used by professional players. About the pros: due to the fact that the fingers bent, several muscles are used immediately when pressed, then the time of click itself is reduced. Perfect for any sensitivity. Palm completely lies on the mouse, which eliminates its friction about the surface of the table. The projectile is reliably gropped with fingers when picked up. Suitable for any sensitivity. About minuses: Palm and fingers are in an unnatural form, it leads to increased fatigue, and when abuse and rare rest, even pain and diseases. It is necessary to transfer the finger to the central wheel of the mouse. This grip is not for people with long fingers. Conclusion: It is well suited to players using low (type CS command shooters) and average sensitivity (DOTA 2). The guru of fast dealer shooters with a high sensing grip fits, but not completely, since you are very important to access to the mouse wheel. Fourth view: Triple claw.
It has huge differences with permanding, which at first glance is not visible. About the pros: the fingers are bent, several muscles are used at once when pressed, the time of the click itself is reduced. Palm completely lies on the mouse, which eliminates its friction about the surface of the table. About minuses: Very dangerous for low sensitivity, as you often have to raise the mouse, and the bent fingers create additional pressure - it will often fly out of your hand. Two retaining fingers are strongly tense, and this is discomfort, elevated sweating, pain. Do not suit people with long fingers. Conclusion: Does not suitable players playing low sensitivity. Well suited for medium and perfect for high. If you are a player in Quake III, then this is your grip. View Fifth: Palm.
Very similar to the first type of grip, but has little differences. About the pros: the same as for the first type of hold, but also the fact that the palm is completely lying on the mouse and there is no friction with the table. Suitable for all types of Sensa. About minuses: Minus is that the fingers lie longitudinally on the buttons and takes a little more time to press itself. It is necessary to transfer the finger to the central wheel of the mouse. Conclusion: a good grip for single shooters or games where accurate targeting at low sensitivity is required. View of the sixth: palm in three fingers.
The variety of previous type of deduction. About the pros: the same as for the second type of deduction. Palm completely lies on the mouse and there is no friction with the table. Suitable for medium and high sensitivity. About minuses: Not suitable for low Sensa. You raise the mouse with two fingers, it leads to a strong fatigue of the little finger and increases the likelihood of the palm of the palm. Increased sweating. Fingers lie longitudinally on the buttons and takes a little more time to press itself. Conclusion: suitable for casual people and people spending a lot of time behind games without recreation playing on medium and high sensitivity. In conclusion, I would like to add a few words about the choice of rodent. 1. Never take the mouse without deepening under the little finger and the thumb otherwise risks constantly drop the mouse and make your hand use constant discomfort. 2. In no case do not buy glossy mice if you do not want to constantly drop it. 3. I do not recommend buying universal mice under both hands. It will never be more convenient for the rodent sharpened under the right or left, since the palm is asmetrical. 4. Be sure to hold the rat in your hand before buying otherwise you risk throwing money on the wind.

Hello expensive hackers,
Harchat and Harchi! In principle, this material you
not intended - you know how to masterly
use the mouse (if you need you can
and hacking her without much effort, and if accidentally in
hands will be real, live, mouse, then here
You are not confused) - this material is intended
For users who saw the mouse just
several times, and some maybe to her

How to keep a mouse:

According to my observations "kettles"
exactly touches the mouse with the tips of their
clumsy fingers. They are moving
mouse than cause involuntary triggering
Contacts of a moving subject. Mouse is necessary
hold in hand like a girl's chest older than 20 years (for
Girls do not stand an example - especially
If it really is worth). So, the hand is tight
fits the chest ... i.e. mouse - palm
Comfortably presses her to the rug, the fingers hang
from all the design (if the palm is small, then
Perhaps the pillows of the fingers will come right on
Mouse buttons). Should hold the mouse for her
sides with a big finger and the little finger so that she is not
I could slip away from us when moving.

Move mouse:

Source state: palm
presses the mouse (the mouse rests on the center of the palm),
Fingers spread to the sides.

Movement: Moving Palm
In any direction in the location plane
designs - mouse will move due to friction with
palm (if not understandable - read more about
friction from the course of physics).

Pressing the buttons located
On the mouse:

Buttons on the mouse happens from 2 to 3
pieces (mice with all sorts of perversions
not subject to). Pressing the mouse button occurs
through muscle finger's effort,
located over the button, towards it
(Association can serve as a hand brush
on the compression of the breast girl in a passionate rush, but
Only one finger is used). Do not do it
simultaneously press multiple mouse buttons -
The consequences of the operating system can wear
Unpredictable. Also not follow long
hold the mouse button pressed without
Special for the need.

Types of clicks of the mouse buttons:
"Simple press" and "double pressing" (for
professionals, respectively, "Click" and "Double

Simple press": Click
- let go where the gap between clicking and
release is a split second (in the extreme
case half a second).

Double press": Click
- let go - pressed - let go where the gap between
Press, release, pressing and releasing
makes up a split second (as a last resort
half a second).

Using a manipulator
Type "Mouse" for purpose:

Mouse Used for Pumpkin
She is in different places. This offer is not worth
Perceive literally! Under the pump, you should
understand the guidance of a virtual cursor (he
Located on the monitor screen, as a rule,
the form of an arrow at an angle of 120 degrees), software
attached to the mouse roller, on the necessary
virtual object (it should also be searched for
Monitor screen) and action
"Simple press" or "double press" above
necessary mouse button. In this case, the housing of the mouse
(for him you hold the mouse) should be held in
static, not dynamic condition. Easier
Speaking, while pressing the mouse button, A,
Consequently, the mouse should not move.
Simultaneous pressing / holding button and
Move the mouse refers to the virtuoso
The ownership of the mouse and in this instruction is not
is considered.

FAQ in mice:

Q: Why do you need a mouse?

A: Then to perform
some actions faster and without help
keyboard, for example draw on virtual
Monitor screen canvas.

Q: Why move the mouse?

A: To move
Virtual cursor on the monitor screen.

Q: Why press buttons

A: To highlight the object or
make any software action.

Q: What to do if the cursor is not
Viden on the monitor screen?

  1. Turn on the monitor.
  2. When the monitor warms up and from
    it behaves warm, pull the mouse in different
    sides, pressing mouse roller to type surface
    Rug (for a mouse, but not for legs and etc.).
  3. If the cursor is not found,
    Try deploying glass monitor
    surface to yourself and repeat the steps from
    Paragraph 2.
  4. If the cursor is not found,
    Make sure you are looking for
    Cursor on the monitor that is connected to
    the system unit from which the tail of the outlet
    rats ..., i.e. mice and repeat the action from the point

Q: What if the cursor is visible
on the monitor screen, but when moving the case
manipulator type "mouse" he does not move
together with her?

A: Lost Software
Mouse cursor with the roller of the manipulator itself.
A specialist intervention is required.

Q: What to do if suddenly on
The screen is formed black background and, except
Virtual cursor, nothing else?

A: Press two times in a row
Keyboard combination "Ctrl + Alt + Del" on the keyboard and one
Press the "Reset" button on the system case

If you do not have any problems, how to keep the mouse correctly, do not think about the location of the rug, do not have discomfort while working at a computer or for your favorite game, and also does not arise pain in your hand, then the grip of the mouse should not change.

Hand position

Let's talk about how to keep the mouse correctly. First, let's start with the arrangement of the hand on the table. What are the common options?

  1. This is a position when you have a high sensitivity brush. Your brush is on the edge of the table and moves left to the right mouse. You have an adjustment occurs almost only with a brush.
  2. The most common position of the hand is when the edge of the table and the middle of the forearm coincide. This form is quite effective, since the movement occurs equivalent and without a special load, and the scope of the hand covers half of your table. Without special problems, you can drive hand through the rug. This position is the best answer to the question, how to keep the mouse in your hand.
  3. Your elbow comes with the edge of the table, this type of coverage is not suitable for everyone. A too big amplitude of the movement is going on, thus your muscles begin to get tired faster.

How to keep a mouse in shooters?

In the game-shooters it is necessary to follow some rules:

  1. Computer rug. The larger the magnitude of the carpet, the better you are synchronized with your movements with minimal loss of accuracy. Spend a small test: While in the game, place the mouse exactly in the middle of the rug. Remember the sight of the sight, try to make the perfect horizontal movement to the borders of our rug. The optimal turn will be at least 180˚. If there is no turnover with this value, it is necessary to establish sensitivity - the sensitivity of the mouse - or purchase a rug of large parameters.
  2. Mouse sensitivity. Obviously, the small value of Sensitivity gives greater accuracy of rivals, especially at remote and medium-sized distances, but the less your mobility is near.

Moving to the location of the rug

The location of the carpet must be done so that it hangs out a lightly from the table surface. This is the advantage of a large rug. In this location, your hand all over the distance will have an equal plane, thereby improving the quality of the game. In another case, two ribs appear, which cause inconvenience in hand.

As soon as you find your mouse grip, the performance in shooters does not make himself wait long. There is no objectively perfect arrangement, each user chooses how it will be more convenient.

How to keep a mouse right?

  1. Finger grip. When your wrist is tightly adjacent to the rug, thereby improves the accuracy of micro-selection, but complicates maneuvers in the near battle of your character. It uses a sufficiently small number of people. This grip does not give enough control. The most important minus: if there is a large mouse, it will be very tired. In general, in such a graze there is a huge tension on the muscles of the forearm.
  2. Brush grip. Such grip is very convenient, it is located so that you are completely hand to the mouse. There may be problems when the ring finger can be on the right mouse button or on the side of the device side. The little finger must touch the rug slightly. It must identically coincide the direction of the mouse with the direction of the hand, it turns out a straight line.
  3. Cogt grip. This is when your index and middle fingers are located on the mouse, like claws. Such grip is considered the most uncomfortable from the proposed species. It can be combined with a wicket, and it will be pretty convenient location.

As you can see, there are several options for the grip of a mouse. Choose the most convenient for you.