Heroes. Star Wars Series History: Battlefront Main types of troops

PlayStation 2. Systemic
requirements Pentium III 1.0GHz or Athlon XP 1000+, 256MB RAM, DirectX 9.0c Compatible video card with 64 MB of memory and T & L technology, DirectX 9.0c Compatible sound card, 8-speed CD reading device

Game process

Directly the gameplay consists of capture and retention of certain "control points", the one who controls a similar "point" can use it in order to re-enter the game (eng. Respawn), after it was killed, at the beginning of the game, or in his own way wishes. Unlike Battlefield 1942, the player controlling all the points and killed all the players (or NPC) of the enemy, does not win the game, just the soldiers of the enemy begin to appear at random points on the map. Thus, control over the "dots" makes it possible to enter the game in a convenient place, moreover, some points have the ability to "generate" combat techniques, but not everyone is capable of being able, some terrain simply allow you to hit the enemy. The controlling such "point" receives, after certain intervals, reinforcement from several combat machines. At the beginning of the game, each of the opposing parties has a certain number of soldiers (usually 200, or 250) and one "checkpoint", sometimes there are additional opportunities to enter the game, AT-AT, AT-TE and separatist canoner - which are mobile teams Posts, in addition to their fighting qualities, are also input points in the game (English. Respawn Point). The task of opponents completely destroy all the soldiers of the opposite side.

IN Battlefront. Four large fractions of the "Star Wars" Universe, the Rebel Union (English Rebel Alliance), or just rebels (eng. Rebels), Galactic Empire (English Galactic Empire) or just an empire (eng. Empire) from the classical trilogy, the Galactic Republic ( English. Galactic Republic) or just a republic (eng. Republic), Confederation of Independent Systems (Eng. Confederacy of Independent Systems, Cis) Or simply separatists (eng. Separatiststs) from covered. Each fraction can withstand only its cinema antagonists, that is, there can be no contrast, for example, between rebels and separatists. Each fraction is available five species of fighters, four of them look like their characteristics to their analogues in other fractions, the fifth is unique for each. Four common types of fighters are a penny (in some cases for separatists - a combat superdroid (English Super Battle Droid)), heavy infantryman, pilot and sniper.

The game presents the Jedi and Sith, one for each of the opposing sides, Luke Skywalker (English Luke Skywalker) - represents the rebels, Darth Vader (English Darth Vader) - Empire, Mace Windu (English Mace Windu) - Republic and Graf Duku (English Count Dooku) stands for separatists. They participate in the game only when performing certain conditions, and it is impossible to play for them. The character is invulnerable to ordinary weapons, but it can be knocked down with a foot explosion of grenades or fire martial vehicles, you can kill it in 3 ways: to shoot down from the legs to throw out the game card, press the aircraft, to come on with ground appliances. The character is resurrected at a random checkpoint, like the rest of the units, but not more than 3 times. When the amount of allies reaches 10% of its initial meaning, the character dies early and does not resurrect.

In addition to the Jedi and Sith, there are other non-player characters (English Non-Player Characters, NPCS): Tuskan gangsters (English. Tusken Raiders) in the sea dunes (English Dune Sea) on Tatooine (English Tatooine), Dzava (Engl . Jawas) on the streets of Mos Eisli (English Mos Eisley), Evoka (English Ewoks) on overgrown with forests of the Moon of Endor (Eng. Endor), Vuki (English Wookies) in the docks of Cashiak, Gungans (English Gungans) on green plains (English Plains) Nabu (English. Naboo) and Geonosians (English Geonosians) on Geonosis (Eng. Geonosis).

Galaxy Conquest mode

In this mode, the game contains elements of a global strategy in which to capture the planet you need to capture multiple key settlements, the full seizure of the planet gives a bonus, for example, receiving the Jedi or Sith (Tattooine) team, increasing the accuracy of the firing of the allied troops (Yavin), regeneration RAS (Nabu), Sabotage (Bespin), blocking the sensors of the enemy (Ren Var), Reinforcement (casha). What gives such strategic options, as either capturing on a piece on different planets, deprive the enemy of his bonuses, or capturing some planet entirely, get a unique bonus inherent in it.


Main types of troops

Each fraction is represented by five species: soldiers or basic infantry, heavy infantry, pilot, sniper and a unique warrior with special armaments and abilities. If it is not specifically noted, then an alternative main weapon (English. Alternate Primary Weapon) of a soldier is a manual blaster, and an additional weapon (Eng. Secondary Weapon) Thermal detonators (English. Thermal Detonators).

Soldiers - Main infantry Additionally armed with stunning grenades (English Concussion Grenades), in the case of separatist combat superdroids, rockets (eng. Rockets) - an additional, triple shot (eng. Triple-shot) - alternative. Republican soldiers have Amy grenades (eng. Emp Grenades), where Amy is an electromagnetic impulse, which is great for fighting droids, since they only act on them. The soldier of all fractions has rapid main weapons.

Heavy infantry - The main weapon is the self-watering rocket launcher (Lock-on Missile Launcher). The rebel "avant-garde" (eng. "Vanguard") produces two rockets in a row, after which he must recharge the rocketr, while the Republican (English. Advanced Recon Commando, Arc Trooper) The fighter of a special intelligence unit, PSA, can shoot two missiles before recharging. Imperial and separatist heavy infantrymen must recharge every shot. Additionally, there are 4 mines that cause great damage and can be used both to protect any points from infantry and from light technology. In addition, mines can be used to throw off the Jedi outside the card.

Snipers - Main weapons - sniper rifles (eng. Sniper Rifles) with various possibilities of increasing (eng. zoom) optical sight. The "Metic shooters" (eng. SharpsHooters) of clones (republics) and imperial intelligence officers (English Scout Troopers) is a single increase, while Droid-killer droids of separatists (English Cis Assassin Droids) and rebel snipers (eng. Snipers) double. In addition, snipers can call a droid, which flies above the earth and can attack enemies. Such a droid can also cause an orbital shelling of that area of \u200b\u200bthe terrain on which it is located, it will suit to distract the enemy.

Pilots - Can repair droids, combat vehicles and special buildings, can also build special buildings on places specifically allocated for this. They have a reserve of ammunition and "aidhechk", which they can share with the rest, by performing the role of sanitation and combat drive, but they have no grenade. Imperial pilots are armed with mortars (eng. Mortar Launchers), separatist droids - pilots - radiation thrusts (eng. Radiation Launchers), both use hinged (eng. Arc) firing method. The rebel pilots are armed with a blaster gun (BLAST CANNON) released several laser rays at once, by type of shotgun. Republican pilots are armed with DN archers (eng. Dn boltcaster) shooting discharges of electricity (zippers), this weapon allows you to accumulate a charge, which allows you to kill the enemy from one shot on a close distance.

Unique troops

Each fraction has unique troops, each type has its own main and additional weapons, along with special abilities (English Special Abilities).

Rebel smugglers of VUCI (English Wookiee Smugglers) with enlarged health and energy crossing (Bowcaster), able to accumulate charge for firing at a time of several charges (eng. bolts) energy at the same time. They also have a grenade launcher (eng. Grenade Launcher) and the charge of explosives with a timer (English Time Bomb) set for six seconds.

Republican reactive paratroopers (English Jet Troopers), armed with Amy Rocket Launcher (Eng. Emp Rocket Launcher), whose rockets are not deviated from the course as opposed to Rockets of the Warriors. Also armed with a gun Commandos (English. Commando Pistol) with a faster shooting rate. RR troops can fly using their missile satisfaction, having a larger stock of fuel, but less than the speed of imperial dark attack aircraft.

Imperial dark attack aircraft (English Dark Troopers) have a missile satisfaction, as well as the RR of the Republic's troops, allowing them to perform long jumps in one, definite direction. Their wreck model is less accurate than republican and eats black smoke. Armed with dark soldiers of a blaster cannon (English Blast Cannon) which in the near distance is able to kill one shot. Useful when overcoming obstacles and rapid movement in space in a limited period of time.

Separatist droids (English CIS DROIDEKAS) have a smallest health supply of all. But they can raise the energy shield capable of blocking twelve ordinary energy shots or two direct hits from Amy Rocket. In the disconnected state, the shield accumulates energy, in the raised - consumes, even without a fire of the enemy. They have two ways to move, in the usual "deployed" form are very slow, but they can shoot, whereas in the "wheel" (eng. Wheel) can move the faster than all other types of troops (excluding with rocket wools equipped), but cannot shoot. They have the only weapon - a pair of dual blasters. They cannot control special buildings or battle machines, when immersed in water (entirely, or in the "wheel mode") explode.

Combat machines

The game involves a combat, flying, terrestrial and organic machines from both classical film chickens, and from the prene, all fighters of all fractions can control them, besides the separatist trades. Pilots can also repair cars, even being behind the steering wheel. Machines, like infantrymen appear at certain points of the card, losing control over such a point the player is deprived of the reinforcements of armored vehicles. The most powerful kinds like AT-AT appear only in some scenarios, regardless of control over certain points. Some machines allow you to participate in the management of several fighters. In this case, they are divided into the main pilot - performing direct control of the movement of the combat vehicle and additional pilots, usually controlling additional, and sometimes the main tools of armored vehicles, in which case they are called arrows.

Ground combat vehicles

Armored assault tank (Armored Assault Tanks, AAT) - Middle Power Combat Machine, Unlike AT-ST, can move sideways (English Strafe). The main pilot can shoot from dual yellow fixedly fixed on the housing of blastow guns, an additional pilot that controls the main tool installed on the moving tower can release a single but more powerful impulse at a time. This tank refers to separatist combat machines.

Intelligence transportation (eng. All Terrain-Scout Transport, AT-ST) - The basis of imperial armored troops. It can be effectively controlled by one pilot, since the main tool is combined with movement control, an additional pilot can control the side blasters, which, unlike the main tool, motionlessly fixed on the tower, move in the vertical plane. The tower can rotate regardless of the direction of movement, the speed of movement of the "step-to-step" (the conversational name of all AT series armored vehicles) is average. He is not able to move sideways like his rebel opponent of the middle class "Combat Landspeeder" (eng. Combat Landspeeder), which makes it vulnerable in direct clashes with him, but if there is a second pilot on the "googhhod", then the chances are aligned due to more Fire power. Rebels are often called AT-ST "chickens."

Armored Vehicles (eng. ALL TERRAIN-ARMORED TRANSPORT, AT-AT) - The second well-known "walkway" from the Universe of Star Wars, as well as the first, belongs to the imperial armored forces. Virtually not vulnerable to blasters and serves as a mobile team post. It can be controlled by one, main pilot, since the main thing is very powerful, but a long-term double-barbecue laser gun is combined with motion control, the second pilot, if present, can control four less powerful blasters on the sides of the movable head-tower "Shadan". This is a very big and slow armor. It is practically unable to defend against highly depth atmospheric fighters, if only for the guns is not a high-class shooter.

Tactical support all-terrain vehicle (eng. All Terrain-Tactical Enforcer, AT-TE) - AT-AT predecessor performing the same role for republican forces, hardly armored mobile command post. It can be controlled by three pilots, the main pilot, which also managed the four main blasters, the back shooter and the shooter, controlling the open mobile tool tower, is quite slowly charged and rotating, but powerful, with the greatest effectiveness of the effective arising targets. AT-TE is almost as slow as AT-AT, but more maneuverable. His vulnerability to affecting factors is also slightly higher, due to lower armor.

"Skiff" (English. SKIFF) - light, but not very prompt "soaring" combat vehicle, named so because of its similarity with a boat, is more intended for the transport of troops, rather than conducting hostilities. The main pilot carries out the movement control, and three additional controls are controlled by side machines blaster. It appears only on Tatooine, on the map of the sea dunes, on the side of the Empire (Republic).

Genetic Land Speed \u200b\u200bNabu (English Naboo Gian Speeder) is a less powerful version of the rebel "combat land alignment". He has an open cockpit that leaves the main and additional pilots open for enemy fire. There are only in campaigns.

Separatist assault droids IG-227 "Fire Grad" (Eng. Separatist Hailfire Droid) - large and fast self-propelled missile installations. Have pretty high rapidity, rockets may be poorly designed if you hold the cross-trance to the goal for a while. Controlled by one pilot, there is a second fire mode - weak blarses.

Imperial IFT-T soaring tank/Republican IFT-X soaring tank (eng. Imperial IFT-T Hover Tank / Republic IFT-X Hover Tank) - A powerful tank on the gravitational pillow, more similar to the republican "military land speaker" than on the imperial "header" AT-ST. The republican version of this gravitank is identical to the imperial, except for the color of blasters. The main pilot drives a dual blaster gun and dual rocket installation, an additional pilot is standing, in the open cockpit, controlling the blaster gun capable of emitting long pulses (rays).

Rebel "Combatry Land Speed" (English Rebel Combat Landspeeder) - a powerful and fast tank, a meeting with which can be deadly even for AT-AT if "correctly" manage. Crew-two people. The main pilot controls two laser guns, and a dual rocket installation, and the sidestrelok manages the main instrument-heavy blaster.

Separatist "Spiderman" (Engl Separatist "Spider Walker") - Large four-legged "holders", reminiscent of four spiders, for which they received their name, armed with a radial blaster gun. The gun has two fire modes, the first, long and powerful impulse (beam) of the laser, the second, less powerful short pulses. The slowest from the middle-class machines, competes with a much larger and powerful AT-AT, for absolute leadership at slowness.

Moto-Spider (English Speeder Bike) - light and most last not flying apparatus in the game. Easy booking not only makes it easy prey for the enemy, but easily deformed when collishes with obstacles. Armed with a single laser cannon. The Republic releases the spedrers armed with raw-powered laser cannon. It can effectively damage the living force of the enemy, which allows you to kill not only ordinary soldiers, but also the Jedi.

Aero platform for one fighter (eng. Single Trooper Aerial Platform, Stap) - inferior to alpiders-cycles in maneuverability and speed, but they have a more powerful gun. Controlled by one pilot are not damaged when collisions with obstacles. Open cockpit.

Flying combat cars

They represent another opportunity to kill "using force" (English Force User), you can simply land on it, this, however, will kill the usual warrior.

Bespinsk "cloud car" (English BESPIN CLOUD CAR) - small, mobile aircraft used only on the cape. It is controlled by two pilots, the main pilot controls the dual laser cannon, and the additional - rockets.

Droid vulturer (Eng. Vulture Droid-Starfighter) - a single, armed with a dual laser gun, the rate of fire which is much higher than what is on the Jedi-fighters, but it does not have rockets.

Geonosian Fighter (Nanteks) (Eng. Geonosian Starfighter) - Single, is used only on geonosis, armed with the most rapid powder from everyone in the game, but its impulses are weak, and recharge time is below average. It has a very powerful body, which allows when a collision with a low-fat attacking conveyor is broken by both transports.

Jedi Fighter (Delta-7, Class "Essential Fairy") (Eng. Jedi Starfighter) is a single rebel fighter, but capable of making fewer shots before its guns are overheated, but with a dual rocket installation that shoots self-equiping rockets. Easily managed, for such a highly shared fighter, has high strength and protection.

SDEK (high-speed low-duct landing ship) (eng. Low Altitude Attack Transport, Laat) Republican canonerka - has the highest landing site (5), and the most powerful weapons. The main pilot controls the dual laser cannon of medium power and self-leading rockets (with the shortest time capture time), an additional pilot can control the radial cannons (one on the wing), two more can be accommodated in ball-like combat towers on the sides. Another "pilot" is a passenger and fire can not.

Rebel "Snow Speed" (T-47) (eng. Rebel snowspeeder) - used on hot, double. The main pilot controls two laser guns, and the arrometer located behind, disposed of a harpoon charged towing cable and a blaster gun. With the help of a towing cable, you can confuse AT-AT's feet, as it was done by rebels in the fifth part of the classical filmmaking (Star Wars 5: The Empire shall cause a retaliatory strike (Eng. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back)), By making enough circles around AT-AT and wound on his legs a sufficient amount of cable, you can make it lose its balance and fall, thereby destroying it.

Publication date: 07/24/2017 22:37:43

Star Wars: Battlefront (2004)

For each of the parties, adepts of strength, for example, Darth Vader for Empire. The most interesting is that in the first part of the famous series jedinor Sith are not playing characters (on the battlefield they control the satisfied stupid IIgenerating hard worker situations).

Since we are analog Battlefield.The essence is simple: you need to capture control points on the map and kill the enemies so that the rebirth points of our rivals fell to zero. The process is a very familiar shooter fans from DICEBut, as they say, the devil lies in the details. IN Battlefront., in addition to other setting, a very high dynamics of what is happening. Permanent explosions, intense shooting, eternally twisted above the Magnificent Fighters, carrying the death of everything alive in both the air and on Earth. During tense situations on the battlefield, you can always switch the camera on the view from behind the back, which can give some advantage.

Despite severe similarity Star Wars: Battlefront on the Battlefield 1942., the first (as well as the second) the audience met very warmly. So, critics appreciated PC.-Teversions on 76 points of 100 possible, and simple players on 8.1/10 . The game was very well sold, and therefore Sikvel was inevitable, besides, the third episode of the saga was preparing to enter the film screens, which could even better affect sales of the planned continuation Battlefront..

Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005)

After a little more than twelve months from the moment of the superpost Star Wars: Battlefront, November 1, 2005A continuation appeared on store shelves. The game broke into hard drives of computers and consoles with a pump, turning the presentation of players about virtual large-scale battles in the scenery of the favorite saga. Fans before that gave the opportunity to feel the "charms" of war in far-distant galaxy, but only in the strategic genre; Battlefront 2004. years has become a real revelation for most fans, while Battlefront II has done even more - she was able to recreate a unique, almost elusive atmosphere Star Warsthat it is far from every developer.

Pandemic Notably pulled a familiar mechanic, adding the opportunity to play for the famous heroes of saga, such as: Darth Vader., Luke Skywalker, Obi-Van Kenobi, Khan Solo, Count Duku, Bob Fett and many others. In network matches, the heroes often become the most effective players who have gained a considerable number of points needed to buy units, among which the most expensive, respectively, are heroes. Previously, elite soldiers were available initially, which blew through the tactical component Battlefront.. Now, to start playing for unique units, you need to gain glasses by killing incorrect, or the execution of tasks set by the game mode.

This not only added some depth and thoughtfulness to the gameplay, but also the sharpness with which gamers are faced in attempts to make money on a beloved fighter. The smarter and more actively you play, the more buns during the match you earn. If you follow the new Battlefront II from DICEAnd they laid you deja, then there is nothing strange in this, because the Swedes use the extremely similar system in their new game. Even interesting: they came to it themselves during the active brainstorm inside the team, or spied a well-balanced system from the game of almost twelve-year old.

But not only the revised system of classes is one. The previous game was large-scale, but she obviously lacked something for complete happiness, and then Pandemic They came to the logical and correct conclusion: "We need space battles!" Together with them, new regimes have come, using the potential of the cheerful arcade physics of fighter fighters on the full coil. There are also hurricane fighting for owning a flag on the endless spaces of space, and the abordagi of other people's cruisers with the subsequent destruction of these from the inside. For each of the parties (for them, as before, two each era), their unique ships are available, differing from each other not only by the model, but also weapons.

New interesting regimes, like siege, hunting, a large-scale war (the usual capture of points, only with a large number of combat participants on the map) were added, but the most unusual, for a network militant, a single story campaign, telling about the fate of extremely known 501 Legion from the moment of forming it during Wars clone And right up to the events of the film "Empire causes a return kick."

The missions of a single campaign represent a collection of a variety of tasks that we perform on the network mode maps. Very often, the authors tweak rather fascinating tasks, complicating them with the most in many ways (timers, strong enemies, lack of equipment, etc.). At the end of each mission, videos are played, accompanied by the thoughts of one of the commanders. 501th Legion. It's funny that the infamous order 66, according to Battlefront II., clones performed in the right mind and hardware, and many of them experienced a strongest feeling of guilt. In the animation series Star Wars: Clone Wars, which is canonical, clones still implanted chips, with which they can manipulate, voicing the necessary order.

As well as the first part Star Wars: Battlefront IImet positively. Critics have decided on 84 points, and players have met a new game on a firm nine.

In October 2007 of the year PSP. Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron for the authorship of the Rebellion Developments (authors of the Sniper Elite series), and two years later the same people on the same platform released Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron.

These projects were quite good branches of the series Battlefront.but there was nothing very unique in them, and therefore they lost on the shelves of the history of the gaming industry very quickly. 2006-2008 the year turned out to be the most difficult for the main line of games of this series.

Star Wars: Battlefront III (canceled)

Pandemic After working with lucasarts in November 2005 The year announced close partnership with BioWare. On the horizon began to loom the most famous " evil Corporation"- Electronic Arts, who wanted to purchase VG Holding Corp.. (A company that is the main shareholder Pandemic and BioWare. at the moment 2007 of the year). In autumn 2007 EA. absorbed both studios, and in 2009 year because of the weak sales of The Saboteur and the cancellation of expensive The Dark Knight (game pro Batman based on the blockbuster of the same name) Pandemic Studios. was closed.

Meanwhile Lucasarts. in 2006 Signed a contract with the FREE RADICAL DESIGN studio to develop a third part Battlefront.And in the same year the developers have begun to create trickel. David Daca , former director Free Radical., said that Battlefront III. There was their most large-scale and ambitious project, the development of which was calm and without delays until February 2008 of the year. Everything went to the famous place when Lucasarts. Replaced the leadership, not paying for its employees of salaries. They wanted to deal with the cancellation of the project in favor of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, that they ended up. Free Radical. stopped the development, despite the fact that Battlefront III. was at the final stage of testing. The gaming community took the cancellation of the game in the bayonets, creating petitions with the requirements to continue development, but everything was in vain. From Battlefront III. We reached us a few screenshots and videos of still raw build. They can be found on seamless flights from the planet to open space and on well-friendly rollers for a single campaign.

The guys did not throw out all the developments, but renamed the game into just Galaxy In Turmoil and abandoned the setting of vigorous wars.

Star Wars: Battlefront (2015)

In April 2013 year after closing Lucasarts., Disney. and Electronic Arts. Signed a contract for the development of large-budget games in the Universe Star Wars. for PC. and home consoles. The first fruit of the calculated marriage was the Announcement of Restarting Star Wars: Battlefront at the exhibition E3 2013. In June, during which it became clear that the notorious creators of the series are responsible for the development. Battlefield.. Very symbolic.

Two years later on the next E3. showed a full-fledged gameplay on a snow-covered planet Although the fifth episode and announced the release date: November 17, 2015, that is, a month before the release of a new head of the saga from JJ Abramsa . It is clear that EA. were interested in soon Aaa project by Star Wars Shortly before the film, heated the interest of fans, hungry for steep games within the framework of the famous universe, and ensuring themselves to evergreen. And this, in many respects, played against the publisher.

Reboot Battlefront. Although it came out fascinating, but the lack of content at the start, a pretty simple mechanic and the same type of gameplay led to a quick outflow of players because of what online is currently more dead than alive. DICE Subsequently expanded the game with all sorts of additions, which added new weapons, maps, modes and characters, but it practically did not affect the increasing interest from the public. The problem was related to core-Melika, which was distinguished excess simplicity. IN Battlefront. Sample 2015 The year is nice to play after a heavy working day, it allows you to relax well, unless you prevent the cavalcade of dishonest players, there are strange balance and abundance of annoying little things.

One way or another, the game was still good, rather than bad, nevertheless DICE far from newcomers of the gaming industry. Motor FrostBite. It gives an excellent picture, the sound engineer is clearly not in vain eating his bread, and artists with designers deserve separate praise. The gameplay strongly reminds such from Battlefront II. from PandemicBut with an impressive difference. The classes system was abolished, now the ball rule the fighters with custom equipment and star cards, which in turn are divided into ordinary (grenades, reactive worshipings, special ammunition) and unique cards that give a number of bonuses for the performance of special conditions. Technique, heroes and additional awards are now purchased not for the points earned during the battle, but for the selection of special tokens that accidentally appear on the map.

A similar system was to solve the problem of parity, that is, even inexperienced players can try themselves as a hero, but she, alas, is not working at all as the authors thought. The accident rate is sometimes so high that the defeat, without seeing this, nor the edge can be tolerated from the game. There are modes and without heroes, but you need a serious excerpt, so as not to bother after a few matches. Total: New Star Wars: Battlefront Met pretty cool. The profile press appreciated the project on 73/100 , and players just on 5/10 (version for PS4; from PC.-Eversion is still worse).

EA. understood their mistakes, and therefore in the coming Star Wars: Battlefront II It will not only be changed to the game mechanic, but also a plot campaign is added, which is officially part of the new canon. By the way, Motive Studios is responsible for the single mode under the guidance Jade Reimond. , and the screenwriters are Walt Williams responsible for the plot in

Luke Skywalker

Alliance Rebel

One of the strongest heroes in the game. Compared to conventional units, the hatch is much faster on the map and is able to catch up with any running enemy. Also, Jedi has a strong and long jump and is able without losing health to jump from a high height. However, the hatch is vulnerable from multiple flames from blasters, including due to the fact that all players are primarily trying to kill the enemy hero.

Therefore, despite the obvious advantages, the hatch should be played very carefully, not to run into large clusters of enemies and acting secretly. In order not to make noise from the light sword, it can be turned off manually (default key C).

If the hatch in the attack is supported by the allies, you can safely climb into the rags, without fearing to get a bullet in the back of the head, flushing with a light sword dozens of imperials. This hero is very comfortable to quickly and efficiently urge and capture weak flanks and control points using high speed and high damage from the light sword.

Playing an ordinary soldier in a fire team, having joined the Jedi, should be kept at a distance and shoot in unprotected by the sword part of the body, otherwise there is a risk of getting a released plasma bundle to yourself.

Special abilities

Luke, like any other hero in the game, has 3 special abilities.

Push strength. It is dangerous for enemies because from one strike kills everyone, to whom it was applied. It is very impressive and effectively use, being surrounded by 4-5 enemies, which they will go to the resc. on a second, hitting this ability to attack this ability.

It is useful for sudden and fast attack on the enemy.


Darth Vader.

"There is no protection from the dark side!"

Perhaps the most iconic and popular character of space saga star wars, for which it is pleasant to play simply because it is Darth Vader. And it is difficult to play for him. Unfortunately, his compubilities in the game greatly differ with his reputation. Giant sizes, badness and slowness make Darth Vader very vulnerable to enemy focused flames from blasters, so this hero (or anti-hero) always needs support for infantry and cover from the rear, since the sword block will not always save him from getting into the back.

But there is also this character positive aspects. The power leap that Vader possesses, helps to overcome high obstacles. And the presence of such abilities as a heavy blow and throw a sword, cause crushing damage by a light sword. In addition, the throw of the sword helps to destroy enemies on a fairly solid distance, which is not typical for such melee characters as Luke Skywalker and Emperor Palpatine.

The tactics of the game for the Lord Vader is complex in use, but if she is seized and properly used, then all the murderous power of the dark side will be in your hands.

"You underestimate the power of the dark side. If you are not fighting, then you will die. " - Darth Vader. Episode VI. Return Jedi.

Special abilities

Suffocation by force

Lord Vader's business card. Compared to the impetus for the power of the hatch, it only applies to one enemy, which makes the dark Lord defenseless for some time from the flames of blasters, however, meet with the enemy unit one on one, the latter will not have any chance to survive, and the crunch of the vertebrae of his neck will deal with With the whole map, testifying to the death of another rebel. Applying this ability to the enemy hero, it just takes several health items.

Heavy strike

The heavy blow is very good if there were several opponents from different sides nearby or an enemy hero. This ability can punch a block of light sword.

Sword throw

Useful ability, for a melee hero, eliminate the enemy at a distance. However, throwing a sword, Darth Vader remains completely defenseless for a few seconds from blasters, it is necessary to use with great caution.


"And now - I'll take your ears!"

Dengar is a very successful mercenary on the expanses of the Galaxy. Preserved good popularity, and is taken only for high-paying contracts.

At one time - he seriously suffered on the race on the car. Han Solo cut the Dengar on the turn, because of which he got into an accident and was seriously injured. Most of the Faces of the Dengar isoissed, and he survived only thanks to cyber implants, soon installed on it in the imperial service. The service did not arrive on Dengaru, and soon he was deserted, and now wanted throughout the empire.

The tactics of the game for the dengara is deceptively simple, and most players use it wrong. Dengar - Hero not for the frontal attack! The best tactic is to get around the enemies, and to arrange a couple of surprises in the form of a grenade, or shelling from the machine gun. If this tactic is seized and properly used, then all the murderous power of the heavy machine gun DLT-19 and MIN-Lipochku will be in your hands!

"I'll put you in the dirt!" - Dengar, being in the center of the battle.

Special abilities

Explosive jerk

Dengar business card. The hero makes a jerk forward, spreading three mini-velcro and the analogue of those that can be chosen when an ordinary soldier increases) with a reinforced damage and a radius of the defeat. If the enemy caught on the way - the Dengar sticks to the grenade to it, thereby guaranteed to bring an additional fragment team. Extremely effective means to combat enemy heroes!

Furious shot

"I have a poolet mood!" - Pronounces Dengar, applying this ability. Translates DLT-19 in the assault mode, three times increasing rapidity, while completely ignoring overheating! Excellent means for stripping bunkers from ordinary soldiers. The ability duration is six seconds.

Storm strike

Useful ability. A jerk, which will help you easily get rid of several annoying opponents, standing nearby. Not bad comes against the heroes.

Bobby Fett

"I just do my job."

Bobby Fett is one of the most popular mercenaries of the Galaxy. Excellent proven as a professional killer and raised.

As a child, he watched the wars of clones and the assault of geonosis (where his father - Jengo Fett died). After these events, he swore to continue the case of the Father, inheriting Mandalor's armor from him. Bobby has grown, and began to actively fulfill the contracts of Jabba Hatta, and soon he has proven himself in the outer ring.

Play for Bobu should be careful. His juggle - an extremely capricious thing, and serious damage can stop working! In addition, Bobba has the least health of all the heroes of the Empire.

"Your flashlight only to scare children!" - Bobby Fett, having won the hatch.

Special abilities

Wrock flameth

One of the favorite types of bobbs weapons. In the near battle almost instantly kills. Extremely effective means against heroes (and Chubakki - in particular!)!

Jumping Rannel

Mandalor Armor Bobbs has been equipped with an improved hopper. Unlike the usual - this quarrel can dynamically maintain the flow of fuel, which allows for a long time to be in the air.


Useful thing that is able to achieve a runaway opponent. It has easy homeworker.


"RRRRR .... I see you ...."

Bossk is one of the few Trankhan, which got out of his native system. Grozny and dangerous enemy!

About the childhood of the Bossk, little is known. The son of the cruel military commanders Kradysk, Bossk from an early age was fond of the cruel craft of mercenary. The murder of the WOOD brings a special pleasure boss. For a long time he competed with Bobbo Fett, Dengar and Tukuss.

Bossk - a favorite hero of most player cheaters due to their strength, accurate weapons and health regeneration for each murder.

"You do not hide ..." - Bossk, pursuing another sacrifice.

Special abilities


One of the favorite types of weapons of the Bossk. Shot by microgranates that cause a little damage, but greatly blind opponents. The number of charges is not limited!

Instincts of predator

Since Bossk is belonging to the race of Transdashan, it can actively use his biological features. Switches to thermal vision, which perfectly determines the location of opponents.

Poisonous flight

Improved dioxis-grenade, which causes much more damage, and also has a larger range.


"Khan Solo - You are mine!"

Grido - Rodinian from Clan Tetsu.

It is known that the father of mercenary - Grid Senior, rolled with Navik red, but lost this confrontation, and was killed. The pregnant mother Grado was forced to run from his native planet along with a two-year grid. For a long time, he lived in ignorance against the empire or about bloodshed, and refugees have kept their past for a long time.

Soon - on the refugees, Navik red with her rowls attacked, and Gido ran with his family to Colon Nar Shada. Soon - it overtook her imperial fleet, and this time Grado lost his family. Next - he ran to Tatoon, where she settled. One day - Han Solo and Chubakka caught him on theft of the ship. From that time - Grado dreams to revenge.

Grido is a rather ambiguous hero. He has some health, but he can kill up to five rebels in one click! It is worth playing with the mind.

"After the murder, almost always follows phrases in the Rodanist"

"Soon I will enter the emperor's retinue!"

Oron Krennik is one of the founders of the Star Star project.

It is known that throughout his life - the Krennik seeks the predisposition of the emperor to himself, and that he will take him to his luxury guard. Will it be possible to him - told in the plot of the film "Rogue One: a Star Wars Story".

Krennik is a cruel and very mercenary character, aggressively refers to his own subordinate, and hates the rebels with all his soul, and he tries to destroy them as much as possible.

In the game, the Krennik rely on support for its special retinue - death attack aircraft (they can become up to three players). Armed with a six-track pistol DT-29, with due skill - killing from one shot (especially in combination with his abilities). However, it is not worth a breaking head - to rush into battle. Krennik, nevertheless, a fragile hero, and requires support from the team.