Games for girls 18 20 years old. The best games for girls on PC and consoles. Any game from TellTale

Do not know what to entertain yourself or looking for, what to play a girl who is over 18? In this article we collected the most popular games for girls on PC! Read more and choose the best.

List of best games for girls on PC

There are no all quests, where Nancy Drew is looking for objects. You will not need to help the Dash-Pourneyfield and the shoe to find a banana. And also we deliver you from children's platforms, where you need to create a fairy or make a cake. Our interesting games for girls on PC are distributed. In some, you can laugh, in others, cry, and in the third, check your smell. All games are located in random order and are described by simple language.


The unsurpassed game has thousands of fan throughout the world and to this day is one of the best in its genre. The adventures of Siberia fascinate and transferred to a beautiful natural corner.

Name: Syberia.

Transfer: Siberia

Adjacent games: Syberia (2002), Syberia 2 (2004), Syberia 3 (2017)

Genre: Quest

At his account, Siberia has several prestigious awards for the computer world. Great game on PC, where the main character is a girl named Kate Walker fighting evil. This is a game for you if you want:

  • wander through snow locations;
  • ride the train with the breeze;
  • see beautiful corners of snow-covered Siberia;
  • talk with a huge number of characters;
  • run around the tunnels;
  • investigate puzzle;
  • disclose secrets and guess riddles;
  • board the sea;
  • fight with a giant octopus.

Then boldly swing this game! Any part, but Syberia 3 is very cool!


The best horror without the use of weapons frightens and incredibly delays in his virtual world. You are looking for a light in a panic that can highlight your way for further passage.

Name: Amnesia.

Transfer: Amnesia

Adjacent games: Amnesia: The Dark Descent (2010), Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs (2013)

Genre: horror

This game is for those who want to rinse their nerves and who needs a dose of adrenaline for a full existence. Choose this game if you want:

  • be on the medieval castle without weapons;
  • convulsively look for oil and matches to somehow illuminate yourself;
  • want to admire the beautiful interiors of the estate;
  • do not be afraid to meet with a monstrel face to face;
  • want to wander through the dark basement of the castle;
  • love to solve puzzles and look for loyal solutions.

Both parts are gorgeous, if you like, then go immediately two and solve the mystery of the old estate! In order to fully plunge into the atmosphere, it is recommended to play in complete darkness in the headphones. More can be found here.

The Sims.

The best simulator of all time and peoples. With each part The Sims is filled with new colors. Build at home, create sims, teach them skills, love cats and start children.

Name: The Sims.

Transfer: Sims

Adjacent games: The Sims (2004), The Sims 2 (2004), The Sims Medieval (2011), The Sims 3 (2014), The Sims 4 (2015).

Genre: Simulator of Life

The Sims is the best PC game on girls who love:

  • to build houses;
  • create interior, fill it with furniture and accessories;
  • create sims that are similar to you and on your guy;
  • observe how the hearts and asterisks are twisted in a hurricane under the action of "WooHoo";
  • care for pets;
  • build your business;
  • live beautiful and luxuriously;
  • sell \u200b\u200ba window to buy pizza;
  • drowning former in the pool;
  • decorating the New Year tree and sculpt snowmen;
  • plant plants and collect harvest;
  • being a gray cardinal and lead the lives of people.

Opinions are divided. Someone still plays in The Sims 3, someone moved to The Sims 4 and builds his business. Each season, creators are trying to produce new additions to animals, children, by season, with the possibility of creating their own restaurant and so on. However, about Sims you know much more than we. Let Motherlode in your life!

Life Is Strange.

Life is such a strange thing, one incorrect action can lead to disastrous events. And what if everything should have been initially?

Name: Life Is Strange.

Transfer: This strange life

Adjacent games: In 2018 it is planned to enter the sequel

Genre: Interactive cinema with a choice of actions

How do we want to change everything and turn off time when some emergencies occur in our lives. But Max has such an opportunity, it can return to the past for a few seconds. Can she change the course of the whole story? Everything depends on you. This is the best PC game, where the main character is a girl.

You will like the game if you can:

  • rewind
  • make the right decisions in the past;
  • find a common language with adolescents and adults;
  • understand people;
  • at night to climb into a dark school;
  • well to be off and do not love school;
  • smooth and solve any conflicts;
  • make serious decisions.

Do not even think, swing! The game leaves behind a strange aftertaste and makes it possible to think about our lives. It has only 5 episodes that fly pretty quickly. Remember that the all the fate of the main character will change from your chosen action. And not only her ... We especially want to mention the magic soundtracks to Life Is Strange.

Portal 2.

All this reality is realities and a copy of copies. Puzzle, which makes all brain cells act. How to get out of strange test rooms?

Name: Portal 2.

Transfer: Portal

Adjacent games: Portal (2007), Portall: Still Alive (2009), Portal 2 (2011).

Genre: puzzle

Imagine, you find yourself on some incomprehensible location with closed doors and walls a few meters in height. And in your hands you only have a gun that makes holes (portals) in the walls. What will you do? Of course, play. Portal suits you if you:

  • love puzzles;
  • look for a way out in difficult situations;
  • see the light at the end of the tunnel, when everyone around is worn in a panic;
  • able to cope with a dozen complex levels;
  • do not be afraid to be a laser turret;
  • love to take a guns to the guns and wind them from side to side;
  • not scared if a strange computer voice is talking to you;
  • do not be afraid of difficulties.

The PC game is very stipulated and very interesting, it can be played for a girl. We advise her download, if not yet played.


In this game, you can feel like a real detective, which is investigating the unusually disappearance of a little boy. Where will the evidence lead?


Transfer: The disappearance of Itan Carter

Adjacent games: not

Genre: Quest

We believe it is one of the best PC games for girls from 18 years old. We advise better look at the game if you:

  • love games with beautiful graphics;
  • want to admire the wonderful landscapes;
  • tell me to explore the terrain and find minor details;
  • amateur detectives;
  • expect something unusual from the game;
  • love to join all the links in the chain of events.

Indescribably, a beautiful game has an original story and an unexpected ending. She clearly deserves your attention.

Unusual games for girls on PC are presented to your attention.

Tomb Raider.

Where without adventures of your beloved Lara Croft? Wait, if you do not like the subject of tombs and pharaohs, do not postpone the game in a long box. It is really an exciting Adventor, who amazes the abundance of secrets and mysteries. Such games for PC girls are designed for adventure crawls.

Name:Tomb Raider.

Transfer: tomb Raider

Adjacent games: Tomb Raider: Legend (2006), Tomb Raider: Anniversary (2007), Tomb Raider: Underworld (2008), Rise of The Tomb Raider (2015).

Genre: Action-Adventure.

In fact, the games about the magnificent and brave Lara croft is much larger. But the specified parts are most interesting. Swing the game if:

  • love crawl through 100 meter rocks and walls;
  • you like to throw a hook-cat and fly on it to another wall;
  • you adore riddles, secrets and puzzles;
  • bold and brave;
  • well ride on a motorcycle;
  • you can overcome a bunch of enemies;
  • adore Egypt, Asia and the Ancient East.

Tomb Raider is a game where the main character is a girl. Watch her one pleasure. If you have the same strength of the Spirit, like in Lara Croft, then this is exactly your option!

Valiant Hearts: The Great War

Who could have thought that the game about war could be so mental and penetrating? The creators of Valient Hearts managed to reach the heart itself.

Name: Valiant Hearts: The Great War

Transfer: Brave hearts: Great War

Adjacent games: not

Genre: Quest puzzle

The story told in the game touches to the depths of the soul. We strongly advise you to pay attention to it. You can choose it if you:

  • possess mercy;
  • love to play for several characters;
  • enjoy dive into the storyline with your head;
  • love quests and puzzles;
  • do not be afraid to go through all the tests that fell on the shoulders of the main characters;
  • love cartoon games.

The best games for girls on a PC are those who will not join something and have not been released for a long time. Valiant Hearts: The Great War is this.

Similar games for girls on PC will not leave anyone indifferent.

The Cave.

It is impossible to list the characters for which you can play in this game. Knight, village, traveler in time, twins, scientist, seeker adventure, monk ... and can the main character - is it a cave?!

Name: The Cave.

Transfer: Cave

Adjacent games: not

Genre: Adventures

All ingenious simply. In this game you need to just explore the cave. But what's there inside? This is more interesting. Boldly download the game if:

  • love branches in the plot;
  • always dig up until the bottom;
  • adjust to play for different heroes;
  • you are attracted to the diverseness of the ending;
  • in the game you see hidden meanings;
  • want to overcome your sins.

Great game for girls on a PC with an interesting story and with a weighing ending. As a result, a simple cave makes it possible to understand many vital values. So who is the main hero of The Cave?

Cities: SkyLines.

Feel like the mayor of the city, which builds his brainchild from scratch. The best city-beader for girls will reply to your attention.

Name: Cities: SkyLines.

Transfer: Cities

Adjacent games: not

Genre: town planner

Something games for girls on PC will help to feel gray cardinal. This wonderful game you will enjoy if you have the following skills:

  • love development strategies;
  • want to increase tax for the rich;
  • would you like to build a city of your dreams;
  • know how to properly distribute residential and commercial premises;
  • want to legalize substances in your city;
  • adore for the night city in flickering lights;
  • raise production on legs;
  • want to feel the main thing.

A fascinating urban planner has many features and quests that are offered by the player. Build the city of your dreams!

We presented you the best and interesting games for girls on PC. We hope that some of them will be able to please you and reach the heart itself.

Do not miss our other selections of games:

Thank you for your spent time.

The very idea of \u200b\u200bthe game for girls is a rather strange and concealed concept. Usually developers (if they are in their mind) do not share the audience on boys and girls, but do, to the best of their abilities, the game that everyone should like. No, there is, of course, any games about Winx and "Dressups", which are classified as games for girls, but this case is about younger school age. Well, to more adult games, everything is completely different here. If the game is good, then it usually will like anyone, regardless of the floor. So allocate some deliberate female games very difficult. Among my friends there are a lot of girls who play legefore or battlefield and these games are undoubtedly good, but do not include them in this top?

However, it is impossible to deny that girls possess a more subtle mental organization and a few other warehouse of the mind, which means some topics will be closer and more understandable. In this top, games will be collected, which in view of their characteristics and quality of performance can impress even those girls who are barely interested in the gaming industry. For the real Gamers, any other top on MMogobus will be relevant.

10. Dragon Saga.

This Asian MMORPG will melt the ice in the heart of any girl in one appearance. This is perhaps one of the most "mimicious" online games of all time. Local characters really want to go back like small and cute kittens. In spite of this, Dragon Saga. - Full MMORPG, far from the worst in his genre, possessing, besides, a good social part, so it is quite possible to come only in order to chat with friends or find new ones.

For the most cute appearance - Dragon Saga goes to the tenth place in our top.


This game is an incredibly exciting and beautiful two-dimensional RPG, the sensation of something incredible and exciting. The history of Princess Aurora, traveling along a magical country, keeps from beginning to end. The game gives rise to the illusion that you listen and look a good, good fairy tale, in which the evil will be punished and good will surely enthusiame. All in it: graphics, music, dialogues (by the way, written in verses) works on this feeling. And for it, she can forgive any flaws.

For fabulousness Child of Light Gets the ninth place of our top.

8. Alice: Madness Returns

This is also a fairy tale, however, more gloomy and more adult. Having matured Alice, who lost his parents during a fire, tries to cope with emotional injury. For this, it returns to the wonderland, which is trying to capture evil again. Unlike the first part, this game is more ... calm, but not less bad. A breathtically beautiful design and an interesting story, which echoes the classic fairy tale, make the game one of the best three-dimensional platformers.

For ingenious design Alice: Madness Returns Gets eighth place.

7. The Path.

We continue to raise the degree of gloomy fairy tales. In the seventh place there is an indie game, which will be difficult to determine in any genre. The Path is the adaptation of the History of the Red Hap, made in very dark and even frightening tones. The main goal of the game, as reported at the beginning, get to the grandmother's house, however, is a deception. The goal of the game is to collapse from the trail and meet your wolf. It is impossible to play in her traditional sense. It can be felt, watching, worry ... You do not tell the plot, you invent it yourself, on the basis of experienced and small hints of developers. And do not play it if you have a weak heart.

For gloomy charm The Path. Gets the seventh place of our top.

6. Syberia Game Series

Okay, throw sad thoughts and talk better about something less than gloomy. Benouua Sokal, one of the iconic needles, at the time forced us all to be amazed by their series of the cult series of quests Syberia (translated by localizers - Siberia, which is not entirely true). For the adventures of the main character, it was really interesting to observe, and the riddles in the game were often forced to break their heads, but her mainstream is a delightful design. All this steampunk and cold charm of the server remain in memory. The game is drawn so carefully and with such love that even if there is no plot here at all - on the local locations, I still would like to wander.

For combinations of beauty, good plot and complex tasks Syberia. Ships on the sixth place.

5. Life is Strange

Life is a thing really strange and the main character, an ordinary schoolgirl, aware of it with all the clarity when it gets the opportunity to manage time. And the gift is difficult to call it, because sometimes, this ability brings only problems and complicates life. This is an interactive cinema, which makes a dramatic story on one side, and on the other hand, a mysticism and a detective story.

For a tightening plot Life Is Strange. Gets fifth.

4. SIMS series

And so, when we passed half the Top, it's time to remember about the real giant, which has long and fastened the title of "the main game for girls". And it would be sinful about him not to mention. Sims ... The game that thorms the whole genre, climbing on his top and not even thinking from there to peel, despite all attempts to push it from there. Do I need to tell about what this series? For the most backward, it is very meticulous and at the same time full fiction simulator of life. Here. In recent years, in place of the best game about real life, becoming increasingly, and the throne is stronger thanks, however, sims are still on horseback.

For legendar series Sims Gets an honorary fourth place.

3. To The Moon

In the near future, people can be inspired by any memories, but because of some difficulties it works only for those who are already under death. These are deadly patients, in order for at least in dreams to implement what they did not have time to do in life. A lonely dying old man has only one desire - to go on the moon, but in order to carry out this - you need to find the root cause of such a desire in his memories. In the role of two doctors, we travel through his life in the opposite direction, watching the story sometimes forcing it to laugh at the whole voice, and sometimes carving tears. Well, the final scene will make even the most heinous superstars.

For the most touching story To The Moon. Gets the third place in our top.

2. Journey.

Jenova Chen is undoubtedly one of the most ingenious artists among living things. Especially interesting is his art that, as a tool for creativity, he uses computer games. Journey places in the heart after the first minutes of dating, and remains there forever. And any attempts to answer the question "What is this game?" meaningless. You can either dilute with your hands, or rush into explanations into several pages. However, any perception of Journey will be purely subjective. After all, each will find something in it, which opened only to him. The only way to understand Journey is to go through and listen to yourself. What you will feel - and will be its best description.

For genius Journey. Gets second in our top.

1. Mstar

This online game is a mixture of the notorious "life simulator" Ala Sims and a rather advanced dance simulator. Unlike many similar games, graphics - the strong side of the game. She pleases the eye thanks to the legendary Unreal Engine 3. The same, in addition to good graphics, it has an exciting gameplay. Unlike other social games, it can boast a large world. Your Wolne characters will go at least to the club, even at a party, a lot of places to visit a lot and everywhere you can shine the most new taking dances. You can play quite free, just download the client. Well, an excellent music library as a bonus. This game will like any girl.

Mstar Gets the honorable first place of our top, with what the game and congratulations. Read more about the game in our mstar review.

Ariel and Rapunzel: Street outfits for street dances. Game for girls and girls! Disney's princesses - Ariel and Rapunzel - the best girlfriends. They adore each other and always for each other. Only not in this situation. Tomorrow in Disney will take place in street dance and princesses will be there the main rivals. Girls, you know to defeat in such a competition, it is important not only to dance greatly, but also cool looks. Girls, that's what you now will come. Choose for lovely rivals the brightness trends. Judis! Play the mouse.

Ariel and Rapunzel: street outfits

Pride Day: Disney princesses demonstrate tolerance. Game for girls and girls! Rainbow in the sky is a charming phenomenon. According to ancient mythology, according to some nations, this is a bridge connecting the world of people and gods. According to others, this is the bow of the Boga Thunder. And some nations consider rainbow the patron of heaven, water, fertility. The modern peoples of the Rainbow color palette are used much prosaic. They connect it into the rainbow flags. Among such flags there is a pride flag, which is a symbol of equality for certain minorities. In support of the tolerant attitude towards them, in defense of their rights and civil equality, all people - Princesses Elsa, Rapunzel, Moana and Ariel - decided to enter the city streets in original color outfits, symbolizing the colors of the rainbow pride flag. And you, girls, will help them. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Pride Day: Disney Princesses demonstrate

Traveling around the world: African Fashion. Game for girls and girls! Girls, arrow the mouse! One moment and you together with the heroine of this game are now going to Africa. Like real fashionista, you, of course, first go to study the local fashion. She is so different and cool! Good luck! Play the mouse.

Fruit fashion style. Game for girls and girls! With fashionable podiums in the coming season, designers again offer us summer outfits, decorated with fructage prints. Girlfriends - Princess Elsa, Aurora and Cinderella - today are invited to one of these fashionable meals in the fruit style. Girls, on the scenario of the game you designers. Prepare the Disney princesses to the exit to the fashionable platform is your task. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Ocean Princess Party. Game for girls and girls! The life of Princesses Moan and Ariel is somehow connected with the ocean. Moana Child of the Tiny Kingdom, located on the islands among the ocean. The kingdom of Ariel is located in the ocean itself. For this reason, the Disney Princess, with the first opportunity, seek their free time to spend close to its waters. So now, when the question arose where to arrange a party for friends, Moana and Ariel without hesitation chose the ocean. And now, girls, while the princesses are waiting for their guests, help them prepare for a party. Make them a beautiful evening makeup, pick up stylish hairstyles, decorations, accessories and beautiful, trendy outfits. Play the mouse.

Fashion Studio: Prom Dresses. Game for girls and girls! It's time for proms. Each girl needs a special dress. There should be no one else for such dresses. So, cute designers, open your fashion studio and start creating. The mouse will help you such exclusive dresses. Good luck!

Fashion Studio: Graduation Day Dresses

High Fashion Week in Tokyo. Game for girls and girls! Tokyo is arranged a week of high fashion. This young feature will participate in a fashionable show. She is a model, and you, girls, her stylists. Together with her you will fight for the main prize. Start cooking your ward to the entrance to the podium. Your assistant in the game will be a mouse. Good luck!

Fashion Week in Tokyo-2. Game for girls and girls! Interested in modern fashion Japan, you, girls, notice that European countries and America have considerable attention to the fashion of this country. Once short skirts, jackets and shields on the heels on the streets of Tokyo were exotic. But only not now. Among the current trends in Japanese clothing there is a combination of national addictions with the style of the Western world. Girls, such fashionable outfits today with your help will demonstrate our model at Fashion Week in Tokyo.

Spring mood. Game for girls and girls! Heat! Spring came! After a long winter, so I want to change. Charging time! The world is filled with paints, smells, inspiration and faith in the holiday. Now in life there will be all the best. Here is a magnificent, spring mood at our cute heroine. The mood will be a hundred times better if you, girls, pick up a beautiful hairstyle for her, a spring light dress, cute decorations, a fashionable handbag and stylish shoes on the heel. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Queen of the sparkling ball in a brilliant dress. Game for girls and girls! Princess Disney - Anna, Elsa, Ariel and Cinderella - prepare for the graduation ball. By decision of the celebration organizers, all princesses should appear on the ball in brilliant dresses. Brilliant dresses are the trend that is no longer the first season holds a leading position as an outfit for balls. Girls, in the wardrobes princesses you will find a lot of such outfits. Choose for each of them that in your opinion will suit her best. And, of course, pick it up with elegant shoes, decorations and hairstyles. Some of the princesses can become a queen of a sparkling ball. And who ... To control the game, use a mouse.

Queen of the sparkling ball in brilliant boards

Summer Shopping with Princess Moan. Game for girls and girls! Summer has come in Disney. For the Princess of Moan, each new season is a kind of signal to updating the wardrobe. But in order not to fulfill himself with hikes in different stores, the princess decided to make purchases via the Internet. In addition, there are so many tempting offers on the range of goods and price discounts! Girls, make sure that summer shopping princess is successful - your task. Play the mouse.

Modern wardrobe Princess Disney. Game for girls and girls! Imagine the princess Rapunzel is our contemporary. What do you think, which turned out to be out of its time, Rapunzel is worth worrying about his modern wardrobe? It seems that there is no! Because, you are girls, experienced stylists and now you will help her with the choice of outfits for various occasions - for college, for a date, for a party to the nightclub, on a score. To control the game "Modern Wardrobe Princess Disney" need a mouse. Good luck!

Princess Elsa and Ariel: Shopping in the mall. Game for girls and girls! A huge shopping center opened in Disney. Girls, are going! Together with Disney Princesses - Elsa and Ariel - you have to go to the new shopping center, to make a shopping charts there. To manage the game "Princess Elsa and Ariel: Shopping in the shopping center" Use the mouse. Good luck shopping!

Princesses Elsa and Ariel: Shopping in Trading

Dressman Marinet Dupon Chen (Lady Bag). Game for girls and girls! Marinet Dupon Chen is the usual schoolgirl, who after classes turns into a super cool girl Lady Bag, guarding peace and peace of residents of Paris. Thus, two completely different identities are combined in one girl. Marinet is a talented, cheerful girl and the modesty itself. Lady Bag is another person. She is determined and persistent. Enemies on her way is better not to stand. Today in Paris calmly and Marinet in its usual way is going to go for a walk on the beloved streets of Paris. Girls, take care of her hairstyle, outfits, accessories and shoes. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Princesses Disney Elsa and Rapunzel Students of the School of Magic. Game for girls and girls! Hooray! Dream Princess Elsa came true! Now she will learn at school magic. Girls, help the princess gather on the road. And then follow her to school. In school, you will meet her best friend - Princess Rapunzel. Princesses are time to go to classes. Choose with the hairstyles, decorations and the most stylish outfits. Play the mouse.

Princesses Disney Elsa and Rapunzel Student

Clothes for pregnant princesses. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Elsia, Ariel and Jasmine - pregnant. Before the birth of their kids left very little time. However, in his interesting position, the princess is still active and sociable. They go to each other to visit, walk together. And sometimes, such as today, the princesses even arrange friendly parties. Of course, in such a situation, princesses will need help. Girls, pick them up beautiful outfits, hairstyles and decorations. And also work on the design of the room, in which the princesses intend to arrange a party. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Princesses and celebrities are the best girlfriends. Game for girls and girls! Princesses Disney Elsa, Anna, Ariel and Stars Arian Grande, Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift spend quite a long time together, but they are just just familiar. Meanwhile, the princesses and celebrities can be the best friends and among them they may even have the ideal, friendly duets. Girls, you will help them in this. To do this, you will need to go through a small quiz. And when such duets are defined, you can do trendy outfits with them. Play the mouse. Good luck!

Shopping center for the sale of women's clothing. Game for girls and girls! A huge shopping center for the sale of women's clothing has opened in Disney. Girls, are going! Princess Anna needs a fashion adviser. Now, together with her, you will go to the new shopping center and help with the choice of fashionable outfits, accessories and shoes. In addition, the new wardrobe will need a new hairstyle ... Play the mouse.

Disney princesses: Fresh look at wedding dress. Game for girls and girls! Somehow, discussing the topic of wedding celebrations, Princess Elsa, Moana, Anna and Aurora came to thoughts - wedding traditions It's time to refresh, and then they become some kind of boring. According to Princesses Disney, the revolution should begin with wedding dresses. Fantasy girls do not take, so each of them offered its own option. As a bride, Princess Elsa would put on a dress in punk style. Her sister Anna believes that the bride must certainly be in the dress from Couture and not at all in white. Its color may even be black. Aurora is not against the idea of \u200b\u200bAnna, but in its version of the wedding dress, it would even make a combination of several colors and shades. But the Princess of Moana in the bride's wedding dress would like to see more elements resembling the outfits of her people. Here is such a girl, a revolution in the heads of the princess Disney. What do you think about this? To control the game you will need a mouse.

Disney Princesses: Fresh Look at Wedding

Ariel and Eric: a date on land and under water. Game for girls and girls! Today, the princess Ariel has two dates and both of them are appointed by her Prince Eric. The first date of the in love couple will be, as usual, on land, and the second date of Prince Eric appointed the princess Ariel under the water. So here, Eric wanted to deliver pleasure to his beloved girl. Girls, for each meeting, Ariel will need other outfits and take care of it will have to you. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Ariel and Eric: a dating on land and under water

Summer Distress Princesses. Game for girls and girls! For you, girls, a cool game - "Summer Parties Princess Disney" - for dressing. Hooray! Summer holidays began at the Princess Disney college! Finally, without lighting for tomorrow you can break away in full. Princess Elsa, Ariel, Merida today are going to do. Girls, join your favorite and help them look awesome on this day. Hairstyles, outfits, decorations - everything should be in a summer beautiful and easy. Good luck! To control the game, use the mouse.

Looking at the sleeping crumb. Game for girls and girls! "Relator of sleeping crumb" - a game for our smallest girlfriends, for dressing. The kid is tired and fell asleep with a strong sleep. Let Kroch sleep. And you, girls, without disturbing the dream of a baby, rejection of it into other outfits. Act with a mouse. Good luck!

Dresses for graduation in spring-summer color. Game for girls and girls! End of spring, the beginning of the summer - the time of balls for graduates of schools, gymnasiums, colleges, universities. Princess Disney - Ariel, Jasmine and Rapunzel - still remember how at one time they worried about the graduation dresses. And they, young princesses, so wanted to be on the ball with the most beautiful! Now that Ariel, Jasmine and Rapunzel, engaged in simulation of women's clothing, the former memories inspire them to create an annual collection of luxury dresses for the graduation. In the coming season, the princesses prepared a series of stunning evening dresses for graduation in gentle colors of spring and starting summer - gentle pink, gentle lilac, gentle green. Girls, this is something !!! Rather, arrow the mouse and help each princess will demonstrate their batch.

Dresses for graduation in spring-summer color

Dresses of schoolgirl Emmy. Game for girls and girls! To date, a high school student has several events that will require different outfits and images. For this schoolgirl Emma needs an experienced stylist. The role of such a stylist you will play, girls. And so, you will need to take care of hairstyles, outfits and accessories to visit the Emma of the school lesson, for cheerlending in semi-final and final football games, for visiting a school, chemical office. Good luck! Play the mouse.

My fabulous tiger. Game for girls and girls! In this game, the girls, you have to go to a distant fabulous country, where one wonderful fairy-tale princess lives and her most faithful friend and defender - a fabulous tiger. Despite its huge sizes, the fabulous tiger loves to fool and pretend to be lost little tiger. At such moments, the hostess finds him in the unrest, which he arranges in the glades. But the princess is not offended for it. Since there was no case that the four-legged friend left her in trouble. So today everything was, as always. Tiger "Lost", and the princess went to look for him. In the meadow, the traces of the presence of the Tiger were discovered quickly, but such fences here seem to be for the first time. Yes, perhaps, the princess must first have a cleaning and you, girls, will help her. On the clean glade there is a lured in the mud favorite princess. Bring it to the perfect order - your, girls, task. And then, to continue the game with dressing of the princess, you, girls, you will need to decide the puzzle puzzle with the carriage. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Fashionable diva Ariel, Barbie and Rapunzel: Instagram call. Game for girls and girls! Recently, the social network of instagram is very popular, which is a free application for posting photos, sharing photos, as well as presented users with the opportunity to share their brief stories. In addition, instagram increasingly began to post posts on fashionable topics. Disney girlfriends, fashionista diva - Barbie, Ariel and Rapunzel - finding it, decided to make an instagram challenge. Girls, with your help, they will prove the entire social community that they have a great taste and a wonderful sense of style. You are ready? Then act! Choose for girlfriends outfits, decorations, hairstyles, accessories ... good luck! Play the mouse.

Fashionable diva Ariel, Barbie and Rapunzel: Ins

Fashionable luckers for super model. Game for girls and girls! Be a popular super model is not easy. To do this, she must remain the faithful profession around the clock. Super model should always look perfect and does not matter at all, with whom she spends time and at what event. Only one thing is important, the super model at any time should be ready to attract attention. Only this will be remembered about it, and it will be able to receive profitable contracts. Take at least today, which for the super model will be very saturated. First, it will be present at the fashion show, secondly, at the presentation of musical awards and is still waiting for her meeting with friends. This means that in each case the super model should think about its original image, choosing to create designer outfits and accessories of the most fashionable brands. Of course, the girls make it it should with your help. Only in this case, Lucbuki will turn out fashionable, spectacular and attractive. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Kendal Jenner is a model, TV presenter, actress. Game for girls and girls! Hi girls! Are you not familiar with the celebrity Kendall Jenner? Then it's time to do it! Kendall Jenner is a successful American model, TV presenter and actress. It is possible that you have noticed it as a participant in the sensational television reality - the show\u003e. But now it will be only about Kendall Jenner - model. Today our heroine has a serious day. It will participate immediately in the 2nd modes, and you, girls, will help her. And so, in the first show, Kendall will have to demonstrate outfits in the style of street fashion. On the second show - it will be the fashion of New York. Help you choose to show the most spectacular outfits and make their photos. And when the model work is completed, you can send her photos through a free Instagram application to friends and other social networks. Good luck!

Kendal Jenner - model, TV presenter, ACTR

Barbie: Kavaii against rock style. Game for girls and girls! Cute fashionista Barbie is still looking for. She still thinks that she may look better than it is. For this reason, she is trying on all new and new styles. Today it came to Kavaii and Rock-style. Well, that g, girls, quite an explanatory desire. After all, fashion, as time, does not stand still. So join the girl and help beauties with her fashionable experiments. Start with creating an image in the style of Kavaii. And then go to the creation of a steep image in the style of rock. Both options are good! Is not it? But somehow for Barbie is unusual. Meanwhile, with the same outfits, you can offer Barbie Third Combined Style Option - Mix Style. Try ... And then decide which of these styles is most good for Barbie. Good luck! Play mouse

Pinter Diva: Barbie, Ariel, Cinderella. Game for girls and girls! Barbie's girlfriends, Ariel and Cinderella is real diva in the field of fashion. Each girls has its own fashionable blog and a mass of subscribers. But when it comes to fashion, our beauties of this is not enough. And then Barbie, Ariel and Cinderella come to the pinter, where they not only find inspiration for themselves, but also to share them with others. So today, the friends decide to update their boards in Pinterrest and you, girls, will help them in this. To do this, you have to help them create cool images. Dresses, decorations, accessories you will find in their wardrobes. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Chibi Anime Dressover with Sailor Moon (Bani Zucino). Game for girls and girls! Girls, you. Of course, you know a cute warrior in a sailor pack named Sailor Moon. The real name of this super heroine Bani Zucino. Plaks Bani Tsukino once dared to save the cat from hooligans by the name of the moon. In gratitude for this, the cat gave her a magic brooch and magic words of spells, which allowed her to turn into a super brave soldier Sailor Moon. So, girls, Bani Zucino it's time to go to the feats. Now she whispers the magic spell and from the ordinary girl will turn into a brave warrior Sailor Moon. And you will only stay a little effort to work over it outwardly. Make a young super heroine her favorite, militant hairstyle. Decorate the neck presented, magic brook. Select one of your favorite sailor dresses for it. That's all! Sailor Mun is ready for the empires.

We present you a selection of games for girls. After all, it often happens that the girl of the amateur is to play PC or consoles in which it will be, begins to show interest in his hobbies and asks to find anything for himself. Not every girl is capable of what the one who has been driving on the dandy from 5 years old, so sometimes you have to lie and look for anything easier. It was for such pairs that we made this small selection of games that would come to almost any girl who manifests interest to them!

SIMS 3 and 4

I could not but start with it. This is the very first game that is associated with entertainment for girls. Everything is simple: you create a family, you find her members work or arrange to study, and just help them live. Constantly something happens, someone comes to visit, all sorts of holidays. Money earned by family members, you can spend on updating at home and some additional things for comfort. Of course, the combat girls who are shooting yes to hold the head of their heads, such a game will not work, but even in Sims can be mocked on computer men and kill them. I think that is why even the male floor often plays Sims. The third part is now dominant over the fourth primarily due to the number of additions and patches that remove any possible bugs, while the fourth part does not boast of this.


Another comfortable game in which you need to care for your own animals moving along the evolutionary process. First you need to control a small cell, and at the end you can achieve domination over all star systems of this universe. Incredible extent, right? Management here is so simple that any girl quickly understands it, and the ability to make a monster of any shape and color can sometimes laugh. How, after all, it is interesting to follow the development of your own creation, to her God.

Any game from TellTale

You know that girls are very loved by films and serials. Some of them still do not suspect that in this type of series they can participate in person, taking a lot of different solutions for the main character and competing to him, while not taking off from "viewing". All games from TELLTALE are suitable for this criterion, and after the release of their games "Game of Thrones" will take off the mouse or the joystick amateur of the TV shows is easier nowhere. After the first navigation, all the other games she herself will have to download, I promise.

World of Warcraft and other MMOs

You know perfectly well that the overwhelming number "Gaymers" is not indifferent to multiplayer online games. Everything, again, due to the fact that in any MMO of the last five years you will definitely be nodded into all the functions and explain that your character can and what wants. That is why such games like Wow they like them very much. But in the case of "Varcraft", a female player can scare the monthly subscription and buying the game itself, so you, like her cavalier, it's time to pay all over and start the game. Before that, make sure that she really is putting the games of this genre, and then you will spend money in vain and accuse me for bad tips.

Five Nights AT Freddy "S and other indie horror

Girls love horror, especially simple, in which you do not need to solve riddles like in Amnesia: Dark Descent. And even more they love when there is a man who will protect them or will be afraid together with them in an embrace. An excellent opportunity to enjoy homemade life is to show your girlfriend that games can scare no worse than a good horror film, but you have the opportunity to manage your hero personally. Five Nights at Freddy "S is a great start to get acquainted with the world of horror games. But if you have a smart girl, you can go to Amnesia.

Portal and Portal 2

Nobody knows exactly why the female floor pulls so much to the series Portal, but this traction is noticed very difficult. The second part can even go together, which is only better if you are not a lonely girl and you want to have fun with your young man. What could be better puzzles that need to be solved using portals? Colorful, mysterious and very popular game, which will make you believe that the cake is the most real lies.

TES 5: Skyrim

But what kind of trend can be noticed at the front of female players. Apparently, the "gazebo" simply simplified the fifth part of the Great Series that it became easy for girls! Yes, any lover of swords, magic and Middle Ages will not be able to abandon Skyrim, especially if you don't tell her that old parts are much better. And how can they be better if the girls most often are important graphic component and ease of control? Here Skyrim is a clear winner. But if it is so much interested, which will begin to quote ENT from books, for example, relative to the sophistication with his associates, then you can already Oblivion is accepted.

Cities: SkyLines.

Urban planning simulators, really, very much, but Cities: SkyLines jumped up his competitors on the day of exit, and now, if you think to teach your girlfriend to build megalopolises, she needs to try this game. You can play it for a very long time, so make sure that your half does not lose your head and have not started to show aggression when you are trying to distract it from the trial with virtual taxes. You can give advice, but it is better not to abuse, because any girl is much more pleasant when she does something right herself, without help.

Life Is Strange.

You can not even explain, because the game is already quite popular and we all know that and when she promotes. But it does not matter, for in fact Life is Strange is just an exciting and unforgettable story of two good girlfriends and their large adventures. Girls like it, verified.

Tomb Raider (2013) and Rise of the Tomb Raider

The last two games about Laru Croft have shown themselves very friendly to the women's audience: girls enjoy both history and simple control. This is an action in which you easily oriented, and such, it seems, impossible things like running on the destroyed bridge look in Tomb Raider is like that plausible. If only the video card was good, or the console does not hang that the girl can most enjoy the scenery of the game, which are open as passing. What is only worth the tower on which it was necessary to catch the signal using the radio. Yes, and the character itself here does not affect the feelings of some special types of weak gender.

Scribblenauts series

It is a truly good choice, but only if your half knows the English well that there is a rarity. That is why you, beautiful and smart cavalier, is needed. Yes, to translate the essence of tasks into Russian and talk, how to write some things in English. Delivers a bunch of pleasure from the game in any company, even out of five people, but more pleasant to play together. If you do not know what is Scribblenauts: In this game you have the opportunity to make everything you want to appear (and that does not go beyond some verges). These "forces" make you a real superhero, which helps people around the world with their problems with the creation of things from the air. Cool, truth.

Dota and League of Legends

Yes, the mobs were also a weak place of girls. Moreover, in all possible senses: the girl is very easy to put out the possibilities of the game, but it is also very difficult to teach normally to play. Here you yourself decide whether you want to spend nerves and strength to make a professional gamer from your half. But if you succeed ... Oh, the very feeling when she starts to play better than you ... No, I still have it only in dreams, I still play better.

You are a girl and you absolutely do not like that the list did not make a favorite game? And this is not Candy Crash Saga? Feel free to email us!