Interesting games in the camp for children. Games for a children's camp. Games for interaction. Games on paper

Before working in the camp for gifted children of different ages, I collided with a problem: how to organize a new multi-year team, which will be comfortable for all children.
Children of all ages love to play! Therefore, we studied different sources of information on the method of conducting games, the result of this work was a selection of games for acquaintance, for cohesion of the children's team, as well as jokes.



Selection of games

Games for acquaintance

Often, many children in the first days in the camp feel uncomfortable, everything is not familiar with them and really want to go home, to relatives and friends. From this guys too composed, almost afraid of each other, and please tell me about yourself perceived as something impossible. To wait until everything breaks back and fool yourself, it simply does not have time, because in the events of the days to do something together (make up a corner, prepare for the discovery, etc.) you have already needed since the first day. And it's not very nice if the children appeal to each other: "Hey!", "Girl in a yellow joke" or "E, Come here." It is better because when they call your native name that hearing so cares. Yes, and for the prickly, it is very important from the first minutes to remember all children by name, as well as get the first idea of \u200b\u200bthe child.

Undoubtedly, the "business cards" (badges) for each child and joint activity (the same preparation of the corner) will help to get acquainted faster. But it is best to get acquainted in the game of the game. This section contains games that will help in the first days to remove the "pressure", overcome the constraint and learn each other. Therefore, there is a block of games and to memorize names, and to identify the interests of children, and to identify leaders, both business and emotional. This is necessary in order for the lead to rely on them in its future activities. On the one hand, it will facilitate the work of the charge, and on the other hand, will give the opportunity to realize their leadership abilities.

This game block is designed for the first days of shift - org., But some of them can be used on other days of shift (for example, if guests came to you).

The game "mutualization".

All broken over the pairs. For one minute, one tells another to himself, and for another minute, by the leading signal, on the contrary. All pairs do it at the same time, without interfering with each other. After that, everyone sit in a circle, where in turn each couple says what they learned about each other. The game can be done on a dating light.

Game option: "Dutch view" - a person telling about his partner can insert one more non-free into his story.

Game "Border".

The goal of the game is to get as much information about the guys as possible.

Game Structure: It is drawn (determined) the border, the leader proposes to move on one side to those who are combined by some common feature.

The counselors establishes simple criteria for combining, for example, you can go to the other side of the border.

who loves ice cream;

who has a dog house (cat);

who loves to watch cartoons, etc.

At the same time, during the game, the counselor can find out:

who loves to sing;

who loves to dance;

to anyone how old;

who is the first time in the camp.

and a lot of other useful information, asking these questions, in front of the simple, which are written above.

Game "Ten I".

The letter "I" is written on a sheet in the column. Specific time is given, and each participant must write 10 qualities inherent in it. For example: I am honest, I am strong, etc. After that, everything is chaotic, get acquainted and show each other what they wrote. At the end, you can ask who I remember.

The game "Drozd".

Players form two circles equal in numbers. Inner circle - young men, exterior - girls. The inner circle turns his back into the center, and the external face to the center (a couples are formed). Further, all together pronounce the following words (at the same time, performing certain movements): "I'm a thrush and you thruster (open palm and a neighbor). I have a nose and your nose (they touch the tips of your fingers to your nose and to the nose of the neighbor). I have a whip of scarlet and you have whitles of scarlet (touch your cheeks and a neighbor's cheeks). My sponge sweets and you have sweet sponges (touch your lips and your neighbor's lips). We are with you two friends, we love, each other (hugging or shook hands, calling their names). " After that, the external circle takes the right to the right, and new pairs are formed. Game continues.

The game "Friendship".

Everyone becomes three. Defined leading. He bypass everyone, chooses one player, and get up in their place. Getting acquainted. The liberated player becomes leading, and the game continues. If there are many players, then leading can be more.

Game "From point" A "to the item" B ".

The goal of the leading: make a certain number of steps, go through the distance. The goal of the group is to delay it (the distance is determined arbitrarily, for example, from a bench to a bench). The presenter will stand still until the group ask him questions (any, relative to it).

The game "Name to Center".

The first player goes to the center of the circle, calls his name and makes any gesture. All the others must then take a step forward, call his name and repeat it as soon as possible. So take turns show everything.

The game "As you can greet".

All go chaotically. The leading says, as needed to greet and everyone begin to greet, recognizing the names from each other. After a few seconds, the task changes. Helloing can be: knees, maizins, ears, backs, etc.

The game "Goat".

Players form a circle in the center of which is leading. He chooses a couple of circle for:

Walked goat over the forest, in the forest, in the forest

I found myself a princess, princess, princess.

Come on, goat, jump, jump, jump

And undermine the legs, undercut, underminate,

And praise praise, praise, praise,

And flood with legs, sweep, swell

Let's get bored with you, bounce, bounce,

And forever you will be appointed, you will be friends, you will be friends.

Getting acquainted. A couple diverges, and each participant chooses a new couple. The game continues, but in the circle two pairs. And so continues until all the pairs fall into a circle.

Game "The train" Chuh-Chuh ".

The leading approaches any of the circle and says: "I am a steam room" Chuh - Chuh ", and what is your name?". The player calls his name and joins the "train", and they "go" further, and all utter his name with the same intonation. So they "reach" until the next player. And everything goes on until all players "trailers" to the "train".

The game must pass in fast and cheerful rhythm.

Game "Snowball".

Everyone becomes a circle. One calls its name. The next participant clockwise calls the name of the first and its name. The third calls the name of the first, then the name of the second and its name. So the game continues until the first won't call all the names in a circle.

The game "Wall".

Everyone is divided into two or three (equal in quantity) teams. Task: Player from the team Sundays to the wall (or a certain place) and stop. The team must call his name choir. After that, it returns back. After returning to the command, the next player runs. And so the whole team. The team wins the first to cope with the task.

In order for the game to get acquainted with the mechanical van, ask the guys at the time of the name of watching the person whose name is pronounced. Also, the game will become ineffective if the number of participants will be too large.Game "bustle-fuss."

All participants are distributed cards that are divided into 9 - 16 cells. In each cell, the task is written. The essence is one: write to the cell the name of the person who (there is open space for your fantasy) loves the fish, holds the dog at home, loves the stars. The unexpected the task, the better. You can lay in this card what you need, for example, to identify drawing lovers, singing, playing guitar, etc. Wins the one who will quickly collect names.

The game "Who is like me."

Requisites: sheet of paper and pen (pencil). The paper sheet shows a table consisting of two columns. Defined criteria (characteristics) are written in the left side. For example, hair color, eye color, first letter name, favorite dish, hobbies and others. The right side is empty.

Each player must find a person with whom he coincides with one or another criterion. For example, my name is Pasha, and Her Polina (the first letter is coincided in our names). Founding each other people exchange sheets and on the right side of the table, opposite a similar criterion, they write their name, after which a sheet is returned back. In this way, the entire right part of the table is filled.

The task of players for a certain time to collect as many signatures as possible.

Option game. The sheet adds a third column: "Other". Player (let's call it, may come to all just one time. Approaching one of the players (let's call him Sasha), Dima must choose only one criterion by which he will compare it with his criterion (for example, a hobby). If it coincides, Sasha writes its name in the Dima leaflet. If it does not coincide, then in the third column, Dima records the "hobby" of Sasha. After that goes to another person. Note, now it will be necessary to Sasha at a meeting with this Dima, choose another criterion than the "hobby". One who first wines all players.

Game "Y!".

All stand in a circle. Someone begins: I say loudly: "Y!", And at the same time he shows someone from the circle. Two players standing near (one left, other on the right) utter "y!". The person who has shown calls his name. After that, he shows on another player, saying "y!". Everything is repeated again.

The game should be held in fast and fun form.

Game "Clappers".

All playing get up in a circle. The counseling of children is the next rhythm with children: two shields on the knees, then twice ejected hands with a gesture "in!" (Hand brushes are compressed in a fist, the thumb is raised). Having mastered the rhythm you can start the game itself. After the first two cotton knees, the leader calls her name (simultaneously with the ejection of the gesture "in!"), After the second two cotton the name of the one who transmits a voice. Etc. In order to avoid problems with repetitive names, you can replace the gesture to the pointing.

Options are possible:

the player can cause himself (after the second cotton, call his name again), but not more than 2 times;

do not call yourself to immediately transfer the relay. In the event of an error, the player comes out of the game, as the player is disposed of, it is impossible to call it.

Game "This is me!"

The presenter says quickly some allegations: "movie lover", "Lovers to eat", "Lazy", etc. If the player agrees, he answers "I am!". Answer playing chorus and quickly. You can climb the player: for a long time to call what he will answer "this is me!", And then suddenly ask a provocative question and a child, without thinking, can answer the truth.

Game "I and my neighbors".

Requisites: chairs in the number of participants, paper, handles and pencils.

Chairs are placed in a circle, participants occupy space in a circle. The host of the game offers to draw table on sheets. In the first column, "the name of the player sitting through one person on the left is written; In the second - "his name"; In the third - "The name of the player sitting through one person right."

It is proposed to write the names of the neighbors through one, so that the players did not have a desire to peel, he writes a neighbor. The meaning of the game is as follows: the leading game asks questions, and the players answer them in writing on their leaves for themselves and for their neighbors (trying to guess the correct answer). During the game, any conversations between players are prohibited. Questions, in principle, can be any, the number of questions - 8-10. Approximate questions:

Favorite color.

Does the discos loved.

Favorite kinherroy.

Favorite pet.

Will you know how to sing well.

Like watching television series.

Does it know what "exaltation" (exaltation is an enthusiastic and excited state)

Favorite sport (two).

At the end of the game, participants are given time to assess how the answers coincided. The game can be carried out not only in the organizational period, as a game of acquaintance, but also to other periods of shift to see how well the children know each other.

Collecting Games

The game "Atoms - Molecules".

The lead explains: the atom is the smallest particle. In the game atom will be every player. The molecule consists of atoms, so combining a chain of several players in the game is called a molecule. Lead Pronounces: "Atoms". All players begin chaotic moving around. After the word "three-time molecule", the players must be connected into groups of three people. He who cannot get up in the triple leaves the game. And the presenter continues to change the number of atoms in molecules. The game can be complicated: atoms should move with closed eyes.

The game "Family Photography".

The group is invited to imagine that it is a big family and they need to take pictures. Selects "photographer". He must arrange everyone for photographing. The first he chooses the "grandfather", which also helps the arrangement. Then children must decide on their own, who can be and where to stand.

This game is on identifying leaders, tracking group speakers. It is also interesting to look at the distribution of roles, activity - passivity in choosing a location.

After the arrangement and distribution of roles, the game can be finished as follows: "The photographer" considers to three, everyone claps into your hands. At the expense of "three" screaming "cheese".

Games with the hall

Game "Baryna".

The hall is divided into four parts. Each receives his words.

1: "In the bath of brooms of uroen."

2: "Spindle are accurate."

3: "And I was not dried."

4: "Barnya - Baryna, Baryn - Madam".

The presenter "conducts" the hall, showing it to the third, then on the third. Who will show, he should pronounce his words. Before starting with each team, words are rehearsed.

Game "Dwarfs".

The hall is divided into two halves: "Petki" and Vaska ".

Words "Petin": "Petka, I have a shirt in a cage, I came to you kids to eat a candy."

Words "Vassek": "Vaska, I have pants in polka dot, I came from a fairy tale, because I am good."

Words are rehearsed with every half hall. Then leading such words: "A beautiful house is high on the flood, and a cheerful dwarf lives in a house. Gnome, gnome What is your name? ". It follows the answer of one half of the hall, then another. After that, both half of the hall scream at the same time who shifts whom.

Game "Nose - Paul - Ceiling".

The lead in turn calls the "nose", "floor", "ceiling", showing the index finger. The task of playing performing the tasks of the lead unmistakably (if the "floor" is called, - everyone should show to the floor). So with the rest of the words. The host tries to confuse players, pointing not to what they were named. For example, I said "nose", but showed a ceiling. Game for the most attentive.

The game "Volume Control".

The presenter depicts the volume control knob. The maximum raised hand means the maximum noise. Updated down hand means silence. The leader raises the hand up, lowers down, and the players make the sounds of the corresponding volume.

Game "Titanic".

It is proposed to put a new film "Titanic".

Host: "Let's go on a ship at the Titanic. For this, two people are invited to the scene. They will be sides of Titanic. Then another actor is invited. He gets the role of the boat. The boards are taken by hand, and the boat hangs on their hands. The nose of the ship should decorate a female figure, you need a beautiful girl.

Girl coming out. Then two tall people are invited, they are invited to be on the ship. The ship is built, but not equipped. It is very important not to forget the signal rocket. A small girl is invited to this role. Clearing a loud, shrill cry. Two actors in white are invited to the role of iceberg. He rises on the way of the ship's movement. Finally, a couple is invited, which gets the role of lovers. Lovers on the nose of the ship depict the scene from the movie "Titanic" (flying on the nose of the ship over the ocean). He: "TRUST ME" (Believe me). She: "I TRUST You" (I believe you). Host: "But here the ship is crashed into the iceberg and splits in half (the side discharges hands, the boat falls into the water). On the ship panic (spectators shout). Rats run from the ship (the viewers are hung on their feet). The signal rocket takes off. Signal missile: "Help! Help! " The rocket jumps from the chair and shouts. Host: "And our lovers are saved on the boat. A happy ending. All kissing. "

Game "Chika - Boom".

The presenter asks to repeat the words and movements behind him. On the first word - cotton in your hands, on the second - cotton knees, then movement repeated. First, the line says the lead, and then they repeat all the players, not forgetting to make movements. The words:

Chika - boom - cool song,

We will sing it all together

If you need a cool noise,

Put with us Chik - boom.

I sing a boom, Chika - Boom,

I sing a boom, Chika - Boom,

I sing a boom, Chika - Cancer, Chika - Cancer, Chika - Cancer, Chika - Boom.


A - A


Games jokes

Game "Lunohod".

Playing get up in a circle. Driving, moving on all fours, bypasses a circle with the words: "I am a lunohod - 1. Pi - PI". The one who laughed or at least smiled, attached to the moonport. The game continues until everyone becomes a "lunas".

Game option: drivening walks in a circle and meows. It may come to any player, and this player must stroke him on the head and say: "My kitty is sick today." Who laughs also joined as a "kitty".

Game "School of Garden Empty".

Playing repeat for the leading movement. Host: "Now we will spend a small workout. Raise your right hand up, shake brush. Raise the left hand up. Shake your hands, jerk, how birch is noisy: sh - sh - sh - sh! Divide your arms to the sides. Fiery like aircraft: Well - F - Well! Hands like birds. Squeeze: Ksh - Ksh - Ksh! " Congratulations! You graduated from the garden of garden frightened.

Game "hypnosis".

The presenter raises those who want to undergo hypnosis, and one assistant. Those who want to be in front of him, the assistant nearby. The presenter begins: "Imagine that the wonderful flower blooms in front of you: pink buds, carved leaves. From his blinding beauty, you close your eyes (perform) and fall on one knee in admiration, pressing your hands to the heart (performed). The flower makes a delightful aroma. You feel? Cut the nose to the flower (execute). You wanted to disrupt it to give it to your best friend. But carefully, stalk barbed, so stretch the relaxed right hand forward (execute). You feel hot! You want to drink, and a large drop of dew on the flower petal. So wanted to smell it. Tighten the language (execute). Frozen: opened our eyes! " With the last words, the presenter approaches the assistant, gives him a military honor and says: "Comrade Starshina! A group of guard dogs for the protection of the state border is built! ".

Game "Giraffe - Elephant - Bird."

All stand in a circle. Driving unexpectedly on someone shows and says one of three words (giraffe, elephant, bird). If the word "Giraffe" is uttered, then this player raises both hands up, and his two neighbor - on the right and left should squat. So they depicted a giraffe. If the "Elephant": the player makes a trunk from the hands, and the players on the right and on the left make ears to him. If the "Bird" - the player himself makes the beak of the hands, and the neighbors fell down one leg, the far from the player, and divert the hand.

A player who has noticed or did not do that shape, dropping out of the game.

Outdoor games Develop children physically, allow you to switch from one type of activity to another. Such games love children of all ages, because they are a source of joyful emotions.

That the game was successful, it is important to know some factors in the preparation and holding of moving games:

1) Preparation for the game
The choice of the game depends on the tasks, age, physical data, the number of children, conditions and venues. It is also necessary to consider and prepare the game inventory, place the platform.
2) organization of playing
At this stage, there is an explanation of the rules of the game and placing playing in their places. Players must familiarize themselves with the name of the game, goal, rules, as well as the role of everyone in it and its location. Next, you need to choose leading, commanders, jury. This can be done with the help of readers, lots, by appointing a manager. Set the necessary inventory.
3) Guide to the game process
The game begins according to the conditional signal of the head. In the course of the game, the rules are reminded, adjustment is. The judge monitors the game, noting the violation, gives a signal. He makes comments without entering the disputes with playing. The game must be completed while the children have not worked out and show interest to it. At the end, the head organizes the cleaning of the inventory.
4) Summing up the game
When the results are voicing, the speed and quality of job execution by the command is taken into account. The analysis of the game clarifies the details of the game, conflicts are settled, and also helps to find out how learned and understood the game that playing liked and what to work in the future.

A selection of mobile games for children:

"Nose, nose, nose, mouth ..."

Players are sitting in a circle, in the middle - presenter. He says: nose, nose, nose, mouth. Pronounce the first three words, it takes the nose, and at the fourth instead of the mouth, totals to another part of the head. Sitting by a mug must do everything as he says, and does not lead a lead, and do not let himoniate. Who is mistaken, he drops out of the game. Wins the most careful.

"Chicken on the grain".

1. Let's buy a chicken-grandmother - 2 r.

And a chicken in a grain of kudah-tah

2. We will buy a clarity with your grandmother - 2 p

3. We will buy my grandmotherly turkeyonka - 2 p

Turkey Fald Falda, Duck Tati-Ta

And the chicken in the grain kuda-taha

4. We will buy Kisska's grandmother - 2r

Pisya meow-meow, turdynok Fald Falda,

duck Tati-Ta-Ta, and a chicken in a grain kip-tah

5. We will buy a dog with my grandmother

Doggymka Gav-Gav, Pisya meow-meow, turkeyonok Falda Falda,

duck Tati-Ta-Ta, and a chicken in a grain kip-tah

6. We will buy a grandmother with a grandmother - 2r

Corovna Flour Flour, Dog Gav-Gav, Kisa Meow-Meow, Falda Falda turkey,

duck Tati-Ta-Ta, and a chicken in a grain kip-tah

7. We will buy a babies with your grandmother

Piglets Khryuki-Khryuki, Corovenka Flour Flour, Dog Gav-Gav,

pisya meow-meow, turdynok Fald Falda,

duck Tati-Ta-Ta, and a chicken in a grain kip-tah

8. We will buy a TV with your grandmother - 2p

TV time

Speaker Lyalya-Lyalya, and a chicken in a grain of kuda-tah

"Two flower".

Two flower, two flower

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs

Anvil, Avovalnya

Scissors, scissors

Running on the spot, running on the spot

Bunnies, bunnies

And now we say the girls and boys together.

"Round the king in the forest"

Round the king in the woods, in the forest, in the forest

He met the princess - 3 p

Let's jump with you - 3

Feet undermine - 3

Handle praise - 3

Flood with legs - 3

Let's pour with you - 3

And we are friends with you - 3

"How are you".

How are you? Like this

And swim? Like this

Waiting for an answer? Like this

Mashech after? Like this

How do you run? Like this

In the morning sleeping? Like this

Did you see? Like this

How is Shawl? Like this

"Figure Waltz". Everyone gets up in pairs in a circle, holding hands, forming a boat, and sing: "Step, step, step - on socks. Step, step, step - on socks. Shot, turned over, slammed, the name, changed. "

"Rhythmic exercise".

Strong - bold our squad

Frondition entered the parade.

Above the leg

Good Step

How to place soldiers.

"Where is the right, where left". Children jump at the expense. When the educator says "right", children retire the right on the sock. (Hands on the belt)

"Beach and River". For attention. On Earth, 2 lines are drawn at a distance of 1 m. Between these lines "River", and at the edges - "shore". All stand on the "shores". The presenter submits the command: "River", and everyone jumps into the "river". According to the team "Coast", everyone jumped on the "shore".

"Traffic light".On the green color - running on the spot, on the yellow - step in place, on the red - stand.

"Enchanted Castle". 2 teams play. 1 should argue "Castle", and 2 - prevent them from this. "Castle" can serve a tree or wall. Near the "castle" are the main gate - the yard of the guys from the 2nd team blindfolded. In general, all players of this team should be tied. They arbitrarily, as they want, are located on the playground. Players who should argue "Castle" on the team leading begin to move silently to the lavan gate. And the tasks are imperceptibly reaching the gate, pass through them and touch the "Castle". At the same time the game is considered to be finished. But the task of the 2nd team blindfolded to rally those who move to the "Castle". Those who weaken are dropped out of the game. At the end of the game, the guys change roles. Ensure the condition: whether the guys from the 2nd team stand still on the spot or they can move around the site.

"Santiki-Sitalka Lim-Po". Playing stand in a circle. A few seconds away from the circle for a short distance ... This time the players choose who will be "showing". This player will have to show different movements (cotton in your hands, stroking the head, podding by foot, etc.) All other players must immediately repeat his movements. After the showing is chosen, the water is invited to the center of the circle. Its task is to determine who shows all movements. Movements begin with ordinary cotton. At the same time, throughout the game, the words "Sitalka Sitinti Lim-Po" are pronounced by the choir. In a timeless moment, showing a new movement demonstrates. Everyone must instantly adopt it, so as not to enable the opportunity to guess who leads them. Watering may have several attempts to guess. If one of the attempts succeeded, then the showing becomes leading.

"Equilibrium test." Two teams of any quantitative composition, with the simultaneous participation of boys and girls, become against each other. Each participant must have opponent against himself, with whom will compete in the ability to maintain balance. On the team, everyone takes the following posture: standing on one leg; The other bent, is settled by the knee somewhat aside and pressed the heel to the knee of the support leg; Hands on the belt. On the second signal, everyone closes their eyes and stand, trying not to disturb the balance. Who the first will chat and become two legs, opens his eyes, and if he sees that his opponent standing on the contrary still stands on one leg with closed eyes, makes two steps back; If he sees that the opponent lost and moved back, it remains to stand. The judges control the execution of this rule. Wins a team that has a greater number of winners. You can continue the competition and reveal the absolute winner. To do this, you need the winners of the first round to share in half and spend a second test, and in the third round everyone is built into one rank and identify three players who will become the last on both legs.

"Japanese cabbage". Play everything. The leading persecution of the remaining players, and if someone is touched, he starts to drive. But the new hardest is harder: he must run by hand to the part of the body, which touched the walked, be it hand, head, shoulder, loin, knee or elbow. So he must catch up and nominate anyone. If you play a lot, choose two or even three driving.

"Hare without Logova". Children stand in pair face to each other, raising the lifted hands up. These are "houses" or "Zaita Lair". Two of the leading - "hare" and "hunter" are selected.

The hare must run away from the hunter, while he can hide in the house, i.e. Stand up between playing. The one to whom he got his back, becomes a "hare" and runs away from the hunter. If the hunter is awaited a hare, then they change roles.

Children get up in a circle and walk in pairs. The hare runs away from the wolf. The hare gets up, takes the arm, 3-ie runs away

"Hello". Everyone gets in a circle face shoulder to shoulder. Driving goes along the outside of the circle and hurts one of the players. Driving and playing, which treated, run in different directions on the outside of the circle. Having met, they shake hands and say: "Hello". You can still call your name. Then they run further, trying to take a free space in a circle. The one who remained without a place becomes leading.

"Water". Objective: Attention, honesty, knowing each other.

Driving sits in a circle with closed eyes. Playing moving in a circle with the words:

Water, water,

What are you sitting under water

Look at a little

For one minute.

The circle stops. "Water" gets up and, without opening the eye, comes to one of the players. His task is to determine who in front of him. "Water" can touch the player standing in front of him, but it is impossible to open the eyes. It is impossible to touch the head. If you drive, guessed, he changed role.

"To your flags." Purpose: honesty, attention, as I remembered the color of your subject.

Share children for teams. All teams give the subject of different colors. At the signal, everyone dances to the music. Music ends - everyone stops and closed eyes. Captains are suitable for the educator, and he whispers, how to get up. Music turns on, everyone opens eyes and is looking for a captain with the subject of their color.

Options: If the captain raises the subject to one hand, the command is built into the column, if in the direction - in the car, if both hands are up in a circle.

"Labyrinth". Children get up in a few ranks. 2 leading (hare, wolf). Children stand at the distance of an elongated arm (the side do not raise hands) the hare runs along the maze not running at her hands. At the command of the teacher "right", children turn and the hare is already running on another labyrinth. The wolf catches the hare if shifted - change.

"Human Alliance (knot)". This exercise is designed to bring the participants to consent to each other and interaction. The group consists of 10-12 people. Participants are asking to get up in a circle, reach and take the right hand with one person, and left with another. Then they are asked to wake up, without squeezing hands. Success depends on how participants will negotiate with each other. The participants then discusses how they come to an agreement in real life, how important these agreements are.

Lunar Ball. A wonderful game for one team, which develops coordination, quick response and sociability.

Place your group on a basketball court or on any field. For the game, use a well-inflated beach ball. The task of the group is to hold the ball in the air as long as possible (of course, hitting it), do not give him to fall on the ground. Depending on the group, set the target of 30-100 shots, if necessary, this indicator can be enlarged. Voltage and hope increase with the establishment of each "world record".

Some rules:

1. The player has no right to hit the ball twice in a row.

2. Count one point for each blow, and two by foot.

"Lunar Ball" - A popular game for all ages, because it is very easy to understand, it does not require a lot of experience and implies everyone's participation. Since you are standing in a circle, hitting the ball, then there is no doubt about what all the views are concentrated - on the ball, of course. Since everyone is focused on the ball, the good and bad blows do not attribute to anyone and the game continues.

Beach ball gives a fantasy outlet, think that you can still do with brightly painted, like a balloon, ball, besides how to transmit or transfer it? After you tried the main game, play one of its options.

Ask the group after the main 37 shots on the ball, to demonstrate how many times the group will be able to hit the ball so that everyone is hit in turn: 1. Without allowing the ball to fall on Earth or 2. Do not miss the players. Or watch how quickly the ball moves from one player to another in turn, i.e. through the whole group. If the ball affects the earth, assign a temporary penalty - say, 5 seconds. The ball should be hit, and not pass it. Make this game constant and record the greatest number of shots (only with your hands) for one minute. Consider only those shots that did not precedes the fall of the ball. Let the players themselves decide how to accommodate the best result.

"Tanyapetrkolaastanislavmaria". This game does not imply any special actions: it's just entertainment. This game can be attributed to the impulsive genre. Stand in the circle. Take the Stopwatch and tell players that this is a game for a while. Call your name and turn on the stopwatch. The player next to you (from any side) calls his name and so on as quickly as possible until everything in a circle call their names. As soon as the last player names its name - turn off the stopwatch. This game is best to spend in a large group, but even in a small group you can have a good fun. Notice. How faster the players pronounce soy names after several attempts. If the group is small, you can repeat the names in a circle 2 or 3 times. As an option of the game, call names in both directions at the same time. This game is not used for dating.

"Pulse". Ask a group of 8-10 people in a circle and take up hands. The circle should be as wide as possible, but hands should not be swollen. So far, explain the rules of the game, stand up in a circle. The essence of the game is to transmit the pulse along the chain, i.e. You squeeze the player's hand to the right or left of you and, if everything is done correctly, the impulse will move from one player to another until it comes to the initiator, i.e. up to you You can also send a pulse in two directions: and to the right, and left. Game Option: Pass the pulse with eyes closed (eyes are closed at all, except for the player sending the impulse). Watch and describe the effect that occurs when a quick and neat impulse transmission. However, accuracy here is not as important as entertainment and fun. Depending on your "Impulse" group, described above, can either work or not (if students want it to work, it will work). After you broke the ice, forcing the group to take up hands. Try to achieve more by providing them with "II".

"Impulse II". Standing in a circle and holding hands, players (10-50 people) are trying to pass the impulse, squeezing your hand as quickly as possible - this is a game for a while. Try at first to spend the game in this way, and then close your eyes - and compare the time. And now, ask one of the students to send an impulse in two directions. Look, can the impulses cross and continue their move on? On the principle of impulse, you can transfer anything: for example, a sound or some word.

"Equilibrium with a brush". This is an unusually cheerful exercise, but also the result of this exercise is to improve relations between students and readiness to look silly in the eyes of others. How many guys miss the available learning situations only because they do not want to look stupid to their comrades. Holding: Give the task to students to keep the brush vertically so that the handle is exactly above the head, and let them look at the top point of the brush. Ask students to turn around its axis 15 times, and then lower the brush to the floor and step on it. During rotation, the student must keep his eyes open and look at the end of the brush that you need to keep vertically, stretching your hand. Most participants will fall before the completion of revolutions, and the rest will have great difficulties with coming on the handle of the brush.

The dignity of the exercise is as follows:

1. This is the most exercise that most people make it difficult to accomplish and so they show their inability to fulfill it in front of all participants. Potentially negative expulsion reduces their normal sensitivity to the defeat, because the task itself is ridiculous and the group absorbed by the cheerful moment, laughing , Supports any effort, no matter how stupid and ridiculous.

2. Successful implementation really requires concentration and consistent effort. Most people can control dizziness.

This exercise can also be performed in pairs. If you have difficulty involving a single participant in the work, let you know this exercise in pairs. Let one hold a brush on his head, and the other at that time puts his hands on the shoulders first and together begin to rotate, looking at the brush. Then they arise together on the brush. Use helpers.

Since, as a result of the impact on the middle ear, participants lose orientation, it is necessary to use at least 4 assistants (standing from the north, south, west and east) for each exercise. One of the assistants is watching the brush (ready to fall at any time), and the rest are watching the movements of the rotating participant - each assistant is aware of its responsibility for preventing the fall of the comrade. Let 2-3 participants fulfill this trick in front of the entire group. Then break the class on small groups: participants and assistants. It is a good and interesting exercise, but if it is often used, it turns into a boring, tedious and useless pastime.

CAUTION: Remember, dizziness may cause an epileptic attack. Warn students about this and do not insist on performing an exercise if someone from the participants is afraid that rotation can cause nausea.

"Earth, water, fire, air." For this People's Armenian game it will take the ball. Everyone becomes a circle, in the middle - presenter. He throws the ball to someone from the players, uttering one of the four words: "Earth", "water", "air", fire. " If the presenter said "Earth", the one who caught the ball must quickly call any domestic or wild animal; On the word "water" playing meets the name of any fish; On the word "air" - the name of the bird. With the word "fire" everything must quickly roll over several times around, waving their hands. Then the ball returns the lead. Those who fail to correctly respond to the words of the host come out of the game.

"Burleys". Play on the lawn, the summer platform is at least 20-30 m 15-25 people. Participants, divided by couples, take hands. Couples become each other with a row. Ahead of 3-5 m from the first pair is worth leading. Everyone speaks chorus:

Gori, Gori clearly.

So as not to go out.

Look at the sky:

Birds fly away

The bells are ringing…

Driving stands back to playing. Starting with the words "Look at the sky," he looks up. At this time, the last PAP disconnects his arms and go ahead. Almost picking up with the "Torch", they are waiting for the words "ring" and rush to run forward by the leading. He chases any of them and tries to catch, touched upon his hand, before they take up their hands again. Whoever "Torching" will catch up with the pair of ahead of the Verena. Drives the remaining. If the "Torch" did not catch anyone, he "burns" again - catches the next pair.

"Torchik" has no right to look around and peeping. Otherwise, the couple who prepared to run can change the queue on the other. No one should start running before the word "ring" sounds. "Torchik" can catch running only as long as they take hands.

"Name Synonym".Players are in a circle. The lead in turn throws them the ball and calls at the same time, say, some adjective. The player who hit the ball should call synonym and throw the ball leading. Similarly, the game "Name Antony!"

"Seine". Two or three players are taken by arms, forming a "nem". Their task is to catch as much as possible "floating fish". If the "fish" caught, then it joins the leading and becomes part of the "non-Russian".

"Cappons". Four players get up with couples, holding both hands and raising them up. These are capacanis, they are located at a small distance from each other. All the rest are taken by arms, forming a chain. They must move through the trap. Through the cotton droplets "slam", i.e. Capps are lowered hands. Those who caught Capan form couples and also become trap.

Golden Gate

Not always miss

The first time - says goodbye

The second time is prohibited

And for the third time - do not miss you.

The rest run by a chain at hand in a circle. (Circle can move)

"Invitation". One leading in a circle. He dances to the music and calls others. Everyone repeats him. Music ends - everyone gets up in a circle. Who did not have time - he leads.

"Lady Lei". Children in a circle. 1 pair dancing inside. Cotton. The dancing couple diverges and invites a new partner, etc. The dance ends then until all playing with each other. It is forbidden to re-dance with the same partner. Children forming a circle can move in place in accordance with the music.

"Podmigshiki". All stand in pairs around the circle, one player behind the other. Hands all are lowered down. On the circle line costs and driving. He has no partner behind him. He must look into the eyes to someone from the players of the first line and wink. The one who winked, runs from his place and gets behind the back of the leading. But it may not work, because the player of the second line is closely watching the leading and if he sees that he has winked by his partner, can hold it. If he managed to do it, the leading forced to wink once again, until his winking finishes perfectly. If the player of the second line did not react on time and did not have time to grab the first player, he becomes leading.

"Atoms and molecules". All playing randomly move around the playground, at this moment they are all "atoms". In molecule M.B. and 2, and 3, and 5 atoms. The master player will need to create a "molecule", i.e. Catch together for each other. If the presenter says: "The reaction goes three", then 3 players are connected, etc. The signal to ensure that the molecules again broke up into individual atoms, serve as a command of the master: "The reaction is over". The signal to return to the game temporarily retired players serves as a team: 4 "The reaction goes one by one."

"Call". On the two opposite sides of the site drawn lines of "cities", divide playing for two teams and choose captains. Each team is built by Shero behind the line of his city face to the middle of the site. The captain of the team, a beginner game, sends any player to the city of another team. Her participants pull forward right hands bent in the elbows, palms up. The sent player sequentially three times concerns the palm of one or the palms of two or three players, saying: "Once, two, three!" After the third touch, he runs back to his city, and who he touched on the third time, rushes after trying to catch (osal) called. If he caught up, which caused walks in captivity and becomes in the back of him. If it does not catch, he himself is captured. Then the captain of another command sends his player to the challenge. A sent player must cause such an opponent, which is weaker or equal to the speed of running. If he is a strong runner, he can help his team player taken captive. For this, he causes a player for whom the captive is. If the called does not catch it up, it is captured, and its captive also returns to his team. If the opponent will catch up, he will have two captives. Wins a team in which there will be more prisoners. Usually, the captain also participates in the game, and if he captures, it replaces another player. Captain is trying to rescue by anything.

"Circular hunting". Smashed into two teams, players form two circles. Each player standing in the inner circle remembers the player standing ahead of his opposite team. Then, by the signal of the leading players, standing in circles, begin to move with the withdrawal steps in different directions. According to the second signal, the players of the external circle are running out, and the players of the inner circle are pursued. It is necessary to pursue only ahead of the standing player. The presenter believes to thirty, then says: "Stop!" - And counts outstanding. Then the commands change roles.

"Chase". The game involves two teams. Alone is built along the lot at the start line, and the second is a few meters from the back. At a distance of 20 m during the start line, the second line is stuck, on which the flags are installed with an interval of 1.5-2 m. 2 m from each flag put on a small ball. At the signal of the leading players of both teams run forward. The players of the first team are enveloped by flags and rush to the finish line, players of the second team, bypassing the flags of the balls lying behind them and try to get them in running away. For each hit get the point. After that, the teams change roles.

"Salk on one leg" Appointed leading - salca, all the others are freely placed on the site. Salka, jumping on one leg, trying to catch up and rally the players, and those too jumping on one leg, are sinking. If the cabin caught up and touched the player, they change roles. From time to time, you can change the leg on which you jump, but it is forbidden to switch to run.

"Salca couples." Welding two who hold hands, like players.

"Wolf in the Ravy." In the middle of the game site drawn two parallel lines with a width of 50-60cm. The Rives are two driving wolves. The remaining playing goats are on one side of the RVA. At the signal of the leading goat, they try to cross through the ditch to get to the other side of the site on the pasture. Wolves can catch goats, just being in Rives (at the moment when goats jump or when they are near the moat). The goat, who came running to the Rives, but the facing wolf and did not jump over three seconds, is considered caught. The outstands depart aside, they are considered, and they are again included in the game. Each time the presenter gives a signal to start the yield of goats on the pasture. After two or three times, new wolves are chosen, and the game is repeated. Goats won, never caught, and wolves who caught the greatest number of goats.

"Fishing rod". Playing get up in a circle. In the middle of it leading to the rope, at the end of which the bag with sand is tied. By teammate, the leading leading begins to circle a rope with a bag over the ground so that the bag constantly concerned the earth. Playing jump over the rope when it comes to your feet, trying not to hurt. The assay becomes leading.

"Leapfrog". Two teams compete in running with jumps through a partner standing, tilting forward his head and leaning hands on the hips. Stand standing at the back of the number. As soon as the rear in the column jumped through the latter, it runs forward and also jumps, etc. Distance is arbitrary.

"Forbidden Movement". Driving, standing face to playing, shows various movements with hands (lifting forward, leading to side, etc.) and torso (slopes, turns), squats, lifting and leading to the side of the leg. Playing repeat them. However, there are movements that cannot be done about it all before the start of the game. This is, for example, lifting forward right hand, a lead in the direction of the left leg. These movements must be skipping. Whoever will perform any of the forbidden movements, drops out of the game.

"Stop!" Players form a circle and calculated in order. One becomes leading. He takes a small ball and comes to the middle. Driving greatly hits the ball about the ground and calls someone else. Cropped by the ball, and the rest are running around on the site. As soon as caused by the ball, he shouts: "stand!", And everyone should instantly stop. Then the player with the ball throws it in the nearest to him, but he can feel without going off. If the casting misses, it has to run behind the ball, and at this time the rest can run away. Taking the ball, screaming again "stand!" - And she tries to allocate anyone. The awesome becomes new leading, playing surrounding it, and the game starts first.

Option. Driving does not hit the ball on the ground, but throws the ball is possible above and calls the number of any player, he catches, and if I caught, then immediately can throw up, calling another number. If the resulting does not catch the ball and he will fall to the ground, it is necessary to quickly pick up and continue to do so, as mentioned above: to sire the nearest, etc.

"Bouncer". Driving with a ball (volleyball) - embroiled, the rest are arbitrarily placed on the site. The signal raised to throw the ball in the players who try to dodge or run away. Embroidered can also run around the site, and his task is to spot the ball as many players as possible. When it succeeds, he considers out loud: "Once, two, three ...", etc. Players can catch the ball abandoned in them and when they manage it, become embarrassed. When a high flying ball hits the player's head, he does not leave the game. Sometimes it even has to knock off the ball, if it fails to dodge him on time. The player who won the ball has a greater number of participating schoolchildren.

"Do not let down". One of the players is driven - is inside the circle, and all the others are out, standing outside the circle throw in all directions of the ball, and driving it tries to touch it. You need to throw no higher head, you can roll the ball on the floor. If the ball is working, it is included in the circle, and the leading becomes the ball with which the ball was abandoned

Option. Two goals are introduced into the game and two watering are in a circle.

"Defender". Playing become in a circle. The ball is put on the ball or three Bulava becomes. Around the above object is a defender. Playing, throwing down the ball to each other, try to distract the defender to the side and then get a fast throw to the object in the center of the circle. The defender tries to beat off the ball. Playing, which manages to get into target becomes a defender.

"Shootout". Play on a volleyball playground (or the squares are roughly the same size). Playing are divided into two teams, each is appointed captain. The teams are in squares, captains behind the front lines of the site, on opposite sides, i.e., so that the opponent's team is located between the captain and the team. Play a volleyball ball. Initially, between the captain and players of his team, which the game got the right to start the game, twice the ball is held: the Captain throws the ball in the field, he is returned to him. This is done in order for players to other teams take time to take comfortable places on the site. The third throw can start staining. The player whom the ball, who threw him, should leave the field and go to his captain. Hit does not read if the ball hit the head. When fishing or any other hit in the player, bounced or illuminated the ball can be raised. But if he rolled out outside the site on the side of the enemy, the team loses it. When in the team all the players are knocked out from the field, the captain comes on the field (it can go to the field at any time, but only if his team owns the ball). A player becomes in place of the captain on the front line of the field, one of the player. When entering the captain's platform, two times the transit is again made, and from the third time you can already be stained. The game wins the team who knocked out of the field of all the opponent players (including the captain's field).

Option. The game begins with the fact that the presenter throws up the ball, and players, bouncing, try to repel your team in the direction of their team; Awested player goes beyond the front line of the team of opponents and remains there until their players transfer the ball to him in his hands, after that he returns to his team and on a par with others; They play for a while and the result is determined by the one who has more prisoners.

"Four goals." Two teams are located on a volleyball playground from different sides of the grid. Each has two volleyball balls. At the leader's signal, players throw balls from different angles (from the rear lines) sites on the side of the enemy. The task is to catch or raise and share these balls on the side of the enemy as soon as possible. The team loses the point if three goals turn out on her side. She loses the point and in the case when the abandoned ball passes under the grid or landing outside the site. The game consists of two or three batches of 10 points. After each playful point, the balls are introduced into the game with new pairs of playing. During the game, everyone moves on the site clockwise (as in volleyball).

"Harmon ball". Playing become in the circle at the distance of the elongated hands. For the circle it turns out. After five to six people from the place where he is located, a volleyball ball is given to one of the players. After the signal of the leading standing in a circle, they begin to quickly transfer each other the ball in a circle, and the leading runs in the same direction. He tries, having fallen a circle, to become in his place earlier than the ball, bypassing the circle, will return to the initial circle. If you find it possible to overtake the ball, and it becomes leading. The ball is not allowed to move to each other, it can only be transferred from hand to hand.

"Tunnel". Playing are divided into two teams and are built into the columns two, holding hands, one column parallel to the other. At the signal of the leading children standing in the last columns, running forward under raised hands of playing and stand ahead of their column, raising her hands up. The latter is a signal for the rear, and they perform the same as the previous steam. Wins the team, whose players will be the first to finish the jog.

"One in Circle". Old, but still very popular game of Hungarian schoolchildren. Fifteen-twenty players become in a circle and throw each other a small ball. If someone drops the ball, he comes out in the middle of the circle. Standing in a circle continue to transfer the ball, watching him standing in the center did not intercepted, and then throw it in the middle standing, trying to get into it. If you fall, then the bounced ball is catching and abandoned again. But if standing in the middle will grab the ball, he throws in someone from standing in a circle, and if it falls, it changes with him places. The game is carried out in a rapid pace and very emotional.

"Circular shelling". Draw a circle with a diameter of 8 -10 meters. It includes ten players - five from each team. As many players becomes the outside of the circle, and from each team through one. To designate their zone, from the circle of drawing lines in the form of rays. Teams give out belts of different color. On the lot, the ball is transmitted from the teams. Each player can transfer it to a partner who is in a circle or outside it. Having imagined the favorable moment, standing behind the circle tries to get the ball in the player of the opposite team, which is in a circle. He tries to dodge or catch the ball (in the latter case he transmits the ball to partners, and himself remains in a circle, continuing to play). If the ball got into the player and, bounced, fell to the ground, the player drops away - leaves the platform. Touch the ball after rebound from the Earth or from another player is not considered an insalid. Another rule is out of the circle are not eligible in the fight for the ball cross the distinction lines with neighbors from another team or pull out the ball from the hands. If this rule is violated, the ball is transmitted to another team. Two parties are held, and victory is awarded that team that fastened all opponents faster.

"SUCKING-SUCTORAL". One of the players takes a rope at one end and, coming out in the middle of the site, rotates horizontally, intercepting behind his back from one hand to another. The rest of the participants are sitting in a circle, leaning their hands from behind, and when the rope goes under their feet, raise them up. The one whom the rope has flown up, comes out of the game.

Option. Playing are in the stop lying on their hands, with a support on your knees. The impetus, they raise the body from the floor, skipping the rope at hand.

"Tanya in Circle". On Earth, two concentric circles are drawn - one in another - with a diameter of 1 and 2 m. All players surround a big circle and tightly take hands. According to the signal of the lead, everyone starts to move in a circle to the right or left, without releasing the connected hands. On the second signal, everyone stops and trying to draw their neighbors in the circle. Playing, salting to strive or jump over a large circle to get into the small, where it is allowed to be, or step over, but so as not to disconnect the hands. Favoring in a big circle again take hands. Players who disconnect hands during tugs will come out of both games. When the remaining players cannot surround a big circle, they get up around a small circle and pull each other into it. In this case, to escape from the attachment of nowhere.

"Fight roosters". On Earth, the circle with a diameter of 3-4 m. The players are divided into two teams and lined up into two ranks near the circle one against the other. In each team choose captain. Captains send one player - Petukhu - in a circle. Each of them rises on one leg, the other fears, the hands puts behind the back. At the signal of the leading rooster, jumping on one leg, begin to push each other's shoulder from the circle or strive to make her opponent stand on both legs. The winner wins the point for his team. Then in the middle of the circle there is a next pair of roosters, etc. The game continues until everyone is in the role of roosters. Wins the team whose players won more victories. If during the pushing, both players will come out of the circle, the victory is not awarded to anyone.

"Talking in pairs". The line is drawn in the middle of the site, and at a distance of 2-3 m from it on the right and left - two more parallel lines. Players are divided into two teams and are built near the midline face to each other. Opponents in these pairs should be approximately the same growth and weight. Players standing against each other are suitable for the middle line, are taken for the right hands (for wrists), and the left lay behind the back. At the signal of the head, the players in pairs begin to pull each other, trying to drag behind the trace behind everyone. A responted player remains on the side of the enemy to count the respondents to the other side.

"Out of the circle". The site is drawn by four - six circles with a diameter of 3 m. All players are divided into two equal teams and lined up in a side on the opposite sides of the site by one to another. Each team selected captain. Captains send one player to each circle. Couples in circles are obtained by a gymnastic stick. Both players hold a stick in their hands, pressing one of her elbow end. At the signal, players, clicking on the stick, try to push each other from the circle. The winner receives a winning point. Then new pairs become in the circles. The winner team is determined by the amount of points of the points. The losers are declared to stand at least one foot for the line of the circle. If both players come out of the circle at the same time, the point is not awarded to anyone. Couple competition time can be limited to 1-2 minutes.

"Hares and walruses". Two teams are located on the front lines of the site face to each other. Players squat and take hands for the ankle. On the signal, all at the same time begin to move forward, one team towards the other, like hares jumping out of the squats. Hands can not tear off the ankle. Back players move in the stop position lying, turning through with their hands (like las). The captain of the team, when the last player crossed the site line, announces loudly: "All at home!" The team wins, all players whose faster profits to the finish.

"Floy". (Belarusian game). Its participants are built on the central line (extreme). Players of different teams stand through one and facing face in different directions. At the signal, playing are taken under the arms, forming a chain. According to the second signal, it is started to push and pull their rivals on the team, trying to start the extreme line. Thus, several attempts are carried out, according to the results of which the winner team is revealed.

"Slicks with a soccer ball." Six seven players become on the field in random order, one of them Salk. At the Signal signal, Salka tries to catch up and rally anyone, but other players kick foot blows to him the ball, and it is impossible to smear having a ball. Then the cabin switches to the capture of another player, but also a ball. From the cabinet requires a lot of agility and speed in order to improve the right moment and osal not having time to intercept the ball. If the cabin touched the ball or seized them, he replaces him who made the inaccurate transmission. Wins the one who has never been on a watering lolk or drove fewer times (the first lolk is not taken into account).

"Football Cracks". This is an entertainment game, which gives, however, a significant physical activity. It is carried out on a basketball or volleyball court. "Cracks" are either sitting, or move around the site in the stop position lying at the back, without going beyond its limits. The signal is driving, standing on the front line, the blow of the ball is trying to get into one of the cancers. The latter can defend themselves from entering the ball, exposing their feet towards the ball or moving in the specified position. If driving hit the ball in the body or the hand of the player, he changes with him places. If the drivers missed or hit the player to his feet. Cracks, having received the ball at your disposal, begin to transfer his legs to each other by moving in the appropriate posture on the site. When the ball will be able to take away the ball in the crayfish, he again rushes it into cancers from the place where it intercepted. The game lasts about 10 minutes. We won or formerly waking or less than the number of times.

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Korshun and the zeal

Children line up in a column with each other, holding a fabric to come back. The first person in the column is a zeal, and the latter is the smallest chicken. Behind him and hunts the Korean. The task of Korshun is to catch a chicken. At the same time, the chain should not disintegrate, that is, the hands cannot be discharged. When Korshun is caught, you can choose other cores and a zoom.

Snake (by analogy)

Children line up in a column, everyone keeps the belt believer. The last person in the column is the tail, and the first is the head. The challenge of the head is to catch the tail. At the same time, the body of the snake should not disintegrate, that is, the hands cannot be discharged. When the head caught the tail, you can choose a new tail and a new head.

Fishing rod

Fishing rod

For the game it will take a rope with a length of 2-3 m and a bag with sand - fishing rod. You can also use a conventional rope. The bag is fixed at the end of the rope.

From the participants choose a leading. All players become in a circle, and leading - in the middle of a circle with a rope in his hands. It rotates a rope with a bag so that he slid on the floor, making a circle behind the feet of playing.

Salki (catching)


The platform is determined without dangerous obstacles. It is selected by the leading - "molecule". All playing - "Atoms". They are scattered on the site in an arbitrary order, and the driving starts to catch up with the players. The one who was settled, takes the hand of the lead, and they together catch up with the rest.

The game ends when all playing and drivening holding hands, that is, everyone caught.

Freezing (by analogy)

The platform is determined without dangerous obstacles. It is selected by the leading - "frozen". Everyone is sprinkled by the flight, running around on the site in an arbitrary order, and the driving starts to catch up with the players. The one who was settled, freezes on the spot, saying "Defrost me - a crow". Those who did not have time to freeze can help, touching the "frozen" player and thereby free it from the ice captivity, the game continues.

You can complicate the game by choosing two leading.

Cross the road

Players run away from a leading, who seeks to settle them. But any player can save his comrade from persecution by running the road to the water.

The leading has no right to continue pursuit and should catch up with a new player. Awested player becomes leading.

Salk with a ball

Players run on the site, fleeing from a leading, who seeks to rally them, and transmit (or throw each other) to each other. The player with the ball is impossible.

The task of the players is to pass the ball to be pursued earlier than it is awaited to drive, and also save from a leading ball.

The leading can spark the ball in the hands of the player. The player in this case becomes leading. The leading can also spare the ball, intercepting it on the fly. In this case, the player becomes the guilty of loss of the ball.

Salki eddyadka

With the help of readers, the leading is selected. Players run away from the leading, and he catch up and sails players who did not have time to sit down with his arms. The outstand becomes new, and the game continues. Satisfaction can be replaced by another pion (for example, "swallow").

Scholdra, Stop!

In this game, there can be quite a lot of participants, you need an open spacious playground, the ball, preferably not very hard, can be volleyball.

The player becomes a circle. Driving beats the ball about the Earth several times, saying: "Rodder, Rodder, Rodder ...", holding a player voltage. Suddenly, for others, he throws the ball highly up and shouting the name of one of the players.

At this time, everyone scatters, trying to retire for a safe distance. The player whose name was called (now he - driven), must catch the ball. When the ball was in his hands, he shouts: "Stop!", And everyone gets freeze. The leading inspecting, chooses the "sacrifice" and prevents the distance and says: "Before, (the name" victim "), six giant steps, three human and five Liliputs!". And begins to count the steps.

It is necessary to calculate the distance so that as close as possible to get to the so-called "victim" to get into it with the ball. Players stand motionless, and the leading is obliged to go strictly in a straight line. And, by counting the steps, also does not have the right to tear legs from the ground, but should be sacrificed from that position in which he stopped. The victim can shy, squat and catch the ball without going off.

If the ball is caught, the victim should knock out the leading. If you get a missed, then, while it runs after the ball, everyone scatters. After catching the ball, he screams again: "Stop!", And everything is repeated.

Friend against each other

Ali Baba

Play this game is better on the smooth glade. We'll have to run, and sometimes fall.

Players are divided into two teams. Teams become two ranks opposite each other at a distance of 5-6 meters.

Teams are negotiating:

- Ali-Baba!

- What is the servant?

- I replace the sleeves!

- What are the numbers?

- On the fifth, tenths, we ... (the name of the player of the opposite team) here.

The player who had chosen rivals, with all its strength runs to the enemy's rank, those tightly hold hands. If the running player is able to smash a number of rivals, he takes one of the players of this team and takes it to himself, if not, becomes a player another team. The dialogue is repeated (now it starts his team that got a new player who has gotten). The game continues until one of the teams will remain a certain number of players, most often one, but it depends on the number of participants.

Candles (rules are similar to the game "Ali Baba")

Words that shout players:

- shackles!

- Caught!

- Roll!

- Do you?

- Player name...

Take the ball
Two teams of players are built against each other in the ranks, calculated in order of numbers. The distance between the ranks of at least 10 m. In the middle put the ball (kebul). Lead calls any number.

Players of both teams run away under this number, trying the first to grab the ball and return with him to the place in Shero. The player who did not get the ball is trying to catch up with the enemy. If the player with the ball has time to get up in place unrepressed, the team receives two points if it is stained - one thing. It is impossible to take away the ball. Then the participants will run away with other rooms. Points considers the presenter. The team who scores more points is defeated.

Participants are divided into two teams, are built into two ranks face to each other at a distance of 10-12 m beyond the feature of the "cities". The distance between the participants in the ranks should be no less width of the elongated hands. At the signal, they run towards each other, trying to take someone else's city and turn face to each other. Wins the team that made it faster. You can diversify the game, moving by jumping on one leg.

From the number of players choose a leading - cat. All other players - grooves. On the site draws a circle with a diameter of 5-6 m. The cat sits in a circle, and the grooves become beyond. The groove on the lead signal is jumped into the circle and jump out of it. Cat catches Sparrow, who did not jump out of the circle. Caught sparrows remain in a circle. After the cat caught a few sparrow from among the unmarried, a new cat is chosen. Sparrows jump on one or two legs by agreement. The thrust circle of the sparrow is considered caught.

Wolf and Kozdyat
It is necessary to spend two parallel lines at a distance of about 1 m. It will be a ditch in which the wolf lives. Then the wolf choose. The remaining players are kids. Cats are on one side of the site. In the signal, they run on the other side of the site, jumping over through ditch. The wolf is trying to catch a goat, not running out of the Rib. Caught kids believe and let go. After several days, they choose a new wolf.

What kind of people are it?

Children get up in the dance, the lead is asking questions, everyone is responsible for them.

- Well, guys, follow the order:

We do not just dance,

And dance charging!

- In the circle, guys, got up?

- Stood!

- Have you taken each other's hands?

- Cold for me ready?

- Ready!

- Repeat the word for the word!

Boiled, ran, only the heels flashed!


You can play anywhere: on the field, in the yard, by the river ... and how romantic on the disco or for a farewell fire.

The number of players can be anyhow, ((the more, the longer the river) the main thing is odd: everyone is broken into the couple, take hands and get up with each other. Hands raise, a corridor is formed. The drive is going on the resulting corridor, chooses a couple of , takes the hand and leads, becoming the last couple. The liberated player becomes driving. The game passes the fun and soon leading becomes more and more, and the corridor is longer. This is how sympathies are found!

Games with a ball

Duck hunting

The participants of the game are divided into two teams, one of which is hunters, the other duck. The hunters form a big circle, the ducks occupy the center of this circle.

At the signal, the hunters begin to knock out the ducks with a ball from the circle. The hunter can throw the ball itself or pass the ball to throw a teammate.

Ducks run inside the circle, fleeing from the ball, dodge and bounce. Sad duck leaves a circle. Ducks are allowed to catch the ball, in this case one of the ducks who left the circle returns. Whom of the outstanding ducks return, decides the one who caught the ball.

The game ends when not a single duck remains in the circle, after which the teams change roles.


Two teams are built into the columns one by one. Before them at a distance of 10 m post the flag. The first numbers in the teams are obtained on the ball. Necessary by closing the ball with the knees, reach the checkbox, go bend it and return to the team. Then the ball is transmitted to the next player. The team wins the task first.

Ball in a circle

The participants of the game get into a large circle and are calculated on the first-second. The first numbers are one team, the second is the other. Two player standing nearby - captains. They are given on the ball. After the signal, the balls are transmitted in a circle through one players of their team. Each team seeks to pass the ball as quickly as possible so that he returned to the captain. If the balls faced and fell, they should be raised and continue the game from the fall. That team wins, whose ball will be the first to come back to the captain.

Choice of leading

The counselor can assign a leading. You can offer the guys to choose a leading, having tapped at the same time, what qualities he should possess (one who runs well; who will not miss the ball; he himself is merry and so para). This method is especially good because the selected leading always tries as best can justify the trust of his comrades.

But there are games where you can become any, especially since during the game it will often change. Will help the game. To whom the last word falls out, goes to drive.

Bees in the field flew,
Alsed, tuping,
Bees sat down on flowers,
We play - you drive.

But there are also such readers in which the player who had the last word comes out of the circle, and the calculation makes it first. They are considered as long as one participant remains, which becomes leading. (This method applies only when there are few participants).

Lived - there were a hundred guys
One hundred nice,
All sat down for lunch
Everyone was eaten a hundred meal,
And then went to bed.
Start counting again ...

On the golden porch sat

King, Tsarevich, King, Korolevich,

Shoemaker, tailor.

Who will you be so?

Choose as soon as

Do not delay good and honest people!

Tara Mara in the forest went,

The bumps ate, we were told.

And we do not eat bumps,

Tare Mare will give!

I boiled Votenice,

Herself ragged her finger

I will tell anyone

I go without my finger.

Rolling peas on the dish,

You are glad, and I will not!

One two three four,

We live in a large apartment,

Games in the summer camp

1. "Look to change". The group is in a circle. In the center of the host who tries to take someone else. He whose place took the lead - leads. People negotiate with whom who changes with.
2. "Brain Ring". The group is divided into several teams. From each team to the leading person comes on a person and he says to them in his ear, which they must be conveyed to their team to her. Who quickly. Show to the subject it is impossible. Option: transmit it is not gestures, but to draw or sculpt from plasticine.
3. There is a tape from toilet paper, you need to run on it never cool down.
4. "Relay". The group is built into several columns. Before each there is a series of kegiles. The first person closes his eyes and tries to go around them, and the group tells him the direction of movement. The complexity is that when all groups begin to shout at the same time, to highlight the teams of their group extremely problematic.
5. "Cannibal",
"The cannibal" sits with his eyes closed and everything alternately touch him, the one he will be able to grab by his hand, becomes "cannibra".
6. Paul, Nose, Ceiling
This game is also a good inspection of care. It is very simple, its rules are easy to explain. Show your right hand to the floor and name: "Paul". Then show the nose (it will be better if you touch it), say: "nose", and then raise your hand up and tell me: "Ceiling". Do it takeoff. Let the guys show with you, and you will call you. Your goal to confuse the guys. Tell me: "Nose", and show yourself at this time on the ceiling. The guys should listen carefully and show correctly. Well, if you have fun comment on what is happening: "I see someone in the fourth row, the nose fell on the floor and there. Let's help you find a hoppy nose. " The game can be repeated several times with a pace. At the end of the game, you can solemnly invite the owner of the "highest nose in the world" to the scene.
7. Please
This is a magical word we say when we ask about something. Ask the guys to fulfill all your commands, but provided - you will be extremely polite - after the command you will tell the word "please". If you do not tell this word, the command is not executed. If you have agreed, you can start. So, "Raise your right hand up, please ... Lift your left hand too, please. Please make hands ... and now find a friendly ... "I saw how much in-minded hall? Fun comment on the results of the game. You can repeat it with other teams several times.
8. Falling stick
Looking into a circle, several players are calculated in order of numbers. A participant of the game at number one takes a gymnastic stick and comes out on the middle of the circle. Putting a stick vertically and covered with her palm from above, he loudly calls any number, for example 3, and he spars on his place. The one who is named, runs forward, trying to pick up a falling stick. If he has time to do this, then the participant of the game at number one again takes a stick and, putting it vertically, calls any number, etc. If the stick fell to the ground, then the one who failed to pick it up with it. The game lasts 5-7 minutes. One who is less than others wins the role of water.

9. Reset your socks
Selects the place where players cost. All players socks are lowered to ankle, and they should be kneeling. The goal of everyone is to remove the socks from the other, following it to stay on it. The one who has lost both sock leaves the game. Be careful, the one who will hit another player loses one sock as a fine.
10. Where-where
Playing stand in a circle, calculated in order of numbers, remember their numbers and mixed. In the center - driven. He calls any two rooms that should be swapped, pronounced: "Where-where?". The task of leading is to take the place of one of the faders. Who remains without a place, he drives.
11. Ritual Shaman
Equipment: mats, outfit for shaman.
Players are divided into 2 teams. Teams are sitting on both sides of the shaman. They sit in such a way that each player keeps the hand of another player. The eyes of the players are closed, except for the first. At the head of the players sits shaman, there is a sacred "tote" near him. The task of playing - to get this sacred "tote". According to the chaim signal (this can be anything: scratching the ear, wink, etc.) The guys begin to transmit the signal to the institution. The last player, receiving a signal, runs to the sacred "Tommoy". That team wins, in the hands of which will be a sacred "tote".
12. Zashima place
Equipment: chairs.
Participants are sitting on chairs placed in a circle - one free. Driving is located in the center of the circle. Sitting to the left of an empty chair, he hits his right hand over him and calls the name of one of the players. The one who called how quickly runs to an empty chair. The player now has about the vacated place must have time to hit the chair and call the name of the next participant. The task of the leading is to take this place faster. Which of them will not have time, becomes leading
13. Place here
Two, the same in the number of group players, stand at the opposite walls of the room back to the back. According to the sign of the lead, they are trying to achieve the opposite wall of the room and at the same time they try to prevent players to achieve their walls.
Option: Install before the game who "striker", who "defender".
14. Newspaper Boy
Material: one newspaper.
Equipment: chairs.
All players are sitting in a circle. Chairs in a circle should be one less than participants. Leading - Player A, begins the game, he walks in the middle of a circle with a newspaper twisted into a roll. When he admits to another, for example, a player - in (to the shoulder or knee), then this is a call to follow it. After that, the player puts the newspaper on the chair, which stands in the middle of the circle and is trying to take the freed chair as soon as possible. The player - in lightning times there is enough newspaper from the chair, runs behind the player - but he tries to touch him until he has come to the chair.
If he succeeds, then he puts the newspaper back to the chair and tries to take free space on the chair, while the player - and quickly picks up the newspaper and tries to touch the player - V.
If he does not manage to touch the enemy, then he takes on the role of a player - and goes inside the circle, choosing a new partner.
15. I Snake, Snake, Snake
Participants stand in a circle, through one - boy, girl. Begins the countertime, coming to someone with the words: "I'm a snake, snake, snake, do you want to be my tail?". If the answer is positive, then the asked breaks under the legs of the lead, getting acquainted with its right hand takes the left hand asked through the legs. In the case of a negative response, the phrase sounds: "I'll have!", And there is a clutch. Thus, each time the snake is increasingly increasing. The game continues until all participants join each other.
16. Persecution - Hunting
Material: cards, markers.
The presenter gives cards with a player name. Music sounds. All move around the room. This participant, if possible, imperceptibly pursues during the sound of music when the music stops, each player must try to grab that the player he pursued. And he, in turn, is trying to catch his player. (You can make a cotton master if there are no music).
17. Promotion of Liberation
Equipment: eye bandage, rope, chair.
The duration of the game: 10 - 15 minutes.
The estimated number of players: any.
A fully connected participant sits in a circle with a security guard who has blindfolded. The remaining participants of the game are trying to free it.
All players form a circle with chairs. In the middle of the circle, a player sits, whose hands and legs are knitted with scarves, shawl or bandages. Near him sits the guard, whose eyes are tied.
Players are trying to free the linked player, i.e. Trying to untie it. It is necessary to do this so that the guard does not notice anything. If the guard of someone from the players touched upon attempted to free the prisoner, then this player should leave the circle.
The player who will be able to free the prisoner, the next time the game becomes a guard.

18. Spoon
Equipment: coin, spoon.
Duration of the game: 10 minutes.
The estimated number of players: any.
Players are divided into 2 teams. Both teams become in the ranks opposite each other at some distance. In the middle between the ranks is a spoon. Lead, standing at the beginning of Shero, throws a coin. If the "eagle" fell, the first player handcraft transmits a signal over the chain. After the last player received a signal, he grabs a spoon. If the "rush" falls out, all stand still. If the first participant is mistaken, he goes to the end of the rank.
19. Forward four steps ...
Participants are in a circle, take hands and sing, following these movements:
Forward four steps,
Back four steps,
Feet soften,
Handles patted,
Furious eyes
And now they swallowed (around ourselves)
With each repetition, the pace is accelerated.
20. Many such games are based on the fact that the presenter says some words and shows the corresponding movements, and children repeat these words and movements for the lead.
21. "Round the king in the forest"
Round the king in the woods, in the forest, in the forest
He met the princess - 3 p
Let's jump with you - 3
Feet undermine - 3
Handle praise - 3
Flood with legs - 3
Let's pour with you - 3
And we are friends with you - 3

22. "How are you".
How are you? Like this
And swim? Like this
Waiting for an answer? Like this
Mashech after? Like this
How do you run? Like this
In the morning sleeping? Like this
Did you see? Like this
How is Shawl? Like this
"Beach and River".

28. Migalki
Part of the group sits on the chairs in a circle face to each other, so that one chair remains free. Behind the backs of the sitting are the rest of the participants. The one who stands behind an empty chair is leading - gets a task to wink those who sits on chairs in a circle. The one who received a signal from the winking must stand up from his chair and go to a free chair. The task of worthwhile - not to let those who sits on the chair in front of them, for this they are as well as the sitting should carefully monitor the leading. After some time, it is desirable to change the groups so that the sitting had the opportunity to be caught, and standing sat and tried to run away.
* After completing the exercise, it is worth discussing the successful moves of the leading and other participants, praise especially "chain" standing and especially attentive from sitting. Although the exercise takes place in the game mode and does not require a particularly deep discussion if the group is configured, you can consider the question of which role more like and why.
29. Firemen
Chairs are put in a circle, backrests inside. While the music sounds the children run, when music stopped, everyone gets up opposite her chair and removes one thing. Run further. Stop. On another chair, leave their second thing. Then the third. After that, the team is given: "Fire", everyone should gather faster than all their things. It is good to play on the beach.
30. Change of places (the wind blows on Togo)
Playing sit in a circle face inside, the center is worth it. Seat sites must be accurately defined, and their number must match the number of players. Driving makes part of the playing randomly change in places, saying: "Change ones those who have ..." and calls some sign, for example, a striped pants. After that, all the players corresponding to this feature rises and change in places. The task of the leading - in a common turmoil to have time to sit on one of the free places. The one who in the end is not enough becomes leading.

The article has examples of games that will help to dry the children's team. Thanks to them, schoolchildren will learn to act together, help each other, not be indifferent.

In order for the child to develop, he studied to communicate, he does not hurt in his free time to participate in social activities. In the summer, so as not to spend time near the computer or TV will be useful to leave for the summer camps, attend tourist sets, attend creative meetings. However, not all children are able to immediately relate and find a common language with peers.

In order to overcome the threshold of shyness and spend entertainment games, their goal is to cohesive the collective and rapprochement of the guys. Experienced counselors are able to organize their wards to a single friendly team thanks to their experience in carrying out all events.

The game "What do we know about Sergey?"

The game is designed for acquaintance between all participants in the team. It is best to spend it in the first days when children are still familiar with each other. For this, the leader must share all participants to team. Each child needs to give several sheets of paper and a simple pencil. Immediately before, children from one team quickly get together. Then the leader asks questions, then about the team of the team, the other, the rest write the answers on a sheet.

Examples of questions:

  • What city lives in?
  • What are the hobbies of a child, a favorite thing?
  • What class graduated from this year?
  • Month, year of birth?
  • The name of?

The team wins, which will take more points for the correct written responses on paper.

Collective game "Impulse"

This collective game is better to play when there are many people. Then the actions will develop more interesting. The bottom line is that someone begins to ask the impulse, the rest passes it, as soon as possible neighbor. For example, you can slightly squeeze your hand worth a friend with a friend, then in turn, should also squeeze your neighbor and so everyone, until the impulse returns to the one who asked him. After that, we can pass the wave, but already with closed eyes and watch what the pulse speed is in this case. Still transmit sounds, words, movements and anything.

Game "web for children"

A great game in order to show your sympathy for a particular participant. To do it, you will need a tangle yarn. Children should form a circle. The first bold member gives a thread, he wures the end to the finger at the same time the child needs to list his positive characteristics aloud, then he says that he likes another participant of the game and indicates the reason for which this member causes sympathy.

Throws a tangle to this man. The next makes the same thing, but already calls another player who likes him. And so the action continues until all participants receive a tangle. Allowed to choose the same person several times, but it is impossible for no one to go without attention, the leader should take care of this.

Game for children and adolescents - friendship cob

Fashion game "Live things"

Any items are considered inanimate. But if you turn on the imagination, then things can speak. And the most interesting thing they can say a lot about their owner.

This game is as follows:

  1. Everyone chooses for the three items that it tastes. These items to choose from gives leadership. You can include boots, comb, pen, smartphone, cup, book, ball, t-shirt, pants, laptop, jacket, sweatshirt, cap, towel, bike and others.
  2. Then, for creativity, the manager gives the task to draw three of these subjects for twenty minutes.
  3. Children after such actions need to make a story about themselves. It is to write to what these things may think about your owner.
  4. Now, the counselor will ask all the participants to break up the groups of four people and discuss their stories together. Then we wake up on the fours and show each other your drawings and stories. The guys in groups will discuss their writings, and will choose where the text turned out to be more interesting and entertaining.

Collective games for children

Game for cohesion "Geometry"

Thanks to the confidence and mutual execution in the game - "Geometry" can be achieved high results. Its essence is as follows:

  1. All participants are taken for the rope that the ends are connected.
  2. Then stretch it and form a circle, and, you can hold onto it with two hands or one.
  3. After you can make a diamond, having previously calculated who will be tops it.
  4. It is also not difficult to make a triangle, a square, a rectangle, the main thing - to act deteriorate and discuss who will occupy the corners, and who will keep the straight line.

Collective game for young children "Flashing"

For this group entertainment will need many participants. After all, you need to form two circles. The first internal slightly smaller, the second - more. But the number of children and in that circle and in the other should be the same.

Participants from the inner circle are looking at therapy, which is located in the center. And the children from the exterior circle look at their feet ahead of standing participants. At the same time, their hands need to take back - behind the back. The leader winks to one of the participants in the inner circle, he tries to escape from his place and not be caught by his companion, which stands behind his back. If he managed to do this, he becomes the back of a partner. If it fails, the leader winks to another player.

Sophistication game

Participants are desirable to divide into groups. All the first players from each team should be collected and showed in the picture, what kind of sport they should show movements, failing to their team.

And all this is done as follows:

  1. All groups are built on the chain one by one. The first player reveals the sport of the second.
  2. The second person does the most third one. And so, until it comes to the latter.
  3. The latter calls the sport, which showed him. Who first guesses, the winner.

Collective game "Sculpture"

The team is divided into groups. In each group choose sculptor. The master must come up with a sculpture from all members of the group. Then each group makes his sculpture. When everything is ready, the master tells what he wanted to create, and what happened. It is desirable that the master possessed the vision of the beautiful and knew how to eloquently describe his masterpiece.

Wins the one who received the most interesting result.

Dancing with ribbons

This game will suit teenagers. The counselor takes the same tapes as there are steam and takes them all in the middle. Ribbons are desirable to use different colors. One end give guy, another girl. Then the presenter releases the middle, and young people find themselves on the pairs. After that, they should dance slow dance.

Games for trackers

Before starting this game, you need to prepare. The counselor goes to nature and with him his squad. He leaves some traces after his hike, which then must detect children. It can be broken branches, a beam of grass, a small fossa, etc. The labels should be twelve.

Then children should return back. They should be attentive and find all these tags. Wins the one who found all these tags first.

Collective game - Quest

Of course, collective games are just a reason for exploring the team. They are aimed at achieving general results. Thanks to them, one team is formed. The team members appear the best qualities. Children with different characters are ready to support each other in a difficult moment, to assist.

Video: Games for children in camps, schools