♠ How to play semi-finishing Stud (7 Stud) Poker - Rules of the game. Card games cards after distribution of 7 letters

three sticks

The game 2 participants play a deck of 36 cards. The first distributor is determined by lot, then the cards are distributed clockwise. Each participant is given 4 cards. The rest of the cards are put into the center of the table. Card price: from 6 to 9 - 0 points, currens - 2 points, lady - 3 points, king - 4 points, ace - 11 points, 10 - minus 10 points. The first goes player who is left of the distribution. The participant puts an arbitrary card and at the same moment makes the missing up to four card from the deck.

The second player arrives in the same way. Points for laid out cards are immediately considered. A participant who in the total amount of cards is gaining more than 31 points, earns one stick and a new distribution occurs. The same thing happens if the number of points reaches 31, but the player in this case does not earn a stick. If the deck ends, then the dropped cards are tausite, remove the top card, putting it on the table, and the rest become a new deck. Loses the one who picks up three sticks.


This game can play up to five participants. The distribution gives everyone 7 cards and reveals the trump card. The first move does a neighbor, sitting on the left of the distribution. Each player must recruit seven bribes and expect the start of a new batch. The one who did not score seven bribes loses.

You can walk from any card, and to answer the older card of the same suit, if it is not, then you need to beat the goat.
After the game is over, any participant pulls away the deck and gives him a neighbor and looks the last map. By the number of her points, it is calculated with the losers (money, shutters, etc.)
In order for this game to be more interesting, good sound is necessary.


It is designed for four participants (36 cards), but more people can be invited (52 cards). Ringing should decompose all the cards of the deck in a circle, laying out in the center of the trump card, and get an arbitrary card out of it.
When the deck was dismantled, the game continues: the participant unfolds his cards with a shirt to his neighbor and gives him them. A neighbor puts the map closed and after evaluating his cards decides, wing it or pick it up. The game goes until the cards remain at all. Starting with peak lady is not allowed. The lady peak changes the owner until he remains the only one. The same player does the same. If he gets a card more advantage of the same suit, then takes a bribe, and if younger or other suit, then the bribe goes with the distribution. Lady Peak (Gypsy) does not cover here and does not cover anything. Next, the neighbor who took a bribe, makes the move towards his neighbor.

One hundred

For this game, it takes from three players and a deck in 32 cards. The cards are the following cost: Ace - 11 points, a dozen - 10, nine, eight and seven - respectively, 9, 8 and 7, king - 4, lady - 3, currencies - 2. The purpose of the players is not to gain more hundred points. The deck is shuffled, and it is completely out. The player sitting on the left of the distribution walks with an arbitrary card. The next participant puts, also any, card and speaks the total cost of both maps.

For example, the first participant puts 10, the second puts the lady and calls the number 13. The rest continue the game in the same way. A participant who scored more than a hundred points loses, and he is charged penalty points. Their quantity depends on how much the player exceeds 100 points. For example, the player scored 110 points, in this case its penalty 10 points. The player who scored exactly a hundred points chops 5 penalty points from his account.


This game is for two. Two decks are used for 52 cards. Participants must mix both decks well. The first move is determined by lot: everyone lays out on one map, who she is older, he starts the game.
The winners are the one who has no cards left. Players alternately put top cards on each other. If the king falls out, the opponent puts up a couple of his cards, if the ace is three cards. And in that and in another case, the participant who posted a king or ace, should take all the cards and fold them down his deck.


This game is different about the quartet. It can play from 3 to 5 people with a deck in 32 cards. The task of the game is to collect maximum cards, for example, 4 currencies, 4 nines, etc. Swinging the cards, distributes the executing to the participants (someone may have an unnecessary card if the number of players is not even).

The first move belongs to the one who is on the left side of the distribution. He chooses any participant, and asks him a certain map, for example: "Six Bubi". If this card has a player, he gives it, and then the requesting goes again, before the first mistake, and if the participant's desired card does not have, he walks the one who requested the map. A player can ask only that card that he has.
The participant's participant who collected the maximum number of cards for one or maybe several gaming tours.


In the game Domino can participate from 3 people. Take a deck of 52 cards. Each participant receives from distributing 7 cards. The rest of the cards of the decks do not open. Switching takes the first card in the deck and puts it next to a shirt down.

The following course is provided to sitting on the left of the distribution. He is entitled to put from one to several cards to open, if their dignity goes ascending or descending (despite the suit). Suppose the distributor opens the king, a lady, the currency, and so on. Another player can cover him by the King and Ace. In the event that there is no passage, the participant takes the top card from the deck, or either goes to her or leaves it. The game continues the next participant.
If the deck is over and the player cannot make a move, he misses it. According to the rules of the game, it is impossible to delay the maps if there is an opportunity for the stroke.


Other names of this game - "Witch", "Witch".
For the game you need from two people and cards.
32, if you play up to six people and 52 cards, if you play more than six people.

The whole deck is heard to the right left. The first move makes the player sitting on the left of the distribution, it resets the cards of 2 cards of one dignity. (Two eights, two dozen, two ladies, etc.), before it stretching at the neighbor on the right map. Akulin, her role got a peak lady, it is impossible to reset. She continuously goes from the player to the player, and in the final of the game the loser remains a pair of ladies, peak and any of the three others.


For the game you need 2 or more people and 54 cards. To assemble more than the rest of the pair of black or red.
Running folds shirt cards up so that it turned out a rectangle. The neighbor of the distributing left.

Each player opens two cards in his own way. If they are the same in dignity, the player takes them away and opens new ones. In case the cards are not the same, they are put back, and the course is transmitted to the next participant. By the way, do you know that the city of Cannes is the ancestor of this game?
For won couples participants earn glasses. The price of each card: Ace - 1 point, King - 4, lady - 3, currens - 2, other cards - by their dignity.


Two people can participate in the game. Need a deck of 32 cards. Each player is heard 16 cards shirt up. Each player turns one top card. He, who has a map nominally higher (regardless of her asset), takes both cards and puts them down their stacks.

If the cards are the same (valet, seven-seven, etc.), they are postponed, and the participants turn over 3 cards, and who has the last older, he takes all the cards. If these cards are equal, then the situation is repeated. The participant is considered to be a loser, who else has no cards left.

Meow meow

For the game, you need a deck of 32 cards. It is designed for any number of participants. This game does not have a trump card. There is no seniority of cards, but each worth a certain number of points: ace - eleven points, the king is four points, the lady - three points, the currencies are two points, and everyone else is in their face value.

The goal of the game is to give all the cards, but at the same time get as few glasses fine. The first distributor is determined by lot. Next, distributed in turn. The first one who sits to the left of the distribution. All players will be distributed on five cards. From the cards that remain in the deck open the upper, the rest leave as it is. Everyone alternately posts on one map.

The laid out of the card in this stack must coincide with the previous card laid out on the table or at cost. For example, peak on peak, king on the king. Special card in the deck - currency. It can be postned by declaring any suit. The next player is obliged to post a card announcement. A participant who has no needed card takes up the top of the general deck. If this card is not suitable, the player misses the move. The game ends when any player resets the last map. The rest recorded penalty glasses, at the cost of their remaining cards. The game is being done up to one hundred points.


The survey is determined by lot. The deck is thoroughly hung, removed and each player gives up 12 cards. The top card from the deck opens and put under the deck, so that it can be seen this trump card, the rest of the cards make up a coupon. The party consists of 5 empires or games. To take the imperial, you must take 24 points. King, lady, currency and 7 trumps cost 4 points. 4 points are considered for every unnecessary bribe over the six, which is obliged to take each playing. The player who wins 24 points, notes the imperial and makes it takes to destroy all the rival glasses. Imperials are the following.

The course of the game.

After distributing cards, players make ads. The first makes the announcement player to the left of the serve. On his ad, players can answer: glasses can go; be equal to passing points; may not suit. A player who will win ads makes the first move. The player can go with any of his card. The next clockwise player should put the map of the same suit, if there is no such card, then there should be a trump card if there is no trump card, then can put any card. After drawing a bribe, players take one map from the coupon.

The first takes the player who took a bribe. The right of the next turn also belongs to him. Imperials are shown after taking a bribe before their move. Thus, players play bribes until the cards are running, after which points for taken bribes are counted. The cost of cards in glasses: Ace - 11 points, king - 10 points, lady - 10 points, currencies - 10 points, all other cards in their meaning. The winner in the game can be considered a player who will give more points or a player who will take more empires.


The survey is chosen at will. The deck is thoroughly taped, removed and completely surrendered between all the players. Cards give up strictly one. The players should have an equal number of cards. The first player walks, who has a nine treph. The player puts it in the center of the table in the open form. The next player clockwise can put on the left of the nine Tref - the eight of the Treph or to the right of the nine Treft - 10 Treft or it can start a new row, put under the nine TRF or on top of the nine Treft any nine other suit. If the Player has no opportunity to put the card, then he skips the move and moves to the next player clockwise, which must post the map according to the same rules. The game strategy is such that the player must prevent other players to post them from their cards. The player who is the first to get rid of all his cards is considered the winner.

I won a good coat in the nine once again. Therefore, learn to play this game and keep in mind that you can lose your clothes. \u003d (


Take a deck, thoroughly tasu, we hand out, passing to each player on one map. The right of the first move belongs to the serve. He opens any of his card and puts it in the center of the table. The next player clockwise opens and puts his card and so in a circle. At the same time, it is necessary to pay honor to the discharged king, at the sight of the ace you need to clap the palm on the table, with a lady you need to shout: "Bonzhur, Madame!", And with the bank: "Pardon, Monsieur!". The player who reacted the last or something confused, takes all the cards from the center of the table. Wins a player who was the first to get rid of his cards. The game requires stress attention and fast reaction.

I noticed that many different Madame chases on an increasingly accessible car, which is called Daewoo Matiz \u003d) I am glad ... The truth is strange that there is no tachometer in it, and so ...


A deck with cards thoroughly tauso, remove, pass the whole deck on the same map. There are such situations that the players will have an unequal number of cards. Nothing wrong with that.

The first player walks, who sits on the left of the serve, he opens his one card and puts it into the center of the table, forming a shared stack. Then the next player goes clockwise, so as long as it turns out open currencies. The player to whom the curren belongs loudly splits the card on the table and takes a shared stack under his deck.

If any player slaps the currency with his card, he takes the whole stack under his deck. If several players spit at the same time, the deck receives the one who first slapped the currencies with another card. Next, in turn, the player starts again laying out the cards in the center of the table. Wins the player who has all 52 cards.


The survey is determined by the lot, then pass in turn. Two decks are mixed into one.The deck is carefully dragging And the trump card is appointed by removing the deck. After that, each player is heard of 7 cards. Two is considered the oldest card, that is, older ace. Cost of cards in glasses: 2 - 11 points, ace - 10 points, king - 5 points, lady - 4 points, currens - 3 points, the remaining cards are worth nothing.

The first move belongs to the player who sits on the left of the serve. A player can go from any card, the following players clockwise should put cards of the same suit if there are no such masta cards, they can put any card. A player who wins the bribe begins next right.

If there are two identical cards in one bribe, then preference is given to the second laid card. After the player put the card, he takes another one from the remaining deck if the player finds after taking a card, that he has a king and lady on his hands that the card taken from the remaining deck, the player says "Bip BIP ", putting this card on the table in the open form.

At the same time, the trump card changes to this pair of cards, and the player gets extra 50 points for changing the trump card. If, before the start of the game, the player finds the king and a lady of one master but not trumps, then the player can say "Bip-Bip" and change the trump card. If both players have in the lady and the king of one suit, other than the visor, then both players receive 50 points, and the suit is changing the one that was declared the last.

It is allowed to speak twice "BIP BIP" on one table, only under the condition if there are two pairs of this suit. It is forbidden to form a couple of one king with two ladies in turn. Players pull cards from the remaining deck until they remain in a stack of less than the participants of the game.

The rest of the cards opens, but it is not counted to anyone, and the players continue to play the cards that they have in their hands. After all the cards are played, players calculate points in the won bribes. The player wins, who gains the largest points.


The first serve is determined by the lot, then the players give cards in turn. The deck is thoroughly hung and each player gives up 6 cards. Himself the serve gives 7 cards. The remaining deck is put in the center of the table in a closed form. From this deck players will be maps. The first move belongs to the serve. The serve transmits two of his cards to the next player clockwise, without showing them to anyone, and receives from that player in return one card also, without showing anyone. Then two cards on one changes the next player clockwise, and so on all players in turn. The player who has 4 cards of one value, throws them off and takes the decks of new 4 cards. If there are two identical cards, the player has the right to ask other players if they have two cards of the same meaning. If there is such a pair of 4 cards of one value drop off (pair from each player), after which each player takes two cards from the deck. Thus, the game goes until all players except one cards remain. This player is considered to be a loser, he is called Bzdun. If the loser player is a female face, the player is called Bzz.

Semikart Stud (7 Stud) - Classical poker variety that appeared before all of the famous Omaha. A distinctive feature of the herd is that players get at the table by not two, but seven cards, five of which should be the most severe High combination.

Traditionally, 7 stads play with limited rates, i.e. The amount of bets is set in advance, but other options are also possible, for example, sweat limit, although now they are practically not found.

Combinations of the semicade herd

In a herd, as in Hold'em, a standard system for determining the seniority of combinations is used. The stronger your combination, the greater the chances to win. If you just started your acquaintance with poker, then you better see the full list of all High poker combinations.

In this form, each of the players by the end of the distribution receives 7 cards: three in the dark (only a player sees them) and four in the open (everyone is seen). But it should be remembered that the combinations are made up of 5 cards, and not from seven. For example, in your hands AA34366, your combination is not three pairs, but only two of the five best cards: AA664.

Trade Circles and Streets


Ante is a mandatory rate that all players at the table are made. It is usually equal to 1/10 of the size of a large blind. In a semi-cardinal herd, each of those sitting at the table is obliged to pay for the right to participate in the distribution. Once all the players put Ante, the dealer begins to distribute cards.

Third street

Despite the name, it is from this street that the distribution begins, in which each of the participants is obtained by three cards: two in the closed and one in the open. After that, the player who has the youngest open card on his hands. Such a player is appointed by the "Bring-in" (Bring-in) and the auction begins exactly from the first mandatory bet. Next, the move goes to the next player at the table clockwise.

If two players have the youngest map, then there is a comparison of texts. The youngest (worst) suit: trephiles (), then tambourine (), cherry () and peaks (). If your worst youngest map 7, and your opponent has 7, then you will have to enter the Bring.

Fourth Street

At this stage, each of the players receives another one open map. But here the first player has a strongest combination of two open cards. If you have two cards 98 open, and the opponent 57, then you go, because the "9-Hi" combination is higher than "7-Hi". After determining the first player, the auction continues clockwise.

Fifth street

On the fifth street there is another one open map. There is a player with the strongest open hand again, which begins to bid.

Sixth street

Again, each player gets on another open map, after which it opens the trading that whose open hand is the strongest (senior).

Seventh street (River)

This time each of the players receive the last closed map. Here, the first one walks the one whose open hand is the strongest. After the final stage of trading, the remaining players compare combinations in the distribution and determine the winner.

Opening cards and determination of the winner

The opening of the card begins with the player who made the last bet in the distribution. If there were no rates on the seventh street, then the cards should open the cards on the first box, and then clockwise.

The bank wins the one who collected the best haigh combination of five cards. If several players gathered the same victory combinations, the bank is divided between them. After that, the new distribution begins.

Features of the game in 7 studs at the table on 8 players

In exceptional cases, when 8 people play at the table and they all got to the last seventh street, the card decks are not enough to distribute each of them on another map. Therefore, the dealer puts one of the remaining cards on the table in the open. Such a card is common to all.

The main feature of most popular poker varieties is that players receive cards not all at once, but by groups. Each new card is accompanied by rates that increase not only the overall bank, but also the risk of a separate player. Of course, in the same Chinese poker a completely different structure. There is no trade completely, and the main emphasis is made almost on the independent collection of combinations.

In more common Texas Hold'em and Omaha, circles, or as elsewhere called, the streets are the basis of the entire game.

Consider what is the correct order of the stages of distribution in poker, we learn how they are called and how many traps are accompanied by.


Regardless of the presence of trading circles, almost in any kind of poker there is a special chip batton. She is responsible for determining the priority of the stroke. A player with her in a specific distribution is called a dealer. It is not worth it to be confused with the dealer who distributes the cards and is responsible for adhering to all the rules at the table (this is a croupier). Of course, in online poker, its functions, conditionally, performs a computer.

Battle's chip is transmitted to the next player clockwise every distribution. In this way, changes position All participating. And since this is a very important factor for the game strategy, forget about this moment is not worth it if you, for example, learn to play for the real table.

The most favorable provisions at the table are the position of the dealer and 1-2 place to it, depending on the total number of players

In the same Chinese poker when someone from the players receives a "fantasy", the batton's chip is not shifted. So, he earns one more additional advantage.


In fact, the game begins with the fact that players exhibit blinds. This is just the first situation where Batton is needed. The player sitting on the left of the chip puts the small blind, the next one is big.

Burns (from the English. "Blind") - these are mandatory minimum rateswhich are definitely set up at the very beginning of the distribution. Since at the subsequent stages of the game it is possible that the players will not make a single bet, the blinds exist so that in the distribution there is always a bank for which everyone will compete.

Big blind in most cases twice as small. Its size also denotes a minimum rate that one player can make at the subsequent stages of the game.

According to the game strategy, the position of the blinds is the most disadvantage, because even if you have very weak cards on your hands, you make no sense to drop them, because your chips are already in the game.

In tournaments, the sizes of these blinds increase over time. It guarantees that even if players play moderately, not at risk of chips and, in fact, exchanging them, at some point the size of the rates will increase so that by making one blind, the player will lose all that he has.

In some varieties of poker there are also ante. This is a binding rate provided for all players.. But often it is present where there is no place of strategy, and the whole emphasis is on luck and chances.


This is the first stage of drawing cards along with bidding.

Players get cards. In Texas Hold'em - 2, in Omaha - 4.Depending on the variety, the number of pocket cards is different. These cards are closed, only a player can see them until the end of the distribution.

According to the rules of distribution of cards in Hold'em, everyone can use all their cards, but, for example, in Omaha, despite the presence of 4 cards at once, the player is available for only 2. Therefore, having gathered a kara, you don't need to rejoice hard - you just need a couple.

Preflop is a very important point. At this stage, the player needs determine the power of your cards, make a bet, Stripping from the position and the selected strategy. Errors perfect now, further correct it will not work.

It is also important determine the power of their opponents. First of all, this is done on the basis of the analysis of their actions. It is necessary to try to knock out such players from the game as early as possible.

Immediately after passing 2 cards, the first trade circle takes place. His begins the player sitting on the left of the Big Blind.

The following actions are available to him:

  • Equalize (Call) - put the same amount of chips;
  • Reset (Fold) - reset your cards, terminating participation in the current distribution;
  • Increase (RAISE) - increase the number of chips that will need to equalize the other players.

This circle of rates continues until each of the players or equals the maximum bet, or does not drop their cards.

The game has an Action Re-Raise, when the player lifts an earlier rate. The size of such an increase should be no less than the heightened rate itself.

The maximum amount of raising is limited to the type of table limit, followed by

In Texas Hold'em, the most popular is unlimited. This is when the restriction is only in the number of chips each player at the table. For Omaha distributed pot-Limit. Here, the maximum is limited to the already collected bank. The closer to the end of the distribution - the higher the bet.

There is also I. fixed limitWhen clearly designated at least maximum.


After graduating from the first round of trade, the table is laid out three common cards. They can use all players together with their pocket cards to collect combinations.

For Omaha, this stage is the most importantBecause, in fact, there are already 7 cards before players, from which you can collect any combination.

Although, in practice, and in Texas Hold'em, the flop most often becomes decisive. After all, even with 5 cards you can get good combinations.

At this stage, it is also important to realize your chances, especially for combinations of Street-Dro and Flash-Dro - these are situations when there is not enough for the collection of such unslab combinations on only one card.

According to the rules, after distribution begins the second round of trade.

The first action makes the player sitting on the left of the dealer. The first one who did not drop the cards.

In addition to the listed possible actions to the list adds:

  • Make a bid (Beth) - the same as the raise, but is done in a trading in a circle, where there were no rates;
  • Skip (Check) - the ability to continue to play without betting. Usually, the owners of strong hands are missing, which want to pull out more chips from their opponents or those who have very weak cards, and they are looking for opportunities to reach further and hope for good luck.

But even if one player missed his move, and after all, someone made a bet behind him, then when it comes to the first round, he would need to make a decision, how to play further.


A fourth map appears on the table. The name of this stage carries a certain meaning associated with the peculiarities of the appearance of poker, but even its actual translation - turn - very accurately talks about what role he plays in the distribution.

Often it is at this stage that the whole course of the game may be changed. Players or get a strong combination, closing the draw, or vice versa significantly lose the chances of collecting at least something.

If the game is played at the table with limited bets, which we talked above, then at this stage, the player rates are doubled.

There is a third round of trading.


This is the last stage of distribution of cards, accompanied by final rates.

The table turns out the fifth card.

Since here the DRO no longer plays any role, it is very important at this stage to evaluate the actual power of your hands and compare it with what may be the opponents, pushing out of their behavior during distribution

At the same time, the final trading range occurs, and the players are revealed. It is determined to have the highest combination, which takes all the chips.

There are situations where combinations coincide. In this case the winner is determined by either the rank of constituent cards or a kicker where possible.

If the combination coincides exactly to the last card, the bank may well be divided.

Also, during the game can be formed sideboats. This is possible if players have a different number of chips, and they make high rates. In online poker, it is easily calculated.

An important feature of the game is the ability to not disclose your cards. Even if you lost, sometimes it is very helpful to hide your cards so that the opponent does not understand how you behave and could not compare what you have on your hands with your actions.

Opening cards called shldown..

The course of any card game depends on the correct distribution of cards, regardless of whether you play for money or interest. If you play the company with friends, then the cards will be distributed in turn. How to do everything right if the deck is in your hands - read in this article. We will also tell me some nuances for which you can define a cheeler that has turned out to be distributed.

Stirring a deck, remove all unnecessary from the table. No foreign objects should be at hand to eliminate all suspicions in fraud, traveling or maps substitution. It is very important if you play for money in games such as poker, preference, or even in a podochka fool. The deck for the same reason is revealed by a new one that the maps are not labeled in any available way. The hands of a man with a deck must be on the table, you can not clean them behind the surface line. Tastovka does not occur on one card, but with boiling. That is, you separate part of the deck on top of the deck and shift it down. If you see that the cards are taushat on one thing - this indicates two points: a person is either a shoeler and goes in favor of his game, or in front of you a person who simply does not know how to taste or never played cards. After the deck is shuffled, you need to remove cards. To do this, put a deck on the table and ask the player who is sitting to the right of you, move the top, you can do it yourself. A part of the deck is mounted next to the bottom, and then it is covered by it. So you change the top half of the cards from the bottom. Then fir the edges of the deck so that the cards lay a single wall.

Why should I put a deck for removing on the table? Shulera, spending this manipulation in the palms, make fake shooting in front of everyone. It is impossible to determine the unarmed look that manipulations with the deck left it unchanged. In any game, the card is handed over one shirt up. At the same time, keep the players so that the players do not see the lower suit. Move clockwise, myself passing the last in the circle, if you are a game participant. In poker, the dealer does not play, although this rule can be completely broken and combined the player and distributor functions, especially if you play a close company. The number of cards that you distribute to each player will differ depending on the type of game. In poker, there are three directions, each of which is designed to a deck of 54 cards: Texas Hold'em, where 2 cards give up, Omaha for 4 cards and dar-poker, where each player receives 5 cards at the first hand. Of course, it is better for you if the rules of the game you will know by heart, so as not to be in an awkward situation. In the preference, the game is conducted with a deck of 32 cards (six people are thrown out). Distribution produce 2 cards at once, making five more circles so that each player has 10 cards. The remaining cards are put separately in the bunch. When playing in the fool of pododynnial use a deck of 36 cards. In this case, you must put on one map before each player, making 6 circles. After the maps are distributed, but are not opened, get out of the deck (you can from below, on top or from the middle) one card to determine the trump card. Then put it on the table with a shirt down, and across the trump card. Put a deck face down. The game begins with that player who has a smaller trump card on his hands. Separately, it should be said about the resolution of the situations when "dropping" cards. If during Tastovka dealer / presenter for some reason dropped one of the cards or showed the lower in the deck, then stirring should be continued. Any of the players in the right to ask a deck for shuffling before "eat" will occur. If the map dropped out of the hands during the distribution, while everyone saw the name and suit, then collect all the cards and mix the deck again. In general, the consent of all players can simply replace this card by placing it in the middle of the deck.

After the game has begun, you cannot replace cards or shuffling decks. Of course, if it is not established by the rules of the game, there are hundreds of. We pointed the attention only on the three most popular gambling games: poker, preference and a pricer fool.