How to make a tree from coins with your hands. Money tree in the house: care, signs and superstitions. Topiary of coins

Good day to all!
I made this "Money Tree" as a gift.

I used:
- wooden photo frame 30x40; 30x45 (can be smaller)
- Fiberboard (chipboard)
- PVA glue, thermal gun or Titan glue (Moment glue is transparent)
- coins (washing powder, "Comet", vinegar, salt, alcohol or degreaser, rubber gloves)
- brush, pencil, scissors, foam sponge
- two-layer paper napkins - three-layer, papier-mache from egg trays, pieces of wallpaper, tow, twine, thick knitting threads
- a piece of leather for a money bag (leatherette), braid for decoration
- paint black acrylic enamel (dark brown) for priming
- paint bronze acrylic enamel for stamping
- scrapbooking: key lock, owl, shell stones, eggshells (glue on PVA glue, beans are pebbles (glue on "Moment" glue), chain, money bag, butterfly birds, flower leaves, sun, turtle , ladybug and any little thing.

1. Prepare the frame and base: remove the glass, replace the cardboard with chipboard. The glass can then be inserted from the back side and under it you can place a congratulation or a description of the symbolism present on the panel). You can read the description of the symbolism here - If you make a mount on the back side to hang a picture, then you won't need glass. Drill 2 holes in the chipboard, insert the screws and fasten a strong cord on which the panel will be hung. On the front side, the screws will be covered with a layer of coins. The frame can be left initially as it is, or it can be stamped with a sponge with gold or bronze acrylic paint or decorated with crumpled napkins on PVA by painting and stamping before inserting the panel into the frame.

2. Prepare coins: soak in vinegar 9% with salt in a thick gruel for 20 minutes. and wipe with gloves) can be cleaned with washing powder, soda, "Comet". Degrease with alcohol (degreaser). Dry.

3. Twist flagella from 2-3 ply napkins (strips 1.5-2 cm wide or of different widths): * take a strip, moisten with water, twist at an angle of 45 degrees in one direction, not tightly. Unfold the flagella to dry.
To form the trunk, you can use thick threads, tow, papier-mâché from egg trays, twine. The background on chipboard can be decorated with wrinkled effect napkins on PVA.

4. Draw a sketch of the trunk and crown. Coat the place where the trunk will be with PVA glue. We form a trunk from flagella, gluing it to the base of chipboard on PVA. If the flagella are dry, sprinkle them with water from a spray bottle for elasticity.
When gluing the outer contours of the trunk, use as little glue as possible, without going beyond the boundaries of the sketch.

5. Form the trunk, branches, roots and hollow for the owl. Using a heat gun or just glue from a bottle, create a tree crown from coins, first along the outline of the sketch, then fill in the middle.
Dry and remove the "cobweb" from the glue with a coarse brush.

6. Glue the symbols: a sun, an owl in a hollow, butterflies and birds in pairs, a key-lock on a branch, a chain on a trunk, a ladybug, a turtle, leaves on the crown, pebbles or eggshells we put at the roots of the tree, a money bag at the bottom of the panel ( made of thin leather or leatherette, foam rubber inside), flowers, etc.
Cover the first layer of coins and the entire panel with black acrylic paint, painting over all the cracks. Dry

Stamp with bronze acrylic paint or gold: slightly dip the foam rubber sponge in the paint and gently, slightly pressing, stamp across the entire surface of not only the wood, but also the background and symbolism. The paint sponge should be almost dry. Before stamping, make a proof print on a sheet of paper to remove excess ink. We highlight the sun with sweeping movements, forming rays.

We glue the second layer of coins (empty spaces between the coins so as not to shine through). Glue the last 3rd layer of the most shiny and beautiful coins on top of the colored coins. The picture can be varnished.
Insert the finished panel into the prepared frame.

“The money tree attracts money.
May there always be enough of them in your house!
May this gift bring joy.
Along with the growth of the tree, let the income grow "

The art of Feng Shui teaches us: in order to become rich, it is imperative to have a money tree, because it is this tree that attracts material wealth and wealth like a magnet. In souvenir shops there is a wide selection of such talismans for every taste, but if you make a money tree with your own hands and put a piece of your soul into it, this will enhance its effect several times. We bring to your attention several options for making a homemade tree, which does not lose either its beauty or magical abilities from this.

Topiary of coins

When starting to make topiary from coins (a decorative tree with a curly round crown), you should adhere to the rules:

  1. The main emphasis is the crown, and its diameter should be larger than the pot in which the tree grows.
  2. The maximum size of the pot is equal to the width of the crown, but it is better to take a less voluminous pot so that it does not draw attention to itself.
  3. The total height of the souvenir tree will be approximately three diameters of the crown itself.
  4. The trunk should be thin but firm.
  5. To prevent the tree from falling, the base pot must be filled with heavy filler.

One of the simplest coin money tree options is to use a round foam ball as the base for the crown. Some craftsmen make it from newspapers, folding them tightly and gluing them together, but this option is not the best, since it is very difficult to achieve an even rounded shape. To make the crown perfect, it is better to choose a foam ball. Its size depends on the desire and the number of coins available, but it should be borne in mind that there should be a lot of them, because the ball is completely covered.

The ball should first be pasted over with paper napkins - so it will not be slippery and the coins will stick better.

So, in order to make a topiary money tree with your own hands, you need to pick up small coins of the same denomination, for example, 10 rubles. They can be fixed either with a thermal gun or with PVA glue (the first option is preferable, since it will provide good adhesion). The crown should be formed in the form of scales, namely:

A small area of ​​the ball should remain empty - the barrel will "grow" from here.

The trunk of a tree can be made from an ordinary sushi stick and then it will be flat or from a piece of thick aluminum cable, bizarrely bending it. Painting will give a golden effect to the wooden trunk, while the cable must be wrapped with tape or paper of a similar color.

It remains to collect and "plant" the money tree, namely:

  1. Fix the barrel in the left hole on the ball-crown, using glue if necessary.
  2. Fill a small plastic glass or an ordinary cup with plaster and set the tree.
  3. When the gypsum hardens, glue the "soil" in the glass with coins, paint with golden paint or cover with sparkles.
  4. Decorate the pot with paint or glue it over with beautiful lace.

If desired, leaves or bows can be attached to the stem, and a butterfly can be planted on the crown - it all depends on the imagination of the master.

Graceful money tree with branches

You can make a very delicate money tree with your own hands from coins and wire: a beautiful falling crown with golden leaves-coins will be the main decoration of the house. Making a talisman is not difficult, for this:

Coins can also be combined with beads, and the barrel can be shaped in different shapes.

Painting of coins

Not only a three-dimensional tree looks spectacular, but also laid out in the form of a picture on canvas or paper. Such work can be done with children, because there is nothing complicated in how to make a money tree in a picture. The craft itself is as follows:

  1. Draw a contour (trunk and crown) on the canvas.
  2. Lay out the trunk from the paper napkins twisted into flagella.
  3. Lay out the crown from the coins.
  4. Paint everything with golden paint.
  5. Insert the picture into the frame.

What does the money tree symbolize?

There are many signs associated with the money tree. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the main task of this talisman is to attract financial well-being and wealth to its owner, but the effect will be only if the tree is put in the right place, namely in the zone of wealth. The southeast side of the room is responsible for this, and to enhance the effect of the money tree, it is recommended to install a fountain nearby.

Chinese experts in Feng Shui assure that decorative talisman trees should have 10 branches, on which exactly 100 coins are located - this is the combination that has the maximum magical effect.

If you shake such a tree and jingle with coin-leaves, you should expect material benefits soon. Whether it is true or not is up to you to decide.

As for the living money tree (bastard), the plant also retains its symbolism if properly cared for. In this case, in order for the flower to affect the material state in a positive way, it is necessary to regularly wipe the leaves, preventing the formation of dust on them - it will lead to the opposite effect (spending and loss of money). The drying out of the bush also portends an unplanned waste.

To activate the action of the fat money tree, put a coin on the bottom of the flowerpot and rinse it under running water every year before Christmas.

Summing up, I would like to say: if there are supplies of small things in the house, including old coins, you should definitely try to make a talisman out of them. A money tree made with love with your own hands will not only decorate the house, but also become an original gift for friends and acquaintances.

Making a money tree from beads - video

Topiary of coins: do-it-yourself money tree

The money tree is a very attractive and especially popular variety of topiary The money tree can be different: on one flower bills "grow", and on the other - coins. Both options are good, it's about execution. And yet, coin topiary looks more convincing, and somehow more associated with the theme of prosperity and financial plans.

Coin Topiary Workshop

The money tree is not just a souvenir. This is a topiary, which in any sense of the word has value also because new ten-ruble coins are often taken for its manufacture. Why new? Because you don't have to polish them with your own hands or decorate them in any way - they themselves look good.

Topiary from coins can embody any creative ideas in its design.

To create a topiary from coins, you will need:

  • Foam ball for the base;
  • Ten-ruble coins (new or souvenir);
  • Thermal gun;
  • PVA glue;
  • Aluminum cable;
  • A pot or plastic cup;
  • Decorative little things - sequins, rhinestones, ribbon, braid;
  • Acrylic paints.

For the crown, you should purchase a foam ball, since a ball of crumpled newspapers will not work perfectly even

The master class begins with the fact that you have to paste over the ball. A ball is either a foam blank or a base for the crown, which you will have to do with your own hands. It can be a papier-mâché construction, or a slightly inflated balloon filled with polyurethane foam. You can also glue coins on small balls for children.

For the coins to stick well, the surface of the ball must not be slippery. Cover it with paper or napkins. You need to glue the coins with a heat gun. If you stick it out of place, the tree will not have a beautiful crown.

Coins, as a rule, are glued in two layers or with an overlap, so their number should be 1.5 - 2 times the area of ​​the ball

Coins are glued like this:

  • First glue one coin, and above it, two more on top. These two should be fixed so that the first coin is underneath them, in the middle, and they lean against it like scales.
  • Then glue the island of these three coins on all sides. And then gradually glue the coins scaly.
  • In one of the places on the ball, leave a small area for the hole in which the barrel will enter.

The money tree should have a beautiful crown, therefore the sequence of gluing the coins is so important.

Topiary of coins (video)

DIY coin topiary: we do it step by step

Actually, the crown is the most difficult thing that you have to do with your own hands, if we consider this particular master class. If you are afraid that the coins will not stick as they should, use the photo as a guide. If it turns out to make the same row as in the photo, move on.

And now about what kind of trunk a money tree should have. This master class proposes to build it from an aluminum cable. You can bend the cable the way you want, and then it is perfectly fixed with glue in the hole in the ball-crown. You can decorate the trunk by simply wrapping it with a thin golden ribbon.

If a piece of cable has entered the ball from above, then leave the piece unadorned from below, it will be attached in a pot. Since the trunk is the frame on which the tree rests, be careful about fixing it

Next, see how the trunk looks like with the crown. If you want some more decoration, then stick rhinestones on the coins, not on everything, of course. Another option is volumetric stickers. These are the same adhesive-backed beads and rhinestones that you can often buy in the children's art department.

Money tree: ideas (video)

Topiary from coins: decorating the pot with your own hands

The next thing that this master class says to do is a pot. It is difficult to find a flowerpot that is ideal for a souvenir tree. It is clear that it should be the same in decor, that is, golden.

How to make a beautiful pot with your own hands:

  • This mini master class consists of simple steps... Take a regular plastic cup, preferably a wide one. Degrease it and paint it with beautiful golden acrylic paint.
  • Painting alone won't be enough... You can use glitter, colored salt, small crystals and colored buttons. The grandfather's way, when sequins are made by hand by beating Christmas tree decorations, will also work. In general, flip through the photo gallery, you may want to repeat something, what to do in your own way.
  • Next, you need to fill the pot with plaster, and while the plaster is not frozen, stick a table into it, making sure that it is firmly fixed. The top layer of gypsum must be decorated, otherwise the coin topiary will have a gap in this place. The easiest option is to throw in the same coins or just sprinkle some glitter.

You can decorate the pot with gilded burlap, decorative lace, artificial pearls or the same coins.

Do not forget to take a photo - if the tree turned out to be beautiful and graceful, it will not be superfluous to show it off. Or you can take a photo master class.

DIY coin topiary (video master class)

Topiary made of coffee and coins

And a tree made of coins can also be coffee. Coffee topiary is good for its aroma and the perfection of the coffee beans. How to combine coins and coffee?

The light and unobtrusive aroma of coffee beans brings an atmosphere of comfort and warmth to any home, and in combination with golden ringing coins it looks quite exquisite

Master class - coffee topiary with coins:

  • The most popular topiary of this type that you can create with your own hands is the coffee wallet.... Such a tree has its own zest, and it lies in the fact that you paste over the crown with coffee beans, leaving a triangle for coins. Select this triangle with a zipper, from where you can see the coins. The only difficulty is that you need to fix everything very carefully, both coffee and coins.
  • Often a topiary made of coffee and coins is made in the form of a floating cup. The main thing is to build a solid frame with your own hands in the form of a jet of coins and coffee. It is he who holds the structure together. Coffee beans can also be on a platter, where the stream is supposedly pouring.
  • Sometimes coffee is dyed to match the color of coins.... Then you get a beautiful golden structure that does not lose its zest, and this, of course, is a coffee aroma.

A money tree with the addition of coffee beans to the decor looks more original than a simple topiary made of coins

And sometimes coffee topiary is complemented with a couple of coins in a pot, as if playing on the theme of the money tree.

The specifics of coffee decor (video master class)

Topiary are exquisite interior trees; by the number of various photos one can judge how popular this work is today. Try and you create your own topiary from a brilliant moment, and let it help fulfill your desires and be the keeper of finances in your home.

Similar materials

This article will reveal to you the secrets of creating a money tree with your own hands for home or as a gift.

The money tree is a powerful talisman for the home, which will surely bring prosperity and prosperity to its owners, will allow positive energy to enter the dwelling, attracting money.

Money talismans are different. It can be alive (popularly it is called that and its applications are not only decorative, but also), it must be girded with a red thread, and a real coin is placed on the bottom of the pot. A do-it-yourself talisman is also suitable - topiary or figurine.

Most often, a craft in the form of a tree is made from banknotes. Real money, of course, has a lot of "magic", but even artificial (souvenir bills) will do, because they are the symbol of prosperity.

Exist some of the most common ideas for making a mascot out of bills and every day inventive masters come up with new ones. In any case, you need a base for the tree, so to speak, its foundation. It could be the pot in which you fix the barrel using glue, plasticine or clay.

Will come in handy for you a pipe or a real tree branch in order to make the trunk. But you will form the crown of the tree from the bills themselves. To do this, you can use a foam base, which is easy to buy "for a penny" in a creative store. There they come in different sizes and shapes.

Money tree ideas from banknotes:

A variant of the money talisman - a fat woman, decorated with bills rolled into a tube

A simple version of the "money tree" - the decor of a real twig with banknotes in the form of flowers

Miniature "money tree" made of wire with souvenir miniature banknotes

"Money tree" and other souvenirs from gold coins

"Money tree" of coins and banknotes and coins in a pot

Unusual "money tree" with banknotes and coins

Foam bills can be secured with paper clips or needles

Lush "money tree" on a foam base from 1000 rubles bills

"Money tree" of banknotes and coins in the form of a sunflower

Lush unusual "money tree" made of miniature souvenir bills

A beautiful "money tree" from a variety of banknotes from around the world The easiest way to make a spectacular "money tree" is to roll the bills into a cone

INTERESTING: Another popular way to make a "money tree" is to embroider it with a cross on a special fabric and then decorate it with bills and other elements. Such a talisman can be hung on the wall, like a picture.

Embroidered "money tree" decorated with dollar bills

Embroidered "money tree" decorated with ruble bills

Embroidered "money tree" decorated with banknotes and coins

Money tree - topiary of money

Do "Money talisman" in the form of a topiary- the most common type of crafts, attracting wealth and well-being to the house. Topiary looks like a small tree growing from a pot. This tree must have a lush crown of a round or other shape (cone, heart, oval, etc.). All materials for topiary can be purchased in the shop for creativity.

You will need:

  • Pot- it is desirable that it was a miniature flower pot made of clay or ceramics (heavy, because the craft needs to be stable). In advance, give preference to a painted beautiful pot, or get a clean pot that you decorate yourself.
  • Tree trunk- it can be a wooden stick, a tube-sleeve from cling film or parchment (look in the kitchen), a real tree branch (curved or flat), a pencil, and much more. Typically, the barrel should be covered with a layer of paint or glue, and then wrapped with linen thread (called "brushwood", sold in home stores or handicraft departments).
  • Foam ball- it is easy to buy it in the craft or painting department. It is not expensive and has several size options (small, medium, large). The ball is very light, easy to work with: any material is attached with needles or glue.
  • Various decorative elements- they are necessary in order to decorate the finished product and give it an aesthetic look: corrugated paper, colored paper, decorative coins, flowers, insects, ribbons and much more.

"Money trees" in the form of a topiary - talismans of wealth in the house:

"Money tree" in the form of a topiary - a creative approach "Money tree" decorated with flowers from banknotes Several types of "money tree" from coins: painted from bologna

Topiary made of rolled bills and Chinese "lucky" coins Unusual money tree made of coffee beans and coins

Different types of topiary "money tree"

Do-it-yourself dollar money tree

Step-by-step creation of a "money tree" from dollars (or other bills):

  • : pot, barrel, plaster base, plastic ball, souvenir bills and glue (hot, rubber or instant drying).
  • First of all barrel should be prepared... To do this, a stick or twig is covered with glue and wrapped with decorative thread or ribbon. You can simply open it with acrylic paint, which is not washed off with water.
  • After preparing the barrel, he fixed in a pot. Place a plastic ball on a stick, secure it. After that, insert the stick into the pot, fix it. For these purposes, you can use a plaster base, which dries up and becomes a kind of "foundation". Or just stick a stick into the plasticine, press it to the bottom of the pot, and fill the rest of the space with drainage, decorative or real stones.
  • Prepare bills for gluing. To do this, roll them into a cone. Press the sharp corner of the cone with your fingers and wrap it to one side so that this part is glued.
  • Bills should be glued with powerful and “fast” glue, so that they do not have the opportunity to deform or quickly detach from the base.
  • The finished tree with banknotes can be additionally decorated with other elements optional from a craft store.

How to twist a cone from a banknote for a "money tree"?

Instead of a cone, you can twist a banknote into a butterfly

Video: "Money tree from banknotes"

Do-it-yourself money tree as a wedding gift: congratulations to the gift

It's no secret that d Money is the best wedding gift. But what if this gift is presented in an unusual way? A banal envelope with banknotes no longer surprises anyone, does not give joy and pleasant memories. Beautiful an alternative to an envelope or a postcard will be a topiary or "money tree".

Such a gift you can do it yourself by twisting real bills, not souvenir. This must be done carefully so as not to ruin the money - it is best to twist it with a tube and tie it on a thread. Such a gift should be given solemnly and so that everyone can appreciate your originality. Do not hesitate to pick up special poems and congratulations to literally "charge" your gift with positive energy.

Options for a "money tree" for a wedding gift:

Tree with dollars as a gift for a wedding

"Money tree" in the form of embroidery with attached banknotes Real money tree with banknotes as a gift for a wedding "Money tree" from real coins as a gift to newlyweds A tree decorated with flowers from real banknotes

An unusual way to give money to newlyweds

How to hand over a "money tree" to newlyweds, in what words:

This day is wonderful, important
I want to congratulate you with a gift.
I am not afraid of troubles with this symbol,
With him you will be satisfied and sweet!

My gift is not easy
Power lurks in him
Coin bright, gold
Will multiply your property!

The money tree can be magical
Bring you joy, prosperity and luck.
I give you a sincere gift of my soul
May it give happiness, love and inspiration!

The best gift is of course a contribution,
A monetary contribution for great development.
My gift to you is a treasure tree,
Find bills and coins in it!

I want to give you a money tree,
Not simple, golden, with a little secret.
You put it at home and keep it carefully,
It will be joy to give it to you both in winter and in summer!

Do-it-yourself money tree as a gift for an anniversary: ​​congratulations to the gift

You can give a "money tree" not only for a wedding, but also for any other holiday. For example, for an anniversary. With your present you wish the hero of the day well-being and happy "well-fed" days. In addition, your gift will "hide" a real sum of money, as they say, "for a rainy day."

Hand over a gift with beautiful congratulatory words:

Anniversary, this is the date! An urgent need to congratulate
Kiss, wish wealth and give presents!
I give you give you a tree with a bright red ribbon,
May my surprise please you with every twig!

I will give you an unusual tree as a gift,
In it, prosperity and well-being is hidden.
I wish you money, personal happiness,
Let only the best accompany you in life!

I give you a simple gift -
A bouquet of wishes and banknotes.
May grace be with you
May every day be filled with joy!

Happy anniversary, dear, get a gift!
The tree is magical, "rich", happy.
May your every new day be cheerful, bright,
You will heal, my dear, well-fed and beautiful!

"Money tree" is a good anniversary gift

Do-it-yourself money tree as a birthday present: congratulations to the gift

"Money tree" is an unusual gift for any birthday. You can beautifully present any amount of money in an original way.

Congratulatory words:

I congratulate you, my friend, on your birthday,
Take as a gift a tree that is not simple, money!
May it give you the best moments
You keep it and spend bills very carefully!

How much I want to say
Only on your birthday
I will hand you my humble gift
I plant: "Here is a tree of happiness!"

Accept my sincere gift
It's handmade
And the tree is magic:
There is abundance in it, joy, care!

Unusual "money" tree as a birthday present You can give a "money tree" for your birthday

Do-it-yourself money tree as a gift for the New Year: congratulations to the gift

For the New Year holidays, you can give your loved ones a money tree - this is a good and original gift that will be remembered for a long time.

Congratulatory words:

Christmas tree sparkles
And under it is my monetary gift,
In this tree, wealth lurks,
Be content, serenely rich!

May this symbol bring you good luck
Will open many happiest roads.
Let the money tree solve your problems
He will give what he could not buy for himself!

A beautiful tree is a lucky talisman for you,
It will give you a lot of joy, kindness, prosperity.
It has the power to lurk that will throw the whole world at your feet,
The secret that only the best will bring you!

Unusual New Year's gift - "money" tree

How to make a money tree with your own hands from coins: step by step instructions

How to make a tree from coins:

  • Prepare all the necessary materials: pot, barrel, plaster base, plastic ball, real or souvenir coins.
  • At first barrel should be prepared... To do this, a stick or twig is covered with glue and wrapped with decorative thread or ribbon.
  • After preparing the barrel, he fixed in a pot. Place a plastic ball on a stick, secure it. Secure the stick in the pot.
  • The base plastic ball is covered with glue(not completely). Glue the coins quickly, applying the same glue on one side. Do not glue the coin completely, as it will leave "gaps" and the craft will not look neat.

Money tree made of coins in a cup instead of a pot

Video: "A money tree made of coins: two options"

DIY beaded money tree

You can make a money tree not only from bills and coins. Do-it-yourself souvenirs from beads are very popular.

What is important in creating a "money tree" from beads:

  • The color of the wood plays an important role! Since you are creating an amulet and talisman for your home, choose "money colors": green, gold or red.
  • Making a tree is not difficult: you will need a thin copper wire and a lot of beads (watch the video).
  • Enhance the magical properties of wood additional decoration will help - Chinese coins that attract money and prosperity. You can buy them in art stores.
  • "Money tree" bonsai made of beads, coins and minerals

    Blue "money" tree made of beads and coins

    Video: "Golden money tree made of beads"

The art of Feng Shui teaches us: in order to become rich, it is imperative to have a money tree, because it is this tree that attracts material wealth and wealth like a magnet. In souvenir shops there is a wide selection of such talismans for every taste, but if you make a money tree with your own hands and put a piece of your soul into it, this will enhance its effect several times. We bring to your attention several options for making a homemade tree, which does not lose either its beauty or magical abilities from this.

Topiary of coins

When starting to make topiary from coins (a decorative tree with a curly round crown), you should adhere to the rules:

  1. The main focus of the craft is the crown, and its diameter should be larger than the pot in which the tree grows.
  2. The maximum size of the pot is equal to the width of the crown, but it is better to take a less voluminous pot so that it does not draw attention to itself.
  3. The total height of the souvenir tree will be approximately three diameters of the crown itself.
  4. The trunk should be thin but firm.
  5. To prevent the tree from falling, the base pot must be filled with heavy filler.

One of the simplest coin money tree options is to use a round foam ball as the base for the crown. Some craftsmen make it from newspapers, folding them tightly and gluing them together, but this option is not the best, since it is very difficult to achieve an even rounded shape. To make the crown perfect, it is better to choose a foam ball. Its size depends on the desire and the number of coins available, but it should be borne in mind that there should be a lot of them, because the ball is completely covered.

The ball should first be pasted over with paper napkins - so it will not be slippery and the coins will stick better.

So, in order to make a topiary money tree with your own hands, you need to pick up small coins of the same denomination, for example, 10 rubles. They can be fixed either with a thermal gun or with PVA glue (the first option is preferable, since it will provide good adhesion). The crown should be formed in the form of scales, namely:

  • glue one coin first;
  • put two coins on top so that the first is partially hidden, and they touch each other in the center of the lower coin;

  • glue the rest of the coins in the same way, laying them like scales, layer by layer;
  • process the pasted crown with varnish to enhance shine.

A small area of ​​the ball should remain empty - the barrel will "grow" from here.

The trunk of a tree can be made from an ordinary sushi stick and then it will be flat or from a piece of thick aluminum cable, bizarrely bending it. Painting will give a golden effect to the wooden trunk, while the cable must be wrapped with tape or paper of a similar color.

It remains to collect and "plant" the money tree, namely:

  1. Fix the barrel in the left hole on the ball-crown, using glue if necessary.
  2. Fill a small plastic glass or an ordinary cup with plaster and set the tree.
  3. When the gypsum hardens, glue the "soil" in the glass with coins, paint with golden paint or cover with sparkles.
  4. Decorate the pot with paint or glue it over with beautiful lace.

If desired, you can attach leaves or bows to the stem, and plant a butterfly on the crown - it all depends on the imagination of the master.

Graceful money tree with branches

You can make a very delicate money tree with your own hands from coins and wire: a beautiful falling crown with golden leaves-coins will be the main decoration of the house. Making a talisman is not difficult, for this:

Drill holes in the coins and put each one on a small piece of thin wire - these will be leaves on the stalks.

Connect the leaves into branches.

Collect a tree from the branches, attaching them to the trunk from a thick flexible cable.

Set the tree in a pot or glass with plaster of paris.

Coins can also be combined with beads, and the barrel can be shaped in different shapes.

Painting of coins

Not only a three-dimensional tree looks spectacular, but also laid out in the form of a picture on canvas or paper. Such work can be done with children, because there is nothing complicated in how to make a money tree in a picture. The craft itself is as follows:

  1. Draw a contour (trunk and crown) on the canvas.
  2. Lay out the trunk from the paper napkins twisted into flagella.
  3. Lay out the crown from the coins.
  4. Paint everything with golden paint.
  5. Insert the picture into the frame.

What does the money tree symbolize?

There are many signs associated with the money tree. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the main task of this talisman is to attract financial well-being and wealth to its owner, but the effect will be only if the tree is put in the right place, namely in the zone of wealth. The southeast side of the room is responsible for this, and to enhance the effect of the money tree, it is recommended to install a fountain nearby.

Chinese experts in Feng Shui assure that decorative talisman trees should have 10 branches, on which exactly 100 coins are located - this is the combination that has the maximum magical effect.

If you shake such a tree and jingle with coin-leaves, you should expect material benefits soon. Whether it is true or not is up to you to decide.

As for the living money tree (bastard), the plant also retains its symbolism if properly cared for. In this case, in order for the flower to affect the material state in a positive way, it is necessary to regularly wipe the leaves, preventing the formation of dust on them - it will lead to the opposite effect (spending and loss of money). The drying out of the bush also portends an unplanned waste.

To activate the action of the fat money tree, put a coin on the bottom of the flowerpot and rinse it under running water every year before Christmas.

Summing up, I would like to say: if there are supplies of small things in the house, including old coins, you should definitely try to make a talisman out of them. A money tree made with love with your own hands will not only decorate the house, but also become an original gift for friends and acquaintances.

Making a money tree from beads