What trunk cards are better. Crailed cards. Defocused vision will give new horizons

In order to not at all honestly win, the cheeler uses different tricks and, perhaps, the most common - closed cards. Already out of the name it becomes clear that these are playing cards, on the back of which (on the shirt) there are conditional marks. At the same time, under the crap can "hide" as a standard pattern of cards and specially applied tags. The drawing of a shirt is different, so a little tricks and attentiveness, and your cards for such an opponent at the table will not be secret, and therefore the chances of winning you will seek zero.

Crapa methods are very much, but among the traditional most often use the following:

  • Package. The easiest and most common way to mark the cards. It is applied by a pin or acute needle. It is almost inconspicuous points in the corners of the cards. Each figure from the points corresponds to a certain suit and dignity of the card.
  • Marking an eraser. Very primitive, but often found a way to deceive honest players. The bottom line is that the glossy surface of the map in a certain way is watched by a simple eraser. It is clear that this method can be more likely to meet in domestic or street games, where no one monitors the state of the deck.
  • Kotsk. On the cards of a deck marked in this way, you can find low-speed damage, which are driving at hand as roughness. The deck is conditionally divided into significant (aces, kings, tens) and little significant cards. The marks are made from different sides, sometimes on both sides at the same time. An experienced shoeler is already in the process of the hopping can say who will be on their hands.
  • Paraffin tags. Tags are applied to the corners of the molten paraffin cards.
  • Side dots. One of the methods of the drive when the mark is not on the surface of the card, but in its end. Special recesses give fraudsters a full picture and the ability to distribute cards in profitable order.

It did not cost the crapping of cards and without modern technologies, which sometimes not easy to track. As an example, ultraviolet and infrared corructible cards. The principle of the drive in both cases is similar - a label is applied to the surface of the card, which is not felt by hand and is not visible to a simple eye. But through special lenses, or points they become visible and noticeably simplify the life of a fraudster. Such closed cards on the market are not uncommon, you can find branded IR and UV decks from Bicycle, Bee, Aviator and other manufacturers. There are on sale and sets for self-making such cards.

Protection against fraudsters

What with protection against corpulent cards? How to inspire yourself from deception? The very first thing is to try to look after the players at the table, especially if the latter cause obvious suspicions. The lack of visible damage cards is another plus in the piggy bank of calm.

Special solutions are often used to drive cards, which can be applied to the handcap of glasses, a happy chip, ring or a button, and then imperceptibly leave marks on the cards of the deck. Such solutions are not rarely changing the color of the map, sometimes they can be considered under a different viewing angle.

If the cards have gone or used other mechanical drive methods, it can be detected carefully checking the surface of the cards before the game. Protection against ultraviolet and infrared labels - special lanterns and glasses.

It is also worth remembering that it is not uncommon to work with a shoelers in tandem. And yes, there are situations where only professional examination in the laboratory can find Krap. However, self-respecting elite gambling houses carefully follow this, players can always demand with them to open a new deck. It is only in virtual casino "endless" decks, there is no such luxury offline. So even with a non-unlucky stream of fraudsters, it is so worried about the corpulation of cards standing rather in domestic games, or if "lucky" to experience luck in a modest gambling institution.

Finally, we suggest you see the busy video. It is not connected directly with closed cards, but it is interesting that the parenchy in it shows different fraudulent tricks, which, if desired, can easily be transferred to the game. Forewarned is forearmed. Good luck in the game.

Crack cards

Crowded cards! A kind of writer (it seems it was Sabatini), whose book was discovered by this dramatic and intriguing name, undoubtedly knew their strength. Crapulous cards have a rather bad reputation, but it should not be embarrassing. Of course, if you are engaged in focus only a few weeks, these words will probably scare you.

An inexperienced magician who is going to show several tricks with such cards, is very afraid that the audience will tell him: "Well, let us see your cards!" Or "You can do this with your cards, but try to do it with my cards!"

But in reality, the audience with the words "corpural cards" usually exclaim: "Oh! Bravo!" And "Of course, let's just show where the specks here!".

Alas! Crowded cards are rarely used in card focus. A good magician (and even the average magician) usually relates to them with prejudice. It is able to show focuses with a much stronger effect and simple cards. One of the most significant reasons for the refusal to use corpus cards is that the standard sets of corpulate cards with printed secret marking are distinguished by low quality.

The whole story of corpus cards to trace is not so easy and cannot be said with complete confidence, when the magicians began to use them. Apparently, corpural cards in practice have introduced card shilers, and after some time, the magicians took advantage of their idea. Originally playing cards had a white shirt. The drawing on the reverse side, probably appeared when a certain player who lost his whole state was represented in the fact that it was specifically left fingerprints on the back of the cards. This unknown and came the inventor of corpus cards. True, on the white surface of the stains were very noticeable. For this reason, the first card players by corpus cards used very carefully.

As it is not difficult to believe, but, having good eyesight, you really could really read on the cards. Within a minute, a very experienced player easily discovered a dozen weakly noticeable fingerprints. It could be microscopic splashes into paper of various foreign materials, rough surfaces and even dirty thumbprints. These stains were called landmarks. On each sheet they were completely different. They also changed on deds. Players carefully peered into each speck on the card shirt, but to discover the masterfully performed the trick even for a person with sharp vision and good memory was sometimes very difficult. And, of course, it was even more difficult to make a label invisible for others and distinguishable for themselves. But this work was worth it to deal with it, and the risk of being caught on corpus cards was paid for money.

Well, when the shirt of the deck was decorated with suitive drawings, dishonest players received truly inexhaustible capabilities. Tiny dent in a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe drawing, barely noticeable notes across the decorative line can be detected in very rare cases.

Take the deck of cards and, after you have learned the system of the marking, consider the cards carefully. In practicing a few minutes, you can recognize almost every card. Here is one of the ways to recognize the cards if a corpus deck got into your hands.

You should not consider each separate card - here it's a whole deck. Take a deck in one hand and keep it on the one hand. Then bring the cards and release them in such a way that they quickly click. Now look at the drawing from the crap side of the cards. If the cards are unscrewed, you will see that the drawing is closed in the original form, but if at least a few cards, it is not necessary, they were crapped, you will see how the thin scrap will jump upstairs. Now you no longer need to bend the cards, look at that part of the picture, where therapy jumped before that. Compare this part of the pattern with the same on the next card. You will see that there are small differences. For example, the base of the flower will have a thin screet that is in different places in different cards. Or you can see that the same flower has a small pea in various places. This does not mean that you must accurately remember, in which place is this chest, you just need to be able to see the drawing.

The best corpus cards are those that are hung manually. Make it much faster than imprinting such cards, and then decompose on thousands of decks. After all, the marking of one deck will never be the same as the next selling in the same store, but the "readers" (both the magicians, and the cards call people who can read on corpulation cards) need to be able to deal in the maps in seconds .

There are many ways to crap playing cards from the shirt side. The most elementary of them are ink retouching or scratching with a needle pattern. In the annals of card magic, you can read about needle cards, about maps with laundered edges, about maps with double crapping, about mapping maps, about dull cards, about glowing cards, about dark cards, light cards, about sandy maps, about Maps with front spending and more of many types of sprouting. If you are located in a society where they are constantly playing the same cards, then at all will not be more experienced. You can know the secret of marking on the shirts of one deck of cards and not find anything suspicious with a different crapping system. Here are some ways to easily make a corpus deck, cards in which nothing can be found even with the most thorough check.

The most affordable and common way is to crap in ink. Nowadays, ballpoints each can quickly and quite effectively spend the crapping of the deck of cards. But it was not always a simple matter: until the dry ink drying appeared. And before that, the card players enjoyed a special type of ink, which were chosen in the color and surface of playing cards made by manuff. It seemed that they themselves absorbed ink. Nowadays, these functions successfully perform ballpoint handles. After applying the label handle, you only need to polish this place with a soft cloth to give a uniform shine. In all the rest, the technology of applying the label with a ballpoint handle does not differ from the ink label. Most often for applying labels used ink blue and red colors.

The secret marks applied to the cards should be invisible for strangers and clearly visible for you. Otherwise, why do this work? For this, the marking should be on the same place on all maps. This is usually the upper left corner, because it is he is always visible when the magician holds a map in his left hand, covered with fan and shirt up.

But what system should be based on the labeling of cards? The most profitable method of the hourly dial is most profitable. If you submit a picture on the shirt of cards in a round form, i.e. Like the dial, then it is necessary to put marks from the ace (first card) to the lady (twelfth card). Therefore, the hour system is suitable here.

Now, as for the masters. You need three labeling for the strings: one for treph, one for worms and one for peak. All tambourines remain without labeling, just as kings remain without labeling.

Two such conditional labels on the map give it a certain value from the ace to the lady and a certain suit from Trefi to peaks. One card will not have labels - it is KB, because, repeat, neither the kings, nor a bubnic suit are marked.

In order for the label to notice, it should be literally microscopic. The thin line in 1/8 inch or the speck in the form of a point applied in a famous place is sufficient for someone who knows where it must be seen and what it means.

The standard crapping of cards, adopted in the US, is known as the "Aviation Stamp". In various places, the drawing on the reverse side of the card is applied fine firing, as on the leaf. One of these sheets in the upper left corner is selected to apply crap. Each twig has a tiny bouton in a certain place, to which sheers is applied. The number of additional boutons indicates the magnitude of the card, and Chertochka is on her suit. The crapping on these maps is so skillfully, which without applying that the reception that was described above, this is no confusion to detect any. On the other hand, the one who knows what the secret here can easily read the cards.

Players who play poker and similar games need only one part of the marking showing the dignity of cards. The suit for them is usually not important. Here you need to know who has the highest cards. Therefore, they mark cards from dozens to the ace of one single label. But the focuscript is important to know every card in the deck, and he has to label all the cards. This work should be very careful.

In order to easily perform and then easily read the value of the map, there is still a system of vertically and horizontally applied lines.

Ol Baker, the famous American magician, has developed another system that is different from the above. He spent in the drawing on the back of the map the curve line and connected it with a ballpoint handle into some figures or letters. He destroyed some lines in the figure, others added until he received a certain configuration according to one known system to it. In my opinion, it was too bold. I always have a fear that if I clearly see the marking, then the audience can pay attention to it. And this fear is separated by many fockers. Only those who do not fall into it are dry from the water, so, showing miracles, it is better to maximize to protect themselves.

Ink is used not only on the back of the cards. A small stain in the right corner of the card is enough to "read" the card on it. This system of magicians also took over the players. Although the crapping of the map at the edges is vulnerable and the audience easily notice.

Another very old trick of the cards, which the magicians also borrowed a long time ago, the desired card is not visible, but to the touch. To do this, you need a sharp needle cards, with the result that a very subtle relief is formed on the reverse side. The big finger slides on the map, passes through this relief and notes its position, which gives the key to the identification of the card. However, this system in some cases is vulnerable. Her weakness was overcome by Charles, a legendary expert on focus, living in the XIX century. Charles knew how to make thorough cards, not leaving traces on their front surface. Its method was simple, but very painstaking. Charles first separated in half each card (do it is not as hard as it may seem at first glance). Then he heard the needle rear half of the card, after which both halves combined and glued together. As a result, the relief on the back was more convex, and there were no holes on the front.

Such a system of crapping cards was gorgeous if a block of 32 sheet was used. But when using a deck in 52 sheets, it was significantly complicated. In the Schella system in order to identify each card, two marks have always been done. One was intended to designate a suit, and the second - to transmit its value. The marking was duplicated for each edge of the card, so the magician did not have to take care of which side to keep a deck. Marks were always tangible under her thumb. Master marking was applied along a diagonal line passing from the upper left corner of the map to its center. Plug-in near the corner of the card corresponded to Trepham, a little closer to the center - the worms and in the very center of the card - peaks. Bubnovy suit remained without labeling. Thus, it was enough to make a light movement with a thumb from the top corner of the map to its center so that you can determine the mailing of the card.

The value of each card was noted along the angle and down on the right side of the card. One point in this place was lady. Along the angle it was possible to designate four cards: ace, king, currency and a dozen. Two noted along the right side denoted nine and eight. Seven of each suit was not designated.

You might think that the heating will be too noticeable for everyone who takes cards into hand. But in reality it is not. Small convexities are so insignificant that they can be taken for a card defect or sticking them, if there are someone to feel them. Of course, a player or a magician, waiting for some kind of mark on the maps, knows where to look for her. But your chance lies in the fact that you give a deck of maps to the usual viewer, and you can be completely calm - he will not find anything on them.

Some fockers who used the Charles system came to the conclusion that such marking will be very complex and cumbersome for a deck in 52 sheets. In addition, the sophisticated and improved hand dexterity today almost displaced the need to use corpus cards. But in some tricks, it is still possible to use a corpus deel.

For the manufacture of corpus cards, the most common deck is taken. Pumping is performed by a very thin needle mounted in the ring. The advantage of this method is that there is no need to punish all the cards of the deck, because in a particular focus you need to know only one card. For example, a magician can play blindfolded and not to see absolutely nothing. In this case, it is extremely useful to note the map in such a way that it can be identified without looking.

Of course, there are many simple ways of crapping cards. But almost always an experienced focker prefers to use the old way, because In this case, the risk of detecting corpus cards will be minimal. That is why the magicians are most avoying the heating.

In fig. 115 shows the challie card marking system. The upper end of this card shows the position for applying each mark. The lower end shows the labeling of only one card, in this case it is HF. Mugs on the map marked the texts of the masters diagonally down from left to right: Trephs, worms, peaks. Crossings indicate the advantages of cards, the top row from left to right: ace, king, currency, ten; Middle row: lady, nine; Lower row: eight. In fig. 116 shows the ring with a needle on it. If necessary, the tip of the needle can be removed into the depths of the ring. As soon as the magician takes the necessary card in his hands, he frees the needle from the ring, heats the map, after which the needle is hiding again. In fig. 117B shows a sample map with a printed pattern. In fig. 117A shows the same map in enlarged. The floral ornament in the upper left corner of the card is very well suited for applying marking there, for example, by means of heating. One label is applied to designate the map of the card, starting from the top angle and along the clockwise arrow: peaks, worms, tambourines, trees. One mark in the ornament is applied to designate the value of the map - from the twos and further along the clockwise arrow: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, currencies, lady Ace. The center does the label for the designation of the king.

There is another simple way to marking cards, which literally the word is that the cards are inscribed. How many tools can you call to perform such labeling? Little. Of course, the pencil or pen is excluded, and in this case there is no other way to touch cards as hands. This type of marking is like a smear - hands are rolled with watercolor paint or copy paper. As for me, I could never understand how magicians can breed dirt in such noble business. After all, their task is to find out one, maximum, two cards.

One of the most reasonable ways to crap cards was also designed by players. Some cards simply are rubbed in such a way that when such a card is deposited to the light, it does not reflect on its glossy surface. This is done right during the game, or rather, in the process of distribution of cards. The wet finger turns around the card until it dry, and the matte spot will appear on the map. As a rule, high value maps are thus labeled. Metty suit there, where rates are high, do not have. Poker, for example, is to pick up cards by their meaning, and the selection of cards by masters is already required to be higher.

All these techniques should be known when you sit down to play cards with some unfamiliar person. Such card sets when two or three low-value maps are collected, very often not won compared to higher seabilities. If you add to this that some player is able to read almost half the deck on shirts, then it will be extremely difficult to win. Dozens, currencies, kings, ladies and aces are marked simply saliva. Dozens may have a matte diagonal strip across from left to right, the currencies have the same diagonal, but to the right left, the ladies are denoted by the matte strip on the left side of the card, and the kings are the same strip, but on the right side of the card. Ace is denoted by a smear in the corner of the card.

I think that all this you remember, when the next time you will sit play cards with a fellow traveler, who will have an unpleasant habit of watering the card before their distribution.

I don't think that someone will be able to make brilliant cards otherwise, how to polish them, but I know that some shilers use decks in which all high-value maps differ in shirts glitter, and all low-dimensional maps are much dim. This, however, is not so much merit, how many flaws in the processing of maps manufactured by industry or maybe it is caused by age-age.

Take two completely identical decks of cards and play one of them all week. Wetting saliva, friction from tackovoy, etc. Make this deck more dim than new. When the cards achieved such a degree of worn out, remove all the high cards from the deck and replace them with the same one. Apply now the cards to the light and compare their shine. You will see that the difference will be quite noticeable. For this reason, you always look at the cards carefully before playing. It is enough to look at the cards, and you will see that the edges of older cards are darker than that of new with their white glitter.

Although the usual viewer hardly removes the distinction in the brilliance of Röber cards, which the magician uses. Sometimes the magician himself makes his own polishing of the shirts of cards before their use, for which a special varnish is prepared. Then the thin screws of the artistic varnish are superimposed in various places of cards. Here, as in cases with cards, laundered in ink, two dishes are quite enough to identify any card. One of the strips denotes the suit, and the second is the advantage of the card.

Mattiness when using brilliant maps should be noticeable even with weak lighting. The whole thing here is only in the right corner when viewed by cards. Ink marks, on the contrary, should be noticeable only with strong lights.

Some Schuleers use the crapping of cards with special inks, which are completely not visible under normal conditions, but are clearly visible when applying glasses equipped with special coating glasses.

Focuscripts are known many ways to crap. However, some do not want to spend time on all these painstaking operations associated with the crapping of cards, they simply push cards from the front side. But remember that the hole in the map is much more noticeable than the ink stain.

It is not very good to heal the cards needle. As a result, it turns out too rectable imprint. Therefore, the cards must be put on a sheet of soft metal, such as brass or aluminum, and the needle must pass through the card into the metal. In this method, the hole is obtained the most narrow and card can be easily defined to the touch.

Each real magician in his artistic career should be able to show tricks with corpus cards. True, rarely, which of them deals with all the possibilities that open on this path. And now, dear readers, if the magician will hit you with an incredible focus, remember this article and think if his cunning is not connected in any way with corpus cards!

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Maps are changing in places. The level of skill 3Ws will need a standard deck. Special skills double lifting. Focus scatter is demonstrated by the viewer and put down face down on the table, the second one is put on it. The first card returns to the deck. Magician, spreading a deck,

Since ancient times, people have made closed maps with the most various methods, with the help of notches, chips, labels, dents, etc.

Today's technologies allow you to make closed maps much higher than high quality, without exposing the risk of being noticed. In this article we will tell you from what is cracked cards.

Examples of modern corructible cards include.

  1. Infrared corructible maps

  2. Maps with labels special waves wave

  3. Maps with labels on the ends for the analyzer

  4. Maps with built-in chip

  5. Crapped cards for external cameras

1) Infrared Crapy Cards - The most common option among modern corructible cards. Special infrared paint is applied to the card, which can be seen when using infrared contact lenses or special glasses


  • low cost
  • Easy to use
  • krap cannot be seen without special infrared glasses or infrared lenses.


  • krap can be noticed if someone else will put on infrared glasses or infrared lenses for trunk cards (which is very unlikely, but still)

2) cards with labels of special wavelengths - These closed cards are similar on the principle of action with standard infrared corructible cards with the only difference that it is used to determine the labels that can only be determined through special lenses that absorb another part of the light spectrum different from the one that is absorbed by standard infrared lenses.


  • Easy to use
  • krap cannot be noticed in any other way. In addition to these lenses


  • contact lenses and cards need to be changed although once a year,
  • A little more expensive than standard infrared lenses

3) cards with labels on the ends for the poker analyzer -The most reliable method of using closed cards. On the ends of the cards to apply a bar code that cannot be seen with the naked eye or put any lenses. The barcode can only be read using the camera scanner. Scanner camera can be as part of the analyzer, for example, both in the analyzer and separately from it as

This is how the labeled deck looks through the scanner of the chamber.

The poker analyzer reads the marks of cards through the camera scanner, and transmits the result of the strongest hand in the distribution on the tiny microchnik. In this case, all information is transmitted through a wireless connection.


  • Easy to use
  • The analyzer cannot be distinguished from a regular phone, you can also call to write SMS and TD, the functions of the poker analyzer are included after the introduction of the secret code.
  • krap can not be noticed any other way.
  • The result of the distribution is known before the distribution itself
  • You can use various cameras, in the form of keys, buttons, telephone, etc.


  • Worth more than lenses

4) Maps with built-in chip -A microchip is embedded in each card with which the advantage of the card is read and is transmitted to the receiving device that is usually built into a playing table connected to a computer.



  • High price
  • You need to embed a reader in the table, therefore, the game can only be held in a certain place.

5) Crapped cards for external cameras -In this method, the same spraying system is used as for infrared lenses, but the crap reads not the player itself and the camera is usually somewhere in the ceiling, built into the lamp, smoke sensor, clock, and so on. At the same time, the nominal cards on the table. The player through the microeshnik speaks a partner sitting in another room.


  • The player does not use any additional equipment itself in addition to the micro


  • It is necessary to use a partner
  • Need to embed the camera somewhere in the room, therefore, the game can go only in a certain place

We hope that now you better understand what is cracked cards and how they are made.

There is still in our encyclopedia

Crailed maps

To date, the molding methods have entered such a level that it is simply impossible to distinguish corrupt maps from ordinary without special equipment. Modern technologies allow you to use an infrared crap that can only be seen using special contact lenses. Poker analyzers are also used, which not only read the deck on the invisible marks for people on the ends of the cards, but also speak the micro-handfish about who will win the current distribution.

These and other achievements of modern science made almost impossible to identify the drive. But in this article we will talk about the past times, when the use of crucible cards was associated with an unprecedented risk, demanded significant skills and long-term training.

The crapping of cards does not require the manufacture of a special deck or any other special actions. Everything is designed for the attentiveness of the cheeler. Crap from cards is very rarely located equally. Therefore, if you carefully see the cards, then some maps either the drawing shirt moves to the side, or the patterns depicted on the shirt are drawn in different places.
Of course, some Schuler prepare special decks where the drawing of the rhombuses are depicted on the shirt, which are intertwined between themselves, then it is possible to initially notice the drawing and from several dozen decks to fold their deck, for example, with the same arrangement of rhombuses - aces with one and The same location is slightly shifted rhombuses - kings, and so on. Sometimes the simulator thicker the various print lines of the shirt, for example, thickening one or another line, you can distinguish the maps by masters. Peak suit is a thick line in the right corner, and the worm - in the left, etc. There are the following most popular ways of crapping cards.

Kotsk. One of the known methods of sprout is called "Kotsk". Usually such cards (this can be 4 aces and 4 dozen) the front side of the roughness in one direction, and all other cards from the back of the roughness in the other direction. During the tastovka, such cards stick together, and Schuler knows which card is at hand.
Melted paraffin. Sometimes the melted paraffin, in which all the angles of the card are lowered, and the desired cards are larger or smaller, which allows the simulator to determine their value.
Side point. The simplest way to mark the "side point" allows cards during tastovka to have a desired order, for which the cards are sharpened from the side.
Package. It happens that the cards are crapped by knockers using a needle for this. For example, at the corner of the card put a sign from the points that make the needle and the value of the card is determined by this sign. This method also requires a high sensitivity of fingertips.
Eraser. Using an eraser, a cheeler is erased in certain places a glossy surface and at a certain illumination angle can determine what the map is.
Marking a knife. Also, a playing card can be tagged with a conventional blunt knife, for which in the end of the card they are carried out with this knife, which the edge of the card almost imperceptibly protrudes and when moving, contacting other cards, make a distinctive sound, which allows a simulator to determine the map value.
Sliding effect. Even in the Arsenal, Shuler has the simplest way, when the deck of cards places for a while in a raw place so that Gumiarabic, which enters the factory paint, softened and became sticky. Renting the cards, Schuler firmly presses with a thumb left with a deck. Simple cards from the six to dozen glide faster, and pictures with a larger area of \u200b\u200bTormaska \u200b\u200bslower. In order to strengthen the sliding effect, the shoeler flashes the pictures with a light layer of soap, and the remaining maps softened by the rosin.
Thus, large cochlers sometimes take a few deck of cards in the store, they put the crap and return their seller, having agreed with him that when they would buy cards, the seller will give them these decks. Such a reception is used to believe the opponent in the fact that the game will go without cheating. Well-known people say that high-class Schuler had "their" vendors in almost all nearby stores, where there was a playful trade of playing cards. Today, this role is performed by ordinary stalls selling newspapers.
If still the game began with a non-laced dealer, then Schuler tries to put the crap during the game, for which a dog is held at the edge of the card. After that such a card is already determined to the touch. Usually, Shulers who put the grip in the game process, very thin skin on the tips of the fingers, for high sensitivity, for which it is periodically removed.
I would like to note that if the shoiler spits the card, the points can be applied either by water drops or other transparent liquid using, for example, a syringe with a thin needle, or ink, then on a brown spell, the point is applied with brown color at the same time so that the brown ink coincides with the brown Brown color drive, as one color can have many shades, the same applies to collections of other colors.

Crowded cards! A kind of writer (it seems it was Sabatini), whose book was discovered by this dramatic and intriguing name, undoubtedly knew their strength. Crapulous cards have a rather bad reputation, but it should not be embarrassing. Of course, if you are engaged in focus only a few weeks, these words will probably scare you.

An inexperienced magician who is going to show several tricks with such cards, is very afraid that the audience will tell him: "Well, let us see your cards!" Or "You can do this with your cards, but try to do it with my cards!"

But in reality, the audience with the words "corpural cards" usually exclaim: "Oh! Bravo!" And "Of course, let's just show where the specks here!".

Alas! Crowded cards are rarely used in card focus. A good magician (and even the average magician) usually relates to them with prejudice. It is able to show focuses with a much stronger effect and simple cards. One of the most significant reasons for the refusal to use corpus cards is that the standard sets of corpulate cards with printed secret marking are distinguished by low quality.

The whole story of corpus cards to trace is not so easy and cannot be said with complete confidence, when the magicians began to use them. Apparently, corpural cards in practice have introduced card shilers, and after some time, the magicians took advantage of their idea. Originally playing cards had a white shirt. The drawing on the reverse side, probably appeared when a certain player who lost his whole state was represented in the fact that it was specifically left fingerprints on the back of the cards. This unknown and came the inventor of corpus cards. True, on the white surface of the stains were very noticeable. For this reason, the first card players by corpus cards used very carefully.

As it is not difficult to believe, but, having good eyesight, you really could really read on the cards. Within a minute, a very experienced player easily discovered a dozen weakly noticeable fingerprints. It could be microscopic splashes into paper of various foreign materials, rough surfaces and even dirty thumbprints. These stains were called landmarks. On each sheet they were completely different. They also changed on deds. Players carefully peered into each speck on the card shirt, but to discover the masterfully performed the trick even for a person with sharp vision and good memory was sometimes very difficult. And, of course, it was even more difficult to make a label invisible for others and distinguishable for themselves. But this work was worth it to deal with it, and the risk of being caught on corpus cards was paid for money.

Well, when the shirt of the deck was decorated with suitive drawings, dishonest players received truly inexhaustible capabilities. Tiny dent in a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe drawing, barely noticeable notes across the decorative line can be detected in very rare cases.

Take the deck of cards and, after you have learned the system of the marking, consider the cards carefully. In practicing a few minutes, you can recognize almost every card. Here is one of the ways to recognize the cards if a corpus deck got into your hands.

You should not consider each separate card - here it's a whole deck. Take a deck in one hand and keep it on the one hand. Then bring the cards and release them in such a way that they quickly click. Now look at the drawing from the crap side of the cards. If the cards are unscrewed, you will see that the drawing is closed in the original form, but if at least a few cards, it is not necessary, they were crapped, you will see how the thin scrap will jump upstairs. Now you no longer need to bend the cards, look at that part of the picture, where therapy jumped before that. Compare this part of the pattern with the same on the next card. You will see that there are small differences. For example, the base of the flower will have a thin screet that is in different places in different cards. Or you can see that the same flower has a small pea in various places. This does not mean that you must accurately remember, in which place is this chest, you just need to be able to see the drawing.

The best corpus cards are those that are hung manually. Make it much faster than imprinting such cards, and then decompose on thousands of decks. After all, the marking of one deck will never be the same as the next selling in the same store, but the "readers" (both the magicians, and the cards call people who can read on corpulation cards) need to be able to deal in the maps in seconds .

There are many ways to crap playing cards from the shirt side. The most elementary of them are ink retouching or scratching with a needle pattern. In the annals of card magic, you can read about needle cards, about maps with laundered edges, about maps with double crapping, about mapping maps, about dull cards, about glowing cards, about dark cards, light cards, about sandy maps, about Maps with front spending and more of many types of sprouting. If you are located in a society where they are constantly playing the same cards, then at all will not be more experienced. You can know the secret of marking on the shirts of one deck of cards and not find anything suspicious with a different crapping system. Here are some ways to easily make a corpus deck, cards in which nothing can be found even with the most thorough check.

The most affordable and common way is to crap in ink. Nowadays, ballpoints each can quickly and quite effectively spend the crapping of the deck of cards. But it was not always a simple matter: until the dry ink drying appeared. And before that, the card players enjoyed a special type of ink, which were chosen in the color and surface of playing cards made by manuff. It seemed that they themselves absorbed ink. Nowadays, these functions successfully perform ballpoint handles. After applying the label handle, you only need to polish this place with a soft cloth to give a uniform shine. In all the rest, the technology of applying the label with a ballpoint handle does not differ from the ink label. Most often for applying labels used ink blue and red colors.

The secret marks applied to the cards should be invisible for strangers and clearly visible for you. Otherwise, why do this work? For this, the marking should be on the same place on all maps. This is usually the upper left corner, because it is he is always visible when the magician holds a map in his left hand, covered with fan and shirt up.

But what system should be based on the labeling of cards? The most profitable method of the hourly dial is most profitable. If you submit a picture on the shirt of cards in a round form, i.e. Like the dial, then it is necessary to put marks from the ace (first card) to the lady (twelfth card). Therefore, the hour system is suitable here.

Now, as for the masters. You need three labeling for the strings: one for treph, one for worms and one for peak. All tambourines remain without labeling, just as kings remain without labeling.

Two such conditional labels on the map give it a certain value from the ace to the lady and a certain suit from Trefi to peaks. One card will not have labels - it is KB, because, repeat, neither the kings, nor a bubnic suit are marked.

In order for the label to notice, it should be literally microscopic. The thin line in 1/8 inch or the speck in the form of a point applied in a famous place is sufficient for someone who knows where it must be seen and what it means.

The standard crapping of cards, adopted in the US, is known as the "Aviation Stamp". In various places, the drawing on the reverse side of the card is applied fine firing, as on the leaf. One of these sheets in the upper left corner is selected to apply crap. Each twig has a tiny bouton in a certain place, to which sheers is applied. The number of additional boutons indicates the magnitude of the card, and Chertochka is on her suit. The crapping on these maps is so skillfully, which without applying that the reception that was described above, this is no confusion to detect any. On the other hand, the one who knows what the secret here can easily read the cards.

Players who play poker and similar games need only one part of the marking showing the dignity of cards. The suit for them is usually not important. Here you need to know who has the highest cards. Therefore, they mark cards from dozens to the ace of one single label. But the focuscript is important to know every card in the deck, and he has to label all the cards. This work should be very careful.

In order to easily perform and then easily read the value of the map, there is still a system of vertically and horizontally applied lines.

Ol Baker, the famous American magician, has developed another system that is different from the above. He spent in the drawing on the back of the map the curve line and connected it with a ballpoint handle into some figures or letters. He destroyed some lines in the figure, others added until he received a certain configuration according to one known system to it. In my opinion, it was too bold. I always have a fear that if I clearly see the marking, then the audience can pay attention to it. And this fear is separated by many fockers. Only those who do not fall into it are dry from the water, so, showing miracles, it is better to maximize to protect themselves.

Ink is used not only on the back of the cards. A small stain in the right corner of the card is enough to "read" the card on it. This system of magicians also took over the players. Although the crapping of the map at the edges is vulnerable and the audience easily notice.

Another very old trick of the cards, which the magicians also borrowed a long time ago, the desired card is not visible, but to the touch. To do this, you need a sharp needle cards, with the result that a very subtle relief is formed on the reverse side. The big finger slides on the map, passes through this relief and notes its position, which gives the key to the identification of the card. However, this system in some cases is vulnerable. Her weakness was overcome by Charles, a legendary expert on focus, living in the XIX century. Charles knew how to make thorough cards, not leaving traces on their front surface. Its method was simple, but very painstaking. Charles first separated in half each card (do it is not as hard as it may seem at first glance). Then he heard the needle rear half of the card, after which both halves combined and glued together. As a result, the relief on the back was more convex, and there were no holes on the front.

Such a system of crapping cards was gorgeous if a block of 32 sheet was used. But when using a deck in 52 sheets, it was significantly complicated. In the Schella system in order to identify each card, two marks have always been done. One was intended to designate a suit, and the second - to transmit its value. The marking was duplicated for each edge of the card, so the magician did not have to take care of which side to keep a deck. Marks were always tangible under her thumb. Master marking was applied along a diagonal line passing from the upper left corner of the map to its center. Plug-in near the corner of the card corresponded to Trepham, a little closer to the center - the worms and in the very center of the card - peaks. Bubnovy suit remained without labeling. Thus, it was enough to make a light movement with a thumb from the top corner of the map to its center so that you can determine the mailing of the card.

The value of each card was noted along the angle and down on the right side of the card. One point in this place was lady. Along the angle it was possible to designate four cards: ace, king, currency and a dozen. Two noted along the right side denoted nine and eight. Seven of each suit was not designated.

You might think that the heating will be too noticeable for everyone who takes cards into hand. But in reality it is not. Small convexities are so insignificant that they can be taken for a card defect or sticking them, if there are someone to feel them. Of course, a player or a magician, waiting for some kind of mark on the maps, knows where to look for her. But your chance lies in the fact that you give a deck of maps to the usual viewer, and you can be completely calm - he will not find anything on them.

Some fockers who used the Charles system came to the conclusion that such marking will be very complex and cumbersome for a deck in 52 sheets. In addition, the sophisticated and improved hand dexterity today almost displaced the need to use corpus cards. But in some tricks, it is still possible to use a corpus deel.

For the manufacture of corpus cards, the most common deck is taken. Pumping is performed by a very thin needle mounted in the ring. The advantage of this method is that there is no need to punish all the cards of the deck, because in a particular focus you need to know only one card. For example, a magician can play blindfolded and not to see absolutely nothing. In this case, it is extremely useful to note the map in such a way that it can be identified without looking.

Of course, there are many simple ways of crapping cards. But almost always an experienced focker prefers to use the old way, because In this case, the risk of detecting corpus cards will be minimal. That is why the magicians are most avoying the heating.

In fig. 115 shows the challie card marking system. The upper end of this card shows the position for applying each mark. The lower end shows the labeling of only one card, in this case it is HF. Mugs on the map marked the texts of the masters diagonally down from left to right: Trephs, worms, peaks. Crossings indicate the advantages of cards, the top row from left to right: ace, king, currency, ten; Middle row: lady, nine; Lower row: eight. In fig. 116 shows the ring with a needle on it. If necessary, the tip of the needle can be removed into the depths of the ring. As soon as the magician takes the necessary card in his hands, he frees the needle from the ring, heats the map, after which the needle is hiding again. In fig. 117B shows a sample map with a printed pattern. In fig. 117A shows the same map in enlarged. The floral ornament in the upper left corner of the card is very well suited for applying marking there, for example, by means of heating. One label is applied to designate the map of the card, starting from the top angle and along the clockwise arrow: peaks, worms, tambourines, trees. One mark in the ornament is applied to designate the value of the map - from the twos and further along the clockwise arrow: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, currencies, lady Ace. The center does the label for the designation of the king.

There is another simple way to marking cards, which literally the word is that the cards are inscribed. How many tools can you call to perform such labeling? Little. Of course, the pencil or pen is excluded, and in this case there is no other way to touch cards as hands. This type of marking is like a smear - hands are rolled with watercolor paint or copy paper. As for me, I could never understand how magicians can breed dirt in such noble business. After all, their task is to find out one, maximum, two cards.

One of the most reasonable ways to crap cards was also designed by players. Some cards simply are rubbed in such a way that when such a card is deposited to the light, it does not reflect on its glossy surface. This is done right during the game, or rather, in the process of distribution of cards. The wet finger turns around the card until it dry, and the matte spot will appear on the map. As a rule, high value maps are thus labeled. Metty suit there, where rates are high, do not have. Poker, for example, is to pick up cards by their meaning, and the selection of cards by masters is already required to be higher.

All these techniques should be known when you sit down to play cards with some unfamiliar person. Such card sets when two or three low-value maps are collected, very often not won compared to higher seabilities. If you add to this that some player is able to read almost half the deck on shirts, then it will be extremely difficult to win. Dozens, currencies, kings, ladies and aces are marked simply saliva. Dozens may have a matte diagonal strip across from left to right, the currencies have the same diagonal, but to the right left, the ladies are denoted by the matte strip on the left side of the card, and the kings are the same strip, but on the right side of the card. Ace is denoted by a smear in the corner of the card.

I think that all this you remember, when the next time you will sit play cards with a fellow traveler, who will have an unpleasant habit of watering the card before their distribution.

I don't think that someone will be able to make brilliant cards otherwise, how to polish them, but I know that some shilers use decks in which all high-value maps differ in shirts glitter, and all low-dimensional maps are much dim. This, however, is not so much merit, how many flaws in the processing of maps manufactured by industry or maybe it is caused by age-age.

Take two completely identical decks of cards and play one of them all week. Wetting saliva, friction from tackovoy, etc. Make this deck more dim than new. When the cards achieved such a degree of worn out, remove all the high cards from the deck and replace them with the same one. Apply now the cards to the light and compare their shine. You will see that the difference will be quite noticeable. For this reason, you always look at the cards carefully before playing. It is enough to look at the cards, and you will see that the edges of older cards are darker than that of new with their white glitter.

Although the usual viewer hardly removes the distinction in the brilliance of Röber cards, which the magician uses. Sometimes the magician himself makes his own polishing of the shirts of cards before their use, for which a special varnish is prepared. Then the thin screws of the artistic varnish are superimposed in various places of cards. Here, as in cases with cards, laundered in ink, two dishes are quite enough to identify any card. One of the strips denotes the suit, and the second is the advantage of the card.

Mattiness when using brilliant maps should be noticeable even with weak lighting. The whole thing here is only in the right corner when viewed by cards. Ink marks, on the contrary, should be noticeable only with strong lights.

Some Schuleers use the crapping of cards with special inks, which are completely not visible under normal conditions, but are clearly visible when applying glasses equipped with special coating glasses.

Focuscripts are known many ways to crap. However, some do not want to spend time on all these painstaking operations associated with the crapping of cards, they simply push cards from the front side. But remember that the hole in the map is much more noticeable than the ink stain.

It is not very good to heal the cards needle. As a result, it turns out too rectable imprint. Therefore, the cards must be put on a sheet of soft metal, such as brass or aluminum, and the needle must pass through the card into the metal. In this method, the hole is obtained the most narrow and card can be easily defined to the touch.

Each real magician in his artistic career should be able to show tricks with corpus cards. True, rarely, which of them deals with all the possibilities that open on this path. And now, dear readers, if the magician will hit you with an incredible focus, remember this article and think if his cunning is not connected in any way with corpus cards!

Practical examples of crapping cards

In fig. 118 depicts part of the kerp of the deck. All its crap covers a cross-shaped pattern - 7 rows, three cruciform drawings in each row. The point inside the cross can be delivered inside one of the four rays, which corresponds to a certain suit: 1 - worms, 2 - peaks, 3 - tambourines, 4 - trephies. In the first row, the left cross - Ace, the middle - the king, the right - lady; In the second row, the left cross - the currency, the middle - a dozen, etc.

For example, the point set in Fig. 118, corresponds to 106.

Fig. 118.

It is easy to mark cards having a reticular pattern of trop. The main drawing form four bold lines, their crossing forms a large square, each such square is divided into 9 squares smaller, and each of the squares of the average size in turn is divided into four parts (Fig. 119).

Fig. 119.

The point set inside the square of the average value indicates the advantage of the card. In the figure, these squares are marked with letters located near them: T - TUZ, K - King, D - Dama, Valnet, 10 - ten, 9 - nine, 8 - eight, 7 - Seed, 6 - Sixer. Depending on which one of the squares is the point is determined by the matset of the card 1 - worms, 2 - peaks 3 - tambourines, 4 - trephies.

They are often encountered, bordered by a dark fatty line, on which light circles are located. It is enough to smack two points, and you can designate any of the 36 cards.

Some types of cards have a crap limited by the lower line on which eight circles are located. These mugs are repeated several times with Niza to the top of the card (up to fourteen). If the circles located at the upper and lower edges of the card, put pencil points, it is not difficult to determine which card.

Mugs themselves from left to right denote the advantages of cards from the ace before the seven. The point above the circle indicates a worm suit, under it - a bubnoye, right - peak, and on the left - trephy (Fig. 120).

Fig. 120.

"Curves cards"

It is properly argued that many shulers study books about focus. Methods of handling cards they attach paramount importance. It is important for them and a way of marking cards. The ability to keep itself, the possession of a certain amount of knowledge and hand dexterity to some extent bring them to the magicians. It is surprising that none of the magicians who have a much greater hand dexterity and know more techniques than Shuler, never came to the rows of shovers. The explanation, apparently, lies in the fact that the magician is always aware of how he will look when colleagues sooner or later learn about his second "profession."

One of the coilers for a long time applied a trick that did not find an explanation. Max Berel tells about her in his memoirs - famous American clarification and readers of thoughts. It was that any card, elongated and returned by the viewer, and then stuck in a deck, disappeared from her and then appeared at the request of the demonstrator in certain places.

To demonstrate this trick, two decks of cards are required with the same shirts so that one deck can be replaced at the desired moment. The deck "A" has a slightly concave long edges, and the deck "in" is slightly convex. Crop cards need very carefully so that all cards in the deck are the same (Fig. 121).

Fig. 121.

For this purpose, make a pattern from tin. Next, we assign it to each card separately and the protruding areas cut with sharp scissors. The most important thing here is to hold the card correctly together with the template so that it does not move towards. After a few exercises, you will find the necessary skill.

Remember that the recess or convexity on each side should not exceed 1 mm compared to the angle of the map. It is completely imperceptibly for the audience, but it is enough to demonstrate the focus.

The appeal with this double deeline is exactly the same as with a "conical" deck of cards. How does Schuler do if he needs to get a card that another person pulled out of the deck? If the map is stretched from the deck "A", then it is, while this card is at the viewer, replaces the deck "A" on the "B" deck. Having an elongated map in it, he hovers it, and then pulls out and transfers to the top or under the bottom of the deck, in conclusion takes it away and manages at its discretion.