Model alternative 1.3 Guide to passing. Stalker "Alternative" V1.2 Beta - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Chernobyl shadows are global fashion. I will not allow you

The stalker alternative project received the long-awaited plot continuation and entered the alternative version 1.3. Like the previous versions, the mod remained on the former platform. Stalker shadow Chernobyl 1.0004. Unlike the previous part, the game acquired not only a number of plot changes, but also gained a lot of gameplay innovations. As before the player has to play for himself, that is, the developer was left the opportunity to create his character, before the start of the game. The new storyline, 8 additional locations, 8 unique endings, the mass of interesting quests and unique cat-scenes will be presented to players during the passage of the alternative 1.3.

Changes in the storyline:

The plot of the game has become much more diverse, eight full and unique endings appeared in the game (on the 4th of Stalker and Military). Play for the military becomes a little easier, because of his full state insurance. When playing a stalker, the plot was continued, so now the player will be able to get a full response to the tormenting issue of the chief hero in the previous version. This was the possible beneficial to the introduction of new story quests. Unlike the previous part, the start of the game was changed, and the beginning of the storyline occurs immediately after the events described in the original version of the game Stalker PM. In addition, a new storyline appeared in the game, which originates on the location of preface. Please note that due to the nonlinear nature of the storyline, the chief hero will periodically need to make a choice from which the course of the game may change. It is implemented through dialogs, they will have an orange color for convenience, so before making decisions, make saving.

Main changes:

  • The new plot of the game (old completely carved);
  • GG player creates independently before the start of the game;
  • Valiable 8 new locations (out of 30): hold, D-6, cemetery, tunnel, hidden road, dark hollow, factory sprout and catacombs;
  • New story quests;
  • New mutants with unique features;
  • Added a new storyline, which begins on preface location;
  • 20 new artifacts are added to the game;
  • During passage, the most important plot moments will be accompanied by cat-scenes;
  • There was an opportunity to experience suits with a system of closed breathing and oxygen cylinders. Thanks to them, the main character will be able to be practically without restrictions on underground locations (their number does not include the Laboratory X-8 and CHAES 2, these costumes are not required).

Features gameplay and passing tips:

  • During passage, you carefully read the dialogues, information in the found documents that are coming messages (highlighted in red), it will at least save your nerves and save time.
  • Pay attention to the Personal Ped section with the name "Magazine - Personal Notes", information located in it will help you in the completion of the unfinished and search for new quest tasks.
  • Do not forget to wear a suit with a closed respiratory system before going to underground locations, equipping them before these cylinders with oxygen, without them is impossible there.
  • During the passage of QPC quests, highlighted in red (marked by enemies), are not always such, with some you can make a dialogue. Therefore, before shooting trying to peacefully solve the question.
  • Many not friendly base stalkers can be penetrated without a single shot, so try to correctly assess the situation and take advantage of the possibility of inconspicuous penetration into the object.
  • Do not forget that some personal PDA and computers can be hacked, they can become not only sources of important information, but also to open new storylines.
  • The game appeared new artifacts, there are about 20 units. From the start of the game, they do not have the names, indexing their properties. So it will be before studying them in laboratory conditions, so the first copies will not be determined by the detectors and their search must be performed almost "blindly".
  • In order to profitably sell the found artifacts and trophies, in the form of parts of the bodies of mutants, the chief hero must go beyond the zone. In the plot, some locations are outside the perimeter and they are not on the game map of the zone, so they are not so easy to get on them.
  • Transitions on locations do not have marks on the map, but everyone is open from the game start. This means that you can independently find them or wait for the location information on the plot.

Installing Fashion:

  • Install the game Stalker PM version 1.0004;
  • Unzip the downloaded archive with the mod.
  • Copy the obtained BIN and GameData folders in the folder with the installed game Stalker PC 1.0004

*** Total. ***

What is the mod? For me, this is something like Soleanniki. I would call this modification of Light OP2. What awaits us here? There is an opportunity to choose who to play. Military or free single. 8 endings, 4 for each. Many locations and new tasks. You can put a weapon pack, about which I will talk a little later, well, and + many other little things. In words, it looks very attractive. But, but in fact, everything is bad. He played the troika for a long time, passed for the military, after a long break, decided to go through all the endings for Stalker. But something went wrong.

*** For whom to play? Plot***

If you did not play in the mod, but you want to try, I advise you to go through the stalker. Because the first hours of the game will be delight. To get out of the pre-banner, you need to pay the watch, then go where you want. Collect artifacts and parts of mutants, this is one of the main income in the alternative. We collect flavors and beasts, we go to the pre-banner (again, paying 10k for moving with a habar) and sell everything at a high price. Consequently, the stalker case is present. And the money here is very necessary to open further tasks and opportunities. And as for me, the passage of Stalker is much more interesting than for the military (although I opened only one ending). I expected something more ambitious from passing for the military (as well as Fashion itself), but in fact I got insanity. By the way, the plot component, quests and dialogues are the same.

First, we show the dream GG, and it becomes clear that the GG flies into the zone to figure out why he will be held these dreams. Therefore, we make it clear that there is a certain purpose in fashion that we must fulfill. Although the name of the GG should come up with themselves (if we want). The game for military and stalker intersects something. Some and the same tasks can be performed by the other, but some are not available to anyone. So what can we find out by playing for the military? Well, only the fact that the ending and the plot itself is semi-limber. There is no interest. Even 3 secret tasks that will allow us to finish the contract, made from the bald. And then, these tasks are interconnected, although it should not be logically. And, playing for the military, we will not answer the same dreams that is not good.

It is easy to guess that all the actions of the Fashion occur after the events of the trilogy. But in fashion it is difficult not to notice what the plot is made, again something like. The fan and assault of mercenaries, gray and gangsters, rounds and mercenaries, documents in X18, documents in X16 and ghost, the tasks of Voronin, the tasks of Lukasha, the assault of the Chernobyl's Military. All this we can see with our own eyes, but only we play not for the legendary labeled. These moments are simply not removed. Even one of the first tasks for the military, where you with Degtyreavev are heading through the overpass in the pripe to conduct the evacuation of the military in the laundry. Alya Economy version of the call of pripyat. Why do something come up with a new one if you can take old and cut completely?

The endings also leave much to be desired. 2 endings for the military depend only on the banal choice of dialogue. Do you want to leave the zone, since the contract is executed? Or do you want to go to jail because you wanted to match the American or help about consciousness? Yes, and the remaining 2 will not be better. After the help of the consciousness on the search for documents, we turn into some kind of creature that will mumble something. And the last, it is a departure from the zone on the subway tunnels. By the way in a tunnel, you will break from the strength for a couple of minutes and do not meet any resistance.

Almost most tasks are built on the principle of "guess yourself." And a bunch of such examples: where does the GG know where the teleport is on the base of the net sky? Where does the GG know that a suit with ZSD is needed to descend in an overpass, and Degtyarev did GG there and did not bother to say about a kind of gas? Where did GG know what to get into X8, you need to have a program for hacking PDA? Most of all I like tasks with girls. For example, search for a person's wife in a pre-banker. Do you seriously think that players are able to randomly stumble upon PDa, at the end of the ATP road? 1 of 1000? This is at best. Without a guide, it is difficult to go. And the search for a girl in the swamps. The continuation of this plot is cheerful. We have to find on Cordon Stalker, who ordered a girl. By random circumstances, we find a stalker (where they usually cannot be), we bring the conversation with him and he decides to ask what I heard about that very girl? Logic, where are you? But where are you swimming dead in a radioactive swamp, rye down? Bad luck to you. Outcome. In the plot, dialogues, logic in this fashion could not. Let's move on.

*** Gameplay ***

As I wrote above, there are some notes of interest for a couple of hours. We begin with scratch. In one sweater, and gradually grow, and no, rapidly grow. Let's come out of the pre-tribades with one tension, and it will be possible to go back it will be already with the WCI WC and the scientific overalls of "Vega" (hello Schaus). + There are things from the original PM, so you will not have problems with getting initial equipment. Literally, having played a couple of hours, we can get an exoskeleton that transfers 250kg + with good characteristics and ARUs with an autracking goal, with a 25-round shop, with the highest accuracy (which is not even at Gauss), with a small weight, with a small return , increased bullet flight speed, and caliber 9 * 39 is the most killer in this fashion. Universal trunk for the murder of all living things, only buy 9 * 39 caliber in the pre-tribbon at the merchant. And all this can be obtained by following the most easy tasks from Kardan, which do not require any effort. And all, you just need nothing more. We add the absolute recipes here, we introduce the edit on 14 slots of arts, cook flames and turn into a car for destruction. Yes, you can enjoy the pumping of the GG (search for a good trunk, armor, cooking arts and so on), but it is possible to do this in the first hours of fashion, you need to pass the plot, boring and not interesting.

Having passed the original locations with original moments of PM, all the gameplay turns into a stupid runner from one point to another. Go from chaps2 to the pre-banker for the sake of 2 lines in the dialogue with the shooter? Sure. Go from the SAES2 and back to the second uber-in-duper secret task to turn on an antenna? You are welcome. The "walk" simulator in full swing. Of course, the Pobbler helps to overcome long distances, but it does not cancel the boring plot gameplay.

But in fact, you can find action in this fashion. In the form of bugs fashion, or rather the infinite spawning NPS. Some monoloids are worthwhile in Eastern Pripyat. Fascinating shooting range in the spawn of believers, near the old CBO. As long as you do not end the cartridges or does not burn your computer, from the busting of the corpses. The same parsley and stalkers in the Red Forest (I had to kill them to go through the forgotten forest, playing for the military). And, infinitely appearing, inspector controllers?

Separately, I would like to mention "excellent" balanced pseudo-caps and partially blood circulation. Not only that these dogs do not die from one shot of 9 * 39 caliber, so they have a psi-blow, which is able to kill the GG after 5-6 times, if not to have proper protection against PSI exposure. And after stripping the lair dogs, near the bar, after some time there are already 7 psevdasapacia. Chair burned very beautifully. The whole hob of Saiga sometimes does not help to kill one creature. The blood circuits are not so many problems, as the same psevdavota, but still sometimes annoying these of their abilities.

*** Huge mistake of this fashion ***

I advise you to put a mod without a weapon pack. I am a big enthusiastic amateur, but not so much that "Fuuu, left-handing trunks, mod shit !! 111!1!". I like a big arsenal, because there is a choice. But here he is superfluous. A bunch of trunks that are taken from different mods, mainly from OP2. More than half you just stupidly see, but do you know why? And because they were blocked into rare caches. And to get this rare cache, you need luck. But do not rejoice. Having received a cache from a dead bowl of a novice, you are there, besides a useless knife, you will not find anything. Different walter for different calibers. And so on all the whole. Different calibers tracing bullets, smoke grenades, lighting grenades. Why is that all? The calibres are a huge bunch of brown mass, which are simply not used. In OP2, there is no such thing, although this mod can be stretched for whole months, if not per year. Why do I need two-sided shotguns 16 * 70 caliber? But this is not the most important thing. I have burned from the other. From re-equipment of the NPS. Master's gangsters in exoskeletons run with these two-sided shotguns that do not provide serious danger. Such a feeling that the great monolith spoke nearby a few boxes with weapons since the time of the Second World War and enjoy them. And mercenaries with ultrasound. God. Yes, and all this is absolutely no need if there is a universal vintacesis, which is incaying everything around. It is better not better than the trunk. One shot one kill. Shot to the little finger of the left foot - the corpse. And the cold weapons ... Not only that the knives need to be inserted into the pistol slot (it seems, I can be wrong, played a long time), so they are also useless. To split the box, you need 2-3 second blows. What did you add some new animations of the mouse pc. Need to quickly kill the enemy? Press PCM and wait for seconds 2-3, while the GG is enhanced. There can be no speech about quick blows. Yes, and without this, the pack in the original fashion, the knife is the same g, but there at least a calm is normal. Weapon Pak is absolutely not balanced and sews something like that was.

I tried to go through the game for Stalker, to find all the endings. At first, everything went great when I just started getting gear. But borrowing vintaceans, nanocosum, all recipes of artifacts and 14 filled slots for these arts, the time comes to pass the same story and quests. And this house, for 200k. In order to get a few, again, not interesting quests. Stupid running, and in the future and teleportation from the transition to the transition, it became hard to bother. I endured and surrendered. There is no pleasure, and you will not do anything.

The mod broken everywhere. In the plot, dialogues, gameplay. First, hard, a little later we run around the zone, like a tank, and no one can kill. It is worth trying to try, who did not play? Perhaps it is worth not the worst mod, but also good and you will not call it. Clean sky, stalkers.

If you choose those from modern computer games to which the most modifications have been created, then the first place will definitely take the "stalker". This stealth shooter, which tells about the events in the radiation Chernobyl zone, has become a real masterpiece that can be very rare among the projects issued by the post-Soviet spaces. This series of games is great in itself, but it is also noteworthy and the fact that the fans have already created a rather impressive amount of modes, each of which adds different elements, starting with a new weapon and ending with full-fledged storylines. By the way, the last option is quite common, because the Universe of Stalker is extensive, so you can create many different narratives from the face of different heroes. But what on the background of others there is an alternative "? The passage here has not changed, the game mechanics too. What is the difference?

Fashion description

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that this modification not only adds a storyline. It makes it a non-standard, alternative, and also contributes to the game process there is still a rather impressive number of side quests that do not affect the plot of the fashion "Stalker: Alternative". Passage, as already mentioned earlier, is practically no different from the original games and from other modifications. Naturally, there are also their chips, such as freedom of action or a clear obedience to orders (depending on the path you choose for yourself). But all outstanding moments in this game should be disassembled separately, as well as to decide on the recommendations that will help you pass the mod "Stalker: Alternative". The passage does not take you a lot of time, like most modifications, but will allow you to look at the world of "Stalker" from a completely different side.

Character selection

So, it is worth starting with the fact that in all original games and modifications, developers and creators independently determined, for which the character to play the gamer to play. As for this fashion, you are full - you can enter the name for your character yourself, as well as choose its appearance. However, this is not a significant difference between the modification "Stalker: an alternative" - \u200b\u200bthe passage from it does not change in any way, the appearance of the character affects only what the photo is displayed in the dialogues, and the name - the non-player characters will turn to you. This is just a pleasant chip, which is not worth lingering and sharpen attention for a long time. It is time to move to more important issues that can also affect your passage. "Stalker: - This is the latest version of this Fashion. And it is based on it will be further consideration of the issue.

Selection of plot

At the very beginning of the game you arrive in the zone to carry the service there. And then you put you before the main choice in the game - on what path do you go? From this will fully depend on your passage "Stalker: Alternative". And it is here that the essence of the modification name is fully disclosed. So, you have two options. You can comply with the orders and go to perform what we were sent here here, that is, to serve. On the other hand, you can travel over the other side and become a free stalker that will perform many tasks, travel around the zone, facing all its dangers. This is such a choice. You offer the modification "Stalker: Alternative". Passage for the military and for Stalker should consider separately, as they are absolutely different concepts that lead to different game endings.

Play for free stalker

If you decide not to obey the will of the military and go to free bread, then you will have a huge advantage - freedom of action. You can travel around the zone and perform assignments designed for stalker, which will lead you to the end of the plot. In parallel, you should take side quests that will allow you to get a weapon, cartridges, ammunition, and so on. Naturally, no one has canceled an important part of the Stalker series - the search for the caches. You will do this for someone in accordance with any quest, or for yourself, and maybe you will notice the caches by chance. In any case, they will help you pass the game and allow you to get a maximum pleasure from the game Stalker. Mod "Alternative", the passage of which can be divided into two parts, is not limited to the fate of the stalker. You can easily replay by choosing another direction. And this is all the charm of this modification.

Passage for military

The lack of a plot branch for a free stalker is that there is nothing new in it. Naturally, the quests there are all original, side tasks are quite interesting, but at the same time the concept does not change in comparison with the original version or with other modifications. What is really appreciated "alternative" is passing for the military. It is still quite different here, completely changes its appearance game "Stalker: Alternative". The passage for passing will allow you to study all the details, but it is much better to do it yourself. So, you agree to be a military, which means that you will have to obey all the orders that your bosses give you. You need to follow the schedule and perform plot military tasks. In addition, disabled quests will be available, and most importantly - some of the tasks of free stalker will also be open to you. That is, this mode is much more attractive for fans, as it offers a new look at the game from an absolutely different character. There was no such thing before, and it is definitely worth trying this option.

Alternative endings

"Stalker: Alternative" justifies its name not only by what he has two storyteens to choose from. If you decide to play for the military, then the ending of the game will depend on your actions. In total, this storyline has three branches, each of which leads to the original ending, so it is recommended to try out all three ways, since the duration of the game is not so high, and each of the completion options deserves attention.

Side Quests

It is impossible to say that in the "alternative", side quests deserve special attention. Naturally, they are attractive and interesting, but still the emphasis here is made entirely on the other, namely on the possibility of playing for the military. Most of the non-sales quests refers to the free stalker, so on their passage it is worth sharpen attention to the last place.

about the project: This is your story. In a fashion alternative, the player plays himself for himself, can choose a name for himself and change the icon that is displayed in the dialogs. How to do this in the player's profile. The game starts after the events that the stalker shade ends. There will be situations in front of the player, the choice of which will depend on the end of the game. At the moment, in the fashion "Alternative version 1.2" there are seven full-fledged endings: four for Stalker and three for the military. Global elections are in dialogues and are highlighted with orange. Preferably before choosing to keep saving, in order not to start the game from the beginning. To sell artifacts and parts of mutants at a bargain price, they must be taken out of the zone. Not all locations present in fashion are displayed on the map, along the plot they are behind the chains of zones and they are not so easy to get on them. The original plot of the game is cut. Flash Arrow now contains other information. Changed the start of the game. Relationships with girls, Love Stories is not in mode in fashion, they can be installed as an addition. Some computers and supplies can be hacked up and download information, it is possible to open new storylines. Also, the habar of groups is in safes with electronic locks.

The main thing, playing in the mod read carefully dialogues, messages (highlighted in red) and pda. Be curious, attentive, there are no hopeless situations in fashion (belongs to the location of the "dead city"), which seem at first glance.

If, when you hover on the NPC it is highlighted in red and he is an enemy, it does not mean that it should be thrown by bullets, from the dead NPC any benefit, he can talk to you wanted. If you can solve the question in peaceful way, you need to use it. In the camps of hostile groups that are located on added locations, you can get back and without a fight.

Restored cut and introduced new monsters. Some have new abilities.

Transitions from location to location on the map are not displayed, but they are all present from the game start. You can find the transitions yourself, but during the game you will receive information about their location.

The game introduced the detector of the Artifacts "Veles". Also introduced four unknown artifacts, which will be called and described after laboratory research, but for now they are unknown, the detectors of the artifacts do not react to them, so that the first copies will have to look at the touch.

In the PDA in the "Magazine - Personal Notes" section will be signed by the information that you can go to quests and complete them.

New in version 1,3

Work on bugs:

Removed task from the original game "Meet with the conductor", which has been activated when taking documents in the X-16 from the ghost corpse. Documents from X-16 are now in demand, especially this is true, playing for the military.

Fixed the logic of mercenaries on the takon. At the sewage treatment plant, at night you can spawn unnoticed, for set number 6, with any circumstance. It is also corrected by the logic of the gangsters on container warehouses, for the liberation of Lotsmana.

Fixed spawn: monolithpers in Zap. Pripyat and stalkers on Yanov.

At the start of the game GG will not be labeled, but the arrows. In the bar will behave short, on the way will tell a couple of stories. Changed and written continued passage for the military. Playing for the military, before the first exit to the zone, the GG will pass a short course of practical training. Now it is possible to become a friend for: single, pure sky and debt. When freeing from captivity of Sony and Lotsmana, they become friends of the GG-Military.

Continuation and innovation:

The continuation of some plot lines is possible through the dialogs of simple, passing by the stalkers, or sitting near the fire on vacation. It is written in the continuation of the storyline "Legend", it will have two endings.

Restored quests that were written, but did not enter the beta version. New quests written for the military. When hacking some computers that were in a beta version, additional new information may appear. Added new computers with information. New additional transitions between locations are made. Fixed some points of exit with already existing transitions. Example: Transition from Chernobylum to Sarcophagus.

Redone, changed Location X-10, the bunker on the radar, the author of the RSFSR. Location turned out to be a secret. For her, a psychological quest is written, which will require from the GG exposure, patience and care.

The principle of use of remnamors for weapons and armor is changed. During repair, the GG cannot move and take a weapon in the hands, so it is necessary to find a secluded place for repair. Repair processes are voiced.

The game added cards: Zapoda, Zap. Pripyat and Jupiter. Made by analogy of the pre-train card.

List of locations

Forest throat,
Forgotten forest
Lost village
Redhead forest
Military laboratory,
Dead city,
Jupiter travel
Western prong
Laboratory X-8,
Dark edge. Dump,
Dark edge. Swamp

Turn off the antivirus and firewall before installation, or translate them into learning mode.

Install the game S.L.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl version 1.0004.

Start the file "setup.exe" from the "Install_1" folder. The installer will start (on OS: Windows 7 Starting the installer, may occur after 30 seconds), the installer itself will verify the game version and find the folder to which the mod needs to be installed. We put a tick against "rename the folder with the installed modification" if this inscription appears. In the subsequent launches of the installer, the check mark is not necessary, this is done once. Follow the instructions of the installer.

Run the file "setup.exe" from the "Install_2" folder. Follow the instructions of the installer.

Run the file "setup.exe" from the archive "Alternativa_1_3". Follow the instructions of the installer
Armory Pak

Download: Download Yandex Disc
Weapon Pack for Fashion Alternative Version 1.3
Author: Berserk
Important information for players :
Be sure to select rare caches in AMK, there are many new rare weapons.

Do not persist with the included bait and other grenade launches when new shots of Russian production type VOG are charged. When loading such a save, there are often boneless departures. When using new NATO shots, no problems are noticed.

If you want to get new special ammunition, then perform the cyclic tasks of Sidorovich, Barmen, Sakharov, Voronina and Lukasha. More in the game is practically not found. Some unique NPSs from the original TCs also issue new awards for the mission.

With groupings debt and freedom better maintain good relationships, their merchants have many new items that are no longer found anywhere.

Do not kill neutral NPS due to weapons, you are not bandits. In Pak, there are many different weapons, everyone will find something like. Perhaps soon you will get the trunk even better than that of a poor stalker, a few months copied by him.

Pak Description:
Added a large number of different weapons, ammunition and hinged, taken from different mods.

Digitized almost all NPS. How to see in the game.

Updated assortment of merchants.

The contents of rare caches are changed, now there is a new rare and unique weapon. The probability of falling is strongly reduced (approximately as in OOP-2). For the game, you most likely fall out only a few caches, but there will be really valuable things. And if you decide to pass the game again, you, with a lot of probability, will be almost different items. We will tell someone on the forum who is lucky in a cache.

New awards for cyclic missions and unique NPS from the original Tch.

All the characteristics of ammunition and weapons changed. Now they are not configured as it fell, but one base is connected, with a certain logic. Perhaps the characteristics I will adjust a little when I go to the game itself (in the field so to speak).

The fuse mode is introduced at a large part of the weapon. To translate into shooting mode, press the 9 or 0 key.

The double bastard added the shooting mode with a doublet (immediately from 2 stems).

All weapons are targeted by the fiber, now you can normally aim.

Motors for Pak I took from the following mods: Folk Saltka 2010, OOP, OOP-2, Dmx Mod 1.3.5, OGSM 2.3.1 ARSENAL MOD FULL AND HABAR MOD, NATURE WINTER Black Edition 2.3, tin 1.0.3, Weapon by moonlight1986 , Combat preparation 2, path to the center, Weapon Pack, FMV1.9.9, Kalashnikov_pack_akm_ak74_aks74_2015, as well as downloaded from the AMK forum.
There are a lot of authors, here those who know: AAZ, Uncle Sasha, pseudo-s.t.a.l.k.r, Chingy, Zeka1996Korneev, Real Wolf, Ajax, Nomadec, Alexandrych, Irbis, [Email Protected], Sniperstalker, Simbiot, Galil, Dester, Zereset, D.Kruger, Arma2, Cod4, Mw1, Kingfriday, FC3, Mongol, Redroguexiii, Futon, Millenia, [Email Protected]$, Battle for the Pacific, Holden_mcClure, ~~, Mr.Rifleman, Bull5hit, Purke62, Kirag, Saneked, Born, Pyo1966, Dietrich2009, Vlad, Lukin, Deathdoor, Sin!, UTAK3R, GRAYSHOOTER, Ivatushnik, N6260, GNOME, PITER , SM0KE, SOLVADOR, JONAHEX, MCHC RAIDER, STORYTELER, HUNTER_7.62, AMIK, QWQWQW, NOMADEC, Sergey Chrome.
Collected Pak Berserk, Mikhail (Turnen) was given great help in ideas and technical equipment.