Gluck game overview play. Board game Loy. Ermak from Mortal Kombat

Sometimes are a cheerful game suitable for both adults and children.

Number of participants - from 3 to 7.

The motto of fun is the immediacy, energy and distribution of roles.

All this will provide an excellent mood for a whole day, evening and the remaining day. Competition develops communication skills. Participants may not sit above the field, but to be in any part of the room. Also, there will also be attentive. After all, each character is responsible for their functions. Total members 4. Everyone can choose whether to him by Dr. or glitches. The first is trying to cure a patient from the pitch of the second.

Party occupies from half an hour.

The difficulty level here is light, but this game does not become less exciting. She trains attentiveness, intelligence and imagination.

For whom this game

Something is suitable for adults and for young children. Evening with friends you will spend just gorgeous anyway, regardless of age. None of the players will miss. Everyone can laugh at themselves and on others, including self-criticism. Therefore, see only participants with a sense of humor gathered at the table.

Board game Walls are ordered by office workers. This fun is suitable for a noisy corporate party among colleagues. They will be able to laugh with each other, and also get close to strengthening the corporate spirit.

Opels can be purchased for adolescents as a birthday gift and other holidays. Also, this contest will like to colleagues or parents. After all, there are skills of the pantomime, humor and the development of the vocabulary stock. Next will be easier to play crocodile or other similar toys.

What's in the box?

A small box includes the following components of the desktop game "Wall":

  1. Cards with types of diseases on which topics and words are prescribed - 117 pieces.
  2. Cards with varieties of drugs adding funny action for the patient - 20 pieces.
  3. A list with diseases for a doctor, consisting of 20 categories - topics.
  4. Chips whose number is designed for 7 participants.
  5. Hourglass to limit tours.
  6. The rules of the game written in Russian with visual examples of situations for a different number of participants, as well as with explanations of actions with a simple and complex combination of players.
  7. Field for taking into account results.
  8. Easy marker.


Board game Walls consists of several interesting and fun heroes. Development of action resembles a crazy house. After all, there is:

  • A patient
  • Doctor
  • Glitches

The doctor in the plot is considered the most adequate person. He makes his job, cleaning the mind of the patient from "friends." The patient himself has an interesting and abundant inner world. He's visions that speak with him. What is the strangest - he answers them. Glitches can be kind and evil. But they all confuse the patient's consciousness, advising him to do some actions, to whom in good condition he would never think.

Doctor, patient and two glitches

In the game, the rule is very simple.

First, each distributes roles. If you want to be a man with mental problems or a doctor or a cheerful wreck. The client must be poor and desperate, and be sure to respond to glitches. A clever doctor will diagnose in one session and will try to cure the patient.

But at the same time, the main thing is not to become infected with the same visions and auditory hallucinations. The glitches are behind the doctor from the doctor, illuminating him and complementing his conversations. It is advisable to do it without words. After all, the doctor can hear and understand that they live in a patient's head. Without words, the doctor must understand the promise of glitches and guess what they tell the client.

If he fits at least theme, it will be a victory. To leadership, he has disease cards. The patient gets cards with medicines, represents how they act on his brain and presents the doctor to the doctor depending on these manifestations.

Glitches! What glitches? What do you want from me at all!

The desktop game has glitches similar to mushrooms. They are divided into good and evil. But the patient is difficult to figure out who is who. Therefore, he does not understand who exactly listen. Hallucinations in turn choose a card and try to show the word client. One can say, the other is to lie. But in order to understand the word correctly, it is necessary to guess which one is truthful.

What you need glitak

In the game, glitches are trying to show the patient a mandated card. They stand immediately behind the doctor and show a pantomime. Angry suggests the topic of a solution, and kind indicates a specific word. But, if you identify incorrectly, you can get confused. Fun when the participant playing the patient will mention the specified phrase in a conversation with a psychotherapist, but he did not understand what it was she. Hallucinations agree among themselves about who will be kind and evil. And only they know about this agreement.

What the patient wants

A person who playing this role should try to set out the doctor the word of the Glitus. To do this, he will carefully look at them and try to understand the prompts. The problem is that he does not know which of his "friends" is kind, and what evil. Therefore, he will have to act purely intuitively.

Who is the most interesting

Doctor to be really difficult. Glitches show the client the word and theme, and he gave ways. He must try to state his psychotherapist all that the vision has "inspired" to him. But at the same time, they do not know the themes or words. The doctor is not interested in the phrase, but the disease. It is her who he must guess. Tip can only serve as a list with diseases that are at hand.

In fact, interest represents every role. Gaming action is very exciting. It resembles an old spoiled phone where words are transmitted after a few hands. But the pantomime is added here. To visit each image - very fun and interesting. Therefore, we recommend that after each batch, changing roles.

In fact, real diseases in this competition are not affected. Play, juggling unknown, non-existent terms, even more interesting. All possible diseases are described on the card that the good doctor holds. He can use it until the game is over. Themes are absolutely different. It can be both art and human body or even space

One of the laws of Murphy states: "There is at least one bug in every nontrivial program." Computer games are also full of bugs. And they are more fun and spectable to any other.

KILL SCREEN on slot machines

Once upon a time, a long time ago, computer games were not like today. To play in them, it was necessary to go to the hall of the slot machines, there to buy tokens and spend one by one in trying to pass practically impassable levels. However, there is nothing impossible for real masters, and if, for example, there were 255 levels in PAC-MAN, then sooner or later he was a hero capable of passing them all.

That is just the 256th level can not be, and instead of it with slot machines, it happened. In the PAC-MAN half of the screen, the letters and slices of sprites were aligned - this is called Kill Screen, that is, the "screen killer". The reason for its appearance is prosaic: The procedure responsible for drawing the elements of the game uses a level number in order to calculate the number and location of bonuses. The output beyond the output leads to the results described.

At the same time, the game after the 255th level is not interrupted, and the PAC-MAN champions can continue to undergo a level behind the level, despite the landfill on the screen. Points also continue to count, but real professionals are trying not to reach the "murderer screen" and dial the maximum number of points earlier.

Kill Screen is not only in PAC-MAN. For example, for example, the existence of a killer screen in the "duck hunt" on NES: there after the 99th level of ducks become invulnerable and begin to wear around the screen with terrible speed. In Donkey Kong at the 22nd level, Mario begins to die after a few seconds after the start. Alas, these effects are far from the entertainment of the collapsed PAC-MAN.

Plague in World of Warcraft

The city is littered with corpses, people streams are trying to escape from the plague zones, hear cries about help. No, this is not London in 1666, and one of the World of Warcraft servers on September 13, 2005. What happened that day was a complete surprise for both players and developers. This event went into the history of WoW, and computer games at all, and received the majestic name Corrupted Blood Incident - the incident of the pured blood. The resonance was so great that the incident was spoken in the television shows and wrote in newspapers.

It all started from the opening of Zul'Guruba - a new raid dungeon. His final boss is a serpentic clawing animal named Hakkar, who knows how to spoil the blood players not only in the portable, but also literally. A player struck by "torn blood", begins to quickly lose health and can infect other players. In the conditions of an isolated dungeon, there is nothing unusual in this, and either players cope with the problem, or the characters are dying and resurrected without torn blood. In the theory, to make infection beyond the limits of Zul'Guruba was impossible, but this is in theory.

WOW hunters leads with them their hunting animals and may optionally release or repeal them. As it turned out, the animals also spreads the thickened blood - this is the effect planned by the developers. But no one knew that the reconciled and then released outside the dungeon would still be a carrier of infection. The first such case was given the beginning of the epidemic.

After a certain time, technical support figured out in a situation and dropped part of the server data, but it helped for a while: players, who configured about the ability to start the epidemic, began to do this intentionally, and the forums allowed to spread the news, and followed experimenting steel on other servers. The viral nature of the information about the "plague" served the dissemination of the virtual infection of the good service.

Corrupted Blood Incident interfered, and there was no disadvantage in the complaints, but for the majority of the "plague" of players, the players with interest paid off the opportunity to boast of participation in such an erachial event. WOW developers, inspired by stir, since then repeatedly made similarly similar (but not so brutal) "incidents" - just fun for the sake and to remember everything.

Game Boy programming from the inside Pokémon

So looks like

It is unlikely that someone needs to be explained what "Pokemon". The original Pokémon game came out already in 12 editions, starting with Pokémon Red and Blue for Game Boy and finishing Pokémon X and Y for Nintendo 3DS. Total today sold about 245 million copies of different versions of Pokemonov, and it is not surprising that these games (especially the very first) are studied from beginning to end, including, of course, all sorts of glitches.

The most famous Pokémon gluke is Pokemon named Missingno, hiding in the game version for Game Boy Color. Detect it is not easy: you need to activate other well-known bugs in the correct order. First, "glitch with an old man", then glitch duplication objects, then go to a certain location and there to meet face to face with Missingno. This beautiful name is actually meaning the words Missing Number ("Number None"), which are not closed in the field. Pokemon himself looks like an exemplary glitch - that is, as a landfill from random pixels and pieces of other pictures. Missigano behaves like any other pokemon, but they need to use it carefully - that and looked will lose all the data.

But even the story of Missinity is fading in comparison with the fact that the game fans managed to create with Pokémon Yellow. It all starts with a bug that allows to exceed the inventory limit and go beyond the limit of the maximum allowed twenty items. Sounds boring? There is one nuance: the game does not highlight the memory for new cells, and the number of items begin to fall in the area where other data are located. Further the limitless possibilities are opened.

The physicist and programmer Robert Lewis Mc Incer did not regret his time to implement a way to introduce arbitrary code in Pokémon Yellow and do literally anything: not only to clean, but also add new elements to the game. As a demonstration, he implemented the MIDI player inside the "Pokemon" and PNG viewer.

It all starts pretty prose: Mac-Intayr creates buggy objects for which in the game store gives an almost infinite amount of money. Many other items are bought for this money: dozens of bottles with lemonade and attending potions, hundreds of pebbles and so on. Accurate amount Important: Information about it, like the numbers of items, hitting the "advanced" inventory will be interpreted by the gameboy as a program.

If you continue to inflate the inventory, the game sooner or later will be corrupted. Yes, and program in machine codes using lemonade bottles, bananas and other edible and inedible things, to put it mildly, tedious. Mac-Intayr successfully solved all the problems by creating a complex system from wrapping programs. Now the code can be dialed directly with the Games buttons to see the printout on the screen and, of course, save the program in the free area of \u200b\u200bmemory, and not over other functions of the game.

Sometimes it is worth starting to pick a bug and it turns out that the bottom is not visible.

Legendary glucus Ultima Online

The creators of Ultima Online did something that no one did to them: a graphical mass-multiplayer game with an extensive world and impressive opportunities. Pioneers often act on their own, and, perhaps, that is why Ultima Online is so unlike the modern MMORPG. Not without errors - including ordinary bugs. Those of them that the players managed to notice and use themselves for the benefit, have now become legendary.

About the nature of glitches UO perfectly talks in his blog one of the developers RAF Koster. The bonfire explains that part of the objects of the Gaming World "Ultima" was recorded on the installation CD and was considered static. The dynamic objects are loaded from the server every time the player must see them. For example, a tree or lake is static objects, and the chair standing in the house is dynamic. In UO, the chair can be moved or even break.

But what if something is wrong with the information on the disk? For example, the developers found that one tile with water near the shore is absent and in its place - a black square. The new tile has been added as a dynamic object. That's just done it inaccurately and forgot to indicate that the subject cannot be raised. Result? When players found a piece of the sea, which can be taken into the inventory, they, of course, did it immediately. And they continued to do every time the tile was restored in its place after another reboot of the server. It turned out to be very useful to have portable water: it can be thrown onto the ground, catching fish in it, and then pick up.

So the Ultima Online appeared rare items - such that cannot be knocked out from monsters to buy in the store or create crafting with the help. The rarity could only be found and dragging on one thing that was done with great success. Still - even a bauble could be beneficial to sell on eBay.

An equally instructive story with "real black paint", spreading the world UO almost as a plague by WoW. The source of paint was a bath for staining with a steady color index: everything that was placed in it, it began to look like an absolutely black subject, a hole in the world. Since the paint in the UO can be transferred from the bath in the bath, players have become pleasure to distribute the "real black" and paint clothes into it. Even when administrators have tried and destroyed all illegal black baths, the items remained. Do I need to say how high they appreciated?

Having accepted the first preventive measures, the developers were walked and decided that, if you leave the players, there are already existing absolutely black things, nothing bad would happen. So the legend was born.

Ermak from Mortal Kombat

The history of Ermak from Mortal Kombat is the story of the Baga (or, or rather, a small error of developers), who managed to hear his independent life. It all started with one stitch - Ermacs. It could be found on the screen of statistics in one of the very first versions of Mortal Kombat immediately after lines about the number of appearances and victories of the hidden character Retejl. The line this completely sounds like Error Macroses. The developers have added it to watch how many times during the game macros, triggered when errors occur.

Players (especially, you need to think, young) had a different theory about what Ermacs is. Standing after another hidden character Ermacs in their collective imagination turned into the same ninja as Sabziro, Scorpio and Retext, only in red clothes and with his special services. In one of the latest versions of the first part of the Mortal Kombat, the Ermacs string was generally removed in order to not be confused, but the legend of Ermak lived in spite of everything.

Mortal Kombat II developers decided to joke a little with Ermak fans and added a couple of references to him. So, the secret character Jade passifs the phrase "Ermak who?", And after passing the game, you can notice the screen of the CEAMR ODSE NTO EXITS, that if you rearrange the letters, it means Ermac Does Not Exist - that is, "Ermak does not exist."

A truly authors of the game surrendered to the time of the Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 - an extended version of the third part of the game. There Ermak finally appears among the characters - in that very red overalls, which he once attributed. As with other characters, Ermak has a beautiful legend: he was born of a shower stolen Shao Kan, owns telekinesis, the opportunity to move between worlds, as well as a serious personality disorder. Ermak speaks exclusively about himself in a plural - referring to something that he has more than one soul, whether he has a multiple number in the ill-fated line, from which he has become truly.

Creepy Watson.

Computer game "Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis" may not be as well known as the original works of Conan Doyle, and there is no important place among computer games. But she is famous for one of the most frightening glitches, which can be found in games.

Most of the time, the player manages Sherlock Holmes and sees everything from the first person. Dr. Watson, as it should be, is always somewhere nearby and helps his ingenious partner to investigate crimes. However, "somewhere nearby" in the interpretation of the developers of the game turned out to be a very strange thing. The fact is that Watson has no walk animation and, as you look at it, it just stands in the middle of the next room.

It would seem - what could be scary in calm Watson? That's just worth it to take a look from him, go ahead, and then turn your head again as Watson turns out to be in a new place. Sometimes you can imagine that he passed there, until he was visible, but often Watson teleports to the most unexpected places, where he simply could not penetrate unnoticed. As a result, if you carefully follow Watson, then you understand that he is like a nightmare from some horror and pursues Holmes as an obsession. Neither the sound of steps, nor a friendly greeting - only a non-moving look of a stationary gentleman with an army handling.

RED Dead Redemption

Rockstar Games is famous for the wonderful game genome of his own invention. It combines huge worlds, freedom of action, optional, but interesting plot, as well as chase and shootouts - in huge quantities. This, of course, about the GRAND THEFT AUTO series and branches like Bully and Red Dead Redemption.

Open "alive" (or rather, simulating realistic events) The world is a difficult thing, and there are no discord when playing characters begin to do something completely unplanned. It turned out worse with the Red Dead Redemption - analogue of GTA, only in the Wild West and with horses instead of machines. For some reason, it is the RDR that rushes strange glitches, which not so much interfere with playing how much make players look at the screen with round eyes, show your finger and call all others to look like what is happening.

The RDR engine sometimes confuses people and animals, mixing their models and behavior scenarios into an unimaginable cocktail. How do you need a donkey woman on which you can ride? And the dog flying in the sky, holding a shotgun and shouting curses from time to time? And the deadly dwarf kouguar? However, not only models can be buggy, but also physics. Why does this wagon hardened with horses so strangely swinging? Why does she suddenly fly into space? Who knows other developers!

Mutants in Sims.

Like the Rockstar Angile, the games of the SIMS series simulate real life and at the same time, of course, from time to time is grucited. It looks very different. Someone from Sims can lead their measured life and deal with everyday affairs, and then suddenly confuse the floor with the pool and start swimming around the house.

And what sometimes happens with the models! Cats looking as if they were accidentally turned inside out (and they did not notice it), people-centaurs, children with frightening appearance ... In the worst case, instead of a child, such an unbreakable couple of sims can be born that immediately, not even understand, what is it. Looking around, you realize that in front of you, adult body with a children's head is bizarked in space. And this is if lucky - instead of an adult model, it may be, for example, a horse. Imagine how it should frighten housewives and schoolgirls, which make up most of the SIMS fans!


levels are decorated in the style of popular glucose clips;

many acquaintances on the songs of heroes;

an impressive set of weapons for all occasions;

pleasant unobtrusive music.

it is impossible to control tanks and motorcycles;

stupid dialogues and annoying replicas;

the scenery is not destroyed.

Now the glitch "OzA temporarily moved away from affairs and retired in the Spanish city of Marbella, dedicated himself to care for a newborn daughter. But her virtual copy of a pair with faithful Doberman continues to exterminate cheaters boys, uber-pigs, vampires and other elderly undead. And now Not only on the TV screen, but also on the other side of the monitor - in the shooter created by the GFI Russia studio "based on" her clips and in fact perpetuating the odious image of the singer.
Shore heel, Kare and Skirt-mini
The thorny path of the heroine runs through the rainbow rainbow painted in all the colors of the rainbow farm, the motley dungeons and even the flooded branch of the Moscow metro. In painful-red poppies and poisonous yellow sunflowers, the herds are hidden in the Nazi shape of the boars, familiar Popes lovers on the song "Schway". The catacombs are settled by a diverse inspiring borrowed from the "glucoza nostra", and the metro lives aliens, about which the "star" did not have time to sing until, but for sure to correct an annoying omission in the future.

Formally, the militant blonde must defeat legions of opponents and get to the mysterious aggressor, which is behind all the increasingness. In fact, it is required to shoot everything that moves, without scoring the cute head of unnecessary information. From time to time, her frostbitten gang, consisting of a guitarist, bass player, Japanese and Doberman, joins glucose. While the partners are in an open area, they take fire on themselves and rake gutta-operating undead on a par with their commander. But it is necessary to shift the front line to the lit-up back yard, as the fighting fart from the colleagues disappears. Borrowing among the fields and sorts, they will differ in the corners in the corners and lose all interest in what is happening, leaving a girlfriend one on one with trouble.

Enemies behave no better, but they are effectively pressing. Wild boars in helmets, toothy piglets, gypsy and redhead humanoids are flown on all sides. The cartridges to the most powerful weapon are constantly lacking, not to mention the fact that the warrior is obviously not trained in rifles and guns. It is impossible to find the shelter among puppet sheds - bullets live according to their laws who have nothing to do with what came up with the inflamed brain Newton. They fly through the fences, gently "cut off" the angles of buildings and necessarily find their victim. The construction remains intact - the shots only raise the clouds of dust, but the attackers themselves are tumbled at unthinkable trajectories, adding spectacles to a single performance.

Without steering and in the head with interference
Almost in each clip glucose drives around on stylish limousines, however, for some reason the transport was not in the game. Generously scattered through the levels of motorcycles, tanks and sports cars teased to the smallest parts of the enclosures, but it is impossible to manage them. Instead, for several hours, the girl measures scenic maps with steps, listening to completely idiotic dialogs. The flow of stupid replicas does not stop even during the battle: after each injury, the heroine persistently requires a first-aid kit, and others promise to certainly "dunk" and "fall to break." An hour later, I want to climb on the wall from repeating exclamations.

At the same time, the fight against chatty invaders, no matter how paradoxically, delays. Support soundtrack, in which the melodies of familiar songs are clearly heard, heats the passion on the screen, and inexhaustible crowds of caricature enemies do not leave time to reflect on the shortcomings. Designers deftly change the scenery, just only the viewer begins to peel his nose, and promptly replenish the arsenal with new "trunks". For a pop shooter with a singer-tip in the main role of more and no need.

Artists scrupulously played a multiplication stylist on the screen. Sliding sheds, unnaturally bright flowers, covered with colorful catacombs crystals look like inventory from the doll theater. Grotesque characters perfectly fit into the entourage and profitably distinguish the game from most "serious" action. Fights pass under the accompaniment of melodies from glucose songs, which should be likewise. Only the idiotic replicas of the enemies and the heroine itself are pleasure - their continuous stream is slowly driving. The viewer looks at what is happening from a bird's eye view, which allows you to notice the back and vampires in the back of the rear and vampires. From acrobatic tricks, the blonde is familiar only by Kuvoke, and the shooting from different types of weapons does not require any special skills - know yourself, Davi Golzhekka. In addition to endless shooting, nothing is required here. A rich arsenal is saved from oblivion, a frequent change of environment and a variety of enemies. In addition to the characters familiar with the clips, there was a place to aliens, giant cockroaches and spiders - potential heroes of the singer's future clips. Healthy humor and pleasant music distract from pressing problems, although it is still not possible to go to the cartoon world for a long time - it offers too single fun. The main thing is not to wait for what is happening too much.

It happens that you play and suddenly begins to happen something very inadequate in your hero or the environment. Even in the most well-worked games, you can find glitches. We present you the top 10 hello glitches in games.

Skyrim - The main character helicopter. You can talk about funny glitches in Skyrim, but this just conquered the audience. It is not known how so it turns out, but sometimes the protagonist does not sit normally on the horse and to become her back and runs on it as a running more expensive when it moves. It is worth pressing the attack as your character will begin to discharge the alder as if spinning on the horizontal bar and also takes off;

Sims 3 - Nightmare on Java. Everyone can be seen in horror films, but in Sims you can see it in chicker. No normal person will not calmly look at the deformed eight kids who twisters do not understand for what reason the game. How to sleep after this truth is not known at all.

Why in the game so deforms some characters completely incomprehensible, but it happens extremely often and sometimes very and very fun. Go, try twisting the settings and wait for the "Miracle".

Rage - Dancing dead. Everything is extremely simple - if you killed someone and he fell on a bunch of small objects, then we are waiting that this gangster will begin to be semi-ones in the texture, fight in convulsions and almost dance a chchelet and spinning on the head.

However, sometimes you can also observe how some dead opponents go from the texture in the flight of a room from one corner to the corner - the spectacle is actually unusual. Take popcorn, sit down at a convenience and watch the view.

Saints Row 3. - You are a weapon. A simple glitch, which adds a little more fun to the atmosphere of "reels". Your hero disappears and looks like everything as if you manage the machine hanging in the air that flies and shoots himself.

It would seem that in the game already and so enough things about which without shuddering do not remember, but at that very moment when you have already become accustomed to everything, it begins to cheer you in a new way and very original.

Battlefield 3. - Godzilla in the city. If you played the first versions of the game in the Multi-Placer, then surely took this glitch. The fact is that often after the death of the soldiers increased to the size of half the card and simply blocked all the visibility.

However, such a fate often overtigued and still living fighters, which made a huge target for shooting from everything that only came to her arm. Whatever it was, and this glitch was very fun to all without exception.

Grand Theft AUTO 4 - Katapult swing. There is nothing to talk here, just on just all that you need to sit in the car and drive it to the frame of the swing - seconds after 10 you are guaranteed to go to the flight to the moon, regardless of whether you approach or not for such a trip.

How did you think about it? Boredom, enthusiasm and some problems with driving sometimes open in games many interesting things you could even guess how, in fact, the developers themselves.

Battlefield 3 Beta. - Mutants are our best friends. The next position in the top glitches in the games is also quite terrible. The fact is that there was a bunch of glitches in Bate and among them it was shifted by such when the player had tried the position lying and turned into a twisted long-haired mutant with a machine protruding from the most independent place.

This is probably one of the worst bugs, which gave the green light to create just many different memes on this topic. Unfortunately at the moment the problem has long been fixed and forgotten.

Fallout: New Vegas - doctor Evil. No matter how well worked on the game. And yet glitches will be everywhere. Fllaut no exception. In this part of the game, the glitch can be overtaken at the very beginning, and even what. After waking up after the introductory part of the game, a man looks at you, who introduced himself as a doctor and whose head herself rotates as a helicopter propeller. Horror in general.

We offer particularly impressionable people at all to avoid this game, otherwise you never know how to fix this problem completely.

Red Dead Redemption - Space program. The glitch is similar to the GTA - it happens that the carts are buggy and after 30 seconds of jumping on the spot, which is very similar to the Lowiard tricks, the wagon along with the horse and the rider goes to explore the lunar landscapes.

Unfortunately for PC players, this wonder there is no opportunity to see the opportunity, so if interested, then YouTube will help you with this. By the way, we are waiting for a new level of madness, since the second part of the game was recently announced.

Assassins Creed Black Flag - Submarine. This part of the game about Assassin is pleased with both flying people and failures in the texture. Perhaps the most cheerful glitch was the epic astringent of the ship from the abyss of the sea buffin - such a wooden submarine.

If you thought that Edward went through Roma, then it is not. It is still unknown joke is developers or flaws, but it looks sometimes very epic and cool - at least for the sake of this it is worth playing this creation of the YubisOoft.

On this we complete the overview of the Top of the admin glitches in the Games and wish you an interesting and fun to spend time!

"Walkers" - cheerful, immediate, energetic role-playing game of Russian production, which will provide a good mood for a whole day. She is wearing a verbal character, without obliging participants to sit over the field, but attentiveness here is clearly useful. In the "Loans" only 4 characters, and each participant experiences insane roles: from a smart doctor that trying to put the brains to the patient to glitches that his mind is mistaken. The time required for the batch is about 30-60 minutes.

They will be a great gift for both a child and an adult for a birthday, Defender of the Fatherland or New Year.

Difficulty level: easy

Number of players: 3 – 7.

Develops skills: Sophistication, attentiveness, imagination

Who is this game for?

"Walkers" perfectly divert the evening with friends, will not make them bored, so they exclusively for people with a developed sense of humor and the ability to laugh at themselves. Also suitable for the goal to blow up the brain of the team of office workers, bring them closer, and widden to laugh at themselves. They will become an original gift for the birthday of a teenager or an adult man - a colleague, a student, parents. "Walked" will help develop skills pantomimima, so the game is recommended for enhancing skills in " Crocodile», « Ugoodike» « Broken phone», « Activiti», « Hat" And, of course, everyone can purchase it for a variety of collection of unusual and fun board games.

What's in the box?

A small box includes the following components of the desktop game "Wall":

  1. Cards with types of diseases on which topics and words are prescribed - 117 pieces.
  2. Cards with varieties of drugs adding funny action for the patient - 20 pieces.
  3. A list with diseases for a doctor, consisting of 20 categories - topics.
  4. Chips whose number is designed for 7 participants.
  5. Hourglass to limit tours.
  6. The rules of the game written in Russian with visual examples of situations for a different number of participants, as well as with explanations of actions with a simple and complex combination of players.
  7. Field for taking into account results.
  8. Easy marker.


Board game Wall has the following insane heroes:

  • Attending doctor - the most adequate person in this crazy house;
  • A patient with a rich inner world, which is constantly talking to their visions;
  • A pair of glitches Patient: kind and evil, confusing the mind of a poor man.

Doctor, patient and two glitches

All these four roles "Way" are very captured - it is possible to become a poor and desperate client with a personality disorder, a smart doctor who for one session can raise the correct diagnosis, or the most hallucination of the mentally ill, who does not give a patient to live quietly. The character performs a specific function and, of course, wants to get a greater number of points.

Glitches are placed behind the doctor's back, showing the scene sitting opposite it, associated with the specified word. The doctor should understand the message of the sources of hallucinations in general, after which it is expected to name the topic, guided by the disease card. And most importantly, a patient with the guess of the word and the story to the doctor about hallucinations in the head should be presenting it in a fun form, based on the elongated "drugs".