Movable gum game. Movable game "Which of us is more attentive? Zhmurki" Card file (preparatory group) on the topic. Game "Merry Musicians"

The rules of the game are simple. A few people play. A person must be no less than two, then the number is not limited, although it is unlikely that more than 10-12 people with one water played simultaneously in Zhmurki. Water, a person who drives in the game is chosen using readers.
For example:
Came out a month from the fog,
He took out a knife from his pocket.
I will cut, I will beat -
Anyway to drive!
Who falls the last word - that water.

2 step

For water - the master prepare an opaque bandage from the rolled handker, which the eyes tightly tie, so that there is no possibility to peep this the basic rule of the game. All the others get up around the leading and turn it around several times around the axis, so that he closed eyes changed the idea of \u200b\u200bspace.

3 Step

After that, everyone scatters in different directions. The purpose of the leading is to catch or touch all its companions on the game. The same, in turn, sound guidelines should be submitted to direct the leading. It can be a bell, flaking in your hands, whistle, voice. Players are trying to organize a watering bending, attracting it with sounds and rapidly moving in another direction. In one of the game options, you need to do not just touch the player, but also identify that in the blind.

4 Step

Zhmurki in the 16th and 17th centuries were fun with noble Lords who were so entertained from boredom. Today is a children's game, developing coordination of movements, a sense of space and an auditory response. But also clamps can be a pleasant entertainment for adults who will remember a little childhood or experience new emotions if an erotic moment is brought into this game.

Elena Anokhina

Russian folk games with children (4-7 years)

Elena Anatolyevna Anokhina

Russian people many processes of their livelihoods reflected through the game. Folk games are relevant and interesting and currently, they can be used in working with schoolchildren and preschoolers, a health camp and in their free time in a family circle.

Game "Zhmurki with a bell"

The course of the game. Lotting (reading) choose "Zhmurku" and player, who

he will look for. "Zhmurka" tie the eyes, and another child give a bell. Participants of the game get into the circle. "Zhmurka" must catch a leader with a bell. The new pair of players is selected.

"Zhmurok" may be several. Standing in a circle, children warned the "bumper" from meetings with each other with the words: "Fire! The fire!"

Game "Zhmurki"

Skok Bakk, Skok-Bakok,

Bunny jumped on the pencil,

In the drum he beats loudly,

In the Zhmurki all playing calling.

Game "Zhmurki".

The course of the game. Playing blind eyes, remove from players aside and turn several times around themselves. Then talk to him:

Cat, cat, what are you going?

On the quasch

What in the quasch?

Catch mice, not us!

After these words, the participants of the game are running out, and their bumper catches them.

Play with the Sun.

In the center of the circle - "Sun" (a hat with the image of the sun is put on his head). Children choir pronounce:

Burn, sun, brighter -

In the summer it will be hotter,

And winter warmer,

And spring Mile.

Children are going round. On the 3rd line approached closer to the "Sun", narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th - depart, expanding the circle. On the word "grief!" - "Sun" catch up with children.

Game "Treaks Rope"

On the floor lay 2 hoops and stretch the rope from the middle of one to the middle of the other. The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams. In the hoops come in one person from each team. At the signal, they run and change places. Having taught the first rival in the hoop and the rope of the rope from another hoop is considered the winner. After the first couple runs the second, third and so to the last.

Game "Burners"

Players are built in pairs after each other - in the column. Children are taken by arms and raise them up, forming a "gate". The last pair passes "under the gate" and becomes ahead, the next couple is following it. "Talking" becomes ahead, steps on 5-6 from the first couple, back to them. All participants sing or sentence:

Gori, Gori clearly,

So as not to go out!

Look at the sky

Birds fly away

The bells are ringing:

Ding-Don, Ding-Don,

Run Rather!

At the end of the songs, two guys, being ahead, are scattered in different directions, the rest of the choir shout:

Once, two, not rave, and run like fire!

"Burning" tries to catch up with the runners. If the players manage to take each other by hands before one of them caught a "burning", then they get up ahead of the column, and "burning" again catches, i.e. "burns". And if the "burning" will catch one of the running, he gets up with him, and leads a player left without a pair.

Game "Merry Musicians"

The course of the game. For any melody of two parts, children standing in a circle playing musical instruments (rattles, rumbach, bells, etc.). Petrushka stands in the center of the circle, conducting. With the end of the first part of the children, putting the tools on the floor, easily run in a circle. Petrushka becomes a common circle and runs along with children. With the end of music playing quickly disassemble the tools. The conductor becomes the one who did not get the tool.

"Carousel" game

We continue we have fun

Weight running on the carousel.

Tapes are tied to the hoop. Children are taken behind the ribbon with one hand and go first in one direction, and then, changing the hand, in a friend. The hoop holds an adult. You can "ride" on the carousel under the traditional text:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

Split carousel,

And then, then, then

All run, run, run.

Quieter, quieter, do not rush

Carousel stop.

Once or twice, only two,

So the game began.

The game "Colepko"

All players are built in a row. In the scene in the hands of the ring, which he hides in his palms and then tries to unnoticate to one of the guys, says:

I'm Gold Khoron,

Pure silver bury!

In high turn

Gaday, gaday, the girl.

Gaday, guess, red!

Standing the last looking for a ring, and the crumble senses: "Gaday, guess, who has a ring, pure silver." If the participant guess, who has a ring, then he becomes the lead.

Game "Baba Yaga"

Rooster sat on a bench, considered his pins:

Once, two, three, in this account you go out!

(Baba Yaga becomes the circle drawn on the floor, on the ground. The guys run around the circle and tease Baba Yagu, and Baba Yaga tries to dare to get to children who touched he stops and freezes in place, the last of the children becomes a Baba Yaga).


Baba Yaga,

Bone leg

From the stove fell,

I broke my leg

Ran to the garden,

Frightened all the people

Ran to Banaku

Scared hare!

Game "Zarya-charge"

The course of the game. Two are chosen. And thermal, and playing standing in a circle, holding a ribbon in their hands (tapes are strengthened on the number of players). Everyone goes the dance and sing.

Zarya-charge, red maiden,

On the field went,

Keys dropped,

Gold keys,

Ribbons painted.

One, two, three are not rave, but run like fire!

For the last words of the leading run in different directions. Who is the first to take

the liberated ribbon, the winner, and the remaining chooses himself

next partner.


"Causta" game

Probably the most famous djew game in Russia! It is almost a mandatory attribute of any day of birth of children from the year to the end of primary school. Such a Russian analogue of the American "Happy Birthday!". Horror is very simple. Everyone gets in a circle and take hands. The birthday girl gets into the center of the conceived. Horovoda begins to move in a circle accompanied by words:

As on ... Name Day (call the name of the child-birthman)

We baked a loaf.

Here is such an embroider! (hands raise as above)

Here is such a nizhny! (squatted, hands are practically put on the floor)

Here is a width! (Dissate to the parties, trying to make the dance as much diameter as possible)

Here is such a dinner! (The dance converges, shrinks, comes close to the birthday girl)

Caparaway, loaf, who you love choose! (The dance comes to its "normal" size and stops)

The birthday name says: I love, of course, everyone,

But here ... most! (calls the name of the chosen child, takes him by the hand and leads to the center of the dance)

Now the birthday boy becomes a dance, and the child chosen to them becomes a "birthman."

Game "boyars, and we came to you"

Playing are divided into two teams that are built against each other in the chain. The first team goes ahead with the words:

Boyar, and we came to you! And returns to the same place:

Dear, and we came to you!

Another repeats this maneuver with the words:

Boyar, why did you come? Dear, why did you come?

The dialog starts:

Boyar, we need a bride. Dear, we need a bride.

Boyars, and what kind of you? Dear, and what kind of you?

The first team consists and chooses someone:

Boyars, we are this sweet (shown on the selected).

Dear us here this Mila. The selected player turns around the circle and now goes and stands in the chain, looking up to the other side.

The dialogue continues:

Boyar, she is a fool with us. Dear, she is a fool with us.

Boyar, and we are her bridle. Dear, and we are weaver.

Boyar, she is afraid. Dear, she is afraid of.

Boyar, and we will give the gingerbread. Dear, and we give Gingerbread.

Boyar, her teeth hurt. Dear, her teeth hurt.

Boyar, and we will bring to the doctor. Dear, and we will bring to the doctor.

Boyar, she will bite Dr. Dear, she will bite the doctors.

The first team completes:

Boyar, do not fully fool, give us the bride forever!

The one who chose the bride should disperse and break through the chain of the first team. If he succeeds, he returns to his team, taking with him any player first.

If the chain is not broken, the bride remains in the first team. In any case, the second cone starts the loser team. Task teams: Leave more players.

Game "Kalachi"

Children become three circles. Move, swells in a circle and at the same time saying words:

Bai - Kachi - Kachi - Kachi!

Looks - Baranki, Kalachi!

With heat, with heat, from the furnace.

At the end of words, players run the swarming one by one at the site. On the words "find your Kalach!" Return to your circle. When repeating the game, players can change in places in circles.

Thanks for attention!

Remember the favorite game "Zhmurki", but forgotten the rules? Below you will find a description of this low-alignment game for children. It is suitable for playing on the street and indoors. The more participants will be, the more fun. Tell your child about "Zhmurki", the rules of the game are very simple. Therefore, the meaning will be understood by children from 3-4 years. But she likes more older guys. This sedentary game for children has several options: classic zhmurki, german and with a bell.

Rules of the game "Zhmurki"

Below are the rules of 3 versions of the game "Zhmurki". Offer a group of children to try to play all options. Then ask what you liked more and why. Which game was the most complex or ridiculous moments.

Classic Zhmurki.

Invite to play as many guys as possible. Choose a leading. So that no one disappoints, it is better to let it choose the count. Participants put on the center, tie the eye scarf and spin. You can be signed at this moment for Zador:

Where do you stand? - In the courtyard! - What do you drink? - Kvass. - Look for three years us!

Cat, cat, where are you sitting? - On the tree! - What do you drink? - Kvass! - Catch mice, not us!

Then the guys run away and "tease" leading. They can clap your hands, stupid by their feet, and to hint in every way where are located. It is important to immediately agree that the players warn leading when there are obstacles. For example, hazardous angles, pit, steps. Driving oriented on sounds to find player-mice. When he manages it, he guess whoever says himself. If it turned out to guess, now this child becomes leading. Did not guess? Then continue further.

Simplified view of Zhmurok.

Water need to catch a player, but not guess his name. The one who caught occupies the place of the lead.

Zhmurki with a bell tick

The player hang on the neck or on hand, like a bracelet bell. Both hands are tied behind their backs. He will be a kind of "bait." Other game participants tie their eyes. Their task is to catch the player-bell. He gently walks so as not to make a sound, but the bubber will still brand. This is the complexity and fun games. It is better to carry out such bumpers in a small room in silence. Then players will be easier to find invisible with the bell.

German Zhmurki.

Looking, as in the classic version, they tie their eyes. He becomes in the center and says: "To me all!". The guys run up to a watering, touch with one hand and freeze. Then drive screaming: "All from me." Children scatter in different directions until the driving says: "Stop". After that, all participants freeze in place where they managed to run. The player with tied eyes starts searching. He walks, putting forward his arms to catch friends. The difficulty is that players cannot leave the place, but movement is allowed. They can start to get out when the leading passes by, literally evading his hand. Some resourceful begin to squat. Therefore, the game develops more and smelting.

During the game, you can only make one step to move to shift. Who violates the rule - dropping away. For justice, it is good to invite a leading - observer for the game of the game.

What is developing

  • Flair. The child begins to react even to change the air flow;
  • the ability to quickly navigate in space (in lead);
  • find a way out of non-standard situations (players);
  • communicative abilities, thanks to the game group form;
  • coordination;
  • smelting;
  • hearing.

Russian moving games are very diverse. Below is a Russian movable game of Zhmurki, or rather several of her species.

Ordinary Zhmurki

One of the players - Zhmurka tie his eyes, take him to the middle of the room and make it turn around several times around them, then talk to him, for example:

"Cat, cat, what are you going?" - "On the quashen" (quashen - wooden dishes for kneading test) - "What is in the quasher?" - Kvass. - "Catching mice, not us."

After words, the participants of the game are running out, and their bumper catches them. Who he caught, he becomes a brick.

Rules of the game:

  • If Zhmurka is suitable close to any object, which you can hit, playing should warn it, shout: "Fire!"
  • You can not shout "Fire!" In order to distract the gum from the player. which cannot escape from him;
  • Playing should not hide for any items or run too far;
  • Players can be faded from Zhmurki, squat, pass on all fours;
  • The caught player Zhmurka should learn, name by name, without removing the dressings.


The game can be carried out both in the room and on the street. The boundary of the playing area should be clearly defined, and the participants of the game should not go for it.

If the border of the playing platform passes the bumper, then it should be stopped by the word "fire!".

Children must run sickly near Zhmurki. Bold players can quietly approach him, touch the shoulder, back, hands and also to escape; Maybe the brief word in the back of the Zhmurki quietly: "Ku-ku!", "A-y!"

Zhmurki on the ground

Zhmurka put on the middle of the playground, they tie their eyes, and it turns around himself several times.

Playing him ask: "Where are you going?" - "On the bridge". - "What do you sell?" - Kvass. - "Looking for three years us!"

After words, the players diverge on the site, Zhmurka is looking for them. Children, while they are looking for a bumper, do not go away from their places, but they can squat, kneel or fours.

The found player becomes a bumper only if he finds it out and calls it on behalf.

Circular Zhmurki (tube)

Children get up in a circle and choose a bumper. He goes to the middle, his eyes tie him, give a paper tube in his hand and make it turn three times.

Playing at this time are taken by arms and bypass around Zhmurki so that he does not know who is worth it.

When everyone stops, Zhmurka makes a few steps to playing and touching someone with a tube, asking him: "Who?" He is answered: "My-y!", "Ka-ka-re-ku!"

Abstract lesson in physical culture in grade 4. Section of the Programs: Movable and Sports Games Theme of the lesson: "Exercises on attention. Moving games with elements of localism. Russian folk game "Zhmurki". The purpose of the lesson: the creation of a stable motivation for the development of moving games of the lesson task:  Formation of the foundations of interaction in the team; consolidation of skills and skills catching and transferring the ball;   Development, speed, coordination, health promotion, the prolongation of interest in a healthy lifestyle; removal of emotional stress; Development of a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, mutualists, collectivism. Inventory: 2 Balls Big, Whistle, Balls Little, Marsh "Physical Culture", print 3 readers, Melody "Radish Sunshine", a boy who shows exercises with small balls, History of the game "Zhmurki" (give a baby), pointer, mittens, mask On the eyes, bell, balloons (red - 25 pieces, yellow - 5 pieces, blue - 5 pieces), dance songs, "Friendship is not work" ("Masha and the Bear"). Stages of the lesson 1. Organizing moment The content of the lesson. Hello guys! In order of numbers, calculate! The report is duty. W. - We gathered here today at the lesson of physical education on the topic: "Exercises for attention. Moving games with elements of localism. Russian folk game "Zhmurki". Everyone want to compete. Jold and laugh. Strength, dexterity show and skill to prove! We are all happy about this meeting, not for awards, we are more likely to meet, so that we all live together. We welcome school guests at our lesson on popular games. 2. Introduction to the subject of classes. The game is perhaps the favorite occupation of many, both both children and adults! Games are the most diverse - entertainment, training, sports and, of course, folk. Why are games called folk? (People composed them) The impact of centuries in the people's games reflected the way of life of people, their life, labor, national foundations, the desire to show power, speed, dexterity, smelting, exposure, resourcefulness, will to victory. In folk games, a lot of humor, jokes, competitive movements are accompanied by counters, Zador. draw, sweatshops, dates, songs. What counts do you know? Along the river, on the gum, the guy goes on the log. Sees the guy: in the depths of the old oak lies at the bottom. The guy immediately jumped into the water, put his hand under the deck, under the flavor of Nora ... It's time for you to go beyond the seas, behind the mountains, behind the iron pillars on theft of teremok, the castle hangs on the doors, you are behind the key of the castle. Orange signed by Malwinka rolled, the lessons did not teach and received the deuce. And then went for a walk, got the figure five! 3. Warning jogging. W. - And now I propose to perform warm-up running. With the right side of the right side (the ball under the right hand); With the left side of the left side (the ball under the left hand); With high lifting hips; 4. Music warm-up under the melody "Sun rays". With sunbathing shin; Back forward (holding the ball on the chest). Watch back over the shoulder. W. - Riddle about the ball. Round, soft, striped. Like he all guys. Maybe long he ride, and not to get tired at all. You throw it on the floor. He jumps him high. With boring does not happen to him. We want to play it. W. Russian folk exercises with the ball. (The boy shows, the teacher tells how the exercise is performed, the children perform.) Candles to throw the ball up at first low and catch it. The second time to throw above, in the third even higher. Harvesting hands with a ball over your head, release it and catch on the fly. One-sided throwing the ball up with the right hand and catch the right: throw the left and catch the left. In your hands, throw up the ball up, clap your hands and catch the ball. On the knees, throw up the ball up, clap the knees and catch the ball. Threads to get up to throw up the ball up, quickly make movement with hands, as if you wake up the threads and catch the ball. With dressing up, throw the ball up, but as long as it flies, make a move, as when equipping the caps. After the second throw - to wear a jacket. After the third throw - to go. Penships in pairs (first with one ball, with two balls). Throw the ball to the partner, the partner must catch. 5. Acquaintance with the content of the people's game. W. - Today we will get acquainted with the Russian folk game "Zhmurki". W. Researchers believe that the game of Zhmurki occurred from the fear of people of diseases and death. Since some diseases are accompanied by loss of vision, and people have always been afraid to get infected, they went by the side of the blinders. W. In Russian everyday, the word "Zhmurka" indicated the dead man. The Russian people, as a rule, was afraid of the dead and the old women, on the basis of this, there was such a mobile game. And yet the gum game is a cheerful baby fun, training dexterity and hearing. In such a game you will not be bored. Safety during moving games. look towards your movement; eliminate sharp stopping stops; In order to avoid collision with other playing slowing down the speed of their run and stop; Remember that it is impossible to push in the back ahead of the running, run on the benches. Caught - outstanding players who are obliged to get out of the game according to the rules, should carefully, without interfering with others, leave the playground and sit on the bench. 6. Main part. W. - With the help of readings, the leading is selected. Russian Folk Game "Zhmurki" Teacher Splits Zhmurka, saying: Pineapple, Pineapple Catching cats, not us! After that, all players run into different directions. And they begin to "tease" the leading, gives him different signals about its location with patting in your hands. After the way I caught a bone, he is trying to determine the name of the hit. If it succeeds, caught becoming leading. If not, the game continues. "Circular Zhmurki" W. - Let our laugh sounds around becoming friendly in the circle! W. - "Circular Zhmurki." Children get up in a circle and choose a bumper. He goes to the middle, his eyes tie him, give a paper tube in his hand and make it turn three times. Playing at this time are taken by arms and bypass around the Zhmurki so that he does not know where who stands. When everyone stops, Zhmurka makes a few steps to playing and touching the pointed pointer, asking him: "Who?" He is answered: "Meow!", "Kukarek!" Zhmurka must guess the voice of the one who answered him. If not guess, then it remains to drive. The child, whom Zhmurka learned, becomes a brick. Water tie eyes and put on the hands of thick mittens (or somewhat thin). Next, players are suitable for it, and he must determine to the touch, who in front of him. If the player identified the player, then the identified player becomes leading, otherwise the following players are suitable for identification in the order of queue. Playing become in a common circle, holding hands. Three worldwide around the circle. The circle is slowly moving to the right or left under the dance song. In the middle of the circle of three leading - two surprised, in their hands they have bells, in which they call from time to time. "Zhmurka" catches them with blindfolded eyes. As soon as the running caught, the circle stops, goes to shift another three players (from those who have not yet), and the old three becomes in the overall circle, and the game starts first. "Zhmurki Eskimo". "Zhmurki with a bell" 7. Reflection. Building in total car. The game of attention "3, 13, 33". Players must have the "3" command to put hands on the belt, "13" hands to the shoulders, "33" hands up. If a player performs the movement incorrectly, he takes a step forward. So, the most inattentive players will come forward. The game "Listen to the team." Purpose: develop the ability to concentrate, care. Game procedure. Children are marched in place to the music. Then the music is suddenly interrupted and the teacher whisper utters a team (take the chairs, raise his right hand, sit down, take up his arms, etc.) Remarks: 1. The team is given only to the fulfillment of calm movements. 2. The game is performed until the children listen well and control themselves. Guys, what do you think, why do you need games? What kind of folk game today met? Name Russian folk games in which birds and animals are found. (Wolf and geese, a bear in Boru, a cat and mouse, a wolf in the Rives, etc.) And now I want you to show me what mood you had during the lesson. On the wall balls denoting your mood: red - fun; Yellow - joyful; Blue - sad. Children take a ball that they consider it necessary and under the melody of the song from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" "Friendship - this is not a job" pass through the hall and the lounge are leaving the hall. 8. Homework. Repeat squats. Make 20 times in 30 - 40 seconds. Requirements for the level of training: communicate and interact in gaming activities. Analysis of the lesson. Wood: the ability to technically correctly perform motor actions from basic sports, use them in gaming activities. The ability to plan your own activity, distribute the load and rest in the process of its implementation. The development of feelings of benevolence, responsiveness. For the development and maintenance of students' interest in the subject, physical culture at the lesson was used by the playing form of the organization. For the functional training of the body, a warm-up was carried out, which includes a variety of running and overall exercises with small balls in place. At the main stage of the lesson, a mobile game of a dynamic nature (and its varieties) was carried out, aimed at the formation of coordination abilities, to the acquisition of children to folk creativity. The high performance of students throughout the lesson was ensured by creating a favorable microclimate, good understanding. Students themselves were active during the lesson, organized. It was given homework with comments. Thus, the conducted lesson makes it possible to conclude that I am at the lesson of the expected result. The summary of the lesson showed that the purpose of the lesson was achieved, that is, the students have formed a positive motivation for the development of folk moving games. The lesson passed organized and interesting. The children behaved in the lesson actively, thanks to this lesson, the guys charged with positive emotions.