Full poker rules. Rules and combinations in classic poker. Severity of carding

It is no secret that the rules of the game poker for beginners at first may seem impassable "wilds". Since there is a lot of terms and many jargon words that remember immediately very difficult. But trying to cover all aspects and the nuances are not worth it, quite first to know several elements:

  • combinations;
  • beginning of the game;
  • possible actions of players in trading circles;
  • trading circles;
  • types of limits of tables.

Knowing these poker rules, for beginners will be easy to make the first steps and learn how to play competently.

Yes, at first the process will go purely mechanically, and there will be a loss, but this is a temporary phenomenon, with time each penist produces its own style and begins to apply a certain strategy.

Then you can safely count on the first successes.

Winning combinations in poker

Combinations in poker is smoothly ten, at first glance, there are many, but they are very simple, and to learn them not to make work. In the rules of playing poker for beginners, it is customary to have combinations from weak to strong, so easier to remember.

  1. Senior Card.. The most common set of cards that does not have any strength. It is just five elements of a deck, in no way connected with each other ( ace Tuben, currency worms, 8 worms, 2 peaks, lady tambourine).
  2. Couple. Two cards with the same face value, in fact, the first combination having real strength and pattern in compiling. The combination consists of two elements, three more will be in the role cycker - additional cards that are needed to determine the winner in controversial situations, only their denomination is taken into account ( king Peaks, King Tref + 6 peaks, 8 tambourines, 10 worms).
  3. Two pairs. This is a set of two pairs, that is, two pairs of cards that have equivalent dignity, and one element in the role of a cycler ( 6 tambourine, 6 treph, 9 peaks, 9 worms +curlee Tuben, ace peaks).
  4. Set. Another name, Troika, Triplet. A set of three cards with the same face value and two more keeper ( lady Tref, lady Tuben, lady worms + 5 treph, 10 treph).
  5. Straight. The combination looks quite effectively, but it is not so high. These are five cards collected in a strict sequence at nominal order. Important refinement: Maps must be diverse ( 6 peaks, 7 worms, 8 tambourine, 9 treph, 10 treph).
  6. Flash. Five suited cards of any nominal. The strength of the combination is determined by the rank of cards, the masters are completely equal and do not provide advantage ( king of worms, 5 worms, 2 worms, 7 worms, 9 worms).
  7. Full house. A rather strong combination, despite the fact that consists of two elementary combinations - steam and set. The combination forces are determined by the raid of cards from the triple, if they are equal, then in a pair ( 6 peaks, 6 treph, 9 tambourine, 9 treph, 9 peaks).
  8. Care. Opens the top three "Mastodonts" among combinations, they are strong, but they fall extremely rarely. The combination consists of four cards that have the same nominal and one more kicker ( ace Tuben, ace peaks, ace of worms, ace treph + 10 Peaks).
  9. Street Flash. Combines two combinations in itself. A set of five cards running on rank order and one suit ( 9 tambourine, 10 tambourine, currency tambourine, lady Tuben, Buben king).
  10. Royal Flash. In principle, this is a senior Street flash, but it is customary to allocate in a separate combination. The royal combination falling extremely rarely and brings one hundred percent victory. This is a set of the five highest cards of one suit, ranging from dozens and ending with ace ( 10 TRIF, VALETS TREF, LAD TREF, KOROL TREF, TUZ TREF).

It is from combinations that the poker rules for beginners are beginning to study, all additional subtleties, nuances, controversial situations cannot be displayed in one article.

Their understanding will come with time, during the game at the table, besides, a system of tips has been adopted in online institutions, which will help clarify those or other situations in the round.

Beginning of the game

Consider poker rules for dummies follows the example Texas Hold'em - the most popular destination, it is from him that most players start. The bank's draw, adopted here, is used in the overwhelming majority of disciplines, the differences if they are, then extremely minor, to deal with them will be very simple.

After all players are cleared at the table, the dealer declares the beginning of the draw. Two participants to the left of it are required to set large and small blindsThese are special rates that make up the initial bank. For him and there will be a struggle. Making their rivals should take turns, to determine the order, a special chip is used, which with each played round moves away from one player to another.

After that, all participants are heard two cards (in Omaha four, in the dar-poker five). Players should see them and decide, continue to fight or not, then follows the first round of trading, referred to preflop. Everyone can reset the received maps and exit the draw, put the amount equal to the Big Blind, to raise money on the horse, equalize the bet of the previous opponent. All these actions in the rules of the game of poker for dummies have their own designations that came from English terms. It is necessary to know them, since only they are used at the table, a detailed explanation in the next chapter.

What can make a player in rounds of trade?

At any stage of trade, the player has the right to make several actions, they are indicated by the following terms:

  • Fold. Means the exit from the fight against complete throwing of the cards, in this case the player loses only the amount that has already had time to put on the con. If I did not put anything, then the participant remains with his own, provided that there was no turn on a small or big blind.
  • BET. Literally "put". When the participant is ready to continue to qualify for the bank, the poker Rules of the game for beginners say that he can put on any amount of money. The only condition is not to go beyond the limits of the limits, more on which a little later.
  • Raise. Improving the current bet. For example, the previous participant put on 10 dollars on the con, the player can increase them up to $ 20. All active rivals at the table must equalize the bid (reply), or increase (reread).
  • Call. This means that the player equalized the previous rival rate. If the chips are not enough for this action, then all available ones are going on, and the participant will not be able to take any moves. He will be forced to wait for the end of the draw.
  • Receipt. The player has the right to skip the move and put anything to the bank if all the participants did the same. In this case, the next round begins without changes.
  • All-In.. That is, Va-Bank. The player when one hundred percent is confident in his abilities, puts on the con all his chips. The rest should equalize the bid, or make a fold. Sometimes the participant is simply bluffing, forcing rivals to get out of the struggle.

It is these actions that are described in the rules of the game in the classic poker for beginners. Such terms designate most of the functional buttons in the online rooms, so it is better to learn them by heart to accidentally not lose a large amount of money.

Poker Trade Circles

Circles in poker are called the steps of the game when participants make various actions to increase the bank and get the maximum win. There are 4 rounds. About the first of them - preflop - Tasted above, players are traded immediately after receiving two cards in hand. Next are the following steps.


Round immediately preflop. Three common cards are laid out on the table, players can already be of them and from two pocket elements of the combination. Each participant can take the actions described above.


In this round, another one is added to the three cards. The actions of the players are the same, you can equal, put, raise the bid or skip the move.


Final stage. The last fifth general map is laid on the table. The players have the last chance to say their word. If there are several active participants in the game, they go to the final stroke of the draw.


Means the opening of the cards remaining in the game of participants. The principle of determining the winner is simple: one has the strongest combination, he celebrates victory. To confuse anything, it is recommended that the rules of the poker game for beginners will be printed with pictures and keep at first next time.

After the completion of these rounds, a new distribution begins and a new trade circle.

Limits of tables

And in Texas Hold'em and Omaha and to other varieties of poker, it is customary to play in several options for the limit of tables.

  1. Limit. The best option for newbies. This tables establishes a certain limit, go out for which no one has the right. For example, a limit of $ 10 means that in any circle of trading, you can maximize this amount. Beginner players thanks to such a rule do not immediately lose the bankroll.
  2. Unlimited. The most rigid option suitable only by professionals. In this case, the players are not limited to anything in the bets, everyone can put in circles of trading any amount, the rest must support it or reset cards. At first, it is not recommended to sit for such tables so as not to become an easy prey for experienced players and lose the whole deposit.
  3. Pot-limit. A balanced option in which the rates limit depends on the current bank. If it costs 50 dollars on horseback, then the amount of bets cannot exceed this value. Obviously, with each trade of trade, the bank is growing, and the limit is growing accordingly. Similar tables can be recommended no newcomers, but not yet professionals.

Each type of limits is widely represented in all online rooms. It is necessary to choose a type of table on which there is confidence not to lose large sums. Especially carefully refer to unlimited options.

Final word

It is impossible to cover all the nuances in one article, theoretical lessons must certainly be accompanied by practical classes at a poker table. First you can play on free simulators that do not require deposit. And then go to commercial projects and try strength for real money.

Poker is one of the most popular card games. He received poker his popularity not only due to the fact that the game with relatively simple rules requires a creative approach, and logic, but also due to the fact that sometimes it brings good income. A large number of online playgrounds allows you to take part in various tournaments and earn.

It can be argued that the popularity of poker is only growing. After all, this game is not only a way of earning, but also entertainment. In addition, this game is for an interesting company.

Basics of poker "Texas Hold'em"

An interesting variety of poker is the Texas Hold'em. The game assumes the presence of two cards on the hands and five general cards used by all players for collecting a successful combination. We will talk about combinations a little later, but for now let's look at the poker games needed for novice players.

It is not so difficult to understand the rules. Best patience and practice to play online applications on chips, using our prompts. A card game will open you new opportunities for earning and pleasant pastime.

The process of the game "Texas Hold'em"

We will tell you about the basics of poker: where to start playing, what are the successful combinations of cards, tell about the names of actions in the game, and also give a couple of tips for beginners.

The process begins with a small bet, for which all participants sitting at the table will fight. It increases the activity of players.

After that, the dealer sitting on the dealer contributes to the overall bank of the blinds (blind - blind) - these are mandatory bets that blindly do without having on the hands of cards. An employment point: the first one who bet makes half, and the next one is the minimum contribution.

Cards on hands are obtained after preflow. There are two cards in a circle, which will be a circle of trading. All participants receive a flop, these are three cards on the table, and trade begins. Button puts the fourth card - this is called Turn. Players make their bets. The last circle of trade and bets is completed after the fifth card laid out on the table. This is called River.

The task of the playing is to draw up a better combination table. The combination is five cards from seven (two on hand and five on the table). About which combinations are considered successful, we will talk quite soon.

Available game

The basics of poker are accessible and understandable to everyone. A little practice - and you will figure it out. Do not be afraid to sit at the table.

But before the game, it is worthwhile to know that Texas Hold'em has several species: limited, unlimited and sweat-limit. The first has limits at rates, and the second implies the presence of a maximum stack of the player. The game with Pot Limit can not learn its bets for the size of the bank.

After reading the basics of poker, anyone can try himself in the tournament, and the likelihood is that it will be the winner. The main difference between the "Texas Hold'em" from other types of poker lies in the blinds. This duty of bets passes each distribution from the participant to another in a circle. This is due to the permanent dealer change.

Get out of the party

Basics of poker for beginners should remind future players and that if after distributing you do not like your cards, they seem unattractive and unprotected to you, you can always get out of distribution. This is your desire to play with the raging cards or not.

But it is necessary to get out of the distribution, if you do not support the minimum rate. The first betting bet refers to its minimum if you do not want or cannot support, you must reset the cards and get out of the distribution. Maps are reset to the draw.

Any player can go to raise rates, but thereby he undertakes to raise others. If one of the players cannot support the raised rate, he is obliged to leave the game.

To leave the game cannot be the one who put all-in, and before and ahead of time it can no longer leave. You must sit behind the layer, waiting for the end of the party and hope for a good kush.

These are simple poker basics, but let's talk about winning combinations in this game.


Combinations in Texas Holding are different, let's get acquainted with them in descending order, starting from the strongest.

Typical errors

Finally, supplement our poker basics for beginners with a small list of typical errors.

Remember about the rules of the game and avoid newcomers, and then you will still succe. We hope you will be useful to the poker game for beginners. Good game!

Poker(from English. poker.) - The general name of a number of varieties of card games, the purpose of which is the winning of the bank, which in turn is formed by the rates of players involved in the distribution of this particular table. The distribution wins, and, therefore, and takes the bank, the player who can collect a senior poker combination. You can also pick up the bank by competently built gaming strategy, i.e. To certain actions to make all other opponents believe due to your pocket cards, forcing them to reset their cards and abandon the continuation of the fight for the bank (refuse to answer your bid and throw cards into the pass).

Depending on the species of poker, the game can go with fully or partially closed cards. Respectively, regulations Each individual variety pokerdiffer insignificant way. Common elements inherent in all the types of poker games are poker combinations of cards, as well as round trade in the game. In this series of articles you will find the most detailed Poker Rules.

Poker, like many other card games, is a game with incomplete information. Due to the fact that each player located behind the poker table (be it a virtual table in the online poker room, or the table in the kitchen with your friends and acquaintances), sees only his starting cards ( its cards are called the word "hand", i.e. "Cards on hand") and general table cards (common cards are called "Board Cards", "Board", "Bord", etc.), but does not know (and can't know) cards of their opponents.

We draw your attention: if for any reason you will not understand the values \u200b\u200bof certain words, we advise you to contact the poker dictionary section, where you will find the interpretation of the absolute majority of poker terms.

Texas Hold'em Rules game for beginners

In this series of articles, we will describe rules of the game in unlimited Texas Hold'emwhere you will receive two cards on your hands. Two pocket cards in your hands, hidden from the eyes of opponents, give great space for fraudulent maneuvers, while five common cards on the table allow a good player to make many logical conclusions about possible opponent cards. Moreover, all the main and largest poker tournaments are held in this specification of the game.

Our articles are designed for beginner poker players, so this series of articles could be entitled as follows: " Poker - Rules Games for Dummies"

Varieties of poker games depending on bid restrictions

There are three main varieties of poker, differing among themselves by the size of possible rates:

  • Fixed Limit. - rates can only be defined sizes, i.e. Their size is limited by the rules;
  • Pot-Limit. - The maximum rate is limited to the size of the bank;
  • No-Limit. - The maximum rate is limited to the size of the player's stack (the number of chips at the player at the table);

The most popular variety among all poker games is unlimited Texas Hold'em (No-Limit Texas Hold'em) or simply Holdem., Rules of the game in which we will consider in this article.

Rules game poker. Poker cards

Poker is played by various decks of cards (depending on the species of the game) - 32, 36, 52 or 54 cards, but the standard deck consisting of 52 cards is most often used. Such a deck includes cards of four texts, ranging from twos, and ending with ace ().

Literal signs of grades in online poker

The letter "T" is denoted by a map of ten.
- The letter "j" is denoted by the curren.
- The letter "Q" is denoted by the lady.
- The letter "k" is denoted by the king.
- The letter "A" is denoted by the ace.

Literal designations of climbs on online poker

The letter "H" - indicated Chirva
The letter "S" - denotes the peak.
The letter "C" - denotes the cross.
The letter "D" - denotes the tambourine.
Thus, the designation AS \u003d, kd \u003d, etc.

The power of the card is determined by the ace descending from the ace (the king, lady, currency, ... two). Ace is the strongest map, however, he can also act as the youngest card itself (only to create a combination of Street from the ace to the top five -). The game consists of several phases, which are called trading (distribution). The game can take a different number of participants - from 2 to 10 at one table.

The number of players behind the poker table

The number of players at the table can be different. Accordingly, for each table with a certain maximum number of player, a specific poker term is enshrined. Basic tables:

  • Long table - Full Ring. (10 MAX);
  • Short table - Shorthanded(6 MAX);
  • Ultrakort table - Ultrashorthanded(4 MAX);
  • Hedz Up table - Heads Up. (2 MAX) is a game of 1 to 1.

Blinds - mandatory blind bets

Before the start of the game, two players must make binding blinds that are called blinds(from English. Blind. - blind). Term " blind"Got such a name because players make money to the bank, even without looking at their cards, as cards are distributed only after these rates are delivered.

Distinguish the low bid blindly ( small blind) and a big bid blindly ( big blind). As a rule, the size of the large blind is twice the size of the small blind. put so that the players do not sit and have not been waiting for good cards and actively participated in the distribution.

The blinds are not incurred in any order: they put two players sitting on the left of the dealer position. And players on the position of the dealer change after each distribution, since the dealer change occurs clockwise every distribution. The dealer at the table corresponds to a big chip that is called " batton"(Empigress to the letter" A "- not to be confused with a bar, where the emphasis on the letter" O "and one letter" T ") or a dealer button.

Thus, even before distributing cards, the players in the hands, the player sitting on the left of the dealer, should make a small bid blindly, that is put a small blind, and the next player next to him puts big blind.

IN online poker The dealer position is determined since the opening of the table: the player, the first to take place at the table and will be a dealer. Next, in the course of the game, the dealer position will go from one player to another clockwise.

After the blinds are delivered, each player is distributed on the hands of 2 cards "in the closed". In the online poker, all maps are distributed by the generator of random numbers Poker Roumov (Sokr. GSH). These cards can only see the player. The first round of trade is preflop. All rounds of trade in the secret rules of the poker game are divided into preflop (i.e. playing to the flop) and postflop (ie, the game after players saw the flop maps).

It was the first part of the series of articles according to the rules of the poker game. To continue to understand the rules of the game of poker for novice players, refer to our article. Poker game rules (Texas Hold'em) - Part 2

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We offer to your attention a game of poker game for beginners who will help you understand the general concepts and main aspects. the most popular card game in the world.

In Texas Hold'em, a deck of 52 cards is used. At one table in the game can participate from two to ten people. The senior map is ace and further descending to the youngest - twos. True, ace, depending on the combination, can act as the highest card, as well as the younger.

Cards are surreated clockwise, two each player shirt down. The cards remaining in the deck are used in the following 4 rounds of commerce.

Combinations of cards

Poker combinations are the first part for a successful game. Total there are exactly ten. Next, we will provide you with all classic combinations you need to know for further game:

  1. Flush Royal (Royal Flash) - five senior cards of the same suit from the ace to dozen.
  2. Street Flush. (Street Flash) - five consecutive maps of the same suit. For example, 10-9-8-7-6 peaks.
  3. Care - Four cards of the same dignity.
  4. Full House. (FUL-House) - a combination consisting of three cards of the same dignity and two more cards of the same dignity. For example, K-K-K-2-2.
  5. Flush. (Flash) - five cards of the same suit, regardless of their dignity.
  6. Street. (Street) - Five cards running in a row in ascending order, regardless of their suit.
  7. Set (Three cards) - three cards of the same dignity.
  8. Two pairs - Two pairs of cards of the same dignity.
  9. Couple - A pair of cards of the same dignity.
  10. Senior Card. - When all the participants in the drawing there is no combination, the player who has the most eldest card in his hand is defeated.
In all cases, when the same combination is available in two or more participants of the draw, the winner is determined by the seniority of all or the first card.

Basic rules of the game during the draw

In the course of the game you need to implement certain actions:

  • Receipt (passion pass) - While there are no rates in the game, you can skip the move. Maps are not reset. After your check, the next player carries out. If all the players at the table declared the "check", the round is completed, and the bank remains unchanged.
  • BET (first rate) - If no one has yet made bets, you can make bet. This means that the following players do not have the right to check.
  • Fold (reset maps) - This is a refusal to participate in the current draw. The player who made Fold, until the next distribution of cards in the game is not involved.
  • Call (equation bet) - The adoption of the previously made beta.
  • Raise (increased rates) - adding to the bank the amount exceeding the amount made by somebear. If the player who has previously done Beth wants to continue the game He needs to either do either call or reread.
  • Shldown. (definition of the winner) - Opening the cards of all the rivals remaining in the game to determine the strongest combination.

Relief rules

According to the generally accepted poker rules in Texas Hold'em, each distribution consists of four rounds of trading:

After all the players received their cards (hands), the first round of commerce begins. Each participant of the game should decide on the continuation or exit from the fight for the bank, starting with the player sitting on the left of the Big Blossy (a player establishing a mandatory rate). Once all the players announced their solution, the next round begins.

The game remained players who made a bet on preflop. The table opens three common cards that each player can use to compile a winning combination. Each remaining participant needs to declare their decision on the same principle as on the preflop.

The third stage of trading in the distribution. The fourth general map appears on the table. The remaining players decide again - make a bet or reset the cards.

River - Final Stage Trade

The table opens the fifth card. The general bank built from the players' rates will get to the player who gathered the most severe combination, or he had to knock out the other rivals from the draw.

Mandatory bets

Rates are designed to speed up the game. It is them, formally, call on players to fight for the bank, because otherwise everyone will just sit, and wait until a strong pocket couple comes. In the rules of the game in poker No Limit Hold'em to designate the nominal dealer in each distribution, a special marker is used, which is called "Button".

  • Before the start of the game, I'm sitting, which is first to the left of Batton, puts the "small blind" (eng. SB) - the first obligatory bet.
  • A player who is first to the left of the small blind puts "Big Blind" (BB), whose size is twice as much as the size of the small blind. It should be remembered that the size of the blinds may differ from the size and structure of the tournament rates.
  • Dealer. The position behind the game table, which conventionally indicates the place of a person, distributing the card. Regarding this position, the location of the Big and Small Blinds is determined. Typically, the dealer's position is displayed by a chip with the letter D. After each hand played, the dealer position is shifted according to the clockwise principle. It is beneficial for the fact that the pokerist, which occupies her place, is one of the latter among the participants.

Game Formats

At rates:

  • . The most popular poker format. The size of the rates are not limited here - do I do not want. You can go to All-in by putting the entire stack on the horse. Players can take advantage of any tactic starting from a tight and aggressive game and ending with Fold and bluff. The game in unlimited poker provides each wide range of tools for influencing rivals - it is only important to be able to use it correctly.
  • Limited Holdem. The difference between limit and unlimited poker is very sensible. Here the size of the rates and each increase is limited to a fixed value. Making the increase is allowed only twice. The maximum number of increases throughout the round is also limited - 3 times. Thus, for one passing you do not lose big money. A similar type of poker is perfect for novice players who would not want to especially risk their bankroll.

By the way:

  • Tournaments. In such a format, a huge number of pixers are involved, which made Bai-in. Participants play on different tables at the same time as long as one final table remains. At the end of the game, the prize fund is divided between the best players.
  • Cash game. The game passes for real money, pre-exchanged on chips.
  • Hedz-up Translated from English means "1 to 1". As you guessed, in this case only two participants are sitting at the table, which determine the winner.
  • Quick poker. This variety of poker is significantly different from others. In other games, the formula is one: the player sits down at the table, in which case drops his bad card and waits for the opponents to play the hand to the end. In the fast poker you do not need anything - as soon as you throw a hand, you are transplanted by another table. Actually, for him you already distributed the next hand.

Other varieties of poker

  • (Hai, High Low, Pleightarka, Oklahoma).
  • 2-7 Loubol.
  • H.O.R.S.E.
  • Razz.
  • Badugi.

We hope that these poker rules for beginners will help you better understand the game and start winning.

Frequently asked Questions

Finally, a couple of topical issues that are interested in most novice players in online poker.

# 1 - When can you start playing money?

Newbies, just comprehended by the Aza games, and learned how to play poker, can choose tables with low limits (rates), where you can always practicing, without investing a lot of money in the game. On such tables, the maximum rates are limited, which makes them comfortable for beginners than tables with unlimited poker, where you can put your bankroll in the bank completely. It will be a good training for you, because In order to become a player who does not just play in, and also earns, you may need time. But Poker's training, believe me, will bring fruit.

# 2 - What poker room is better to start a newcomer?

In total, you can find tens, if not hundreds, poker rooms. After reading our article in which we told the main rules of the poker game for beginners, consider our recommendations.

When choosing, do not forget to consider the parameters that suit you for the game most: traffic, playing field, stocks and bonuses, client's appearance and so on.

Since downloading and installing almost any poker client is always free, we would recommend trying immediately several optionsAnd feel in practice what room you like most. For example, start with or, play and compare these two poker rooms. Then try to download even the same, and spend parallels between all them. It will be not difficult!

# 3 - Is it possible to play conditional chips?

Almost all gaming rooms provide such an opportunity. Conditional chips are a game of "candy", at which you do not lose exactly nothing. Rather, on the contrary: acquire a new and useful experience. Also in such a way you can familiarize yourself with the poker room you have chosen, chat with poker players during the game and many other things. The most important thing is that it is absolutely free - it will take several weeks, and you can easily move to a more interesting game for money.

# 4 - What strategy is better to use the first time?

Again, in this case everything will depend on a particular person: his style of play, plans, ambitions, character, etc. Nevertheless, there are a couple of generally accepted rules that have not prevented anyone:

  • Choose the level of aggressiveness at which you feel as comfortable as possible;
  • Be patient - the accumulation of start-up capital can take months;
  • Carefully select the table / tables and rivals behind them;
  • Analyze your game in the long run;
  • Try to develop your poker skills.

The rules will be a little different, so the beginners are worth familiar with the basic laws of classical poker, as well as learn about the fundamental differences in most subspecies of this diverse game.
The rules of the poker game are very simple, and the main difficulty in learning the wisdom of this classes is to become unreadable for the opponent and at the same time learn how to calculate the following opponent steps.
Many newcomers are often asked: how to learn to play poker? Many also encouragingly think that this is a whole complex science, for the understanding of which years required. In fact, to explore the basic rules of the poker game in just a few minutes, after which the player can safely begin the debut distribution, but this does not mean that a person can immediately defeat the money at the game. It is a plus game that advocates the ultimate goal of any player, and is difficult in mastering, because in order to win the rules in the poker just to win. In any case, the first steps towards the establishment of new professional players always include the study of the basics, and therefore today we will tell you how to learn to play poker from scratch and provide complete and understandable rules for the poker game for beginners. Rather, pass training for beginners in the online Academy Pokerhouse and you will not only learn the basic rules of poker for teapots, but soon get the first sweet victory in the long-awaited game for money.

Poker rules for beginners

Common abbreviations

Newbies are often confused in all sorts of abbreviations, symbols and abbreviations used in the online ruffles. In fact, the design limit designation is very simple: in front of the numbers denoting the limit, the abbreviation specifies to the type of poker used. Thus, in unlimited Hold'em, the limits with blind rates in $ 1 / $ 2 will be called NL200, $ 1 / $ 2 NL or $ 1 / $ 2 NLH. Consider other popular cuts:

  • Limited Hold'em (Eng. Fixed-Limit Hold'em) - FL (H)
  • Pot-limit Hold'em (eng. Pot-Limit Hold'em) - PL (H)
  • Limited Omaha (Eng. Fixed-Limit Omaha) - Fixed-Limit Omaha
  • Unlimited Omaha (English NO-Limit Omaha) - NLO
  • Pot-Limit Omaha (English Pot-Limit Omaha) - PLO

Limit classification

Limits on poker bets are also characterized in size - depending on the table limit, a variable bankroll may be required. So, after some tables, a session in a few hours can bring a player only a few dollars, and for the beginning of the game for others there should be several tens of thousands. Compliance with bankroll management is included in the basic rules of the poker game and allows you to enter a plus on long distances. Most often, bankroll management implies gradual promotion of limits and constant control over the sizes of the stack.

  • Microlimits - from NL2 to NL10, as well as from FL4 to FL20. Microlimit games are popular among beginners and inexperienced players who cannot highlight large sums on the game. Most players from the CIS play on microlimites. Usually practical training of cache games begins with this limit.
  • Low limits - from NL20 to NL100, as well as from FL50 to FL100. The most common type of limits for playing offline and online poker rooms. This type of tables are popular among regular regulators. Among the low limits players most use table selecting. The winnings of skillful pokerers here can be quite high, but not all players are solved on the transition to higher limits, by satisfying their advantage on the field of weak rivals.
  • Medium limits - from NL200 to NL800 and from FL200 to FL600. On medium limits, most players who earn poker on life play, but competition is much higher here than low limits, and the chance to meet the Fish is much lower.
  • High limits - from NL1000 to NL8000 and from FL1000 to FL6000. At high limits, professionals play or wealthy recreational players. Most often here is a limited number of gaming tables. For Game