Star position in the sky online. Maps and Atlas - Mobile Star Sky Map. Comparison of the Free Celestia Star Sky Card with a paid counterpart Pocket Stars

More ancient people united the stars in our chaise in the constellation. In ancient times, when the true nature of the celestial bodies were unknown, residents were assigned by the characteristic "patterns" from stars outlining any animals or items. In the future, the stars and constellations turned out the legends and myths.

Star sky cards

To date, there are 88 constellations. Many of them are very noteworthy (Orion, Cassiopeia, Medoli) and contain many interesting facilities available not only to professional astronomers and lovers, but also to ordinary people. On the pages of this category, we will tell you about the most interesting objects in the constellations, their location, give many photos and entertaining video records.

List of Sky Constellations in alphabetical order

Russian nameLatin nameAbbreviationArea
(quarter degrees)
The number of stars brighter
Andromeda.And.722 100
Gemini.Gem.514 70
Ursa Major.Uma.1280 125
Canis majorCMA.380 80
Libra.Lib538 50
Aquarius.AQR.980 90
Auriga.AUR657 90
Lupus.Lup.334 70
Bootes.Boo907 90
Corvus.CRV.184 15
Hercules.HER.1225 140
Hydra.HYA.1303 130
Columba.Col270 40
Canes Venatici.CVN.465 30
Virgo.Vir.1294 95
Delphinus.Del.189 30
Draco.DRA1083 80
Monoceros.MON.482 85
AraAra237 30
PictorPIC247 30
CamelopardalisCam757 50
Grus.Gru366 30
Lepus.LEP.290 40
Ophiuchus.Oph.948 100
SerpaneSer.637 60
Dorado.Dor.179 20
IndusInd294 20
Cassiopeia.Cas.598 90
Carina.Car494 110
Cetus.Cet.1231 100
Capricornus.Cap414 50
Pyxis.PYX.221 25
PuppisPup.673 140
Cygnus.Cyg.804 150
LEO.LEO.947 70
Volns.Vol.141 20
Lyra.Lyr.286 45
Vulpecula.Vul268 45
Ursa MinorUMI256 20
Equuleus.Equ.72 10
Leo MinorLMI232 20
Canis minorCMI183 20
Microscopium.MIC210 20
Musca.Mus.138 30
AntliaAnt.239 20
Norma.NOR.165 20
Aries.ARI441 50
Octans.Oct.291 35
AquilaAQL652 70
Orion.Ori.594 120
PAVO.Pav378 45
VelaVel500 110
Pegasus.Peg.1121 100
Perseus.Per.615 90
FornaxFor398 35
APUS.APS206 20
Cancer.CNC.506 60
CaylumCae.125 10
Pisces.PSC889 75
LynxLyn.545 60
Corona Borealis.CRB.179 20
Sextans.Sex.314 25
Reticulum.RET.114 15
Scorpius.SCO.497 100
SculptorSCL.475 30
Mensa.MEN.153 15
Sagitta.SGE80 20
Sagittarius.SGR.867 115
Telescopium.TEL.252 30
Taurus.Tau.797 125
Triangulum.TRI132 15
Tucana.TUC295 25
Phoenix.Phe.469 40
Chamaeleon.Cha.132 20
Centaurus.Cen.1060 150
Cepheus.Cep.588 60
Circinus.Cir.93 20
Horologium.HOR.249 20
CraterCRT.282 20
ScutumSCT.109 20
Eridanus.ERI1138 100
Thanks to the observations of astronomers, it turned out that the location of the stars over time gradually changes. For accurate measurements of these changes, many hundreds and thousands of years needed. The night sky creates the visibility of an innumerable amount of heavenly luminaries, randomly located along the location of each other, which often evaporate the constellations in the sky. On the visible part of the sky, more than 3 thousand stars are visible, and on all heaven - 6000.

Visible location

Swan Constellation from Atlas Johanna Bayer "Uranometry" 1603

The location of non-labor stars can be determined by finding bright, and thus find the necessary constellation. From a long time, with the purpose of easily finding constellations, bright stars were combined into groups. These constellations received animal names (scorpion, big bear and so on) were called the names of the heroes of Greek myths (Perseus, Andromeda, etc.), or the simple names of objects (scales, arrow, northern crown, etc.). From the 18th century, some bright stars of each constellation began to call the letters of the Greek alphabet. In addition, about 130 bright luminous stars were named their names. After some time, astronomers denoted them by the numbers that are currently used for stars of weak brightness. Since 1922, some major constellations were divided into small, and instead of groups of constellations, they began to consider the stars of the starry sky. At the moment, there are 88 separate sections in the sky, called constellations.


For several hours of observation, the night sky can be seen as the heavenly sphere, which includes the luminaries, as one, smoothly rotates around the invisible axis. This movement was called daily. The movement of the luminaire is performed from left to right.

The moon and the sun, as well as the stars, are torn in the east, in the southern part rise to the maximum height, go on the horizon of the west side. Watching the sunrise and entering these shining, it is found that, unlike stars, corresponding to different days of the year, they are torn in the east and at different points enter the West. In December, the Sun in the south-east rises and in the southwest comes. Over time, the West point and sunrise are shifted to the northern side horizon. Accordingly, the Sun goes back at noon above the horizon line every day, the duration of the day becomes greater, and the duration of the night decreases.

The movement of celestial objects on constellations

According to the observations, it is clear that the moon is not all the time in the same constellation, but makes movement from one to another, moving from the west to the east to 13 degrees per day. In the sky, the moon makes a full circle for 27.32 days, passing 12 constellations. The sun makes a similar path like the moon, however, the speed of the sun is 1 degree per day and all the way goes over the year.

Zodiac convened

The names of the constellations for which the sun and the moon pass, received the names of the zodiacs (fish, Capricorn, Deva, Scales, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Lion, Aquarius, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Aries). The first three constellations The Sun passes in the spring, the next three in the summer, subsequent in the same way. Only in six months, those constellations become visible in which the sun is now.

Scientific popular film "Secrets of the Universe - Constellation"

Constellation -these are the sections of the sky, which is distributed to the celestial sphere to conveniently focus on the starry sky. In ancient times, constellations were called various kinds of figures, which were formed by bright stars, it was often the names of the heroes of walnut mythology. All our starry sky is distributed to 88 constellations, which are recorded in the International Astronomical Union in 1930. To date, the name of the constellation data was decided to be considered unchanged, as well as other bright stars. Some famous astronomers called open stars in their honor, but such names were never recognized officially. There are some companies that sell so-called "certificates" to assign the name of the stars you like. So, if you think what to give your girl on March 8 or the day of loversthat give her the "Star in the sky."

The constellation is rightfully considered reminders of the ancient culture of mankind, his myths and its first interest in heavenly bodies. Historians, astronomers and mythologists, they help to understand the lifestyle and thinking of ancient people very well. To date, the bright minds of astronomy constellations help to navigate the sky and quickly identify the positions of various kinds of objects.

The most famous and most notable constellations of the signs of the zodiac

Constellation Orion.

Location of stars and constellations

Card Constellation and Star Sky JPG

One of the best, in my opinion, map of Starry Sky. The equatorial part of the starry sky is built in a cylindrical projection, and the poles in the azimuthal. Thanks to this refraction in the connection places of these projections are reduced to the minimum quantity, however, let you not be surprised as if some constellations are seen twice: on the poles and equatorial cards. Presented as an image in a JPG format in a fairly large resolution.

Map of Constellation and Star Sky Google Sky

Interactive map of the starry sky, stars, constellations and galaxies that have no equal. A lot of work has been done from a huge number of photos made by the Hubble orbital telescope compiled a map of the entire star sky, a raising the scale of which you can see the starry sky, which is not visible not that the naked eye, but also in the optical telescope from the ground. In addition, this map of constellations Gives the opportunity to collect starry Sky in Constellation, Looking through their historical images, as well as to accomplish a tour of our solar system, consider the sky in invisible infrared and microwave spectra.

Google Sky.

Card Constellation and Star Sky from Google Service Planet Earth (Google Earth)

Taking Google Sky and Google Map for the basic basis of Google and Google artists went even further and created a browser program that, connecting to a single database through the web, loads to your PC of the Earth's card and star sky cards, as well as more cards of the Moon and Mars. Google Planet Earth project is rapidly deployed and disclosed for any wishes to bring their own contribution. For example, you can apply to card constellation Three-dimensional model of own objects, if this has not yet done anyone else. The service allows you to record video based vocabulars, impose a voice or music accompaniment on them and save it as a video file.

Google Planet Earth Service (Google Earth)

Map of constellations and starry sky PHOTOPIC SKY SURVEY

Another exciting, cool, interactive starry sky project with convenient navigation. As well as in the last case with Google Planet Earth, map of constellations obtained by connecting a large number of real 5 megapixel photos in one picture and receipt circular Panorama of Stars and Constellations. Riquitably displayed on top of a layer with connected rates of constellations, however, unlike Google Sky and Google Planet Earth, the image cannot be saved.

It is difficult to disagree that when the star sky is coming across the eyes, and we carefully peer into the dots and lines forming the frame of the constellations, the question involuntarily occurs: and what story is behind each of them? Special interest cause zodiac constellations. However, it should be noted that the signs of the zodiac have nothing to do with the zodiacal constellations and are used only when drawing up horoscopes and in order to consider such zodiac constellations such as Aries, Lev, Cancer and Gemini, you will need a map of the star sky of the northern hemisphere, because that they are located exactly there. The time that the sun is in the constellation is lagging behind that we are accustomed to, almost a month. If the astrological year begins on March 21, the sun enters the constellation of Aries only on April 19.

What are the zodiac constellations?

Astronomers share the zodiac constellations on the northern, equatorial and southern. Northern is the constellation of Aries, Taurus, twins, cancer, lion. Southern called the constellation of scales, scorpion, firing, Capricorn, Aquarius. At the equator there are constellations of the Virgin and Fish. In order to see their location, you will need a star sky map like that you can see below.

Secrets of Aries, Taurus and Gemini

The history of many constellations is directly related to the myths of ancient Greece. Aries, according to the ancient Greek legend, was the very agricultural ram, in search of the skin of which was once sent to Jason and Argonauts. Taurus is the embodiment of the lubricent god-roster Zeus, who killed the daughter of Tsar Finika Europe and delivering it to the island of Crete. In there is the brightest star Aldebaran. Also, the map of the starry sky of the Northern Hemisphere shows that the zodiacal history is also located is also connected with the time of Jason and Argonauts. Myths tell us that the twins of Dioscury, Pollux and Castor are prototypes of this constellation.

What are the lion, Virgo and Cancer silent?

The constellation of cancer is also an interesting story that identifies it with the very cancer who spoke against Hercules when he fought with how the legend says, at the time when the rest of the animals helped the hero, he jumped out of the water and bitten him, but was crushed . However, the goddess of Hera, hated herakla, appreciated the act of cancer and turned it into the constellation. To everyone who falls on the eye map of the starry sky, the magnificent lion located next to the cancer, which is also among the zodiacal constellations. As an ancient story says, he also did not cost without an ancient Greek hero of Hercules, who defeated the Nemoy Lion, who personifies in the sky this accumulation of stars. No less interesting and the constellation of the Virgin, if only because neither historians nor the ancient Greeks themselves could decide who it should represent. Nevertheless, it is believed that the ancient Greek goddess of Demeter's fertility appears in the form of a virgin, the mother of Persephone, the wife of the god of the underground kingdom of Aida.

History of scales, scorpion, Sagittarius

The constellation of the scales was imposed as an independent education from heavenly luminaries rather late, and for a long time he was called no other than the tongue of scorpion. Now he is considered an incidental attribute of the femis, the blind goddess of justice. And Scorpion, from which the scales separated, is, according to the story of the myth, the killer of the Hunter Orion, who sent the Goddess of Artemis after a quarrel to him. That is why both these constellations - Orion and Scorpio - are not together in the sky. When scorpion appears, Orion disappears. The movable map of the starry sky very well demonstrates this is the most interesting phenomenon. Sagittarius, a neighbor of scorpion, is depicted in the form of a centaur, no accurate data on the origin of which is unknown. According to one data, his name was meme. Other sources say that it was Hiron - the inventor of the Globe for the Travel of Argonauts for the Golden Room.

What hide Capricorn, Aquarius and Fish?

Capricorn's constellation stores a lot of secrets, as well as the star of the starry sky itself. In ancient times, this creation was called "fish-goat" because of his fish tail instead of the rear hooves. The version is distributed that this fourth of the Zeus goat Amalfa. Aquarius, located next to her, got several roles at once: This is Ganymed, the young man and Vinolrypius originally from Troy, Gengoron and the Old Attalist King Kecrope. The last of personifies the goddess of love by Aphrodite and her son Erota, who flew to Egypt from Cranki Typhon.

It's amazing, but, as you can see, for each of the 12 zodiac constellations there is a story and and when you fall on the eyes of a star sky with constellations next time, it will not be considered as a collection of beautiful pictures. And all because now you know what is behind each of these star clusters.

Summer is a good time for the first observations of the starry sky with children. Nights, though short but warm. And the bright sky is well suited to teach the child to find the brightest stars.

Today, full of various mobile applications that will show you the direction to any star or planet. On their background, the paper map of the starry sky looks like a mysterious rarity. However, this simple device allows you to determine when and in which side of the world to look for the constellation you are interested in. With it, you can plan observations and carry out research work. She has other opportunities, but about them in the following articles.

Installation of a star map

The entire device consists of two parts: maps and overhead circles. The slot in the overhead circle is made depending on the latitude of the terrain.

1. Download the map and invoice circle for your latitude. (Latitude of the terrain can be founded by simply driven into the search string of Yandex "Geographical coordinates ******")

(Dropping: 10622)
(Dropping: 5711)
(Dropping: 5988)
(Dropping: 3800)

2. Print the card and circle. On A3 format, the card and the circle will work much more convenient, but A4 will come to start. The main thing is that the card and the circle are printed in one format.

3. You can not cut the card. For strength, you can stick it into cardboard, or even better, laminate. The laminated card will last much longer, it does not slide the paper circle with it (because it is electrified and sticks), you can stick transparent stickers to it and make it necessary to make a marker with a conventional ballpoint.

4. The overhead circle should be cut down the contour, inside cut a hole (designated by a red line). Laminating the circle is not worth it, but it would be not bad to print on dense paper. In any case, with time you can make a new one.

5. From the back of the card between the points C and J, it is necessary to glue the thread. The heavenly meridian is denoted by this thread. Watching any luminaire is more convenient when it is in the heavenly meridian.

Installing a star map at a certain time

1. First you need to make a correction of time. From that time that at the moment the clock is shown, you must subtract 1 hour 30 minutes. (This is the average value, quite suitable for initial observations. In general, the amendment is calculated on the basis of the longitude of the observation location and the number of the time zone)

2. Find a month and number on the edge of the map.

3. Take the time on the invoice circle.

4. Align date on the map and time on the overhead circle. Watch that the circle is located in the middle of the card. In the slots of the circle there will be those constellations that at the specified point in time are visible above the horizon.

We make a correction of time, out of 21 hours for 30 minutes we will deduct for 1 hour 30 minutes. We get 20 hours.

Find twenty hours on the overhead circle (red mark), and on the map September 15 (Blue mark)