Passage - Act II: Quests of Comraders. REPEATABLE ROMANCE SCENES \\ Repeating romantic scenes Dragon Age 2 Passage of novels

Bethany Hukh

Adoption in the party

Bethany with Houd from the very beginning of the game. True, if you chose the "Magic" class, then the sister will perish when shooting from the lottering. If Hawk is a warrior or a robber, the sister will remain with you, and the brother will die instead.

If Bethany is not in the squad, then she lives in the house of uncle Gamlen.


Bethany is the younger sister of Hawk, she has a twin brother Carver.

The girl does not belong to the circle, thereby being a magician apostate. It all the time gives her, because most of all in the world she is afraid to harm his family.

Before going to the deep trails, the mother Hawk will strongly ask the main character to leave his native daughter at home, not to let into a dangerous journey. And the fate of the girl depends on your decision.

- If you take it with you into the deep trails, there it is infected with a bad one. Make a Hawk himself (a) can not, and Bethany will eventually die. But if there are Anders in the detachment, he can find gray guards. They are the only salvation for Bethany. After the sophisticated rite, the sister will be one of them, and will leave the Hawk detachment for a long time.

You can meet the girl in one of the quests when it will be a hostage because of the disagreements between Orsino and Meredith. In the finals, Bethany will come to the rescue to Hawk (y). She is for magicians, but if you will be behind the temples, sister, let it remain and dissatisfied, but still do not betray a loved one. How she will say - she is more expensive than sister (brother) than the rank of guard.

- If you do not take betany into deep trails, then you will find a circle upon returning to return it. However, the girl itself will not object, she believes that so right. Her forces will not have to harm her close.

During the attack on Kirkwall, Hawk will meet the girl again. She will be hard wounded, but Mag Orsino will save her. She will also be a hostage due to disagreements between Orsino and Meredith. At the end, if you choose the side of the magicians, Bethany will join you. If the side of the temples, then the girl will be at first. After Orsino's defeat, Meredith will try to kill it. If Hawk is allowed, Bethany will die. If you get out for my sister and save it, then Bethany will fight on the side of Hawk against Meredith.


Bethany has a pleasant and cute character. She is sincerely experiencing for his sister (brother) and for unfortunate people. The girl constantly thinks about whether her magical abilities will not harm others. But at the same time, she does not give themselves to be discouraged, showing a persistent power of will. All satellites respect her and appreciate, even the angry Fenris and Isabella's unclosure do not deny the strength of her spirit. Warrick loves her most, gently calling the girl "Sunny".

Barrick : Well ... Milady Sunny, now that you became a notable lady, what will you do, first of all?

Bethany : Notable lady without title and status? Apparently, I will go looking for a job.

Barrick : Practicality, Milady, stuck only to the peasants. You have to mark your elevation somewhere more frivolous.

Bethany : For example?

Barrick : Go to the market in the Upper City and to report that there is no Orlesian silk anywhere under the color of your eyes.

Bethany : And what if such a silk is there? What should I do then?

Barrick : Declare that you brazenly copy, and require compensation. An noble lady, the sun, always there is at the ready any complaint.

True, if Bethany becomes gray guard, it will seriously affect her character. To exist normally, she will try to lose their emotions. Because of what Bethany will gradually turn into a cold and worn person. If it remains in a circle, it will not affect her character, the girl will even enjoy there.

Merrill : If you could do what you want - quite-all that you want, - What would you do?

Bethany : It's simple. It would be normal. Without any magic, just ... a regular girl.

Merrill : Truth? Wouldn't the whole tedas? Would not be a cake in size from Kirkoll? Would not tame the baby griffin?

Bethany : Hmm. And this is an idea. I would not refuse from the griffonchik.

Bethany takes care of his family. She persuades Hawk (a) to deal with the case of their generic estate. After fulfilling the quest "Family business", you can find the portrait of the mother of Hawk (a). If you give it to Bethany, it will be immensely happy and cordially thanks sister (brother).

Carver Hooker

Adoption in the party

Carver with Hawk (OM) from the very beginning of the game. True, if you chose the "warrior" or "robber" class, then the brother will die when shooting from the lottering. If Hawk is a magician, Carnet will stay with you, and instead of him the sister of Bethany will die.

If Carver is not in the detachment, it lives in the house of Uncle Gamlen.


Carver - Hawk's younger brother, he has a twin sister Betani.

The younger Hawk is a warrior, and once successfully participated in the battle of Ostagar. But Mor causes him to flee away from the lottering.

Before going to the deep trails, the Mother Houdov will strongly ask the main character to leave his native son at home, not to let in a dangerous journey. And the fate of the young man depends on your decision.

- If you take it with you in the deep trails, there he is sacrificed in a while. Make a Hawk himself (a) will not be able to do anything, and brother will eventually die. But if there are Anders in the detachment, he can find gray guards. They are the only salvation for the carver. After a complex rite, Brother Hawk (a) will become one of them, and leave the detachment for a long time.

His Hawke will see during the Attack of Kunari. Then it will be possible to meet his brother in one of the quests when he is hostage due to disagreements between Orsino and Meredith.

- If you do not take a carver into deep trails, then by objection, you will find that it was taken into the temples. But due to debt and love for the family, he will not tell the temples that Hawk-senior is a magician. During the kunari attack on Kirkwall, Hawk will meet the young man again. Carver will also be a hostage due to disagreements between Orsino and Meredith, but the squad of Hawk (a) will save it. In the final, even if Hawk goes to the side of the magicians, Carver still does not betray a native person, although the temple itself. He will come to Hawk before Meredith.


Carver has a capricious and bad character. He is vain, but the glory of the older (her) Hawk hurts him. Brother always feels in the shadows that he does not give him peace. He constantly strives to show its strength and steel, but he does not work. When Hawk returns the family to the estate, Carver is still dissatisfied. He does not like the past, he wants a wonderful future for himself, but too inert, to achieve this himself.

Carver : Warrick.

Barrick : Carver.

Carver : Do you still think that you help us, driving into debt slavery to your brother?

Barrick : Are you still riding in the ladies' saddle and porch on those who overtake?

Hawk's satellites, who are dying, who is open, mock the boys. For them, he is a whin, some fooling over it specifically, knowing that Carver dreams of getting out of the shadow of the older Hawk.

Anders : Your sisters were both Magessees like a father?

Carver : Yes. But not me. So what?

Anders : Not always it is inherited. But it's good that you imagine our position.

Carver : Drink your position, you know where.

At the same time, the Carver loves and appreciates his family. He will go to everything to protect her. Even at the end, with possible disagreements, Carver will not betray the older sister (brother).

True, if the Carvet becomes gray, it will change it somewhat. Let him remain forever dissatisfied, but will become more serious and responsible.

If after the quest "Family History" and the subsequent conversation with Tabiiius to give Carwar a letter of his father, then the young man will be very touched. The memory of the Father is sacred for him.

Alelin Vallen.

Adoption in the party

The second Hawk satellite after Bethani / Carver. Alelin herself joins the detachment, running out of the lottering with her husband. Together with Houd, she goes to the famous Crycol.

If Alelin is not in the squad, it can always be found in the Guardian building.


Alelin is an experienced warrior, so it will not be unparably assistance to the hero.

During the escape from the lottering, her temple husband Wesley because of the injury of the badness infects the bad. He is no longer saved, and the man asks to kill him, alleviating suffering, because he does not want to become the order of Mora. Avelin or himself can help him with Hawk.

In any case, Avelin will be empty, but will not let the grief overcome herself. Screaming his sadness within himself, she continues the path relentlessly. In the cryclosure, creaking his teeth, a woman accepts Hawk's help, albeit everything used to seek everything.

A year later, she becomes warrior in guarding Kirkolla for hard work and courage. With the help of Hawk (a), in the first chapter in one, Avelin will even prescribe the captain when it is accomplished by the former in illegal actions. At the same time, during the task, Avelin with Hawk (OM) will save the donon guard.

In the second chapter, you can perform a funny quest for Avelin. After four years, sorrow with her husband, a woman suddenly understands that they fell in love with the Guard of the Donel. She asks Hawk (a) to perform a number of stupid instructions for the Donon. While the main character does not understand that Alelin is naive to start flirting with a man's heart. However, her indecision will lead to completely different results, while Hawk personally does not take care. As a result, if you establish relations Avelin and the Donovka, then you can earn a generous friendly kiss from it.

In the third chapter, Avelin can help to deal with the cause of impartial rumors about it. The gossip will be a vilewe's former captain. Having understood with him, we will strengthen the reputation of Alelin.

At the end, even if the opinions disarm, Alelin will support the main character, because it is a good friend. And her husband donon will come to the aid in the final battle.


Despite the rigor and seriousness, Avelin is a very good man. Honor and dignity for her above all. As a warrior and captain, it is respectable and valuable. Many celebrate its diligence in fulfilling their debt. Alelin is tirelessly watching the work of the guards to be honest and responsible. She is a strong woman, and will not get betrayal and hypocrisy.

Fenris : I understand that you were named after the famous warrior?

Alelin : Everyone wants to talk about my name.

Fenris : I did not hear about Sir Alin. Is she very famous?

Alelin : Are you serious? Surely in tevnership do not talk about its main defeat?

Fenris : Do not say with slaves.

Alelin : Sorry for such words, but do not say - and glory to the creator.

Alellin honors the law, considering the rules give rise to order and protection. If Hawk will behave valiantly and fairly, it will only strengthen respect and friendship to her (Him) Alelin.

Some comrades laugh at her honesty and loyalty. Isabella will not let go of a greatest joke about a serious warrior. However, all colleagues appreciate and respect her, feeling her authority.

Alelin : You're right.

Isabel : About what?

Alelin : About knowledge of yourself. I am Captain Guardi. I am true, strong and not so bad without clothes.

Isabel : For sure. And if I call you a threatening, clumsy, egging benefactor, you say ...

Alelin : Shut up, girl.

Isabel : You are my joy!

With external severity, Alellin is a devoted and caring friend. She always worries about comrades, trying to help them in everything. Even for a long time without communicating with Hawk (Om), Avelin looks at her (him). But also tallness, and the softness is not alien to this strong woman. During the quest with the Donnik, it appears as a worrying, a modest woman, from an excess of feelings can not be confessed in the intimate. All this is extremely touched by giving the liveliness to the character of Alelin.

Strict warrior will like a gift from Hawk. This is a good Lady Knight Shield, which can be found in Warella's refuge in Quest "Suggest and lose."


Adoption in the party

Fenris can be met during the quest "Free Cheese", which is issued from the magazine in the house of Hawk. But instead of finding a valuable cargo for the Dwarf Anso, we turn out to be a bait that distracts the maneuver for the robbers, from which there was decided to get rid of a running slave Fenris. Then we can help him visit the house of the worker of Danarius, but after the shock of the enemy hits. And now the elf can join the Hawk detachment (a), and it will always be possible to find in the former Danarius estate in the upper city.


Fenris is a former slave running. His owner Mag Danarius spent experiments over him: a strongest and rare lurium substance was introduced into the body of the elf in the form of tattoos. This gave Fenris mystical fatal force, but at the same time he erased his memory of the past. In addition, the Lyrium in his body brings him a strong pain, if you touch it "Tattoo". Therefore, it is worth thinking three times before trying to touch Fenris.

Unable to endure the oppression of slavery, the elf runs away. The former owner of Danarius cannot but leave it - his slave is too valuable due to Lirima. Therefore, enhanced injury begins and the search for a fugitive.

Lonely and Nobody's unnecessary Fenris runs to the Kirkwall itself. After helping Hawk (a), he joins the detachment, although it does not intend to forget about revenge. After all, Danarius people pursue him so far. The best student of Danarius was also arranged for him - Adriana. Having won it, Fenris will fight where his former owner is located. Adriana will not tell him this, referring to ignorance. But he will tell that Elf has a sister, which he does not remember due to failures in memory. Although this information will not save the vile magic from the elf rage.

Later, sister himself will find him. But it will be a trap of Danarius, who wants to end once and forever with an elf to divert valuable lyrics from his body. After the scuffle, Fenris finally dealt with the slave trade, aventing him for the years of humiliation. His anger will fall on the traitor-sister. He will try to kill her. But if the influence of Hawk (a) on the elf, the main character may try to dissuade the distraught. If the sister of Varanja perits, Fenris in despair leaves the detachment for a while, trying to cope with the void in his soul. If he leaves alive - he will become easier over time. One way or another, Varana will tell that the real name of Fenris is summer. And when he himself, to save his mother and sister, voluntarily agreed to experiment with the Lirium.

At the end of the game, Fenris will remain with Hawk (OM), if he chooses the side of the temples. If the hero moves to the magicians, the angry elf will go to the temples and will fight against you. If the influence on Fenris is large, it can be persuaded to fight together with you with the magicians. The elf will grin, that he never intended to fight with hated bodies, but his friend is more expensive to him.


The owner of a gorgeous voice in the English voice acting, Fenris is a very ambiguous character. Heavy fate of the slave imposed a significant imprint on his fate and character. He cherished his gained freedom and rushes on anyone who dares to encroach on it. But physical freedom did not give spiritual peace. It is constantly tormented by moral dilemmas, inner loneliness is more stirred in his soul. And the awareness of the fact that the running slave will always be hunting, aggravates the position. Even to accomplish your revenge, the elf will not feel the long-awaited peace of mind.

With comrades, Fenris communicates differently. He is interested in their opinions, but still keeps removed removed. He respects Alellin, favorably to Warrik, Merrill is somewhat annoying, but he does not tolerate Anders in the Spirit.

Fenris forever sullen and gloom. Because of what many characters are constantly joking over him forever with an acidic grimace.

Merrill : Come on something sharp, Fenris?

Fenris : Not.

Merrill : Finger door closed?

Fenris : Not.

Merrill : Has hit his head about the proditch?

Fenris : For what purpose do you all ask all this?

Merrill : Just wondering why you all the time so evil.

Fenris : Perhaps because of stupid questions.

Although sometimes Fenris suddenly speaks jokes with the most serious appearance, which involuntarily introduces some companions into a stupor.

Barrick : Well, what are you doing all day in this huge domain?

Fenris : Dance, of course.

Barrick : Truth?

Fenris : I wear around the rooms, performing ballet "Daily cleaning".

Barrick : What are you, joked? End, church! Let this day be brought to the calendar as a festive!

Fenris : And you thought I never joking?

Attitude towards Fenris's magicians is very heavy. In slavery, he wondered what kind of atrocities they could create the safest benefits of what monstrous experiments to conduct. Therefore, the elf does not want magicians to ever come to complete power, because sooner or later, as he believes, they will not be able to resist the temptations of demons and blood magic. Therefore, the existence of a circle and supervision of the temples Fenris considers the necessary necessity.

With all this, the elf still hates slavery, and is ready to help any begging slave. The impact on it will only increase if Hawk will defend human freedom in every possible way and hatred for slave-ownership.

Fenris can give gifts. In the second chapter at night, visit the Elfinage. There in the bag can be found a valuable book. In the third chapter, during the task "Better to serve cold", you can find a good sword for an elf.


Fenris is one of the possible candidates for the heart of the main character (and the hero, sorry, Lord).

"In the first chapter after capturing the house of Danarius in a conversation with him, a flirt is possible. Dialogues with a "heart" mean, of course, your beginning of a romantic attack. It is worth noting that if Hawk is a magician, then this will complicate the novel. An elf's opinion should be divided about a circle, otherwise you can easily turn into a rival from a friend. Although there are many other ways to make friends with a strict elf.

- In the second chapter, you should chat with the elf about his escape, this will execute the quest "Questions of Faith." After some plot quests, during the transition from one location to another, the tevinet robbers sent to the detachment, sent by the student of Danarius Andriana to kill Fenris. After the battle, the elf will ask Hawk to help figure out the student of the enemy. Having found it in the cave and defeat, Fenris will leave the group in feelings. You can come to his house in the upper city and talk. Elf apologize, and if it is competent to flirt with him, then the elf and a hawk waits for the romantic night of love.

In the morning, however, the elf will come to his senses and faded, explaining that they are not destined to be together, he will only hurt her and harm.

- In the third chapter, Fenris will receive information about his sister, and he will ask Hawk to help in this matter. True, the sister will be a traitor, bringing with him Danarius. With the worker of the elf to deal with the sister, and the sister can kill / leave alive. In any case, the elf will suffer that the emptiness is inside it, and he is very alone. Then Hawk must be said that she will always support with him. Let the elf and again leave the detachment, but these words will be important to him.

In the mansion of Fenris Alelin and Warrick try to persuade him to find themselves another, the better dwelling (and not wise, the corpses are lying all the time in his mansion). Elf will be skeptical to this sentence, but Hawk can offer to move to it.

Once again, returned to Fenis, you can talk to him about what happened to his sister and Danarius. If Hawk forgive the elf for his behavior, they will close in a gentle kiss.

- Before the final battle, in the courtyard at the walls of the temple, should speak with the elf. He will swear in love and at all kisses Hawk, and the hero will achieve the "Roman".

Varric Tetras.

Adoption in the party

In the first chapter, after an unsuccessful conversation with Bartartrance, his brother Varric helps Hawk (y) to catch thief, after which an interesting conversation is tied with him. Gnome will tell the interesting information in the "Hangster" at the expedition's account into the depth trails. After that it will be available as a companion. And if that, the gnome can always be found in the tavern "Hangbody" and learn different rumors.


Gnome plays an important role in the plot. With him and the game begins. He tells the woman to Inquisitor Cassandra story about the great defender of Crykvol Hawk (E). And the entire plot of the game is like a free retelling of Warric about the events of the past. Therefore, the gnome can never finally leave the hero.

Warrick as a true gnome and the robber loves the benefits and information. In "Hangcope", he can not learn a lot of new things for himself and tell about this Hawk (y). In the first chapter, he constantly supplies the hero of valuable information, where what kind of workman can be performed where to deal with a dark matter.

Warric has a special weapon - Bianca Crossbow. He really relates to him and responds to his beloved woman.

During the expedition to the depth trails, his brother betrays him and all the detachment, taking the valuable lyrics and locked in the dungeon. Bartartrand runs off, his mind is cloudy a magic stone.

In the second chapter, you can help Varrica find a negligent brother. If you kill Bartartrance, Warrick will be depressed for some time. If you leave alive, Warrick will take care of him, ate betrayal.

In the third chapter, you can fulfill the quest in the old Bartrand house. After performing the task, Hawk will find a valuable piece of Lirima, which caused the madness of Bartrand. A fragment can be used to improve bianca or to give a gnome sedal, which converts it to a special rune for Hawk (a).

In the final, Warrick will remain with Hawk (OM), which direction he (she) will not choose.


Warrick is the owner of the most charismatic character in the game. He does not miss the opportunity to joke just like that, over someone or over something. Gnome believes that with a smile to live easier and more fun. At the same time, he is very talkative, talk for hours and praise the teeth to the interlocutor - a pickle case for him.

His knowledge as a valuable informant is appreciated by everyone, and he himself is only glad, because his fame and information supports the trading guild of the gnomes. Warrick just like a true dwarf, will not miss the opportunity to cash in, get more mining.

Barrick : Did you hear the guy last night in "Hangbody"?

Isabel : "Your eyes, exactly bumblebees, fly into the window of my soul." (Laughs)

Barrick : And I liked the most: "Your lips, like a ward sparrow. Besleless. "

Isabel : "Molvi though the word! Let your wings-sponges be stopped! "

Barrick : I would treat it with drinking, but, in my opinion, he no longer needed.

He has an even relationship with satellites. Warrick applies to everyone peacefully, preferring neutrality. Although never misses the opportunity to undergo someone. Wit - his characteristic feature. Even when Hawk (a), a love interest will appear, the gnome will definitely speak out about this.

Barrick : Where is your beard, elf?

Fenris : Elves it does not grow.

Barrick : Ha. And I thought you shave her to not destroy the gloomy image.

Fenris : Funny you dwarf.

With the hero of Warric also a good relationship. Make friends with it easy. Gnome loves adventure, as well as appreciates humor and mind. Your interesting replicas he will not be ignored.

To back up the gnome, he can buy a ring with the sign of the tetras in the lower city. Warrick will appreciate the gift.


Adoption in the party

By performing the tasks of the Fleet, Hawk relates a special amulet to the Doli keeper. But it is necessary to make a certain rite on the top of the split mountain. The keeper promises to help sending Merrill with Hawk (OM) to fulfill the ritual. But he puts the condition that after the rite, the hero will take the girl with him. So happens. Fleeves, satisfied with the fulfillment of its task disappears, arguing a lot of foggy phrases. And Merrill leaves the valley along with the detachment. She first goes beyond the limits of native lands, everything in the new world for her in the wonder.

The girl settles in the lower city in Elfine, where it can be found.


Merrill is very early orphaned, and she looked around the keeper, having loved the girl as his own daughter. Later, Merril opens the talent of the magician and develops them hard, resorting to the dark strength. In addition, the elf is seriously fond of the history of his people, knowing him even more than many ancient elves.

After a conversation with a piems on the top of the Doli Mountain, Merll leaves the native edges with Hawk (OM). She believes that she needs to move on and know the world around. Although in fact the girl dreams to restore Eluvian. To do this, she once concluded a deal with the demon themselves, so that with the help of a blood magic, it is necessary to achieve your task.

Once in the new for her world, the elf is somewhat puzzled, surprised, but glad new sensations. Elfinage shocks Merrill with his poverty and kidness, but the girl does not complain, remaining there to live there.

In the third chapter, Merrill comes up with a dangerous way of recovering Eluviana. She wants to ask for help from a demon. The keeper disgraces her in every way without approving this venture. But the girl does not listen to her and still descends into the cave. Yes, here is late. The keeper, targeting the defendant's favorite student, arrived here much earlier. In order not to free the monstrous evil, she herself accepted the demon and appealed to him. After the victory over him, the dying keeper reports that it was especially conceived to save her beloved student. Merrill is shocked, she lost her dear man. But she realized that the keeper sacrificed life because of love for her. Therefore, the girl refuses further from its unreasonable plans.

In the final, Merrill supports magicians, but still will not give up the hero if he goes to the side of the temples.


Merrill is a clean and innocent creature. She did not leave her clan, so absolutely does not know how to behave in the new for her world. Merrill sometimes can say something more superfluous, without understanding this, or carry a cocaus something, surprising the rest. She is what she giggles when he sees something interesting.

The girl is all the time apologizing for anything, saying that he does not know the customs of people. "Welcome to visit! Oh, and this is decently inviting people to visit? ", - she can exclaim. Robility and shyness - in all the words and actions of the elf.

Merrill : Thank you so much, Warrick, that then helped me!

Varrica: So you got to the elven on the whole and disadvantaged?

Merrill : I do not know how I found himself in Cloake. Just in Kirkolly too much scalks.

Barrick : That motility rope is still with you?

Merrill : I left him at home. But you do not worry! I will not get caught while we go with Hawk.

Barrick : Take it next time, daisy. Just like that, just in case.

At the same time, she does not cease to be interested in all new. But, despite all this, sometimes it shows a firm character in his opinion, considering that it will never be surrendered.

At the same time, without understanding the line between decencies and etiquette, sometimes it can easily break something completely indecent or inappropriate, which can put someone in an uncomfortable position.

Merrill b: I told you that I like your jacket? She is so living! Like a crow in an anthill!

Anders : It's nice. Thank you, Merrill.

She belongs to the satellites friendly, trying to find a common language with each of each other, although it does not always work. Not everyone understands her humor. Fenris only sighs when she asks him a stupid question, Avelin carefully, but condescendingly corrects. She pleases Varrica, and Isabella warmly responds about naive elf.

Merrill : Surely your relatives have stories about the values. Is there really not?

Fenris : Does my congor?

Merrill : The Tevinin elves. They could not hear about us.

Fenris : I heard they heard. You just have no business.

Merrill : But if they run away, the values \u200b\u200bwill help them.

Fenris : You could say in the same way: if they flew to the sky, they will live in the clouds.

Merrill : Well no! What will they eat in the clouds? There is nothing there, only the fluff. And the birds sometimes fly away.

Fenris : That's why no one takes the values \u200b\u200bseriously.

If you support the merrill, encourage, it quickly melts to Hawk (y). It is also possible to earn an impact on it, helping the magicians with severe fate and not to reproach those who are engaged in blood magic. Merrill is very painful about this.

The girl can give gifts. She will be delighted with a statuette of Galla, which can be bought in the camp of the Doli in the store Aylen. And she will not give up the keeper ring, it can be selected from the dead body of the robber at the entrance to the camps of the values.


Merrill is one of the possible candidates for the heart of the main character (hero).

Roman with her spin enough easily. Restaurant to visit her in Elfinage, you need not to miss a flirt replica. Merrill is easily conducted on them, herself flirts in response, even very strange, ineptly and funny.

In the second chapter, after a successful conversation, you can make love with it. After that, invite to live in the estate. The girl agrees, but still will often sit in his hut in El China, flatly refuse to completely forget about her. Her still grows the problem of the mirror and eluvin.

If you get the achievement of "Roman" with it, Warrick will lead at the end that everyone in the end was separated, only Merrill remained with the main character.


Adoption in the party

According to the plot of the game Hawk (y) it is necessary to find a mysterious gray guard to get the depth trail cards. Thanks to rumors, you can find out that there is a magician in Cloque, who attending people disinterestedly. So we find Anders, but he flatly refuses to help just like that. Just for help, if you go to save a friend of Karl from the temples with him. But the idea turns into a trap and tragedy. On Carla, there is already notched - the seal of pacifications, depriving the magician of his will. Therefore, Karl betray a friend, tempting temples on him. After the forced murder of Magic, Anders will be in sadness, but his word will hold back and give a card.

It can always be found in his hospital in Cloake to talk or take a squad.


In Crycolla, Anders helps refugees for free, healing their wounds and ailments. For this, he loves him very much and appreciate the locals. After all, the city authorities are not in a hurry to help suffering. And at the Anders itself no less problems. He hardly controls the evil spirit inside.

Once he accepted the Spirit of Justice to become stronger and fight against repression over the magicians. But his hatred for a circle and temples was so strong that he changed the good nature of the Spirit in the evil. From now on, Anders have to restrain his rage and anger, so as not to give the spirit of revenge to enslave him and break free.

For the whole game, Anders will constantly have skirmishes with temples, he dreams of destroying their power, because they are physically and morally mock the magicians. True, blood magicians, he also does not like, believing that they, in a rush, thirst for power, do not less terrible atrocities.

Closer to the final, Anders categorically refers to the fact that the magicians and the temples put up. He believes that the revolution is obliged to be to break the usual alignment. And the shaky world will postpone the storm just briefly. Therefore, Anders is solved on a terrible act - he explodes the church. This serves as the beginning of the war, because now the truce is impossible between the magicians and the temples.

Hawk can kill Anders for this cruel act, can spare. With the second version, if you become part of the Mages, Anders will fight Hawk (OM) and the side of the side. If you go over to the side of the temples, then the angry Anders will become your enemy and will attack you.


Once fun and romantic Anders after the conclusion of the deal with the Spirit became completely different. He has to be very hard, because he holds back inside himself. At the same time, he still helps suffering in healing, for which people are very valued. He is also not alien to soft. Anders will tell the chief hero that he once had a favorite kitten. But he was taken by guard, deciding that this animal makes the magician too soft. Anders still thriftyly remembers his kitten.

Barrick : Hey, blonde, smile. I painfully look at you.

Anders : Do not look.

Barrick : You made a mistake, it happens.

Anders : I almost killed the girl.

Barrick : Two hundred fifty four, if on my counting. Plus about five hundred peasants, a couple of dozen giant spiders and at least two demons.

Anders : This is not the same.

Barrick : Why? Because about her conscience give you? Maybe it's about it?

Magic-apostate is somewhat remotely with satellites, although it's calm and kindly trying to answer everyone. In addition to Fenris, he has no relationship with him from the very beginning. More than all Anders are friendly with Warrik and Isabella, sometimes throwing off with them not the most innocent jokes.

Anders : Sometimes I like your ideas.

Isabel : Handcuffs, whipped cream, always on top?

Anders : I was always to do not care what they think about me. Justice somehow asked me why I do nothing for other magicians. I dismissed - they say, a lot of trouble. But since then I could not forget about it. Everyone thought and thought. Sometimes I want to be the same egoist again.

Isabel : BUT? Did you say something? We stopped on whipped cream.

If Hawk does not confuse the fanatical hatred of the temples, he (she) can try to make friends with the magician, supporting his views that the circle is not needed, and the power of the temples should fall. Also, Anders will be very upset if Hawk will hand over a negligent magician in a circle or kill.

Anders can be given a valuable amulet obtained during the Quest "Gorky Pill".


Anders is one of the possible candidates for the heart of the main character (hero).

After the quest for the unsuccessful salvation of Karl, you can immediately start flirting with a magician. Do not forget after certain quests visit Anders in his hospital in Cloake, the conversation with him will also be award, if you choose the desired answers with a heart.

In the first act, Anders will discourage Hawk (a), saying that his sense of justice will always interfere with their feelings.

After three years, during the actions of the second act, it will be more agreed and loving. After the next conversation about the favorite kitten and the scene with the Misa Milk, Anders will say that it is not averse to visit at night to Hawk (y), if the door in her (his) estate will be open. After a night, love can be called Anders to live home. If he moves, Hawk can give him a key from the underground stroke into a clock.

Before blowing up the church, Anders will apologize to Hawk (OM), hinting foggy to his future actions. If after his crime to forgive Anders and ask not to leave (staying on the side of the magicians), Anders will not throw Hawk (a) and will fight her (him) side by side.


Adoption in the party

This pirate can be found in re-visiting the "Hangman" after receiving Anders to the team, where she famously shakes with inboard men. If you make a conversation with her, you can get a task. She will ask you to adapt it at a meeting with Heider.

After fulfilling the quest Isabella will be available in the party. It can always be found in the "Pearl".


At the very beginning of Isabella, jokingly tell me what was left without a ship. Next, it can be found out that the woman worked on the smuggler of Castillon in Kirkolla. Once she dismissed him and let him go to the will of his slaves. It crashed Castiglon. Under the threat of life, he forced Isabella to find an oldest relic. The pirate finds and kidnaps it. Only here is no hope - it turns out the foliage of the bedside, the oldest relic of the kunari, so they do not leave the crystal, without daring to return without a precious book.

After fulfilling the quest with the relic, Isabelle simply escapes with a book, explaining in a farewell note that the Castiglon must return the valuable thing in exchange for his calm life.

If there is no effect on it, it will not return. If she is a good "friend" or an ardent "rival", then Isabella still returns the relic of Kunari. And her fate will be in the hands of Hawk (a). Pirates can be handed over to the chapter of the Kunari. Then they will take her with them. True, then we learn that our woman's picking woman still slipped away from them.

If you do not pass Isabella, there will be a fight with the kunari. With all or one on one with their head, Arishok. It depends on the choice of Hawk (a). After the victory, Isabella in the third chapter will again be available as a playful character.

In the same third chapter, you can help her fulfill the quest with Castiglion. After his fulfillment by blackmail Isabella will make the smuggler give her a ship. She will offer Hawk (y) later to float with her. If the hero agrees and the novel will be started with her, then at the end of Warrick he told that hero after all the events sailed with Isabella on her ship.


Isabella Slutty, ulcer and very passionate. In general, the lady is absolutely without complexes. The legends go about her fervent and free moral, especially about bed affairs. A woman recognizes any love, any of its manifestation, quantity and quality. It is not beaded and does not hide his sympathy for them. She loves to receive any pleasure and will not refuse themselves in anything, believing that it is necessary to take the best from life.

Isabel : So what were your duties? Like a slave, I mean?

Fenris : Oh, just do not start again ...

Isabel : I heard the Tevinter slaves be smeared by oil so that they glisten. Your owner smeared you with oil? Are you glitter for him?

Fenris : I was his bodyguard.

Isabel : Always at hand. Always available. And glitters.

Fenris : Do you already invented a whole story?

Isabel : Mmm ...

Isabella loves to mock the satellites of Hawk (a). She constantly innocently torself Alelin, dies over the innocence of Bethany, it laughs in kindly with naive merrill. It does not miss the opportunity to smell with Fenris, chat with Anders. The most fun replicas with Warrik. Both Ostrovlov and do not miss the opportunity to joke with each other.

Isabel : Go to me ... I'll take you to such places that you did not dream ...

Barrick : Isabel, are you talking to Bianca?

Isabel : In my opinion, her trigger deserves female caress, you do not think?

Barrick : I caress Bianca. She will never give up to you.

Isabel : They always say so. And I always prove the opposite.

Barrick : Stop doing that. You confuse her. Yes, and me too.

Isabella loves bold, humorous and strong. If you take these qualities, it quickly make friends with Hawk (OM).

She will appreciate the gifts with a smile. She can give a model of a ship found in the smuggler cave in the second chapter. And / or in the third chapter - Rivanian Talisman, found in the docks.


Isabella is one of the possible candidates for the heart of the main heroine (hero).

You can already flirt with her after the adoption of a woman in the group. Moreover, Isabella will indifferently refer to Flirt of Hawk (a) with other satellites. She sends her hero herself that love love without commitment.

If, with a high influence of Isabella, it will return from the relic back, and the hero will not pass it with Arishok, then you can continue to turn the shures-muirs and on. Though in the Housing Mansion, she never moves under any pretext. But the hero can be calmly to become a friend of the heart.

At the end of Isabelle indifferently, what side to choose. She does what he wants, and goes, as he wants. Therefore, it remains with the hero to the end of the personal principles. At the end of the novel, Hawk will swim with it on the ship.

Sebastian Velel

Adoption in the party

This noble robber (class) can be obtained by downloading additional content »Prince in exile."


Sebastian from a noble family. In his youth was sent to the ministry of the Church. At first he did not like it, he even ran away. But over the years I changed my mind and returned, becoming a real reverend brother. However, after the brutal murder of his family, he returns to Crycoll in search of murderers and his intention to return his legitimate throne.

At the very beginning, Hawk meets him at the church. In the first chapter, after fulfilling the quest for the obstacle for his family, Sebastian thanks the hero and leave.

In the second chapter Sebastian, he again appeals for help to Hawk (y), asking for a sort of one family kneaded in the murder of his relatives. In the third chapter, you can help His mentor of ELTINA, earning an impact on a noble prince.

At the end of Sebastian may leave the detachment, if you support Anders or leave him alive. Sebastian promises to return with the army and disseminate Kirkoll. Well, he will not forgive Anders the destruction of his beloved church.

If you kill Anders, Sebastian will help the Hawk detachment (a) in the battle. He himself approves the side of the temples, but will not leave the hero, even if he entered into magicians. He agrees with Hawk (OM) to defend someone else's freedom.


Sebastian is a true believer. His faith is chista and unshakable. He himself respects decent and honest people, penetrates sympathy to moral, noble and chaste people.

Sebastian : Do you often come across cases with the Knights Commander?

Alelin : That's about it, please do not need. I am not a temple, but the captain of the guard. We take into custody of thieves and hackers. There is no knight-comer before us.

Sebastian : Ladyman Elina is concerned about Meredith's behavior. She stopped listening to the Soviets of the Church.

Alelin : She has to be not easy. Some forces in the city were united against her.

Sebastian : Obviously, our temples need strong leaders.

Alelin : While something does not change, our leader is Meredith. And we must support everything we can.

He does not like Anders from the associates, considering his activity of subversive and disgusting. To blood magicians, he also applies with contempt.

With all this, Sebastian is faithful to debt and honor. If you follow this path, you can earn an impact on it.

Sebastian : You know when I go to Stregeev, you can go with me

Fenris : And what will I do there?

Sebastian : You are a wonderful warrior. If you can teach others to fight the same way, I will be invincible.

Fenris : I'm not the leader. And I do not think that people will want to go to me.

Sebastian : Then why don't you teach elves? I am sure that many of them will appreciate your achievements.

Fenris : I ... did not reach anything.

Sebastian : Is it? You are an independent man, you live, what you think you need. Is it a little? You underestimate yourself.

Fenris : You're too kind.

Sebastian : Not at all. Think about it.

During the quest "Repentance" you can get a special bow, which then Sebastian will be happy with pleasure as a gift.


Sebastian can only fall in love with the heroine-woman. But their love will be only Platonic. He, as the Reverend and Believer, gave the chastity.

Flirting with him should not forget about the decency. Any unflattering, rigorous and shared phrase can distort Sebastian from Hawk. Also concerns the actions - no dirt, in understanding the priest.

It is also impossible to flirt with other associates - Sebastian appreciates loyalty and monochild.

If you comply with these rules, help fulfill all his quests, kill Anders, then at the end of Sebastian confesses to love, promising to love Hawk with all souls (and only soul).

Who to build, and how to develop a romantic relationship?

There are several love lines in the game. The ability to start romantic relations with satellites appears with a sufficient level of location and respect. Compliments, flirting, sincere conversations with satellites in a common camp, where the whole detachment is going to intervals between the tasks, and correctly built dialogs are creating wonders. For the time being, you can stay immediately with several partners, but will surely come when you have to choose. The transition to a new level of relationship occurs most often after performing the personal assignments of lover satellites. True, there are exceptions: with due diligence, rapprochement occurs at times faster, and the location is enough to go from the kisses right away to the case, without performing personal assignments. In case of loss of interest with the satellite, it is possible to part, switting your attention to other potential partners. The rupture of the relationship leads to a decrease in confidence that can be restored using actions or gifts. Resume previously broken loving relationships can not be, satellites are very serious about loyalty issues and do not forgive blows in the back.

Satellites available for relationships, in the game:

Female Gender: Alister (achievement "First Knight").
Male floor: Morrigan (achieving a "witch crazy").
Both sexes: Leliana (the achievement of "Wine, Ballad, Woman"), Zevran (achievement "Careless Lover").

For love relationships with all satellites in the game, the achievement of "Had" is issued (all passages are taken into account). You can get it already during the second passage, if both times have begun and finished love lines with all possible partners. For this game, there are characters of different floors. The most compliant in Dragon Age: Origins is Morrigan, a point of contact is very fast with it. It was not far from her Zeevman, the genus of his activity in the Anchie taught him to be very flexible in love issues (the goal justifies the funds). With Alistair and Leliana, they will have to tinker a little longer, but they will eventually turn out to be in bed opposite the fire.

Alistait Tairin

Alister. - Romantic interest for Woman's Guardian. He does not perceive the relationship like something light. There are many ways to start a novel with him through dialogs. Make him compliments, say that you like it, in general, everything except ridicule over him will help arrange it to himself. If you offer him a relationship to a sufficient level of approval, he may reject them because of his inexperience, saying that he cannot perceive such things so easy. If you continue to offer after this moment, it will lead to loss of approval. If you continue to earn friendship glasses, he will invite the heroine to his tent. He likes to be loved and desirable, and sometimes he answers with a shade of economic activity, but he does not like when laugh above the proximity.
Note: Even if you have high approval and if it is tightened, you will have to complete one of the main quests before you ask him to spend the night with the heroine.
An explicit feature that Alistair became interested in guarding as a woman, a gift will be a rose. You can take it or not. If Alister has high approval and high approval from Zeavran or Leliana (adoration or love), during the next conversation with him Alistair makes choosing between them.

If Alister becomes the king, the relationship will end if the guard of no noble origin and Alistair is not tightened. Even if it is tightened, the relationship will end if the guard will spare Logyne or choose the wrong replicas in the dialogue after the lands meeting. Choose a replica "No one can force the king to do what he does not want to do," to convince Alistair to continue relationships. However, even if Alister broke up with guardian, he retains tender feelings to her, although she tries to avoid talking about it in dialogues with the guardian and other coarse.

Note: A noble girl should use the belief to marry Alistra, when he will choose between her and anorya at the land collection, although it is not necessary to be in relationships with him and even have high approval. With a tightened alistair, this option becomes affordable if the guard refused to offer Riordan to make Logain with gray guard; If the guard supported this idea, then the toughened alistaire becomes the king and executing Logain, this will cancel the dialogue, where he will have to choose between Alistair and Anorya and will give the opportunity to choose the board with him.

If the guard did not agree to the offer of Morrigan and took the alistar on the battle with the archdoor, he would bring to the sacrification even if he broke up with guardianship on his own initiative.

If the guard-girl slept with an alistar, tightering him during his personal quest, and his approval is high enough, he may agree to be the third with Isabel on the ship.

During the DLC of the Chronicles of the Chronicles of Darkness, if you look at the Codex page about Leliana, you can find a reference to the fact that she is a lover of Alistair. (Actually, if there is a novel with an astista, and Leliana will be a girlfriend in the guard (somewhere around 45-50), then between Leliana and Guardian there may be a dialogue that begins with the words of Leliana "I think Alister is crazy about you" . With a certain version of Lelian's answers, Leliana reveals the guard that if the guard did not attempt to establish relations with Alistair, it would have done Leliana.) However, there are no hints at Dragon Age: Start, "even if the guard is not in the novel with them.

If the approval of Alistair reaches the highest point, Winn will start a conversation on this topic, saying that he does not approve such relationships and she does not want an alistaster to suffer. And still try to spend a fascinating lecture on the topic "Where children are taken from."

Zevran Arannai

Master seduction(according to his own statement) Zeavran It will frankly flirt with guard, and with some other satellites, too, albeit just a joke. He is not too picky and clearly underestimates his requests, which facilitates the undertaking of the novel with guardianship, regardless of gender. Almost immediately after joining the team, he shifts sympathy to guard, and he can answer reciprocity.

Log in the location of Zevran is quite simple. He loves playful hints and asked about his adventures, and so far the guard takes his sexual past as proper, the novel will continue. It can be asked to make the guard in a tent even at the level of "interest", to which he will be happy to agree. After that, Zevran explains that he does not hold the character, and this is his choice whether their night will be a single case or connection will continue. On the contrary, if ZEvran has high approval and guardians yet offered him to sleep, he will suggest his company for the night. If after asking Zeevran about love, it will lead to loss of influence, however, if you tell him that it was just one night, this will lead to a significantly greater loss and completion of relations. The best option is to say "it suits me." Zeusman is also faithful in relations, as well as the rest of the partners, although he has thoroughly flirt with other characters.

Regardless of the level of approval, the attitude of Zeyran will not change to "love" until the assembly of land is convened. The group will face (and kill) Yevran's old friend, Taluez, and Zeusman will receive a breather from the pursuit of raven.

In gratitude, he suggests the guard his earring on returning to the camp. After that, the elf will refuse trips to the tent. If you refuse the first offer of the earrings, then during the conversation on a personal topic (when the elf confesses what is confused by its feelings), Zeusman can again offer her as "sign ... mmm ... sympathy." Moreover, it is possible to achieve a sentence from an elf in this conversation by choosing certain replicas. However, if you take the earring just a second time, in the inventory it will not appear, it is a bug. If the guard responds that "the offer is too", the relationship will end.

Lelianait is a possible romantic interest, both for the male guard and women's guard. The first opportunity for the guard to kiss her happens when its approval reaches "adorations" (71 or higher) and it starts a conversation in the camp, starting with words "I like the night in the camp. The night always looks more peaceful, I think. Safer " . Nevertheless, she will not be interested in a tent, and she will stop with guardian, only if in love with him / her. She will not be in love with the guard until its personal quest is completed and until its approval reaches 91 or higher. To raise her approval, talk a lot, listen to what she tells you, support, avoid critics when she talks about the creator, give significant gifts, make good actions while it is in the group and avoid evil actions (or at least not Take it in a group when you make them).

Note: Sometimes the novel does not begin even with 100% approval. The nature of this phenomenon is unknown.

Note: This is due to the bug if the relationship with it is developing too quickly due to gifts. Personal quest also becomes not available.

Note: Personal quest is fulfilled, but the relationship has not developed.
In order for the quest to become available, with Leliana will have to part, but after performing the quest, the novel can be resumed and even complete, for this you need to choose the right replicas in a conversation about Margeolain.

If for some reason you missed the opportunity to start a novel, another attempt will appear after the completion of the quest with Margesolain. Ask how she feels after everything experienced, you see that you know that it means, after her answer, and in the subsequent conversation, tell me that people change over time. If in the end, Lelian will notice that you remind her Margeolain - you are on the right track.
If you have not talked for some reason with Leliana about her past and reached the relationship with it +100, thereby losing the opportunity to perform her personal quest, it is possible to artificially establish the conditions for triggering the trigger. To do this, enable the console and enter Runscript zz_addapproval 9 -30 () and then talk to the Leliana in the camp, the desired replica will appear in the list, as is the ability to perform Quest Leliana. Further, its attitude can be restored again through the console or gifts.

If you play for the guarantee of a man and decided to arrange a grand end, planning the marriage on the anteau, but at the same time leave "with you" and Leliana, then simply do not talk to her up to the epiraloga and coronation. If we talk to it before, she will say that he too respects Anora and refuses to stay with guard. And in a conversation in front of the coronation itself, she will say that life is already too short, and will remain a mistress of gray guard. Do not forget to tighten it.

Note:Sometimes, regardless of relations with Leliana, if its approval is large enough, the novel will begin to be unnoticed for the guard. It makes the current love interests asking about the relationship of the guard to Leliana and vice versa.


Go to the most delicious! - Morrigan!

Morrigan, perhaps, more complicated from all the characters to please, if compared with other romantic interests for the male guard. However, it is easier to sleep with it, just reaching 51 approval points. She will like most of the random gifts found at the beginning of the game, but it will not approve almost all the good deeds of the guard.

For a successful novel with Morrigan, the player must either make any bad deeds, or to engage in good deeds, while Morrigan is not in the group, since the negative result will be more common than the decline in Leliana's approval, Alistair and Winn. Entering the conversation with her, it is important to remember that Morrigan appreciates the power higher than anything else. To get her approval, one time will have to agree with her philosophy "survives the most adapted". She despises everything related to love and compassion. If the guard pursues the novel and with it and with any other companion (Zevran or Leliano), she will begin a conversation with guard and makes choose. It will interrupt a novel with a satellite, which was denied, and slightly reduces his approval, although Leliana and / or Zeusman can put the stratum ultimatum as much as Morrigan does. In the end, Morrigan gives the guard's unique ring during the novel with her. Ring is a connection between two people.

After completing the quest "Grimoir Fleet", she will begin to be afraid of his love for him, which will cause a dialogue about love if its approval is high enough. There is a possibility of falling its approval during a conversation or breaking relationships until the correct replicas are selected.

At the end of the game, the epilogue will read that "then the night came when he was sure that she was thinking about him ... somewhere. She felt regret and sorrow. But more ring did not say anything. " No happy epilogue with Morrigan. She will leave the group immediately after the final battle, regardless of its approval. However, the novel can be continued and happily complete depending on your choices in Origins and conversations during the DLC "Witch Hunt". As a result, Morrigan and Guardians kiss and pass through Eluvian together.

Note: Entry into Roman with Morrigan will arouse the "maternal conversation" with Winn, in which she will advise her to throw it. If you refuse to stop the novel with Morrigan, then after in relations with Morrigan will be "love", Winn will apologize.

If the guard fell with Morrigan in the camp and refused to offer its proposal in the Rarcliffe Castle, it will be said in an epilogue that she expects a child, although the ritual was not committed. This is not a bug, but also an Epiloga of Morrigan. This is a hint that she unexpectedly got pregnant until the day before the final battle.

If the guard broke with Morrigan, when she asks this, at the gate of denereim, she will call the guard "My love" (even if it's just friendship with her) and the epilogue will be written about regret and sadness (even if the guard began another novel). It is strange that even if the ring is destroyed, you still get an epilogue about the ring.

Bugs / Cheats.

If you wish, the approval of Morrigan +100 can be obtained almost immediately after its appearance in the detachment - in lottering. The method is guaranteed when playing a magic (patch 1.05 and any earlier), with one point in the skill of influence and the starting rate of force. (theoretically possible and other classes, however, you need a small rate of force)
We come to the lottering, we pass the robbers, we go to the cage of Stan. We talk to him, learn about the reverend mother. We exclude from the group of all satellites, except Morrigan. We go to the church, there we find a reverend mother (right and right). We tell her about the kunari in the cage, and use intimidation, requiring you to give a key or life. Morrigan rejoices, her threat to priests (+4), and the reverend mother refuses to give the key, (unsuccessful intimidation will occur only if the power indicator is small enough, otherwise it will give the key). After unsuccessful intimidation, this conversation can be repeated again and again, each time I get the approval of Morrigan (the method also works on versions).
In Ozammar, Garin's merchant has a special gift for Morrigan, giving approval (+20) - golden mirror. It can not be given to other satellites. If you give a Morrigan mirror after breaking with it, you can simultaneously lead a novel with it, and with Leliana.

On the dark streets of the upper city of Kirkvol, there was no soul on this night. How did all the robbers and the killers hid in their logs. And only he was today alone with silence.
"Damn, well, at least someone will come to my blade now. Then I will have an excuse, and I will not come to her today and I will not tell you about what I feel. "
Absorbed by His thoughts, Fenris did not even notice how her legs brought him to her house. How many nights he came here, tormented by the desire to knock her house at the door, conclude it into his arms, so favorite and desirable. How many times did he draw in his most bold fantasy night spent with her. Every time it was like revealing.
Finally, it was today that he was determined more than ever. Words of Warric pushed him to action. It was today that he finally decided not to be a coward.
You're ready to knock on the door, for a second it is froned, but the shavers of gusting once again quit everything to hell and escape, he made these cherished three knocks.
The door opened, but Bodan was on the threshold.
- "Damn, as awkward that" - thought Fenris "I still have time to turn around and leave"
- "Oh, Master Fenris, please pass, Monta Hawk told me in case of your arrival, if it is not at home, delay you. Maybe you want to drink something? " - He met his dwarf.
"No, nothing needs, I'll just wait for her here, in the hallway, leave me" - snapped Fenris.
"As you wish, if I need it, just call," Bodan spoke and came out.
Fenris approached the fireplace. Firewood was cheerful. He handed his hands to the fire, feeling the heat from coal on his palms.
"Fenris .." he heard suddenly.
Starting, he wrapped his hands from the fire and turned around. It was her ...
"So he, the moment of truth ... Now my fate will be solved. Will I be able to feel happy for a moment, or my illusions will dispel in the dust ... it's time .. "
- "I thought about you here ... No, honestly, I think only about you. Tell me to leave and I will leave, "Phenris whispered.
- "Do I say something?" - Molded Hawk.
Fenris did not hear her reply now, he didn't matter what her words mean. Answer yes or no did not matter. His desire was only to conclude it in the arms and feel the heat of her lips, the warmth of her breathing.
It's no longer able to hold back, Fenris gave a gust of the sunny feelings, hugged Hawk and kissed her passionately. He did not expect a response to his kiss, but she pulled him to the wall with force. Now he knew that he was not mistaken what he did right. He even stronger hugged her and began to kiss. She could not breathe, as he could not break out of his arms. He felt like each kiss it believes in it, like a split steel blade and something beats and pulsates inside. Finally he pulled his lips from her and looked into his eyes. Taking hair from her face, he spoke gently and hoarsely:
"I can't forget that night when I first met you, I loved you as soon as I saw." Seeing you then, I realized that you either make me the happiest in the world, or destroy irretrievably. "
The words of him for a moment were frozen, and the palm lay down on a high maiden's chest. The thin cloth of her home apparel could hardly serve as a barrier for his fingers. The hand slid below, exposing the body. Hawk tried to say something, but it turned out that she had no voice, nor the desire to do it. He felt that where he concerned, she was experiencing a heat, and where he did not have time to touch, the body was eager for his touch.
"I have always been afraid to be in captivity of your beauty," Phenris whispered.
He strongly pressed her lips to her, continuing to caress. Then his hand moved below, as if the ookolding her. His lips played with her lips, went and returned again. This kiss was simultaneously enjoyed and violence - wild and sweet.
For a moment, he froze, she raised the eyelids and saw his eyes that seemed dark green from passion. She flashed and took the eye.
- "No, do not look at me! - Fenris whispered hoarsely, and pressed her tightly, as if it was the last time in his life.
At that moment, Hawke seemed that she sees in the eyes of Fenris tears.
Without giving a minute for unnecessary questions, the elf picked it up on her arms and carried it to the second floor ...

To be continued...

On the dark streets of the upper city of Kirkvol, there was no soul on this night. How did all the robbers and the killers hid in their logs. And only he was today alone with silence.
"Damn, well, at least someone will come to my blade now. Then I will have an excuse, and I will not come to her today and I will not tell you about what I feel. "
Absorbed by His thoughts, Fenris did not even notice how her legs brought him to her house. How many nights he came here, tormented by the desire to knock her house at the door, conclude it into his arms, so favorite and desirable. How many times did he draw in his most bold fantasy night spent with her. Every time it was like revealing.
Finally, it was today that he was determined more than ever. Words of Warric pushed him to action. It was today that he finally decided not to be a coward.
You're ready to knock on the door, for a second it is froned, but the shavers of gusting once again quit everything to hell and escape, he made these cherished three knocks.
The door opened, but Bodan was on the threshold.
- "Damn, as awkward that" - thought Fenris "I still have time to turn around and leave"
- "Oh, Master Fenris, please pass, Monta Hawk told me in case of your arrival, if it is not at home, delay you. Maybe you want to drink something? " - He met his dwarf.
"No, nothing needs, I'll just wait for her here, in the hallway, leave me" - snapped Fenris.
"As you wish, if I need it, just call," Bodan spoke and came out.
Fenris approached the fireplace. Firewood was cheerful. He handed his hands to the fire, feeling the heat from coal on his palms.
"Fenris .." he heard suddenly.
Starting, he wrapped his hands from the fire and turned around. It was her ...
"So he, the moment of truth ... Now my fate will be solved. Will I be able to feel happy for a moment, or my illusions will dispel in the dust ... it's time .. "
- "I thought about you here ... No, honestly, I think only about you. Tell me to leave and I will leave, "Phenris whispered.
- "Do I say something?" - Molded Hawk.
Fenris did not hear her reply now, he didn't matter what her words mean. Answer yes or no did not matter. His desire was only to conclude it in the arms and feel the heat of her lips, the warmth of her breathing.
It's no longer able to hold back, Fenris gave a gust of the sunny feelings, hugged Hawk and kissed her passionately. He did not expect a response to his kiss, but she pulled him to the wall with force. Now he knew that he was not mistaken what he did right. He even stronger hugged her and began to kiss. She could not breathe, as he could not break out of his arms. He felt like each kiss it believes in it, like a split steel blade and something beats and pulsates inside. Finally he pulled his lips from her and looked into his eyes. Taking hair from her face, he spoke gently and hoarsely:
"I can't forget that night when I first met you, I loved you as soon as I saw." Seeing you then, I realized that you either make me the happiest in the world, or destroy irretrievably. "
The words of him for a moment were frozen, and the palm lay down on a high maiden's chest. The thin cloth of her home apparel could hardly serve as a barrier for his fingers. The hand slid below, exposing the body. Hawk tried to say something, but it turned out that she had no voice, nor the desire to do it. He felt that where he concerned, she was experiencing a heat, and where he did not have time to touch, the body was eager for his touch.
"I have always been afraid to be in captivity of your beauty," Phenris whispered.
He strongly pressed her lips to her, continuing to caress. Then his hand moved below, as if the ookolding her. His lips played with her lips, went and returned again. This kiss was simultaneously enjoyed and violence - wild and sweet.
For a moment, he froze, she raised the eyelids and saw his eyes that seemed dark green from passion. She flashed and took the eye.
- "No, do not look at me! - Fenris whispered hoarsely, and pressed her tightly, as if it was the last time in his life.
At that moment, Hawke seemed that she sees in the eyes of Fenris tears.
Without giving a minute for unnecessary questions, the elf picked it up on her arms and carried it to the second floor ...

To be continued...

This mod adds four repetitive love scenes for each of the romantic interests in the game, three common for everyone and one unique for each of them. Scenes can be activated by interacting with a bed marker in Hawk's estate after the novel has been confirmed. That is, for Anders and Merrill - after their relocation to Hawk in the second part and after the romances of Isabeli and Fenris were confirmed to fulfill their personal quests in the third part. For Sebastian - after completing the quest "Vera" in the third part.

Cat-scenes are activated randomly and can be repeated several times. If you lose them in a row without a break, as the author, according to his recognition, has not yet found a way to control them.

If the novel is not confirmed, you will receive a standard phrase that the dog jumped the bed again. After performing the main storyline of the cat scene, it will not work, regardless of whether you have official add-onsto the game "Heritage" and "killer stamp" or not.

Installation: Unpack the contents of the archive and install the Repeatable Romance Scenes V1.2 \\ Custom Cutscenes folder
At the address: Documents \\ Bioware \\ Dragon Age 2 \\ Packages \\ Core \\ Override.

Delete the installed folder.


QUENCHEDSTEEL,Auto Fashion, For his work and permission to place the material, as well as our site modgames, for what it is.