Pumping reputation with Kirin Torok 3.3 5. Reputation with the Kirin-Tor fraction. Awards Army Kirin-Torah

Spring, a new patch 5.2 made his new buns, raid, deyliki, and of course new factions. Now I will tell you about Fraccie " Kirin Torah Army ", I'll tell you more precisely and how to download reputation with her. Lan let's start:
Kirin Tor Offensive (Kirin Tor Offensive) is a new fraction of the Alliance, which was added in Patch 5.2 (analog for the Horde -). At the head of Kirin-Tora, there is always a well-known and beloved our Jaina Praudmur. Representatives of the faction can be found on where they set off as a type of help to Pandaren, and pursuing their goals.

  • The Kirin Torah army is like a barrier surgery out of 5.1: they also offer Dealki, and from time to time tasks are available that shed light on the history and objectives of the fraction. In addition, all this will be linked to the gradual "discovery" of the island of thunder. For example, in the last stages of the study, the Thunder Forces will be available, where certain types of weapons and armor will be able to produce certain types of weapons and armor.

Concerning reputation: Dealykov's system is waiting for us, something resembling Kel'danas Island from Burning Crusade. The Thunder Island "opens" gradually (depends on the progress of your fraction on the server), and the maximum number of reputation depends on the current level of "openness", which can be obtained for Daleki if my counts are correct, then it looks like this:

  • Levels 1-3: 1850 reputation per day
  • Level 4: 1900 rap. / day
  • Level 5: 2150 rap. / day

Starting from the 2nd level of "openness", players can choose between PVP and Pve Daeliki. Performing tasks daily, you will receive about +2000 reputation per day, and to achieve exceeding it will take about 3 weeks.
Some items can accelerate reputation pumping. In the solo scenario (treasury) on the island of thunder, it will be possible to get it possible to exchange for signs to improve the relationship with the Kirin Torah army:

  • (+25 rap.) \u003d 1 scroll
  • (+250 rap.) \u003d 10 scrolls

Having achieved respect, do not forget to acquire a fraction from the internant, which will allow pumping a reputation twice as fast.
With these additions, if you can crush you can achieve exalt Kirin Torah Army About 2 weeks.

Awards Kirin Torah Army

Kirin Torah Army Intendant - - can be found on the island of thunder.
Upon reaching new levels of reputation, players become available all the best awards ():

  • Respect: Epic Belt 476 ILVL (Sold for 300 Golden)
  • Help: Epic Cape 496 ILVL (sold for 937 valor points),
  • Increasing: Epically Rings 496 ILVL (sold for 937 valor points), (awesome Mount, I just trust) ,.

In addition, various items are available at all levels of reputation, helping in the passage of the solo-scenario on the island of thunder. Well, we all have dealt with the reputation of the Kirin Torah army

APMIA KIPIN TOPA (KIRIN TOR OFFENSIVE) - This is an army consisting of a kirin-torus soldier and a silver union. They are very inspired by the rage of their leadership: " Jaina Praudmur."And therefore try to capture the island of thunder, in order to reconsider the Alliance. However, this is not the only goal. In addition to the seizure, they help the hearter prevent revival. Lord of thunder..
The reputation for the army will consist mainly of daily tasks with a cunning level system. The levels in turn depend on the overall progress of your server. In other words, the levels will open gradually. (But most likely, you will have the last level at once, since it has long been at least one guild on your server the throne of the thunderstorm).

All tasks begin here:

Daily reputation level system:

Upnock 1-3: 1850
Upper 4: 1900 Pep. / day
Upper 5: 2150 Pep. / day

As soon as your Serpent will be released on the second digestive availability, you will have a choice between PVP and PVE rear. Depending on the choice, you will give different reward and different reputation. In PVE, you will get glasses to show and slightly more peputation, and in PVP you will receive points of honor and slightly less peptation. With a guilli bonus, a total of 2000 + reputation in Dean and PVP / PVE will be obtained. With this scenario, it is planted for a 3rd pharmacy.

In addition to daily tasks, the reputation can be raised using:

Kirin-Thor is a neutral fraction of wizards. In the former times of their main stronghold, Dalaran, was located in the Eastern kingdoms, but in the addition of WOW Wrath of The Lich King to combat the threat hung over the world, the magicians moved it to Nordskol. From this manual, you can learn how to pump a reputation with Kirin-Toron to exalt.

Reputation with the Kirin Tor fraction

Please note: Magic characters from the very beginning have friendliness with Kirin-Tor.

Initially, wizards belong to everyone indifferent. To achieve exceeding, you will need to score 42,000 reputation. There are several ways to improve relationships with this fraction: the tasks, the passage of dungeons, the exchange of justice glasses.

1. Effect of justice glasses

This method is the fastest of all, but it will require justice glasses, which in large quantities usually appear only at 85 levels.

In Dalaran and in the Ice Coron (2 merchants each fraction), you can purchase recommendatory Kirin Torah icons. Each icon will cost you 16 points of justice (OS). When used, each sign improves a reputation with this fraction of 520 units (572 for people). Thus, most players will need 81 advisory icon (1296 OS), and people - 74 icons (1184 ° C).

2. Making tasks

Another way to improve relations with Kirin-Toron is to perform tasks in Borean Tundra, Dragon Failure and Dalaran. In addition to one-time tasks, daily quests for fishermen are available (250 turnips), culinary (150) and jewelers (25).

3. Passage of dungeons

Having achieved friendliness with Kirin-Torah representatives, players can acquire a Kirin-Torah co-worker faction in the infantant. Passing into it normal and heroic WOTLK dungeons, they will receive reputation points (250 per boss, 10-30 per monsters, excluding the guild bonuses and race). The fraction intensity is located in Amethyst citadel (Dalaran) by coordinates (25.6,49.0).

You can pump a reputation to one of the proposed methods, or combining them with each other.

Having exceeded with this fraction, players will get the achievement of Kirin-Tor.

The maximum reputation, in addition to achieving, will open the possibilities of some recipes and epic things, and will also give the maximum discount when buying such things like loop, ring, sealing and ring of Kirin Torah (with their help teleportation in Dalaran). The initial price of these things is 8,500 gold, but at maximum reputation it will decrease by 20% to 6,800 gold.

Fast pumping turnips in Dtenor

In Dtenor, you can quickly pump a reputation with old fractions using a distorted sign time. 50 characters \u003d 500 reputation with the desired fraction. More about how to get and change distorted signs signs in the video below and in

Material from World of Warcraft Roleplay Wiki

Kirin Tor. (English Kirin Tor) is an elite organization heading the Magic State of Dalaran, which is one of the seven human kingdoms. Among Kirin Torah participants are present the most powerful spellcasters of Azeroth. Once the organization was the secret Order of the Mages, who tried to stay away from ordinary policies, but by now Kirin-Tor and then it turns to the fore, fighting against what threatens the world - the screens, blue dragons, iron hordes and flaming Legion.

Finally, the restoration of Dalaran was completed, and the magicians were able to raise the city into the air, leaving the crater at his own place. Kirin-Tor decided to transfer his capital into the sky over Nordskol to simplify the war against the distraught Maligos. The Order declared himself neutral in the conflict between the Alliance and the Horde, instead trying to smooth the uneven corners between the two fractions. Etlant The sun kidnapper was sent to the Kel "Talas to request support in the war against Maligos.

Maligos, meanwhile, took several attempts to destroy the city, including the invasion of the Amethyst Fortress, where the most disgusting monsters were captured, with which magicians faced. The heroes of the Alliance and Horde helped Kirin-Toro to defend himself from Maligos and his servants. Later with the support of the Dragon Union, they dealt with the fallen aspect and did not allow them to bring to his plans.

Between elves that remained in Dalaran, a split happened. Some of them became elfs of blood and called themselves the sun in honor of the Etha, who remained the only man in the Council of Six. Others remained the highest elves and were configured against the return of the blood of their previous ranks as part of Kirin Torah. They founded the Silver Union to resist the sun kidnappers, but Veris Windward, who led the Union, did not want political skils inside Dalaran. This led to the fact that blood elves were officially restored as Kirin Torah participants.

The organization took part in the invasion of Uldar, actively cooperating with the branch of the bronze and his league researchers.

The destruction of the Temistra

Source of information in this section - fiction By the Warcraft Universe.

Jaina Praudmur asked Kirin-Tor to assist her in the protection of the therapist against the army of the Horde, a led by the new leader Garross hellish cry. The Council of the sixth agreed to send there several magicians there, and the voice of the Etset of the Sun, who said that Ignoring would mean support for the Horde Military Policy.

When the true plan of Garrosh was revealed and mana bomb appeared in the sky over the Temomor, reinforced with a rainbow focus, Ronin sacrificed himself, moved to Jain Praudmur and several surviving defenders in a safe place. Ronin sent a airship with a bomb to the main tower of the Temoras, the magical protection of which would allow to reduce the damage from the explosion.

After the death of Ronin, the new leader of the sixth and Kirin Torah became Jaina Praudmur. Due to the fact that Tamen's consonance, the representative of the sun kidnappers, turned out to be a traitor and Spy Garros during the protection of the therapist, the reputation of the entire fraction of blood elves was shaken.

Exile by blood elves

Mists of Pandaria. To World of Warcraft.

Jaina Praudmur learned that the sun's kidnappers helped the Garross hello shock to get a divine bell using the Dalarange portals in Darnas. She convened the strength of Kirin Torah, the Alliance and the Silver Union to completely clean the Dalaran from the Horde, including blood elves. After these events, Jaina provided full support for the Alliance, putting the end of the Kirin Torah neutrality.

With the beginning of hostilities on the island of thunder, the Kirin Torah army, inspired by the rage Jain, tried to capture these territories for the Alliance.


Source of information in this section - Supplement Warlords of Draenor To World of Warcraft.

The Kirin Torah expedition was sent to Alternative Draenor and was located in the settlement called Zangarra, which is located in Tlador. Jaina banned everyone who is forbidden to appear in Dalaran, go to the lands engaged in Kirin-Tor. However, Kadgar stated that he, being a member of the Council of Six, allows his friends here regardless of their faction. If the Jain had some problems with this, Cadgar asked to discuss it with him. Jaina expressed displeasure that Kadgar collaborates with the Horde, and noticed that the Council six would not approve this and that she herself was exactly against.

Kirin-Tor was responsible for maintaining a magical connection between Draenor and Azeroth, through which the supplies were supplied. Their outpost near the eternal flowering was captured initially, and most of the local representatives of the Order were infected. Later, the situation was barely out of control, when the initial Jaaln was held through the Kirin Torah portal to