Scripts of game programs on traffic rules for children. Sports and game program on traffic rules for children DW "We need rules to know and always observe them. Sector "Road Mailing"

Lead 1. : Hello guys! Our meeting is dedicated to the rules of the road. All people, as soon as they enter the street, are immediately becoming pedestrians. Is it easy to be a pedestrian? It seems that it can be easier?! Stepped with his left foot, stepped with his right foot. Step and in fact it is not difficult, but around the room, in the park, on the forest path. But not in the street ... But it is not only possible to become a real pedestrian, but also necessary. And we will help you in this.

(a man runs in a cat suit)

Lead 1: And who else is it?

Cat: I am Cat Vasily, walk in my own.

Lead 1: Cat Vasily, do you know the rules of the road?

Cat: Why do I need to know them? I will live without them.

Lead 1: And we will check it now. How do you need to go around the street?

Cat: How - as ... Of course, on 4 paws.

Lead 1: Guys, is the cat right?(children's responses)

Lead 1: How do you need to go around the street?(children's responses)

A pedestrian! A pedestrian!
Remember you about the transition!
Underground and ground
Similar to zebra.
Know that only the transition
From the cars will save you.

Lead 2: Cat Vasily. Maybe you will tell you guys, how, coming out of the bus, go to the other side of the street.

Cat: As easy as pie. Fresh between wheels.

Lead 2: Guys, explain Vasily, how to do(children's responses)

(Scene-role-playing game "Perobilize the street)

Lead 2: Cat Vasily, Is it possible to play the roadway?

Cat: Watching what. Here in chess, for example, it is impossible. The figures are knocked down. But in the ball you can.

Lead 2: Guys, in my opinion, Vasily is completely confused. Is it possible to play the roadway?(children's responses)

Lead 2: So, cat Vasily! It turns out that road rules need to know.

Cat: I understood everything, thanks. I will definitely learn the rules, and you will help me. True guys?(children's responses)

Leading 2: Let's look at the performance of traffic rules


(on the stove)

(in the carriage)

3. Lovely two-wheel transport Cat Leopold. (bicycle)

4. German transport of women Yaga. (mortar)

5. Bicycle bears,

And behind him, the mosquito. . . On what? (on balloon)

6. How did the gift made the parents of the uncle Fedor postman Pechekin? (bicycle)

7. What flew old man Hottabych flew? (on the carpet - plane)

8. What did the Baron Munhausen fly? (on the kernel)

Choral responses of all playing

Play on the pavement. . . forbidden








Go to the sidewalk on the left. . . forbidden





Teams are in turn answering the questions of the lead.


(on the transition)




(Round with red border)


(from 14 years old)

"Fabulous stories"

1. Finnish - Puhu turned 9 years old. For a birthday, he was given a wonderful bike. Vini - Pooh was delighted, sat down at him and shoved. He traveled 3 times around his house, drove around the yard 5 times and drove on the road, heading for the Piglet's house.

2. Thena was late for the train. A red cap was in a hurry in a pharmacy: her grandmother got sick. They saw the boy who rode a bike and began to ask him to bring. Who will bring the boy?

3.Vintik and tongue ride bikes. Suddenly, the tower broke the bike. It did not work immediately. But the cog did not throw a friend in trouble: he took a bike tongue on a tug and leaving home.


So our meeting is completed. And we want to check that you remember from what was said. I ask questions, and you have to show the necessary answer from the proposed finance.

    Road traffic should know and perform:
    Only pedestrians
    Only drivers
    Drivers and pedestrians
    2. What is the name of the street on the street where you can walk for children:
    Bike Lane
    Driving part
    3. For how many years you can travel by bike on the roadway
    4. Who are pedestrians obey if the intersection is regulated by the traffic light and the regulator?
    - Signals of traffic lights
    - adjustment signals
    - Nikoma
    5. Road signs are needed:
    For the beauty of the carriageway
    To establish the procedure for moving pedestrians and transport on the road
    For pedestrians
    6. What is safe to use when moving through the roadway:
    Pedestrian crossing.
    7. Which machine can drive with a flashing bearing on a red traffic light signal?

Guys, the law of streets and roads are strict. He does not forgive, if a pedestrian walks down the street, as he flies out, without observing the rules. But this law and kind thing: he protects any of a terrible misfortune, protects the life of a person.


Teams are in turn answering questions:

1. What did Emel rode for the king to the palace? (on the stove)

2. What turned the good fairy pumpkin for Cinderella? (in the carriage)

3. Early transport Baba Yaga. (mortar)

4. How did the gift made the parents of uncle Fedor postman Pechekin? (bicycle)

5. What flew Old Man Hottabych flew? (on the carpet - plane)

6. Favorite two-wheeled Cat Leopold. (bicycle)

The game is "permitted - prohibited"

Choral responses of all playing

Play on the pavement. . . forbidden

Going around the street on a green traffic light signal. . . permitted

Logging on the roadway. . . forbidden

Return the street on the underpass. . . permitted

Helping the old men and the old women to move the street. . . permitted

Chat and loud laugh in transport. . . forbidden

Play in the courtyard on specially reserved areas. . . permitted

Ride a bike without holding the steering wheel. . . forbidden

Go to the sidewalk on the left. . . forbidden

To give way in transport to the elderly. . . permitted

Roll on the bike of their friends. . . forbidden

Comply with the rules of the road. . . permitted


Teams are in turn answering the questions of the lead.

1. What color of the traffic light indicates the command to "get ready for movement"? (yellow)

2.What does the flashing of the green bell signal mean? (soon light yellow lights)

3.If there is no traffic light, where you need to go around the street? (on the transition)

4. What is more important on the road - traffic lights or adjustment signals? (Controller)

5. What else helpers, except the traffic light and the regulator, are found on the roads? (signs)

6. What is the sign definitely install near children's institutions? ("Children")

7. What form and color have prohibiting signs? (Round with red border)

8. What should be checked before riding a bike? (brakes)

9. What age can you ride a bike on the roadway? (from 14 years old)

"Fabulous stories"

1. Winnie - the Puhu turned 9 years old. For a birthday, he was given a wonderful bike. Vini - Pooh was delighted, sat down at him and shoved. He traveled 3 times around his house, drove around the yard 5 times and drove on the road, heading for the Piglet's house. (up to 14 years old can not be traveled to the road)

2. Dunno was late for the train. A red cap was in a hurry in a pharmacy: her grandmother got sick. They saw the boy who rode a bike and began to ask him to bring. Who will bring the boy? (no one can roll on the bike)

3. Vicky and tongue ride bicycles. Suddenly, the tower broke the bike. It did not work immediately. But the cog did not throw a friend in trouble: he took a bike tongue on a tug and leaving home. (It is impossible to take a bike on a tug)

Game program on traffic rules for primary classes

Script game program for traffic rules for younger students

Scenario of Events by road rules in elementary school "Road Labyrinth"

Game program by road rules in elementary school

Goals and objectives : consolidate the knowledge of children about road signs and road rules; Educating the ability to independently use the knowledge gained in everyday life.

Equipment : Road signs, board game "Arrange the sign signs."

Participants of the game : Two teams.

Plan games

1. Quiz.

2. Game "Going the street".

3. Game "Learn Sign".

5. Game "Red-green".

6. Game "Arrange the signs on the road."

7. Plot role-playing games.

Stroke Game

I. Introductory part.

Leading. Hello guys! We gathered with you to talk about very important, about the rules of the road, about road signs. We live in a beautiful city with wide streets and alleys. There are a lot of passenger and cargo cars on them, trams ride, buses. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and stringent rules for drivers of cars and pedestrians. And to quietly move the street, you need to know the rules of the road.

We make the guys a warning:

Learn urgently traffic rules!

So that parents are not worried every day,

So that drivers were calm.

II. Game program.

1. Quiz.


Who are called pedestrians?

Why do we need road rules?

What is the intersection, what is he dangerous, how to cross it?

With what traffic signal can be moved the street?

What part of the road should pedestrians move?

Why you can not run the street?

How to get around the standing tram, bus?

2. Game "Going the street".

In the leading two cardboard mug. One saves green paper on one side and yellow - on the other. The second is red paper, and with the opposite - yellow. All players are divided into two teams. In the hall spend two parallel lines, one from another at a distance of 7-10 steps. This is "Street".

Players are drawn up against each other.

Game terms: When the presenter makes the wave of a green circle, playing make a step forward, red - a step back, yellow - remain in place.

Those who are mistaken are dropped out of the game. The team wins, the player of which the first "will pass the street."

3. Game "Learn Sign".

The presenter distributes the teams harvested in advance road signs and their pairs (pictures where it is drawn that this sign means) mixed with each other. Each team receives a specific group of signs: warning, prescribing, information and indicative, service signs and picks up pictures to the received signs. For example, to the "Children" sign - a picture of a school or kindergarten. Selected couples are cleaned by the stationery clip so that on the one hand there is a sign, and on the other - the picture.

For incorrectly chosen sign, the team gets a penalty point.

4. The game is "prohibited, permitted."

How many guys will gather, so much and can play this game. But only everyone has several square cards with the image of various road signs.

The presenter shows his sign (any) the one who will find the same sign in Himself, must say that this sign allows that it prohibits what informs and so on.

5. Game "Red-green".

The leading two balloons - green and red. The presenter can give any party to the game ball of any color. Get red - name forbidding sign. If a green ball came to you, call the "permissive" sign, "prescribing". You won't call - drop out of the game.

6. Board game "Arrange signs on the way."

For this game, you will need a playing field and 18 road signs: "Entry is prohibited", "Children", "Wild Animals", "Road Works", "Railway Transfer without a Barrier", "Railway Moving with a Barrier", "Circular Movement", " The location of the bus stop (or) trolley buses, "Tram stop place", "Pedestrian walkway", "Pedestrian Transition", "Drinking Water", "Underground Pedestrian Transition", "Post Guy", "Item First Medical Aid", "Item Nutrition "," traffic regulation "," phone ".

The teams are distributed the same number of characters. In the way, playing the corresponding road signs that they have in their hands. Places where you need to put signs are labeled on the gaming field with crossfields. For example, passing by the telephone booth, the "phone" sign is set, near the transition - the "Underground Transition" sign, the School has a sign "Children".

The team wins, which correctly puts all the signs on the road.

7. Plot role-playing games.

1) road transport due to standing transport.

Purpose: Creation of the skills of the safe transition of the road because of a worthwhile bus, trolleybus, tram.

Attributes: bus layouts and a passenger car, breastplate, steering wheel.

2) Training rules for the safe transition of the road with double-sided movement.

Purpose: Work out the habit of a safe transition of the road with a bilateral movement due to the standing transport.

III. Summarizing.

Publication Date: 02/25/18

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institutional garden number 7 "Fire-Bird"

Scenario Championship for PDDLL children

preschool age

"Merry Alphabet of Road"

Educator: Missrichanova A.M

nizhnevartovsk 2017.

Goal and tasks:

Expand students' presentings on the rules of road traffic, on the rules of pedestrian behavior and driver in the conditions of the street;

Develop attention and observation, memory, thinking;

Reliable respect for road rules, learn the rules of behavior on the street, in society.

Equipment:road signs, balloons (red, yellow, green, toy cars, puzzles with a road sign image, fishing rods, fish, threads, pencils, gel paper, tokens.

Event flow:

Song "Green Light" sounds (words n. Zinoviev, Music R. Pauls) performed by V. Leontiev

Leading: Hello, dear guys, I am glad to welcome you on the competition "Merry Crossroads". And let's start with your acquaintance. Two teams participate in today's game. So, it's time to greet each other. (Completion of teams: captain, title and motto.)

Leading : Perfectly! Teams are ready to show good results in knowledge of traffic rules. To check how really the guys are in a great form and a good arrangement of the Spirit, I suggest the game to the most attentive and friendly team "This is me, that's me all my friends!". I will read the questions if you agree with the statement, then loudly and together shout the phrase "that's me, that's me all my friends", if you disagree - silent. Started!

Who always goes forward, widespread mouth?

Who passes the car, MDD keeps everything?

Who walks without parsing to traffic lights?

Who is always in the tram closely inferior to the eldest place?

Who, holding one hand famously rushes on the pavement?

Who will go through the road only where the transition?

Who kicks the ball cheerful on the road in front of the garden?

Leading: Our next competition called "Cheerful Traffic" is associated with balloons, with their help you will need to make a traffic light.

I explain the conditions. This competition takes part, 4 people from the team. Each team should light traffic lights, for this you are provided with three balloons and threads. And at a distance of 3 meters, pay attention, there are assistants, they will perform the role of a rack that you with the clothespins are all three balls. The team wins the team that fastest and high quality will light a cheerful traffic light. So, on start, attention, march!

The music of V. Leontiev sounds. "Green Light" is a relay of "Cheerful Traffic".

(The results of the Merry Lightformer relay are summed up, the commands are granted tokens)

Leading: The relay "Transfer bricks"

Children transport wooden bricks in trucks, circling the quenches.

3 people from each group

Music sounds, there is a relay.

Leading: Guys, tell me, you love to relax with your parents in nature, with a tent, with a bone, where there is a river, Pope are fishermen with pleasure, and moms prepare their ear. Healthy! Our next competition is called "CuttingBank" - the contest of captains.

I ask the captains to go to me. Here are the rods, and at a distance of 2 meters there is a so-called "lake", where "fish" live. Captains occupy places in the cone of the corresponding color. Your task is for 1 minute to catch, as many fish as possible from the lake and give the right answers to the proposed questions. On start, attention. Started. Time went.


At the landing area

Passengers transport waiting,

Established order

It is impossible to break it here.

"Bus stop or


This sign of this kind:

He is guarded by a pedestrian.

Go with a doll together

We are the road in this place.


On the roads of pedestrians

It became easier with the transition.

Under the earth, even the square

Go much easier.

"Underground pass"

Go here alone cars,

Grozno them flashes tires.

Do you have a bike?

So stop!

No road!

"Bicycle movement is prohibited"

I'm in a circle with rubbing red,

This means - here is dangerous.

Here, understand, prohibit

Pedestrian motion.

"No Pedestrians"

Man in blue circle -

This is clear to the whole district:

Here cars will not go,

Pedestrians - in a good way.


Lida with a doll in alarm:

Need a doctor to them on the road.

Do not look sad

Help close! Doctor near!

"Item First Medical Aid"

Machine rushes in full support,

And suddenly the sign:

The fence is depicted on it.

I truly look at the stop:

Highway closed on the fence?

And what is the sign?

"Railway moving with a barrier"

The earth roets man.

Why not pass?

Maybe here are looking for treasure

And vintage coins

In the chest lie big?

They are here, probably insert

Hid a very greedy king.

"Road works"

I want to ask about the sign,

Drawn like this:

In the triangle guys

From all legs run somewhere.

My buddy says:

This means - the way is closed.

With the numbers on the chest.

On the road - relay,

It is necessary for children to run somewhere.

But I'm afraid, however,

The meaning of another at the sign.

We went from school we home

We see a sign on the pavement

Circle inside the bike

there is nothing else

(Bike Lane)

I want to ask about the sign

Drawn sign like this

In the triangle guys

from all legs run somewhere.

If you put a leg

on the roadway

Pay attention to:

Road sign - red circle


red dash will be crossed out

And the road seems to be but

It is forbidden to walk here

(No Pedestrians)

You expect landing

At the allotted platform

You do not need a skill -

This place (stop)

Predated man

Earth Roet man

Why no passages (road works)

I'm not soapped on the road,

Root fruits, vegetables,

Got sick and see item

Medical ...

What should I do?

What do i do?

It is urgent to call

Must know you and he

In this place ... (phone)

Here fork, here spoon

profy a little

focused and dog

say thank you sign (power point)

Leading: Next Competition - "Automuli"

Guys, you remember how my mother read and told you fairy tales? Remember? Let's remember some of them. So, I will call a fabulous character or literary hero, and you have to call them a means of movement.

1. On what vehicle traveled Crocodile Gene and Cheburashka? (a train)

2. What did Emelya rode for the king to the palace (on the stove)

3. Favorite two-wheeled type of transport of Cota Leopold? (bicycle)

4. What turned the good fairy pumpkin for Cinderella? (in the carriage)

5. Name the vehicle, which managed Baba Yaga. (stupa, broom)

6. What means of movement was the Robber Ali Baba? (horse)

(Teams are outstanding tokens)

7. What did the old man hottabych fly? (on the carpet-plane)

8. What kind of gift did the parents of Uncle Fedor postman Pechekin? (bicycle)

9. What greased Carlson jam, who lives on the roof? (His Motor)

10. What did the Baron Münhhausen fly? (On the kernel)

11. What did Kai rode? (Sledging)

Leading: Next contest - "Collect the car"

Each team receives an envelope with a "disassembled machine" (puzzles). The team wins the team that will gather the car first.

Leading : Next competition - "Who is faster"

Competition for the speed of passage. Each member of the team needs to "drive" the track on with obstacles (from the kegle) on a toy car.

Leading: Next Competition - "Auto Riddles»

1. Standing Calancha

Whistle Brencha

The eyes flashing

Dear manages.

(Traffic light)

2. In two rows of the house stand,

Ten, twenty, one hundred in a row.

And square eyes

Munch at each other.

3. does not fly, not buzzing,

Beetle on the street runs.

And burn in the eyes of the beetle

Two shiny lights.


4. Small, remote,

Loudly shouts.


5. Okoyed Stone Belt

Hundreds of cities and villages.

6. From the house begins,

At home and ends.

7. It is worried and shoots

Grumbling patter.

I will not get sick to the tram

Behind this tarantor.


8. Spokesmith behind the window,

Knock, and ringing, and cattle.

On direct steel tracks

Going red houses.


9. I am at any time of the year

And in any bad weather

Very fast per hour any

Conduct you underground.

10. House on the street goes,

We are lucky on the tour.

Not on kurichy thin legs

And in rubber boots.


11. That round they are forbidden,

Then triangles and warn us,

Then we prescribe

How to behave

And what awaits us along the way.

12. Strange Zebra:

Does not eat and does not drink

But without drinking and eating will not die.


13. That's on the pavement

ROSE, Slim Wine.

Revolves, turns his head

All passersby says:

The way is open now for you.


14. run with two legs,

While sits on me rides.

My horns in his hands,

And the speed in his legs.

I'm only stable on the run,

I can not stand still.


15. I want to ask about the sign.

The sign is drawn like this:

In the triangle guys

From all legs run somewhere.

16. Miracle wand, she

Everyone is familiar, everyone is visible.

Day noticeable, and in the evening

From the inside is illuminated.

(Wand adjustment)

17. Here are four brothers

On a nailed road,

But they are not the legs at all.

Never break up

Two trails behind them go.

18. We went home from school,

We see a sign on the pavement:

Circle inside the bike

There is nothing else!

("Bicycle lane")

19. Four legs

Put on boots.

Before wearing,

He became a pump to inflate them.

20. In the blue circle pedestrian

It is not in a hurry, goes.

Track safe,

It's not scary here.


21. Here is a circle with a red rod,

And inside the pattern is not.

Maybe girls beautiful

Should be inside a portrait?

Circle empty in winter and summer,

How is this sign called this?

("Movement Prohibition")

22. Wears a trunk, not an elephant.

But an elephant is stronger.

Hundreds of hands it replaces.

Without shovel, but digging.


23. There will be a garden -

The sign knows about it.

If there is a shovel,

You always wait there, guys!

("Road works")

Leading: Well, the last contest of our program - "Cutting sign"

Each command is offered an envelope in which the dried road sign is located. Commands must draw up a road sign and call EO. The team wins the team that will gather the sign faster. (any road sign.)

Winner's reward ceremony.

Leading : Congratulations to our participants and wish you always and everywhere to be friendly, active, attentive, smart.

Song "Green Light" performed by V. Leontiev

This game is designed for carrying out in the summer camp.

Game program according to the rules of the road for junior schoolchildren "Merry Crossroads"

Goals and objectives: to develop in children the skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads; contribute to mastering the rules of road traffic and knowledge of road signs; Relieve attention, the skills of the conscious use of knowledge of the rules of the road in everyday life.

Equipment: Road signs, light, pictures. Participants of the game: Two teams of junior detachments.

Plan games

1. Quiz "Green Spark".

2. The game "Three light of the traffic light."

3. The game of attention "Red, Yellow, Green".

4. The game is "permitted-forbidden."

5. The game "Pick up signs".

6. Game "Drawing Signs".

7. Game "Collect signs."

8. Game "Collect pictures."

9. Role-playing games.

10. Merry relay.

Stroke Game

I. Introductory word.

Leading. Hello guys! Today we will talk to you about the rules of the road and road signs, play games.

Guys, the law of streets and roads, which is called "Road Rules", strict. He does not forgive, if a pedestrian walks down the street and he will do not comply with the rules. But this law is very kind: he guards people from a terrible misfortune, protects their lives. Therefore, only constant compliance with the rules allows us to confidently move the streets.

All you know well that road signs are very important and needed. Without them it would be simply impossible to move.

(Song sounds about road signs)

II. Gaming tasks.

Leading. So, we start the game. Two teams are invited to participate in it.

1. Quiz "Green Spark".

What is the name of the walkway for pedestrians?

How to go on the sidewalk?

What does the red, yellow, green traffic light signal mean?

Where can I go around the street?

What should be done before starting moving the street?

Where on the carriage part can you wait for the flow of cars?

Is it possible to play on the pavement?

Where can I ride a bike?

Show traffic signs that are allowed and forbidding bike.

2. The game "Three light of the traffic light."

The teams are distributed homemade light lights.

Leading. Do you know how to execute traffic commands?

Children: We know! We know!

Leading. Now I will check how you know. I will read you poems from the "ABC security" of Oleg Bedaleva, and you light the right light on your light lights.

(The presenter shows how to signal a light-timer light)

Attention! I start:

There are traffic lights,

Commend to them without dispute.

Burlit in the movement of the pavement -

Run cars, hurry trams.

Tell me the correct answer:

What is the light for pedestrians?

(Participants show red light on their light lights)

Right! Red light tells us:

Pave! Dangerous! The way is closed!


Signal wait for motion.

Tell me the correct answer:

What is the light burning?

(Participants show yellow light on light lights)

Right! Yellow light - warning!

Wait for the signal for moving.

Walk straight! You know order

On the pavement you will not suffer.

Tell me the correct answer:

What is the light for pedestrians?

(Participants show green light on their light lights)

Right! The green light opened the road:

Moving guys can.

At the conclusion of the game, the presenter learns poems with the audience about traffic lights:

Red light tells us:

Pave! Dangerous! The way is closed!

Yellow light - warning!

Wait for the signal for moving.

The green light opened the road:

Moving guys can.

3. The game of attention "Red, Yellow, Green".

Description. If the presenter shows a red circle, the children clap into his hands, yellow circles - do not move, green circles are hung with legs.

4. The game is "permitted-forbidden."

Play on the pavement ... (prohibited!)

Transition of the street with a green light of the traffic light ... (permitted!)

Going along the street before the coming transport ... (prohibited!)

Walk the crowd to the sidewalk ... (permitted!)

Transition of the street in the underpass ... (permitted!)

Go on the highway on the side of the right ... (prohibited!)

Take the street with the red light of the traffic light ... (prohibited!)

Turn the street with the yellow light of the traffic light ... (prohibited!)

Help the old men and the old women move the street ... (permitted!)

Cyclists cling to passing cars ... (prohibited!)

Walking around the sidewalk transport in front ... (prohibited!)

Go on the sidewalk on the left ... (prohibited!)

Logging on the roadway ... (prohibited!)

Ride a bike without holding the steering wheel ... (prohibited!)

Watch the stream of cars on the "island of security" ... (permitted!)

Leading. And this is not the rules of movement, but the rules of respectful relationship between pedestrians, passengers and drivers.

Pull girls for pigtails ... (prohibited!)

Chat and loud laugh in transport ... (prohibited!)

Respect the rules of movement ... (permitted!)

5. The game "Pick up signs".

Each team gets the same number of cards mixed with each other. The team wins the team that faster and correctly will select their name to signs. For example, to the sign on which the red circle is depicted with a white stripe is "entry is prohibited", to a white triangle with red border and silhouettes of traveling children - "Children".

Selected "couples" are fasten with stationery clips so that on the one side there is a drawing, and on the other hand.

6. Game "Drawing Signs".

Playing is offered for a certain time to draw marks of road signs.

The team that correctly draws a larger number of signs for the specified time is wins.

You can offer the guys to draw signs from one for a certain time, and even better from two groups (for example, warning and prohibiting or prescribing and informational-indexed)

7. Game "Collect signs."

From the teams are invited by 3 people who collect the road sign cut into part.

8. Game "Collect pictures."

The guys collect cut into parts and determine which road rules were broken by fabulous heroes.

9. Game "Road Tasks".

Task 1.

In the figure, an unregulated intersection: without traffic light, without the traffic police inspector. On one sidewalk there is a boy. On the other - the Kiosk "Ice Cream". On the road part of the street on the right and left - the bus and truck. Help the boy safely go through the street to buy ice cream.

Task 2.

Look at the drawing and tell me how the way the girl and the boy should go to meet the newspaper kiosk.

Answer: The boy calmly goes the street - a green traffic light is burning for it. The girl stops on the edge of the sidewalk, as the red light burns for it, and will wait until the green signal appears.

10. Merry relay.

1) ATTENTION: Children become in a circle, two leading, children are dropped by mugs of red, green and yellow colors. At the team, children should find their leaders.

2) Collect signs warning, prohibiting signs.

3) relay of car drivers.

III. Summarizing.

Objectives of the teacher's activities: actualization of knowledge according to the rules of the road; Education of cultural behavior on the streets and roads.


A poster depicting an ancient traffic light in the form of a cliff with a "cut" window and sheets of colored paper: yellow-brown, red-black and black, black and blue - or white;

9 balls (3 red, yellow, green) for the game "Air traffic light";

Traffic light with plastic windows on the sheet of Watman, flashlight for the game "What does each color tell us? And how we listen to the Council ";

Two sets of 8 bands from cardboard (4 black, 4 white) for the "Zebryat" contest;

Balloons of yellow, green, red colors for final dance.

Gaming program course

This event can hold students of 5-8 grades for first-graders of their school or senior preschoolers, training boarding schools, pupils of the orphanage as a shepherd assistance.

Leading. Guys, we live in a big big world. All this world lives according to the rules. They are very, very much, but today we will remember the special rules: the rules of the road. Without them, we can not do. Are there those who have never changed the road among you? Not. Therefore, the rules are very necessary!

In the long-standing time, when there were no homes, no cars, no streets, no roads, people lived in the caves and there was no question in front of them: "Go - not to move the road?", And "go out or get out of the cave? " The primitive traffic light was a window in a cave. (A poster with a drawn rock is hung in which one window is "worn". In the course of the story, colored paper sheets are attached to the window: first - yellow-brown, then - red-black and black, then black, the last color is blue or White.) If such a color loomel in the window, then people knew that there was a predatory lizard next to food, if another color, then, most likely, the saber-toothed tiger granted, the predatory Panther wanders near ... It is dangerous! And when a sunny light appeared with a piece of blue sky, it's not dangerous from the cave! This very first traffic light pointer. He was improved by centuries and at the present stage looks like that you see it on the streets.

Guys, you all saw traffic lights and know what he looks like a three-storey house with lights. On each floor there is one color: red, yellow and green. And you remember what color on what floor lives? Now check!

The game "Air Lightfor".

Two (three, four) groups of three people are invited to participate. Each group gets three balloons (red, yellow and green). At the command, players must fold the traffic light, placing the balls vertically in accordance with the location in traffic lights. At the same time, each child has one ball. The group will defeat the traffic light quickly. With this task, children coped easily and quickly. Then the task is complicated, other participants are invited: the traffic lights collect non-three teams, but from two. And with this task, the team copes. The task is once again complicated: individual participants who must be folded from three balls are invited. The presenter may offer participants to the order of folding (one ball is clamped between the knees, the other is pressed to the stomach, the third go overhead, or all three balls hold in their hands, placing them vertically in front of them, or all three balls hold in their hands, but they have behind the back) , Or offer improvise. To fold the traffic lights alone difficult, but fun.

Leading. What floor what floor lives, you guys know, do you know perfectly, but do you know what everyone says to us?

The game "What does every color tell us? And how we listen to the Council. "

The presenter is suitable with a flashlight to the image of a traffic light, which is drawn on a sheet of watman. Three windows are cut and sealed with a plastic film of green, yellow and red colors (you can use binding covers that are sold in office equipment stores). In the course of the game, the presenter substitutes the included flashlight to the desired color, it creates an imitation of a working traffic light. If the red light comes on, the audience shouts together: "Stop!", If yellow is clapped into your hands, and if green is hung on your feet.

Leading. Guys, all you know the rules of the road. Do you keep them? Do your friends observe? And you notice who in the streets observes the rules of the road, and who is not? Let's find out!

The game "What is good, what is bad."

The lead reads poems, and the audience assess the behavior of the heroes: if they come correctly ("good"), then they clap their hands, and if it is wrong ("bad"), then they threaten their finger.

Poems options:

1. Even if there are no cars,

Olya is waiting for the green light.

2. On the road jeep looming,

And the ball is fun so jumps ...

Sasha with Misha played,

And on the road were ...

3. Where wants, the cat walks there,

And not where the transition ...

4. Borea friend saw

Across the road ran ...

5. Light came out of the tram,

He came from behind ...

And Sasha knows: ahead

Tram always you do!

6. Petya Rules Everyone knows

And, of course, keeps out!

7. Know all the guys at school:

The transition is only where there is a "zebryat".

Leading. Now let's remember how a pedestrian crossing is a striped track. And right here we will build two pedestrian crossings.

Competition "Zebryat".

Two teams on 6 or 8 people are invited to participate in the competition. Each team gets a set of strips of black and white colors. Participants should divide on all strips (each one) and on the team to start "construction of the transition" by one of the proposed methods: participants have a strip vertically in front of them and line up in one line or "build a transition" vertically, having a strip horizontally common web. The second way is much more complicated.

The game can be conducted twice with different teams using both ways to build Zebra.

Final dance.

Common dance: Each child gets a balloon, and a group dance with a ball on the principle of "Who What Most" is performed to the music.