Tips for completing quests in reality. Where to find the best Get Out of the Room quests and how to successfully complete them. If, before completing the quest in reality, you were warned that some items with a special designation would not be useful for solving

Don't leave the room, don't make a mistake ...

(Joseph Brodsky)

Thursday 26 March thanks spbblog I was able to get on testing a new quest from "Rabbit Hole" - "Diminutive machine".

I will share my experience. What is it like to finally "leave the room", what is the meaning of the quest in reality and how to set your personal best!

In reality, the quest is new entertainment for Russia, but it has already become so popular that it would even be strange to explain what it is. The idea is simple: who of us would not like to feel like a hero of a book, a movie, or just an adventurer saving himself or the world? It's time to finally physically "leave the room" in which you live and try something new. For example, "leave the room" with the help of the brain. Thinking, after all, must also be trained!

I went through the quest for the first time and in the company of people I did not know, but the sensations were unforgettable. The travel time can hardly be boasted - as much as 54 minutes, and there were a couple of tips, to be honest, there were. But the quest is well done. We did not notice any special "blunders" and illogical moments, the staff is friendly, the cookies are delicious. In general, everything is as it should be. The entourage is quite original - the heroes of the quest are invited to feel like "little" people on the desk of the would-be scientist. And I must say, "growing big" was not so easy!

So how not to be blunt on the quest, go through it without prompts and meet the minimum time?

1. Choose the quest "within your power". Almost all companies have a gradation of the difficulty level of quests. Who are you: beginner, specialist, pro?

2. Be careful. All the details are important, even those that seem unimportant to you at first.

3. Do not dwell on one riddle if you cannot solve it. Just digress and look around - as they say, "the truth is somewhere nearby"!

4. Divide. It is no coincidence that there are several people in the team. While you are sitting and the five of you are thinking "what is this master key for" time goes on.

5. Don't overcomplicate. Any quest is made so that it would be possible to complete it in an hour. Everything is quite simple and you will need Google, a large Soviet encyclopedia and deep knowledge of anything.

6. The logic of any quest is the search for the illogical. Yes Yes exactly! Look around: what's out of place? Move this to where it should be, and most likely get closer to the answer.

7. Don't be nervous. Yes, you are limited in time, but this is not a reason to panic. Because it takes time to panic too. Such is the "vicious circle".

8. Do not forget that you are on vacation, not on an exam. Don't take what is happening too seriously!

9. Do not use force. Tighten the muscles of the brain, but not the arms. If "this thing doesn't fit in", then it just shouldn't fit in there. Elementary Watson!

10. Don't think that you are the smartest. Alas and ah, but if you completed your first quest too quickly, then, most likely, it is simply poorly written. According to statistics, only 10% manage to get out of the first seen room of a well-written quest!

Hello reader of Lifehacker. Today I want to play a little game with you to tell you about the increasingly popular format of recreation - quests in reality, as well as how to increase your chances of winning in these exciting games.

We all love thrillers, riddles, mysteries, investigations. When watching such a movie or reading a book, you simply merge with the heroes of the narrative, empathize with them as if you yourself are in their place. Actually, the games of the series "Get out of the room" just give us the opportunity to become the heroes of a detective story in reality, in the allotted time to solve tricky riddles, puzzles and puzzles scattered in the confined space of the room, find the key and end the game as the winner.

Companies organizing such quests can be found in almost all cities. Even in our provincial Ulyanovsk, you can go through two scenarios. Unfortunately, the quality of elaboration and execution of local scripts leaves much to be desired. But in the capital, you can already enjoy dozens of top-end quests from the most experienced international teams of architects who have collected the best scenarios from around the world in one space.

Let's say right away: professionally created quests are of increased complexity. At best, 10% of people manage to leave the room they see for the first time, and sometimes the number of winners is limited to only 2%. If you don’t believe it, it means that you simply didn’t have a chance to participate in really high-quality tests.

We will tell you about where to find such challenges below, and now we offer you some relevant tips that will help you prepare for the next quest in reality and successfully complete it.

  1. Do what you do best. Take the time to ask your partners about the things they tend to do well. For example, I have one friend. He's just Sherlock, a master of logic. Another is great at solving puzzles and good at math. Each person has their own talents, and these talents must be taken into account when assigning roles. Let the one who loves to solve them and ate a dozen dogs with riddles and puzzles, but the search for clues must be puzzled by an attentive person, with good instinct and logic.
  2. Don't play conspiracy theorists. Remember, this is a game of timing and no scriptwriter will use dozens of incredibly difficult puzzles. In fact, everything is in front of your eyes and pretty consistent. If you notice that your reasoning has gone far beyond the room in which you are, then know that you have gone astray.
  3. Attention to detail and naturalness. If you ask any screenwriter about the easiest way to find a clue, they will tell you: "Notice unnatural things." As soon as you learn a simple analysis of the environment for the meaningfulness of the presence of this or that subject in it, the decisions will be by themselves.
  4. Don't get hung up on time. If you don’t free your brain from constant worries about the passing minutes, you will not be able to focus on solving riddles.
  5. Team spirit and humor. A little laughter and the support of your comrades is the best way to restore the spirit and desire to fight desperate companions. And don't be too serious. After all, quests in reality are primarily about relaxation, and it is rather stupid to get upset about an uncompromising room. The second time it will work out for sure, and there are still a bunch of other scenarios.

Where can you find the coolest scripts? Back in 2007, for quality sensations, I would have to fly to the town of Kyoto in Japan. This place is considered the cradle of this genre of games. Over time, high-quality scripts have appeared all over the world, but experienced connoisseurs will advise you to go to Budapest and Beijing. There you can complete over 100 different quests without having to spend time traveling from one entertainment center to another.

Now top quests are available in Moscow. The industry's oldest team of architects ExitGames, which built the very first escape rooms and created more than 1,000 scenarios, opened the ExitGames Russia division and brought 22 of the best stories from all playgrounds in the world to our capital.

The difficulty of testing them is really high, but the quality of execution and elaboration is absolutely out of reach for any local amateur organizer.

Solve the secret of a prisoner who found a way to escape from a cell in a maximum security prison.

Experience the shoes of a restorer trying to unravel the secrets of ancient relics using modern technology.

Get to the bottom of the main secret of the room where the nerd sister and her crazy brother live.

Find out the secrets hidden by an ordinary, at first glance, office of an ordinary Russian company.

Cool? And this is just what is open now. More and more new scenarios appear in the announcements, the editing of which will end in the near future.

About prices. There is no cheat for the brand. A day visit will cost 2,000 rubles, and evening games cost 3,500 rubles per room, which can accommodate from one to eight people.

If there is no experience in completing quests in reality, and going straight into battle without preparation is somehow creepy, then you should start with the online version of the script on the ExitGames website. In fact, this is an emulator of a real scenario, which gives a general idea of ​​what you will have to face in the room. It makes sense to pass it also because for the successful completion of the virtual quest they give a 10% discount on the ticket and a few extra minutes in the real room.

You can take a break from work and simply diversify your leisure time with the help of games. And if some choose passive rest in front of a computer monitor, others take part in active games with pleasure. We propose to talk about what a quest is and why active people of different ages choose it so often.

Quest - what is it?

Not all modern young people and adolescents know about the quest - what kind of game it is. Quest or adventure game is usually called one of the main genres of computer games. These games are an interactive story with a player-controlled protagonist. The important elements here are the storytelling and, in fact, the survey of the world. The key role in the game is assigned to solving problems and various puzzles. All of them require mental effort from each player.

What is a quest room?

Many amateurs know that a quest room is a room where an interesting and, as a rule, very exciting game takes place, in which there is a certain plot. Such a quest room is not just a game that is based on thinking. Here, each player will be faced with a difficult choice, show ingenuity, learn how to correctly coordinate their own movements, use dexterity and logic. Scenarios for passing such quest rooms can be very diverse. Moreover, each participant can choose or order a task corresponding to his life rhythm.

The purpose of the quest

Everyone who knows what a quest is are often interested in what is the purpose of such an active pastime. Why do people of different ages play these games, what is interesting about completing quests? Such games help a person:

  • become more attentive;
  • develop logic;
  • improve coordination of movements;
  • become smarter and smarter;
  • gain new knowledge.

Types of quests

There are different types of quests:

  1. Escape room- is a classic loved by many fans. The main task here is to get out of the closed room. To this end, the team will have to solve all sorts of puzzles and find solutions to even the most seemingly non-standard situations.
  2. Performance- one of the most unusual and enticing types of quest. The game consists in the fact that you need to find a way out by solving many different problems, either. However, here each participant gets his role (main), and the secondary roles are played by trained actors.
  3. Quests in reality("Live quest") - a special scenario is assumed here, which should be played using the step-by-step completion of tasks. It is important to try to repeat a specific scenario.
  4. Morpheus- is an unreality quest that takes place in the imagination. Here, the quest technology is not easy. Each participant is blindfolded, which forces the person to use other senses. So, the team must complete all tasks assigned to it.
  5. Sports quest- this view will appeal to everyone who loves physical activity. Among the tasks the team will have are those where they will have to use the muscles.

Quest ideas

The simplest in terms of the level of training can be called the questions in the notes. There are very interesting and unusual ideas for the quest:

  1. Puzzles and different charades. Here you can use pictures, numbers, letters, punctuation marks, which, if interpreted correctly, can give hints about the further route of movement.
  2. The use of flowers of a certain type, or, alternatively, the traces of an animal. In such forms, tasks for a children's quest are often done.
  3. Written tips on paper with melted wax. You can find out the answer by painting over a leaf with multi-colored pencils.
  4. The use of digital encryption of words. So, instead of each letter, you can write its ordinal number in the alphabet. The clue is guessed or won in the previous step.

How to complete quests?

Before starting the game, beginners may have fears and they ask experienced players how to complete the quest. In fact, completing the quest is not very difficult. You need to remember the basic rules:

  1. It is important to understand that others have gone through this quest before you, which means that this task has a solution.
  2. Take your time to read the description of the quest. No need to skip dialogues with an uncontrollable player. In this genre, all dialogues and hints are an integral part of the game.
  3. When playing the English version, you need to make sure that everything is translated and understood correctly. Don't hesitate to use online translators.
  4. Some quests are multi-stage and many characters take part in them. For this reason, it is important to keep a notebook handy and write down all relevant information. It may be that at the end of the quest you will be asked questions, the answers to which were at the very beginning of the game.

A relatively new type of leisure activity - quests in reality in Minsk - have thoroughly taken root in the entertainment sector. Many already have solid experience in passing them, but many people have never even been to the quest rooms. Of course, it is better to see once (in the case of quests - try) than to hear 100 times. But we will still provide a list of useful tips for passing quests in reality, which were compiled by seasoned quest fans.

    Do not panic. If you have chosen a very good quest, have already completely got used to it, and everything that happens really scares you, do not forget that this is just a kind of game that you can stop at any time. Maniac- a very good actor, the chains are real, but they can be removed at your request, and huge labyrinths, it turns out, are located in medium-sized rooms.

  1. Be extremely careful. Even an object of no interest in the first room can be the key to freedom in the other.

  2. However, don't get hung up on a specific subject. Indeed, in the room, in addition to the necessary "keys", there may be absolutely useless objects, the purpose of which- divert your attention. If you cannot determine the purpose of the object in a short time, then it is better to put it aside, if in the future it will be useful to you, just return to it.

    Play together, and do not try to get ahead of everyone. Better to help each other. Indeed, in many quests you can solve riddles in parallel. Often, storylines branch out, and solving one player's storyline depends on successfully solving another player's storyline. Sometimes a successful exit from a room can only be accomplished with the participation of all the players on the team. In a literal sense: only when all participants gather near the door and use physical force.

  3. In good quests there will be no repetitive tasks, and therefore no solutions of the same type. And never in a quest several riddles are opened with one key. So if you have already used any object to solve the puzzle, you can safely leave it.

  4. If, before completing the quest in reality, you were warned that some items with a special designation would not be useful for solving tasks, then believe me, it is. You will not be deceived. Do not unscrew cabinets from the walls and spin around the outlet, thinking that you will outwit everyone.

These are very simple and logical rules that, perhaps, you yourself would have noticed by playing such interactive games several times. They will help you save time and successfully complete the quest.

We invite you to test your abilities and invite you to pass horror quest in Minsk "Oblivion"... And always remember rule # 1: don't panic :)

Today you don't need to puzzle over what to do in your free time. Various companies offer quite a variety of quests, the popularity of which is increasing every day. After all, these are incredible adventures, during the passage of which you can experience a lot of positive emotions and get real pleasure. So what does a quest mean in simple terms?


What is a Quest?

Quest (from the English "quest" - challenge, search, adventure) Is an intellectual type of game entertainment, during which the participants need to overcome a number of obstacles, solve certain problems, solve logical riddles, cope with the difficulties that arise on their way in order to achieve a common goal. An analogue of the quest is the well-known TV show "Fort Boyard".

The very first options for such entertainment were computer games, consisting of many levels, where, living a virtual life, the player overcame a series of obstacles to obtain a conditional "treasure" or to defeat a virtual enemy. The first real escape rooms appeared in Japan and China in 2007. At the same time, they began to appear in Europe, and after a few years they began to gain popularity in Russia and filled the entire post-Soviet space.

The meaning of the term in games

Quest in a computer game- this is an online task in which the player, performing a certain role, according to a given plot, interacts with the virtual world using different objects to achieve the game goal. The hero performs the following actions in the game:

  • communicates with other characters in the game;
  • solves logical problems;
  • defeats enemies;
  • gets to a certain place;
  • reaches the next level;
  • looks for certain objects and with their help solves puzzles and opens doors to go from one room to another.

The result of passing a certain level in the game and the whole game is getting experience, virtual money, some things, weapons, etc.

P.S. Remember only this "favorite quest" (picture above) from the game The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine. And anger and laughter, oh, this one.

What are quests in reality?

This is a chain of riddles and puzzles that are located in a certain territory. This can be a small location, an apartment of several rooms, parks, large abandoned buildings, or an area on the scale of an entire city. In the latter case, the participants go through the tasks using bicycles or cars, because it is very difficult to walk around the whole city in a day.

The purpose of passing quests in reality is: using various clues, solving puzzles, overcoming obstacles, find a way out of the room (escape room).

Quest formats in real life:

  • the plot of a film or book;
  • an invented legend;
  • historical or popular plot of an event;
  • performances are quests in which live actors come to the aid of the participants, where the players become part of the performance, production.

Age range of quest participants:

Time for completing quests: as a rule, you need to complete it in 60 minutes, with the exception of city-wide quests, where you need to complete tasks throughout the day.

Quest completion results:

They did not invest in the given time - they lost (they died, they could not prevent the seizure of the world by the forces of evil, fell into a trap, into the hands of law enforcement agencies, did not save the princess, etc.);

Have time - won (as a keepsake you can take a picture with a sign in your hands indicating the cherished time for completing the quest, get mementos - souvenirs, magnets, calendars, stickers, etc.).

Number of participants: from one to 4-5 people, it is necessary to check with the operator in advance.

Why do people participate in quests:

  • as an interesting pastime;
  • to escape from real everyday life and plunge into a fabulous atmosphere;
  • for the development of intellectual abilities;
  • in order to test your strength in the face of clear tasks and a tough deadline;
  • in order to look at your friends in an unfamiliar environment and get to know them from the other side;
  • to feel like a superhero saving the world;
  • to tickle your nerves;
  • to reveal hidden abilities and talents;
  • for team building;
  • to get a lot of impressions for a month in advance;
  • to have fun.

The main requirement is that all gadgets (phones, smartphones, tablets) will have to be left outside the escape room in order to participate in interesting adventures with guessing riddles, puzzles, solving mysteries and finding hiding places. The only thing you can take with you is ingenuity, dexterity, courage, courage, analytical skills and logic. In the modern world, spending a whole hour alone with yourself without using digital technologies is an unaffordable luxury and is worth a lot.

To date, there are a lot of quest scenarios.

How to choose a really worthwhile offer:

Important! A quest is entertainment, so you don't need to take everything that happens in it to heart, get upset in case of a loss, quarrel with friends if something doesn't work out for them, be afraid, get nervous and complicate everything. You just need to enjoy the process and the atmosphere. And then the final main goal of participating in the quest - getting a lot of positive emotions - will be achieved!