Tests for girls 8 years. Game tests. Games Tests for Entertainment

Do you want to know at what age will you be when you marry? Will you be young and open, or old and wise people? Complete our test to find out how much you will be, when you get married!

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A modern girl is a child who, often, is developed not by year. She asks adult questions, experiencing the first strong feelings to the opposite sex, manifests an interest not only to the world around her, but also has a lot of questions to itself. Tests for girls who offers online playground club Mommy - this is an excellent opportunity to find answers to many of them, it is better to understand yourself and build a harmonious relationship with those who are near.

What to expect from tests for girls

At the end of the elementary school, the girls fall into a more adult world, with increased demands and the need to comply with them both in the educational process and in building personal relationships. During this period, it is important to show tact and attention, more to give a child of time, more often to say that it is disturbing, to give useful tips. But not always this attention gives the girl answers to the questions she should get, based only on his worldview.

In order not to be in a dead end in solving children's problems, allowing painlessly adapted to events causing various kinds of psychological discomfort, advise the child to take advantage of the selection of tests for the young lady, who prepared the portal club Mommy.

Tests for girls online is a mini-test, they will not only entertain the baby, but also allow her to know themselves better, satisfying, finally internally curiosity, decide on their desires and abilities. The selection of questions allow you to reveal hidden or vice versa, dominant, character traits, understand what needs to be corrected to get along not only with you, but also with other children and adults. Tests will help get new knowledge and take the optimal solution when choosing a sports section or a mug of interest.

There are several categories of test tasks that can be divided into questionnaires (question-answer) and psychological, where the girl answers "yes" or "no", and the result depends on the counting of final points. On the site Mommy club you will find tests for girls:

  • for profession;
  • on the ability;
  • to the choice of a boy and others.

Allow your daughter to solve the mystery in yourself, get rid of the complexes, find confidence, and at the same time and learn to show the best qualities, to achieve success in school and build relationships with peers.

This section contains tests for girls 10-12-13 years.
Who are you flower, heavenly body, animal, a fabulous hero - on these and similar questions are answered free online tests for girls. Especially girls love to ask such questions, and play in finding the answers of simple tests. It is always pleasant to know that you are compared with the favorite heroine of the series, a cute kitty or historical person. In fact, whatever the option does not fall, he is definitely flattered, talking about attractive character traits. However, it is still interesting to pass tests at the same time, as well as share results with friends.

Test on the fairy tales of Pushkin. Game for girls and girls! "Test on Pushkin's fairy tales" is a wonderful game dedicated to the fairy tales of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. This test - the game will allow you to demonstrate how well you know and love his work. On the game screen you will show offers from his fairy tales in Russian. They will not get one word in them. The text will be depicted pictures. To remember the right word, you will have to take advantage of one of these pictures. If the picture is shown correctly, it first marks the check mark and turns into a blue color, and then completely disappear. Good luck!

Test: What a princess you are on the ball Muscarade. Game for girls and girls! Test What a princess you are on the ball Muscarade - a game for girls and girls in Russian. Fantasize? Girls, imagine, you are young princesses and today for the first time go to the Masquerade Ball. Not in the trouser suit or in a conventional elegant dress go there?! Participants of such actions are usually masquerade in masks and fantastic costumes. In this case, it is time to first look at how the Disney princess looked at the Muscarad Ball. Good luck!

Test: Can you make friends with chipmunks. Game for girls and girls! Test: Can you make friends with the chipmunks - a test game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, remember the funny story of Alvina and his chips, in which it is also about the composer Daeva. So, for some time, the life of the composer turned into a solid black strip. So it was until he met the Trinity of Singing Chipmunks - Alvina, Simon and Theodore. Girls, and you would like to make friends with such glorious chipmunks. Becoming their friends is easy. To do this, you just need to go through this test and demonstrate your knowledge about their lives. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Test: Can you make friends with a bug

The most delicious test. Game for girls and girls! The most delicious test is a cool test game for girls in Russian. Girls, in this game you have a chance to have lunch (of course virtually) with heroes from the famous TV shows - dangerous Henry, Phoebe and Max Sundermen, School of Rock, Irrodeli, Nikki, Ricky, Dicky and Don. The rules of the game are all the same. Take the question - choose the answer. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Test: Who are you from the cold adventure of Olaf?. Game for girls and girls! "Test: Who are you from the cold adventure of Olaf?" - Test game for girls in Russian. Before you go through this test, you, girls, you need to remember what you are talking about in the cartoon "Cold Adventure Olaf?" Christmas in the kingdom of Erendel came Christmas. For a long time, unhappiness, which by negligence arranged Princess Elsa, in Erendel, many traditions associated with this beautiful holiday were lost. The disadvantage of the princesses Elsa and Anna did not have a limit. Olaf, having learned about this, the company with a deer Sven is sent to search for traditions. It was not easy for him to go on the way. But Olaf, and with him and Sven, to help your favorite princesses, overwhelmed rains, fires, winds and not even frightened monsters. And now, about the test. Girls, as you think: Which of the heroes of this cartoon are you like (by nature and your actions) - on Elza, Anna or Olaf?

Test: Who are you from the cold adventure of Olaf

Test: You are a princess or villain. Game for girls and girls! Test: You are a princess or villainage - a game for girls and girls in Russian. As you know, there are positive characters among Disney heroes - princesses and negative - villains. And you, girls. Would you like to know who you are like? Of course, not literally, but only in nature. If yes, then\u003e for you. Play the mouse.

Test: Which of the Disney Princesses belongs. Game for girls and girls! Test: Which of the Disney Princess belongs to the room - a game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls to solve this test puzzle You will need to carefully look at each room drawing. The details found their interior will serve you. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Test: Which of the Disney Princesses belongs

Test: How well you know the multiplication classic Disney. Game for girls and girls! Test: How well do you know the Disney cartoon classic - the best test game for girls in Russian. Disney cartoons for many years have not cease to surprise and admire us - adults and children - their quality and content. Girls, want to experience yourself, on knowledge of the multiplication classics of Disney? Then this test is for you. Answer his questions and get the game. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Test: How good you know animation

Test: Who are you from Korolen Municipality in the cartoon "Star Princess and Evil Force". Game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from Korolen Municipality in the cartoon "Star princess and power of evil" - a test game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, remember the main character of this cartoon - a 14-year-old princess named Batterfly asterian, lived in a different dimension called Municipality. This girl is only the future queen of Munic. At the moment, the asterisk is on earth, where she struggles with dark forces, protecting the magic wand from them, able to put on his knees of the inhabitants of the whole universe. If you remember, in this cartoon there is another future queen - the best girlfriend of asterisks - Princess Ponigolova, given by parents to school for the capricious princesses. From the current Korolev, remember the Mother of the star - Moon (Moon) Butterflay. This brave woman personally fought with an immortal monster and monsters. Undoubtedly, you remember the former Queen's former Queen - Eclipse - who had betrayed his people and escaped with the monsters, but later I helped the Mother of the Batterflue star with spells against her enemy Toffi, who had once killed Moon's mother. So, girls, if you want to identify yourself in one of Korolev, you will have to answer a few questions of this test. Act! Good luck! Play the mouse.

Test: Who are you from Korolen Municipality in Cartoon

Test: What are you the version of Elsa and Anna from the Cold Heart. Game for girls and girls! Test: What version you are the version of Elsa and Anna from the Cold Heart - Test Game for girls in Russian. Girls before proceeding to the passage of this test, familiarize yourself with such concepts about the psychotypes of people, as - introverts, extroverts and ambivattes. The first thing we notice looking at the introverts is that these people in extremely rare situations show their emotions and experiences. They are not comfortable in a large company. They are not comfortable if they are surrounded by strangers. Such a person is even hidden with his friends. But the introvert is always punctual and can serve as a model of organization. The vital energy of the extroverts is directed towards society. Such a person is open to the world and eager to communicate. Extraverats are capable of a rapid manifestation of emotions. Such types of people are hard to transfer loneliness and because of this, they can even fall into depression. But Ambirls are both. together. They equally feel good alone and in the company. They do not tired frequent changes whether in work or in personal life. And now, girls, appreciating the psychotypes Elsa and Anna according to the criteria outlined here, decide which version of the princesses from the cold heart suits you. Good luck!

Test: What is your version of Elsa and Anna from Holo

Test: What Elsa you are. Game for girls and girls! Girls, looking once a magnificent cartoon "Cold Heart", you met with one of his main characters - Princess Elsa, who later became the queen of Erendel. Many of you fell in love with Elsa from the first minutes and would like to be like it. But what Elsa can you be, girls? After all, the queen, like a person, so much different, interesting sides! Is it interesting for you? Then go through this test.

Test: Who are you from the pony mermaid. Game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the pony mermaid - a test game for girls in Russian. Girls, have you already watched a new cartoon about familiar a pony from the magical country of Equestria, which now turned into adorable pony mermaids? Probably, you want to know for whom of them (by character) do you look like? Then answer a few questions of the proposed test and your curiosity will be satisfied. Good luck!

Test: Who are you from the Great Academy. Game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the Great Academy - Test game for girls and girls in Russian. On a huge, bright star Stold live wizards Starling, who are engaged in the execution of New Year's desires of people. To this skill, Starling are studying at a special school - the Greem Academy. Among the students of this school a lot of class characters. And you, girls, would like to know, on whom do you look like? Then answer a few test questions and get the answer. Play the mouse.

Test: What hair color would be in your magic world. Game for girls and girls! Test: What hair color would be in your magic world - a test game for girls in Russian. Girls, if you want to know which hair color would be with you if you were part of the magical world, then this interesting test for you. Play the mouse.

Test: what hair color would be in your ox

Test: What a Spy Winx are you. Game for girls and girls! Test: What a Spy of Winx is a test game for girls in Russian. Girls, you, of course, watched a series of cartoons about Winx spy. They are all so beautiful, smart, brave and resourceful! Probably, you have repeatedly thought about how you were spy, being in the situation of Fay Winx. Solve such a dilemma will help you this test. Only truthfully answer his questions. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Test: Who are you from the magic girlfriends Enchantimals. Game for girls and girls! Girls, remember who Enchantimals are the wizards? This is the heroine of the animated series with the same name. Cute, good wizards Enchantimals are not quite similar to people. In their image there are features of animals. All of them have a common cause - they are the keepers of the forest and its inhabitants. But the characters and abilities they have different. We are confident, many of you are their fans. Girls, want to know who of the magic girlfriends Enchantimals is closest to you in nature? In this case, this test is in Russian for you. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Test: Who are you from the magic girlfriends Enchanti

Test: Who are you from Fay Winx in turning Lovix (Lovix). Game for girls and girls! "Test: Who are you from Fay Winx in turning Lovyx (Lovix)" - a fascinating test game for girls in Russian about the wizards of Winx and about yourself. Girls, as you know, once Fayam Winx needed additional opportunities to fight forgotten terrestrial fairy. Having brave heart and powerful Will Power, Winx Girls were able to pass through the Winter Lyubikov transformation, thanks to which they got protected from cold, snow and other elements. In addition, the strength of all Fay Winx increased due to the acquired frosty magic. But at the same time, each of Fay Winx also received their own, special opportunities. So: Bloom got the strength of the ice flame, the muse - the power of the snowy melody, the flora - the power of the unbridled nature, Stella - the strength of the crystal light, Tekne - the strength of cold breathing, Leila - the strength of the rays of the hail. So, girls, if you want to decide on whom the Winx, the Lovix (Lovix) transformation, you look like, you will need only answer a few questions of this test. Do this and the result will not make you wait long. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Test: Who are you from Fay Winx in transforming

Test: How well, you remember the heroes from the cartoon, Barbie: Academy of Princesses. " Game for girls and girls! Test: How well, you remember the heroes from the cartoon, Barbie: Academy of Princesses "- a game of a test for girls in Russian. Girls, remember the fascinating history of this class cartoon. In it, beauty Barbie plays the role of the girl Blair Willow, who had the honor to learn at the Princess Academy. There, at the Princess Academy, it is found that Blair looks like a missing princess of his kingdom. And it means that she is the heiress of the royal throne. But the royal mentor has its own candidate for this place. This is her niece Stella. Therefore, she tries to prevent the blade with all their might. But Princess Hadli and Ayla are taken to help Blair in search of a real crown. With this crown, the girlfriend prove the authenticity of the blade. Remember this triumph?! Found Corona shone on the head blast! As you already understood, the blast surrounded not only positive heroes. Next to her were those who did not love her. Girls, and you remember well the heroes from the cartoon, Barbie: Academy of Princesses "? Look at their faces on the game screen and remember: who is who. Good luck. Play the mouse.

Test: How good you remember the heroes from

Test: How well do you know cartoons received Oscar. Game for girls and girls! Test: How well do you know cartoons received Oscar - a test game for girls in Russian, for memory. Look carefully on the game screen. There you will see pictures with heroes from the 12th famous cartoons that received a reward of the American Academy of Arts - Oscar in different years. On the screen one after another brief texts will be served. According to their content, it is necessary to guess what cartoon is about. If your answer is correct, the picture from the screen will disappear. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Test: How good you know cartoons floor

Test: who are you from Lolir's cartoon. Game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from Lolir's cartoon - a game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, remember the animated series Loliro? This cartoon about friendship, music, dancing, wonderful main characters - Princesses Ariana, Waist and Iris - opposing evil and saving peace from tyranny. And to find out, on whom you are like your character, you, girls, you just need to answer all the test questions. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Test: Choose a kitten, and we say what kind of girl you are. Game for girls and girls! "Test: Choose a kitten, and we will say what kind of girl you are" - a cool test game in Russian. Cats, like people, good and evil, generous and greedy, smart and stupid, sociable and loners, fidgets and Sony. In general, they are different ... Want to know what kind of cats do you feel? Then in each proposed version simply, choose a kitten, which you will like most. Your choice will appreciate and give you the result. To control the game you need a mouse.

Test: Choose a kitten, and we say what you

Test: What will be your winter patronus. Game for girls and girls! Test: What will be your winter patronus - an interesting test game for girls in Russian. Before moving to the test, you, girls, it will be necessary to remember something about Harry Potter. Since about stories with patronus, we all learned from this film. Patronus is the energy that made the form of an animal, able to scare dementors from a person. And dementors in turn are blind creatures feed on light, joyful emotions of man. Probably, you remember that Harry Potter and his comrades for the detachment of Dumbledore caused a patronus with a special spell. And now, the girls, a little bit in the fantasy and imagine yourself in the fictional world of Harry Potter. You, of course, would like to know who is able to protect you this winter from devenors. To do this, you just need to answer the Questions Test Games - "Test: What will be your winter patronus". Play the mouse.

Test: Do you know the princess Disney by silhouette. Game for girls and girls! Test: Do you know the princess Disney in silhouette - a game for girls in Russian. Girls, carefully looking at the shadow of the princess silhouette on the game screen, name her name. Every time you will have a slight hint. Good luck!

Test: Do you know the princess Disney on si

Test: How much do you look at Rose from the Royal Academy. Game for girls and girls! Test: How much do you like Rose from the Royal Academy - a test game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, hello! Rose girl spent a lot of time wasted. Drinking by shopping, she could spend the last money for all sorts of baubles. Once in the life of Rose there was an amazing event. She received an invitation to study at the Royal Academy. As it turned out, the girl was the granddaughter of Cinderella Princess. The Royal Academy changed Rose for the better. She became no less worthy of Cinderella. And to find out how much you look like Rose, you will need to go through this test. Play the mouse.

Test: How much do you like Rose from Coro

Test: Who are you from the movie Beauty and the Beast. Game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the movie Beauty and the Beast - a game for girls in Russian. Girls, you, of course, watched the film - Beauty and the Beast. And, of course, somehow admired, somehow was indignant. But this cool test game gives you the opportunity to know whether there are those traits in you, for which you can admire you like Bell. Or, on the contrary, refer to itself critically, if you suddenly find the features inherent in the monster. However, do not forget. This is just a game. Play the mouse.

Test: Who are you from the movie Beauty and Monsters

Test: For how well you know the cartoon Monster High: Under voltage. Game for girls and girls! Test: How good you know the cartoon Monster High: Under voltage - a game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, if you watched this most interesting film from the history of the heroes of Monster High, then go through this test for you will be one pleasure. Remember this cool story in which Claudin Wulf will open a beauty salon for monsters and for people on an abandoned power station near the city? So, girls, read the test questions and, remembering the events associated with the electromotive interior, choose the correct answer option. If the answer is really right, it will be high up with green. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Test: how good you know the cartoon

Test: What a dress you should put on the royal cattle. Game for girls and girls! Girls, imagine yourself, whether you were invited to the Royal Ball in Auradon. There you will certainly be to dance a ball dance Cotillon. Ladies, dancing Cotilion, always look exquisitely and luxuriously. Therefore, girls, a dress that you dress on the ball must be suitable for such a case. You will help to cope with this task "Test: what dress you should put on the royal quotion" and the mouse. Good luck!

Test: what dress you should wear on

Test: Who are you from the heroes of Ever After High by the sign of the zodiac. Game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the heroes of Ever After High by the sign of the zodiac - a game for girls and girls in Russian. To find out this, you should walk before your sign of the zodiac. Then simply press the strip button, click to find out. "On the back of the picture, the result will immediately appear. Good luck!

Test: Who are you from the heroes of Ever After High

Test: Who are you from mystricon. Game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from Mystikon - a game for girls in Russian. Girls, and you watched the series about mystikonov, the events of which occur in an unusual town, in which ordinary people and magic creatures live? Once the trouble came here. The sorcerer of Nekrafa hurt the country of mystikon. To withstand her, four brave girls were drunk - Arkana, Zarya, Piper and Em. Do you like some of them? Find out! To do this, you will have to answer a few questions of this test. The mouse will help you. Good luck! .

When the proposal goes to go through the test, it is usually always tempting. After all, they allow you to learn about yourself from the new side, learn about the hidden features of the character and personality as a whole. Tests in psychology, medicine, in sports, intellectual, and which only do not exist. Thanks to them, we can learn about the qualities that are uncertain and unsolved for us. Now pass tests at different thematic areas, you can online, on our website.

Here are tests for both adults and children. Each of them is interesting in its own way, equipped with a pleasant graphics and implies fast passage. Pay 3 minutes and find out a little more about yourself. For example, girls can find out who they could be from Fay Winx. The test consists of simple questions and several options for the response presented in the form of pictures. Such a gameplay is more fascinating and passing it nicer.

Boys and adults can take a test quiz Lord Ring - Millionaire - analogue of the game "Who wants to become a millionaire." Or test your strength in the field of football in the game European football clubs. In addition to the characters of animated series and fairy tales, among which: "Time of adventures", "Cold Heart", "Fixy", "Hannah Montana", etc., there are mental quizzes and tests. For example, crazy mathematics: multiplication where you have to pump the knowledge of the multiplication table.

In short, the choice of tests here is wide. It remains only to find the most interesting for myself and play.

Today in our daily life is quite a big place occupies all sorts of testing. Tests are applied when entering educational institutions and when admission to work.

More and more people resort to psychologists. Indeed, sometimes the simplest questions and answers help to understand what causes of failures and on the contrary, success in studying or career. Yes, and in personal life there are a lot of questions that can be identified and allowed through the simplest testing.

A specialist can draw conclusions and help resolve the problem based on our answers.

All this is much simplified with the beginning of the computer era. With new technologies, testing has become much easier and more interesting. Therefore, we decided to use tests for our games.

After all, it is indisputable much more fun to play any popular test and learn a lot about yourself. Test games are the most diverse and wonderful. They help in a games form to test their own knowledge of favorite TV shows, similarities with cartoon characters. And even to find out compatibility with the beloved by name and the signs of the zodiac.

Gaming tests for every taste will allow our guys to spend time with benefit.

One of the first tests for girls and girls we read in a famous fairy tale. The stepmother poured the plate of millet in a plate with Mac and told Cinderella overnight to go through everything. Cinderella quickly coped with him - True, with the help of ancient. It was a test for accuracy and patience.

We have completely different tests - not tedious. No one claims that they are reliable one hundred percent, but still you can learn from them a lot of interesting things about yourself.

For example, there are tests that will prompt which guy it is suitable for you, to whom you fall in love which flirting is closer to you.
Our love calculators scrupulously, with an accuracy of one percent, will calculate, whether a fan is suitable with such a name or zodiac sign.
Test "What to wear tonight" will give advice on your outfits, and you don't have to break your head. And not only about clothes - other tests will be prompting which hairstyle you are best to wear, what shoes, what a handbag.

Tests for girls free online

Where else to find out the whole truth about yourself, no matter how in our tests for girls! Play and Surprise!