Lost heritage - the passage of the quest in Skyrim. Made Achievement "Journey to the Past" Ghost mows on an unshakable bag

At the very beginning of the game in Ksardas Tower, we speak with Dagot and accept his offer (you can refuse, but in this case the guardian branch will be lost for you forever). So far nothing is clear, some man in the hood asked us some kind of crap to which we consensus, and then disappeared. The second time we will meet Dagota not far from the Black Troll. Namely: from the hunter Grammaldt go to the side of the smelly Lochmata Tarry, go through the bridge and descend down, in front of you will be an innovation statue, make a couple of steps, after which Dagot will appear in front of you. After a long and meaningful conversation, we will appear in the diary 2 tasks.
This quest will hang until the end of the game, so let it be confused.

Adept Circle Keepers
We have to become adept of keeper circle. To do this, you must find them all in turn and perform the task of each. Keepers are:
1. In lowland, near the Innos statue behind the bridge along the way from the Black Troll;
2. Near the entrance to the Zarkdas Tower;
3. On the plateau above the akil farm (tighten on the ledge near Randolf and go to the right; additional benchmarks: a corona plant and a sricor);
4. On the mountain on the right of the hunter of Niklas (there is still a ring +10 to manna);
5. In the gorge on the way to Minental;
6. On the bridge of the Made Fire Monastery;
7. On the way to excavations of the magicians of water near the stone bridge across the river and turning into the mountains;
8. In the near waterfalls on the yard of Benghar (where a lot of schons walks in 1 chapter);
9. At the crossroads of ONRA (where Greg stood);
10. Near the circle of the sun.

In fashion, rebalase keepers appear several pieces to chapter, that is, to go through all the quests in the first second chapter. About the appearance of new keepers tells the hookanker "Abuin Ibn FIG by his understanding I do not remember how further", in general, the guy standing opposite the gallows in Horinis.

Heart of Luciana
Task 1st Keeper
We have to find and kill the ancient Demon of Luciana. Be sure to wear a ring received from Dagota and go to search. The demon will be in the far cave in the Ladter Valley. Near the inputs in the cave will stand Haradrim. He recognizes us along the ring and will offer us the coast of the demon together. Agree. We kill the demon, take his heart and return to Dagot. The quest is completed.
Note: The skill of the mining of hearts for this quest is not needed.

Sacrificial Dar
Task 2nd Guardian
The death of Luciana was glad to Beliar. We have to handle the dark God, bringing him a sacrifice of the soul, once collected by Lucian. To do this, you need to spend the ritual described in the book "Sacrificial Souls", which is in the library of fire magicians. We go to the basement of the monastery. Passage to the library blocks a sprayed tamon. Get weapons and ... just pass by him. What did you think? No, puzzled Fire Magu is too much. The book lies on one of the alchemical tables. We read it and make the elixir of shower hoods, after which we pass by Tamlamon in proven way and return to the Xardas tower. Raise to the statue of Beliar, wear a ring of darkness (gift of Dagota) and pray to Beliar. Then we keep and go to take the Keeman's quest.
In version 1.0, there is a bug with the hang of the game when renting a quest. To avoid it, we do the following: remove all the ribbons (rings, amulets and armor), come to the custodian from the back, we rent a quest and, at that moment, when he collected teleport, put in it, press F8, we move back to myself. The keeper will remain in place, but the game can be continued.

Dark curse
In version 1.1, if you forgot the ritual to wear a ring of Dagota, then Belior will impose a curse on you (health will deteriorate greatly and experience for killed mobs will be 2 times less). Pirocar will help remove the curse. He will say that we need to pray for a long time and persistently to pray. If you have a high favor of God's God, then the troika prayers will be enough. The quest is completed as soon as the curse is removed.

Wisdom of keepers
Task of the 3rd Guardian
It seems that this quest is very simple: to go to the Ksardas Tower and read all the foliants on all floors. But there is one snag - they are all written in the ancient Lang Demons. Unfortunately, Xardas himself cannot teach us this art, but tell me where to find teachers. They are necromancer Creole, settled in the tower of fogs in Minentale. We go beyond the wall of the orcs and go to the northeast of the valley to the sea. Not far from the forest camps will be a bay where Orcs landed. If this bay get to the right, then we will fall into the cave, protected by the undead. This is the entrance to the tower of the fogs. By interrupting the entire undead, we will find Creole at the very top. For his question, why did we come here, we answer that they came at their own accord and want to learn the Lang Demons Language. Creole will ask why we need knowledge of this language. We say that we doubt his power. Now the ancient necromancer will be our demons language teacher (20 lp). Of course, it is possible to simply shank Creolev, and then kill it. In this case, we get a lot of experience, a heroic bonus and a book, tutoring demons. Calculation with wets acceptable for all guilds, except necromancer, because In this case, after the departure of Xardas in the 5th chapter, we have no one who will buy a dark magic scroll to create a rune.
Now that we know the language of the demons, we return to Chorinis to Xardas and read everything in a row. It is important not to miss a single foliant, because In this case, the keeper's replica is about what we are ready for his issues will not appear.
Questions of the keeper TEGON and answers to them:
1.) Who is the creators? - Element
2.) Who is the Divine Guards? - Gods.
3.) What is the path of the keepers? - Balance
4.) What is unnecessary to the teachings of the keepers? - all this together
5.) What is the thing most appreciated by the keepers? - Knowledge
6.) Who is the greatest threat to this world? - Chaos
7.) Who laid the beginning of the Divine confrontation? - Belior
8.) What is the true reason why did you get on the keeper path? - This is my decision.

Ritual Fire
Task of the 4th Guardian
We need to take a test of the element of fire. To do this, we go to the excavations of water magicians and on the site with stone pillars we find teleport, going into which we will fall into fiery location. Next to us will be a stone monuscript, from which we learn about the true spirit of the fire. It is him that we will have to find among this accumulation of lava and stones.
From this initial point on stone island, you can run in 5 directions. At the end of each of them, we will find something like a pedestal with a red stone. After clicking on the pedestal, the spirit of fire will appear (every time in a new appearance: wolf, varan, mracris, skeleton, golem). After each killed spirit, your protection from the fire will increase by 1,2,3,4 and 5, respectively, and you will return to the starting point. The last spirit of fire (golem) will be true. Upon returning to the top of the location, you will notice in the inventory a particle of the spirit of fire, and so the fact that the portal has become active again. We return to Chorinis and pass the Kevetler.

Artifact Gades.
Task of the 5th Guardian
We have to go to Minental and find the artifact of Gades. This item is in the bowels of the orc cemetery. To find it we go along the wall until you reach the mounted bridge through the abyss. On the other side, there will be a small settlement of the orcs and the entrance to the cave in the form of a skull. That cave is a cemetery. Killing orcs, we move deeper and deeper. Return to the hall, where there is a branching on 3 passages. In the central of them there will be stone figurines. They do not touch them in any way !!! In the right pass, there will be nothing interesting, except orcs and one unique sword. We go to the left pass. We fall into a large two-story hall. Pose into the second floor (you can get through the red teleport). There in the Farm Dark Room, guarded by orbore, on the altar there will be 3 orcons of the relic (ring, amulet and staff). We take everything and go to the central hall to the figurines. Press the statuettes strictly in a row to the left for the right !!! If everything is done correctly, you will get experience and record in the diary. We return to the two-storey hall. In the center of him we see shaman-undead. We kill him with a scroll of destruction of undead (for me so faster to me) and take the rune of the teleport from his corpse. Now we turn right, come to the wall and use this rune. We will transfer us to the other side of the wall. Left will be a winch that opens the way back. We twist it and go to explore the dark floors. Punching through the orcons-undead, we will get into a long room with another altar, which will stand the figurine appearance of darkness. This is the artifact of Gades. We put it in my briefs and go to take the Keeman's quest.

Fortunately death
Task of the 6th Guardian
We have to kill Paladin Sergio, who moved on the dark side and is about to become the Lord of Shadows. We go to the monastery, Marduk's master will say that Sergio recently left. Now we go to the meeting place with the first keeper. From the statue of Innoa we pass on until I do not stand uphill. Here in the thickets there should be an entrance to the cave. We go to the right branch, there will be something like the temple in which Sergio will be. We speak with him and kill. Unfortunately, we were late, and the Lord of Shades of Sengah had already vested the soul of Paladin. Killing him, after which we return to the custodian and pass the quest. On this tasks of the Guardians of the fire are over.

Task of the 7th Guardian
The first keeper of the water will give us 5 junior stones (in any case, they are similar to them) and send a pilgrimage to Yarkandar. We need to visit all 5 houses of the rulers (we were already in them when I was looking for colored stone tiles) and put Kameni on Altari in each of them. As soon as it is done, we return to the custodian and pass the quest.

Ring disruption
Task of the 8th Guardian
The keeper of the disorder, which we will meet with the near waterfalls of the farm Bengar, will tell us about their problem. He dropped his ring into the lake and, of course, cannot find him. We jump from the cliff to the lake and swim for the waterfalls. The ring must be at one of them. We carry him a disarray. That gratitude will leave it to us. The task is made.

Spirit of water
Task 9th Guardian
The keeper of the Vacon will tell us about the ancient clan of the Orcs, who captured the spirit of water and asked us to free this magical creation. We go to the valley of mines and we are looking for an Ur-Shaka (it is located at the old Ksardas Tower by the fire on the hills). We ask him about the high cliff clan. It can be high in the mountains. To do this, we go to the settlement near the Sleeping Temple, near the distant tents climb the mountain and go to the left all the time until we see a steep slope. Climb up and stumble on trolls. Behind them will be a slight gorge leading to the settlement of the High Rock clan. We are looking for a leader and talking about the spirit of water. He will say that we have come not to the address, for we need a Supreme Shaman, which is not now in the settlement. The Avarovsky Spirit Caster is located on the Orc Cemetery (we go to the hall, divided into 3 passages and turn into the right of them). We will hear the meaningful story about 5 shamans and 5 crystals opening the dungeon of the spirit of water. The problem is that crystals are hidden somewhere in the valley.
Where are 5 black crystals?
1. In the underwater cave at a stone bridge leading to the castle;
2. In a waterfall cave near the parking lot near the old mine (North-West Valley);
3. In shelter of the marsh dragon in the right branch of the cave;
4. In the cave at the foot of the volcano (we go down to Taran, go straight to the mountain, go around to the left and fall on the path, to the left of which will be a ledge; we climb on them upstairs and get into the cave's entrance);
5. Near the flooded Tower of Xardas on the far island;
When all 5 crystals from us, we return to the high cliff clan. We wear a ring of disarray, approach altars with a huge black crystal and insert 5 small crystals into it. After each successful insertion, experience should be accrued, if this does not happen, then move a little away along the altar and try again, because Crystals are inserted not at one point. Once all the crystals are inserted, the record will be recorded in the diary. Wrap and go to the wooden gate, turn the winch and go to the pen. The stone, lying in the center, splits, and the spirit of water will be released. The spirit itself will evaporate in a moment, but the water pearl will remain in his place, which must be taken away.
Everything can now be returned to the keeper Vacon and take the quest.

Testing faith
Task of the 10th Guardian
Stonnos Guardian will ask him to bring him the spheres of elements (the most they need the quest "artifacts of antiquity"). If you have already given the spheres of the Dragon, honestly tell about this keeper. You will get less experience, but the test will pass. If you have not searched for them, then here are their location:
fire sphere - in a former old mine;
water sphere - in an abandoned mine (entrance to the plateau over the passage from Chorinis to Minental);
sphere of Darkness - in the flooded tower of Xardas;
sphere Stone - In the temple on the territory of the former marsh camp.
We give the spheres of the custodian. The quest is completed.

Now we will be cutting into the adepts of the Keepers Circle, they will give the rune of the teleport into the draws of the Vakhat and make it pick one of the four elements.

Bonuses for the selected element
Element of stone
Protection against weapons and arrows + 15;
Protection against shots and trolls (damage type DAM_FLY) +100;
Life +150;
Element of water
Mana + 100;
The opportunity to breathe for a very long time under water;
(Note. Due to the developer error, the ability to breathe under water only before rebooting the game)
Element of fire
Protection against fire +20;
Strength +15;
Element of darkness
+15 to agility;
+25 Magic protection;

Aquazurian, Water Temple

* Pulling a flat shell in a claw, on which some symbol is drawn, Flowin lears the book. *

Let's see-let's see ... no, here horizontal lines and some strange monograms ... Not that, again, not that!

* Taketing from Foliant to take another look at the sink, the teacher notices you. *

My friend, I am confused ... You remember the sorcerer artifact? The one that is able to transfer you to the past? Time Catcher. Of course, remember. I will fight in vain over the rays of the mysterious characters depicted on it. Even redrawing them on the shells more to be
in sight. But neither in one manuscript of the underwater world there is nothing similar to these signs. Riddle ...

- Glad to a new meeting, Aquazurian. Do you think the smallest of characters will help activate the Time Catcher?

Well, yes, but how else! Unarius was a great sorcerer, any of his creations - a masterpiece, which lies an unresolved riddle. And every detail is important, for everything is not accidental! The symbols are placed here with some kind of purpose, the warrior, and I will not retreat, as long as I do not understand their purpose.

* The teacher shows you images of unknown signs. *

Look carefully, my friend may have seen something similar in the upper world? Nothing reminds?

- Hmm ... These signs are so similar to the dwarf runes, but there is something strange in them.

Then, my friend, if not difficult, check your guess. Perhaps we will smile good luck, and the Spirit of Gnoma will agree to help! Take the artifact with you so that you can compare signs.

* Floundin thoughtfully rubbed forehead. *

Let's see where these characters will lead us. Unarius was a chiter ...

Your goal: Talk to the Gnome Spirit about incomprehensible characters on the artifact. Try to unravel that they lies in them. Tell Aquazuria about the results.

For you, the quest "Journey to the Past" began. Good luck!

Conversation with Soyugur about the manufacture of plates

Good health, warrior. How can I help? I will shoot at the same time for you time, I can't hurt.

- And you good health. Will you make wooden plates for me?

Hmm ... work is not difficult and not dusty, a lot of mind and time is not necessary for it. I will take oak boards, cut the plates from them and handle on both sides to remove roughness. Just nothing! Let's board, warrior.

- That I did not provide, sorry. I thought, you have materials.

* Master points towards the shed. *

Boards in Saraj Valval, Warrior, just all of them to one for orders are painted. I can not bring customers and reputation to your workshop to spoil even for such a good friend like you! Warrior, much difficulty will not find 4 good oak boards. Will find the material - I will do
Wooden plates that wish!

- Look, you have to remember where you can find suitable materials. Not the simplest task, but the time does not tolerate, I will sleep.

Waiting for you, warrior. And remember, only oak!

Your aim: Lay and attribute 4 boards by Masterce Soyguur. Perhaps during the search process you will have to visit the places of your youth near the Kretcins of Mother, to get to the mines and Ice mines or the risk to go to the foot of the mountains. The most desperate may even try to get materials on the enemy.

And so looking for the boards:

Stanitsa Drubrich (to the left of Zorba Polennitsa)

Abandoned mines (blackboard in the foreground to the right of
Moises walking towards a gnome mine)

Ice Grotto (Board to the right of the bedtop walking towards the village

Chional settlement (stack of boards to the left of the entrance to the temple)

When you press the message: you no longer find here suitable for the manufacture of plates of boards.

Master Soyuiga, Fire Square

Production of plates for drawing runes

I see that we found suitable suites, warrior. Let's come here.

* Master is accepted for work. It was not half an hour as wooden plates were ready. *

Good boards brought, warrior. The tree is dry, and therefore it is easy to work with him and nice. The roasted plates came out, smooth, smooth. I do not like to pick up my work, but it hurts carefully. - Well, now I will return to orders, you have a good day.

Seated:Oak board 4 pcs. Received: Wooden plate 4 pcs.

Your aim: Take 4 Wooden Plates of the Gnome Spirit.

Gnome Spirit, Sorrow Yar

Conversation with the Spirit of Gnome on Copying Runes

* Ghost Dwarf Dwaluto kept in a pile of treasures, shifting the most valuable in a canvas bag. *

It has been necessary to do this for a long time, and then lovers to get along to someone else's good prudes pond. Shipping a good bag with values \u200b\u200b- in our time it is impossible to trust anyone. Well, the prieglkley, warrior? Tell how the Delz was covered with wooden plates.

- I have a plank, so you can proceed. Here they are, please.

* Grabbing the plate, the ghost spends on each of them transparent palm, leaning her nose. *

Made on conscience - you do not have! Smooth, not a single jar or roughness ...

* The Spirit of the Dwarf pulls out a small knife from his pocket and diligently begins to cut the combination of runes on the planks, repeating the drawing on the length of time. *

Well, the warrior, half the way done, look now carefully.

* The ghost applies each of the skulls to the lips and barely heard something whispering. As soon as he pronounces another spell, images of signs on one of the plates blacks, precisely fallen fire. *

The spirit of my people lives in me even after death. Here you are the runes, warrior.

- Thank you, but what should I do with them?

* Gnome irritably bribed. *

Shoulder in annoying guests who fall asleep with questions! Warrior, well, this is clear how God's day! Look more closely on a combination of symbols on each of the skids, and you will remove one of the only true rune sign out of it. Then activate the rune in the right place. If you guess -
So gradually all 4 coordinates and determine. Spnow your brains, warrior!

* Ghost mows on an unshakable bag. *

And let me finally be alone! Cut the same!

Your aim: Show the smelting and solve the coordinates encrypted by Unaryus. Having achieved goals, go to Aquazuria.

You received four signs, for which the Gnome Spirit copied patterns from the Uranius device. Separated: Wooden plate 4 pcs.

After the battle, it throws onto the surface already in "our time" onto the white reef, it is impossible to move in this location anywhere: the former Palace of Unaryus is empty, the block of ice stores the second giggle in freezing.

We click on the time catcher and confirm return to the temple of the water.

Aquazurian, Water Temple

Talk about the battle in the past

* Throwing out a crush scroll, the teacher looks in amazement at you. *

Sea forces! Warrior! You are not injured? What happened there?

- I'm fine, teacher. I need to tell you a lot.

* Flowin carefully listens to the story of a meeting with the sorcerer and chaos army. *

Judging by your story, we are waiting for a deadly battle with ...

* Flowin frowns from horror. *

With this terrible calphon. Unarius managed to sharpen him into the ice captivity, but warned in a note that the century would take place and the monster would break free. Apparently, this hour is close. The great battle is nearing one of the strongest Creations of Chaos!

* The old man with warmth in the eyes looks at you. *

My friend, I admire your fearlessness. You have passed through such tests that it remains for me only to admit that before I did not see the Worder, equal to you in strength and courage. Please, take the modest gifts from me and give the word that give yourself a rest after the experienced. After all, ahead is a deadly fight. I do not say goodbye to you, see you soon.

You completed the quest "Journey to the Past."

Made Achievement "Travel to the Past"

Proof of death

Such a surprise! How so insignificant, a pitiful warrior dared to come to me?
* In the voice of the wrath of anger. *
To me! To the greatest sorcerer, who only knew this world!
* Sorcerer again calm. *
Well, what are you frozen in place? Or do you like when they compare you with a nasty kratsy?
You will pay for your words, sorcerers! * Rush with a weapon on the sorcerer. *

* One wave of the sorcerer's hand - and invisible power dropped you to the wall. *
Ha ha ha! You are so insignificant, so stupid that you don't even understand who you deal with! I am a sorcerer chaos! And you brainless worm! A miserable mortal who can ever hear? ... never overcome me! Ha ha ha!
* The sorcerer turns the head of the head and makes long hooked fingers to your face. *
Have you ever seen that I can create? Have you ever felt the power of Gunglado in battle? Ha ha ha! Prove that not so pity! Try to defeat my Gongldo and bring proof!
Your goal: Killing Guungloido, share 10 claws Gunglado and 10 Piece Gonglado. Bring them to the sorcerer Mallow.

04:07 For you, the quest " Proof of death". Good luck!

04:14 You have attacked Guungldo.
04:14 Began the fight "Attack on Gunglado".
04:15 Effects the fight "Attack on Guungldo".
04:15 Received: 1 fighter reputation with chaos.
04:15 By killing Gunglado, you cut off his claws. Received: Claw Gonglado 1 pc.
04:15 You got: 2 75 (the amount is reduced due to the difference in the level with a monster)

04:17 By killing Gunglado, you cut off his fangs. Received: Klyuk Gonglado 1 pc.

04:48 You have already collected enough fangs. Quest - Proof of death.

05:40 You have already collected enough fangs and claws, take their sorcerer. Quest - Proof of death.

Guinglydo defeated
* Opening the mouth, the sorcerer exposes the fangs and hits, exactly the monster. *
Does your empty head still on the shoulders? Well, well, ... what do you mean there?
It is a pity that your Guungldo had to part with her heads!

You really stupid, warriors! Do you think I believe your words? Look at yourself! Your word is an empty sound until there is no evidence! Ha ha ha! Probably, you are terribly proud of yourself! How, he managed to get to the abode of Mallow himself!
* In the voice of the wrath of anger. *
I did not destroy you so far only for one reason, nothingness! I do not want to contact a miserable god of this world!
Your Guungldo is dead! There is no dear, stupid sorcerer! * Throw under the feet of the sorcerer of claws and fangs of killed Gunglado *.

ABOUT! I starts like this, the ugly dragon minion! The game takes a serious turn. It turns out that you know something, nothingness.
* In the eyes of the sorcerer, the madness fire broke out. *
And what do you say about the particles of chaos? You know what it is, eh? Have you ever held something more majestic in your hands? Saw something more powerful? Ha ha ha! The murder of Guungloido is nothing ... to get the particles of chaos ... This is not everyone can. And you will be able, poor, a pitiful defender of the dying world? Your FEO will soon plunge into darkness, you understand this?
Your goal: Bring the sorcerer Mallow 5 of the chaos particles.

05:48 Seated: Claw Gonglado 10pcs, Klyuk Gonglado 10 pcs.

Particles mined
* In the eyes of the sorcerer flashed surprise. *
Mortal? Are you still alive? This is a persistence worthy of a dragon's acceptance! Ha ha ha!
Do you not talk about it, bastard? * On your revealed palm lay 5 particles of chaos. *

* In the eyes of the sorcerer flames flashed. He looked at the particles of chaos in your hand, and they immediately found themselves on his palm. *
Ha ha ha! Wonderful movement, is it not true, a stupid warrior?
* The sorcerer indicates you a clawing finger. *
Do not try to rush at me with a weapon, nothingness, otherwise it will be, as last time: I will turn out a moment from a long wall! Ha ha ha! How easy it was to get you around my finger! Understand, nasty worm, I am omnipotent and cunning! I can get someone to follow my will! Yes, yes, you caught as the last fool! Your pride ruined you, nothingness! You, without knowing it, brought me everything that was necessary for the ritual!
What are you talking about, frozen sorcerer? Dirty deceiver! Well, answer!

Your words do not hurt me, warrior! So shouts Cratz, who caught in the trap! Squeezing when his tail fit! Ha ha ha! Thank you that I brought claws and fangs of Guungloido, particles of chaos ... otherwise, as without this, my faithful servant ... Yes, yes, you are my servant ... I could call him! His! Want to know who? Ha ha ha! I give you this opportunity!
Your goal: Win the Lord designed by Egnus. Return to Mallow.

Immediately after the dialogue with the sorcerer, the battle begins. ENGU 8080HP, but he gradually melts in battle. For sunshine: Grass, Char dispersion scroll, eliki / hill, and of course the sea.

18:44 Attack you are attacked by Egnus Lord.
18:44 Began the fight "Attack on Tapsik".
18:44 The sorcerer connects the particles of chaos with claws and fangs of Hungalo and pronounces the spell. From the darkness of the portal, the gloomy figure of EGU, designed with the help of a revived coap force. The monster rushes at you.
18:44 seized: particle of chaos 5 pcs.

Tapsik designed ... -33 blow

Customized ... Tapsik -59 Cast

Tapsik [Tide forces] Effect

Tapsik designed ... tie

Called ... Tapsik -349 Cast

Called ... Tapsik -32

20:52 Emptying a death river, Egnu falls to the ground.

Defeat egn
Ha ha ha! How are you pitiful! Do not dare even think that you can defeat EGU and get out of here alive, nothingness!

Egna is defeated
* In the eyes of the sorcerer is amazement. *
What? Did this worm able to defeat EGU?
* The sorcerer shouts with angrily. *
You will pay for it, nothingness! You curb in the darkness along with your pathetic world! No one dares to make my plans!
* The sorcerer is removed, lumbering on the go. *
Do not dare to follow me, mortal, otherwise give up like a bug!
* On the floor, you saw a mounted sorceressory box, in which the amulet of the call of the dance ling and coins found. *

21:02 You have completed the quest " Proof of death".
21:02 Received: 4000 experience, Dia Ling Call Amulet 3 pcs, 85.