Reveught triad. Reborn triad How to pass a mission in Skyrim Reborn Triad

Task Get Freya from Mercer. You must go to the ruins of a snowy curtain, and there to destroy Carly. On the way to the ruins, you met Mercer who is confident that Karlia remains there. He will miss you ahead and follows you. Do not slow, otherwise it will hide again. Approach the door and give me a merser to challenge it. Now go inside. Be extremely neat - you are awaiting a lot of draped and traps. But it is worth adding that Mercer most often will warn you. Lay one word of power inside the sanctuary.

Get to the door, open only claws. And you have it just not. But Mercer will challenge and challenges it incomprehensible. Go to the door. However, here you will faint from the arrows released in you. Waking up, you will see conversation Carlya and Mercer. According to them, you will understand that Mercer is the killer of Galla! And now he encroaches Carly, but she has time to escape. You will not have time to do it and swung you with a sword (a blow will be in the stomach). Do not worry, you will survive. Come into consciousness, you will see Carly around him.

She will tell you the story, which, however, you yourself probably know. It she released in you an arrow impregnated with paralytic poison. What saved you, as the poison slowed the beat of your heart and did not allow blood to expire. In the ruins, she discovered a diary belonging to Gaul. However, he was written with words in an unfamiliar language, but she guesses who can become your translator in this matter. This is a friend of Galla Entir. So, go to it in Winterholl. The passage of the game Skyrim sends you to the tavern called "Frozen Frame".

From the enthrand you will learn that Galla had a diary, which he led on Falmers. And they own only a few people in all Skyrim. The enthir cannot make deciphering this text, but owns information about who is able to do it. He is in Makarta, it is a dowel magazine. Go there and find it. Although he really knows the Flemer language, it does not want to show his skills in practice. You can fulfill his quest and, thus, enter his trust. There is also an option to steal the key in his back from the pedestal. Then proceed to the museum by guard.

Note: Even if you are invisible, the guard will start talking to you in the first meeting. In the museum you will see many security and well-lit rooms. To pass the Skyrim game, you need to sneak to the Laboratory of Consilma. By the way, if you feel quite confident, you have the opportunity to like the museum and make sure the expensive and necessary things. When entering the laboratory itself, pick the rod, a spider manager. How to use it to read in the diary near the rod. Then you will see the spider himself.

Security in the laboratory can or kill, or just pass by. And you still have the opportunity to put several traps. Then "accidents" will happen to them. And the blame for them can be attributed to obsolete dormant mechanisms. By the way, it is better to go to the room with Aikantar. Mostly it will deal with him. Immediately do not miss the cube, take it and pass Delwin. From there, go to the balcony, and then proceed to the concellable tower. You almost coped. Go to the Cabinet and find a roll of paper and coal there. If there is a desire to search for valuable items, do it now, after you there will be no time. Then leave this room and go to the stone. Draw it on paper. Then you will see the cavalry attending.

You, again, you can chase them all or just sneak by. By the way, the captain will delay in the passage, it will be a wonderful chance of killing him. One guard will be located near the stairs, another couple will rise up. To pass the game Skyrim, we break quickly with the first and go too. There, one will go back down the stairs, and the other will follow in the side of the stone. Kill both and head back to Winterholl to the enthrace. Go down to the basement, where you will see the entor and Carly. Tell him the rewritten text of the console. Then he will start making a translation. You will learn that Gall suspected Frey in betrayal. It turns out that Gaul became aware that Mercer lives too luxuriously and becomes clear that he assigns money guild. He also writes about the desecration of some twilight tomb. Carlia will insist urgently transfer this guild transfer, that is, tell everyone about Mercer Frey. However, you first talk with the enthir and get a sentence from him to come to his board and sell a loot. You can then talk with Carlya. But then you will begin to see a more holistic picture. It turns out that the twilight tomb is a church of a knockturin, which is recognized as a patroness of the night and thieves. The temple, where all the gifts of the tombs are hidden, protect the nightingales, who swear to give life for him. In addition, with the help of the temple, this tomb is associated with our world. The problem is that Mercer is discussed this temple than and caused a decline in the thieves guild (nocturnal abandoned them). Therefore, you immediately get to Rippitna, so that Mercer receives appropriate punishment. And Carlia will give you a sword of Galo called a nightingale blade.

The pursuit

The passage of the game Skyrim will continue the task from Karlia. You will need to check the exposure of Frey Mercer. Go to the tavernu "Brown Flask" in Riften and talk with Carlya. Take together together in the guild. And there you will be expecting a "warm welcome" - Delwin, Veks and Brignolf will meet you. And all of them will be with swords at the ready. However, Karlya will have time to transfer the Bina Diary of Galla, who at first he won't believe, but to offer to see the storage. According to Delwin, two keys are needed for its discovery, and the bulk claims that no one can hack this castle. However, Brin is convinced of all and they make their way to the repository. As a result, Gall turns out to be right, because all the chests are absolutely empty.

Veks will be very angry and will be ready to independently finish the Mercer. Bryn will put her anger a little and will ask her Delweigin to go to the "Flag" tavern and talk about everything that happened. Suddenly the villain will come there. The passage of the game Skyrim provides you with the task go to his estate "Rifteld", where you need to find possible prompts about its location. Plus, you were allowed to kill everyone in our way.

In the manor, Mercer made a special ladder in the courtyard for emergency cases. This is your chance to get into the estate. However, one difficulty is waiting for you - this is a guard Freya Wald. It turns out that the vexes were not so closely familiar with Waldom, so talk to her. From the conversation you will understand that it just will not get to him with him, since this man loves only money. Therefore, give him the Word that Maven will pay for his debts. Here you will again be a choice - either to hold the word, or just kill him and then rolling.

In order to lower the ladder, you will need to shoot it into its mechanism. Sense into the house, it will be empty, but with a secret. After all, one wardrobe leads to a narnation, which is a shelter for Mercer. You will find it on the second floor. Be very careful in shelter, it is packed by traps, but there you will find many worthwhile things (actually like the house itself). To pass the Skyrim game, you need to get to Mercer's room and paint the plans, bust of gray fox (it needs to be transferred to Delwin) and a wonderful sword from the showcase (made of glass, damage with cold). The rest can take at your discretion. You do not have to go back, because there is a direct transition to rat hole. Complete on it and follow the brignolf. Pass to him the card and get a reference that Frey is hunting for gigantic jewels (they are called Falmers's eyes). They are very expensive and valuable. In addition, they will give Merser the opportunity to hide from you forever. After all, such money is enough for the next generation. Time to the edge, hurry to talk with Carly and stop it.

Reed Triad.

The passage of Skyrim game in this task from Brinolf will present you a surprise. You will become a nightingale. Go to a meeting with Carlya near the old standing stone. He is behind Rophietn. When you get to the place, you will see Brin and Carly together. She will ask you to follow her and promises to provide all the explanations on the way. Go to the nightingale and start the transformation process. For this dress their armor. Then you need to pass the rite of initiation. Armor you will find behind the stones. And for the root of the initiation, go to the left circle, then just stand and listen. All, now you are a nightingale. But now, Baria will tell you about the real villain of Mercer - after all, he kidnapped a skeletal key (similarly to Oblivion). It makes it possible to overcome not only physical obstacles, but also human. That is, with the help of this key, he will be able to use all the capabilities of the human body for full force. It is unacceptable so that such power gets to such a person.

Chat with Brin and get a sentence from him to take the post of chapter of the thieves guild. Of course you will agree. To pass the game Skyrim, then head to look for Mercer in the ruins of Irktanda. Six gangsters will stand at the entrance. Conduct by either kill and go there. On the first floor you will see only a couple of working robots, several broken dormant mechanisms and corpses of gangsters. On the second floor you will meet Brin and Carly, who is sure that Mercer is quite recently there. You need to find it. Then you look at the scene in which two Falmer die from the hand of Mercer. Ahead you will see the room where the lattice is worth it. Click on two levers (they are hidden at the top on both sides of the room) and the lattice will open. And behind the door, which hangs the castle expert, is Ballist. Shot out of it in Falmer and follow forward. Be careful not to get into the west. Falmers and mechanisms will meet from opponents. The only difficulty can be centurion. It is very large sizes, it is hard to kill him and attack him quite strongly. Only having a powerful armor you can begin with a hand-to-hand fight. There is another option to let the brine fight with the enemy, and in the meantime with Carlya will shoot it from the bow or with the help of magic. In general, here the passage of the game Skyrim gives you the opportunity to dream and show your smell.

Come inside the sanctuary where you will see Mercer. He will just get from the statue of the Falmer's eye. Suddenly, the platform will collapse under you and you will fall. Brin with Carlyia will still be top. Thus, you will have to step into a fight with Freme. By the way, he managed to smoke Brin and he now attacks Carly. Do not hesitate, start the battle. This battle will not be out of the lungs, because Mercer is very difficult to kill. But this is probably the only difficulty. But he knows how to become invisible, but you can still see it. As soon as you kill it, everything around you will begin to collapse (where without it), and the room is filled with water. In addition, you can not open the door. Output one - wait until the room is completely flooded. Then the stones on top of the statues will break away and open the exit for you. Through it, you will come to the "Bronze Water" cave.

Return of dusk

Karlya will continue your passing game Skyrim the following task. It consists in overcoming the path of the pilgrim. You also need to return the key knockturny. But first the first task. Karia itself cannot do it, because it was she who caused the desecration of the tomb, and Brin is necessary in the guild to guide there. Therefore, you will have to deal with everything. Take the onions from Karlia, he will come in handy.
By the way, you are not obliged to immediately return the key when you find it. And the eternal lock can you even come in handy. You can hold this thing at your own while she does not need it. But at the same time, for the execution of this task you will give a generous remuneration.

Go to the twilight tomb. She is guarding the guard of the nightingale. Talking to him, you will understand that this is Gall! It turns out that he simply does not have the ability to attribute the key back to the tomb. Gall is weakening when approaching the well of the night. And even can die. Therefore, it remains for you. First, learn the diary, belonging to the nistrom (it will find it left from the guard near the wall and skeleton).

Then the quest pointer will disappear, but you and so do not get lost. In the first room you will meet three nightlife guard. Further in the room, keep the shadows, do not go to the light, otherwise you will die. And be careful, you can wait for traps on the floor. Then see the room in which there is a corpse of the gangster near the statue of the knockturnal. At first glance, you may seem that from there there is no exit. Just carefully look around and notice the chain behind the torch on the right (it will look like a bird's head). Take the chain. Nothing will happen. Therefore, look for the same left torch. And then, twitting for the chain, you will open the door behind the statue. Further passage of the game Skyrim Block pendulum blades and pressure plates. But behind the door is waiting for a surprise. Unfortunately, not very pleasant. It will not prevent once again to preserve. Then you will find yourself in front of the door, through which you can just go ahead or make a turn on the right side and examine another room with nightingale guards and buns.

In the world of Skyrima, you can be both a defender of weak and poor and villain and thief. For playing the last role, the thieves guild is intended.

How to join the thieves guild?

The thieves guild is one of the few guilds in Skyrim, which you can simply come to the necessary NPC and join.

In order to join the thieves guild, you need to perform two "entrance" tasks. We go to Riften and find a brignolf there. I found it in the tavern, although he can be elsewhere.

As soon as you meet with him - he will start a dialogue itself, and will suggest to turn the "Delz".

Casual meeting

The essence of the task is to ride one merchant, and substitute the other. For remuneration of course.

Go to the square, and find a brignolf there (if night - then you need to wait until the morning). Tell him what you are ready. It will start advertising his new "product" so that everyone is distracted from his work and gathered around him. Your goal is the pocket key from the pockets of the lizard, and his counter (he first thought that his counter was a house, in fact it is a simple rack on the market.

Small instruction on pocket thefts:

  • to appear the option of theft, you need to enter a secretive rack (Ctrl);
  • the chance of theft is checked at each subject separately, for this take only the most necessary;
  • if the skill is small - saves before theft so that in case of failure to boot.

You can take anything, the main thing to take a ring. Now, you need to put this ring to another (I forgot your name, open the log - it will be written there to someone). Lined the subject as well as it is faced.

After a successful operation, wait until the brignolf finishes, and if he still won't be able to - enter and exit any building. After that, talk to him, tell me that everything is done, and get a reward.

Reliable roof

Talk to Brinolf again. He will say that he likes smelting and nimble guys like you. And will say what will take in you in your guild if you complete one more task.

Note: It can give you this task as immediately, it can and send you away, hinted thinly that you need to find a suitable place - such a place is from the headquarters of the apartment in the dungeons under the city, it is there, in my case, he gave Second task:

It is that you need to knock out the debt of 3 people. And most importantly, as it turns out, not money. It is necessary that people understand - that with the guilty thieves should be considered. The only rule - the victims must survive.

Money knocking instructions:

  • Kiryva. You can't lose money directly, you need to talk to the argonian Talen Jeme, and convince him to affect Kiryva. He won't want something bad to happen to her, and will find a peaceful way to persuade her;
  • Helga. Her weakness is a favorite statue. Find a statue in her tavern and steal it. Then talk to Helgoy, threatening that if she won't give money, you break her;
  • Beri. To hurt bersi for living, you will need to break his favorite vase. He will shout for a long time, but then will return the debt.

We return to Brinolf, talking about the successful implementation of the order, and - Welcome to the thieves guild!

List of members of the thieves guild


Mercer Frey - leader of the thieves guild

Brinolf - takes us to the guild, in essence - Deputy Mercer.

VEKS - Master-Place, gives minor contracts

Delwin Melori - gives small contracts, buys a variety of unique interest

Tonylla - stolen

Mochinger - guard

Vellar Warrior - Barman



Gives: Brignolf
Essence of the task: punish Aringolf

So. The first our task in the thieves guild. It is necessary to get into the estate of some Aryingolf, drove the safe and burn three hiles. It would seem vanish. In fact, as usual there is a catch. And he lies in the fact that Aringolf security consists of mercenaries. Not very joyful news. Maybe you can somehow get hidden? Yes, you can. We speak with the "Baby Insty". She will tell us that in the estate you can get through the sewer. Classics of the genre. Yes, do not forget to go to Tonilla for Armor, you will like it.

Well, on the road. The estate "Zlatocevet" is waiting for us.

It is best to go at night - less chance of being noticed by guard. And here is our entrance to the sewer.

There everything is simple - go along the corridor, kill Zokrysov, and reach the stairs. Climb, go to the house. And here it begins the most interesting. The house has guards. Most are sitting, two or three go. In general, it will not be difficult to get around them with due skills. But newcomers will have to sweat. To begin with, I advise you - go around the house and take everything that is not attached to the floor, and even then go to the safe.

We reach here this lattice.

Here you can turn back and go to the second floor - there will be the owner of the mansion, which has a key. And you can go further and open the safe to the launders. Choose. But it is hemorrhaway to get the key than to open with the launders. For those who still want to open the key.

We go to the second floor and see such a picture:

Get around very simple - go on the door. We pass through the room, we go out, go a little further and see this:

There will no longer go here. You just need to melt very slowly. But further surprise:

The owner occupies an inconvenient position for us. I do not advise you to talk to him - to kill him give the key will not work, besides, he will raise the alarm and fed up. Just try to pull the key from his pocket.

Regardless of the version of the action, we look at the right to the corridor if we see the back of the guard - we open the grille and make your way further, if we see his physiognomy - we wait until we see His back and only then we open the grid and make your way further. In the basement we will see this careless guard:

No, well, it was necessary to think about it - put a chair on a puddle with flammable oil. Well, well, the fool itself. It will scream past him will be extremely difficult - the space between it and the staircase, which we need is well lit. You can try to get back, and you can set fire to the fiery spell. But it will not die instantly - you have to finish. And there can still be part of two guards from the next room. But when you have luck, you can already run a staircase and hide there in the shade. In general, the choice is yours.

So, we found a safe.

We open or open the key, take everything that is and exit through the sewer or through the main entrance. As it is more convenient, because the next part of our insidious plan is vandalism. Namely, the ignition of the hives. Through the main entrance will be closer in my opinion. Carefully pass through the bridges, bypassing or overlooking the guards, and we set on three ultrasound with fiery spells. Beauty:

Everything can leave. We return to the refuge (a secret passage is now available) and we receive a well-deserved award - 200 coins. Plus, what you manage to honestly steal in the estate.

Wrong medical

Gives: Brignolf
The essence of the task: Touch with Maven Black Heather and fulfill her request.

We go to Maven (I found it in the tavern or on the street near the shopping trays)

She wants us to eliminate her competitor - Honning Mednogarn. She sends us to Waitran, in the tavern "Garzing Mare" to the measure name of Mallli:

Mally tells us that Sabjorn is like a tasting of his honey for captain of the Guardians. And it is not enough - Zokrysi appeared on his medical worn. It would be necessary to refuel, and Sabjorn is looking for someone who takes it. "And the rat poison and honey are poorly combined" But from rats everything will be needed to get rid of - Maven plans to take a medical worn to his hands when Sabjorn leaves her. As usual, all the blacks work falls on our shoulders. Well, where to go? We go to the medical worn:

We go to the building and speak with Saborno.

We propose to help him with his problem, we demand a deposit (if it turns out) and go to the basement. Kill Zokrysov, Psychic named Hayymin:

(Inspect it and read the diary - we again disappeared a plan to capture the peace of the Psycho. This is already becoming a routine), we have a rattling poison in the nest and go to the horsepower. We have a poison in Chan with honey. Well, I made a nasty - the heart is joy. Yes, and wallet:

Now we need to attend tastings. Waitran's Guardian commander will try honey, but he will not like it (and who will like honey with the taste of rat poison?) And he will take the Sabjorn in prison, and Malnia will prescribe the main one. Happy end. Almost. It remains only to explore the Sabjorn room for explaining how he could open his medical worn so quickly. We take the key to Malnia and throw in the Sabjorn room.

Open the chest of drawers, take coins and document. But do not rush to leave. Hack the second door and pick up a decanter with Honning honey. Delwein will give 200 coins for him and put on the shelf, where all interesting items that brought by you will put all the interesting items. We go to Maven, we give the document and get a reward ... Holy Orochy Dagger.

M-yes ... Well, at least you can sell it.

Go to the brignolf. He says that I urgently wants to see Mercer Frey.

Caprice Rotary

Gives: Brignolf
The essence of the task: to find out from the Lizard named Gulum-ah about the buyer of the estate "Zlatootsvet"

We go to Solitude, in the tavern "Laming rat" and speak with a lizard.

We are trying to bribe - and he tells us about the box of fiery wine in the blue palace, which one person really wants to get. And we, it became, should help him in this. It is difficult - there is nothing - there is no one in this box at all. They came, took and left. We give wine, and in return we get information about a kind of woman who came to Gulum-ay with the walle of gold and offered to represent her interests in one matter. Namely - attribute Aryngot fee for the estate. He, of course, did not remember the name and face. But something this lizard is dying. Do not rush to leave when we finish the dialogue. Let's follow him to the warehouse of the Eastern Imperial Company.

Let's go after him. Careful, the guards will come across the way. I advise you to take all torches from holders along the way - less light, and therefore less chances that we will notice. Kill quietly guards or pass by - depends on your preferences. The main thing is not to raise noise. By the way, the guards also go with torches, which complicates our following for the lizard.

We reach the entrance to the grotto "salted water". Gulum-ah came there. We go to the trail, but the lizard is already unimaginable in its late, and we will have to be watched through the robbers. Act the same as custody earlier. Return to Gulum-Aya. Near two robbers. Nothing remains to us, except to kill them. We kill, threatening Gulum-ay - and he tells us about a certain Karlya - thief who killed the former chapter of Galla Guild, and now hunting Mercer. Where she gulum-ah knows, she said just "went to the beginning of the end." Do not forget to talk to him again, and say that for him the debtors - another stolenist will appear. Opening one of the levers of a secret door and go to the Mercer. We tell him about Charhood and about the "beginning of the end." What makes the conclusion that Carlia went to the ruins where Gaul had once killed. And that he will go there with us and help you kill her. Well, but first let's go to Tonylla for a reward - the exchange of one of the components of the armor for better.

Conversation with silence

Gives: Mercer Frey
The essence of the task: Go to the Ruins of the Snow Curtain and kill Carly.

We go to the ruins and we meet there Mercer. He declares that Carlia is still here, he is sure of that. And let us go ahead, and himself goes for us. Okay, you need to hurry until she disappeared again. We approach the door, we see how Mercer opens it, and go inside. Be careful - here are full of traps and draped. Most Mercer traps will warn you. In the sanctuary you can find one of the words of power:

We reach the door, to open which you need a claw. But since we have no claw, Mervesra has to be sick, and it opens the door without claws (here is not to say how to do it). We go and ... fall from the arrows to us. We lose consciousness, but almost immediately wake up, and we see that Mercer and Carlia speak.

From the conversation, it turns out that not Karlya, and Mercer killed Galla! Mercer wants to send and Carly after him, but she runs away. But we will not work, and therefore we get a sword in the stomach. But I will not die. And when we'll see, we will see Karlya in front of them.

She tells us all what we already guessed about. And he says that her happiness of her arrow was poisoned by a special paralytic poison, which slowed out our heartbeat and did not give us blood. Thank you for it. She also found the Diary of Galla in these ruins - not just the same she came here. But the diary is written in the language unknown to her, but she knows who will be able to translate it - the entry, a friend of Galla. We must go to it. In Winterhold.

We need a tavern "frozen hearth".

The entor says to us that Gall led the diary on Falmers. Original, considering that he knows the units in all Skyrim. He himself cannot decipher, but it knows who can. Colelmo, the dowred magician of the marcage. We go there:

And here is Colelmo himself:

He is really a specialist in the language of Falmers. But it is categorically refused to show his work. You can lure himself in trust by completing the quest, but you can steal the key from the pedesta behind it and get a guard past the museum. By the way. The guard for the first time in any case will speak with you, even if you are invisible. Consider this. So, regardless of the way, we sneak into the museum. There will be guards and a lot of light. Carefully take care of the entrance to the laboratory of Colelmo. But if you are confident in your abilities - you can suck on this room and look for something useful or expensive. It will be there. In the laboratory, at the very beginning, you can steal the rod of the spider equation. Instructions in the diary nearby. And here and spiders:

The laboratory also has guards. You can rush past them or kill. And you can run traps to have "accidents". After all, the bormer mechanisms are old, who knows what fails can happen there? In the room where the Akakar is sitting too, you can run the trap - kill faster. Do not forget to pick up the cube in that room - give it Delwin.

From this room we go to the balcony, and from there we get to the tower of Colelmo. The case is almost done. In his office, take the carbon and roll of paper. If you want to examine his office on the subject of utility - now it's time, then it will not be. Let's go through the door in the office to the stone and redraw it on paper. Ready. Op-pa And here is the cavalry:

You can wait and slip past them to the exit. And you can kill them. The captain will restore a little in the aisle - a good chance of imperceptibly cut his throat. Then one will rise at the stairs, and the other two will go upstairs. Kill it quickly. Then one comes to the top of the stairs and turn back, and the second will go further to the stone. Kill one, then the second. Everything can be returned to the enthir in Winterhold. We go to the basement and see Carly near the enthir:

We give him a copied text of Colelmo, and it begins to translate. It turns out that Galla has long been suspicious about Frey's devotion. Gall found out that Mercer leads too luxurious life. Looks like he robbed the guild. Rocked the thieves guild. Ironically In addition, Gall mentions Mercer desecrated a certain twilight tomb. Karlya says that you need to immediately deliver the translation to the guild to find out everything, what a bad mercerr Frey. But first let's talk with the enthir - he will suggest us to tear to him in the board, if we want to sell stolen things. Another buyer. Excellent. Now we are talking to Carly, and Mosaica is generily folded. Twilight tomb - the temple of the Nochturnal, the patroness of the night and thieves. Nightingle swore to protect the temple to the last drop of blood, because all her gifts are stored there. And even more - she interacts through it with our world. And Mercer desecrated the temple. From here and drop the guild of thieves - the Noktornal itself turned away from them. It is necessary to go to rifen as soon as possible and punish Mercer. Finally, Karlya will give us a nightingale blade - the sword of Galla:

The pursuit

Gives: Karlya.
The essence of the task: to expose Frey Mercer.

We go to Rift, in the "Brown Flag" and speak with Carlya. Together with her go to the guild, and we are welcomed by a warm welcome - Brignolf, Veks and Delvin. And all with naked blade. Perfectly.

But Carlia gives the brine Gaul's diary, he does not believe his eyes and offers to open a repository. Delwin argues that in order to open the repository you need two keys. Vex says that it is impossible to open this lock. But Brin insists on his own, and they open it with Delvin. It turns out that Gall was right - we see empty chests.

Wales in rage, she threatens to kill Frey with her own hands, but Brin calms her, and sends it with Delvin in the "Flagu" to notify them. If Mercer comes here. And we will also have to go to his estate "Rifteld" and search for a prompt where he could go. And we are allowed to kill everyone who gets on our way. Charming.

The easiest way to get into the estate from the courtyard, along the ladder, which Mercer made an emergency waste. But there is a small snag - Wald. Guard Mercer. Let's talk to Veks - she once knew Wald very well. Vex will tell us that it is impossible to make friends with him - he is friends only with money. But you can promise him that Maven will close his debt. Do how you want - you can close the debt, and you can simply kill it and take everything you need from his corpse. There is no difference.

It is actually the mechanism itself, where you need to shoot so that it goes away.

The house is empty, but there is one secret. One of the cabinets is the door to the narnia. Well, in the sense, in the refuge of Mercer. It is on the second floor. In the shelter, look in both - the traps do not drell. Yes, and rejuvenation will be what, as in the house. We reach his room, we take plans, a good sword in a shop window (glass, damage to cold) and a bust of gray fox - Give Delwin. Well, and also that would like. It is not necessary to return - there will be a passage in the rat hole. We go through it to Brinolf and give the map. It turns out that Mercer hurts the eyes of Falmers - huge precious stones that have a whole condition. If he finds them - we will never find it. I will have enough money to graduate from the old age, and still children will remain. It must be stopped by anything! You need to talk to Carlya. Time remains little.

Reed Triad.

Gives: Brignolf
The essence of the task: become a nightingale.

Yes Yes. We will become a nightingale. As usual, our Hero Uber-Super-Power-Many-Who. Well, okay, everything is in order. Carlia asks us to meet her from an ancient standing stone behind Ripten.

On the parish there we see and Carly and Brin. Carlia asks us to go after her, she will explain everything on the road. And we enter the Sliver's hall. Carlia really wants that we become nightingales. To do this, you need to put on their armor and pass the rite of initiation. We go to the stones and, taking armor, dress it.

Now the rite of initiation. We need to get up on the left round, stand and listen. And so, the dedication was accomplished, and we became nightingales. So, what is next? And then Carry will tell us about the true crime of Mercer. It lies in the fact that Frey stole ... Skeleton key. If you played in Oblivion, you must remember what it is. But this key opens not only physical constipation. After all, the possibilities of the human body are very high, and we only use them part. And when you understand that the key can open up such "constipation" - opportunities become almost limitless. It is impossible that such a thing gets to such a person like a mercerr.

Before moving forward, let's talk to Brin. He will suggest us to become the main guild of thieves. Naturally we agree. Where are we going? But now go for Mercer. The path lies in the ruins of Irktanda. The entrance will guard the gangsters - I counted six. We kill or prohibit, go inside. The first level is nothing interesting. A bunch of corpses of bandits, broken dormant robots, 4-5 live robots and all. We go to the second level and immediately stumble upon Carlya and Brin. Karia claims that Mercer was here recently. It is necessary to find it. Next, just follow the scene of the murder of Mercer two Falmers. Go ahead. We find a huge room with grille at the end. To open it, you need to pull two levers - on the left and right room on the elevation. By the way, there is a nearby ballest - behind the door with the castle expert. Dreak behind the levers, shoot from the ballests on the Falumera and go on. And look under your feet - this is still the dormant ruins. Nobody canceled traps. In general, these are ordinary dormant ruins. Enemies - Mechanisms and Falmers. True trouble can deliver Centurion.

Healthy Mahina, alive and hurts. To go with her to hand-to-hand - not the smartest thought of course, but with good armor you can. And you can provide a brignolf this honor, and to join Carrya himself and shoot it from Luka. Or magic. Improvise, show fantasy.

And finally, we got to Mercer. We go into the sanctuary and see how he jumps the Falmer's eyes from the statue.

But suddenly the platform, which we stand, is rolled and falls. Carlia and Brin remain upstairs. You will have to fight Mercer alone. And he was also bringed so that he was forced to fight Carlya. Need to hurry. This fight is complicated by the fact that Mercer whims. And no more. Yes, he likes to go into invisibility, but at the same time see it is not difficult. After his murder of the cave in the best traditions of the genre, it begins to collapse, and the room itself is to sleep. The door does not open. What to do? Wait until the room floods. No, I'm serious. Wait. When the room is flooded, stones are cut over the head of the statue and open the passage leading to the Cave "Bronze Water"

Return of dusk

Gives: Karlya
The essence of the task: go through the pilgrim.

We speak with Carly, and she will tell us that it is necessary to return the key of the knockturny. But to get to her, you need to pass the path of the pilgrim. She can't go there, because because of her the tomb was defiled, the brinse need to return to the guild and maintain order there. Who remains? That's right - we. Before leaving, she will give us their bow - a useful thing.

By the way. After all, it is not necessary to give a key not necessarily, right? And the eternal lock is a very good thing. You can, for example, leave it until you have such perk. But at the end of this task you expect a very good reward. But about this below.

Our path lies in the twilight tomb:

At the entrance will be a nightingale guard:

When talking with him it turns out that this is none other like Gall himself. But he himself can not return the key to the tomb - the closer it comes to the night's well, the weaker it becomes. And even now he feels that he dies. We will have to us. Do not forget to read the nistroma diary - it lies with the wall to the left of the nightingale, the skeleton.

Next, the quest marker disappears. But without him everything is transparent. In the first room we are waiting for three nightingale-guards. Two together and one a little further. In the next room you need to go on the shadow, without touching the light - very quickly die. Light with light, but also to look at the feet. Next will be a room with a statue of a knockturnal and a dead gangster nearby (I wonder how he got here?). It seems to be a dead end. Although ... and what is there for the right torch in the form of bird heads? Yeah! Chain! Durge and ... nothing happens, except that the torch goes out. Hmm ... And if you look at the left? Also chain. Drech for her, and the door behind the back of the knockturnal opens.

In the next room, banal pressure plates and pendulum blades. Behind the door will be a surprise. And for you, he is most likely unpleasant. I will only say that no one has died from caution and quixais. And here you are in front of this door:

And finally, we are in the sanctuary. But ... There is only a pit with a skeleton at the bottom and nothing else. Do not upset and jump. It will not be particularly painful. But after all, and from the pit there is no exit? Not scary. Sit a little or run along it - soon our hero will get the key, turns him and suddenly - about a miracle! - Paul will dissolve and we fall into the holy of the Holy Tombs.

It remains only to stick the key to the castle (logical, isn't it?) And ... listen. With us will say the nocturnal. Acknowledge, I thought that she would be prettier from her.

But might be just to blame my schedule. No matter. It is important that we will have mercented. What, they say, nor the honor nor the debt, nor loyalty here, and nearby lay - the main reward. Nuuu ... Well, she is right. And the reward is really worthy. Looking for a circle with a picture of the month, we will get talent, when using which the BAF is excellent for thieves - during subcutting, invisibility is automatically superimposed. Having rolled into the semicircle - rabies spell - all creatures in the zone of the spell attack everyone without disaster during 30 seconds. And putting on the full moon, we will get a spell of pulling health from the enemy - I do not know, level it is or not, but at level 18 it eats up the opponent 100 health. Agree not enough? But, unfortunately, it is not spells, but talent. I can use only once a day. Sorry, but nothing can be done. And take all three either will not work. Choose. After the selection, we will see Galla. He came to say goodbye to Carly.

Here you go. Adventure completed. You can perform generated endless quests from Vex and Delwin, and you can simply forget about the guild, and to go out only to sell stolen. Good luck to you. Watch both - go in shades.

Renewed triad (Orig. Trinity Restored) - Quest of the faction of the guild of thieves in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Short passage

  1. Listen to carly in the brown flask;
  2. Proceed to standing stone for meeting with Carly;
  3. Proceed for Carlyia in the cave;
  4. Activate the stone of nightingale armor;
  5. Fodder in nightingale armor;
  6. (not obligated) agree to take an oath;
  7. (depending on paragraph 6) follow Carlya;
  8. (depending on paragraph 6) to take a free symbol on the floor;
  9. (depending on paragraph 6) wait for the end of the ritual of dedication in the nightingale;
  10. Discuss what happened with Carlya;
  11. Discuss what happened to the brignolf.


After the conversation ending the previous quest, Brinolf makes talk to Carlya. It will tell about the murder of Mercer and the nightingales and ask to come to standing stone, which is not far from the shadow stone, where it will expect a dragonborn with a brignolf. Danmer will show its satellites from the nightingale hall and will spend on him, telling about the nightingales. After that, it will be necessary to wear a nightingale armor, for which it will be necessary to approach the special pedestal and activate it. Changing into the Armor, the hero learns that he and Brinolph was provided with the Great Honor - to become members of the Triad Solovyov. For dedication, Karlia must hold a special ritual with the call of the Nocturin itself. In order for the ritual to begin, you need to get up one of three characters (the one that is left) on the floor of the ritual hall. Karlia and Brignolf must take their places, after which the ritual will begin.

After the end of the ritual, you need to talk to the rest of the Triad members. Karlya will thank Dovakin, and his brignolf will also appoint him to the head of the guild, thus said: "... To your coronation, you need to return the guild of the Major" (Even if it is already done). Now it's time to visit Mercer.


  1. After receiving the Armor of Karlya, says to the hall and become a stone, but herself leaves. Fixed like this: when talking to click on (by default) before answering the question, listen to the dialogue once again and answer.
  2. Karlia may hang up at the adoption stage. Instead of opening the gate, she again and again makes a dialogue about the readiness of Dovakin to give an oath. Bagia option: After the conversation, Karlya leaves and purposefully goes to the exit from the nightingale hall. Solution: After dialogue about the oath, dial in the SetStage TG08A 52 console. It must send Carly to the goal, but at the same time she will not open. The easiest way out is to click on the goal with an open console and register disable. After that, the quest must continue.
  3. When Carlia is coming to the chain, it pulls for it twice, and the lattice closes. Solution: After the first time, make a power attack on it, pushing from the chain. She will persistently suit, and more thorough The number will pull the chain. As a result, the lattice will become open.
  4. There is another option: When Carlia is suitable for the chain, you need to get up next to it. And as soon as it activates the chain once, immediately speak with her. Then, the second time it does not touch the chain, and the passage will be open.
  5. At each stage of the passage to the dedication, the Brignolf begins to leave - helps his transformation with the help of a cry of ice shape - while he is frozen, quickly run with Carly to the next point and wait until the brignolf comes.

Stage Quest

To go to a specific quest step, enter in the console:

SetStage TG08A Stage.

where the Stage parameter is the number, the quest stage (all stages are listed below).

Reborn Triad (ID: TG08A)
StageWriting in the diary
10 Before intercepting Frey Mercer, Karlya wants to talk to me and Brignolf.
(Task Updated): Listen to Carly
15 (Karlya will start dialogue)
20 Karlya said that the Brinolf and I should meet with her at the old standing stone behind the southwestern gate of Rophietn. Why it is not clear to her, but I suspect that it is somehow connected with the nightingales.
(Task Updated): Meet with carly from standing stone
30 (Task Updated): Follow Carlyia
40 Barlya told us with Brinolf that we join the ranks of Solovyov and help restore the Triad, which broke up twenty-five years ago, when Mercer Frey killed Galla.
(Task Updated): Activate stone armor
45 (Task Updated): Follow Carlyia
50 (Task Updated): Stand on a free symbol on the floor
57 Now I binds to the oath, and I - the nightingale, the guard of the twilight tomb and the devotee of the servant of the goddess knockturnal.
60 (Task Updated): Touch with Carlyia
50 (Task Updated): Talk with Brinolf
200 Carlia finally opened the main task of Solovyov ... It is the protection of the skeletal key of a knockturny. This mighty artifact, which was usually kept in the twilight tomb, was stolen by Mercer Freme. Now holy duty return the skeletal key falls on my shoulders.
Unknown (Task Updated): Wear saltwood armor
The stage designated by green corresponds to the successful completion of the quest, and the Red - its failure.
The following stages were omitted, since they do not have descriptions and meanings: 0, 25, 35, 42, 47, 52, 55.


  • Not all the quest stages can be displayed in the task log. Which ones will appear, and which no, depends on the ways of passing the quest.
  • Stages are not always displayed sequentially. As a rule, this happens if the quest has several possible endings, as well as if some of the quest stages can be performed in an arbitrary order.
  • If the stage is marked with green, that is, as a final quest, it means that the quest disappears from the list of active tasks in the journal, but new records associated with the quest can still be displayed in the task log.


TG-L Quests Guild thieves TG-R
Main plot Random meeting. Reliable roof. Clarity. Wrong honey. Caprice Rotary
Conversation with silence. Difficult answers. The pursuit. Renewed triad
Blindness. Return Twumek
Tasks Veks Theft. Ground. Cleaning. Robbery
Tasks Delvina Chest. Fishing. Numbers
City tasks Amnesty manually. Silver blank. Summered shadows. Picky Slado
Other tasks Look at each stone. Thief adventures. Request Tonylla