All about the rotation of the standard mode: what cards will come and what will happen to the meter? How to optimize your card collection can i get awards in both formats


On February 2, the company has been added to the headhstone that there will be some great changes in Hearthstone. They appeared formats. At the moment, only two, but it is quite likely that they will be more in the future. Later, on March 11, they announced a new supplement - the whisper of the ancient gods. I want to make a summary of all the information we have about the upcoming changes and updates. This will be a list of only proven information from official sources near, no gossip, guessing or fake information leaks.

This article is mainly for new or returned players who missed the news about the addition or for those who did not follow the news. However, even those who are in the course of news can read this article in case they missed something!

I will constantly update this article as new news released!

Date of issue

Let's start with the basic information. When will the formats and a new addition be released? At the moment, the exact date is not known - it will be the end of April or the beginning of May. This section will be complemented immediately how we will be the exact date.

So far we get a small patch on March 14 (Monday). The patch will contain Thai localization with some UI updates, including 9 additional slots for the deck (finally!)

Whisper of ancient gods

Things that we already know about the complement:

  • 134 New maps
  • 4 legendary ancient God K'tun, N'zot, Yogg-Saron and And'sharaj.
  • Every ancient God will have sectarians who will buffat him (no matter where God is in hand, in a deck or on the table) - a total of 16 cards that interact with the gods
  • "Dexted" versions of the cards already known to us - inverse effects, better statistics for the greater value and so on
  • Ancient gods and their sectarians will not be available in the arena
  • During the limited time, each included in the game will receive three packs + 2 cards of evil and K'tun himself for free!
  • As well as with a large tournament, a pack of 50 packs is available for pre-purchase with a discount. It will cost $ 49.99 (for the server 2500 r. (2900 r. For iOS)) and this is a disposable purchase. You can arrange pre-ordered from March 15. For pre-ordered you get a cool shirt
  • You can see all available maps on the official site for this link. We will make card marks, so watch for updates!

Changes classic maps

So far, accurate changes are not known. Only hints from the world that they are interested in Combo Druid and some neutral maps like juggler daggers. This section will be replenished as information has been received.

Two formats will be presented in Hartstone - free and standard

Free mainly - this is what we play now. When creating a deck in a free format, you will have access to all maps in the game. Maps from any update or adventure released earlier + promotional cards. So, if you are going to play free, you are not worried about. Your process of cycle-building will not be limited. Free format will receive more and more cards every year, which will give birth to crazy synergies and combo.

The standard will be more interesting. In this format you will be able to enjoy only classic cards and cards from the latest add-ons. The company has decided to establish a two-year unit, that is, each addition will be removed from the standard format in two years. Considering the fact that the nearby will produce 3 supplements \\ adventures per year, then at any time we will play with classic and 4-6 additions. For comparison, we are now playing: classic + 5 additions. So this is the average number of cards in standard mode and we will never get more.

An example based on the current state of the game. We get the first supplement 2016 (whisper of the ancient gods). After the release, all the additions of 2014 (Naxramas and Goblins and Dwarves) will be excluded from the standard format and this year we will stay with the Black Mountain, a large tournament, league of researchers, whisper of the ancient gods and another 2 add-ons that are going to release in 2016. After that, with the first published supplement in 2017, all the additions of 2015 will be removed from the standard format. That is, minus black mountain, a large tournament and league of researchers.

The standard cycle will be annual and every year will be called the zodiacal constellation Warcraft Universe. The first cycle, which we will soon see will be called the year of Kraken.

Promo and premium maps will not be part of the standard mode. Promo Cards: Gelebbin Meggacrut and E.T.C. . Premium Maps: Old March-eyed, captain parrot. You can play them only in free format.

Ladder and tournaments

Free and standard will have separate ladder. Playing a free deeline you will play against freestyle decks, and playing standard - against standard.

At the time of the separation of the ladera, you will receive that rank in both hand events that had at the time of separation. That is, if you had 5 rank, then after the separation of the ladera, you will have 5 rank in free and 5 rank in the standard. But after that, if you win in the standard, then your rank will grow only in standard format. The same with a free format. However, you are not limited in choosing a format and can take a legend in both formats if it wants it.

You will not get a reward for each format at the end of the season. You will be awarded for the highest rank in any of the formats. For example, if you have 3 rank in free and 15 in standard format - you will get a reward for 3 rank. If you have reached the legend in both formats you will receive only one award.

The main format will be standard and this will appear in all official cybersport competitions on Hartstone. Your friends will see only your standard rank and standard format will be the only format where you can earn little glasses to participate in the championship. Unofficial tournaments can be in any format, therefore, although the standard format is the most popular, we will probably sometimes see free tournaments.

Shop and kraft

Pretty big changes come to the store. With the introduction of the Standard, you can purchase only those additions \\ adventures that will be in the standard. You will not be able to purchase packs of cards from additions \\ adventures that are removed from the standard format and now belong only to free.

As for adventures, if you have bought at least one wing you will always be able to buy the rest of the wings of this adventure. So, if you are interested in Naxramas maps or you are going to play in a free format, then you'd better hurry with the purchase of at least one wing. If you do not want to buy it right now, but you want to play with such cards in the future in the future - you can always scream them out of dust. But it will be an expensive way, so if you want a lot of cards better to buy a wing. You can also spray cards remote from the adventure standard. So if you already have a noxramass and you are not interested in free format, you can spray them to get a lot of dust. (I would not recommend this to do: first, these are big dust losses, secondly, who knows if the misunderstanding of the epic return of the same NACSS? In the WFAT, for example, they often discovered forgotten insts) Spraying Total Naxramas will give 3140 dust. Make sure that you do not want to play free mode, if only because the craft of the in-law of these cards will be much more expensive!

As for additions, you will not be able to buy Paks remote from the complement standard. Now the store will offer only packs from the current cycle in standard mode. Therefore, you will no longer be able to purchase Paks for example goblins and gnomes, but the cards will be available for crafting from dust. If you are going to play in a free format and you lack a lot of GVG simple \\ rare cards, then the purchase of several GVG packs would be a good idea. Plus, you may find Dr. Boom - it will still be more popular in liberal mode.

Since premium cards are not part of the standard you will no longer be able to get them in the usual way, but you can scream them out of dust. And although the carriage of the captain's parrot (400 dust per copy \u003d 800 dust) is significantly lower than the cost of all pirates (2220s), if you want to get a gloomy to play free mode, it would be a good idea - to make missing Murlocks until they went to free format, for after that you can scream it already for 1600 dust

Arena, Patch and Adventure

Changes in the format will not have influence on the arena. In the arena, you can still create a deck of all available cards. So even if the cards are not supplements that do not belong to the standard format, they will still be offered in the arena. But the awards for the arena will change. Since the packs for supplements do not belong to the standard will be deleted, then in the award in the arena you can not get them. You will receive only Paks from supplements participating in standard format.

The format for the scuffle will be free. However, nearby can change the rules for a separate scuffle and make them standard. Thus, although most of the scuffle will take place in a free format, some can still be in standard

All adventures will be in free format. This means that you can beat the bosses (even in heroes) any cards you have.

Recipes for deoders

In Hartstone there is an assistant to create a deck. But let's be honest - it is pretty bad. (let's be more honest - the proposed deck recipes also put it mildly not Ice, anyway, those that I have seen).

The company has introduced a new feature - recipes for the deck. It will help both new players and experienced who want to quickly begin the game with nonstract synergistic decks. Each class will have access to 3 decks - 1 classic and 2 thematic. Total 27 recipes.

Classic recipes will contain only basic and classic cards. It will be good budget options for new players who have no many cards yet. They are more general, without synergies and combo. This makes them more accessible and easy to manage.

Thematic recipes will be coolest. It will be the decks built around some kind of card or with funny synergies and combo. They will be more difficult to play and more cards will be required, so they are aimed at more experienced players.

All recipes will be focused on the standard format and include cards only from the Standra

Additional Information

When you unlock all 9 classes (which you have most likely already unlocked), then you get an additional 9 slots under the decks. This means that we will have 18 slots! However, the slots will be distributed between the standard and wave, so if you are going to play in both formats - on average, you remain 9 slots.

In the standard format, playing a map that calls another map you will not be able to get a card that does not belong to the standard format. This means that if you are playing, you will not be able to call on the old crochecher to lower, and the shepherd will not be able to call Gaz'yrilla

Classic maps that will be changed can be sprayed for the full cost during limited time. For example, if an epic map is changed, you can spray it not for 100, and for 400 dust.

Maps are sprayed with the sole purpose: to obtain magic dust, from which you can already create the necessary missing maps.


For a start, look at the cost of creating cards and by the amount of dust received from sprayed cards.

Cost of creation

The number of dust received

As you can see to create 1 card, you will need to spray somewhat. It all depends on the degree of rarity card.

After conducting simple mathematical calculations, we will see that these relations are as follows:

  • For conventional cards - 8 to 1;
  • For rare cards - 5 to 1;
  • For epic and legendary cards - 4 K 1.

When spraying a gold card to obtain a regular situation, it becomes much better: we change all kinds of cards at the rate of 1 to 1, and 10 units of magic dust are obtained to the usual map.

From here we draw conclusions that spraying ordinary cards are absolutely unprofitable, and it is not worth doing this. We are less than all when spraying the cards of the last two categories.

  • To scratch 1 legendary you will need to spray 320 ordinary, 80 rare, 16 epic cards or 4 legendary cards.
  • When spraying one legendary, you can create 10 ordinary, 4 rare cards or 1 epic map.

Creating a map by spraying - expensive pleasure.

Spray strategy

Never spray the card just because you do not like it. Blizzard periodically contributes different changes to the game from editing individual cards to the release of new additions and adventures. After such adjustments, it would seem, a strait card can be in demand in many decks.

Spray the cards just immediately before you need to scaffle the necessary. Before this, donate 7 times and cut out 1 time to accidentally do not spray the necessary cards, but to scream unnecessary. For such cases in the interface there is a mechanism for the cancellation of the solution. After selecting a card for spraying / creating you, you will be asked to confirm or cancel the solution. Below I will show the pictures from the interface if someone is lost in it.

Spray exactly as many cards as not enough to get the desired one. Excess cards, we always have time to spray. There is no need to hurry, as comrade Saakhov said. Some Blizzard cards are sometimes nerf, and for a certain period after the sad event, such a card can be sprayed at the cost of its creation. Of course, for a frank drive, you are unlikely to wait for such an event, but do not forget about the first paragraph of this chapter.

Very effectively spraying golden cards. (See previous chapter). If you have 2 non-gold copies of the card and 1 gold, then why not spray the gold version, if you are not a collector of the golden dec. (In the case of a legendar, only 1 is not a gold copy).

Also from the boosters you will fall out unnecessary instances of some cards. As you know, on deck you can use no more than 2 copies of one card and the 1st copy of the legendary. All unnecessary copies can be safely sent to consumption, for which the game even provides for the mechanism of automatic spraying of all extra. You can only hold those cards that can be picked in the near future.

If you are going to play only in Ranken, and you need a dust for competitive Dec, you can spray cards that are practically not used there. It is not worth cutting the combat cards of the classes that you do not play. Meta is constantly changing, and with it and favorite classes.

With newcomers, things are already harder. There is at least one class to choose something. Razno go to this issue. Look, what cards you already have. Run on the Internet to find out which classes are now on horseback. Look for efficient budget decks for these classes and select cards for them. Do not chase immediately for legens. Then you can with less losses to join the game.


Look at the interface of all this kitchen.

To get to it, first press the "My Collection" tab in the main game window.

After pressing the button, you can flip your collection in the usual way, but when you click on the map you will be offered to spray it or create it.

If you are mistaken with the choice of card or changed my mind, the spray can be canceled.

We now turn to the creation / crafting card. If you do not have it in the collection, it will look untreated.

We click on it, as an ordinary map. A familiar window will appear, but without the "Spray" button.

After creating, you can also change your mind, as in the case of spraying.

Just keep in mind that if you close the pop-up window before pressing the "Cancel" button, then the changes will take effect completely. The same applies to the case with spraying a map. Act carefully.

Automatic spraying is valid like this:

Today we will talk about the collection of cards. Maps are the kernel of the Hearthstone, and the game without them just did not exist. From this week this topic becomes most relevant. Replenishing your collection of cards has become expensive. With an increase in the total number of cards, this game has long turned from F2P in pleasure not for the wide masses. For an ordinary player, you need to spend a lot of time or money to maintain your collection in a fresh form.

Even the owners of solid collections are not easy to fill the gaps and keep up with new sets. When playing only in rating mode, you can an average earn no more than 150 gold per day due to existing restrictions.

In this article we will talk about getting the maximum return on their gold and money. We will also talk about spraying cards and the most relevant sets for standard format. Most of these things have long been known for you, but they can come in handy if you are new or not think about them.


Let's start with quests because they are the main way to get gold for most players. On a day you can replace 1 quest to another random, if it does not suit you for any reason. On average, on quests you can get 53 golden per day. Theoretically, to get the maximum gold in the long run, you must constantly replace the quests for 40 and 50 gold. But it is not quite right for two reasons.

First of all, there is a hidden cooldown, which most people do not even suspect. If I do not change my memory, Culdown for quests lasts 3 days, which has been tested. For quests on 100 gold, it can last longer (they are rare, and it was more difficult to test them). This means that if you received a quest for 60+ gold, then the chance of receiving it in the coming days will be reduced. The more expensive quests you received in the last 3 days, the less chances will receive them again. This fact brings the average amount of gold obtained to 50, and not to 53.

The second reason is that you get 10 gold for every 3 victories over the opponent, which averages 3.3 gold for victory. So, theoretically one quest on 50 gold can be more profitable for the other for a similar amount. Let's say you got a quest for drawing 10 pirates. It is easy to implement with the help of a warrior on pirates, which has a high winre. Suppose you did it for 2 matches, having won 1 victory. This quest will bring you 53.3 gold. And now let's compare it with the quest for a draw of 10 creatures with a frencher. There are little such creatures in strong decks, and you will need a lot of time to perform this task. Most likely you will collect a random deck with the maximum number of such creatures, and go to play it in casual mode. Not only do you spend time, but you also do not earn gold for victory and will not move in the ladder.

Therefore, in order to optimize the amount of gold received for quests, always reset the quests for 40 gold, and drop the quests for 50 gold only in cases where they create real problems for execution. This is especially true of those quests that require the creation of a special sloping deck for them to play in casual mode.

Remember that you do not need to perform quests every day. You can leave 1-2 quest in your journal for later if you want to replace them in the future or later. Suppose you replaced the quest from 50 to 40 gold. You can leave it to repeat it the next day. With an effective approach to replacing quests, you can receive up to 10-15 extra golden per day. It does not seem like a tangible amount, but per year you can receive up to 35-50 additional boosters. Results can be fought only in the long run, but they are worth it.

Nevertheless, I would not recommend with fanaticism to approach the maximum receipt of gold in the game. You may drop the quest for 60 gold, which you do not want to do (for example, play 50 cards of the class you do not play). Just cancel it. 10-20 gold in the game do not cost to force themselves to do something forcibly.


The efficiency of spraying is quite low. To get one card you will need to spray somewhat. But if you spray cards to the maximum, then you can get a large amount of dust. It's only about how many maps are you ready to sacrifice. To get a maximum of dust you must do the following.

Spray golden cards. Just get rid of gold cards. They are completely useless from the point of view of the gameplay. If you are not particularly interested in card marafes, the gold cards are a factory for the production of dust. Golden versions of cards are much more expensive than simple. This difference is especially noticeable for ordinary cards. An ordinary ordinary map can be sprayed with 5 units of dust, and the gold is 50 (10 times more). Golden ordinary and rare maps fall out often enough to get the necessary dust from them. I enjoyed this way from the very beginning of the game, so my decks were always relevant without investing real money.

For example, I no longer had to dispel gold cards from Pribambaska, because by that time I had enough dust. But if I wanted to spray only gold ordinary and rare challenges of Prijaskaska, I would have received 2050 dust units. This is enough to obtain the 1st legendary + 1 epic card. In the future, I will get rid of all gold cards if I do not have enough dust with a schedule for the exit of 3 extensions per year.

Spraying non-charming legens. One legendary can be converted to 4 rare, 1 epic or 1/4 of another legendary. The ratio is small, but 400 dust on the road are not lying. This case is risky, because it is difficult to determine in advance that the specific legendary is non-chamber. For example, we get a terrible legendary in Un'Goro. Is it worth spraying right away? But we will have a few more extensions before the card goes to free format. More synergies may appear, and the bad card will turn into a good one. Of course, some clinical cases, such as Bukamonstra, can be sprayed right now without much risk. But the truth is that the most bad cards can actually become good. Do not forget that in the free format of the cards remain forever after moving.

Spraying cards from free format. To this option should be resorted only when you are sure that you are not going to play free format. Remember that Blizzard promised to add more attractiveness for free format, so think about weighing your decision. If you do not play free format cards, they will give you a good absorption in dust. However, if you change your mind, you will have to purchase them again. If you play the game release, the spraying of sets from rotation can bring about 20 thousand units. dust.

Amazon Coins.

This is a special currency for the Amazon store, which is purchased for real money. Standard course: $ 1 \u003d 100 coins. There are all sorts of discounts and shares on the purchase of coins. You can save on boosters up to 40% of their price. But only a handful of countries has these privileges. This is the USA, the United Kingdom and Germany. Even within the United States may differ commissions on purchases depending on the staff. If interesting, then in English about how to use Amazon Store from the region outside the list of favorites. And about coins and promotions.

Not all people have these methods work, but, probably, they missed some steps. The author and his friends in this way bought Paks from Poland.

The procedure for acquiring sets

You have the necessary resources, but how to spend them more efficiently?

If you plan to play in a free format, then the procedure for purchasing maps does not matter. It is only important to pay special attention to expansion, where you lack the most necessary cards. For standard format, each specific network is greater than.

Each standard set includes current and last year sets, which is a two-year cycle. This means that after the release of the first expansion this year, all September 2015 will go to free format. Classic cards remain in the standard forever. The exceptions are maps that fall into the "Hall of Fame", but you will receive a full compensation for them, so it is most safe to acquire the classics cards. Newbie is better to start with the acquisition of a classic set. If you have such cards enough, it is reasonable to start with the settings of the last standard year.

For example, now buying a "Big Tournament" cards meaningless if you are going to make an emphasis on the standard. The kit will come out of rotation less than in a month. Sainful to acquire cards from the extensions of 2016. But for greater efficiency, it is better to wait for the first addition of this year. Cards from Un'Goro will be out of rotation only in 2019. You will have 2 years to receive complete returns from them.

The most important is the purchase of 30-40 boosters from each addition. They are most valuable. When you have 0 cards, then in these boosters you will drop a lot of new rare and ordinary cards. From further packs will be less than the return, because there will begin a lot of repetitions, and the chance of getting the right epic or legendary will be very low. Therefore, if you need cards from old extensions like "the ancient gods", then I recommend you to stay on 40 packs, and the necessary remaining epics and legens to scream. Next should focus on the boosters from the last addition.

Tavern expect fateful changes! We proudly declare about the appearance of different gaming formats in the Hearthstone! We hope they will enjoy both beginners and veterans. Thanks standard format HearthStone game for many years will remain exciting and at the same time accessible, whereas like in free format Everything will continue that you already know about the game and you love in it.

New standard
Standard format will allow players to fight in game mode, using only the newest HearthStone cards. You can create decks in this format only from the basic and classical sets of cards (they will always be at your disposal), as well as those that appeared in the game in the current and past calendar years. For the fight, we will pick you up with rivals, in which the decks are assembled on the same standard format.

Standard format will allow Hearthstone to catch new paints.

  • It will make the metaigra more dynamic and balanced.
  • Restrictions on sets will make each card more significant!
  • The developers will have more freedom when creating new cards.
  • The beginners will be easier to join the game, since they do not have to collect a lot of cards.

Standard format is intended only for friendly dues, rating game and normal mode, but not for the arena, single game and adventure.

Volnoe - Will!
Free format is just a new name for the version of the game to which you are already accustomed and in which anything can happen. While in the standard format, the emphasis is placed on recently released cards and the desire to balance the newest gameplay, free format allows you to have fun in the already familiar conditions for you. Of course, over time and as new cards added to new cards, it will become increasingly unpredictable!

The playing process in this format itself will not undergo any changes: you, as always, can perform tasks, earn gold, fight for the rating, win a shirt for cards, strive for the rank of "legends" and make a free deck from the whole collection of cards. If you decide to use a "free" deck in a rating or ordinary game, then your opponent will also be a player with a flap of free format.

Forward, to legend!
With the introduction of a standard format to the game, you can choose in which of the two formats to participate in the rating games. In each you will have your own rank, and therefore you can easily get the "legend" both in the free and standard formats. However, the reward at the end of the season you will receive for the achievement of the best rank in one of the modes. So choose which one to your soul to you!

Time for a change
The coming introduction to the format game is an excellent opportunity to weigh and appreciate what the Hearthstone represents at this stage. Usually we are very restrained to the question of maps changes in order to improve the balance (and we will adhere to such a policy), but the next year provides us with a brilliant ability to overestimate some of the cards from the basic and classical sets (including class maps) and contribute to them A description of a number of long-term amendments.

For more information on which cards will be changed and why, we will share with you closer to the appearance of a standard format.

More places for the deck!
Yes, finally, you will have more space for the deck! We have prepared a small gift that you will get shortly before introducing a standard format to the game: if you have discovered all the ninter heroes, then your collection will be replenished with nine additional places under the deck, and therefore you will have eighteen!

Release Kraken!
Standard format will appear in the Hearthstone already this spring! When this momentous day comes, you can draw up standard decks from the following sets:

  • Base
  • Classical
  • Black Mountain
  • Big tournament
  • League researchers
  • New Supplement (spring 2016)

Sets "Curse of Naxramas" and "Goblins and Dwarfs" it will not be used In standard format. Each year after the release of the first addition, card sets released from the standard format will be excluded.

The standard format will have an annual cycle. The symbol of each new year in Hearthstone will be one of the zodiacal constellations shining in the night sky of Azeroth. The appearance over the horizon of the new constellation foreshadows the beginning of the year and is accompanied by noisy fun and flashes everywhere, wherever they played in Hearthstone!

The first standard year will be referred to year of KrakenSo get ready for the sea events!

On free holbe
This year, an adventure and additions will be removed from the store, which will not be included in the standard format, namely "Curse of Naxramas" and "Goblins and Dwarfs". If you still need cards from these sets (for a free mode or for the collection), then you can create them from a magic dust - even those adventure cards that it was impossible to create before. By the way, as for adventures: If you have acquired at least the first wing from any adventure before it came out of the rotation, then you can still buy the rest of the wings and complete the passage.

Not long left!
We bored with the fame above the standard format and eat to see how the HearthStone will be transformed, the gameplay will revive, and the additions will start playing a more significant role. In addition, this innovation will not slow down to affect the competitive element of the game, because it is in standard format that Hearthstone Championship Tour will be held! In general, we believe that the standard format will become the quintessence of all the best, which can offer Hearthstone.

We hope that you share our enthusiasm, and look forward to your feedback.

Without a doubt, you have questions, and therefore we offer you a section. If something is still incomprehensible for you, we are always ready to help!

General issues

I have not yet managed to read . So what happens to Hearthstone?
We add formats to rating and usual game modes in Hearthstone. In standard format, you can use decks consisting of only those cards that are released in the current and past calendar years, as well as basic and classic sets. Free format is already familiar to all players in Hearthstone. It does not imply any restrictions, you can use any cards, including all those that are permissible in standard format.

What is "format"?
In card games, the format is understood as the rules and limitations regulating the set of permissible cards permissible.

Why do you add formats?
Thanks to formats, we can achieve some important goals for Hearthstone. The standard format will make the gameplay more dynamic and fascinating, unlocking the developers of the hands when creating new cards, and will also help the beginners to get comfortably. This format will give the players a stunning and unpredictable experience of handling all the cards that have ever been released - just as a familiar game for you.

How often is it planned to update the standard format?
Standard format will be updated every year with the release of the first addition. At this time, maps sets released in the current and past calendar years will be added to it. Basic and classic maps will be in this format on an ongoing basis.

And why the basic and classic maps will always be included in the standard format?
These cards serve as the basis of the foundations of Hearthstone. They give the game uniqueness, their principle of action is clear by novice, and returning players can be confident that there will always be something familiar to them.

What is "Year of Kraken"?
"Kraken Year" is a special name of the first year of the standard format. With the release of the first new addition, the next year will begin the new year and in Hearthstone: the standard format will be updated, and another mythical creature will be the symbol.

Deck management

What happens to my decks when the standard format is introduced?
The decks that are completely consisting only of the cards permitted in the standard format will become standard decks. All those decks that contain free-format maps will automatically turn into freeplates. They can be made standard, highlighting the name of the deck (or by visiting the mouse pointer) and selecting a standard format. After that, the game will mark all the free cards in this deck so that they can be replaced.

Will standard cards be marked in my collection?
Although its format is not marked on each individual map, there will be prompts in your collection, with which you will know which deck is standard or free. You can also use the filter to highlight only standard cards.

And new places for deck can be used only for standard decks?
Additional places for the decks are suitable for both standard and free deelines. You will be given nine additional places after the opening of all nine heroes.

Creation, Spraying and Collecting Maps

How will the process of collecting cards work?
Adventures and additions of standard format can be purchased for gold or real money. Sets that are not suitable for standard format will not be bought in an in-game store, but you can create any such maps using a wizard dust - even those that used to create or spray it was impossible.

How will adventure acquisition system act?
For adventures included in the standard format, everything will remain in old. Not included in the standard format adventure will no longer work. If you have managed to buy at least one wing of a particular adventure, you can unlock all the others with the help of an intra-card currency.

Can I still create and spray cards that are not included in the standard format?
Yes, you can create and spray these cards - including those previously not subject to creation or spraying - for their usual value in magic dust. The only exception is the basic cards, which, in principle, cannot be created or sprayed.

Does the standard format of the card from the sets received in the award (like "Gellin of Maggakrut" and "Old March-eyed")?
All maps obtained as a reward, as well as promotional cards can only be used in free format. After the game appears a standard format, the captain's parrot card and the old gloomy will not be obtained by collecting certain classic cards, but they can be created (and sprayed). The principle of obtaining cards "Gelbin Meggakrut" and "E.T.C." It will remain the same: the usual versions of these cards can be created (and then, if you need to spray), while their gold versions can only be obtained during the special events, so that they cannot be sprayed or create themselves.

Please note that you can also create and spray cards from the adventures of the standard format. The main thing is that you have already received them!

Game process

How will random effects act in standard format?
Random effects (including the call of random creatures or cards, "Excavation" mechanics, transformation or any other similar effects) will encourage cards allowed in the current format. This means that only the cards of the same format can be called in a standard format. In a free format, you can use any cards, so that similar effects will act as usual.

Can I get awards in both formats?
You can earn gold, perform tasks, raise the level of heroes and earn victorious glasses to get a gold portrait in both formats without any differences. However, the monthly reward for the highest rankings in the rating game and the maps shirt will be awarded only on the basis of the best indicator among the two modes. In a reward for the season and fights on the arena, you can only get those cards that can be used in standard format.

Will the standard format be used in the arena?
By default for the arena and other HearthStone game modes, such as a single game, adventure, etc., free format is used. Some events in the computer mode can be carried out in a standard format, but in general it only acts in the rating and ordinary game.

Will the system of formats be used in scuffle?
Each new program runs according to various rules, and therefore some of them will be carried out in a free format, and others are in the standard one. In any case, they will remain as shouting!

Will the formats have any influence on my decks for adventure?
Adventures are in free format, so you can create appropriate decks without any restrictions.

How will the rival selection system work?
By setting you in the standard format, the system will automatically select rivals with decks of the same type. The queue in the free format will include players with both free decks and with standard, since a free format involves the ability to use standard decks.

Can I play a standard deck in a free format?
Yes! Free format accommodates the entire collection, regardless of the release date, including those cards that are used in standard format. Therefore, you can queue in a free format with a standard deck.

Can I play friendly duels in standard format?

Yes! In the case of duels, you will have the opportunity to choose a format, and your opponent will be able to choose only a spodder suitable for it.

How will the rating games in standard and free formats work?
With the advent of the format system, your current rating will be "divided" to free and standard. For example, if you have the 5th rank, then after making changes you will have the 5th rank and in the standard, and in free formats.

Since the rating system is divided, you can move forward in the rating table and strive for legend in each From the formats separately. At the end of the season, the reward will be issued on the basis of the highest rank among two formats, but not for both. Regardless of which format you received a reward, it will contain only standard cards.

Please note that in the usual game mode, the rating of the opponent will be one for both formats.

Which rank will see my friends on
Your friends via Battle.NET will automatically display the best rank at the moment. It may be standard, and free format.

Will you announce the lists of the top 100 season players for both formats?
At the moment we plan to announce only a list of 100 best players in standard format.

Can I earn Hearthstone Championship Tour glasses in the rating game of both formats?
Not. Hearthstone Championship Tour glasses in 2016 will be possible only in the standard format rating game.

So all official cybizzard events will be held in a standard format?

Yes. The official format of holding Hearthstone Championship Tour and Hearthstone World Championship in 2016 will be standard.


Can I use different shirts and special heroes in any format?
Yes, all shirts and the heroes collected can be used in both formats.

Is it possible to spray for the full cost, the basic and classic cards that you update the onset of the year of Kraken?
Basic cards are not subject to spray and cannot be created under any circumstances. But the classic cards that we will change can be sprayed for their full cost for a limited period of time.

Will the introduction of formats lead to an increase in the recovery time of the opponent?
We do not think that the introduction of the format system will lead to a significant increase in the recovery time of rivals.

Will I still participate in those adventures that will not be purchased?
You can take only those adventures that you already have. If you have purchased at least one wing remote from the adventure store, then you can open all the others, but only for in-game gold, and not for real money.

I'm new and I do not have access to a free format in the game mode. What should I do to unlock this format for the usual or rating mode?
To access free format and create an appropriate deck, you just need to create only one card that is not included in the standard format. If you already have similar cards, the free format will open automatically.

Is it planned to return to the standard format of old sets?
Currently, we do not plan to return the old sets of cards from free format to standard.

Tell us about the new addition of 2016.

It is very, very cool. We think that you will definitely like it. We will tell us quite soon ™.

Hello, dear readers Site! It's no secret that in April in the world Hearthstone is a big coup - an annual rotation of standard mode! Players are preparing to update the META, build forecasts and impose high hopes for this event, because it should drastically transform the game. This article will help you learn more about future changes and answer many questions. You can read what rotation is additions, how the standard mode works, what is the Hall of Fame, which cards will fall into it and how to get an additional magician dust to the beginning of the year of the crow. You will also find all the well-known information about the complement of the Witin Forest, the release of which will open the coming year of the crow.

  1. Text Added data about the year of the crow and add-on Witin Forest
  2. Removed information about irrelevant archetypes and maps associated with February Nerps in Patch 10.2
  3. In the "What will lose the top decks will lose", current archetypes have been added, removed irrelevant, updated assembly
  4. Changed the section "What is the Hall of Fame, which cards will fall into it?": Removed information about the alleged candidates for moving to the Hall of Fame, added about three already known maps
  5. Added subsection "On spraying cards and getting benefit from the Hall of Glory"

Navigation by article

About standard mode

In February 2016, BLIZZARD announced the opening of a completely new page in the history of the game. It's about the appearance of different gaming formats. The introduction of the standard regime was supposed to make the meter more dynamic and balanced, as well as facilitate the life of novice, which would make it easier to join the game. Now every addition is gaining particular importance, because the release of new cards is significantly reflected in the overall gaming picture. Restrictions on sets makes each card especially important, and the annual rotation completely transforms the game.

Such a sharp turn of events met many reviews from the players, both approving and the most angry. Many have come to the conclusion that such innovation will not only not help beginners, but rather lead to direct opposite consequences. The recently entered the game will have to actively adapt to the method, which has the property to change dramatically with the release of updates. And they will simply not be able to accumulate enough dust and gold to extract the maximum benefit from new card sets. All this pushes newcomers to cash investments in the game, and many are sure that it was on this that was the main calculation of Blizzard.

However, not all perceived the changes so negative. The introduction of different formats gives players the possibility of choice. Standard mode is considered the main one, but you can always join free if you want a variety or ponostalg.

In 2018, the third rotation of the standard regime will happen. HearthStone fans most often find this event with an exciting, important and extremely interesting, because not only the maps of the new addition appear, but also the old one. On the one hand, it is a bit sad: you can miss, for example, the custodian of Mediv or N'Zota, but, on the other, many, many tired and boring mechanics and cards disappear, opening the way new. Someone does not like changes, but Hearthstone is simply unthinkable without them!

Care supplements

Separation to different formats assumed to make one of them more dynamic. Once a year, the situation in standard mode should change beyond recognition - so how to achieve this? Everything is simple: the game should use cards only from the additions of the last two years, as well as from the basic and classic sets. Early add-ons go to free mode. In 2018, standard format will leave cards from additions Awakening of the ancient gods, the cereal city of Prijambasskas well as an adventure Party in Karazhan. All of them came out in 2016, and in the new season only maps 17-18 gg should play (not counting classical and basic).

Such a turn of events may seem too sharp and illogical: only one new addition appears, whereas three leave immediately. But in fact, this cleaning is very useful for META: it loosens the level of the deck, for almost all of them lose most of their main options. So the game situation becomes more balanced, the mass of new archetypes appears, and the old and all the annoying go into non-existence. It is difficult to even imagine what will be the meta standard mode after such a large-scale coup. One thing is exactly accurate: the situation will change the cardinal way.

Awakening ancient gods

Indeed, the first three cards were widely used by all classes, the latter was noticeably allocated from the Warlock, Magic and Robber. It made the game less variable, and the decks are more template: what's the point to use another 6 drop, if there is a Silvana vet?

It is important that players who have data cards in the collection will receive full compensation for magic dust with the onset of the year of the crow. There are several ways or enriched with unnecessary dust in the new year, or to replenish your collection with gold copies of cards. Read more about this in the next section.

What to do players before rotation?

Each year, the rotation of the add-ons puts a difficult task in front of the players: how to be with those maps that go to free regime? Fans of standard format, of course, will say: dust, dust and dust once again! The advice for most players is relevant, most likely many that will come. Care supplements gives a rare opportunity to get a large amount of dust at the same time.

Film players of such a possibility are deprived. To tell the truth, the rotation is not particularly affected by them, so no flour of choice in front of them is worth it.

About Party in Karazhan

In the most difficult position, there are already players who have not yet bought an adventure Party in Karazhan. So is it worth purchasing it now or not?

Many are convinced that adventures need to buy in any case, even if they have long left, because they are guaranteed to give several legendary cards, while buying boosters is a risky and unreliable business. One kit, according to the majority, is equal to 40 sorcerer dust, but the legendary cards from the adventure can be sprayed for the whole 400!

In fact, not everything is so simple. Think twice before buying a party in Karazhan now, when it remains less than a month before it is care. First, the most obvious: these cards will soon go to free regime. If you are not going to play for 12 hours a day for the next 3 weeks, then the costs clearly do not pay off. Purchase of adventure exclusively for spraying - the question is even more controversial. Yes, you are guaranteed to get a fixed amount of dust for a certain amount, but is it worth it?

Purchase of all adventures will cost you in 2800 gold, which will provide 2930 magic dust after spraying all the cards (hall - 620, Opera House - 740, Lennets - 590, Spire - 980) Plus 20 more dust for 2 pairs of ordinary cards from a free priston, but They can not be considered.

For the same 2800 gold you can purchase 28 sets of cards. It is worth saying that the widespread belief that the average benefit from one booster is 40 dust, very erroneously. When buying a large number of sets of cards, the average benefit of one increases to approximately 100 sorcerer dust, and the probability of the legendary card is noticeably rising. Therefore, if you have accumulated 2800 gold, it is better to spend them on the sets of current sets: classic boosters, if you are a beginner, or sets of supplement cards Witin Forest, which will come out very soon.

Do not forget that the rotation occurs in parallel with the release of a new addition, that is, new cards that you will definitely need. In this case, spending almost 3 thousand gold at 2930 dust certainly does not make sense - you do not even be enough for two legendary cards. You can create 1 legendary, 2 epic and 5 rare cards (+30 dust in the residue) or 7 epic and 1 rare (+30 in the residue). Variations can be different, but in the end you will receive 8-15 cards not the highest quality.

At the same time, 28 new boosters will give you 140 cards, from which not everyone will be ordinary or rare (probability, of course, is, but here you need just a total bad luck). And not all - useless.

Thus, there is no serious reason for buying a case of serious grounds. Of course, if you have huge gold reserves and it simply has nowhere to give, then you can spend 3000 for an adventure. Ultimately, if your desire to buy caragan and save the custodian Mediva is so inexorable, take one wing for 700 coins. After that, you can always buy the rest, even after rotation.

It should be emphasized once again that the above councils do not belong to the players of a free regime: for them, the purchase of adventure will not lose relevance now, nor after changing the seasons.

About creating outgoing cards

During the adventure, it is logical to go to the question of creating cargo sets. All additions are full of interesting and strong creatures and spells that firmly entrenched in many decks. Some are so strong that they define the current state of the META.

If dust can not regret on ordinary and rare cards, then the legendary and epic require more serious costs. It is necessary to clearly understand whether these investments will be beneficial for you.

Some cards can greatly serve to you in the remaining time, but this does not mean that you need to create them soon. It all depends on your desire to play this or that deck and the time you are willing to dedicate it. Playing half an hour a day for the sake of the daily jobs, it is clearly not worth spending on N'Zota. And if you suddenly realized that your cherished dream is 24 hours a day to conquer the Ladder Big Priest, then there is a sense to even create a and'sharaj and Barnes (if you once again sprayed it). Everything is relatively and depends on you. The main thing is to decide what it will be more profitable in your case.

ABOUTspraying cards and receiving benefits from the Hall of Fame

If you are a happy owner of all cards from the sets of awakening ancient gods, the cereal city of Pribambassk and a party in Karazhan, then their mass spray will bring you about 32 thousand magic dust. It is not yet known whether it is possible to spray K'tun and calling evil. If so, then add 410 dust. Plus, do not forget about the maps that fall into the Hall of Fame, but about this more further.

Because of the fact that not everyone has the opportunity to extract so many spraying benefits, many players are thrown to look for non-challenge legendary cards from a standard set and actual additions to get the missing dust from them. This is not the best idea, since any card can ever be won. It is not known what mechanics will come up with Blizzard in the future - maybe even the keeper of the Cho history will ever be at the level of the old pirate of the eye to the Nerf and become the legendary card number 1. Once all the bloody hoof from Cairn accounts, but it was actively used by some popular decks. Not the most popular Baron Geddon appeared in the mage on elementals. Any card can play, then go back to the shadow again, to play again, etc. So dust alone legendary cards for the sake of others is extremely irrational (and disadvantageous mathematically).

When a party in Karazhan, the awakening of the ancient gods and the cereal city of Pribambassk will leave the standard mode, with the maps of these additions you can do everything you want. Leaving them, you will always be able to use each of most purchases and in free. Spraying everything, you will get a large number of magic dust, which can be spent on the maps of future additions.

How to do - the question you can answer only, as the owner of your own collection of cards.

Finally, it is worth talking about glory Glory Cards And how can you benefit from this event. The whole situation can be described by several theses:

  • When the year of the Crow will come, you will receive full compensation of the magic dust (as much as the creation of the card) for the cards going to the Hall of Fame
  • If you have gold copies of cards, you will get full compensation for them, but not for ordinary copies
  • You can get compensation for 2 identical cards in your collection, it makes no sense to create more of their number
  • All the cards you went to the Hall will remain in your collection in a special section, they can be sprayed at any time, but according to ordinary rates.

So what to do to get unnecessary magic dust or beautiful gold copies of cards? This issue was very detailed in a separate article: here you can withdraw several short rules:

  1. If you do not have a single card, which will soon go to the Hall of Fame, create two gold copies of each. If you do not have so many magic dust, create ordinary copies
  2. If you have gold copies of all cards, do nothing
  3. If you have ordinary copies of all cards and you just want to get a maximum of dust, do nothing
  4. If you have ordinary copies of all cards and you want to improve them to improve them to gold, create gold copies. Conventional can be sprayed now, if you have two gold copies.


Rotation add-ons is a turning point for the game. It is at this time that the meta is completely updated. New decks are created, the well-established list of the most popular classes and archetypes changes. Many of the existing deck weakened, others will disappear at all. However, it was for this that the division into standard and free formats was introduced. Ultimately, the changes are inevitable, and the players remain hoping that they will only be for the better.

Have a good game, see you in the Witch Forest!

Prepared Buba and RedSnapper, died out Sadhappy and Blaze, designed Piligrim.

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