Universe Marvel. As a collector ("Marvel"), his collections replenished the secret sister Torah

Like his fellow, grandmaster - a surviving representative of an alien race, which appeared shortly after a large explosion. Fighting boredom, he spent many years in search of new games and entertainment. The grandmaster opened the land-712, on which he dwells "", and created the twins of the participants in this group to push them with. Later, he tried to grow new ones on our planet for his games, but he refused this plan, losing betting by Sorvigolov.

The grandmaster can not be compiled, get sick or hurt. He knows how to fly, travel through time and space, as well as to manage matter. In addition, the grandmaster has encyclopedic knowledge of games and all possible entertainment in the universe.

And once the grandmaster concluded a deal with CO, and as a result, everyone was immortal. Together with them, he tried to kill, however, this plan was silent. Then grandmaster tried to push the team with a gang of attackers, but to no avail.

REAL NAME: Rus Gast.


Location: constantly changing.

HEIGHT: 216 cm. WEIGHT: 109 kg.

EYES: red (without pupils). HAIR: white.

The collector (Marvel) is a character who, thanks to immortality, there are already about five billion years. He is the elder of the Universe and lives alienated since his wife died. One day another elder - Grandmaster, helped him return the spouse, but she did not fit, so he died again. As a result, the collector ("Marvel", the photo below) has come to accept his loneliness and began to look for a suitable occupation. And he found him. He liked collect rare things, as well as interesting inhabitants of the universe. And it was their reasons.

The fact is that Tannelira Tivan had a vision that someday the universe would disappear. Even elders will disappear, and the Wine will be the cosmic villain Tanos. Hence his hobby. True, picking up rare forms of life often brought him trouble, because many did not want to become its exhibits at all.

Hunting of Avengers

Over time, the place on a huge ship is over, and Tivan "Collector" ("Marvel") began to look for other storage facilities for his hobby. He had to buy a planet, then another one, and soon on its warehouses were stored rare specimens collected from the surfaces of hundreds of different planets.

When he got to the ground, the Avengers were attracted - the team of powerful superheroes. Inspired by their feats, he immediately wanted to replenish his collection. But he managed to assume only some of them, and then not for long.

For example, he caught the wasp, beetle and some other avengers. They were going to use them for catching Hulk. But it was a bad idea. As a result, the green mutant escaped by freeing many other prisoners.

Zoo Tivana

Whatever it was, contact with earthlings still provided a collector certain opportunities. He managed to build a huge underground zoo in Canada. There were such exhibits as the alien FIN Fang Foom, Monster DROOM, Conded Dragon Grogg, Rosable Tree GROOT and other creatures. He liked all these unique creatures. Probably, so it was so strong to the ground. The only problem is that he often left his zoo unattended.

Once his underground storage discovered a creature from the underground world - Mole Man. He released all the monsters so that they rose to the surface and arranged a mess there, because Mole had long experienced hatred for all mankind. Fortunately, the plan of a half-blind person was not fulfilled, as Hulk, a giant person (Hank Pim) and the fantastic Four quickly reassured monsters.

Team "Brothers"

There was time, and Tivan's thrust to earthly inhabitants grew only. In despair, the collector (Marvel) is solved on a terrible act - destroy the planet to calmly pick up everything he needs. For this, he decided to use the "brothers" - a deadly team created by an alien race from bacteria. After all, it is easier nowhere to arrange the powerful aliens of the escape so that they make all the dirty work.

The "brothers" attacked the land where the avengers were met. But after prolonged and large-scale battles, bacteria realized that all this time they were manipulated. Therefore, they turn against Tivan and defeat it.

Torah trap

One day, serious weather changes began to occur on Earth. But the thing is that the living Planet Ego, which a stranger created was created by a lobby. Wanting to find out what's the matter, Tor went to the elder, but the collector ("Marvel") accepted him hostile, and a small battle began between them. Tivan had to stop the fight, because he was worried about his collections. True, he did not drive thunder God, but showed him his exhibits, among whom was Alter Ego - the twin of the planet Ego, also created by a stranger for the purpose of the experiment.

Toro did not like that Tonanir Tyvan holds such a powerful creature. He swear to free the prisoner, but the collector ("Marvel") has already solved his plan and with the help of the elemental name named Zephyr lured Torah into the trap. It is sent to a special storage designed for especially non-promotional copies. It just turned out that the marshmallow has long been familiar with the Asgard God, so it helps him to escape, and he frees alter ego. Having learned about the betrayal of the assistant, Tyvan is going to send it to a black hole, but she has time to hide.


Like any elder of the universe, the collector has certain abilities:

  • Immortality. A long-term deal with the death of Tanneliir for eternal life. He does not get sick, his body is impossible to hurt, even lost limbs he can restore. Unless, of course, do not spray it to atoms, as the cyborg was at one time named Korvac.
  • Gift foresight. Yes, he can see the future. That was how he was able to foresee the threat in the face of mutant Tanos.
  • Increased characteristics. The collector ("Marvel") has an incredible supply of strength, endurance and dexterity. But what about, because he is the elder of the universe.
  • Use of cosmic energy. This ability helps him change growth and appearance, as well as perform energy attacks.
  • Increased intelligence. For a long life, the collector received a huge number of knowledge, therefore is a specialist in many areas.
  • Combat technologies. At the disposal of Tannelira there is a lot of offensive items: lasers, guns, bombs, wrestling costumes, potions and all kinds of weapons. How else to defend his favorite collections?

Collector (Marvel): film

The collector appears in the movie "Tor 2: The Kingdom of Darkness," where his role executed there Lady Sif asks him to pick up the ether from Asgard so that he was not kept together with a tisseract.

And in the fantastic militant "Guardians of the Galaxy" Taller Tyvan first gets the stone of infinity, but then loses one of his museums.

Grandmaster (Grandmaster) his real name En Morov Gast. - It is a fictional character that appears in the Universe. The character first appeared in the comic entitled Avengers №69 (October 1969), and was created by the writer Roym Thomas and the artist Sel Baskem. He is one of the elders of the Universe (Elders of the Universe).


Although its exact origin is unknown, the grandmaster is one of the most ancient creatures in the universe. He is also one of the first representatives of the rational race, which began to develop after a large explosion. He once possessed the mind of the mind (Mind Gem), one of the six stones of infinity (Infinity Gems), but lost it. He is a cosmic player and prefers the game in which two teams fight against each other. He used an ominous squadron (Squadron Sinister), Sorvigolov, defenders, the avengers of the East and West Coast, Ultrasil from the Universe of Malibu Comics and America's justice league from the DC Comics Universe.

In his first appearance, the grandmaster came down in the game against Kanga Conqueror, they used the avengers and an ominous squadron in the role of their pawns. After Kangang champions, Avengers defeated the sinister squadron, the grandmaster called on the heroes of World War II, the invaders (invaders). If Kang defeats, the Grandmaster will give him power over life or death for a while. If Kang loses that grandmaster will destroy the land. Fortunately, Kang champions won.

Later, returning to the 20th century, the grandmaster used Sorvigolov and defenders as his pawns against a wise robot of the main player (Prime Mover), which was created by Dr. Dum. Having won the grandmaster takes control of the land, but he refused her after he lost betrayal of Sorvigolov.

Soon, the grandmaster decided to challenge the death (Death). If the grandmaster wins, the collector (collector) will be revived, but if he loses, he will die too. The grandmaster also promised that if he won, he would never again use the heroes of the Earth, as his pawns. The grandmaster team won, but death said that in order for the collector to return to life, in return, it is necessary to sacrifice the life of someone else. Death offered him to use the lives of some of the heroes, but, the grandmaster decided not to violate his promise and therefore, he sacrificed his life to resurrect the collector.

The grandmaster returned from the grave to shiver the Eastern and West Avengers coast during one of his annual games, he believed that since he returned the dead, he was free from his previous promise to "leave the heroes of the Earth alone." Then, he again used the Avengers team in the game against death. This time the team opposed Legion of the Dead (Legion of the Unliving). This time grandmaster won immortality for himself and all other elders.

Later elder the universe consumed to kill, using infinity stones against him. This plan did not fail, with the result that the grandmaster was absorbed by Galactus as a punishment. But since he cannot die, he and other elders survived inside the Galactus, that he almost destroyed it. As a result, the elders were liberated by Master Order and Lord Chaos, after which Galactus was helped to defeat the intermediary (in-betweener).

After that, the grandmaster seized the mind of the mind that he was at that moment until the insane titan arrived. By this time, Tanosa had five slightly infinity stones, tricking the grandmaster stone, which was not intended to lose him. Gast was aware of the arrival of a powerful Tanos and was already ready to fight him in the game. He fought against Tanos in the game in the type of virtual reality, in which superior tactical knowledge and his vast experience in battles gave Tanos a win-win advantage. But the grandmaster did something that he would rarely, he decided to deceive. But he could not even imagine that Tanos had already played dishonest in advance. He thought he was playing against Tanos, but in fact the grandmaster played not with a real Tanos, but only a copy of the infinity stones created by him. As a result, Tanos got a stone of the mind and left the grandmaster trap in his own game.


Like all other elders, the grandmaster is one of the first reasonable creatures in the Universe and has various superhuman abilities. He is one of the most powerful elders of the Universe.

The grandmaster was described as a creature possessing the ability to manage the "initial force", this is the radiation that remains from the Big Explosion. However, its strength is significantly lower than that of Galactus and the mediator. Grossmaster in some cases uses very advanced technology to increase its strength and make various actions that were previously not reached for it. It is known that grandmaster has access to technologies that are far beyond the limits of human understanding.

The grandmaster has a cosmic life force that makes it almost immortal, and also provides it with immunity to aging, diseases, poisons, besides this, he is immune to ordinary injury as it has regeneration from almost any damage. He can survive and travel in space, it does not need food, water and air. It can use its cosmic force for various effects, such as fly, create energy explosions, teleport through space and time or between parallel measurements, change its size, manage time and other. The grandmaster has the authority over life and death. Currently, in connection with his actions against death, he and other elders cannot die.

It has highly developed superhuman intelligence with huge knowledge and understanding and theory of games that are far beyond the current land. Also, possesses encyclopedic knowledge of thousands of exotic games that can be found in the universe.

In the media
Cartoon series

The grandmaster appears in the "Fantastic Four" animated series, the character of the character voiced Frenc Tikner. He appears in the episode called "Champions Duel", in which sets up a fantastic four against Super Scrull, Ronana Prosecutor, an impossible person and AnniGilus in one of the games.

The grandmaster appears in the animated series "Superhero Detachment", voiced by John about "Harley. It can be seen in the episode" those who will absorb Eternity! "In which the grandmaster plays the game against Tanos. The Tansom team consists of, and, and the grandmaster team from Knighthoud , Princess of Power and Hyperion (Supreme Squadron).

The grandmaster appears in the "Great Spider Man", the role of the character voiced Jeff Bennett. The grandmaster appears in the episode called the "Champions Battle".

The grandmaster appears in the animated series "Guardians of the Galaxy", the character of the character voiced by Jason Spaysek. He appears in the episodes of "Gray Milano and Run", "Space Cowboys" and "Fox on the run".

Animated films

The grandmaster appears in the film "Planet Hulk". He is seen in the Coliseum, where he watches the battle of Hulk and his friends. It is in the background when the Red King pronounces its first speech.


The grandmaster will appear in the movie "Tor: Ragnarök", the character of the character will perform the actor Jeff Goldblum.


Grandmaster in the game "Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet".

Grossmaster in the game "Marvel Super Heroes 3D: The Grandmaster Challenge".

History of publications

Characteristics of character

Position: Evil Alter-Ego: Lonnie Thompson Lincoln

Pseudonyms: gravestone, Lonnie

View: genetically changed man

Birthplace of New York, USA

US citizenship

Rod classes: criminal, boss of New York Mafia

Allies: Silvermein and other mafia

Enemies: Spiderman, Sorvigolov, Luke Cage, Kingpin

Special forces: superhuman force and strength may not breathe hand-to-hand combat skills

The tombstone (english.tombstone) is a super vessel of the Marvel Comics Universe. For the first time appeared in the Web of Spider-Man comic. (Rus. Poika Pauka Powder) No. 36 in March 1988. His daughter of the villain on nicknamed beetle

Tombstone biography

Lonnie Lincoln was born albino, and therefore at school was the object of ridicule. Nevertheless, one of the schoolchildren did not mock him, and it was Joe Robbi Robertson, the future correspondent of the newspaper Daily Bug. Because of this, Lonnie became strangely faithful to his "friend", but it did not stop intimidating Robertson, who planned to write an article in the school newspaper, where Lonnie was exhibited as an extortionist. After graduating from high school, Lonnie and Robbie parted. Lonni thanks to his frightening image and combat skills, obtained in numerous street fighting, became known on the streets as a tombstone. During this time, Robertson became a reporter in a local newspaper.

A few years after they broke up, Robertson went to a meeting with the informant, and saw how he was killed by Lincoln. Robertson gave testimony against the tombstone, and he was arrested, but later escaped from prison. In their next meeting, the tombstone organized an ambush on Robertson at the Chemical Plant of Osborne, but the trap was revealed by a spider man. During the incident, Robertson shot in the tombstone, sending him to the room with an experimental dioxin-3 chemical, which gave Lonni superhuman abilities.

The tombstone worked with Kingpin and Mollogard, and was also a member of the sinister of a dozen.

Forces and abilities

Initially, the tombstones did not possess superhuman abilities, but received them with artificial way as a result of a mutagenic reaction to the experimental gas that was in his blood. His physical force increased to a superhuman level. The body of the tombstone has high resistance to injury and can withstand extreme temperatures, large shock loads, large-caliber bullets and toxic gases. His reflexes, speed and endurance are also elevated to superhuman.

In addition, Lonnie is an excellent hand-to-hand fighter with many years of street fighting experience, and even before gaining superposses, it was easily able to kill a man with bare hands. By combining your skills of street battles with superhuman forces acquired, he created a unique battle style. He also professionally handles weapons and has good connections in a criminal world.

As an albino, it is sensitive to sunlight due to the natural deficit of melanin.