What do peaks mean at fortune'y. Compatibility with other birth cards. Interpretation of playing card values

On born January 16, February 14, March 12, April 10, May 08, June 06, July 4 and August 02 map of merchant.

People with this card from birth are endowed with insight, short-minded mind and ability to arrange their lives with comfort, using their charm and the ability to creatively approach everything they do.

In the life of these people everything is intended successfully thanks to congenital talents to financial affairs. If the tambourine currency does not bike on material achievements and will pay enough attention to their spiritual development, he will become the king of his master.

It is appropriate to make a little digression and tell about the royal family cards. All "small" cards are twos, troika, etc. - have a second personal card of the same suit that is chosen in accordance with human sexuality. For example, the second card of the girl a bubnova troika will be a bobnoy lady, a boy of twice peak - rings peak, etc. He will be able to become the king of his suit after thirty, if he can open his work and will lead other people - only on this condition! A little different is the case with the valvets. Not all of them can become kings, for this you need to try to very much. Clear? So many should learn the second card of your birth - in its description you will find a lot of tips, with which you can change your karma for the better. And of course, it is necessary to strive for the highest expression, develop spiritually!

Vnets tambourine are endowed with natural abilities to psychic, and precisely thanks to these abilities, they can come to full awareness of themselves as the personalities of spiritual. The only thing that can interfere or stop them on this path is unnecessary, a reasonable approach to everything they do and what happens around. But sooner or later, the tambourines are necessarily used their gift.

All Vaults tambourine have a great power of belief, can lead other people, successfully work in the field of entertainment. They want to do a lot for the world, but the tendency to frivity (like all the currencies) takes them away from this noble goal. They love to leave the right to choose. Freedom for them is all! Often they are attracted by such a genus of classes that does not prevent themselves to devote himself and other affairs: not for them. In the field of trade, Vnets Tuben are real masters! This about such people say that "he is able to sell the ice even Chukcham."

By virtue of his frivolousness and immaturity, Vnets Tuben do not always fulfill their promises. Even in adulthood, they continue to play. They need to find a profession where you can find a way out of your creative abilities, where they are recognized and approved.

Love for freedom often holds tambourine currencies from regular partnerships. In fact, they are simply afraid of various obligations, including financial. Dreamability is another side of their character: they have high ideals in love, and this can not not lead to problems. Valnet Tuben can be an excellent lover and even his spouse, and he will be very worried if the partner does not use all its facilities in love.

Bubnic valves easily find a common language with other people, but they are not easy to compromise. As soon as the curren calms down, he will arrange an excellent family life.

  • Compatibility with other birth cards:

Bubnoy currencies men dream of women worm suites, and men-trephies find bubnic currencies-women very attractive, although sometimes too demanding.

  • At a thirteenty age, people with this birth can often fall in love, as it seems to them, for life.
  • At the age, Venus when really should start a love relationship and arrange a personal life, they begin to make money.
  • Under Mars they have good opportunities for business cooperation.
  • In Jupiter, they all love and respect them, they literally bathe in the rays of their completely deserved glory.
  • Under Saturn, the Grand Teacher, they can become beautiful healers.

  • The first carmic map (artist map), shows the features of your character in the past life that need to be improved in the current incarnation. Peak troops have the opportunity to achieve great success if they strive for it. They crushes a heavier load than most of other people. However, if they make an effort, then get the generous gifts of Jupiter.
  • The second karmic card (creative mind) is an acquired experience in past life. Creative person, prone to fantasy (deception) or even together? This is a map of an extraordinary mind and financial gifting. People with this birth card are energetic and productive. In their brilliant mental abilities, they are much ahead of ordinary people. These are the people of Era Aquarius, combining the traits of both sexes. They are progressive and personify the peak of the evolution of our society and civilization.
  • Carmic maps:

Each person was in the past life associated with many people represented by various matters of fate. Having met with such people, you instantly feel the connection with them and when communicating with such people there is a transfer of energy, the first card of the karmic set is a person that you pass energy, the second is the one who sends it to you. These people are desirable to know that when meeting with them to understand, in which direction the main stream of energy occurs when communicating.

In the general case, the Buben currency needs to be interpreted as support as a consolation as wisdom. For a specific situation, the card symbolizes cheerful concerns associated with her, or good news. And such a currency can designate the health and well-being of close younger relatives of the following generations - children, nephews, grandchildren, etc.

As a figure, this card means a man of reliable, intelligent, judicial, who knows the financial affairs, caviar in spending. On the other hand, when the tambourine currens falls in the scenario, along with another figured card, not a tambourine, denoting person, then it symbolizes dubious (and as a rule, purely materialistic) properties of its nature. For example, with the king of Treft, this card indicates a fraudster.

It is necessary to understand that the dual sense is hidden in this map, that is, in it with equal force, it can manifest itself both positive and negative aspect. Valnet tambourine well illustrates the attitude of people to the material sphere. We often proceed the face from the required excesses without feeling it. And therefore, such a currency, depending on the essence of the problem and the context of the question can be interpreted as common sense, as cold pragmatism, suggesting success, then problems, and for themselves, and for others. Create and supplement the interpretation of the card, naturally, you need to surround it. For example: with the lady of the TREF Bubnovaya Valete indicates problems, from 6 treph - on a trip, which, by the way, will take place quite soon. With 7 Tuben, he reminds that it would be necessary to be purster, and with a worr-nine, he says that a certain chain of events, which is happening in life now.

Love and relations

In the defolds on the relationship, the Bubnov Valete is infidelity, these are problems emanating from the partner, these are relationships that require the tick period. At the same time, such a card may indicate strength in relations, based not on the momentary enthusiasm and passing a sense of love, but on a solid basis, in which each person is needed and is useful to its partner.

In combination with peak seven currencies, the tambourine recommends not to give specific answers to questions and not promise anything, with a three-way nine predicts the receipt of a small gift, with a tambourous seven talks about reconciliation with a person with whom still failed to find a common language.


When you fortunate on the professional scope, the Buben Buben testifies to unreliable or unscrupulous colleagues (partners). Although, if the case does not concern people, but the alignment is on some undertaking, then this card will read a tangible financial success.

If the question is placed about the profession of a person, then in this case it is either a military, or courier, or an adviser (trustee). In addition, a pair with ace tambour, it can be a postman, and from 7 peak - a person predisposed to trade activities.

Among other things, on the heart of the currency of Tuben advises not to risk, with 7 worms - on the contrary, to act decisively, and with the peak king - warns what to expect from the authorities of consent with your plans (sentences) or encouraging senselessness.

Consider what predictive role these cards play in the deck. The value of the valets in fortune-money: denotes young people either thoughts and intentions of the kings of the appropriate suit. The king and currencies of one suit together with a nine or a dozen worms mean that a person denoted by this king wishes a long-awaited meeting with gadgets. Any currencies with the first card on the heart are big things or troubles, if the king of the same suit next to the currency, then the currency means his thoughts.

The value of the currency card in fortune

Four valves indicate upcoming events, and if at the same time one of them lies on the heart - care, heavy or not, depending on what cards are dominated, light or dark.

Valve's value of peak

Basic meaning: Young brunette or man with good intentions. Man immoral, rude, neglecting expensive things. Great proceedings or problems. Bad news. Thoughts of the peak king.

Combination of rush currency with other maps

With any peak card without a figure - a devotee friend, strong friendship.

With the eight of the peak - disappointment, trouble, a big trouble between the in love.

With any trephy map without a figure - a deception of a loved one, gossip.

With any bubnoy card without a figure - a business conversation, good news.

With any worber card without a figure - loyal people, care.

With a peak lady - big trouble, fight, quarrel.

Features of the value in different positions: Racks peak next to the card denoting gadgets, foreshadows him a great success and good friends.

Valve Tref value

Basic meaning: A young man from a prosperous family, caring for a girl. Military man. Friend, intercessor and friend. However, in the absence of a funeral or king, the treph may foreshort the high costs, hassle. Near the lady means a major success, near a man - someone speaking in his favor.

Combination of the currency treph with other maps

With a seven peak (it is rare) - a betrayal of a friend.

With the eight of Tref - happiness, receiving an inheritance.

With a dozen tambourine - success in cash.

Between the two currencies of any suit - the future with a loved one will remain unchanged.

With currency worms - a friend, quarrel.

Between the two ladies of any suit - a quarrel with a beloved man.

Features of the value in different positions: if it turns out the first card in the fortune telling - the fortune telling will be accurate. On the heart - disappointment.

Valve's value tambourine

Basic meaning: Man bringing news. Young man of a simple title or blond. Bracely behave. Thoughts of the Bubnov King.

Combination of the jack of tambourine with other maps

With the six Treph - an unexpected and ambulance with some kind of king.

With a seven peak - an influential man.

With the nine tambourine - the enemy, the ambulance, the cheating.

With the lady Tref - misfortune.

Features of the value in different positions: the jack of tambourine next to the card denoting, or with any other map of the suit of gadgetting foreshadows success in cash.

Vnet's value Chervey

Basic meaning: Young man with rusia hair. Lover. Unpleasant guest.

Pleasant news. Merry friendly company. Thoughts of the Chervon King.

Combination of currency worms with other maps

With any worber card - an unexpected offer.

With four seven - replenishment in the family.

With the eight peak - treason, news of the disease of a loved one.

With the eight of Tref - annoyance, an unpleasant conversation.

With the eight of the tambourine - a long-awaited meeting.

With the eight of the worms - a fun conversation, good luck.

With nine treph - gossip, tears.

With the nine tambourine - the soon getting big money, long-distance ride.

With four ladies - joy, useful meetings.

With the lady or king of any other suit - a date, gossip.

With ace worms - a pleasant news, an ambulance.

Features of the value in different positions: four valves - large troubles, change in life.

Values \u200b\u200band combinations of playing cards during fortune

Fortune-money on playing cards is more interested in women, since it is connected mainly with life situations: marriage, family life, love, etc. The values \u200b\u200bof the cards that will be mentioned below are not familiar, however, will allow you to briefly and unequivocally respond to any Questions.


This category of cards has a fairly wide range of values. All aces denote letters or parcels. In addition, the aces may indicate the time of day or time of the year, however, these values \u200b\u200bare taken into account only in special defolds committed in order to find out when this or that predicted event should be happening.

Four Tuys - the fulfillment of desires, pleasant news. If four dozen falls out at the same time, then in the near future, a person will have endless joy.

Ace Pick

The main value is: if the peak lies with the edge up, then the card can mean good deeds, mutual feelings, government house. If the ace of peaks is in the position of the edge down, then this means losses, bad news, a sense of alarm. This value is considered the main one.

Regardless of the situation, the time of day, denoted to the ace of peak, is the night, season - winter.

Combination of maps

With the six of any suit - a long road.

With a dozen peak - getting an inheritance.

With ace TREF (both edges up) - strong disappointment.

Features of the value in different positions: a dozen tambourine and ace of peaks on the sides of the card foreshadows problems due to a large amount.

Ace Tref.

The main value is: if the Ace Tref lies with the edge down, then this card can mean empty gossip, disappointment in financial affairs. Top up - bad news from relatives, favorable purchases, a nice gift (next to the figure shows, from whom a gift will receive, without a figure - a gift from a stranger).

Regardless of the position of the Ace Torph means a favorable offer. Time of day - Evening, season - autumn.

Combination of maps

With the six of any suit - a joyful event.

With the six Tref - a date and an unexpected meeting.

With seven treph - good luck in his personal life, victory.

With nine peak - big troubles, disorders.

With nine worms - mutual love, good news.

With the king of Tref - deception close man, empty troubles.

Features of the value in different positions: if the fortune telling is carried out for a woman, then TUZ TRIF with a king of any suit can foreshadow a frank offer from the person who is denoted by this king.

Ace Buben

The main value is: getting a pleasant news in the near future (the nearest figure will show, from whom), favorable offer.

Time of day - day, season - summer.

Combination of maps

With any card without a black suit shape - unfulfilled hopes, great disappointment.

With any card without a shape of a bubnova suit - getting an inheritance, mutual love.

With Six Tref - a long-awaited meeting, a date or an important conversation.

With seven, nine or dozen worms - joyful news, pleasant leisure.

With the nine peak - a lie of loved ones, a long-round trip.

With a dozen peak (left) - sad events, big changes in life.

With a dozen treph - advantageous offer, success in personal life.

With a dozen tambourine - a devotee friend, disappointment.

With a dozen worms - Friendship offer, influential friends.

Features of the value in different positions: TUZ tambourine between the top ten and the king of the peak foreshadows the promotion, good future.

Ace wormer

Basic meaning: joyful news, satisfaction, favorable offers.

Time of day - Morning, season - Spring.

Combination of maps

With the six Tref - useful acquaintance, a waste of money.

With nine peak - a pleasant pastime, meeting with old friends.

With a dozen peak - sad news, health problems.

With currency treph - business offers, meeting with useful people.

With figures of any suit - a cheerful feast, a waste of money.

With ace of peak - unpleasant news, a quarrel with a close man.

Features of the value in different positions: next to the card denoting the gade, - grief, trouble, and if there are eight treph or nine peak - friendship, a love date.

You can guess at any time of the day, while the table should be stained with a black or red cloth, be sure to be lit with the candles.


Men. One of the kings can designate a man for whom you guess. As a rule, for dark-haired or dark-eyed men, it is recommended to choose the Trephal King, and for blonde or light-eyed - worm. Four kings are profitable things, success, high position in society, good luck in all endeavors.

King Peak

Basic value: Military or official. Enemy, bad man, rival. Dark-haired or black-eyed man.

Combination of maps

With any peak card - the execution of cherished dreams.

With any tambourine card - a fun road, cash troubles.

With a lady and currency, the peak is a faithful friend, news from the treasury house.

With a lady and currency Tref - Difference, good news.

With a lady and currency tambourine or worms - a love explanation, a relative's disease.

Features of the value in different positions: If the card denoting the gadget, lies between the seven peak and the king of peak, it foreshadows him in small trouble and disappointment; If the king of worms are nearby - the help of a loved one, support from the side.

King Tref.

Basic value: a dark-haired or carbohydrate man. Personality fair, which will give you patronage. True friend.

Combination of maps

With any trephy map - approaching big happiness, close friend, lover.

With the eight of another suit - treason, sadness, deceived hopes.

With the nine TRF (aspop down) - an influential person, a favorable person, if the edge up, then small problems with this person.

If the king of Tref never appears during the divination, then the prediction cannot be considered reliable.

With Ace Treph - the fulfillment of desires, false rumor, small money.

Features of the value in different positions: if the king of Tref comes out together with the rings, the Treft under the card denoting gadgets, it foreshadows it large cash losses. However, if the map of the trophical suit, he should not worry.

King Buben.

The main value is: a blonde and light-eyed man, sometimes a young man. Bachelor, promising groom (if there is no lady tambourine nearby). Friendship, love date, familiarity with your future husband.

Combination of maps

With any worry card - big changes in life, major success.

With six tambourine - the execution of cherished desires, a cheerful road.

With a dozen tambourine and a currency of any suit - support in the future from a new acquaintance, money, love.

Features of the value in different positions: the king of Buben next to any card without a figure of gadgetting foreshadows success in financial affairs.

King worms

The main value is a blond man, in most cases married. Man prone to render and help. An unexpected acquaintance, arrival, good news.

Combination of maps

With any card without a shape with a peak card - pleasant changes in life, a difficult conversation, a nuisance.

With any card without a shape with a trephy card - news of inheritance, empty troubles.

With any card without a shape with a bubnova card - getting money, independent life, good luck.

With any card without a shape with a worr-card - a love letter, a gift, big money.

Features of the value in different positions: with a TUM PIK - a health problem.

Divination is simple and complex. Simple say whether the desire will come true. For complex fortune telling, you can learn about the present and future, remember the past.


Women and girls. One of the ladies can designate a woman or a girl for whom you guess. Typically, for a dark-haired or dark-eyed woman, a trephy lady is chosen, and for blondes or light-eyed - a worm. Four ladies are undesirable in despusting for women. They talk about gossip, and if one of the ladies at the same time is next to the card denoting the gadget, then this means that a woman close to it will spread these gossip. In fortune-money for a man, four ladies indicate that it is surrounded by the ladies and generally loves the Ladies Society. If there will be a lady of another suit next to the map that denotes a man, it means that she will prefer him to her legitimate spouse or a regular partner.

Queen of Spades

Basic meaning: black-haired or black-eyed woman. Old woman, distressed woman or widow. Bad woman. Boredom, empty troubles, quarrel with loved ones.

Combination of maps

With any card without a peak suit - a good-natured woman.

With any card without a shape of Trephal Maste - Tears, Annunciation.

With any card without a shape of a bubne suit - a greedy, selfish woman impeding in affairs and in love.

With nine worms - good news from your beloved.

Between the two cards with a figure of any suit - a dispute between them.

Features of importance in different positions: next to the card denoting, - misfortune, especially in the presence of a seven treph or nine peak. On the heart - anxiety.

Lady Tref.

Basic meaning: dark-haired or browseed woman. Friendler or rival. Loyalty, help from a woman.

Combination of maps

With the eight of Treph - help relatives or a close woman.

With a seven treph - treason of a loved one.

Features of the value in different positions: along with a peak lady with a map that denotes gadgets, - bad news, proceedings, troubles because of marriage. Next to the card denoting a gadget woman - a sign that some lady is interested in her.

Lady Buben.

Basic meaning: blonde or light-eyed woman. Young woman. Rustic woman or maid. Invalid woman. Mistress.

Combination of maps

With a dozen peak and currency tambourine - an unpleasant guest.

Features of the value in different positions: with nine worms - for women an unexpected meeting, for men - problems financially. Next to any MASTA MASTA disappear foreshadows success in cash.

Lady Chervey

Basic meaning: blonde or light-eyed woman. Honest and quite devoted woman who will help in a difficult moment. Married woman.

Combination of maps

With other masters - getting money in the future, a major luck.

With a dozen worms - a long-awaited date, a close friend.

Features of the value in different positions: for a woman - with a six and a dozen worms - disappointment, with a currency treph - unexpected joy, good news. For a man - with any worm card - mutual feelings.


Denote young people either thought and intentions of the kings of the appropriate suit. The king and currencies of one suit together with a nine or a dozen worms mean that a person denoted by this king wishes a long-awaited meeting with gadgets. Any currencies with the first card on the heart are big things or troubles, if the king of the same suit next to the currency, then the currency means his thoughts.

Four valves indicate upcoming events, and if at the same time one of them lies on the heart - care, heavy or not, depending on what cards are dominated, light or dark.

Pick currency

Basic meaning: Young brunette or man with good intentions. Man immoral, rude, neglecting expensive things. Great proceedings or problems. Bad news. Thoughts of the peak king.

Combination of maps

With any peak card without a figure - a devotee friend, strong friendship.

With the eight of the peak - disappointment, trouble, a big trouble between the in love.

With any trephy map without a figure - a deception of a loved one, gossip.

The fortune telling on the maps, like the other fortune telling, opens the window to another world, in ordinary life for a person closed. Therefore, it is not worth it to abuse and even more so turn the fortune telling on the maps into the entertainment or means to take free time.

With any bubnoy card without a figure - a business conversation, good news.

With any worber card without a figure - loyal people, care.

With a peak lady - big trouble, fight, quarrel.

Features of the value in different positions: Racks peak next to the card denoting gadgets, foreshadows him a great success and good friends.

Valete Tref.

Basic meaning: A young man from a prosperous family, caring for a girl. Military man. Friend, intercessor and friend. However, in the absence of a funeral or king, the treph may foreshort the high costs, hassle. Near the lady means a major success, near a man - someone speaking in his favor.

Combination of maps

With a seven peak (it is rare) - a betrayal of a friend.

With the eight of Tref - happiness, receiving an inheritance.

With a dozen tambourine - success in cash.

Between the two currencies of any suit - the future with a loved one will remain unchanged.

With currency worms - a friend, quarrel.

Between the two ladies of any suit - a quarrel with a beloved man.

Features of the value in different positions: if it turns out the first card in the fortune telling - the fortune telling will be accurate. On the heart - disappointment.

Valet Buben.

Basic meaning: Man bringing news. Young man of a simple title or blond. Bracely behave. Thoughts of the Bubnov King.

Combination of maps

With the six Treph - an unexpected and ambulance with some kind of king.

With a seven peak - an influential man.

With the nine tambourine - the enemy, the ambulance, the cheating.

With the lady Tref - misfortune.

Features of the value in different positions: the jack of tambourine next to the card denoting, or with any other map of the suit of gadgetting foreshadows success in cash.

Curlee Chervey

Basic meaning: Young man with rusia hair. Lover. Unpleasant guest.

Pleasant news. Merry friendly company. Thoughts of the Chervon King.

Combination of maps

With any worber card - an unexpected offer.

With four seven - replenishment in the family.

With the eight peak - treason, news of the disease of a loved one.

With the eight of Tref - annoyance, an unpleasant conversation.

With the eight of the tambourine - a long-awaited meeting.

With the eight of the worms - a fun conversation, good luck.

With nine treph - gossip, tears.

With the nine tambourine - the soon getting big money, long-distance ride.

With four ladies - joy, useful meetings.

With the lady or king of any other suit - a date, gossip.

With ace worms - a pleasant news, an ambulance.

Features of the value in different positions: four valves - large troubles, change in life.

Dozens (interests)

Business cards. With a large grouping, dozens all started and upcoming will be of great success. Four dozen - good news, good luck.

Ten peak

Basic value: family problems, unrealized desires, a big trouble.

Combination of maps

With a seven tambourine - a change in plans, troubles.

With seven peak - long-awaited news.

With eight peak - health problems, with one of the eights - a letter, gossip.

With the nine treph - failure in affairs, financial problems.

With nine peak - losses, misfortune.

With a dozen treph - ambulance, ride.

With a dozen worms - illness, trouble.

With the lady and king of any suit - mutual love.

If one card dropped from the deck during stirring, it is worth paying attention to its value - this is an indication of what awaits you ahead.

With the lady or king of peak - meeting with the other, luck.

With the king and ace of peak - a government house, trouble.

With ace of peak - an unexpected receipt of inheritance, joy.

With ace Tuben - a sad letter, bad news.

Features of the value in different positions: in fortune telling for girls or women - betrayal of friends.

Ten Tref.

Basic value: winnings, welfare, success. Favorable changes.

Combination of maps

With any worlier card - a big profit, winnings.

With the six Tref - the long road.

With a seven peak (but without a fusion peak) - loss, empty tears.

With a seven treph - a joyful event, good news.

With seven and six treph - big things, success.

With the eight of Tref - the rapid receipt of big money, inheritance, happiness, wealth.

With a nine peak - a big misfortune.

With the nine Treph - a joyful meeting with loved ones, surprise.

With nine and eight or seven treph - one of the most successful combinations, a major luck.

With a dozen tambourine - financial well-being.

With a dozen worms - success in family life, mutual feelings.

With a card without a figure of another suit - a big danger, anxiety.

With the lady or king of Tref - interest, curiosity.

With Ace Treph - Good luck, change for the better.

Features of the value in different positions: if there are major problems - the inevitable defeat.

Dozen tambin

Basic meaning: big joy, gift, success. Financial well-being. Change place. Village. Sea, water. The trip.

Combination of maps

With Six Peak (Right) - Far Road.

With six tambourine - execution of the cherished dream, getting an inheritance.

With a seven tambourine - pleasant troubles, promotion.

With seven worms - great inheritance, getting money.

With the eight of the tambourine - a cash gift, success in family life.

With the nine tambourine - getting good news, letter.

With nine worms - work, a pleasant meeting.

With a dozen treph - profitable work, an ambulance trip.

With Valnet Tref - success in financial affairs, joy.

With the lady or king of the tambourine - passion, joyful events.

Features of values \u200b\u200bin different positions: in the heads - getting a big inheritance. With ace peak on the sides of the Card asking - a host because of the money.

Ten worms

The main value is: joy, satisfaction, happiness, success. Native place.

Combination of maps

With Six Tuben - Fun visiting.

With six worms - a joyful date.

With four seven, with a lady or curren, any suit is a faithful friend, a favorable offer.

With seven worms - fun, fateful meeting.

With the eight of the worms - a date with a close man, a fuss.

With the nine treph - the proposal of friendship, small money.

With nine worms (with complete worm suit) - mutual love, health problems.

With a dozen treph - success in family life, empty spending.

With a dozen tambourine - great money interest in the close future.

With ace of Tuben - a love or important letter.

Features of the value in different positions: on the heart - happiness, in the heads - a wedding or mutual love.

Nine (surprise)

Four nines - surprise, suddenness.

Nine peak

Basic meaning: problems in affairs. Fees on the road. Quarrel with a friend.

Combination of maps

With nine treph or tambourine - getting an inheritance, big events.

With a dozen peak - unexpected news.

With the lady or king of peak - great love.

With the lady or king of any other suit is a strong passion, interest.

With ace peak - illness, empty conversations.

With ace Treph - use or harm (depending on the nearest bright or dark map).

With ace of Tuben - the trick of loved ones, monetary problems.

It follows to guess when the senses gone full of senses, confident in itself and in no way in the black day when everything falls out of the hands and nothing happens.

With ace worms - a joyful meeting with a friend, mutual love.

Features of the value in different positions: in an inverted position, that is, if the central point looks at the top - tears or strong personal shock.

Nine Tref.

Basic meaning: doubt. Inheritance. Absence. Theft. Disappointment. Tears.

Combination of maps

With any tambourine card - a waste of money, no mutual understanding.

With a worr-card - strong love.

With nine or dozen worms - success in personal life, promotion.

With a dozen peak - a difficult situation in financial affairs, loss.

With a dozen Treph - a meeting with loved ones, surprise.

With a dozen and eight or seven treph - the most successful combination, luck in everything.

With currency worms - an ambulance trip, troubles.

Next to any card with the figure indicates that there will be a big quarrel with the man being denoted by this card.

With the lady or king of Tref - mutual love, good relationship with colleagues.

Features of the value in different positions: in an inverted position, that is, if the central point looks at the top - resentment, false gossip, empty tears.

Nine Buben

Basic value: Map of large money, independent life and good luck.

Combination of maps

With the six peak (right) - the road for money, an unpleasant case, disappointment.

With a dozen tambourine - getting an inheritance, an unexpected gift.

With currency worms - unwanted long-distance ride.

With four kings - a fun conversation, a meeting with loved ones.

With the lady or king of Tuben - mutual love, success in affairs.

Features of the value in different positions: if there are big problems, a quick solution with a positive result.

Nine wormer

Basic meaning: consent and satisfaction of individuals folding cards. Love letter, big mutual love.

Combination of maps

With complete worms, a large mutual love.

With any six - an unexpected long-awaited meeting.

With seven or eight worms - a fateful date.

With the nine Tref - good news from your loved one, joy.

With the lady or king of any suit - the proposal of friendship, and in a short time and marriage.

With a peak lady - a big luck in all endeavors.

Features of the value in different positions: in fortune telling for girls foreshadowed a quickly happy marriage.

Eights (conversations, house)

The predominance of eight and seven means unfavorable time, lack of money. In general, the vocation of the eight is to designate the house, the ladies room of the appropriate suit, while the ace points to the house of the king. Four eights in some samples designate big changes, hit.

Oight peak

Basic meaning: failure, disorder. Heavy conversation. Disease. Room or Apartment peak lady. Personality from which you can get a sad news.

Combination of maps

With four kings - a cheerful meeting, joy.

With seven treph - a betrayal of a loved one.

With currency worms - news of the disease or the death of loved ones or acquaintances.

Features of the value in different positions: seven peak cards in a row, including the eight, - on this day should not begin any affairs. Nine Trephal Cards in a row with the eight peak - bad news.

Colors have their meaning. It manifests itself when one or another color dominates in the entire layout. Red color means a favorable forecast, black - unfavorable.

Eight Tref.

Basic meaning: troubles about affairs and money. Tears, annoyance, or the death of a loved one.

Combination of maps

With a seven treph and ace of worms - a good marriage, getting an inheritance.

With a dozen Treph - the emergency acquisition of real estate, receiving inheritance, wealth and happiness.

With Vallen Tref - an unexpected pleasant news.

With currency worms - great disappointment, talk about loss.

With the lady Tref - help from a loved one.

With the king of Tref - bad news, gossip.

Features of the value in different positions: with a seven treph in front of a card denoting, - a fateful meeting.

Eight Buben.

Basic meaning: talk about money. Village, wealth. In some sobs - hatred. The room or apartment of the Trephal Lady.

Combination of maps

Any currencies at the eight of the tambourine - cash, hatred.

With six worms and eight treph - bad news, great grief.

With a seven tambourine near the card with the figure - the betrayal of a person denoted by this card.

With a dozen tambourine - promotion, talk about money.

With currency worms - major success in financial affairs, joy.

Value in different positions: with the king or lady peak - deception of a loved one.

Eight worms

Basic meaning: great success in affairs. Cheerful conversation, pleasure, long road. Chervonna Lady Room.

The value of cards

To the left of the seven Tref is an unexpected pleasant news.

With nine worms - meeting with long-range relatives.

With a dozen worms - the ambulance trip.

With currency worms - a date with a loved one, gossip.

Features of the value in different positions: with a dozen tambourine - getting a huge inheritance.

Seven (great success, sadness, meditation)

The predominance of seven and eights usually foreshadows a sad time, lack of money and boredom. Sevenges do not talk about significant events, but in combination with other cards can play a very significant role.

Four seven in some combinations can designate intrigue, gossip. With a dozen worms and three ladies or currencies - the proximity of an interesting position. With currency worms and four ladies - the rapid birth of the heir.

Seven peak

Basic value: dispute, anxiety. Surprise. False. Thoughts Lady Peak.

Combination of maps

With any worlier card - security, independence, forgiveness by someone.

With any eight - meeting.

With any card with a figure - an annoyance, big problems.

With the six tambourine - conflict in the family.

With a nine peak and any card with a figure - problems with health from native people.

With a dozen peak - sad news.

With Valnet Tref - causing evil from enemies, grief.

With a currency tambourine depicts an influential person.

Features of value in different positions: If the central point looks at the edge of the up - tears, a quarrel, a friend's disease, with a lady - a lady in an interesting position. Top up - indispensable tears.

Seven Tref.

Basic meaning: close road, great success, inheritance. Thoughts of the lady Tref.

Combination of maps

Before seven tambourine - secured life, joy, fun.

With the eight peak - his wife, beloved, is changing the man.

With the eight of Tref - bad news, a date.

With nine treph - a waste of money, gossip.

With a dozen treph - getting an inheritance, letter.

With Tuz Tref - success in affairs, joyful news.

Features of the value in different positions: in an inverted position, that is, if the central point looks at the edge up - empty tears or disappointment in love.

Seven Buben

The main value is: joy, good news, a small gift made of gold, silver and general metal. Boots, business. Conversation, business date. Purchase, sale, commercial deal (good or bad, looking through the nearest map). Thoughts Lady Tuben. Sometimes - infidelity.

The Card Sign Center is the personality of a person who is guessing. Therefore, at first the table is laid out its personal map, the so-called portrait. This is a king or lady, depending on whether a man is or a woman.

Combination of maps

With a figure card - a joyful event.

With the nine Treph and ace Tuben - a great success in financial affairs.

With a dozen peak - a profitable business offer.

With a dozen tambourine - successful hassle about money, joy.

Features of the value in different positions: if the seven lies next to the lady of any suit - a prosperous and secured, satisfied and fun life.

Seven worm

The main value is: change in life for the better, good luck in business. Thoughts of the Chervonna Lady.

Combination of maps

With nine worms - Meeting with interesting people.

With a dozen peak - advantageous offer.

With a dozen worms - a date with your loved one.

With four kings - a fun event.

Features of values \u200b\u200bin different positions: in fortune telling for a girl - the birth of a son in the event of marriage. In fortune telling for youth - a loyal wife.

Six (road)

Sixers foreshadow the character of a character marked with a figure with a figure (king or lady). Depending on the sweat of the six, at the same time, it can determine: Six peak - a trip at night, six Tref - evening road, six tambourine - a close way, six worms - a walk. Four six - fulfillment of desire.

Six peak

Basic value: bad road, late road. Road of peak king or lady.

Combination of maps

With any peak card - a long-haired road.

With any prefinal card - a dangerous far road.

Under any prefinal card - news from the treasury home, useless road.

With any worber card - the road and a date with loved ones.

With a seven or eight tambourine - hassle about money, bustle.

Before nine or a dozen tambourine is a long-distance ride associated with financial affairs.

With ace peak - a difficult road, bad news.

With ace Treph - Railway.

Features of the value in different positions: next to the asking card - great losses. On the heart - loss, anxiety.

Six Buben.

Basic value: the best card, even the bad value of the ace of peak softens, an ambulance is a cheerful road, the fulfillment of desire. The road of the tambourous king or lady.

Combination of maps

With a seven tambourine - problems at work.

With nine peak - trouble with loved ones, a health problem.

With a dozen and nine peak - prolonged health problems.

With a dozen tambourine - getting a big inheritance.

Features of the value in different positions: next to any peak suit - hope and happiness in any start.

Six Tref.

Basic meaning: Useless road. Date on the street. Path to the specified place. Road of the Trefnic King or Lady.

Combination of maps

With a dozen treph - urgent urgent trip.

With ace peak - long road.

Near the card with the figure - a date at night.

With ace Treph - a long-distance trip.

Near the card with the figure - the long-awaited meeting.

With ace of worms near the card with a figure - a meeting with a loved one.

With ace tambourine near the card with the figure - date during the day.

Features of the value in different positions: between the cards with the figure - a big event, fun.

Six worms

Basic meaning: Walk. Obstacle in affairs. The road of the Chervonny King or Lady.

Combination of maps

With any worber card - a long-distance ride with a loved one.

With a dozen worms - a date, meeting.

Features of the value in different positions: All nine worms are a pleasant guest, news of love.

Direct position

Many gadels perceive 10 peaks exclusively in a negative key. However, we would not be so categorical. Yes, the card has a lot of adverse interpretations, and rather common, giving food for reflection: restrictions (and, both physical and spiritual order), the failure of the planned, collapse of plans, illness. However, the peak ten, at the same time, can symbolize and interest in someone or something, and trips. So how to interpret 10 peak?

Speaking about this map, you must always remember that you can survive in a terrible shipwreck and choke in a puddle of water. It all depends on the ability of a person to navigate in the circumstances, from his intellect, and, of course, from the elementary luck.

And in the scenario, the other cards will be prompted, dropping together with 10 peaks. By the way, one of the most characteristic of peak dozens are combinations: with 7 tambourines, which indicates an unexpected sentence; from 10 treph, predicting a turning point during the disease, thanks to which the person will start quickly to recover; With the king of Tuben, which is an indicator of solving problems in general.

Inverted position

In the case of an overwhelmed 10 peak, gaders also disagree. Some traditionally believe that this map in the turned out of the form is aggravated the problems, as if to predict the latter opportunities to predict a prosperous outcome. Others say that since the tip of the sign of the peak is now looking down, then negative, on the contrary, is largely leveled, making difficulties that symbolize the card, smaller or short-term. Although here, as in the case of a straight peak top, much depends on the maps adjacent to it.

So, with a ace of tambourine turned 10 peak points to the news of a sad nature (it is possible that someone's death), from 8 peak - to the fact that a person risks to create a big difficulty with his own actions, with a peak currency - that A person can overcome heavy illness.

Love and relations

Direct position

For layouts on the relationship, the peak ten means that a person is sometimes unpredictable for his partner that relations are not very smooth, that a person is due to its nature or for some external reasons - forces the partner to change plans.

A pair with the worm king of 10 peak advises a conflicting pair to return to the places in which these two people were together especially well, and with the Tref King - that his friends can help in his problems.

Inverted position

The inverted peak ten can be interpreted as a rather heavy period of the wipes of people. And besides this, when you guess on the problem situation, the card can be considered a wish to break the relationship and start everything first with a new person, because the current Union went into a dead end. Just so, it is necessary to interpret the reversed 10 peak in combination with a worm-six.

Among other things, with the lady of the tambourine, the map as if asking a question to the gadget: Is this relationship for him are valuable to experience so many problems because of them? With the tent of the top ten, it indicates that a person will be very angry and provoke conflicts.


Direct position

In this case, 10 peak is a situation where a person was in the hard framework when he has to balance between the circumstances, which he does not always affect. In such situations, people either overlook the winners or "dying", degrading resources and opportunities. In essence, this card encourages a person not to paste, but also not to overestimate its talents, experience, knowledge, etc.

In a pair with a ace peak, this map indicates that a person has a significant chance not only to cope with problems, but also to end up with financial profit. In combination with 10 worms, the peak ten is an omens to the fact that in the future a person still has big deeds. And together with 9 peak, it should be considered a recommendation to stop and not insist on promotion forward (at least).

Inverted position

In the reversed form, 10 peak warns about the danger, about the dangers of excessive ambitions and - if a person does not listen to this warning - predicts serious failures. If such a dozen falls out in the scenario in combination with 9 treph, it means that failures will be conjugate primarily with the risk of financial troubles. And with the lady Treft, the map says that people with whom a person deals is quite insincere, so believe them and even more so rely on them dangerous and fraught with great problems.

On the other hand, adequate behavior and common intentions can be a guarantee of success. Moreover, man also acquires very useful experience. In any case, the worms that turned out next to the twisted peak tens of 7 can be interpreted exactly that way.