Additional WORLD OF TANKS equipment. Body in WOT - What to put on tanks. Is it worth changing the engine

Each World of Tanks player must remember - strong tank quality can be strengthened. Weaknesses, respectively, must be eradicated. Achieve a technical balance in the car is possible using the crew (its skills and skills), equipment and equipment ..

Stock pocket does not pull

By purchasing the first level 2-3 tanks, buy equipment. At least removable. It includes: a camouflage network, a stereotrub and a tool box. They are transferred from technology to technique without the need to dismantle paid by gold. Therefore, it is not necessary to purchase with a dozen camouflage networks or stereo rub. Enough pairs of instances.

Masking Network (MS) reduces the visibility of the fixed machine. The action is activated 3 seconds after the stop. MS adds: 15% of imperceptibility for anti-tank self-propellants; 10% for light tanks (LT) and medium tanks; 5% for artillery and heavy tanks. MS is useful for a secretive and positional combat inherent in PT-SAU, as well as passive LT intelligence. The mass of MS is 100 kg, and the price is 100,000 credits.

Stereoscopic telescope Adds 25% to a survey of a fixed machine (no more than 445 meters). It allows you to detect the enemy before he is you. The right of the first shot is an important advantage in the game. Stereotrub, like MS, is suitable for wartsy PT-SAU or LT. She is good and so that there is a lack of many tanks - a low radius of the review. Sorry, the properties of this utility subject are not summed up with enlightened optics. The mass of stereotrums is 50 kg, the price is 500,000 credits.

Toolbox increases the rate of repair of damage by 25%. It is often installed until the crew pumps the repair skill, and after being removed. The weight of the drawer has a lot - 100 kg, and cost and suppressed - 500,000.

Complex equipment

It is dismantled from the machine only for 10 units of gaming gold or after the destruction. For this reason, experienced tankers hold the galloping of gold about the reserve. In the name of savings, think carefully in one or another module on your favorite tank. He is not rubber.

Springs They are divided into many types specified in Wot Wiki. Their main tasks: an increase in the carrying capacity of the chassis and softening damage during falling, so the springs are useful in two cases. First, they allow you to install (heavier) cannon or tower, if there are not enough experience to study the chassis. Secondly, they insure an easy and fast tank from severe damage when falling from hills and hills. The cost of springs varies from 20,000 to 600,000 loans. Not to say that this is the most useful equipment in the World of Tanks, but sometimes they make sense to be installed on a temporary basis.

Antioxcine Stern. - Another type of equipment that is not particularly popular. It enhances the protection of the tank from the fugasal shells of artillery and reduces the risk of the contusion of the crew members by 20/25/30 / 50% depending on the type of approach. The cost is gradually from 50,000 to 750,000. To buy such a thing is reasonably only for massive cars, often suffering from accented artillery fire. However, it is better to save a place for more useful accessories.

Improved ventilation (Class 1-3) adds 5% to all crew skills. An excellent choice for those who want to receive an advantage in battle. Equipment is not available only for cars with open logging. The cost jumps from 50,000 to 600,000 credits, and the mass is 100/150/200 kilograms. Improved ventilation must be installed on any tank regardless of the game style. What for? Then that recharging is faster, the review is better, and movement maneuverin. In combination with the skill "Combat fraternity", a commander's bonus and premium equipment, you can increase the standard characteristics of the machine by 32%.

Wet smoking Adds 50% strength to ... ammunition. Everything is simple. Not the most needed equipment in the game, but in isolated cases can help.

Resselon It can be a warm and gun, sharing at the middle and large caliber. It reduces the time of reloading tools by 10%. It is a pity, tanks with drum charging The useful device does not shine. Exceptions are: 59-16, Type 5 CHI-RI and SPAHPANZER SP I C. Yes, and because these machines have an alternative gun with standard recharge. The cost of the rate varies from 200,000 to 600,000 credits and do not regret them. Quick Recharge - more shots - Above the amount of damage - more seriously contributed to the victory.

Additional primrates In most cases, a waste of 250,000 loans. One of the most useless and rarely used types of equipment. Increases the permeability of weak and middle soils, but has strict limitations by type of equipment. Gruppes are put on only 12 cars and then mostly German. Use instead the skill of the mechanic-driver "King of off-road".

Filling tanks CO2. Adds 50% of tank strength, as reducing the risk of fire. It becomes available with the VI level of technology. Equipment divides the "honorable" place for unnecessaryness with primers and a filter "Cyclone". It is useful for those whose tank is burning in every battle of Aki witch at the bonorable of the Inquisition. The rest is also recommended to use the "Clean and Order" skill.

Enlightened optics - Useful object adding 10% to the review radius and working in motion as opposed to stereotrum. Put optics is possible on any tank. "Blind" machine is needed for obvious reasons. "Zorky" will erect the possibility of detecting the enemy to Absolut. Usually, the optics is installed medium and light tanks, in whose tasks include the search for the enemy. It is 500,000 credits.

Stabilizer vertical pressing It is installed on the lungs, medium and heavy tanks of the VIII-X level, as well as in some ranging machines below. The module reduces the spread of the gun when moving and turning the tower, i.e. Enhances the accuracy of the go. It costs from 500,000 to 600,000 credits. His purchase is strictly recommended for fans of Soviet and American Art or TT.

Reinforced sticking drives - Need for any tanker thing. Regarding most of the guns are reduced slowly, and the drives reduce this drawback by 10%. For some machines, this equipment from the panacea turns into doping, increasing the already rapid reduction until indecent speeds. Falling it is not worth it, but half a million exactly.

Filter "Cyclone"increases the strength of the engine by 50% with a limitation on Soviet tanks and is infinitely far from the status of "hit sales". So it's not worth your 500,000 credits.

Summing up and distribution of advice

Not all equipment is equally useful and efficient. The most important thing for the player is to choose the perfect kit for a particular machine that reveals its potential completely. Take, for example, the "American" x level without explicit cons - T110E5. Good stabilization of the gun is complemented by a stabilizer of vertical tip. Fast recharge is accelerated by an instrument rate. Crew skills increase after installing improved ventilation. As a result, T110E5 becomes even more accurate, faster and more dangerous for the enemy. Soviet heavyweight VIII level IS-3, on the contrary, there are deficiencies. However, slow mixing of the guns is leveled by the actuators, poor shooting on the move - a stabilizer, and slow recharge - a large caliber rate.

Board Finally: Do not waste a huge number of loans for the purchase of modules, and try to wait for festive shares from wargaming. Discounts on the equipment will allow you to replenish your own warehouse, saving significantly on purchases.

Equipment - systems, aggregates and nodes, allowing to improve the characteristics of the tank. It may be simple (removable) or complex (unknown).

Removable equipment can be moved from one machine to another, or to the warehouse for free. In order to dismort the complex equipment, it is necessary to pay 10 gold units.

Simple equipment

Effect: + 25% to a radius of a review from a fixed tank.

Description: One of the most useful types of equipment. 25% Bonus for review is very impressive, and sometimes decisive. A tank or self-propeller, who noticed the enemy first, has a huge tactical advantage. As a rule, this is the right to the first shot or the opportunity for various maneuvers (a change of position, retreat, turn to the enemy armor). In addition, a good review is beneficial in the financial plan: if the tank sees further, he rarely shoots on someone else's light, on the contrary, it shines the allies, thereby earning loans - as a result, the piggy bank goes all income from his tune and part of income from a shot Allies.

Stereotrub works only in a stationary position, so active game lovers usually prefer an alternative - enlightened optics. However, in fact, even high-speed tanks can extract the tremendous benefit from the use of stereotrub. It can be a passive light for allies or careful progress from shelter to shelter: they got to the bush - they looked around if there were no danger, moving on.

Of course, the greatest benefit from stereotrubs will feel sowing PT-SAU, such as Ferdinand, ISU-152, Jagdpanther and others. The pipe will allow them to discover the enemy at the limit of visibility first, to shoot and leave the shelter to recharge.

For blind cars with 260-330 reviews (HETZER, SU-152, SAU-40 and others), stereotrub can become a real chopstick, especially at the end of the battle when you need to drag. With a stereo tube, even a weak tank is able to fight off several opponents traveling under the flame one by one, or to bring the fire of friendly artillery.

The pipe should not be used on the melee tanks, such as MAUS, E-100, IS-7, kV-5 and others. In addition, on the technique with a review 390+, the effect of the pipe will be excessive at a limit of visibility in its illumination of 445 meters. Of course, in this case, the tank receives a bonus to democating opponents, but still rational on such machines to use optics.

Verdict: The stereotrub is simply combined on the Gaubic Sau and on the Middle Fight Technique. For combat vehicles with a review 390 and more efficiently using enlightened optics. For all other, this type of equipment is recommended for use. For most ambideous snipers and lovers of passive light tactics, put surely.

Masking network.

Effect: Significantly reduces the visibility of the fixed machine.

Description: Unlike the "masking" skill, the network is useful not only for low-cost cars - a bonus for imperceptibility is fixed. Nevertheless, occupy the precious slot equipment to the camouflage network should be where it is really necessary in the bundle with the skill "masking".

The network in combination with stereo tube can be useful for passive light: a light tank with disguise, the network and stereotrub is driving in a bush near the path of movement of enemies and leads the fire of the Allies, remaining unnoticed. In addition, nothing prevents the use of similar tactics on PT-SAU: until a certain moment, we will shine allies, and when the enemy comes closely, open fire yourself.

The grid can be useful and on SAU, if enemy light broke through it. If the lase is not going directly at you, but is engaged in search at a certain distance, it will be more useful to get lost, hiding the network, and not try to destroy the enemy yourself, thereby revealing its position. Even if the help is to wait for now, good disguise gives the chance to let the enemies closer and make a more prepared shot.

Verdict: Useful type of equipment. Recommended for light tanks, PT-SAU and SAU, whose carriages are swinging camouflage. The greatest benefit will bring to lovers of a cautious game and sniper tactics well-dismantled in the mechanic masking and detection in the game.


Effect: + 25% to repair speed.

Description: This type of equipment is useful on that technique that something often criticized. First of all, these are caterpillars and an instrument. In this regard, the box will bring the greatest benefit on heavy melee tanks with a high margin of strength (E-100, E-75, T32, KV-5, IP-3 and others) - they often have to either become a rhombus or to dance the body, making it difficult to enemy aiming. In such cases, the projectile often flies into the caterpillar. American TT and PT-SAU, such as T29, T32, T30 usually play through the tower and often get the crit guns several times for the fight. In addition, superboraded machines, such as MAUS, often suffer from cristes of the gun - desperately piercing their armor enemies below the level like to go to the Fugas and spoil our life, breaking the main caliber. Acceleration of repair will be useful for PT-SAU - enemies are often deliberately knocking off the caterpillar to enter the flank and rear helpless self-propeller. Often, the caterpillar breaks down and broken by the Fugas artillery. Timely repair will allow to get away from subsequent shells that are broken "after".

It is important to remember that the effect of the box is folded with the "repair" skill, pumped from the crew. Moreover, without repair, the box will be practically useless. Another thing is when the repair swings, but has not yet reached 100% and this case is the most common reason for installing a drawer with tools. That is, when pumping repair at the crew on some TT or st, we put the box. When the repair is completely (or almost completely), it is pumped from all tankers, we change the box to some other useful equipment. It should be borne in mind that the time of repair of modules from different cars is different. For example, in German VK3601 (H) with 100% repair, a shot down caterpillar is repaired for 7 seconds. Setting the box helps reduce this time up to 5 seconds.

In general, the recommendations on the use of the box are the same as on the use of repair skills. Where repair goes first skill (and this is most of the equipment in the game), there and the box will be useful. And where we put a repair of 3-4 skills, there and the box will not be especially useful. Among such machines, it is possible to note LT and ST to 5 levels, as well as all the Gaubic Sau. The reason lies in the fact that for tanks with a small margin of strength stop under the fire due to the loss of the caterpillar, as a rule, leads to fast death. The caterpillar simply does not have time to be repaired (both with a box and without) and it is more expedient to use Remkomplekt.

Verdict: Box with tools Useful type of equipment. Recommended for TT, ST and PT-SAU from 5 level, whose carriages swing repairs. Most useful for heavy tanks with plenty of HP. It is removed for free, so it can be useful as a temporary measure for tanks, on which the necessary equipment has not yet been purchased.

Complex equipment

Resistor - Reduces the time of charging (recharging) tools by 10%. Not available for tanks with a charging machine (drum), except 59-16.

Improved ventilation - adds 5% to the level of ownership of the main specialty and additional skills of all crew members (does not affect the skills). Not available for technique with open logging.

Strengthened entry drives - increases the speed of 10%.

The vertical vertical stabilizer - reduces the spread when driving and turning the tower by 20%.

Enlightened optics - adds 10% to the radius of the review, but not more than 500 m. Exceeding this value increases the quality of the review, that is, disguised opponents will be discovered earlier. When sharing with stereo tube, bonuses are not summed up, a larger is used (that is, the pipe works in a state of rest, optics in motion).

Antioxcine subboings - increases the absorption of damage from explosions and taran by 20, 25, 30 or 50%. The action applies to the explosion of the shells that did not break through the tank or the "covered" tank.

Springs - increases by 10% carrying capacity of the chassis and adds 30% to the strength of the chassis.

"Wet" wet-containing - increases the amount of HP alert by 50%. Thus, it becomes more difficult to damage it and, accordingly, blow up.

The filter "Cyclone" - increases the engine strength by 50%. It makes no sense to put this equipment for sharing with equipment twisted revolutions, since the latter removes not a fixed number of engine strength points, and percentages of strength. Installed only on Soviet tanks.

Filling the CO2 tanks - increases the strength of the tanks by 50%. Available only for tanks 6-10 levels.

Additional primrates - increases by 10% permeability on weak soils and 5% - by middle soils.


Body body kit in World of Tanks is a complex equipment that can be improved the properties of the tank, to upload its minuses and increase the pluses. I will not say that it is a lot, but for the maintenance of some tactics is enough.

All body kit in tanks can be divided into several groups:
strengthening "survivability" tank (Filter "Cyclone", "Wet" Boy-laying, filling CO2 tanks, large, medium and small anti-skid piping)
improving the operation of the gun. (reinforced vending drives, vertical vertical vertical stabilizer MK1-2, large, medium and small caliber instrument rate)
improving the range of review (stereo tube, enlightened optics)
rest (masking network, reinforced torsions, tools box, improved ventilation class 1-3, primer)

Filter "Cyclone" Need for tanks susceptible to frequent engine damage. For example, Lowe, a premium level 8 levels often gets Crete Method when shooting in a front-end tank projection.

"Wet" wet - For those players who have not yet learned not to substitute the alert under the shots. It is extremely necessary for T43 and T44, since it is these tanks that are often exploded due to damage to the wake.

Filling tanks CO2. - In my opinion, a precious feature. Never in the game, my tank has not frightened because of getting into the tank.

Big, medium and small anti-skid - Vital body kit for heavy tanks. Not only saves from the glower, fragments and small art, it also absorbs the damage from the Taran by 15% (absorption - absorption).

Reinforced sticking drives - It makes sense to put on SAU and PT and on tanks from which you like to shoot from afar.

Vertical vertical stabilizer MK1-2 - Body accessible from 8 levels and allowing 20 percent to reduce the spread of the gun when turning. We put on the tank and do not think.

Frame rate of large, medium and small caliber Improves 10% rapidity. Mandatory presence on tanks with speed-fire 2-5 shots per minute.

Stereoscopic telescope (horns) - improves a review range by 25%. But at the same time the tank should not be in motion. Optimal for PT and SAU. It makes no sense to carry with you light and middle tanks that constantly in motion.

Enlightened optics - The same as the stereo tube is only for Art and Lt. Increases a review range by 10%. For Lights, it is necessary to preserve this type of body kit.

Improved ventilation class 1-3 - Fan - a little (by 5%) increases the skills of the entire crew. It is worth putting at the beginning when the crew of the tank is not yet pumped.

Masking Network - reduces the noticeability of a fixed tank by 25%. Suitable for PT and SAU. True, the benefit will not be a major SAU (Su14) from this mesh.

Toolbox We take with you until you run the skill "Repair" in the entire crew. It often happens that due to a shot down caterpillar you get a portion of the Fugas and go to the hangar. The box is 25% accelerates the repair of a damaged module.

Reinforced torsion, pendant pendant - Improving the tank lifting capacity by 10%. It makes sense to put when you have a tower open, and the chassis has not yet been investigated. Installed body kit and you can put the tower.

Groundoshachentes - It makes sense to put on heavy tanks, as they have low patency on swampy and rough terrain.
You can of course try the Cheat Engine Tanki Online, but in the bundle client-server he will help himself.

In the game, 5 types of tanks are distinguished, each of which can choose a certain complex equipment.
Light tanks - enlightened optics, fan, box with tools
Middle tanks - rate, vertical vertical stabilizer, fan.
Heavy tanks are the rate, a stabilizer of vertical tip, an anti-slip pad.
PT-SAU - Mask.set, Resistor, Stereo Tube
SAU - rate, stereo tube, vendor drives.

Of course, some inkles depend on the individual preferences and features of tanks.

Bones (currency in World of Tanks) is very long and for many it will take several rank seasons to buy their first module (advanced equipment). And here it is extremely important not to guess with the purchase and for what tank to choose equipment.

We also pay attention to the removal of improved equipment will require 200 bons. Consider all available modules ascending usefulness.

Act: Increases repair speed by 40%.

Cost: 3 000 BONON

Treaty of purchase: -5 /10

Here is one important nuance: a couple of patches back the equipment has become "difficult." That is, now this useless rubbish for 200 bones is removed.For utility in the case of 99% of tanks, even "ordinary" equipment will be useful.From 1 to 10, the feasibility and profitability of such a purchase are about the same as at the reappearance of cigar from $ 100 bills.

It is worth buying if you hate these damn victories and adore overcome pain on all tanks. BDSM shorter ...

An example of application: T110E3. With a late crew and gold remedle.

Example of proper use: Leave it "on the store shelf."

Act:Enhance the speed of information by 12.5%.
Cost: 5 000 Bonov

Treaty of purchase: 2 /10

The whole essence of the module is simply n and to the hour. A quarter is better than ordinary drives, but here there is one thing - the usual drives also give a penny and inferior to most modules are extremely moved by newcomers.

Act: Increases a radius of a review by 12.5%, but not more than 445 m.
Cost: 4 000 BONON

Treaty of purchase: 5 /10

Tanks are generally a game about review. The universal module is put on any tank, in this whole essence. At some not to put "ventilation" because of the open logging, many are not put in Stub. Well, the cost below 1000 Bon will not be superfluous.

Act: Reduces recharge time by 12.5%.
Cost: 5 000 Bonov

Treaty of purchase:6 /10

Well, everything is obvious, the DPM thing is good and pleasant. Let the game with this module may be less effective than with jounted optics, but definitely beware and more pleasant. Ideally will go on tanks without explicit weaknesses that need to be compensated to somehow.

An example of application: Most greatly looks at two tanks from the off town.

1) The strongest universal of the game is the Divine (well, except that you are blind, only TSSS!)

2) Aggressor with superlast, selection of bold, fast: T-62 / Object 140

A complex of stabilization equipment

Act: Reduces the spread when driving and when turning the tower by 25%.
Cost: 5 000 Bonov

Treaty of purchase: 9 /10

The module itself in the game is strong and a little imbalance, and doubly hard it becomes drummers. (! The stabilizer strongly affects the information after the shot!)

And if you are a lover of strong drums that do not have time to learn for the CD Pulk - this is 100% your choice! The following tanks with superlast are an example of the epic random breakdown of the knee, try not able to break away!
Bat.-Chatillon 25 T
T57 Heavy Tank.


other. This module multiplies the pleasure of fast drums on 3. The author of the article nailed the cloud of bones to the instructions on the Stub - how to tear off here? !!

Act: Increases the level of ownership by the main specialty, as well as all the skills and skills of the crew members by 7.5%.
Cost: 5 000 Bonov

Treaty of purchase: 9 /10

Simply a cheat module. It gives extremely much: DPM, Stub, accuracy, maneuverability, disguise repair (peppers), review. Thanks to the department of Muzrauza for the fact that the numbers for the modules were taken from the ceiling, an ambulance hand!

It has only 1 disadvantage: not put on the tanks with open logging.Extremely hard integrated BAU of all parameters (do not forget that besides the parameters in the hangar, there are still a bunch of hidden tanks).Objectively, the object for breaking random.

What modules to download first? What is better to put on your PT - "Horn" or optics? What the crew peppers are first first, and which are not needed at all? What projectiles install in ammunition? We read about it below

The order of pumping modules:

  1. weapon / chassis
  2. engine
  3. radio

Recall: Fri is, first of all, an instrument. We feed the gun, it brings us income and experience. And therefore, if it allows the chassis, we pump first primarily. Having a good weapon on board, we can make the experience of experience much faster and everything else. The next step - pump the chassis. Without a new chassis, you will not be able to install the rest of the modules, you may not be enough for a lifting capacity. The main bonus of the new Khodovye is an increased speed of the machine. And for PT-SAU, which changes the fire sector mainly rotating the case, is an important indicator.

The only exception to this rule is the case when the existing running does not allow us to establish a top gun. In this case, the first will be swept the chassis.

The next module pumps the engine. At the same time, we even more increase the speed of overclocking and turning the car. This allows us to quickly go to the right positions, to change them faster, and faster from them to leave, in case of detection. All this, the most directly affects our survival.

The last module pump the radio station. The module is quite important, however, for the machine that is in the rear at the main forces is not the most necessary. (Later, playing on low-level cars, you, of course, will understand how you lack a good radio station, since you cannot as much as possible to evaluate the minist, but in the usual, unknown deer battle it is not the most important module).

What to choose consumables?

Do not shake on consumables. From their presence, sometimes your life depends. Here the technology is as follows:

First of all, we put in the second slot small Remkomplekt.. This is almost the most important of our consuming. You may not have first aid kits or fire extinguisher, but Remkomplekt must be present. Do not burn and put! The first and most frequent malfunction in the game - shot down caterpillars. The missing caterpillar for the machine without a tower, which has a change in the sector of the shooting directly depends on the chassis, is equivalent to death. Therefore, we put a repair kit in the second slot and, if necessary, very quickly activate it with double pressing on the key 5. Why exactly the key 5? Because the caterpillars on the fifth position, and they are confused often.

Aid kit - The second is the need for a consumility. It is very bad to play with a critical gas or mehlody. Therefore, the first aid kit is also needed. It is installed in different ways, it is more convenient for 4 slot, because there are four mehloval numbers at number, without which you are a light target.

Fire extinguisher? We do not see the need for a fire extinguisher for machines, which does not have a special armor and if you do not even have time to light up. Because for PT Sau class hunter buy better gasoline (or oil, twisted regulator). Due to this, you will get a tangible increase in speed, power (and therefore risks and reversal speed).

If gasoline carry invoice, or you think that it is not the most necessary element for you, engage Automatic fire extinguisher. It will add a fire car and automatically will work once in a five-year period than may save your life. Believe me, it is much more convenient for the manual fire extinguisher. In addition, it will pay off after 4-5 battles.

What additional equipment to install:

First module: Camouflage network. For a car that should fight in the style of a sniper, masking - the first thing you need. Buy without thinking. It is inexpensive, and the benefits of you are just the agricade. This equipment can be removed and put on other machines, because even if the car does not like it - the farm is still useful.

Alternative view on the grid:

The fact is that the masking is relevant at the time of entering the position, i.e. in move. But when we move and we really need a disguise, the grid does not work. De facto during the maintenance of fire, we can only rely on the bush, relief or on the enemy blindness, the grid practically does not affect the disguise at the moment of the shot and very poorly enhances the disguise in the bush. There is some significant bonus from the network when standing in a clean field without firing only, but the fact of a fixed standing in a clean field means that we do something wrong. Camouflage, IMHO, more important than the grid, because Camo always works and allows us to move imperceptibly.

Second module: At the bums, like a real sniper, the strong side is good vision, high overview. Strengthen it - a good solution. But there will be a choice between what to install: enlightened optics or stereotrub. Allow this problem should, relying on your style of play.

More information about the grid:
Took on the responses of developers:
Is the action of the camouflage network disappear after a shot, if the tank remains fixed?
Not. The effect of the camouflage network does not disappear after the shot.

Masking network. Wiki.
Action: Significantly reduces the visibility of the fixed tank after three seconds after the stop. Acts as a foundation. For PT - 15%; For ST, LT - 10%; For tt, art - 5%
Cost: 100,000 loans
Mass: 100 kg

How does the camouflage network work?
The camouflage network is a divergent equipment that significantly reduces the visibility of a fixed tank (after three seconds after stopping the techniques). Being removable equipment, the camouflage network can be moved to another tank.

The camouflage network gives some bonus to the tank masking level depending on its type. For PT-SAU, this bonus will be higher, for medium and lung tanks - below. For heavy tanks and sau bonus from a camouflage network will be lower than a bonus for medium and lung tanks and PT-SAU. So that this additional equipment has become active, it is necessary to fix the equipment body for 3 seconds, after which the camouflage network will start acting - this will be indicated by the corresponding highlighting of the green color at the edges of the camouflage network emblem. Any subsequent movement will again require 3 seconds of peace to turn on the camouflage network. If you are in battle to prefer to support tanks from the second line, then the tanks will shine and stereotrub, (which, like maskset, works only after 5 seconds after the stop), you will not be definitely needed. And better put optics. The increase in the range of the review from optics, of course, is not so big, but he is at least permanent. If you prefer arbitering tactics in the open area, then the stereotrub will have to be likewise. In the field, armed with a second-third-third-third-third-third-third-third-third-third-third-third-level basis with a basic overview of 370-400m, can sometimes even stop the 5th level, and hold it before it approaches you on the detection distance. It is enough to shoot down to him, criticize the modules and get on vulnerable places, and there the rest of the team will sing, and it will help this monster. In addition, the pipe is a removable module that can be rearranged from the machine to the machine and therefore it is useful in any case. The correctness of the choice of modules usually confirms the enemy. Like that:

Third module: At low levels there is no possibility to put the rate, so your choice is reinforced placement actuators. Changing the sector of firing on PTs often occurs with the help of caterpillars, the mixture flies at the same time. Therefore, faster reduction will help you very well.

At levels above the third choice of more modules. Complete the machine by modules, depending on what you want to achieve: Improve the strengths of your car or strengthen the weaknesses. For the game solo, of course, it is worth strengthening the weaknesses. If you have a rotary machine or inclusive, it is better to strengthen it.

It is possible to evaluate the weak and strengths, based on the TTX machine. For example, an overview of 350 meters, like SU-100, is a weak side. If you play solo, take the "horns", cheerful and grid. If you play a platoon or in the company, take the grid (or the fan, if you have a well-pumped crew and everyone has a disguise by 100%), drives and demand.


Here is the Council one. If the ammunition allows the ammunition, do not skimp, take with you 4-5 pyline (cumulative) shells and a dozen fugasny. They will help you when you refer to some cast-iron face like a KV or T1 Heavy. At long distances, ordinary for PT, sometimes it is difficult to get BB in a vulnerable place.

Fugasi helps perfectly. They are guaranteed to remove any HP from the enemy, forcing it ten times to think about the continuation of the movement in your direction. Fugasas are also very good to Vanchott a small art. BB-projectile need to make 2 shots, art during recharging to the second shot can or blame, or answer, svanieoving you.

Please note that podcaliber shells at a large distance are losing armored fruit, so it is better not to use them. The fact that you bought a shell for gaming gold does not give a breaking guarantee \u003d)

Perks of the crew Perk number one - Masking. High-quality disguise - the key to the survival of any sniper. The same applies to the anti-tank SAU of the Yger class. Pump everything Crew masking.

Quote - Cheburillo:

Masking affects only detection distance. The time of disappearance from the light of Radnoko from 1 to 8 seconds (without a row type of vintage) and it depends only on the OCC Operations by the Sick Review server. (Jan 30, 2013 - 13:20)

Many believe that the commander immediately needs to start swing the sixth sense (light bulb) and the rest of the crew is a disguise. It is incorrect for two reasons: first, in this case you will all the time of pumping 1st peek to carry a useless commander with you (the light begins to work only after reaching 100%), and secondly - you must have His sixth feeling.

You must intuitively feel when you can see, and when there is no, when you need to change the position and "tear claws", when not to shoot when not to move, etc. etc. The lamp acts postfactum, after 3 seconds after your detection. We can say that when she caught fire, the enemy is already aiming in you, and there is nothing to think - to lift instantly. And besides, the lamp first gets your own feeling. Being an experienced fighter, you will learn how to determine the danger and without it, and the lamp will simply confirm your fear. In addition: pumping 100% camouflage to the commander can always reset this pep and turn it into the light bulb.

Next after disguise the peppers, the same light bulb should be downloaded for the gunner (very useful skill for firing through opaque bushes), what enhances your maneuverability