Dragon age knight. Dragon Age: Inquisition - Assumptions about satellite specializations. Usefulness of abilities of the category "Weapons and Shield"

The attributes in the game are still the same six, however, now they cannot be changed independently, that is, the increase occurs automatically and directly depends on the character class. All attributes affect a specific parameter, and it is different for each class. However, the calculations use the same formula, where the value 10 is necessarily subtracted from the attribute. That is, let's say you are playing a warrior whose "strength" attribute is 21, then his bonus to attack will be: 11*0,005 = 0,055 * 100% = 5,5% .

    1) Power- increases the physical abilities of the character. Each point increases the bonus to damage during defense (by 1 percent for a promotion) and the attack rate of warriors (by 0.5 percent for a promotion).

    2) Agility- increases the composure, reaction and agility of the character. Each point increases the critical damage bonus (works for all classes) and the attack rate (by 0.5 percent per increase).

    3) Magic- increases the character's connection with the Shadow and improves the ability to manipulate it. Each point increases the damage bonus for the barrier (by 1 percent for the promotion) and increases the attack rate (by 0.5 percent for the increase).

    4) Cunning- is responsible for the mind and cunning of the character. Each point increases protection against ranged attacks and the probability of a critical strike (by 1 percent per increase).

    5) Willpower- increases determination and spiritual stamina of the character. Each point increases magic defense and attack indicators (by 0.5 percent per increase).

    6) Body type- is responsible for the stamina and physical strength of the character. Each point increases melee defense and health indicators (for all classes by +5 per promotion).

The magic is automatically increased by magicians after gaining a level, strength - at warriors, and agility - at robbers... For every two levels, the increase is 1 unit. “Not enough,” you say, but you should know that you can increase attributes by developing various abilities, for example, Static Charge, when opened, increases Constitution by 3 units. You can also increase the values ​​of attributes with the help of high-level equipment, which gives a very high bonus to these indicators.

As you might guess from the title of this subheading, the main metric here is attack... This characteristic increases all the damage that the character inflicts on his opponents. It is expressed as a percentage and is added to the total weapon damage. Attack is mainly influenced by the class attribute, but it can also depend on the abilities of the hero and the equipment he is wearing.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Critical Hit Probability(depends on the attribute "cunning") affects the chance of inflicting damage to the enemy, increased by the indicator indicated opposite the Bonus to critical damage (depends on the attribute agility). Critical damage is shown in battle with large bright numbers above the enemy.

An equally important parameter is armor penetration, since each additional percentage ignores one point of the opponent's armor.

Parameter kill cure shows how likely your finishing blow is to return some of your health. Flank Damage Bonus shows the percentage bonus to damage that your character receives when attacking an enemy from behind or from the side.

Bleeding on hit shows how likely your strike is to cause the target to bleed. This debuff lasts for a few seconds. Index stun on impact works the same as the above parameter, but instead of bleeding, it stuns the enemy.

Naturally, the most important parameter here is health, because as soon as it drops to zero, your character will immediately fall without creation and will lose the ability to fight for his life. If all members of the group fall during the battle, then you will have to replay the battle from the very beginning. The fallen hero can be raised again, but for this it is necessary that his companion does not interfere with bringing a seriously wounded comrade to his senses. Unfortunately or fortunately, the health of characters does not automatically regenerate over time. The game provides only four methods of its restoration, namely:

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

    The use of health elixirs (eight are given for the whole group; you can replenish their supply in camps, fortresses and in the Shelter; the maximum number can be increased to twelve);

    Using elixirs of restoration (increases health not immediately, but gradually; each character can have his own supply of recovery potions);

    Throwing bombs healing mist(the healing power is less than that of a health potion, but it acts on a certain radius and is able, after improvement, to raise party members who are not created):

    Visiting camps, fortresses and shelters automatically restores the health of heroes.

The increase in health occurs with an increase in the level of the character and his attribute body type... In addition to the health scale, the hero is saved from fainting by such a spell as barrier(a bar of blue light displayed above the health school) and the parameter defense("Torn" gray strip, highlighted above the health bar).

Only warriors can increase the defense indicator. However, the ability Horn of Valor, for example, can empower non-warrior satellites with defense. Initially, this parameter is zero, but it gradually increases during battles and remains so until someone can fully penetrate it or the group decides to go to a new location using fast travel. The maximum value of this indicator depends on a number of the warrior's abilities. By default, it is a quarter of the maximum health.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Mages are able to impose a barrier on themselves and their comrades in arms. In terms of effectiveness, it is somewhat weaker than defenses ”and becomes less effective over time, so it should be placed immediately before the battle.

Thus, when the heroes are attacked by enemies, then all the damage first takes on the barrier (if one was created), then the defense begins to disappear (again, if there was any) and only then the characters lose health.

Magic protection is a percentage indicator of resistance to damage from elemental and magical attacks. There are also options sustainability to various elements (cold, fire, spirit magic and electricity), expressed as a percentage. These bonuses are given from various equipment and abilities. You can also get a permanent bonus to resilience from different elements by passing new zones in the Solasan temple. If we talk about the parameter stun by getting hit, then it shows how great the chance that the enemy will be stunned after attacking the character.

The main parameter of protection is armor level... It reduces the physical damage taken by the character. Armor level before demonstrates how much of the physical damage will be absorbed by the armor when the hero attacks from the front. This indicator is relevant for warriors fighting with a shield. In this case, you can see how much damage the shield is blocking.

Although the previous parameters and attributes have changed in the third part, they are still familiar to many players, which cannot be said about concentration... It is a completely new parameter, which is a special resource that a character acquires when he deals damage to opponents. Even one hero can attack, but the whole party will accumulate concentration. Initially, it is distributed evenly among all members of the group, but with the help of bonuses from equipment, it can be distributed in a slightly different way. The Inquisitor also has a unique passive ability called Coordinated Actions, which makes it possible to increase the accumulation of this indicator when making interclass combinations.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

The concentration parameter comes in three levels, obtained gradually as you progress through the game. The maximum value of the first level is one hundred units. If you pump the organization from Cullen, then this figure can be increased to three hundred units. Surely you are wondering what concentration is for at all. The fact is that each character (or to be more precise, all specializations and the Inquisitor) have special abilities that spend concentration. They are incredibly powerful and efficient. Their usefulness will directly depend on the concentration scale. Fast moving around the map or arriving at the Vault does not reset this parameter. Do not forget about the existence of concentration, because in difficult battles it can save your squad's life.

Mana / stamina are necessary for the use of abilities, however, in Dragon Age: Inquisition, these parameters have changed somewhat - from the very beginning of the game it is maximum and is one hundred units. In addition, they are not influenced in any way by willpower. You can increase them using elixirs (temporary effect) or inventory bonuses. They can be improved qualitatively by reducing the cost of abilities and reducing their cooldown.

Level cannot be called an attribute in the traditional sense of the word, but a lot depends on it in the game anyway, so you need to pay special attention to gaining experience. Experience points are given to all party members at once, but each character has its own experience scale, for this reason the heroes will not receive the next levels at the same time. Watch also the level of your opponents. From the game, the developers have completely removed the auto-increase in the level of enemies. All locations in Inquisition are divided into several zones - in the initial ones you will only meet low-level opponents, and in later locations - only high-level ones.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

I do not recommend engaging in combat with enemies that are three levels or more superior to you. Yes, if you win, you will be given a lot of experience, but there is a high probability that your squad will simply be killed, and not even the bosses, but ordinary opponents will do it. In addition, you should not expect that you will be able to kill weak enemies in batches, getting a "sea" of experience for this. The fact is that for opponents whose level is three or more lower than yours, the game does not give experience points. The only thing you get from them is mediocre "loot" (equipment).

When you get new levels, you will be given ability points - one point per level. They need to be spent on discovering new skills. You can also get skill points using amulets of power tied to certain characters and given out for completing certain quests.

Tank pumping

Inquisition is a party role-playing game in which each hero must effectively fulfill the role assigned to him, otherwise each battle will be difficult for you (of course, we are talking only about high levels of difficulty). Before considering pumping a tank, I would like to tell you about the main roles in such projects.

    1) Damager(DD) - this is the name of the character that inflicts maximum damage (damage). Almost any class can fill this role. Its main task is to inflict huge damage on the enemy, but in such a way as not to attract the attention of this very enemy, otherwise he may switch from a tank to a damage dealer. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the rogue is best at this role.

    2) Tank- as can be understood from the name, this character must take all the damage from opponents. Its functions include performing two tasks: provoking the enemy and the ability to withstand his attacks. Warriors are best suited for this role.

    3) Controller- is able to have a negative impact on enemies, controlling their behavior. Any class can act as it, but the most effective controllers are obtained from mages, since they have abilities with which you can stun (keep in one place), frighten and repel enemies.

    4) Support(support) - the developers decided to completely cut out healers (magicians who can heal their comrades) from the game, and therefore support magicians came to the fore in Inquisition. Their spells are mainly based on the barrier, which can not only strengthen the defense of comrades in arms, but also give them certain bonuses.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Firstly, as you already know, for each level increase or use of an amulet of power, the character is given one ability point, with which you can unlock new skills for the hero. We advise you to first improve the skills that you already have open... The fact is that the game has a limit on the number of slots intended for abilities. You cannot install more than eight skills in the quick access menu, that is, if you open the ninth, then you will have to either not use it, or replace it with another ability.

Secondly, in Inquisition, the damage from skills is directly dependent on the damage of the weapon you are using. Therefore, if it seems to you that the abilities are not effective enough, then you should create or find a new, stronger weapon.

Thirdly, the game provides an option friendly fire which can greatly influence the choice of skills you unlock. You should be aware that spells that have a radius of action are capable of touching your companions.

Features of the tank

So, as I said earlier, the tank must withstand all the attacks of the opponents and prevent them from attacking its allies. He should always be at the forefront of the group. If the Inquisitor is not a tank, then I advise you to switch to a character of this type when exploring locations, so that the tank is always the first to enter into battle with the enemy.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

During the development of the tank, it is necessary to pay attention to three types of abilities: the first should help to get close to the enemies as quickly as possible; the second is to increase the enemy's aggression; the third is to increase the character's defense.

Usefulness of abilities of the category "Weapons and Shield"
Blind defense- one of the most important skills for a tank equipped with a shield, so its use is mandatory. The warrior places a shield in front of him and blocks all damage at the expense of his stamina. Enemy attacks increase the tank's defense rate. The complement of a solid defense is chevalier gait, which gives a 30% bonus to armor for all satellites within four meters of the tank. I also recommend opening it whenever possible.

Don't say that revenge is a useful ability for a tank, but for a low-level character it can be very useful, since it can be used to push away weak opponents. In addition, without it, we cannot open the arrow deflection skill we need. It is recommended to use revenge against enemies who managed to inflict damage on the character.

Boom deflection- Reduces damage from ranged attacks in front by fifty percent, and also increases constitution by three units. There are many archers in the game, so be sure to take this ability.

Defensive defenses are most effective in conjunction with military determination... This ability restores ten percent of stamina for every 10 percent of the health lost. This allows you to use a blind defense multiple times.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

If you look at the description of the ability bear wolves, then you can see that it does not allow opponents to enter the tank from the flank and reduces the chance that the character will be stunned when attacking from the front. However, no figures are given here, so it is not known exactly by what percentage the probability of getting stunned is reduced.

Dash with crank- this ability can be used to quickly approach the enemy, since when using it, the character makes a strong dash forward and inflicts a powerful blow on the enemy. With it, you can increase the damage done by your tank.

Not a very useful ability for a tank is shield bash... It provides the ability to crush the enemy's defenses, but in no way enhances our own defenses. It is not necessary to open it.

Blade deflection Is an excellent passive ability that increases resistance to front damage by twenty percent. Combines perfectly with the Arrow Deflection skill.

Usefulness of abilities of the category "Two-handed weapon"
I will say right away that a tank with a two-handed weapon in Inquisition is not the best solution. Yet Iron Bull more suitable for the role of a damage dealer. However, you can try to make a tank out of it.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Block and slash represents the main tank-type ability in this category. I recommend taking it at the very beginning. With the help of it, the character reflects the first attack of the enemy and immediately inflicts a powerful counterattack. Additional ability impeccable protection increases defense for each successfully repelled attack.

On opening battle course each critical hit will reduce the recovery rate of the character's abilities. The tank deals few critical hits, but I still recommend taking this ability to unlock the next ability.

With the ability hilt strike you can stun the enemy for a short period of time. This is the best control skill for warriors. In addition, there is a high probability that after stunning the enemy is attacked by a tank with a two-handed arm.

There are no other useful abilities for the tank in this category. If you have nowhere to spend points, you can open shieldbreaker- this ability allows critical hits of the character to penetrate shields and armor, destroying the enemy's armor.

The usefulness of the abilities of the category "Combat Master"
This category is mainly aimed at controlling the battle, or rather, helping its companions and weakening opponents.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Through hook the warrior drags the enemy to himself, thereby distracting him from the battle with another member of the party. Improved option - slap hook- not only makes it possible to bring the enemy to him, but also to punch him well, and with such force that he leaves the battle for three seconds. A very useful ability for a tank, so we definitely take it.

Ability crippling blows weakens enemies - the fact is that each critical attack will reduce the damage of the enemy by fifteen percent. If your equipment is focused on inflicting such attacks, then the skill will be useful in battle, but it seems to me that the tank does not really need it.

Tendon pruning- when attacking from the back, the warrior is able to slow down the enemy by fifty percent. However, the tank rarely comes to someone from behind, so the usefulness of this skill is also questionable. In general, I note that you should open them only in order to get to other abilities in this branch.

Take combat roll I do not recommend it. If you look at the description, you can see that it allows the tank to get out of the thick of the battle and go behind enemy lines. First, the tank, on the contrary, always needs to be in the center of the battle. Secondly, you can get close to the enemy with the help of a dash and crank from the Shield and Sword category.

A blow of mercy- The damage done to stunned or knocked down opponents increases by thirty percent. The tank, in principle, does a little damage, so this ability can only be opened as a pass.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Better take a look at the skill deep reserves increasing the rate of endurance ruling by almost fifty percent. Works great with defensive defenses.

War horn- with it, you can scare all enemies nearby for six seconds. Additional ability scrapping the spirit also reduces the armor of opponents and increases the damage to defense of satellites. Works great with a battle cry, so be sure to grab one whenever possible.

Ability horn of courage more suitable for a support tank, as it grants a bonus to damage and armor to all of its comrades in arms.

The usefulness of the abilities of the "Vanguard" category
This category contains abilities that help the tank protect its allies on the battlefield. Most of the skills located on the bottom right are aimed at protecting comrades in arms, and on the bottom left - the character himself. Decide for yourself what to open first. However, if you are driving the tank yourself, then it is better to choose the abilities of the right branch. Only the first two upper abilities are required to unlock.

A very useful ability is battle cry... She is able to provoke all opponents in the vicinity, and also increases the defense by twenty percent for each "responding" enemy. Additional ability call to arms also increases armor by two hundred percent (lasts ten seconds). True, it takes almost a third of the entire endurance scale, plus it takes more than twenty seconds to recharge. For this reason, it should be applied in such a way as to affect the maximum number of enemies.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

A more economical version of the battle cry is considered challenge to a duel... It acts, of course, at longer distances, but at a time it is capable of covering only one enemy. But it costs less and provokes one hundred percent, plus it increases defense by ten percent. I advise you to use it during boss battles.

Mad bull- using this ability, the warrior speeds up his run and crashes into enemies, knocking them down and increasing his defense. But it is worth knowing that when using it, the character will run until he runs out of all stamina or he runs into some obstacle. You can turn it off manually yourself. Unfortunately, the computer is not able to use this skill effectively, since sometimes the tank simply runs away from the battlefield in an unknown direction. I recommend removing the mad bull in tactics. If you constantly control the tank, then this skill works great together with the battle cry.

In defensive defense, the ability unshakable defense, which increases the maximum defense value by a quarter. It will also not be superfluous to open the ability faith in steel giving a 20% bonus to armor.

An ambiguous ability can be considered payback, which returns to enemies fifteen percent of the damage they dealt. The fact is that the tank is usually equipped with powerful armor, and therefore receives very little damage. However, you still have to unlock this ability if you want to access the toughness skill.

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Guide to the system of attributes and features of pumping the Tank

Inflexibility instantly gives the character a 10% bonus to defense for each enemy that is nearby. It costs nothing and takes over thirty seconds to recover. Combines perfectly with the Battlecry ability.

With the ability bodyguard your tank will take all hits directed at your companions, and receive some of the damage from them (fifty percent). The addition to this ability reduces the damage taken by half.

Choice of specialization

The warrior has three different specializations, but the tank will only be useful Knight, since in the branch of this subclass there are abilities that increase the character's defense and allow him to more effectively distract opponents. Yet The ripper focused more on damage, and therefore will be useful to the damage dealer, and Templar effective only against demons and magicians, so it will be ineffective in battle with other enemies. By the way, you can get the Knight from Lord Chancer, the Ripper from Tram, and the Templar from Sera.

Now let's take a look at the Knight's abilities: Line in the sand is a very useless thing, especially if the tank is controlled by a computer. In order for it to work effectively, you need to either stand directly in front of a group of opponents, or be in a narrow corridor. Therefore, it should be opened only for the sake of other abilities.

The next ability is considered to be the only good substitute for deep defense. Through walking fortress you can protect the character not only in front, but also on the sides and back. Its improved version also increases the tank's defense every time the enemy hits it. Its duration is short, but it is able to save the hero during massive battles, when a group of enemies immediately pounces on the tank.

The knight also has good passive abilities - for example, stronghold increases the maximum defense by a quarter, stronghold adds twenty percent to the armor, and tenacity allows you to stun an enemy attacking a tank. There are also intransigence, which allows the character to survive even the most powerful attack.

You can attract the attention of enemies by using counterstrike... She also gains maximum defense for the tank and allows him to constantly conduct counterattacks - this will help to tie enemies to your hero for a long time.

A very risky ability is to death, since if you use it when fighting a boss, you can get huge damage, but the enemy in this case will also be seriously injured. I recommend not to risk it and it is better to use the battle cry in conjunction with the war horn. Yes, it is more expensive, but your tank will remain intact. However, her additional ability is not bad - it increases the tank's defense for each of its attacks on the enemy.

Thus, the Knight is perfect for a tank, so it's safe to say that the best tank in Dragon Age: Inquisition is Blackwall(in addition to the Inquisitor, of course, if he was pumped as a tank). Cassandra(Templar) has a nice bonus to fighting demons and mages, but she only has one passive ability, which gives her a bonus to defense against enemy attacks. Iron Bull with a two-handed weapon, it is better not to use it as a tank at all. In addition, the Ripper will constantly need control, otherwise it will quickly be put on both shoulder blades.

Dragon Age: Inquisition - Walkthrough: Storyline - Defenders of Justice (Path of the Templars)

This is the first story quest-fork, by choosing which, you forever deprive yourself of the opportunity to enter into an alliance with magicians.

To initiate this quest on the military operations map, your Inquisition's influence must be at least 15. The recommended level to complete is 4 to 7.

Cullen's informant among the Templars reports that the Seeker Lord has taken the entire Order to the long-empty citadel of Terinfal. Your advisors will propose a plan to get Lord Lucius' attention and make him look to the Inquisition as an organization worthy of cooperation.

When you have enough influence for this mission (or you get bored of wandering around the maps, completing non-story quests), confirm the operation on your desk and this will automatically send you to Terinfal Fortress.

Warning: you cannot go back or abort this mission until you complete it completely. (This also applies to subsequent story quests in the game.) Therefore, equip yourself to the fullest before activating the quest.

Upon arrival in Terinfall, you will be greeted by Lord Esmeral Abernache, the representative of the aristocrats gathered to support you. Talk to him and go to the gate, where Templar Knight Barris awaits you. This is the same Templar who informed Cullen of the state of affairs, and he has something to tell you about the more than strange behavior of the Lord Seeker.

After talking with Barris, he will lead you to a meeting with Lord Lucius, but first he will offer you a little test ritual. The banners of the people, the Order and Andraste are hung on the wall of the castle, and you will be asked to raise them in the order in which you honor them (that is, the most important banner for you you raise above all and further in order). You can refuse this ritual, citing the fact that things are not waiting. Raising different banners will earn the corresponding respect of different associates (for example, Sera will approve if you raise the banner of the people above the rest), after which you will be asked to explain your choice. Explain (or not) and follow through the door where Barris will stop.

In the next scene, you will meet with the captain of the Order, who was sent to you by Lord Seeker, and get some idea of ​​what exactly is wrong with the Templars. Also in this conversation the name of a certain “Elder” will be heard for the first time.

After the battle, go in search of the Lord Seeker to find out in detail what the hell is going on in the fortress. Dumbfounded by everything that happened, Barris will go with you. He will not join the group, but he will stay nearby and fight by your side, which is good support - you will have to fight your way through numerous groups of various red templars. Also, along the way, you will hear a suspicious voice that you will be able to hear, but not your companions.

Exit into the courtyard and continue to fight your way through the fel-stricken templars. If you have a robber in your group, then you can open the door to the Lord Seeker's office, where you will find a lot of interesting things, both in terms of information on what is happening and in terms of loot, among which there will be an Amulet of Power for Cassandra (Amulets of Power give your characters one skill point, when you put them on - after which they disappear).

Continue up the stairs and you will finally find Lord Lucius. Who will not talk to you, but will do something somewhat unexpected, as a result of which you will find yourself completely alone in some incomprehensible and unpleasant place. Well, there is nothing to be done, go and look for a way out.

Soon enough, you will come across an interesting company, and in the ensuing conversation, you will finally begin to understand what exactly happened to the Lord Seeker. Go further along the way, observing the possible paths of development of the Inquisition, to which the owner of this area of ​​the Shadow gravitates, as well as his predictions about your personal future.

After a while, you will come across a hall with columns that spew out flames with strong enough damage - you can die if you do not escape from under it in time. The columns rotate from time to time, directing the stream of flame in the other direction, so this gives you a chance to slip by without getting hurt. However, after you have passed several columns, you will stop in front of a place that will be impossible for you to pass through. Go to the door nearby, look around the room and head back to the exit.

In the following video, you will be introduced to an unexpected ally (if you have read the book Asunder / YES, then you will immediately understand who he is, if not - it does not matter, you will find out with time), and after the conversation he will show you what to do with a previously impenetrable flame. Go back to the hall with columns, but before you finally exit this segment of the Shadow (this happens when you go into the passage that opened after extinguishing the flame), go into the room opposite the one where you met Cole. There you will find "Inspiration", by clicking on which, you can permanently increase your characteristics (if you played the two previous parts of YES, you already know - there is always something in the Shadow that permanently increases some characteristics).

Go to the next part of the Shadow and examine the prison cells (along the way, looking at the next plans of the demon Envy on your account) until you find a cell where Cole is waiting for you. Cole will make a speech about dispelling the darkness and disappear, and a Veil Fire torch will be lit on the wall next to him. Click on it, take the torch and go to light the braziers in the chambers - in total you need to light four.

In addition to lighting the brazier, which you need to do in order to find yourself in the next segment of the Shadow, you can find another "Inspiration" for your characteristics here. With a torch in hand, go back to the very first room where "Cassandra" is. In the cell to the left of it (if you face it) you will find the key to the prison cell. The prison cell that he opens is behind the wall, which will open to you after you light the last, fourth brazier. There you will find the second Inspiration.

Go up the stairs and you will find yourself in the final segment of the Shadow. It is somewhat more intricate than the previous ones - traps that inflict damage will swell under your feet all the time - so be careful and jump from them in time, and besides that, you will also encounter enemies here (though weak ones). Walk up, turn the lever to open the gate, and continue on your way. If you look around carefully, you will realize that this is a reflection of the inner courtyard of the fortress where you met Lord Seeker. You need to get exactly to the point where he carried you into the Shadow in the material world. Continue up the stairs, fighting off enemies (or just dodging them). If you linger a little and look around in the tavern that you need to go through on your main path, you will find the third Inspiration on the top floor.

When you ascend to the place where you meet the Lord Seeker, you will find the demon of Envy there and you can finally return to the material world. The frightened demon will gallop away from you under the protection of a magical veil, and Ser Barris, after a little thought, will offer you a plan on how to dispel it. To carry out his plan, you need to find the remaining three Templar veteran lieutenants and supplies of undefiled lyrium in the fortress. The Templars and Barris, meanwhile, will defend against the demons in the main hall.
(In the main hall there is a chest, by clicking on which you can replenish your potions. You can use it only once. But you do not need to hold it for the final boss - before the last battle in this area you will find another burial with potions.)

This is a quest for a while - the powers of the templars will gradually dry up (you will have a special strip in the upper right corner so that you know how they are doing). If you go back and help them, it will fill the strip, but it will empty a little faster. I recommend not to hesitate until the strip is completely empty - your return to the hall will not fill it, you will also need to defeat all the opponents there. The bar replenishes a little every time you track down a Veteran Templar.

If you go first to the officers' quarters, then in the sanctuary room you will find a note pinned to the statue, and Cole who appears next to you will inform you that the “Elder” for some reason seriously wants to remove the Empress Orlais Selena. The room next to the sanctuary contains deposits of red lyrium, and if you climb the stairs, you will find supplies of undefiled lyrium for Barris. On the same territory there is one of the veterans you need - go through the room and climb up the wooden stairs to go to the fortress wall.

Return to the main hall, go to the rooms of the upper barracks, fight off the red templars in the courtyard, go through it and through a couple of rooms to the quest mark on the fortress wall - and you will find one of the veterans fighting off a group of opponents. The second veteran is not very far from the first - you need to climb the stone stairs up on the opposite side of the courtyard to get to it.

After you find all three veterans and lyrium, head back to Barris and he will begin a ritual to break through the magic barrier. In the meantime, you will have to fight off several waves of red templars who will attack you in the hope of interfering with the ritual. They will continue to appear until your templar allies completely destroy the magic barrier.

After the barrier disappears, head up the stairs to fight your first boss in the game, the Demon of Envy. Take your time - as you climb the stairs, inspect the upper landing before leaving the hall - you will find a chest to replenish your potions.

The Demon of Envy will periodically disappear after you take away a certain percentage of his health, at the same time summoning a group of red templars to help, and then reappearing in different forms.

When you deal with him, talk to the templars that have appeared in the courtyard. You will have a choice - make them part of the Inquisition under your control, or leave the Order as it is and make it your full ally. As you might guess, the first option will appeal to those of your comrades-in-arms who do not like templars (Solas and Sera), and the second will be approved by Cassandra, Vivienne, Iron Bull and Blackwall.

After this conversation, you will automatically be transported back to the Vault, where your advisors will discuss what happened. During the conversation, Cole will appear in the room - and you will finally get the opportunity to get him into full-fledged companions. (Which Cassandra will slightly condemn.)
When you finish discussing the state of affairs with your advisors, you will complete this story quest and receive the next one - Will Burn in Your Hearts.

Friends, blogger under the nickname Knight-enchanter conducted a small investigation into specializations of our future party members of the Inquisition and came to interesting conclusions! Read the details further in the news! However, we remind you that this is just guesswork, no more.

Inquisitor will be able to choose one of the following 9 specializations (3 per class):

Warrior - Knight, Templar and The ripper;

Rogue - Mechanic, Assassin (Assassin) and Storm(this is if verbatim itself translate title... Maybe like u Isabella, brawler?);

Magician - Sorcerer Knight, Rift Mage (Shadow Mage) and Necromancer.

Descriptions for Vityaz, Mechanics and Sorcerer Knight can be found at our website, on the . Names the rest specializations were recognized fans(through the names of image files).

It looks like u of each of our nine companions will be one of specializations which are available Inquisitor(the assumption is logical from the point of view of numbers - 9 and 9). The basis for this assumption can be considered the fact that the frames demo with E3 you can see the name Iron Bull skill treeRipper (Warrior)... IN DA: O we shared specializations with character, in DA2 on the other hand, in each character had its own unique specialty(For example, Fenris - Tevinter Fugitive).

I think everything will look like this:

Dorian - Necromancer. Dorian is powerful magician and Tevinter Master who grew up in a society where magicians teach to use their powers, and not hide them, where magic, which in other countries is considered evil, is not a flaw. IN interview from his creator, David Gaider, it was said that Dorian knows spells to control the spirit and the dead.

SolasRift Mage (Shadow Mage). GameStar and OHM magazines described Solas, how shadow expert. Inquisitor should close faults in it... About features this specializations we can only guess, but "Shadow Mage", respectively, has relation to the reality of demons... Interestingly, this specialization is the most mysterious of all three possible for magicians... Also, Solas remains and the most mysterious companion in terms of character.

VivienSorcerer Knight. Sorcerer Knight This skill which can be found in Circle of magicians... Same Vivien is an First Arcanist of Montsimmard and takes the side of the Circle and magicians.

Cole - Killer. Description his character and interview with Patrick Weeks introduces him to us as ghost in the shadows, which moves unnoticed in the crowd, and remains unnoticed on the battlefield, cutting the throats of enemies before they sense someone's presence. He owns two daggers, in the book Dragon Age: Sundering he kills two templars so that they did not even see him, and the next one does not have time to fight back. Cole- type incarnation the killers.

Varric Tetras - Mechanic... IN comic "Quiet Grove", Varric dismantles a series of traps in Crows Archive, including a serpent's tooth, a poisonous wind and a fiery fountain. Mechanics familiar with technique and complex mechanisms; Bianca described as a miracle of gnomish craftsmanship, pure craftsmanship, and the only thing ordinary about it is the mechanism of work crossbows generally. The true designer of the weapon was Varric's mistress, Bianca(they planned that crossbow will make them rich and they will float away from Osheim).

Sulfur - Rogue(Maybe, Buyan). About the features of this specializations one can only guess, but according to her description, Sulfur- temperamental and somewhat windy. She is a little rude, passionate, impulsive and sincere, her character is revolutionary. She was tagged with the words "reckless energy", "capricious whims" and "rash decisions." Without hesitation, she will shoot an arrow at anyone who gets in her way. IN gameplay video we see how fast it moves and how it performs somersault.

Blackwall - Knight... By the description in DA: O, Knights, they are war veterans, heroes who can often be seen at the head of armies, who are confident leaders and inspire allies. BlackwallGray Guardian, who, judging by the descriptions, went through many battles and conflicts. From how his character is described in an interview with Cheryl Chi(character author), we can conclude that Blackwallthe embodiment of the ideals of the Gray Wardens... His path is built on valor; he is the protector of the inhabitants Thedasa, protector from Shadowspawn... He sees himself as their protector, and feels obliged to protect people from all evil, and not just from Mora... This is his moral priority.

Cassandra Pentagast - Templar. Templar Order- military organization Churches. Seekers of Truth act as a limiter and counterweight Order, and answer immediately before High Priestess... These two groups were once one - under the banner of the Inquisition... By the time a new Inquisition, Seekers separated Khramovnikov from Churches leading them into battle with the rebels magicians (specialization effective against magicians). Although, Cassandra will not join her brothers, her character traits are similar to those of an ideal Templar: pious, protector of the helpless and innocent, with a sense of justice, obedient, faithful, faithful Priestess, acts like her sword, and (at least at first) sees the world in black and white. Church does not reveal the secrets of skills Khramovnikov to anyone; but outside Order there may be those who are privy to their knowledge, especially if one considers the relationship and connection between Seekers and Templars. Cassandra occupies a high position - she is right hand of the High Priestess... Perhaps this is what gave her access to secrets. Khramovnikov.

Iron Bull - The ripper... Confirmation - already mentioned above images (video) with E3... For me such specialization corresponds to it character.

You will receive the quest for obtaining specializations when you first enter Skyhold. You will need to first complete the operation "Specializations for the Inquisitor" on the command headquarters table. Upon its completion, and it does not take time to complete it, you will have three mentors in your fortress (according to the number of specializations that are available to each class). If, upon arrival in Skyhold, a quest has not been added and there is no corresponding operation on the table of the command rate, then you should visit a location and return back to Skyhold. Then you should talk to each mentor and take an assignment from him for training in a particular specialization. It is possible to complete all three quests from each teacher, but only one specialization can be ultimately chosen. You can get an idea of ​​each of the specializations from a conversation with a mentor, as well as by looking at the skill tree of your party members, because each of them has its own.

Knight's way

Taken from Lord Chance de Lyon. We collect majestic heraldic symbols in the Sacred Plain, defeating enemies here:

Veridius can be found in the same location. You can also ask Cullen to perform a resource gathering operation in the Sacred Plain at Command Headquarters. A book with descriptions of the knight's techniques either near Blackwall, or bought from a seller in Val Royeaux. Then we collect the standard on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk to Lord Chance de Lyon to finally choose the specialization.

The Ripper's Way

Taken from Destroyer Trump. We collect textbooks on potions in Crestwood, defeating opponents in these locations:

Creeping vines can be found in the Sacred Plain, Emerald Tombs, and Empriz du Lyon. You can also ask Leliana to perform a resource gathering operation in the Sacred Plain at the command headquarters. A book with descriptions of the ripper's techniques is sought either near the Iron Bull, or bought from a seller in Val Royeaux. Then we fulfill the last condition on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk with the Destroyer Tram in order to finally choose a specialization.

Templar's path

Taken from Sera. We collect the broken templar vessels from the demons in the Hinterlands.

The Embryum can be found in The Hinterlands, Crestwood, and Emerald Graves. You can also ask Leliana to perform a resource gathering operation in the Emerald Graves at the command headquarters. A book with descriptions of the templar's techniques is sought either near Cassandra, or bought from a seller in Val Royeaux. Then we prepare a potion on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk to Sery in order to finally choose a specialization.

Path of the storm

Teaches this specialization to Khim. We collect the devices for holding the essence from the demons in the indicated locations on the Stormshore:

Essence of spirit is often dropped from ghosts. We look for a book with descriptions of the methods of the storm either in Sera's room, or we buy it from a seller in Val Royeaux. Then we collect a bottle of smoke on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk to Khim to finally choose a specialization.

The killer's path

Assassin specialization is taught by the Heiress. Assassin Guild Leaders' insignia drop from enemies in Crestwood in these locations:

The book with descriptions of the assassin's tricks is either searched for near Cole, or bought from a seller in Val Royeaux. The roots of death are to be found in the Western Reach or in the Whistling Wastes. You can also perform an operation on the Command Headquarters table by asking Leliana to collect herbs in the Whistling Wastes. After that, we collect the knife on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk to the Heiress in order to finally choose a specialization.

The mechanic's way

The task is taken from the Three-Eye. The needles of the spinefishes-leaders are collected, in fact, from their corpses in the Western Reach:

Obsidian is to be found in the Hinterlands, Crestwood, Sacred Plain, and Emerald Graves. You can also send Cullen to collect resources in Crestwood by performing the appropriate operation on the command headquarters table. We are looking for a book with descriptions of the mechanic's techniques either near Varric, or bought from a seller in Val Royeaux. After that, we collect the tools on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk to Three-Eye to finally choose the specialization.

Path of the necromancer

Teaches this specialization is Viuus Anaxas. We find Nevarr Skulls on the Stormshore in the following areas:

Bloodstone is sought in Empriz du Lyon or the Emerald Graves. You can also send Cullen to collect resources in Empriz du Lyon by performing the appropriate operation on the command headquarters table. We are looking for a book with descriptions of the necromancer's techniques either near Dorian, or bought from a seller in Val Royeaux. After that, we make a decorated skull on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk with Viuus Anaxas to finally choose a specialization.

Path of the Sorcerer Knight

The task is taken from the commander Helen. Essences of Wisps are dropped by ghosts in the Brown Bog in these areas:

We collect Lapis Lazuli in the Western Reach, Sacred Plain and Whistling Wastes. You can also send Cullen to gather resources in the Whistling Wastes by performing the appropriate operation on the Command Headquarters table. We are looking for a book with descriptions of the techniques of the knight-sorcerer either near Vivienne, or bought from a seller in Val Royeaux. After that, we make the hilt of the spiritual blade on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk to Commander Helen to finally choose the specialization.

The Tearmage Path

Quest issues your mentor... Venatori tomes are obtained from Venatori corpses in the Sacred Plain in these locations:

Thin velvet also falls out of the Venatori in the Sacred Plain. A book describing the magic of tearing can be found either near Solas, or purchased from a vendor in Val Royeaux. After that, we create a book about gaps on the request table next to the quartermaster and talk to your mentor to finally choose a specialization.

The victorious march of the Inquisition across the lands of Denerim and Orlais in Dragon Age: Inquisition will begin with a small squad. The strength of the order will gradually grow, over time it will enlist the support of the nobility, apostates (magicians or templars), the Gray Guardians and other allies, but before this happens, many problems will have to be solved that will fall on the head of the protagonist along with the demons from a hole in the sky ... Responsibilities in the Inquisition are strictly divided between advisers: Josephine responsible for diplomacy, Lelliana- intelligence, Cullen- troops. The order is managed from the command headquarters, where all important requests are received and key events are marked on the map. Each of the advisors has a different approach to solving the assigned tasks. The outcome of the assigned case and the time spent depend on the choice: you can act by word, cunning or brute force (there are absolutely no losing decisions).

Agents who can be recruited in all corners of Thedas help speed up the process of completing tasks, they are also able to unlock new specializations without spending points. Recruiting agents in Dragon Age: Inquisition, it usually begins with communication with a potential candidate, but not everyone agrees to join the Inquisition right away, everyone has their own reasons: someone is busy, someone does not trust, someone is waiting, someone is simply afraid of the consequences of his choice. They come to the rescue in such cases satellites who are able to convince the intractable (additional remarks appear in the dialogue). If the attempts of the companions are unsuccessful, the only way to recruit an agent remains completing a small loyalty assignment... It is important not to miss the right moment for recruiting, otherwise the agent may disappear with the development of the plot. Recruited agents are added to the advisors tab in the specialization selection window.

Location of agents for the Inquisition in Dragon Age: Inquisition:

  1. Pacified Clemens(quest "In Confidentiality") - expects to meet with the Inquisitor in the Redcliffe tavern in the Hinterlands. For recruiting, it is enough to talk to him. Access to the village opens according to the plot, when you need to make a choice between magicians and templars. Helps in the work of Cullen.
  2. Weil's Volunteers- for recruitment, at the request of Corporal Weil, from the Crossroads in the Hinterlands, several tasks for refugees: mark 5 caches of apostates at the request of recruit Whitl, who is standing by a cave in the western part of the settlement, in the task "At the mercy of the elements"; get 10 pieces of lamb at the request of a refugee-hunter in the task "Pangs of hunger" (rams are found in the forest); persuade the healer from Redcliffe to move to the Crossroads in the quest "Healing Hand" (you need to be an elf or have Solas in the squad); deal with renegade mages and templars in the quests “Apostates in the Witch's Forest” and “Templars in the West”. Moving to Skyhold will automatically close access to missions. Returning to Corporal Veil, we ask him to "Hire the most skilled." Companions will react positively to the acceptance of volunteers into the ranks of the Inquisition.
  3. Alexius(quest "Tempting Whisper") - for recruiting, you need to side with the magicians and save the life of the master, in order to decide his fate at the trial in Skyhold. Before the process, you need to learn on the command table "Secret Knowledge" (the "Secrets" tab), which will expand your knowledge of magic and add a new item to the dialogues. In the future, Alexius will issue tasks to strengthen the influence of the Inquisition and stop acting in favor of the Coryphaus. Helps Lelliana in her work.
  4. Blades of Hessarian(task "Putting things in order") - on the order table on Storm Coast, you need to make an amulet "Crest of Mercy" from the skin of a deep hunter (found in caves opposite "Morrin's Heights") and two serpentines (hang on the rocks along the coast), then put it on through the inventory and come to the Hessarian camp in the eastern part of the location, where you will fight the leader. The blades help Cullen work.
  5. Laranil(task "The Condescension of the Dalians") - lives in the Dalish camp in the Emerald Graves, in the southwestern part of the location. At the meeting, the elf will be asked to join the Inquisition, but without the permission of the keeper, he will not be able to leave the clan and carry out his plan. Quests issued by Loranil's tribesmen will help you gain the trust of the Dalish. After the introduction, he begins to help Cullen.
  6. Frederic de Cero(quest "Deep High Dragon") - A scientist is busy looking for information for his new work on dragons in the Western Reach, south of the southern camp of the Inquisition. After completing several of his assignments and killing the deep high dragon, he agrees to join the Inquisition, where he will help Lelliana.
  7. Smuggler Tanner(quest "Business Relations") - in the Hinterlands to the south of the Crossroads, where refugees took refuge, there is an oval wooden house on a hill, inside there is a note on the recess that activates the quest "Blood Brothers". We reach the marker from the assignment (northwest of the Inquisition camp near Zakatnoye in the eastern part of the location), we clean the camp from bandits, the bodies of two templars lie around the house, from the first we select the sword, from the second a letter that activates the "Business relationship" task. We are waiting for the moment when the plot opens access to the village of Redcliffe, we find Tanner in the camp in front of the entrance to the church. To recruit an agent, we use Cassandra, Varrica or the knowledge of the underworld, available for study for points of the Inquisition on the command table in the Shelter or the castle in Skyhold in the Troops section, after which Tanner will help Lelliana.
  8. Fairbanks(task "Nobility in heart and deeds") - we find the rebel camp in the southern part of the Emerald Graves, talk with Fairnbanks, carry out all his tasks to clean up the area from the robber templars and free citizens. The new agent speeds up Lelliana's work.
  9. Lord Berand(quest "Love will wait") - we find the body of a woman in the gorge southeast of the Inquisition camp in the Suburb, from where the exploration of the territory of the Inner Lands begins (we run past the astrarium and all the time adhere to the rocks on the left side). We select a letter from the body and deliver it to Lord Berand in the sectarian fortress, which is indicated by a marker on the map. While he is dumbfounded by the news of the death of his beloved, we invite him to join the Inquisition.
  10. Michel de Chevin(task "Call me Imshel") - at the exit from the destroyed village, which is under the protection of the Inquisition in Empriz-du-Lyon, we find the former knight of the Empress Celina, accused of treason and demoted. In the conversation, he will talk about his desire to defeat the demon Imshel, who settled in the Suledin fortress. We carry out all the dirty work for him, after which the Inquisition will be replenished with a new agent who will help Cullen.
  11. Ser Barris(task "Defenders of Justice") - you need to side with the templars, refusing to support the magicians. At the time of the search for veterans and lyrium while defending the hall, we try to prevent the health level of the new ally from falling below 30%, otherwise he will die. After Skyhold is upgraded, Barris can be appointed as Knight Commander to assist Cullen.
  12. Jenna- on the way from the Inquisition camp to Crestwood, we help the Gray Guardians to deal with the revived corpses, we save the elf, who can later be found in one of the village houses. In the conversation, she will mention her desire to join the ranks of the Gray Wardens, if Solas or the Inquisitor is a nobleman in the squad, then Jana can be recruited into the Inquisition. If you send her to the Gray Wardens, then she will be sacrificed during the assault on Adamant.
  13. Looking up to the sky(quest "Cracks in the Bog") - in the swamps of the Brown Bog, on the way to the Avvar fortress, we find a giant in the skin of a bear, open and close the Rift before his eyes. After the victory over the Hand of Kort in the Avvar fortress and the release of the Inquisition soldiers from captivity (languishing in the side room in the fortress), He who looks into the sky will wish to join the Inquisition, where he will help Josephine. The release quest disappears after the headquarters move to Skyhold.
  14. Avvar leader(task "Judgment") - after returning from the Brown Quagmire after defeating the Hand of Court and freeing the Inquisition soldiers from captivity, the trial of Avvar leader Movran Poddaty will take place in the throne room of Skyhold, who will be recruited as agents when sent to Tevinter.
  15. Preacher Anais(task "Glory to the messenger (-ce) Andraste") - in the Hinterlands we find the castle of the sectarians, located on a hill south of the Inquisition camp at the Dwarven Pass, in the southeastern part of the location. We ask you to let you inside, close the gap in the Veil in the courtyard and talk with the preacher Anais, if you ask her to listen to what people say, then the help of the new agent will be directed to Lelliana, if you ask to spread the news about the Inquisition, then - Josephine.
  16. Enchantress Ellandra(quest "Amulet of the beloved") - on the right side of the entrance to the fortress of the cultists, led by the preacher Anais in the Hinterlands, on the hillside lies the corpse of a templar with a phylactery, which must be taken to Ellendra from the Crossroads, where the refugees have taken refuge. After the delivery of the amulet, Vivienne will help convince the sorceress to make a choice in favor of the Inquisition, you can also use the knowledge of magic, which is opened for points of the Inquisition on the command table in Skyhold in the "Secrets" section.
  17. Sly Ritts(quest "An Unusual Duet") - north of the Inquisition camp at Dwarven Pass, in the southeastern part of the Hinterlands, we find an agitated scout at the crossroads. We receive a task to search for the missing Ritts, we reach the marker at the fortress of the sectarians, led by the preacher Anais, help the scout fight off the templars, investigate the attack site with the [V] key, find the body of a dead magician, talk to her again. Varric will help convince her to join the Inquisition, and this can also be done without anyone's help if the Inquisitor is a dwarf.
  18. Buster Dennett(task "Horses for the Inquisition") - we get to the camp of the Inquisition at the Redcliffe farms in the northwestern part of the Hinterland, in the village we find Dennett, we perform several tasks for the farmers. Vivienne or Cassandra will help you to recruit a new agent to the Inquisition, you can also use the knowledge of the underworld in conversation, which can be unlocked for Inquisition points on the command table in Skyhold in the "Troops" section.
  19. Duchess Florianne(quest "Judgment") - after visiting the palace of Halamshiral in the quest "Evil Eyes, Evil Hearts", the duchess will be taken dead or alive to Skyhold, where a trial will take place, following which she can be recruited as a new agent of the Inquisition, which will affect the speed of work Josephine.
  20. Nobleman, captain of Gaspar's mercenaries(quest "Evil Eyes, Evil Hearts") - during the quest in Halamshiral, we overhear several times the conversation of two nobles in the courtyard with a grate on the wall leading to the library on the second floor of the palace. It is important to stand on the balcony exactly over the targets, when they talk about templars and magicians, we go down to them and start a conversation, if you support one of the nobles, he will become an agent. The knowledge of the underworld, available in the "Troops" section of the command table in Skyhold for Inquisition points, will help to recruit the captain of the mercenaries Gaspar.
  21. Belle(task "The danger has not passed") - after clarifying the relationship between the templars and the ministers of the church on the main square of Val Royeaux, we find the merchant Belle, who wants to join the Inquisition. It is important not to leave the city, otherwise Belle will disappear, and Josephine will lose her assistant.
  22. Samson(task "Judgment") - to recruit the red templar, you need to support the magicians in Redcliffe in the task "Defenders of Justice", defeat Samson in the temple of Mital and bring him to trial in Skyhold, where, as a punishment, give him for study to Cullen, under whose command he and will fight on the side of the Inquisition against the Coryphaeus.