Dragon Age Meeting Land Passage. Passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Land Meeting. Possible Exodus Land Meeting in Dragon Age: Origins

Our hero presented an ancient contract to the King of Dwarfs (which had to be found and put on the throne), delivered the castle of Redcliffe from the curse, visited the temple lost in the distant mountains and returned from there with a particle of Holy Prach. But to collect the advice is still premature: there is no confirmation of the contract from the Bnessilian elves.

Man man elf

Ready to accomplish what kind of man

But lose man

W. Shakespeare, Macbeth

In the spot marked on the map, we found the Patrol of the Doli Elves, who after a short provers held us in the Bnessilian Forest.

If you were told that the elves live in the country of unimaginable beauties and miracles, know: this is a non-part lies. The village of free elves, of course, is prettier than ghetto-elphinja, but there is exactly something in common. Among the ancient columns and statues are sadly tent tents, which wild kuanari would be plugged. If necessary, half an hour can be turned into carts and transport to a new place. Curved tables are collected from sticks and skins - they are injured and sick. Many wounded and patients.

Without unnecessary conversations I presented paper Southern, Elder. Stained squinted: Want help? From U.S? Yes, you look around. We had a curse here in the forest, werewolves hit the elves in the afternoon and at night, what army can we send you? Now, if someone (we will not call names, although this is a gray guard) found the main Vervolf, Fucking fang, and brought the heart cut, then maybe ...

Well, no one did not expect that they would agree immediately?

According to the old good habit, before going to the forest, I interviewed the locals - anyone does not need anything from gray guard? Who will find whom to find in more often, take revenge on the death, bring ears from the dead genon? Oddly enough, there were few customers. Somehow Atrass asked to find his wife Daniel in the forest. Girl with Galle (this is such a half-semi-sealer who drive an elves) I was looking for a medicine - but I did not have enough forest skills. A young hunter could not marry his chosen, because he did not pass the test, "you could find it in the forest in the forest, but it was easier to persuade the girl to wave a test.

On a note:as usual, it is better not to take the team of Morrigan to settle local affairs. She will not be happy to beat with young in love. But, however, with it you can lie to the girl with Gall, as if the animal is hospital, and get the horns in the award ... But do you need it?

The local trader Varatory turned out to be, firstly, the owner of the most valuable thing in Ferdden - a backpack, and secondly, ordered us to get an iron cortex for the manufacture of armor.

Battle for Acorn

Tsvechko, catch!

Western Bresilian.

In the Bresilian forest, as was to be expected, many wolves (ordinary and iswolves), there are bears, as well as an unprecedented creature - Silvan. This campaign is successfully pretending to be a plant while you cannot endile up to him, and skillfully excavates roots. But, as often happens with thresholds, burns like straw.

Werewlings sent us the Committee on the meeting headed by Mr. Runner. This nervous Vervolph told us that in the coffin I saw humanoids in general and in particular, so we would go back to the elves and refused to task, it would certainly see us there. After a short conversation, the runner met his name and disappeared, and his friends honestly ran from our swords and Char.

Western Bresilian divided by rivers into three parts - Western, emerging to the camp (1) , central and eastern; And in the south of the eastern strip (2) we found an amazing speaking tree. This oak, instead of following the example of his aggressive fellow, joined us in a conversation; However, the mysterious laws of Botany prohibit it to express prose. (Does it really live here near the unkind memory of Elf Fiden, the winner of the vampire of Nicholas? However, if neither the verses of oak, with the nervous paralytic verses of Fidaden, they do not compare.)

The village reported that we, of course, can walk on Bresilian and harvest wood, but there, where we need, the magic barrier will not miss us. But he, oak, can miss. If we refund him acorn, stolen by some kind of polulmy of East Bresilian.

How to jump out how to emphasize!

"What kind of creature, good evil, came to the ancient oak?"

On a note:through the northern part of the Eastern River (3) From which you can gain iron cortex for varatory. Around the middle between the log and oak there is a sarcophagus (4) (Two limits will attack you): if you have to worry and defeat it from there, you can get a part of the kits of Juggernaut's armor, which is practically not inferior to the armor of the Legion from the Dwarf (the remaining armor to be found in the eastern part of the forest). Finally, in the south of the central forest belt (5) You can save the wounded elf.

After that, we headed to the eastern part of the forest; There are two roads (6, 7) .

East Bresilianon the form resembles a starfish with shifting tentacles. In the center of his ring-shaped Polyanka, from which five rays-paths are departed. Two Western go from Western Bresilian; on the northwest I found a poor thing Danielu. Alas, she was already bitten by the werewolf, and she asked to hand over her husband that she died and what he loved him to last days. And asked to make the first statement of the truth ...

On a note:unfortunately, you can not save Danielu. If you refuse to kill it, she will attack her own and make it.

The northern road was densely populated by the restrictions and their whims, and they guarded the next grave plate with part of the jaggernaut armor. On the east, the acorn of acorns was discovered.

The elder who broke his lair here, at first glance, seemed even more polulily than oak; He asked meaningless questions, giggled, and when I remembered the oak - asked if there would be anyone to disassemble a damned tree on firewood. However, when I launched my hand in a stump on his glade and found an acorn there, the old man suddenly came to his senses ... and began to call himself to help demons. So remorse of conscience for his death was subsequently not tormented by me.

On a note:you can agree with the hermit. Either really destroy the oak, or offer him something in return to the acorn. Amulet from the horns of the murdered Galley or Scarf Daniel will be consolidated. If you kill the oak, then through the barrier you will pass under the mask of the iswort.

Returning to the oak, I received a staff from him to pass through the barrier. However, the usefulness of the staff did not boost - he turned out to be quite decent weapons for the magician.

Formal essence

Behind the barrier we again greeted the runner - and again after a short sweeping switched to the plan "B". The short-lived trail brought us into ruins.

The upper level of the ruins was a simple dungeon that had to pass through the straight from the east to the west, after which the corridor turns at a right angle to the south. All branches are packed with poisonous spiders and skeletons; Neither those nor other special threats were represented.

But in the southern end of the floor settled, no little, the dragon is not from the strongest, but quite decent. And, I would say, nonsense ... The warehouses of Mr. Dragon showed up the door down.

Lower level of ruins.

Air alarm!

On a note:caution, the dragon's lair is mined! And there will be no time for the removal of time traps. A good method is to send a skeleton there if any of the magicians can do it.

The lower floor was also joined by skeletons and spiders. Shortly after the entrance (0) In a place where the corridor turns to the left, spiders arranged an organized ambush.

A little bit farther (1) We met the ghost of the child; And next to him, a description of the ritual was read on the plate. What a ritual led was not very clear; However, just in case, we found the source described in the ritual (2) and they did everything that the sign required with him (fill with a jar of water, move away from the source, to look at the altar nearby nearby, put a jug on the altar, pray, inspect the jug, to pour water, take a jar, move away from the altar, to inspect the source, pour into the source water from the jug).

Ritual Total-Google opened the way to Sarcopagu (3) Where, after the battle with ghosts, we completed the collection of the Juggernaut's armor.

But a more important find awaited us in a sideproof (4) , and it was easier to watch it. In the gem stone on the floor was hidden soul of soldier-sorcerer, which was able to talk; She asked to destroy the stone, but gave the specialization of the combat mage in exchange.

Non-easy battle expect us in the southern corridor (5) : He is all the pricked traps, so it was the easiest way to send an explosion ahead, so as not to engage in a sapper case under arrows. But finally we got around the bones ... Big puddles on the floor (6) , immersed in which they got into the very lairwaters.

"Greetings you, mortal.
I am the owner of the forest. "

And here is the third meeting with the runner. This time he wanted to talk - apparently, attempts to stop us by force inspired him a common look at his own opportunities. I agreed, and we were transmitted to Hostess forest.

The hostess told us a simple and terrible story about where a rabid fang came from. About how people attacked the Doli elves ... and that the elder was tied to protect his people.

According to speaking, I have already started guessing. But nevertheless invited a full-time stance: he walked nearby, could not wait for his o'clock. Cold, in turn, tried to "open my eyes": "You have already understood who is such a forest owner?"

Alas, to remove the curse the old villain refused. But I found good arguments for him. Unfortunately, not verbal ...

The first spell was started paralyzed the hostess of the forest and the iswolf (under the blow, we could also get, but we immediately rushed to him), and then called for the help of allies. However, we did not block his friends by Alistair, as is usually done, but sent the temple to the streets - so that he dispel the magic and freed them. In such a ratio of strength, the case went much more fun.

Upon completion of this sad story, the former bushes were shaving in their affairs, and the new leadership of the Dolites swore to send their archers to the war with the archdoor.

It is important: If you take the side of the cut and kill the owner of the forest, the elves will still replenish the ranks of your army. But there is another way, for owners of higher eloquence: "I have another plan. Kill the cut and all elves! " After that, in the village of Doli, the massacre, and they get as an army instead of elven shooters deadly, but vulnerable versolphs.

Scary court

Let on the platform high

Put the corpses in front of everyone;

And I will tell you not knowing the light,

How everything happened; That will be a story

Inhuman and bloody cases

Random car, neganded murders,

Deaths, in the needs of the junk,

And finally, cunning goats, fallen

On the heads of the instigators. All this

I will state you.


Hurry up to hear

And we create a more nonestly assembled.

W. Shakespeare, Hamlet

Earl Eamon.

And here all contracts are presented and confirmed, the armies are ready to perform, and Earl Eamon - convenes Meeting of land. As soon as we arrived at him in Rarcliff, he sent Tainnam the appeal, and we all moved together to his palace in Denerima.

There was a surprise. I just managed to look into the restned quarters and return to Eason, and he turned out to be a guest - the maid queen Anora. It turns out that the queen in imprisonment of the commandant of denerima - lord Hou..

On a note:if your hero started like Human Noble, this day should be remembered for a long time ... I finally came to get it for everything!

Painted queen

On the way to Lord Hou, we had a meeting with old friends. But not mine, but Zevrana: one of the antivan rarions, Tolesin, brought Zeevran to the news that the crows are not a claim to him - and the kind proposal to return to his. Or rest right now. Probably, if Zevran was not with me in Lada, he would join the Tolecin - and so we jointly killed the raven, and after the brief persuasion, Zeusman remained in my squad.

Lord Hou castle.

The maid had a plan, how to penetrate the estate: to go from a black move, change clothes and avoid excessive bloodshed. True, the security of the black move knows all the Hou fighters in the face, so we hid behind the garden until the elf distract the guards and entered without interference castle (1).

Inside the main case was nowhere to delay and do not come across the eyes of officers (2) . Simple soldiers accepted us for recruits and ignored.

To the room where the queen locked (3) We reached without adventure, but the door blocked the magic barrier. Anora said that it was necessary to find the combat mage Hou, with his death defends.

We went through the bedroom of Lord (4) where a curious book was found and many important documents, and before the shower in the dungeon found a prisoner, whom Khow preferred to keep right next to the bedroom. It was someone Riordan -our colleague, gray guard. Now we are three ...

dungeon Lord Hou.

It is important: Do not miss the treasury (6) . If you do not have a very experienced hacker, return here with the keys of Hou. This Mr. Lives extremelyunborn.

Freeing Riordan (for the sake of the sake, he looked good without us), we went down the ladder down, in dungeon (1) - Hou preferred to spend time exactly there, like his magician. We had a lot of things to both ...

Guards and combat pits Hou popped up to us from each room, but the real difficulties began only in the southern part of the dungeon (2) - the corridor there was equipped with a mighty flamethorn trap, and nearby (3) , in addition to the guards, the very magician was discovered. True, if you go very carefully in the southern wall, you can not disturb the trap, but in practice it is very difficult.

On the contrary (4) Hou organized a room torture. With so, we removed not someone, and Osina, the son of the Buna of Sigark, an influential Lord; We somehow met his father in the "bustled nobleman." Nonbid so that the cigard now gave his voice Logain ...

Some of the team offered to return - the magician we already found, but somehow, you know, it is inactive to leave the case in progress. I have a lot of questions accumulated to Hou, and I wanted to ask them personally.

Nearby (5) we found the caretaker of this institution - the jailer from which the keys were posthumously removed and freed customers of two more cameras (6) . And finally got to Hou (7) .

Workplace Lord Hou.

Oddly enough, Hou really is convinced of her right ...

Earl Khow was full of hidden talents: not only the master of torture and conspiracy, so also an experienced killer, to envy antivan corners. At the same time, it was well protected for a robber to be well protected ... The guard did not stretch it for a long time, but there was a hassle with him. Lord's keys, we again removed from him already posthumously.

Finally, in the far parser of the dungeon (8) two more guests of Lord were discovered: bann Vogan, the one that provoked the elven uprising (in which eyelids and hoose asked in a turbulence of whom she follows). And next to him - tortured temple Irminickwho was looking for his sister; As soon as I turned out to be outside, I did not fail to go to the tavern and tell my sister about everything.

Now it was possible to go out, look into the treasury and release Anora. Alas, in the neighboring hall (on the way to the exit) we were already waiting for: Logain's devoted officer, Mrs. Catherine(translator at times, forgetting, calls her Cowutre). And a dozen of her fighters.

On a note:here are three options - to attack Catherine, surrender (so that the anora saved) and try to explain. The latter will not pass. It is very difficult to defeat the entire team, but in case of defeat, you will find yourself in the same place, where in the case of delivery, in the Fort of the Drakon.

Fort Drakon

Fort dragon.

Only two of the detachment are captured - the main character and alista. And here we are awaiting a very multivariate piece of the game, so we will return the word with the hero later, but still we will deal with a bird's-eye view.

Provider at the Colonel.

First, you can get out of yourself, but you can provide the rest of the detachment (without a hero!) To help out.

If you choose yourself, then the first thing you need to open the chamber (1) . The hacker is not a problem; The girl with at least some talent of belief can seduce the guard (and man too, but with highly High talent belief ...), after which you will have to fight him, but he, like you, will be naked, without armor. You can also assure the patient or try to convince the guards that nearby enemies.

Next - Take Equipment (6) , now it will go easier. You can get through the post (7) But there is a path easier and more beautiful. Press the uniforms of soldiers (2) , go to the colonel (4) , take an order for preparing for the view, take with you two bottles and recruits (3) . They have no swords, so you have to score at the storekeeper (5) . He has problems with the cleaning of rust, and if to give it an acid lubricant, it will easily disperse with a weapon for recruits (an alternative is to threaten or bribe).

After that, you can take a review of the colonel (on the control question, which is the main thing in the army, the answer, of course, "order") - and pass the post. Why all this circus? Then, that recruits, though the ballobs, but know the password.

Alternative - enter the fort outside and disseminate everything on the brick. The very tricky thing is to enter: further, if the deception is rapping, scattering the guards - in four, and not together! - not difficult. Options seem to be a lot, I managed to detect three quite effective:

    Leliana + Winn + anyone belongs as servants of the church;

    Dog + anyone come under the pretext of "deliver a new dog to the dog";

    Ogren + Zevran + anyone come in like ... Circus artists.

Pest doctors

Eamon was waiting for me an interesting conversation ... to collect advice - the point is good, but who do we want to see on the throne? Obvious candidate two: Anora and Alistair. Or Anora married Alistair ... Alister, True, saw the throne in the coffin. But will it be right to leave it on aner?

On a note: If, after a visit to Goldna, you said to Aleravera, that it should be - every for myself, to persuade him to praise a lot easier. If your main character is a man and nobleman, you can try to offer your hand and the heart of the queen. And if the hero is a lady and in good relations with Alistair ... respectively. In any case, your task at the Land Meeting will simplify if you promised the anteor support in some form. If not, you have to dial lot other arguments. But in no case do not tell the anory on that Logine must die for what he has done!

Queen Anora.

In principle, after returning it was possible to convene the assembly of land, the benefit of Anora was saved from the Hou estate; But another thing was distracted - the queen rumors brought about some problems in the elvenge.

The problems were visible at first sight: the crowd of elves on the street in front of the shabbana building argued with a couple of healers from Tevinter. As it turned out, quarantine was declared in the ghetto, and elves - without disassembled, sick or healthy, - they collect in the shelter. And back are not released.

Having discussed this case with Elf Shijanni, I walked around the rear and, overcoming the resistance of a lonely guard, went inside. My arrival did not deliver the "drugs": they rushed to me with weapons and soon died of an overabacity of iron in the body. Captured elves I let go, but it was clearly not all ...

I told all Shiyanni (alas, healers in front of the building so upset this news, which also died suddenly from cutting wounds and burns), and she showed us another building related to the shelter. There is a shabby elf soap floor; The little by clinging to him, we found out where to lead his relatives, and followed the same route.

Here the Tevinnets no longer hid. Yes, the most banal slave trade, in Ferdden is completely illegal (and in Tevinena - the norm of life). And literally in several crawls, we abandoned the road to their leader - Kaladrius.

Kaladrius was configured to bargain. He did not want to turn a profitable business. Why don't I remove with documents that are questioning Logan? Why don't I take these documents from the corpse and do not cover the shop once and forever?

It is interesting:not far from the "hospital" there is an elf-beggar. If you give him a coin, next time he will lead a friend, then a few comrades ... It is even surprising why the Tevinnets did not use it much easier, receiving to collect customers!

Rare Frame: This is how the demons see us.

Business man from Teveliter closes his business.

After the scuffle with Kaladrius (he magazine, moreover, a blood magician) and his retinue, he was forced to make a more generous proposal: due to the blood of prisoner elves to increase my health to difficult-standing values. But something I have recently acquired allergies to blood magicians ...

I went to the saved elves, talked with them and went to the meeting.

On a note: In one of the zakulls, the ghetto you can find a blind temple, which "deplex evil" somewhere nearby. So that he finds the desired, it is necessary to inform him about a dead dog nearby, about the puddle of blood and about the insane nurse girl; Then he will lead us to an abandoned orphan suit, where demons were broken and undead. But to clean the shelter, it is necessary to protect the life of Otto to the last.

Meeting of land

Now it's right to collect Teyrnov. Earl Eamon took up this, and I headed for the palace. I tried to block the old familiar - Catherine; But this time there was no such convincing suite.

It is important: The main components of our success at the meeting are: Savened from the estate of Hou Irminarik and Osuin (and the mission must also be passed), an agreement with the anory and evidence of the slave trade. If you have not been lazy to clear the dungeon of the hoow, you can safely refer to his crimes. But in no case do not remember Delikh Hou if for some reason not Gave the Ring irminik his sister! It should not be hurrying to talk about Alişea or the death of King Caelan - it is more profitable to show itself concentrated on the debt of gray guards and talk about the sea, as well as the crimes of Logain here, in Dencherime. And if you told the anteor that intend to achieve the execution of Logain ... then it can do it dearly to do.

I gathered enough evidence against Logan, and the lords voted against him; As the last chance, he chose a duel with me.

And the end would be simple and obvious if not interfering with Riordan. He suggested an unexpected decision: allow Logan to redeem everything perfect, enrolling in gray guards. I understood that if I agree, Alister would be in rabies - after all, Login actually the killer of his father and Duncan; And if I refuse, I will become the killer of the father of the anory. That's it...

Login Mac-Tir

If you decide to allow Logan to wash off his crime and enroll in the gray guards, an angry Alista will leave you; And Login will take the place of the detachment "tank". He is also a specialist in the Sword + Shield technique, but does not have the temple talents, although he owns Vityaz skills.

His characteristics are so-so: the power is low, the will for some reason is overshadowed, truth, good health.

Gifts, kind Logan, are geographical maps of all varieties. Some of them can be bought immediately after the meeting (two on the market, one - in the ghetto). Another couple is in the locked chests of the Redcliffe Castle.

On a note:before the last fight, it makes sense to spend quickly on the market - money, as they say, "you will not take with you" ... You can buy a bag of burning, if you think it is relevant. You can replenish the reserves of the potions, study the extra spell (book in the ghetto) or to be purchased from Bodan Feddik. In general, see yourself. With Feddik, we will have another Randevo, and with the rest we say goodbye.

It is our last

Nabat! Dui, wind! Go, end!

I will die, at least like a fighter.

W. Shakespeare, Macbeth

After the Land Meeting, it remained only to meet the architeo'nemon. Our army gathered in the castle Rarcliff; And only on the eve of the release of Riordan decided to tell why One gray guard can apply a mortal blow archigital. If the archdaemon falls, his soul will go to the near future of darkness. And the gray guard in some way ... Remember, what was the test of?

But the gray guard has its own soul - and therefore in this moment both will perish.

Riordan himself volunteered the last strike; But if he falls in battle, I will do it. Witch Morrigan offers me a way that can leave me in the world of alive, but ... I do not know.

Just in case - forgive.

Pass from me hello archdaemon. He completely stopped writing me, and it is so sore ... and ... look after yourself. Do not give yourself to devour yourself. If, of course, you do not decide what it is necessary for business.


The last fight begins with the battle of the city gate; It participates all your friends (except for those with which you broke up), but you cannot manage them - we are commanded only. The battle is not from cunning: most opponents are the so-called Hurlok / Genlok Grunts, which translator with inimitable grace made "Garlock / Garlock". These guys are cannon meat, several times weaker than the usual "white" opponent: fall from 1-2 blows or one simple spell. To the end, you will meet a lot of such - we must immediately distinguish them from serious enemies and not to spend gunpowder.

After that, we choose a detachment for the entire subsequent battle - as well as the one who will command the remaining. And after a touching farewell with the rest, we go on the last tour of Dencherim, captured by the archigital.

It is important: In the last battle, the robber is very useful. Perhaps Leliana is better than Zeyman, because the bow against the architeon is effective blades.

First of all, two Garloka generals should be defeated - on the market and in El Chinage. That is, it is possible to do this and not ... If you believe that the fight with the archdoor will decorate the participation of two "orange" generals who have combat magic.

In the interval between two peaks, the easiest way to
make an attack on elphinage.

From that moment on, each battle in open space can take with him one of the Allied armies that we collected. But note: one of them needs to be preserved to the architeon of untouched. And it is desirable that it was the best of the best. ORZAMMARY DUMAGES COME IN THE MOE (especially if you agreed on the participation of the Legion of the Dead - then a part of the gnomes will be brutally with the Learie Legioners) or golem, although, probably, you can try with happiness and with elves either by magicians. Vervolphs not I recommend - in contact with the archdoor, they are like flies recover. The infantry of Rarcliff is also not enough.

In the market, the general suits the debash in the company with restrictions; As support, there is a good infantry of people or versolphs. The battle is not from the most difficult, although the open space interferes effectively to hide magicians behind the spins of warriors.

The battle in the elvenge will be difficult if they try to attack, but it will be quite simple, if you take a position between two peaks - there is a barricade at the beginning of the battle, - and not try to go out. It can be done completely without support. While the barricade is still standing behind it, the auspices of the elements - Gehenna, blizzard, a thunderstorm, - which not only turns the melon, but also leads to the semi-prepared state of "yellow" dedication. However, this is not all yet - reinforcements will arrive, including fires, and there will be more, if the battle will delay or go beyond the barricades.

After that, we are fighting for the city gate - the balance of the group is fighting there. He was commanded by Ogren, but he should not fight at the gates themselves - he would not have time to breathe on the enemy. Let Ogren engaged in the "yellow" opponents, and the gate holds the dog and someone else (ideal Leliana, her charming song is caught up to the place, and the dog gently overloads the throats; but Leliana can be necessary in the main detachment).

The bundle of "Singing Leliana + Dog" restrains on the Natisk in the city gate.

Next station - Fort Drakon. In the courtyard of Fort, I recommend taking small support: this courtyard is a comfortable shooting range. In the first seconds, with fiery balls and cones, we destroy three groups of "grills", we concentrate fire on the dragon (also exquisitely translated). We do it quickly because the second will be "born" and resorted by magic. Mages should be started on the steps, the elves are easily shot.

Now - the insides of the fort, there we are alone. The first fight will be in the main hall of the lower floor: the Gloklock- "Creator" (and in the aglitsky conjurer) encourages seven ghosts, after which it turns out the actively. But if you do not get distracted and quickly rush to the MAG, then the rear ghosts will not have time to see us (they are not born immediately, while they are formed - we are already outside of their review). And it will simplify the case. It is not worthwhile a lot of strength on ghosts, with them can cope, for example, one Morrigan; Magic is more dangerous.

Next, the ambush is waiting for us where the corridor rests on the road from the west to the east. Do not go there, there is a trap; It is worth starting immediately in both side corridors of geenna or blizzards. Let their inhabitants die, and not seeing you.

In the East, hence, in front of the door to the second floor, the sandalwood expects us - this is the last chance to buy something or enchant (paternal goods under it).

On the second floor there is one difficult battle - with a master killer and his students. They are invisible before depressing ... But vulnerable, and, if simultaneously with the opening of the door to the south in the eastern wing of the castle, start to conjure something mass, and also put the rune of the repulsion in advance, the killers will manifest themselves without harm.

And finally - archdémon.

Ida on a bad reptile pile!

The archigitalone spits the energy of the Spirit, hits the tail, the bay and at times will fly away from place to place. As health descends, he changes his behavior:

    after the loss of 25% of health, he begins to call the "funnel", removing health and weakening everyone around;

    after the loss of 50% of health, he flights to the place where it is not to get it in the near battle, and calls for help the crowd of the denials; In addition, he appears a very long-range attack;

    after losing 75% of health, it returns to reach and begins to blow up his warriors on the walking bomb spell manner. Breakfasts Valyat.

The most powerful weapon against the architeon - standing around the balleys; They are pretty rapidly, but soon break. That's just for this, you need a robber, it can repair tools (albeit indefinitely). And do not stand in front of the ballistan - the volley is considered to be honest, so you can shoot a lacaround.

Spells and ordinary arrows are also good, and manual weapons acts. Dwarfs or golems will take over most of the problems with grudges, but they should be treated. Pay attention to another ally, which is also recommended to be treated, - the Supreme Sorcerer of Irving.

So I decided to post a few tips to facilitate the passage of the assembly of land and its consequences.

General Information - Land Meeting

At the Meeting of Lands, very important political issues usually decide. There is going to know from all of Ferlden. The more significant and the man is, the more important and more expensive his voice. In the Dragon Age Origins at the land meeting, we have to be against the traitor to Tejna Logyin Mac-Tire and to solve his fate. In most cases, he will vote for gray guards therefore, therefore, it is usually not necessary without fights and fights. In these councils, I will try to convey to how to solve the problem of the land peaceful way.

Land Meeting is a kind of vote. The importance of voices depends on viability and knowledge. Whatever the Login will need you as many votes as possible as possible as possible. Some quests accompany these votes.

Additional quests related to your victory at the Land Meeting

Nobleman under torture

This quest you get when you free the son of the Dragon Peak Buna in the dungeons Earl Hou estate. Before the lands meeting, you will not be able to tell Sighard's bathing that I slept from under his son, but if at the meeting of the lands you publicly tell me that Earl Hou tortured many innocent people, then Ban Sighard will confirm this and you will get a voice of a very wealthy aristocrat .

Earl in imprisonment

After you are parted from the cock, you can go to the upper prison and freeing the woven of the son of Earla denerim Urien who died at Ostayar. Taking a promise from the woven that he will pay for you at the Meeting of Lands, you can let him go. Of course, he will not appear there, but he will grow up a couple of aristocrats, which would be for the alleged "liberator Earle Denerima."

King or Queen

At the Meeting of Land you have to choose whom to build a king's throne or a queen or both at once, but it is best to choose in advance. After you meet the Queen in Earl Eamon's office, he suggests the Aister's Throne Naturally Anora against. So, if you leave everything as it is, at the meeting of the land of the queen oppose you. Anora's voice is the most important and even if most aristocrats will support the login, then her voice can change everything. I propose an optimal output. Talk to anorya in her room. She will ask you to support her at the Land Meeting, and in return, she will give you his voice. Here are some options to exit this situation:

Land Meeting Tips

Land Meeting Tips

1) You can paint the anteau, that you support it at the lands meeting, and then choose Alistair.

2) You can invite the antera marriage with an alistair and it will not be opposed, but one way or another it will be necessary to talk to an alistair about it and if enough skill conviction that Alistair will agree to marry the antere. (If you give a alistaer to kill Login, then the anore will not be released it)

3) If you are a male character with the prehistory, a noble person, then Anora herself hints to you that you are also not a bad candidate for the throne and you can even rule together with her. So that if the skill skill beliefs, you can persuade Anora to go out for you and become her consort. (If you kill Login, then the anore will not be released)

4) And of course you can simply offer your support to your support and fulfill the promise.

Each of these variants of the dialogue with anory will lead to your victory over the login and it will be possible to do without a fight and your reputation will increase significantly.

"Land Meeting" in Dragon Age: Origins is a storyline quest and one of the most important events in the game. The political issues of Ferlden are solved. By Quest, the player needs to try to enlist the support of the nobility and choose the ruler of the country. Most often, the meeting does not work out without fights and fights. How to achieve the support of the nobles and avoid unnecessary battles?

Additional tasks

After collecting all allies, plot quests will lead the gray guards in Dencherim, where the lands meeting will be held. To successfully complete the task and get a maximum of votes at the Land Meeting in Dragon Age: Origins, you must first execute the following quests.

  • "Save the Queen" - the main quest. During the assignment, the guard should save the Queen Anora from Earla Denerima. Upon completion of the quest, you can talk to the queen about the upcoming meeting.
  • "In captivity!" - Quest will begin if in the previous task to surrender or lose Sir Kuurten. In the plot, the guard hits the Fort Drakon (himself or with Alistair), where the execution should wait. You can escape from captivity on your own or waiting for help from the allies.
  • "Nobleman under torture" is a side task that can be obtained by descending into the dungeon during the passage of the task "save the queen". Freeing Ovwina, talk with his father, a bath cigard. Bann will hand out the reward and votes for him at the meeting.
  • "The Missing Tempera" is a secondary task that begins in the dungeon of Erla Denerma's estate. By Quest, the templerik, Irminirick asks the hero to take the ring of his sister Alfistan. If the task is completed, it will vote for the guards at the Land Meeting in Dragon Age: Origins.
  • "Riots in the elphin" - a storyline quest, according to which you need to figure out what is happening in the elphin. During the investigation, the guard will find out that the elves take into slavery, and will be able to tell about it at the meeting.
  • "Raven Test" - a series of quests that can be obtained in different ways. In addition to the award, after their completion, the hero will receive an additional voice at the meeting.

Before the meeting, it is necessary to finish all the tasks, because it will not be able to return back to return, and be sure to talk to the anory, since her voice is extremely important.

Meeting with Sir Cowutre

Before you enter the palace on the instructions of the "Land Meeting" in Dragon Age: Origins, the path to you to block Sir Kuurten (provided that she survived after the quest "Save the Queen"). You can fight it or persuade to miss you. This time it is easier to beat with a coiner than in Erla's estate, and in case of victory you will get a good sword. If you decide the question peacefully, the player will receive 250 points of experience.


"Land Meeting" in Dragon Age: Origins is a kind of vote. The more important nobleman at this event, the more important his voice. For a relatively "peaceful" passage of the "Land Meeting" in Dragon Age: Origins need to get as many votes as possible. Otherwise, it will be necessary not only to fight the Logoe, but also to fight off his guard.

  • do not mention that Loguene threw Kailana to death, since it is not possible to prove it;
  • try to convince Login that the real enemy is Mor, and not Orleans;
  • if you saved Ovwin across the quest, then tell about the dungeons of Hou;
  • tell the meeting about the slave trade in Elfinage;
  • perform the task "Missing Tempera", give my sister Ring irminik, and you can mention the attempt on Earl Eamon;
  • freeing the wog, you will receive an additional voice;
  • another nobleman will support you if all the tasks of the crows were performed;
  • promise the anteau to support her power, and it will appear on your side.

If you say the anteor that you support Alister or that Loguene must answer for the deed, then at the meeting she will betray you. Also, Anora will not support excitement, if you do not talk at all.

  • if you lose in the voting, the battle with the Logyan and his guard will begin. In the fullness of the battle interferes with the priestess and will suggest solving a dispute with a duel;
  • if you defeat the meeting, then Logain will immediately require a duel.


Before starting a duel, you can choose who those present near the allies will fight. If a dog is with you, it will not be possible to choose it. It is also important to know that Alistaer will not spare the Login on the duel and will deprive you of some scene development options.

It is easiest with the Logian to cope with a heavy arm character with a shield. The shield makes the player almost invulnerable to tipping, and heavy armor allows you to survive a strong opponent damage.

Mago win a duel is also quite simple. It can easily freeze the logain and apply damage to any spell from his arsenal.

The rest of the battle classes is a bit harder, but everything will depend on the selected abilities, equipment and difficulty level.

Choosing a ruler

After the completion of the duel, you have to decide what to do with Logyan (if an alistair does not kill him) and choose who will rule the country. This decision will become the end of the quest. Available in Dragon Age: Origins options for the passage of the "Land Meeting" are as follows.

  • You can spare Logyne and offer it to become gray guard. In this case, Alistair will be very angry, but it will be possible to convince him to become a king if it is tougher. The option also remains that it will start to rule together with the anory if you decide this question to the land collection. In any case, Alistae will leave the detachment and, if it does not accept the crown, will leave Ferlden or will be executed by anorya.
  • If you kill Logain, then Anora does not want to marry alistar or a male bit.
  • If you choose Anora Queen, then she will immediately require an alistaster to reject complaints about the throne, which will be only happy.
  • Marrying an Antista, Alistaire will fight with you to fight with the archdaire.
  • If Alister becomes king, then he will stay with guard to victory over the sea, and Earla Eamon will appoint his regent. Aner will damn in the tower, because she does not want to recognize Alistair King.
  • A woman-Klland can be made by the Queen even without a romantic relationship with Alistair, but the level of belief and friendly relationship should be high.


The decision you make will affect not only the further plot of Dragon Age: Origins, but also on some events of the following parts. So, in Dragon Age 2 it will be possible to meet a drinking alistar in the tavern, if he in his time leaves gray guards and leavefende. If Alister marries the antere, the hero of the second part of the game will be able to get the quest "King Alistair" and meet the king.

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So you are in deserim. As soon as you appear, you will immediately stop Logain and starts to interrogate Eamon. If you are responsible politely, you will have a chance to plant a alistar on the throne of Ferlden. After talking, you will have a free time that you can spend on the execution of side quests, or immediately go to the Cabinet of Eamon, where from the servant of Queen Anora, she is the daughter of Logain, you will learn that Hou, Earl Denerima, locked the Queen in the mansion and she asks for help. Go to Earla's house, save the queen.

Having come to the place, you will find that a crowd of people gathered at the entrance. Talk to the maid of the anory, she will tell about the black course. Go along the path to the left. Stumble on the soldier, you will have to kill them. Having reached the black move, talk to Erlina, she will respond to guard at the door, and you are hiding, use the disguise, and then hide in the bushes and wait for the care of the guards. Now you can go inside.

Do not talk with anyone, otherwise, the masking will disappear, just go through the rooms. Having reached the right door, you will see that the door is sealing a magic seal, because of which the queen cannot go out. Go to Cabinet Hou, and then to the door to the basement. The guard will be very surprised than the prisoner will take advantage and strangles him. The captive was the Gray Guardian Rorandan, he would dress in the form of a killed guard. He needs to give paper found in Hou. Also from him you will learn about the cache in the denerime market. Release it and run to the basement. Here your disguise will come an end, and from now on will have to get rid of everyone in its path.

In the basement you will find two more prisoners, free them. Now you can go to Hou. Please note that the liberated captives will later help you in the fight against Login. To do this, go to the tavernu "Buped nobleman." They will be there.

After you get rid of Hou and Mages, go through the dungeon to the end. There you will find two more prisoners, free them, and get two more voices for you at the Meeting of Land. Now you can free the queen. Go with her to the exit, there you will meet a patrol led by Sir Katerin. Here you will have two options, or fight them, or surrender. Consider both options:

if you said that you will be thrown in Fort Drakon.

You can either go to the assault with friends, or free yourself with the help of tricks. Waking up in prison with Alistair, call the guard and kill him. Take the keys from him and go out. Immediately there is a chest nearby - there is your equipment. Go further, in the next room you will see the guard with dogs, get rid of them. Immediately there is a mannequin, try on it the guards clothes on it. Now go to the Colonel, he will take you for recruits and orders to prepare for patrol. You will be sent to you and the soldiers who will say that the apartmentmaster refuses to give swords. Go to himself, and threaten to tell all the colonel. He will give swords, distribute them to soldiers. When Colonel will ask the question "Without which the soldiers cannot live?" You must answer "without discipline, sir." Now go to the exit. If you have a skill of pocket theft, you can steal a leaflet with a password for a password for a password. If not - go and listen carefully. One of the recruits will say the password to the guard - rabbit. Get out of the fort and go to Earlu Eamonu.

Here you say that they came to save the queen, but women are strange creatures ... She will say that it was stolen it. You will have to fight, but the anore will slip away. After you deal with Logian soldiers, go to the Eamon mansion and speak there with him and with the queen. It will be better if you make her give you a voice at the meeting.

Eamon will say that something incomprehensible is happening in the elven quarter, and you need to understand what. Go to the tavern "Frontalist nobleman", talk to the liberated and get a vote in your favor at the meeting. Now you can go to the elf.

Having come there, it will immediately be clear that the places of the plague. Talk to Shiyanni on the main square, she will tell about the so-called "hospital", which built magicians of the Tevinter Empire, and from which no one else was alive. Accordingly, you now. Find a black move and drive inside through it. You must find a letter and money. Everything, there is nothing more to do. At the exit you will attack the hosts of the hospital. Getting rid of them, go back to Shijanni and learn that the elves disappear in the office of the landowner, located behind the hospital. We go there.

Go through the building and go to the courtyard. There will meet a group of soldiers, after conversation kill them. Go to the warehouse located right there. You will see El Afius, who needs to try to convince that it is not worth it to fight. If there is still a need to apply force, work out all the rooms and go to a long narrow corridor. We will come to him in another room, which you also need to clean. Ahead of you will be waiting for the leader of the Tevinterns - Kaladrius. He will offer a deal - you give him to leave with the prisoners in exchange for compromising on Logaine. Do not agree, choose the battle and kill first guard. Then concentrate efforts on Caelandrius itself. It will prefer to surrender. Now you can boight it, pick up money, documents and slaves. Do not forget to search the chests, then go out and speak from Shijanni. Having received her thanks, go back to Eason and inform him of news.

Dragon Age Origins: Passage "Meeting of Land"

Passage "Meeting of Land"

Here in a conversation with Login there are several important points.

It is impossible to allow Login to blame you. In conversation, try to drive it into a dead end, as soon as there is such an opportunity. For example, you can ask why he left under Ostabara, mention the waste of darkness. With a successful outcome, most of the hall will vote for you. Logain will begin to rebel and you will have to calm his supporters. When the level of health of the login drops to 10-15%, the head of the church will offer not to be injured, but to solve the case of an honest duel. Here you will get a choice - who will fight against Login? I think you also decide to fight yourself without relying on satellites. I want to warn that Logain is a dangerous opponent, it is good equipped. Use all the most powerful spells / strikes to cope with it. Do not forget about the first aid kits. After the victory over him, you will be given to make a choice - to spare the login and make you join your team, or kill it.

In the event that you decide to spare the login, and leave anory on the throne, then the Alistair will most likely leave you. In principle, Logain may well replace him with a tank.

If you still decided to kill it, then you will have several options for the throne section:

Alistair kills Logaine, hides anory to the dungeon and rules alone,

If your main character is a girl, then, provided that the location to you alistar is more than 70%, it will rule together with you,

If you have left Login alive, but did not take it to your team, Alista will rule together with the anory. If they took in gray guards, then persuade Alister to a wedding with anory will be very difficult, for this your skill "eloquence" should be at the maximum level,

If Alista does not agree to take power into his hands, Anora will rule alone, this is if you have not dedicated to the Logain in Gray Guards,

If your character is a man and you have previously discussed with anory, then an option is possible that Anora will rule together with you. In this case, Alistair can kill Logaine.

Well, that's all, it's time to prepare for the final battle. Good luck!

Interesting Facts