Ecological games for children of secondary and senior pre-school age. Didactic games for ecology Environmental games with their own hands in the senior group

Daria Toptun
Didactic Games on Environmental Education for Children of the Senior Group

Explanatory note

1. Didactic games about animals .... 4

2. Didactic games about not wildlife ....10

3. Didactic games about plants ....18

Explanatory note

The game is a leading activity in preschool age. Didactic The game is the phenomenon of multifaceted, complex. This is a learning method, and a form of training, and independent gaming activities, and a means of comprehensive parenting personality.

Didactic Games Environmental Contents help clarify, consolidate, summarize and systematize knowledge of nature, and also provide the opportunity to children with the objects of nature (seeds, fruits, vegetables, fruits, compare them, note the changes of individual external signs. Playing, children better absorb knowledge about objects and phenomena. Nature, learn to establish the relationship between them and the environment.

Such games Help to see the integrity of a separate organism and ecosystems in general, to realize the uniqueness and uniqueness of each object of nature, to understand that the unreasonable human intervention may entail irreversible processes in nature.

Didactic animal games

The game "Who will help the baby?"

purpose: Check knowledge children On the adaptation of animals to the habitat.

rules games: The presenter chooses a picture with one of the animals and places it in "Other conditions". The animal goes on the journey - wants to return to its environment, but there are many obstacles on the way. To save the traveler, children must pick up another animal, which in this situation can assist. It is impossible to call the same animals re-name. Wins TOTWho found more assistants.

Example: Children chose a hare. The cube fell into the sea. Who will help poor bunny? Helped Kit, Dolphin, Crab. Throw the cube again. Desert. Who will help? Etc. The game can last long, depending on what kind of knowledge children in this area.

The game "Magic train"

purpose: consolidate and systematize views children about animals, birds, insects, amphibians.

Material: Two trains cut from cardboard (in each 4 car with 5 windows); Two sets of cards with animal images.

Stroke Game

Two teams play (each by 4 children-conductor, who are sitting at individual tables. On the table in front of the team lies "a train".

Best-L.: Before you train and passengers. They need to be placed on cars (in the first - animals, in the second - birds, in the third - insects, in the fourth - amphibians) so that one passenger is visible in each window.

That team, which first places animals by car carriages, will become the winner.

Similarly, this game can be carried out to consolidate ideas about various plant groups(forests, garden, meadow, garden).

The game "Zoological dining room"

purpose: To form a presentation of preschoolers about animal feeding methods and grouping They are on this basis.

Material: For each team - a list of cardboard with the image of three tables (red, green, blue, set of pictures with animals image (15-20 pcs.)

Stroke Game

Play two teams for 3-5 people.

Educator: As you know, birds, animals, insects feed on various foods, so they are divided into herbivan, predators and omnivores. You need to plant animals by tables so that predators are behind a red table, roasting - for green, omnivores - for blue. The team, which first places animals correctly, will become the winner.

"Wonderful bag"

Did. a task: consolidate knowledge childrenthan feeding beasts. Develop cognitive interest.

Materials: Pouch.

Move games: in the bag are located: honey, nuts, cheese, millet, apple, carrots, etc.

Children get food for animals, guess for whom it is, who feeds on.

"Animals of Africa"

Did. a task: Fasten the knowledge of animals of Africa. Develop fantasy.

Move games: participates in the game group of guysThe number of players is not limited. IN group there are a lead. One of the players is removed for a short distance, turns away and waits until he is invited.

Group The guys call together about the beast, that is, what kind of beast they will depict or the 2nd option: Answer the leading questions.

So, the beast is Zagadan, the participant is invited, the game begins.

Member asks questions group of players, eg: little beast? can crawl? jump? Does he have fluffy fur? etc.

Guys in turn meet the lead "Yes" or "not". So continues until the player gave the beast.

purpose: Consolidate knowledge children On the meadow food ties.

"Forest residents"


Learning to distinguish and call the characteristic features of wild animals, establish communication between the habitat and lifestyle and the appearance of animals.


Pictures: animals, "Domok", cubs, animal food.

Scheme for the preparation of descriptive stories about animals.

rules games:

The child offers animal pictures.

Name animals. Where do they live?

Choose and describe the animal according to the scheme.

Find every animal young. Whose family walks in the meadow? (bear, wolf)

Pick up the animals of their houses. Who lives where?

What feed animals? Choose pictures.



Systematize the knowledge of the animal world.

Forming the ability to use graphic symbols.

Develop a logical, figurative thinking.


Tables with graphic symbols;

Subject pictures depicting representatives of the animal world.

rules games:

1. The child chooses a table with graphic symbols and explains which animal is encrypted.

2. With the help of the table makes a consistent story about the animal.

"I know"

Did. a task: Fasten knowledge about nature. Develop cognitive interest.

Move games: Children become in a circle, in the center - educator with a ball. Educator throws the baby ball and calls the class of nature objects (Beasts, Birds, Fish, Plants, Trees, Flowers). Baby caught the ball he speaks: "I know five names of animals" and lists

Didactic games about not wildlife

Didactic game"Picture of Nature"


Expand Knowledge wildlife Children, habitat living organisms (water, earth, air).


Volumetric tetrahedral pyramid with the image of water, land, air; Removable icons with pictures of animals, plants, birds, fish, insects.

rules games: We offer children to consider the face of the pyramid and tell what kind of habitat. Select among the icons of the living beings living in each particular environment, place them on the appropriate edges of the pyramid and explain their choice.

Example: "This is the Sea. Fish, marine mammals, wraps, various algae live in the sea. I will choose a picture with the image of Dolphins, will post them in the sea, because it is marine mammals. "

Susha, air, water water, air, dry

"Frog traveler"


To summarize the knowledge of preschoolers about objects of living and inanimate nature, about their features, properties, characteristic features, relationships.


Game field, cards depicting objects of live and inanimate nature on various types of generalizations (man, homemade and wild animals, animals of the North and hot countries, birds, insects; plants: berries, trees, flowers; Rainbow, clouds, snow, rain, schematic cards - notation with various signs of natural objects and phenomena (wing - paw, forest -dom, claws - hooves, spring - winter, cube, buttons - frogs, chips - insects.

1 option: "Flashing Riddles"


Learning to classify objects of alive and inanimate nature on a given feature.

Game traffic:

Children fold images, focusing on the cards - notation. ( for example: on the left side of the playing field is a card - designation Cogging, on the right - "Hooves". Children work on the generalization of concepts "Predators" and "Herbivores")

Option 2: "Curious frog"


To identify the interaction between man and nature objects, between objects of living and inanimate nature.

Game traffic:

Around the card "human" The images of the objects of alive and inanimate nature are chaotic. The child throws the frog, reveals positive and negative connections of the fallen object with a person ( for example: Cow gives a man milk, but it may hurt, etc.). In the center instead of a card "human" can be placed any other (for example, "a fox", then children will detect connections between different natural objects ( for example: Fox can hide behind a stone. Lisa is looking for a mouse under the stone.)

3 option: "Little tricks"


Determine how to accommodate living organisms to environmental conditions.

Game traffic:

Using a cube, chips and moving towards the arrows, the child calls ways to accommodate living organisms to the habitat ( for example: Butterflies have long trumps to extract nectar from flowers.)

4 option "Frog is looking for friends"


Develop associative thinking based on the allocation of common properties and signs of nature objects.

Game traffic:

Throwing 2 times a button - a frog on the playing field, the child determines the relationship between the fallen objects, focusing on their general signs (for example: Frog and snow - cold, pike and tiger - predators)

5 option "Frog - Boltushka"


Develop a coherent speech based on the use of children of environmental information.

Game traffic:

Using a cube, chips and moving towards the arrows, the child is difficult proposals for the fallen object ( for example: Bee is an insect that lives in the ulle. An elephant is an animal that has a trunk) playing with turning down images cards, a child can describe the fallen object without calling it. Many the object of the child can only use the means of pantomime.

In all game options for the right answers, children receive chips with a picture of bugs and worms. Wins TOTwhose frogs have the most insects.

Didactic benefit"Travel Caps Drops"


Introduce me to children With a cycle of water in nature.


Pan-diagram cards with image: snowflakes, rain, icicles, boiling kettle; puddles, water crane, snowy snowdrift.

Fairytale option:

Children sit around Pano. Educator tells a tale about traveling a little droplet "CAPA".

He lived - there was a small droplet. Called her kapa. Here she is! (Card Showing Cards). Once the droplet was sad and she decided to go on a journey. At this time, rain tucca sailed across the sky, and the droplet quickly jumped on her. I sat down a little bit, looked around and at the bottom I saw flowers. They were such bright, such beautiful that

the droplet necessarily wanted to them. She turned into a rain and hit the flower. The droplet very much liked to be friends with flowers.

But Kapa was very curious, she wanted to travel further, and she

i decided to jump into the lake. I swore there a little bit, played with the fish, and next to the lake grew a large - a great tree. The roots of this tree loved to drink water from this lake, and our droplet along with a water

the roots and the trunk fell on the tip. She sat and swinging and sang her favorite song. But the sunshine looked out, and the droplet turned into a white cloud. That's how our droplets of Kapa travels.

In the course of telling a fairy tale educator Moves the droplet in a circle from the object to the object.

Where can we meet a drop of kapu? (in the crane, in a puddle, in a snowdrift, etc.) - Cards are set.

What could be the droplet? (liquid, gaseous, solid) - cards.

What is water in the crane? (Cold and hot)

What benefits brings a droplet?

What will happen if the droplet disappears?

"What it is?"

Did. a task: Fasten knowledge about living and inanimate nature. Develop thinking.

Move games: educator Mysteries the subject of living or inanimate nature and begins to list its signs. If the children guess it, the next item is made, if not, the list of signs is increasing. for example: "Egg" - Oval, white, fragile, on top of solid, inside the liquid, nutritious, can be found on the peasant courtyard, in the forest, even in the city, chicks are hatched from it.

"Live - non-living"

Did. a task: Fasten knowledge about living and inanimate nature.

Move games: educator Calls the items of living and inanimate nature. If this is the subject of wildlife, children are masses with their hands, if the subject of inanimate nature is squatted.

Didactic plants games

The game "Magic flower"


Consolidate knowledge children about the meaning of plants in a person's life; develop read-made symbols reading skills educate The child has a need for the care of plants and their health.


Cut from paper petals chamomile, each of which is drawn symbol-cipher; Cube.

rules games:

The child is invited to read the selection of petals with symbols of plant values \u200b\u200bin the human life (No. 1 - air purification, No. 2 - the definition of time, No. 3 - weather prediction, No. 4 - decoration of the surrounding world, No. 5 - Creating a mood, No. 6 - Application as medicines ); of games dropping awayWho will not be able to decipher the symbol on the petal.


Every player has its own "flower". The presenter makes riddles in symbols. The child guess and lays out the petals. The one who completed the task is correct and quickly wins.

The game "Wonder Tree".


Consolidate knowledge children On distinctive features of plants, their components.


The playing field consists of ten boxes connected on the same plane. In boxes - berst, acorns, rowan berries, fir and pine cones, spoke of a tree, leaves, moss, needles spruce and pines. Each box is closed with a lid with numbers from one to six.

rules games:

Children take turns get numbers from "Pouch"Open the corresponding box and guess the plant by its part, explain the functionality of this part for the entire plant. For the correct answer, the child gets a chip. Wins TOTwho has an end games more chips.

The game "Who is friends with the tree?"


Secure the ideas that the forest is a community of plants and animals that live near and depend on each other.


Pano with the image of the forest. Cards with pictures of animals, birds, insects. A cube with red, green, blue, blue and yellow colors or a bag with multicolored buttons.

rules games:

On the table it is pano and unfolded cards with pictures. Children alternately throw a cube. If the side of the cube with a green circle falls out, the child takes a card with the image of any animal, places it on the panel and tells why this animal is friends with a tree.

for example:

This is a protein. She lives on a tree in Duples, sometimes it builds the nest. More protein collects fir and pine cones, hangs mushrooms on the branches - makes reserves for the winter.

If blue falls - chooses a bird; red - insect; Yellow - bird, insect, animal who do not live in the forest and motivates their choice.

The game "Cups - roots"

Purpose. Enrich the touch experience, learning to analyze the image of the plant, highlighting it. Develop the ability to compare. Learning to make a image of two parts forming a single integer. Fasten the names of plants, develop a feeling of shape, color.

Rule games. Fold a card of two parts on the principle "Farmers".

The game "Forest multi-storey house"

purpose: deepen knowledge children about the forest as a natural community; Fasten the ideas by "Floors"(tiers) Mixed forest.

Material: Model with image of 4 mixed forest tiers (soil, grassy, sustainedWood); silhouette images of animals; chips.

Stroke Game

I option. Educator gives children tasks to rush animals on 4 tiers of mixed forest.

II option. Educator Places animals into unusual tiers for their habitat. Children must find mistakes, fix them and explain why they think so. Who first finds a mistake and corrects it, gets a chip.

The winner is the one who at the end games There will be more chips.

The game "Who lives next to"

purpose: To summarize ideas children about Luga, reservoir as natural communities. Specify the ideas about typical residents of various communities. Secure the ability to establish the simplest causal relationships that reveal the need for joint habitat of plants and animals.

Material: Masks (hats) Plants, Mushrooms, Animal Forests, Meadows, Ponds (for example Wolf, Hare, Squirrel, Woodpecker, Spruce, Birch, Oshnik, White Mushroom, Butterfly, Lark, Bee, Dandelion, Chamomile, Frog, Heron, Perch, Kubashka, Reams) - in count children; Hoops of red, blue, green.

Before playing the teacher remindsthat plants and animals are adapted to life under certain conditions and in close connection with each other; What they live in water, others - near the water, in the forest or in the meadow. Forest, meadow, reservoir are their homes. There they find meals, they grow offside.

Stroke Game

In different parts of the platform lay the hoops of red, blue and green colors. Children put on masks (hats).

Best-L.: Determine who you are and where you live, grow. Some time you walk on the site. By team "Take your homes!" Forest inhabitants should take a place in a green hoop, the inhabitants of the meadow - in red, the inhabitants of the reservoir - in blue.

After children occupy places in hoops, the educator checkswhether done correctly the task: "Animals" and "plants" Call themselves and place of their habitat. Then children change masks, the game is repeated several times.

The game "Live chains"

purpose: Expand representations children About natural communities, their integrity and uniqueness, about nutrition chains.

Material: Masks (hats) Animals and plants.

Note: The following nature objects that form chains can be used. nutrition: oak, wild boar, wolf; Aspen, hare, fox (forest); Plantain, caterpillar, grasshopper, larks; chamomile, butterfly, dragonfly (meadow); algae, crucian, pike; water lily, snail, duck (water) rye, mouse, stork (field).

The game is carried out on the example of the forest community. During the preliminary conversation educator Specifies ideas children about TomThe forest is a house for many plants and animals that are closely connected with each other. Plants are food for herbivan animals, which, in turn, feed predators. So the power chains are formed.

Stroke Game

Play two teams (3 children each). Children put on masks (hats): One child - plants, the second - the roasting animal, the third is a predator. The game is carried out in several stages.

Educator: by team "Chain Stream!" You must build so that formed chain: Plant, Purrant Animal, Predator. Then everyone will have to introduce themselves and explain why he took this or another place in the chain.

The team that is first to build correctly, as well as explain the sequence of construction, will become the winner.

In the second stage games Children change roles; In the third stage other objects of nature are used.

At the final stage games From the chain is removed any object. When building, children must detect its absence and tell what it can lead to.

If children easily cope with the execution of game assignments, the chains can be lengthened.

"Name the plant"

Did. a task: Clarify knowledge of indoor plants.

Move games: educator Offers nameplants (third right or fourth left, etc.). Then condition games changing("At what place is Balzamin?" etc.)

The educator draws the attention of children tothat plants have different stems.

Name plants with straight stems, with curly, without stem. How to care for them? What else do plants differ from each other?

What do violet leaves like? What is the leaves of balsamine, ficus, etc.?

"Name three subjects"

Did. a task: Exercise children In the classification of objects.

Materials: Ball.

Move games: the teacher calls one word, for example, flowers, and the one who the educator will throw the ball, I must call three words, which

In the spring, summer, autumn.

Move games: Children stand in a circle. Educator Or the child throws the ball, calling the time of year when it grows plant: Spring Summer Autumn. The child calls the plant.

Ecological Games Can be used in working with middle and senior preschool children. Environmental games contribute to the acquisition of knowledge about the subjects and phenomena of nature, form the skills of gentle conversion to the surrounding nature.

Offered games on ecology They contain interesting facts about the life of plants, including medicinal, animals, questions about nature contributing to the development of curiosity. Most environmental games are aimed at consolidating the knowledge of children about various types of animals and plants, conditions, environment of their habitat, features of food, and on the development of auditory and visual attention, thinking and memory.

Through environmental games, children get acquainted with the concept of "food chain", get an idea of \u200b\u200bnutrition chains in the forest.

Ecology games for preschoolers

Environmental Game "Green Cards"

Purpose: Exercise children according to the simplest animal nutrition chains in nature.

Material: Set of playing cards from 36 pieces, each painted on the reverse side with green, and on the front - illustration of various plants and animals, which are compiled in such a way that in the end, 18 pairs (animal - feed for it).

Games: The game takes part from two to six children. Each child is ranked 6 cards. It is checked in advance whether there are those that can be taken into pairs. With the right progress, the card is postponed. The number of cards is constantly updated to six until they are running out. Wins the one who will be the first to come out of the game or who will have fewer cards.

Environmental game "Zoological Stadium"

The goal of the game: consolidate the knowledge of children about various types of animals, their nutrition, habitat in nature.

Material: a tablet, on which two running tracks, start, finish and nine moves are depicted in a circle; In the center of the stadium, six sectors with animal illustrations: one - a squirrel, two - bee, 3 - swallows, 4 - Bear, 5 - ant, 6 - Skzorets.

On individual cards depicted illustrations of feed for animal data and their shelters (hollow, hive, berloga, anthill, birdhouse, etc.). The set also has a cube to determine the stroke.

Game move: two children participate in the game. With the help of a cube, they alternately determine the sector with the task and make three strokes: the first is to call the animal, the second is to determine the feed for this animal, the third is to call him asylum in nature. Wins the one who will come to the finish.

Ecological Lukoshko

Pharmacy Aibolita "

The goal of the game: Continue to form the ideas of children about medicinal plants and their use by a person, exercise in their recognition in illustrations.

Material: Plane lukshko with red-green cross on one of the sides, set of illustrations of medicinal plants (St. John's wort, plantain, nettle, rosehip, chamomile, etc.).

Game Strugg: The teacher makes the children's riddles on medicinal plants. The child finds an illustration in Lukushka, calls the plant and explains why he is called "Green Dr.".

Similar games can be carried out on such topics as: "Mushrooms", edible-inedible mushrooms "," berries "," meadow flowers "and others.

Ecological game "Forester"

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of human behavior in the forest; Exercise in recognition of warning environmental signs.

Material: A set of warning environmental signs of a triangular shape with the image of forest objects (anthill, berries, lily of the valley, mushroom edible and inedible, web, butterfly, birdhouse, bird's nest, fire, hedgehog, etc.).

Games: Children alternately fulfill the role of a forester that chooses one of the environmental signs lying in an inverted state on the table, and introduces participants in the game with forest objects that this sign is represented; It tells how to behave in the forest, being close to these objects.

Environmental game "Walk to the forest"

Purpose: to form the right attitude towards forest inhabitants, to expand the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior in the forest, exercise in recognizing warning and prohibiting environmental signs.

Material: a tablet with a forest glade with several paths on which warning signs are placed; a set of prohibiting environmental signs in the envelope (for example, not to tear the valley; do not get into the mushrooms, berries; do not break the branches of the trees; do not destroy the anthills; do not breed fires; do not catch butterflies; do not shout; do not include loud music; do not break the bird nests and others .; Silhouettes of children who can be moved along paths).

Game Travel: A group of children who go to the forest for a walk can participate in the game. At the first stage, guys along the path should be held, to tell that it is located on it, to set appropriate environmental signs to help comply with the rules of behavior in the forest.

At the second stage, children traveled on forest paths, where various ecological signs are arranged. Players must explain on them the rules of behavior in the forest. For the correct answer - the chip. Wins the one who gains the maximum number of chips.

Ecological game "Pyramid" Birds "

Objective: Continue to form knowledge about the simplest chains of bird nutages in nature, consolidate knowledge of the conditions necessary for the growth of plants and animal life.


The first option is plane: Set of cards of different colors (blue, yellow, black, red), simulating the conditions necessary for the growth of plants and the life of animals; Sets of three cards with different illustrations of plants and birds (for example, pine - pine cones - woodpecker).

The second option is a bulk: a set of seven cubes, where the first-fourth cubes of different colors, denoting the conditions necessary for the life of plants and animals; Fifth - plants; Sixth - bird feed; Seventh - birds (for example: fir-fir bump - Klest; Rowan - Rowan berries - bullfinch; Algae - Snail - Duck; Oak - Justice - Coyuka; grass - grasshopper - stork).

The course of the game: by analogy with the "Forest Ecological Tower". However, when drawing up the pyramid, it is necessary to pay attention to the following rules: Multicolored cubes are arranged horizontally, and three cubes with plant and animal illustrations are exhibited by this horizontal vertically, one on one, in order to show food chains in nature.

"Ecological Tower" Forest "

Objective: to introduce children with the concept of "food chain" and give an idea of \u200b\u200bnutrition chains in the forest.

The first option is plane: a set of cards with Four illustrations in each (for example, a forest - a plant is a herbivore - predator);

The second option is a bulk: four different cubes, on each face of which - Forest illustrations (Forest - Mushroom - Squirrel - Cunning; Forest - Berries - Hedgehog - Lisa; Forest - Flower - Bee - Bear; Forest - Justice - Wild Boar - Wolf; Forest - Birch - May Beetle - Hedgehog; Forest - Pine bump - Woodpecker - Filin, etc.)

Game move: At the first stage, children play together with the educator, start the game from any cube.

Educator: "Is this a mushroom where he grows?" (In the forest.) "Which animals feed in the forest mushrooms?" (Squirrel.) "Does her enemies?" (Cuckit.) Next, the child is proposed to make a food chain from these objects and explain its choice. Show that if you remove one of the components of the food chain (for example, a mushroom), then the whole chain breaks down.

At the second stage, children play themselves. They are invited to draw up their ecological tower.

At the third stage, competitions are organized: who will faster the tower in which there is, for example, hedgehog or wolf.

Game "Sun"

Purpose: continue consolidating children's knowledge about animals and their habitat.

Material: Set of tasks cards and wooden clothespins of different color.

The task card is a circle divided by 6-8 sectors. In each sector - a picture (for example: Mole, octopus, fish, whale, cow, dog). In the center of the circle there is a main character that defines the topic of the game (for example: a drop, symbolizing water). The symbol helps children understand the task without the help of an adult.

The course of the game. In the center of the circle, a drop is depicted, the child must find animals for which water is "house", the habitat (the "Wizard-Water" classes).

Didactic game "Find what I will show"

Subject: fruit.

Equipment: on two trays decompose the same sets of vegetables and fruits. One (for the tutor) to cover with a napkin.

Game traffic: The tutor shows for a short time one of the items hidden under the napkin, and again removes him, then offers children: "Find a tray on another same and remember how it is called."Children in turn perform the task until all fruits and vegetables hidden under the napkin will not be called.

Note. In the future, the game can be complicated by adding vegetables and fruits, similar in the form, but differ in color. For example: beets, turnips; lemon, potatoes; Tomato, apple, etc.

Didactic game "Find what you call"

Subject: Fruits.

First option.

Equipment: Vegetables and fruits decompose on the table so that their size is visible, the form. For the game it is better to take fruit and vegetables the same in size, but different coloring (several apples), different sizes with a constant color.

The course of the game. The educator offers one of the children: "Find a little carrot and show it to everyone." Or: "Find a yellow apple, show it to children"; "Put an apple and tell what it is in form." The child finds the subject, shows it to the rest of the children, trying to determine the form. If the child makes it difficult, the teacher can call a bright distinctive feature of this fruit or vegetable. For example: "Show yellow repka.

Second option.
Vegetables and fruits are placed in vases of different shapes of a ball-shaped, oval, elongated. At the same time, the shape of the vase must correspond to the form of an object hidden in it. Children are looking for a named item. It is impossible to look at all vases.

Third option.
The game is equipped and is held in the same way as in the first two options. The task is solved here - to consolidate in the memory of preschoolers painting objects.
Fruits and vegetables are laid out (hiding) in vases of once a color in accordance with the coloring item.

Didactic game "Guess what ate"

Subject: Fruits.

Didactic task. Learn the subject using one of the analyzers.

Equipment. Pick up fruits and vegetables, various to taste. Wash them, clean, then cut into small pieces. On the table in the room where children are sitting, unfold the same items for comparison and control.

Rules of the game. You can not look at what is put in your mouth. We must chew with closed eyes, and then say that it is.

The course of the game. Preparing vegetables and fruits (cutting into pieces), the teacher makes them in the group room and treats one of the children, after asking him to close his eyes. Then says: "Fierch well, now tell me what ate. Find the same on the table. "

After all children fulfill the task, the teacher treats fruit and vegetables of all children.

Note. In the future, you can offer children to call the word taste. The question must be asked so that in cases of difficulties, children could choose the appropriate name to determine the taste: "How did it become?" (Sweet, sour, bitter).

Didactic game "What has changed?"

Subject: Houseplants

Didactic task. Find objects in similarity.

Equipment. The same plants (3-4) are placed on two tables.

Rules of the game. It is possible to show a recognized plant only by the signaler, after listening to his description.

The course of the game. The educator shows a plant on one of the tables, describes its characteristic signs, and then offers the child to find the same on the other table. (You can ask children to find the same plants in the group room.).

The game is repeated with each of the plants on the tables.

Didactic game "Find a plant by name"

Subject: Houseplants.

First option.

Didactic task. Find a plant by the word name.

Rule. Watch where the plant is hiding, it is impossible.

The course of the game. The teacher calls a houseplant that stands in the group room, and children should find it. First, the teacher gives the task to all children: "Who will find a plant in the group room faster, which I will name?" Then asks some children you complete the task. If children find it difficult to find a native plant on a large area of \u200b\u200bthe room among many others, the game can be carried out by analogy with the previous ones, that is, selected plants put on the table. Then search for plants in the room will become a complicated game option.

Second option.
You can spend the game using a toy that an educator or someone from the children will hide (see the game "Where the Matryoshka hid?"), But instead of a description of the room plant, near which the toy is hidden, it is possible to give only its name.

Didactic game "Find the same"

Subject: Houseplants.

Didactic task. Find objects in similarity.

Rule. Look at how the teacher changes plants in some places, it is impossible.

Equipment. On two tables put 3-4 identical plants in a certain sequence, for example, blooming geranium, ficus, fragrant geranium, asparagus.

The course of the game. The educator asks the children well to consider how plants cost, and close their eyes. At this time, he changes plants on the same table. And then asks for children to rearrange the pot as they stood before, comparing their location with the order of plants on the other table.

After some repetitions, you can make a game with one set of plants (without visual control).

Didactic game "Find a leaf, which show"

Subject: Trees.

Didactic task. Find objects in similarity.

Rule. It is possible to run ("fly") on the team, you can only those who have the same runoff in the hands of which the tutor showed.

The course of the game. During the walk, the teacher shows the children of any sheet and offers to find the same. The selected leaves are compared in form, mark what they are similar and what they differ. The tutor leaves each of the sheets from different trees (maple, oak, ash, etc.). Then the teacher raises, for example, a maple leaves and says: "Bloomla. They flew these sheets. Show how they flew. " Children, in the hands of which the leaves of the maple are circling, and at the command of the teacher stop.

The game is repeated with different leaves.

Didactic game "Find in the bouquet of the same piece"

Subject: Trees.

Didactic task. Find a subject in similarity.

Rule. Like a leaf after calling and showing his tutor.

Equipment. Choose the same bouquets of 3 - 4 different leaves. The game is held on a walk.

The course of the game. The educator distributes bouquets to children, she leaves himself. Then shows them some sheet, for example maple, and offers: "Once, two, three - such a sheet show!" Children raise a hand with a new sheet.

The game is repeated several times with the rest of the bouquet leaves.

Didactic game "Such a piece, fly to me"

Subject: Trees.

Didactic task. Find objects in similarity.

Rule. You can only run to the tutor only by signal and only with the same as the teacher, a leaflet in hand.

Equipment. Pick up sharply different in the form of oak leaves, maple, rowan (or other trees common in this terrain).

The course of the game. The tutor raises, for example, a sheet of maple and says: "Who has the same piece of paper - to me!"
Children view leaves received from the teacher, who in their hands are the same, run to the tutor. If the child was mistaken, the educator gives him his own sheet for comparison.

Didactic game "Find leaves"

Subject: Trees.

Didactic task. Find part over the whole.

Rule. Search for a leaf on Earth can be after the words of the educator.

The course of the game. The educator asks for children to carefully consider the leaves at a low tree. "Now try to find the same on Earth," says the teacher. -As, two, three are looking for! Who found faster to me. " Children with leaves run to the tutor.

Didactic game "Who will quickly find a birch, spruce, oak"

Subject: Trees.

Didactic task. Find a tree by name.

Rule. You can flee to the named tree only by the team "Run!".

The course of the game. The educator calls a good friendly tree with bright distinctive signs, and asks to find it, for example: "Who will find a birch faster? Once, two, three - to the birch of the run! " Children must find a tree and run up to any birch, growing on a plot where the game is held.

Didactic game "Find a leaf, like on a tree"

Subject: Trees.

Didactic task. Find part over the whole.

Rule. Search on Earth you need only the same leaves as on a tree specified by the teacher.

The course of the game. The game is carried out in autumn on the plot. The educator divides a group of children into several subgroups. Each suits well consider the leaves on one of the trees, and then find the same on Earth.

The educator says: "Let's see which team will find the right leaves faster." Children begin searching. Then the members of each team, having completed the task, are going near the tree, the leaves of which they were looking for. Wins the team that will be gathered near the tree first.

Didactic game "All at home!"

Subject: Trees.

Didactic game. Find an integer by part of it.

Rule. You can run to your "house" only by the tutor signal.

Equipment. Leaves 3 - 5 trees (by the number of children).

The course of the game. The teacher gives the leaves to children and says: "Imagine that we went hiking. Each detachment put the tent under any tree. You have leaves from a tree in your hands, under which your tents. We are walking. But suddenly it rained. "All at home!" Children on this signal run to their tents, become next to the tree from which the sheet.

To check whether the task is performed correctly, the child is proposed to compare their sheet with the leaves on the tree to which he ran.

Note. The game can be done with leaves, fruits and seeds or only with seeds and fruits.

Didactic game "Find a tree by description"

Subject: Trees.

Didactic task. Find an object by description.

Rule. You can search for a tree only after the story of the teacher.

The course of the game. The teacher describes the trees familiar to children, choosing those who have low-challenging distinctive features (for example, spruce and pine, rowan and acacia).
Children must find what the teacher says.

In order for the guys to be interested in looking for a description, it is possible near the tree (or on a tree) that they say something to hide.

Didactic game "Run to the house, which name"

Subject: Trees.

Didactic task. Find the subject by name.

Rule. About one and the same tree can not stand for a long time.

The course of the game. The game is carried out according to the type of "Catchies". Some of the children are prescribed by a fishing, everyone else run away from him and save about the tree-called tutor, for example, near Birch. Children can run from one birch to another. The one who caught a fishing becomes leading.

When repetition of the game, the name of the tree ("Domika") each time change.

Didactic game "Who lives?"

Subject: housing

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about housing in nature of various types of animals (insects, amphibians, birds, animals).

Material: a tablet, on one side, the personal animals are depicted on one side, and on the other - their dwellings, for example: Bergogus, Nora, Beehive, Birdhouse, Nest. In the envelope from the reverse side of the tablet there are arrows indicators by the number of animals. Instead of arrows, you can draw labyrinths from multi-colored lines.

Games: Two and more children take part in the game. They alternately go to the proposed animal and an arrow or with a labyrinth determine its home. With the right execution of game action, the child gets a chip. If the answer is wrong - the course goes to the next player. Wins the one who by the end of the game there will be more chips.

Didactic game "Who is powered by?"

Subject: Nutrition.

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about different types of animal nutrition (insects, amphibians, birds, animals) in nature.

Material: tablet, on which various types of feed for different animals are placed in a circle. In his center, the driving arrow has been strengthened, on the reverse side in the envelope placed cards with illustrations of the necessary animals.

Games: Two and more children participate in the game. Alternately, on the riddle of the ebb of the feeder, the guys find the appropriate image with the image of the animal and with the help of the arrow indicate the appearance of the feed that it is powered. For the correct answer - the chip. Wins the one who by the end of the game will be a larger number of chips.

Didactic game "Find your house"

Subject: Nutrition.

Game traffic:

Option 1. Children play one by one. The child grows the animal cards on color fields depending on what they feed. After completing the task, the educator checks the correctness of the decision and for each error gives the player a penalty chip. Wins the one who scores them less.

Option 2. Children alternately take on one card with the image of the animal and find a house for her, relying on their own knowledge about the features of nutrition of different animal species. Wins the one who gains more chips for the correctness of the task.

Didactic game "What first, what then?"

Topic: Growth.

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about the main stages of growth and the development of living organisms (plants, animals, man).

Material: A set of cards, on which the stages of roos and the development of plants or animal (peas, dandelion, strawberries,
frogs, butterflies, etc.), as well as a person (infancy, childhood, adolescence, youth, maturity, old age).

Game traffic:

Option 1. The child is proposed to decompose the cards in the order of growth and development of a living being (for example, a butterfly-kapuetrian: an egg - a caterpillar - a doll - butterfly) and tell what was first, and what then.

Option 2. The educator folds the cards, deliberately making a mistake in their order. Children must correct it and explain the correctness of their decision.

Didactic game "Let's help the plant"

Topic: Growth.

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about the conditions necessary for plant growth (water, light, heat, nutrient soil); Exercise in determining the lack of certain conditions in the appearance of the plant.

Material: Set of cards with a picture of one of the room plants (for example, Balsamin) in good and bad condition (faded, yellowed leaves, light soil in a vase, a frozen plant, etc.); Four color models depicting the conditions necessary for plants (yellow-light, red-heat, blue - water, black - nutrient soil); Four cards depicting a healthy plant and modeling of the four conditions necessary to him.

Game traffic:

Option 1. At the beginning of the game, children acquaint themselves with the models of the conditions necessary for the growth and development of the plant. Then the four cards depicted with the image of the same plant in good condition indicating the same models. Children need to explain the cause of the normal state of the plant.

Option 2. Card-models are declined on the table in front of the child, and on the set canvas, the educator is a story about a plant, for example: "Growing Balzamin in a pot on the window and rejoiced the first spring sun. The sun rays have been larger than the water in the soil become less and less. On Monday, the kids noticed that the leaves of Balzamin wishes and drooped. What to do?" Suggest the children to help the plant: select car point-model with the image of the conditions necessary for the plant. For the correct answer - the chip. The one who scores more than their number is defeated.

Didactic game "Forest - House for Animals"

Topic: Nature Community.

Purpose: consolidate children's knowledge about the forest as a natural community; To form ideas about environmental tiers (floors) of a mixed forest and the place of animals in them.

Material: Plane model with the image of four mixed forest tiers: 1 - herbal cover, 2 - shrubs, 3 - deciduous trees, 4 - coniferous trees. Each of the tiers made special slits to attach animal figures. In an envelope on the reverse side of the tablet there are figures-silhouettes of various animals: insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals.

Game traffic:

Option 1. Children play one by one, and the rest check the correctness of the task is to settle all animals by "floors" depending on their habitat. Wins the one who least gives mistakes.

Option 2. Animal silhouettes laid out on the table turnover side up. The children alternately take one silhouette, called the animal and determine its place in the forest. At the same time, the child must explain the correctness of its own choice. For the right answer - the chip. If the task is incorrect, then the film-silhouette of the animal is placed on the table and the action is repeated by another child.

Didactic game "Ecological Pyramid" Birds "

Subject: birds.

Purpose: to form knowledge about the simplest chains of birds in nature; Secure knowledge of the conditions necessary for the growth of plants and the life of animals.


1 option, plane: set of cards of different colors (yellow, blue, red, black), reflecting the conditions necessary for the growth of plants and animal life; Sets of three cards with times personal illustrations of plants and birds, for example: pine - pine cones - woodpecker.

2 options, bulk: Sets of seven cubes, where four cubes of different colors, based on the conditions necessary for the life of plants and animals; on the fifth depicted plants; on the pole - bird feed; Seventh - birds. For example: Rowan - Rowan berries - bullfinch; Spruce - fir bump - Crest; Oak - Justice - Coyk; Algae - Snail - Duck; Grass - Grasshopper - Stork.

Game move: similar to previous games. However, when drawing up the pyramid, it is necessary to pay attention to the following rules: different colored cubes are arranged horizontally, and three cubes with illustration of plants and animals are exhibited on this horizontal vertically, one one to one to show food chains in nature.

Didactic game "Walk to the forest"

Subject: behavior in the forest.

Purpose: to form the right attitude towards forest inhabitants; expand the knowledge of children about the rules of behavior in the forest; Exercise in recognizing warning and prohibiting environmental signs.

Material: a tablet with a forest glade with several paths on which warning signs are placed; silhouettes of children who can be moved along paths; A set of prohibiting environmental signs in the envelope ("Do not rip the valley"; "Do not trample mushrooms, berries"; "Do not break the branches of trees"; "Do not destroy the anthills"; "Do not breed fires"; "Do not catch butterflies"; "Do not shout" ; "Do not include loud music"; "Do not ruin the bird nests" and others).

Game traffic:

A group of children who go to the "Forest" can participate in the game. At the first stage, guys should be held on the "path", tell me that it is located on it, to set appropriate environmental signs to help comply with the rules of behavior in the forest.

At the second stage, children traveled on "forest paths", where various environmental signs are arranged. The guys must explain the rules of behavior in the forest on them. For the correct answer - the chip. Wins the one who gains the maximum number of chips.

Didactic game " Power chains in nature "

Purpose: To form the ideas of children about food chains and place in them different animal species.


1 Option: Pictures cut into two parts, when the supply chain is formed: Animal and feed, which it eats, both vegetable and animal.

2 Option: Pictures cut into three parts, the supply chain includes a plant, herbivore or omnivorous animal, predator.

Game traffic:

At the first stagecutting pictures are presented in such a way that each has its own specific sublection, different from other. According to him, children find parts of the appropriate picture, they are correctly made up, get acquainted with the supply chain, they determine the place in it in it, for example: a mushroom - protein - a cunning.

In the second stagecutting pictures may have the same under the cuts. In the preparation of such pictures, children show greater independence in determining the place of the animal in the power chain.

Didactic game "Seasons of the Year"

Topic: Nature Community.

Purpose: To form ideas about the models of the seasons in accordance with the duration of the daylight; Show the relationship between the day and phenomena occurring in nature in different seasons.

Material: Four tablets of different colors, corresponding to the time of year (white, red, green, yellow), on which the duration of the day of the day of each season are presented; Pockets for illustrations of nature phenomena characteristic of this season.

Game traffic:

Children view tablets, determine the season of each in accordance with the color and trajectory of the Sun on the sky: in the summer - the largest trajectory, in winter - small; In autumn and spring - the equinox. Having determined the time of year, children should decompose in pockets illustration of the nature of the nature of this season and tell about them.

Didactic game "Environmental Chamomile"

Topic: Nature Community.

Purpose: consolidate the presentation of children about characteristic phenomena in alive and inanimate nature in different seasons, their relationships and interdependence.

Material: four mug (chamomile dye) of different colors (white, green, yellow, red) in accordance with the timelies of the seasons and a set of petals with the image of various phenomena in a living and inanimate nature every time of year, for example: Skip floats in the stream, Lily of the valley, birds come with nests and others.

Game traffic:

Four children play, everyone needs to collect daisy petals of the corresponding season and tell about characteristic phenomena both in inanimate and wildlife.

Didactic game "Enchanted Letter"

Subject: fruits and vegetables.

Purpose: consolidate the presentation of children about the characteristic signs of vegetables and fruits, their role in maintaining human health; To introduce modeling as a way to form a generalized idea of \u200b\u200bvegetables and fruits.

Material: five tablets with patterns of characteristic signs of vegetables and fruits (color, shape, magnitude, way of use in food, place of growth); A set of objective schematic drawings for gardens of vegetables and fruits.

Game traffic:

Children consider objective schematic models that reveal the characteristic signs of vegetables and fruits.

Option 1. According to model-models of characteristic signs of vegetables and fruits, children solve the Puzzles-drawings of Dr. Abolit, to help him determine what vegetables and fruits are useful for human health.

Option 2. According to models, one child is a riddle-description of a certain vegetable or fruit, the rest of the children guess and tell what role they play in maintaining human health.

Didactic game "Flower-seven-degree"

Topic: Natural Community

Purpose: develop thinking; bring up positive moral identity qualities; form children's skills with native adults; update joint needs; Develop a sense of mutual empathy.

Game traffic:

Each family team receives flowers-seven specials. The participants of the game are conceived by seven desires (parents help to record the desires of preschoolers): Three desires think about a child for parents, three - an adult for a child, one desire will be joint.

Parents and children change petals and select the petals wishes that they are really pleasant to them. A team wins, which has the most desirable petals, where the alleged desires coincided with real.

Didactic game "Conversation with the Forest"

Purpose: develop the creative imagination of children, enrich speech by definitions; Learn to relax.

Game traffic:

You are waiting for an unusual journey. We will move mentally into the forest. (Children cover their eyes, leaning on the backs of chairs, relaxed hands lie on the lap.) Around you in the forest a variety of flowers, shrubs, trees, grass.

Stretch the right hand forward and "Turn" a trunk of a tree: what is he? Now raise your hand and tap foliage: what is she? Lower your hands down and spend on the blades: what are they? Smoke the flowers, the WHO Spirit is drawn with a full breast and hold this freshness in yourself!

Put the face with fresh wind ku. Listen to the forest sounds - what did you hear?

Children are silently listen. Each child on the ear calls the teacher to them the sound or rustle.

Didactic game "What fruits, on which tree grow"

Purpose: intensify in the speech of children names of plants and their fruits; Exercise in the practical assimilation of the designations of the proposed case and the harmonization of nouns with the verb and adjective in the family, the case.

Task 1. Learn the plant for its fruits and complete the offer.

Acorns grow on ... (oak).
Apples grow on ... (apple tree).
The bumps grow on ... (spruce and pine).
The bunches of Ryabina grow on ... (Ryabina).
Nuts grow on ... (Oshness).

Task 2. Remember the name of plant fruits and finish the proposal.

On the oak ripe a lot ... (acorns).
The children were filmed with ripe apple trees ... (apples).
The tops of the spruce bent under the weight of the set ... (cones).
On the rowed rowan, bright lights burned ... (borders of berries).

Task 3. To hold a line from the plant to its fruits and make an offer (carried out with subject pictures).

  • acorn bunch borders berries
  • overt Apple Oak
  • nut of apple trees

Task 4. The same with pictures of plants and their leaves.

Didactic game "Dwarfs in the forest"

Purpose: Pantomime means to portray characteristic movements in a certain situation, focusing only on the words of the teacher and their own ideas.

Game traffic:

The educator invites children to wear a caps of the gnomes: "Today we will meet with small magic men - Dwarf, and we will play with them!"

Live gnomes in the forest. Trees round thick grow, all with prickly branches. Dwarfs are disappeared with difficulty through a chapher, branches raise, spread with great effort. It seemed in the forest about the light: the trees grow fond and farther from each other (the gnomes look around, choose their own way).

Now the gnomes are easily slipped between the trees (they are flexible, clever): where the barrel will be held, where the back is ... And here it is necessary to go down and climb under the deck. Somewhere you need to go through a narrow path of the tiptoe.

Gnomes came out to the gland, and there is a mouse. Gnomes quietly through it step up, carefully, not to step. Then they saw the bunny - and let him jump with him! Suddenly, from behind the bushes, a gray wolf jumped out and how he grieved!

The gnomes rushed to hide under the bushes (under the tables) and sit quietly quietly!

The wolf went out his own way, and the gnomes went home: to go through a narrow path of the tiptoe; Now it is necessary to lean and under the deck about climbing; Where the barrel will be held, where the spin of Koy. Already the house is close: the gnomes are disappeared with difficulty through a chapher, branches raise, spread out with great effort.

Oh, tired! We need to rest on your chairs! (Children are seated in places.)

Didactic game "blooms - not blooms"

Purpose: develop auditory attention from children, exposure.

Rule: Raise hands only if there is a blooming object (plant, flower).

Games: Children sit in a semicircle and put hands on her knees.

Educator: I will call items, and ask: blooms? For example: "Apple tree blooms?", "Poppy flowers?" etc.

If this is actually so, then children should raise hands up.

If I name the ill-sacrous subject (tree, pine, house, etc.), then your hands should not be lifted.

You need to be attentive, as I will raise your arms and correctly, and incorrectly. Who will be mistaken, pay the chip.

The educator starts the game:
"Rose blooms?" - And raises hands.

Children answer: "blooms!" - And also raise hands.
"Pine blooms?" - And raises hands, and children must be silent.

Didactic Ecology Games

1. "Birds, fish, beasts"
Purpose: Exercise children in the ability to call the subject of a certain group of items.
Gaming actions:
The presenter throws the ball a child and utters the word "birds". The child who caught the ball should pick up a species concept, for example, "Sparrow", and throw the ball back. The next child should call the bird, but not repeat. Similarly, there is a game with the words "Beasts" and "Fish".

2. "Guess what in hand"
Purpose: Discern to the touch vegetables, fruits and berries.
Gaming actions:
Children stand in a circle, hands holding his back. The tutor lay out into the hands of children of vegetables, berries and fruits. Children must guess. The tutor shows, for example, a pear and asks to determine who has the same subject of the object (fruit, vegetable, berry).

3. "Flying, floats, runs"
Purpose: depict a way to move the object.
Gaming actions:
The lead calls or shows the children object of wildlife and offers children to portray the way to move this object. For example, with the word "bear", children begin to imitate walking like a bear; "Forty" children begin to wave their hands and so on.

4. The game "Good - bad"
Objective: Improve the knowledge of children about the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, animals and plants.
Gaming actions:
The educator or teacher offers children different situations, and children make conclusions, for example: "A clear sunny day in the fall is good or bad?", "All wolves disappeared in the forest - is it good or bad?", "It's a bad thing every day - it's bad or Well? "," Snow winter is good or bad? "," All trees are green - is it good or bad? "," How many colors in our garden is bad or good? "," The grandmother in the village has a cow - this is Good or bad? "," All birds disappeared on Earth - is it bad or good? " etc.

5. "Who for whom?"
Purpose: Show children that in nature everything is connected with each other.
Continue to educate in children careful attitude towards all animals.
Gaming actions:
The educator invited the child to connect to the ribbon of all animals, which hunt each other. Other children also help find the right pictures of animals. You can suggest starting the game from plants, frogs or mosquitoes.

6. "What is superfluous"
Usually this game is used to develop thinking, but it can also be used for the development of visual and hearing memory, depending on how the material is presented - clearly or on rumor.
Objective: The development of visual and auditory memory and thinking, the activation of the dictionary of children.
Equipment: cards with a set of 4 words (pictures): Three words - one generalizing concept, one word is another generalizing concept.
Game traffic:
The child is offered to listen to (see) and remember a number of words (pictures). The time of presentation of each picture is 1 sec. After the presentation of the picture closes or remove. Then he is asked to repeat these words (call pictures). Next, the child will ask the question: "What do you think, what word (picture) is superfluous? Why?". Then the child is offered to remember and list the other three words (pictures). After that, the child is once again offered to list the entire number of words (pictures) in the order as it has been presented.
The complication of the game occurs due to the increase in the number of memorable words or pictures, as well as due to a thinner differentiation of generalizing concepts (for example, dishes - dining room, kitchen, tea).
Approximate list of equipment for the game
Homemade - Wild Birds
Chicken, goose, turkey ram
Duck, Rooster, Peacock Horse
Chicken, Duckling, Pig Guskenok
Birds - animals
Ostrich, Penguin, Stork Dolphin
Dolphin, Morzha, Octopus Penguin

7. "Fourth extra"
Purpose:. To develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of feathered friends, learning to understand the figurative meaning of the mysteries.
1. Hare, Yozh, Fox, Bumblebee;
2. Wagtail, spider, starfish, forty;
3. Butterfly, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;
4. Grasshopper, Ladybug, Sparrow, May Beetle;
5. Bee, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;
6. Grasshopper, Ladybug, Sparrow, Mosquito;
7. Tracakan, fly, bee, may beetle;
8. Dragonfly, grasshopper, bee, ladybug;
9. Frog, Mosquito, Beetle, Butterfly;
10. Dragonfly, Moth, Bumblebee, Sparrow.

8. "Put a bird (animal, subject) from geometric figures"
Objective: Continue to teach children to spread images of animals, objects, phenomena of nature and. d., Using geometric shapes; Develop a creative imagination, cause a desire to fantasize.
Equipment: cards, set of geometric shapes.
The teacher offers to play the game, in the process of which children come up with their items and images using previously gained knowledge and skills.

9. Find the description
Purpose: consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe peculiarities of the appearance of plants, teach children to independently describe the plant.
Game task: to find a plant on the listed features.
Material: Plant Cards.
The course of the game: The lead calls the characteristic features of a plant, without calling it. Children find his image among cards. Wins the one who quickly and correctly finds or call a gifue.

10. Lotto "What is growing?"
Purpose: Fix the ability of children to classify plants at the place of growth; Develop attentiveness.
Game task: Fill the playing field.
Materials: Gaming fields - meadow, forest, reservoir, swamp. Cards with the image of plants growing in these ecosystems.
Games: Children choose game fields. The master mixes the cards and, getting alone, calls a plant. Playing children take those cards that correspond to their playing field. Wins the one who fills the playing field will fill.

Didactic game of environmental education.

Tree, grass, flower and bird

Do not always be able to defend.

If they are destroyed,

On the planet we will stay alone.

D. Rodovich

The careful attitude towards nature implies a manifestation of good deeds and actions in cases where it is necessary, and for this children should know how to care for plants, what conditions to create for their favorable growth and development. It is necessary to strive for the baby to not pass by one or another phenomenon that causes an alarm so that he actually demonstrate care of nature. The formation of a careful, caring attitude towards nature can be developed not only in the process of classes and observations, but also through didactic games. Didactic games contribute to the accumulation of sensory experience, creative mastering acquired knowledge. In the didactic games, children clarify, enshrine, expand the available ideas about the phenomena of nature, plants and animals, develop their mental abilities. Didactic games rightly are considered one of the most effective learning tools. Including didactic games in the pedagogical process, the tutor selects those of them that correspond to the age characteristics and opportunities of children. In such games, natural objects of nature (trees, flowers, vegetables, fruits, seeds, etc.) can be used, pictures with the image of plants and animals, wall-printed games and all sorts of toys.

2 didactic games can be carried out with children both individually and collectively in classes, walks, while leisure hours. When using didactic games, the educator must follow certain pedagogical principles:

Repeat on the already existing knowledge gained by direct perception.

To ensure that the didactic task is quite difficult and at the same time is available to children.

Maintain interest and variety of gaming action.

Gradually complicate the didactic task and gaming actions, specifically and clearly explain the game rules. Today, ecology is not only a science on the relationship of living organisms with each other and with the environment, it is also a worldview. Therefore, the formation of the foundations of the environmental consciousness of preschoolers, an understanding of the general laws of development of the material world, is derived to the fore-in-education planning, and not just a set of information about natural phenomena and objects. All spheres of personality development are inextricably linked with the upbringing of a responsible attitude towards nature, therefore one of the main tasks of education is the formation of environmental culture among schoolchildren. Environmental culture is a special type of culture, which is characterized by the presence of knowledge and skills on ecology, humanistic attitude to the whole living and environment. There are several values \u200b\u200bof the concept of "ecology":

1. Ecology is a science on the attitude of plant animals of organisms to each other and to the environment.

2. Ecology is a science of human interaction with nature, environmental protection. Studies have shown that the use of predominantly verbal methods in familiarizing children with nature leads to the formation of knowledge. But preschoolers are difficult to establish a connection between the cause and consequence. Children cannot apply knowledge in practical activities. It is possible to solve this problem by involving children in activities that make it possible to get acquainted with this pattern on their own experience. Didactic games of environmental content help to see the integrity of a separate organism and ecosystems, to realize the uniqueness of each object of nature, to understand that the unreasonable human intervention may entail irreversible processes in nature. There is a traditional classification of didactic games: verbal, printing, experimental games, modeling 3 situations. It is based on all the didactic games, including the game of environmental content. When conducting didactic games, it is necessary to rely on the following principles: systemics, educational training, availability, the principle of support for the leading activities of children. Children love to play. They are pleased to try many times to familiar games, game plots. Probably, they gladly respond to an adult offer to play, anticipating the joy of entertainment and not guessing that they will actually be ... learn. Such is the specificity of the didactic game. The child really plays. At the same time, the learning process is carried out. Didactic game - the phenomenon is multifaceted, complex. This is a learning method, and a form of training, and independent gaming activities, and a means of comprehensive education. Such a game contains a didactic task, closely related to game assignments and game actions, interest in which the success of its solution is predetermined. The accurate condition for the implementation of the task is the game rules that send the game to the right channel, establish a sequence of actions, make the game entertaining, allow you to influence children, form interpersonal relationships, develop the moral and volitional scope of the child. The learning game is unthinkable without gaming actions that increase the activity of children and thereby ensuring the success of achieving the desired result. The variability of gaming actions allows you to fully reveal the plan of the game, the interest of children, concentrate their attention to the development of knowledge, skills and skills. Thus, any game becomes didactic if there are gaming actions. Accepted task, and gaming rules. The specificity of didactics, implies the gradual complication of games from the group to the group, implies their variability. If the youngest group acquaintance with wild and pets occurs in such didactic games as "name, who is it?", "Image of the Animal", "learn in vote", and others, then in the middle group - in Games type "Guess who, who are Where does it live? "," Help the animal "," big and small ", etc. Senior Preschool Children successfully cope with the following games: "Zoo", "Logic chains", "come up with a riddle animal", "Journey to Africa". Senior children solve crosswords, solve rebuses, carry out experiments, long-term observations of animals and plants, are happy to answer questions of a variety of quizzes. Often environmental contents arise at the initiative of children themselves, which speaks of their interest.

Didactic games of environmental content must also be carried out during excursions and targeted walks, when familiarizing children with difficulty adults in teaching their work in nature, as well as in the experimental activities of preschoolers. The level of environmental development of preschoolers is largely determined by the degree of environmental literacy of their parents. Therefore, it is important to enlighten parents in the field of environmental protection. To this end, put information in the corners for parents ("Summer Recreation", "Poisonous Plants of the Forest", "Birds are our friends" and others), I spend advice on topics "Why do children knowledge of ecology?", "Let's play together", "Games In the kitchen, "medicinal plants" and so on, I spend individual conversations with parents on the problem.

Non-traditional forms of parental meetings, including environmental topics, find a response in the families of pupils. These include quiz, KVN, the game "Happy case" and others. Enhance the level of environmental culture. Joint exits with parents and children in nature, visit museums, as well as exhibitions of crafts and drawings ("What grows on the beds", "skillful hands do not know boredoms", "Autumn fantasy").

Environmental knowledge in preschool children, through didactic games, contribute to an increase in the level of environmental culture, intensifying the vocabulary of the preschooler. Development of mental processes (imagination, memory, thinking, attention), moral qualities, as well as upbringing a careful attitude towards nature.

Didactic games

"Cook the medicine"

Purpose. To introduce children with medicinal herbs, consolidate knowledge about the structure of the plant, to form the ability to correctly use the useful herbs (know how much the plant should be used to prepare for medicine, and at what time of year, so as not to damage nature), form goodwill, sensitive attitude To the world around us.

Material. Herbarium of medicinal plants, cards with the image of medicinal plants, cut cards for performing such tasks, how to collect a plant, find the right parts of the plant for making medicine; "Dishes" for decoctions and infusions.

The rules of the game are in the task: who will do everything right, then won.

The course of the game.

Educator. Let's look at the herbarium of medicinal plants. Name the plants familiar to you, tell us about their therapeutic properties. (Some children tell, others listen, the educator clarifies the statements of children.) And now we will play. Today you will be pharmacists - these are people who work in pharmacies and prepare medicine.

The task is given to a child or a group of children (two - three):

Choose medicinal plants that will help get rid of colds, or from cough, or from abdominal pain, etc.:

Remain the desired parts of the plant for the preparation of medicine (decoction or infusion);

Pick up the "dishes" for the preparation of the medicine;

Tell your medicine.

"Build a house with animal"

Purpose. Consolidate knowledge about the peculiarities of life of different wild animals, about their accommodation, about "building materials"; To form the ability to select the right material for the construction of "house" any of the animals.

Material. Big picture, cards with images of "houses" of animals, "building materials", animals themselves.

Rules. Choose from the proposed animals those you want to help. Choose from the proposed "Building Material" only those that are needed for your animal. Choose a "house" for an animal.

Who will quickly cope with the task and will be able to explain their choice, he won.

The course of the game.

Educator. Today, a telegram from the beasts came to the kindergarten, in which they ask us for help, they ask to build them at home. Let's take the patronage over them, take care of them. Let's help build a house of beasts? (Yes.) Choose from these animals to whom you would like to help. Next, the teacher introduces children with the rules of the game.

"Scouts" game

Purpose: consolidating knowledge about colors.

The teacher lays various flowers in different places of group room: garden, field, meadow, indoor. Children divided into groups are looking for flowers, call them and tell everything that they know, and then make up bouquet flowers. In winter, this game can be carried out using cards on which flowers are depicted, or with artificial colors.

"What would happen if the forest disappeared ..."

The educator proposes to remove insects from the forest:

What would happen to the rest of the residents? And if the birds disappeared? And if there were berries? And if there were no fungi? And if there were hare from the forest? It turns out, it is not by chance that the forest gathered his inhabitants together. All forest plants and animals are connected with each other. They will not be able to do without each other.

"What plant did not become?"

Four or five plants are exhibited on the table. Children remember them. The educator offers children to close their eyes and removes one of the plants. Children open their eyes and remember which plant stood still. The game is carried out 4-5 times. You can increase the number of plants on the table every time.

"Where does it grow up?"

Purpose: Learning to use the knowledge of plants, compare the fruits of the tree with its leaves.

The course of the game: two branches are laid out on the flannelhemph: on one - the fruits and leaves of one plant (apple tree), on the other - the fruits and leaves of different plants. (for example, the leaves of the gooseberry, and the fruits of the pear) the educator asks the question: "What fruits mature, and which no?" Children correct the errors made in drawing up the drawing.

"Guess what in hand?"

Children stand, lined up in a circle, hands hold behind her back. The tutor lay out in the hands of children of fruits. Then shows one of the fruits. Then shows one of the fruits. Children who have identified the same fruit at the signal run up to the educator. Look at what lies in the hand, it is impossible, the item needs to be recognized on the touch.

"Flower shop"

Purpose: Fasten the ability to distinguish between colors, call them quickly, find the desired flower among others. Teach children to group plants in color, make up beautiful bouquets.

Game traffic:

Children come to the store, which contains a large selection of colors.

Option 1. On the table tray with multicolored petals of different shapes. Children choose the lobes liked, call their color and find a flower corresponding to the selected petals and color and in shape.

Option 2. Children are divided into sellers and buyers. The buyer must so describe the flower chosen to them so that the seller immediately guessed, about which flower is speech.

Option 3. Flowers Children independently make up three bouquets: spring, summer, autumn. You can use poems about colors.


Children sit in a circle. The educator calls vegetables, children make movements with hands: if the vegetable grows on the ground, on the garden, the children raise hands up. If the vegetable grows on the ground - hand brushes lowered down.

"Find out and name"

The teacher takes from the basket of the plant and shows them to children. Specifies the rules of the game: here are medicinal plants. I will show you some plant, and you have to tell about it all you know. Name the place where it grows (swamp, meadow, ravine) and our guest, a red hat, play and listening to medicinal herbs with us. For example, the chamomile pharmacy (flowers) is collected in the summer, the plantain (only leaves without legs) in the spring and early summer, nettle - in the spring, when it just grows (2-3 children's story.

"Well no"

On all the questions of the lead you can only answer the words "yes" or "no". The leading will come out of the door, and we will agree, what an animal (plant) we will come to him. He will come and will ask us where it lives this animal, what it is that it is powered. We will answer him only in two words.

"Where is snowflakes?"

Children go round a circle round cards. The cards depicts various states of water: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, drop, etc.

During the movement in a circle, the following words are pronounced:

That summer came.

The sun lightly lit up.

It was hotter to spy out,

Where to look for snowflake?

With the last word, everyone stops. Those who are located in front of the desired pictures should raise them and explain their choice. The movement continues with the words:

Finally, winter came:

Footage, blizzard, cold.

Go out to take a walk.

Where to look for snowflake?

Re-choose the desired pictures, and the choice is explained.

Complication: Lying 4 wrap with the image of four times of the year. Children must disseminate their hoops cards, explaining their choice. Some cards can correspond to several times of the year.

"Wonderful bag"

In the bag are: honey, nuts, cheese, millet, apple, carrots, etc. Children get food for animals, guess for whom she, who is food. Suitable to toys and treat them.

"Where the fish hid"

Purpose: develop the ability of children to analyze, fix the names of plants, expand the vocabulary.

Material: Blue fabric or paper (pond), a few species of plants, shell, wand, snag.

play with them in hide and seek. " The educator asks the children to close his eyes and at this time hides the fish for a plant or any other subject. Children open their eyes.

"How to find a fish?" - asks the tutor. "Now I will tell you where she hid." The teacher tells what the thing is similar to which the fish was hidden. Children guess.

"Name the plant"

The educator proposes to call plants (third right or fourth on the left, etc.). Then the condition of the game is changing ("at what place is Balzamin?", Etc.)

The educator draws the attention of children to the fact that plants are different stems.

Name plants with straight stems, with curly, without stem. How to care for them? What else do plants differ from each other?

What do violet leaves like? What is the leaves of Balsamina, ficus, etc.?

"Fourth extra"

Purpose: Secure the knowledge that not only insects and birds fly, but there are flying animals.

The course of the game: Children are offered a chain of pictures from which he must choose superfluous, in accordance with the rules of the game.

hare, Yozh, Fox, Bumblebee;

shaking, spider, starfish, forty;

butterfly, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;

grasshopper, Ladybug, Sparrow, May Beetle;

bee, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;

grasshopper, Ladybug, Sparrow, Mosquito;

cockroach, fly, bee, may beetle;

dragonfly, grasshopper, bee, ladybug;

frog, mosquito, beetle, butterfly;

dragonfly, Moth, Bumblebee, Sparrow.

Word game

The educator reads words, and the child should determine which of them are suitable for ant (mug, bee, cockroach).

Dictionary: anthill, green, flies, honey, dying, hardworking, red back, apiary, annoying, hive, shaggy, rings, river. Street, web, apartment, tribe, pest, "flying flower", honeycomb, buzzing, cheer "Jump champion", vapor, big eyes, red, striped, swarm, nectar, pollen, caterpillar, protective color, screking coloring.

Game option: what words are suitable for vegetable (fruit, etc.)

"Birds, fish, beasts"

The teacher throws the ball a child and utters the word "bird". The child who caught the ball should pick up a species concept, such as "Sparrow", and throw the ball back. The next child should call the bird, but not repeat. Similarly, there is a game with the words "Beasts" and "Fish".

"Air, earth, water"

The educator throws the ball with a child and calls the object of nature, for example, "forty". The child must answer "air" and throw the ball back. For the word "dolphin", the child is replied by "water", on the word "wolf" - "Earth", etc.

Another version of the game is possible: the educator calls the word "air". A child who caught the ball must call the bird. For the word "land" - an animal living on earth: the word "water" is the inhabitant of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans.


At the tutor in the hands of the subject picture with the image of the object of living or inanimate nature. Transferring the picture, first the tutor, and then each child on the chain calls one sign of this object, so as not to repeat. For example, "protein" - animal, wild, forest, red, fluffy, nibbles nuts, jumps from branches on a branch, etc.

"Who lives where"

At the educator pictures with the image of animals, and in children - with images of habitats of various animals (Nora, Berloga, river, hollow, nest, etc.). The tutor shows a picture with an image of the animal. The child should determine where it lives, and if the same coincides with his picture, to "settle" at himself, showing the card to the tutor.

"Flying, swims, runs"

The tutor shows or calls the object of wildlife. Children should depict a way to move this object. For example: with the word "bunny", children begin to run (or jump) in place; with the word "crucian" - imitate floating fish; With the word "sparrow" - depict the flight of birds.

"Choose the desired"

Subject pictures scattered on the table. The educator calls any property or a sign, and children must choose as many items as possible, which have these properties. For example: "Green" - it may be pictures of leaf, tree, cucumber, cabbage, grasshopper, lizard, etc. Or: "wet" - water, dew, cloud, fog, frost, etc.

"Two baskets"

On the table, the docks or pictures of vegetables and fruits. Children should decompose them into two baskets. At the same time, items can share not only on belonging to fruits or vegetables, but also in color, in form, hardness - softness, taste or even smell.

Appendix 2.

Didactic game

"Guess what tree these seeds"

Purpose: Introducing children with seeds - wipes. Ride the ability to correlate a sheet of a tree with its seed. Find knowledge about the names of trees. Love love for nature.

5. Develop thinking, memory.

Material: In plastic transparent jars, with spinning lids, lay linden seeds, ash and maple (in each separate seed). On the lids depicted leaves of linden, ash, maple.

Game traffic: The covers are removed from the cans and put in the "wonderful bag". Children take turns get the lid, consider the leaf depicted on it, call the tree corresponding to this sheet. Next, find a jar with a seed of this tree, twist the lid on the jar.

Didactic Ecology Games (Card Self)

What in the basket we take.

Didactic task: Secure in children knowledge about which harvest is collected in the field, in the garden, in the garden, in the forest.

To learn to distinguish the fruits at the place of their cultivation.

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe role of people conservation people.

Materials: Pictures with image of vegetables, fruits, cereals, melons, mushrooms, berries, as well as baskets.

The course of the game. In some children - pictures depicting different gifts of nature. Others have pictures in the form of a basket.

Children - Fruits for mercury music diverges around the room, movements and facial expressions are depicting a bad watermelon, a gentle strawberry, hiding mushroom in the grass, etc.

Children - baskets must in both hands to score fruits. Prerequisite: Each child should bring the fruits that grow in one place (vegetables from the garden, etc.). Wins the one who fulfilled this condition.

Cups - roots.

Did. a task: Teach children to make a whole of parts.

Materials: Two hoops, pictures of vegetables.

The course of the game.Option 1. Two hoops are taken: red, blue. Put them so that the hoops intersect. In the hoop, it is necessary to put the vegetables in which the roots are in the food, and in the hoop of blue - those that are used.

The child comes to the table, chooses a vegetable, shows his children and puts it into the right circle, explaining why he put a vegetable here. (In the area of \u200b\u200bcrossing the hoop, vegetables must be used, and the tops and roots are used: onions, parsley, etc.

Option 2. On the table lie tops and roots of plants - vegetables. Children are divided into two groups: tops and roots. Children of the first group take the top, the second - roots. On the signal, everyone runs the swarming. On the signal "Once, two, three - I find your couple!", You need

Game with ball "Air, Earth, Water"

Did. a task:fasten the knowledge of children about nature objects. Develop auditory attention, thinking, intelligence.


Game traffic:Option №1 . The educator throws the ball to the child and calls the object of nature, for example, "forty." The child must answer "air" and throw the ball back. For the word "dolphin", the child responds "water", on the word "wolf" - "Earth", etc.

Option number 2. The educator calls the word "air" the child caught the ball must call the bird. On the word "land" - animal living on earth; On the word "water" - the inhabitant of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans.

Guess what in the bag?

Did. a task:teach children describe items perceived on the touch and guess them according to characteristic features.

Materials:vegetables and fruits of characteristic shape and different density: onion, beets, tomato, plum, apple, pear and D.R.

Game traffic: Do you know the game "Wonderful Pouch"?, Play We will be today in different. To whom I will offer to get an object from the bag, neither will immediately pull it out, but feeling, first will call his characteristic signs.

Nature and man.

Did. a task: Secure and systematize the knowledge of children that a person has been created and what does nature give a man.


Game traffic: The tutor spends a conversation with children, in the course of which clarifies their knowledge that the objects around us or are made by the hands of people or exist in nature, and the person uses them; For example, forest, coal, oil, gas exists in nature, and at home, the plants create a person.

"What is done by man"? Asks the tutor and throws the ball.

"What is created by nature"? Asks the tutor and throws the ball.

Children catch the ball and answer the question. Who can't remember, misses his move.

Choose the desired one.

Did. a task: Fasten knowledge about nature. Develop thinking, cognitive activity.

Materials: Subject pictures.

Game traffic: Subject pictures scattered on the table. The educator calls any property or a sign, and children must choose as many items as possible, which have this property.

For example: "green" - it can be pictures of a leaf, cucumber, grasshopper cabbage. Or: "wet" - water, Ross, cloud, fog, frost, etc.

Where is snowflakes?

Did. a task: Consider knowledge of various states of water. Develop memory, cognitive activity.

Materials: Cards depicting various water conditions: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, couples, snowflake, etc.

Game traffic:

Option 1. Children go round a circle round cards. The cards are depicted various water states: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, couples, snowflake, etc.

During movement in a circle, words are pronounced:

That summer came.

The sun lightly lit up.

It was hotter to spy out,

Where to look for snowflake?

With the last word, everyone stops. Those who are needed by the desired pictures should raise them and explain their choice. The movement continues with the words:

Finally, winter came:

Footage, blizzard, cold.

Go out to take a walk.

Where to look for snowflake?

Reggle choose the desired pictures and explains the choice.

Option 2. Lying 4 wrap with the image of four seasons. Children must disseminate their hoops cards, explaining their choice. Some cards can correspond to several times of the year.

The conclusion is made from answers to questions:

What time of year, water in nature can be in a solid state? (Winter, early spring, late autumn).

From what branch of the baby?

Did. a task:fasten the knowledge of children about the leaves and fruits of trees and shrubs, learn to select them according to belonging to one plant.

Materials:leaves and fruits of trees and shrubs.

Game traffic:Children view the leaves of trees and shrubs, call them. At the suggestion of the teacher: "Baby, find your branches" - the guys pick up to each leaf the corresponding fruit.

Birds flew.

Did. a task:clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bbirds.

Game traffic: The teacher calls only birds, but if he suddenly is mistaken, then children should turn or clap.

For example. Birds flew: pigeons, tits, flies and haircuts.

Children are hoping -

What's wrong? (flies)

And who are who? (insects)

Birds flew: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, daws, pasta.

Children are toggle.

Birds flew: pigeons, cunits ...

Children are toggle. Game continues.

Birds flew:

Pigeon Tyitsa,

Talk and haircuts,


Storks, cuckoo,

Even owls - Silexes,

Swans, Skvorts.

All you are well done.

Outcome: The tutor, together with children, clarifies the migratory and wintering birds.

When does it happen?

Did. a task:teach children distinguish signs of seasons. With the help of a poetic word to show the beauty of different times of the year, a variety of seasonal phenomena and people's classes.

Materials: For each child, pictures with scenery of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Game traffic: The educator reads a poem, and children show a picture with the image of the season, which is stated in the poem.


On the clearing, the paths are made by blade.

With a tubercle, the stream runs, and under the tree the snow lies.


And light and wide

Our quiet river.

We run swim, splashing with fish ...


Slugging and yellowing, grass on the meadows,

Just green frills in the fields.

The cloud of the sky covers, the sun does not glitter,

The wind in the field is how

Rain drizzles.


Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets

Shiny in the sun, the snow lies;

Transparent forest one black

And spruce through frost green,

And the river under the ice shines.

Beasts, birds, fish.

Did. a task:fasten the skill, classify animals, birds, fish.


Game traffic:children become a circle. One of the players takes some subject and gives his neighbor right, saying: "Here is a bird. What a bird? "

The neighbor takes the subject and responds quickly (the name of any bird).

Then he transmits the thing to another child, with the same question. The subject is transmitted in a circle until the stock of knowledge of the game participants will be exhausted.

Also play, calling fish, animals. (Call one and the same bird, fish, beast it is impossible).

Guess what he grows.

Did.zadach:clarify the knowledge of children about the names and plants of plant growth; Develop attention, intelligence, memory.


Game traffic: Children sit on chairs or stand in a circle. An educator or child throws some of the children's ball, calling the place where this plant grows: garden, garden, meadow, field, forest.

In the spring, summer, autumn.

Did. a task: clarify the knowledge of children about the time of flowering of individual plants (for example, Narcissus, tulip - spring); Golden ball, Astra - autumn, etc.; Learning to classify on this basis, develop their memory, intelligence.


Game traffic: Children stand in a circle. The educator or child throws the ball, calling the time of year when the plant grows: spring, summer, autumn. The child calls the plant.

Speak an animal.

Did. a task:secure children's knowledge about pets. Teach to describe in the most typical signs.

Materials:pictures depicting different animals. (each in two copies).

Game traffic:one copy of pictures is a whole, and the second cut into four parts. Children view whole pictures, then they must form an image of the animal from the cut parts, but without sample.

What made of what is done?

Did. a task: Teach children to determine the material from which the subject is made.

Materials: Wooden cube, aluminum bowl, glass jar, metal bell., Key, etc.

Game traffic:children take different objects from the bag and called, pointing out what every item is made.


Did. a task:develop the ability of children to guess riddles, relate a verbal image image in the picture; clarify knowledge of children about berries.

Materials:pictures for each child with an image of berries. Book of riddles.

Game traffic:on the table before each child there are pictures of the rags. The teacher makes a riddle, the children find out and raise the picture-to-guess.

Edible - inedible.

Did. a task: Fasten knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms.

Materials: Basket, Side pictures with an image of edible and inedible mushrooms.

Game traffic: On the table before each child there are pictures of the rags. The educator makes a riddle of mushrooms, children find out and put a picture - a guess of edible mushroom in a basket

Name three subjects.

Did. a task: Exercise children in the classification of objects.

Materials: ball.

Game traffic: The educator calls one word, for example, flowers, and the one who will throw the ball, should call three words that can be called in one word. For example: Flowers

Chamomile, Rose, Vasilek.

Flower shop.

Did. a task:fasten the ability to distinguish between colors, call them quickly, find the desired flower among others. Teach children to group plants in color, make up beautiful bouquets.

Materials:petals, color pictures.

Going games: Option 1. On the table tray with multicolored petals of different shapes. Children choose the lobes liked, call their color and find a flower corresponding to the selected petals and color and in shape.

Option 2. Children are divided into sellers and buyers. The buyer must so describe the flower chosen to them so that the seller immediately guessed about what flower is speech.

Option 3. From flowers, children independently make up three bouquets: Spring, summer, autumn. You can use poems about colors.

Fourth extra.

Did. a task:fasten the knowledge of children about insects.

Game traffic:the educator calls four words, children must call the unnecessary word:

1) hare, hedgehog, fox, bumblebee;

2) Wagtail, spider, starfish, forty;

3) Butterfly, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;

4) Grasshopper, Ladybug, Sparrow, May Beetle;

5) bee, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;

6) Grasshopper, Ladybug, Sparrow, Mosquito;

7) cockroach, flies, bee, may beetle;

8) dragonfly, grasshopper, bee, ladybug;

9) frog, mosquito, beetle, butterfly;
10) Dragonfly, Moth, Bumblebee, Sparrow.

The educator reads words, and children should think about which of them are suitable for an ant (pole ... bee ... Tarakan).

Vocabulary: anthill, green, flies, honey, unwriting, hardworking, red back, passion, annoying, hive, shaggy, rings, river, shocking, web, apartment, threshing, pest, "flying flower", honeycomb, buzzing, chewing, "champion By jumping, "vulture, big eyes, red, striped, swarm, nectar, pollen, caterpillar, protective color, screking coloring.

Wonderful pouch.

Did. a task:secure knowledge in children than the beasts eat. Develop cognitive interest.


Game traffic:in the bag are: honey, nuts, cheese, millet, apple, carrots, etc.

Children get food for animals, guess for whom it is, who feeds on.

Useful - uncommon.

Did. a task:fasten the concepts of useful and harmful products.

Materials:cards with the image of products.

Game traffic:on the table to decompose what is useful, on the other - which is not different.

Useful: Hercules, kefir, onions, carrots, apples, cabbage, sunflower oil, pears, etc.

Unpublished: chips, fatty meat, chocolate candies, cakes, "yard", etc.

Learn and name.

Did. a task:secure medicinal plants.

Game traffic:the tutor takes from the basket of the plant and shows them to children, clarifies the rules of the game: here are medicinal plants. I will show you some plant, and you must tell you about it all you know. Name the place where it grows (swamp, meadow, ravine).

For example, the chamomile pharmacy (flowers) is collected in the summer, the plantain (only leaves are harvested) in the spring and at the beginning of summer, nettle - in the spring, when it is only - only grows (2-3 children's story).

What am I for the Beast?

Did. a task:consolidate knowledge about animal Africa. Develop fantasy.

Game traffic: A group of guys participate in the game, the number of players is not limited. In the group there is a leading. One of the players is removed for a short distance, turns away and waits until he is invited.

A group of guys consistent with each other about the beast, i.e. What kind of beast they will depict or the 2nd option: answer the questions of the lead.

So, the beast is Zagadan, the participant is invited, the game begins.

Member asks questions to a group of players, for example: a little beast? can crawl? jump? Does he have fluffy fur? etc.

The guys in turn respond to the leading "yes" or "no". So continues until the player gave the beast.

Name the plant

Did. a task:clarify knowledge of houseplants.

Game traffic:the educator proposes to call plants (third right or fourth on the left, etc.). Then the condition of the game is changing ("at what place is Balzamin?", Etc.)

The educator draws the attention of children to the fact that plants are different stems.

Name plants with straight stems, with curly, without stem. How to care for them? What else do plants differ from each other?

What do violet leaves like? What is the leaves of Balsamina, ficus, etc.?

Who lives where

Did. a task:fasten knowledge about animals and their habitats.

Game traffic:at the educator pictures with the image of animals, and in children - with images of habitats of various animals (Nora, Berloga, river, hollow, nest, etc.). The tutor shows a picture with an image of an animal. The child should determine where it lives, and if the same coincides with his picture, to "settle" at himself, showing the card to the tutor.

Flies, swims, runs.

Did. a task: Fasten knowledge about wildlife objects.

Game traffic:the tutor shows or calls the object of wildlife. Children should depict a way to move this object. For example: with the word "bunny", children begin to run (or jump) in place; with the word "crucian" - imitate floating fish; With the word "sparrow" - depict the flight of birds.

Protect the environment.

Did. a task:fasten knowledge about the protection of nature objects.

Game traffic: On the table or set canvas pictures depicting plants, birds, animals, man, sun, water, etc. The tutor cleans one of the pictures, and children must tell what will happen with the remaining living objects, if there is no hidden object on Earth. For example: removes the bird - what will happen to other animals, with a person, with plants, etc.


Did. a task: Clarify the knowledge of children about objects of living and inanimate nature.

Game traffic:at the tutor in the hands of the subject picture with the image of the object of living or inanimate nature. Transferring the picture, first the tutor, and then each child on the chain calls one sign of this object, so as not to repeat. For example, "protein" - animal, wild, forest, red, fluffy, nibbles nuts, jumps from branches on a branch, etc.

What would be if the forest disappeared ...

Did. a task:fasten knowledge about the relationship in nature.

Game traffic:the educator proposes to remove insects from the forest:

What would happen to the rest of the residents? And if the birds disappeared? And if there were berries? And if there were no fungi? And if there were hare from the forest?

It turns out, it is not by chance that the forest gathered his inhabitants together. All forest plants and animals are connected with each other. They will not be able to do without each other.

There are droplets in a circle.

Purpose: Fasten knowledge about the cycle of water in nature.

Game traffic:the educator invites children to play an interesting and magic game. But for this you need to turn into small droplets of rain. (Music, reminiscent of the rain sounds) The teacher says magic words and the game begins.

The teacher says she is Mom Tuchka, and the guys are her kids droplets, it's time to go on the road. (Music.) Droplets jump, scatter, dance. Mom Tuchka shows what to do.

Fly droplets on the ground. We jump, play. Bored them became a single way to jump. They gathered together and flowed with small cheerful streams. (The droplets will make a stream, holding hands.) Meet the streams and became a big river. (The streams are connected in one chain.) Cock the droplets in a large river, traveling. Tecla-flowed the river and got into the ocean (the children are rebuilt into the dance and move in a circle). Float-floated droplets in the ocean, and then remembered that Mom Tuchka punished them home to return. And here just a sun hardened. Steel droplets lightly, stretched up (cropped droplets climb and stretch hands up). They evaporated under the rays of the sun, returned to Mom Tuchka. Well done, droplets, behaved well, passersby for the collars did not climb, did not splash. Now with my mother, you have, she missed you without you.

I know.

Did. a task:fasten knowledge about nature. Develop cognitive interest.

Game traffic:children become a circle, in the center - an educator with a ball. The educator throws the child the ball and calls the class of objects of nature (beasts, birds, fish, plants, trees, flowers). A child who caught the ball says: "I know the five names of the beasts" and lists (for example, elk, fox, wolf, hare, deer) and returns the ball to the tutor.

Similarly, other classes of nature objects are called.

What it is?

Did. a task:fasten knowledge about living and inanimate nature. Develop thinking.

Game traffic:the educator makes the subject of a living or inanimate nature and begins to list its signs. If the children guess it, the next item is made, if not, the list of signs is increasing. For example: "Egg" - oval, white, fragile, on top of solid, inside the liquid, nutritious, can be found on the peasant yard, in the forest, even in the city, chicks are hatched from it.

Learn the bird on the silhouette.

Did. a task: Fasten knowledge about wintering and migratory birds, exercise in the ability to recognize birds by silhouette.

Game traffic: Children are offered silhouettes of birds. Children guess birds and call a migratory or winter bird.

Live - non-living.

Did. a task:fasten knowledge about living and inanimate nature.

Game traffic:the educator calls objects of living and inanimate nature. If this is the subject of wildlife, children are masses with their hands, if the subject of inanimate nature is squatted.