Is there a plot in Battlefield 1. Friends from higher circles

Greetings to you, dear readers with you site website and review on Battlefield 1! With the preview, by the way, you can familiarize yourself. So, what is the first thing I want to say about the new DICE brainchild? Impressive. Indeed, from the very first minutes of the game the level is visible.

Graphics is just amazing. Detailing delightful. Dirt on weapons, raindrops, magnificent special effects. ... You can list for a long time and then you can not say, but one thing is clear - the graphic component is magnificent. In my opinion, in 2016 there are no games with such graphics, and until the end of the year will not be released. The destroyability, as declared, is present. And what else. You can dissemble everything. And it looks insanely juicy and realistic.

Gameplay.Naturally there are differences between a single company and a network mode, so everything is in order.

Single campaign.Once again, Dice is trying to make a suitable and adult alone, but, once again, do not reach a little. The actions of the game unfold during the First World War, and the entire plot spins around the theme of an ordinary person on the battlefield. War, like a disease, comes and declares itself, and with it you have to live. In Battlefield 1 there is no concrete main character. We now and then have to play for a variety of people, from different countries, with different motifs and characters. The topic is generally quite adult and heavy. The game is honest trying to tamper us and bring to a stupid male tear when one or another character is suddenly stupidly dying, together with his dreams and hopes, or on the contrary, it will seem in an incredible way. But not very, it comes to honestly.

In Battlefield 1, the developers decided to move away from the classic, for single series, level linearity. They gave us more freedom. Tried to show some kind of sandbox. In general, it is quite interesting, because we ourselves decide how to fulfill this or that task. But to think about, and what we actually do there, entertain how to player the developers have a little subsided. That is, in fact, we have a location and the task that you need to decide, and the hordes of enemies. Everything. Do what you want and how do you want. It sounds cool, but without certain staged moments it looks boring. Although in general everything is fine, and I do not import it in minus, since Battlefield we all love not for a single campaign. Single here, rather, like tutorials, preparing us for real kneading, with real people.

As for the main, the fights themselves and the combat system, here the developers from DICE showed us the highest pilot. It is felt that the first world war is in the yard. And it is necessary to get used to it. The cartridges are quite small, so often you have to go to hand-to-hand. In addition, the battle distance is now much closer. Ballistics has also changed, and bullets go to a decline earlier than we are accustomed. Shooters are now being carried out almost in front of each other. Each weapon, whether it is a rifle, a gun, or something else, also has its own characteristics. Each weapon must be studied, to leverage with him and find your approach to its use. Just like appliances. Her here, as I wrote in, there will be quite a lot of species. With all this it is necessary to familiarize yourself, to understand and feel, learn how to contact normally. For this, in fact, there is a single company in Battlefield 1.

Regarding our enemies and artificial intelligence in the Singleer, then there are 50 to 50. Sometimes they actually actually and harmoniously, and sometimes frankly stupid. Also, in a single company are present, what no stealth mission. Playing at the difficult level, you will sometimes immediately reflash them several times.

Separately, I would like to mention a magnificent sound. Thanks to the sound effects, the feeling is really a feeling that you are in real battle. Whistle and rickests bullets, crashing of explosions, even negotiations in the technique, like real! In general, put the maximum level of complexity and ahead, in a single campaign, deal with weapons, appliances and feel sad meat that fell into the millstone of the First World War.

As a result, I will say so - do not spare money on this stunning game, it is worth it. Battlefield 1 One of the few games of this year, which is not what justified, but even surpassed all our expectations.

I will tell you about the multiplayer in a separate article, since the topic, well, is very extensive and in the format of one review, do not fit all this information. You can read it.!


Dma Game.

According to the administration

The Battlefield series has always been focused on a multiplayer, unlike its main competitor. However, the developers from DICE never leave their brainchild without a single campaign, which is present in each of the parts of this military shooter.

Despite the fact that single It does not boast of variability and has no puzzles, because of which it is in principle no passage is required, we still decided to prepare this guide. Here you can simply refresh the memory of the once passed plot, or familiarize yourself with it for the first time, if you have no desire to pass the campaign yourself.

H Acking number 1. Steel thunderstorms

A prologue begins in which you will play for the soldier of Itan Claiborna. The first world is in full swing, and you are in the epicenter of the next large-scale battle.

You need to defend a point, shooting from the impending waves of German soldiers. The stationary machine gun will significantly simplify your task, but soon it will destroy the airship. Now grab the shotgun to continue to fight. Anyway, but the enemies will ask you with a number and kill.

After that, the game switches to another character - Tankist Alfred Carlisle. Using the main tool and machine gun, shoot enemy units. Soon, the hero will notice a powerful German weapon, which can break through the tank - destroy it. As the last time, soon the failure is awaiting you - the tank is like an artillery blow.

The third scene will turn on again on another section of the front. This time, the main character performs Gred Armstrong, participating in the stewed battle. The Germans allowed poisonous gas, so you need to wear a mask. Stay as long as possible, shooting the enemy. However, this hero is waiting for a failure.

You will see the last event from the person of an unknown soldier. You must shoot on the upcoming Germans until you are stunned from behind. Next, the artillery shelling will begin, in which you will survive and the German warrior. A cat-scene will begin in which both fighters will decide to fold the weapon and disperse the world.

H Acking number 2. Through dirt and blood

The prologue is over, and now the missions will become more consistent. You will play for one of the main characters (which in Battlefield 1 somewhat) named Edwards - he is an ordinary mechanic of the United Kingdom Army, which put to the "Mark 5" tank.

You must talk to the head of your group, and then get acquainted with the rest: the parable, standing at the anti-personnel gun, McManus, responsible for recharging, as well as Finch, whose work is to repair your car.

Chapter 1. With all my might

Your first combat advantage will be a breakthrough to the German group, swallowed with artillery guns. It is necessary to destroy these terrible guns to simplify the infantry task. Any powerful stationary guns destroy the main cannon when as soldiers - using a machine gun.

First of all, get to the Mill Mill Picadillia, breaking through the dirt and burly. Here you will find yourself open for enemy fire, moreover, the light area will slow down you, so look around and quickly eliminate opponents.

During the mission, you almost do not have to leave the tank, so, reaching the point at the mill, just stand still and protect it. By the way, your car is not invulnerable, and even grenades can cause damage to it.

The second point will be the crest of the Kitchener, where the next artillery positions are located. Shoot them from afar, then move forward. Capturing this point, go to the intersection of Beren, where there will be even more German guns.

It will be difficult to calculate them on the eye, so focus on the sound and the trajectory of the shots.

If your tank has little HP, repair it, as such a function is always available. Finally, at approaches to the position you will meet a more equal opponent - armor tank.

The German car does not get damage from shots in the forehead, so you have to be hung and go back, where there is a weak point of the tank, or shoot in the sides.

When the technique is destroyed, artillery is shelled, which will greatly damage the tank. This time you have to get out of the technique and protect Finch's mechanics while he restores it. Alas, but during the repair of your comrade will kill, so you will have to repair the car yourself.

Finally, the tank has earned - sit inside and go to the positions of the enemy. In parallel, killing opponents on the road, get to the artillery guns and destroy them.

After that, the new goal will be the farm of Big Willie, capturing which you will again get a task for the destruction of the enemy's guns. Soon you will come across a new tank - blew it up and minute the bridge. Next, you will get boggle in the mud, after which the enemy will knock the caterpillar from the tank. A cat-scene will begin, during which the captain of the crew of the Podchard will decide to send the postal pigeon leadership. The Germans surrounding your tank will shoot the captain, but you will still have time to release the bird.

The final of the mission will unfold for dove - you should just fly to the headquarters, flying through marked routes. When the allies receive a message (tank coordinates), they will hit the enemy artillery, destroying the Germans surrounding your car.

Chapter 2. Fog War

The mission for tanker continues. After the past task, some time passed, and now you are in the fog. No way out - you have to go on foot. To pass the Barlonian forest on the tank, you must secretly figure out the guard at the post.

If you detect you, the alarm will rise, but the tank itself will be connected to the aid. But it is better to play stealth, teaching the Germans. Obtained them on the first point, minute a wire fencing and move to the next, where you need to check the same.

Now you can return to the tank and get to the bridge. Here you are attacked by the Germans, so you have to act quickly. While the crew will fight back, you will again leave the technique and on your two minor the area under the bridge.

Turn to the right and rub the guard. Next you need to get to the bunker, moving on the left. If you find and raise your alarm on the way, the Germans will cause imagine.

Chapter 3. Fault

In the course of the work, your tank will break - he will blown the spark plugs. Not far from the place of stop, you will find a village where the Germans sat down. Perhaps there you can find the item for replacement, but for this you have to deal with the invaders. Together with McManus, you will leave the tank, but he will refuse to go with you to the right death.

To explore the locality, use the mill, to the top of which you can climb. There is a sniper rifle, which will significantly simplify your task. Binoclete Mark all the available Germans, then deal with them. Now you can leave the facility, get to the village and pick one of the four candles.

The new mill you will come across the sniper, which can quickly kill you. Moreover, in one of the houses you can detect a dangerous flamethrower with which it is not necessary to reduce the distance.

Having collected all the details, sit on the horse and return to the car. Near the tank you will try to kill the German hidden alongside, but Macmanus will come to revenue.

Chapter 4. Steel on Steel

You will reach the village where German tanks and cars are located. You will have to destroy them all, and opponents will attack at the same time. To simplify the task, hide behind buildings, which in the area there is a lot.

Passing the village, go to the Baron depot, where it is necessary to break through the battle. First kill all the soldiers and stationary guns with light appliances, then switch to tanks.

When the point is conquered, the Germans nominate reinforcement. You already know how to straighten with different types of enemy, so you will not have any difficulties. Little tanks, by the way, yurt, however, are destroyed from the first hit, so do it first. After beating the attack, go to Cambre, where allies should expect you.

The way the cat scene will begin, during which your car is like. The German group will rush to you, stepping Macmanus. The Townsend will solve you to save both of them, lubricating the enemy closer and undermining it with me and tank while you are moving away to Cambre along with a comrade.

H Acking number 3. High Circles Friends

The new character of Battlefield 1 campaign will be the pilot of British Aviation Clyde Blackburn. In addition to the virtuoso possession of the aircraft, he also plays poker.

During the prologue, Clyde bans George to the table during the game, and then go to his airplane "Bristol". Inside him expects the Uileson's machine gunner who will offer to experience this baby.

Chapter 1. Trial Flight

This mission is trained by flights by plane. You will fly over the veins mountains, which in France. Fighter, in parallel, performing instructions of the game and enhancing the control.

After that, you will be offered to shoot, attacking air dules - balloons. When you figure them out, cover the goal rockets on the ground.

Soon the real enemies will soon - German fighters, and then you will have to apply all the surveyed skills in practice.

Do not forget to use the scope to simplify the task and faster shoot down the enemy. The most effective reception is the attack from behind - try to sit down on the tail to destroy it in seconds.

Having understood with the first and second waves, you run the cat-scene. In the video, you will see how the hero will get to the German base, make several pictures, and then return home.

Chapter 2. Total War

We receive the valuable data on the fortress of the German Empire, you helped the command. It is already the beginning of the ground offensive, so you will have to go there again, but already in the form of combat units. You need to deal with the air defense of the enemy, thereby clearing the road for your bombers who can undermine the fortress.

First of all, destroy the enemy's balloons using the machine gun. Do not even think to fly through them, as it will immediately die. After that, switch to enemies from below - German machines with anti-air tools. They are best attacked by rockets in dive.

When all opponents on Earth are destroyed, the command will finally send the first wave of bombers. You have to defend them, attacking fighters-interceptor enemy. Mostly, the enemy will try to sit on the tail to your ally, so immediately settle down away from the bombarder to instantly be behind the German fighter.

By the way, you can always restore your plane by using the repair button. When the first wave gets to the goal and strike, you will have to repeat the mission, again by destroying terrestrial targets. After arriving the second wave, which will need to be protected from fighters. Soon they will get to the target, but at the same time are like ...

Chapter 3. Falling from Heaven

Your device was shot down, but the chief hero of Blackburn still managed to catapult. As a result, it enters the enemy to the territory, in the rear, on one of the trees of which he was. Noticing the German, the protagonist is released and hides under the cart.

Under the cart you find the cartridge that you can quit to divert the enemy. When he go away, leave the shelter, grab the shovel and stun it. Grab his weapons, then step further. In the way you will again have to defeat the enemy using Stealth. Your ultimate goal is to leave the enemy zone and return to the allies. Moving to the West, soon you will find a small German squad.

If you break quickly, you will notice, so go to the critic. By the way, it is not necessary to deal with all the enemies - it is only necessary to quickly pass them to get to the front.

You will pass the trenches, and then get to your own broken aircraft. It turns out that Wilson survived, but he was very wounded. You will have to give it to the allies on your shoulders, moving along the trenches.

So far, you should not go to the light of the spotlights, as machine gunners can take you for the enemy and destroy.

Finally, you will meet the British soldier, after which the cat scene will begin. Then you will find yourself in the hospital where Wilson lies. After some time, the deceived by Rackham will declare, who will warp on the main character and decide to take revenge on him, chaging him with handcuffs.

H Acking number 4. Forte et Fidele.

After the previous mission, a lot of time passed. Blackburn has already left the hospital, and now expects the tribunal for deception. Here the Wilson appears who wishes to protect the hero at the meeting. However, everything goes awry, since at that moment the Germans begin to attack the base. Your prosecutor and the guard kills the queue from the fighter, after which Wilson dismisses you so that you go to the fighter together.

As real heroes, you must overcome all enemies, holding the German cars before the arrival of the Allies. The Germans will try to come to the rear often, so get ready to maneuver.

Next will fly bombers with the intention to compose the base with the ground. However, then you will send allies to help you, after which the shock will turn into a real air battle. To quickly deal with bombers, try to attack them in the center of the car where the pilot is located.

But after that, the battle will not be completed. Now you need to deal with the airships - ignore all opponents and fly to them. One machine gun here will not cost, so get ready to produce rockets.

When you destroy the first challenge, you are like, after which the heroes will decide to sit on the second airship. Further, already on your two you must reach the anti-aircraft gun, having understood with all the crew on the way. Finally, you can use Zenitka and deal with enemies in the sky. As a result, it will remain only to destroy the last chapel of the enemy.

A cat scene will begin in which enemy will fall on your airship. You will survive and find yourself in water.

H Acking number 5. Forward, Savoy

Together with the new hero named Luka, you will fall into the Italian front. The prologue begins with the fact that, being already a veteran, the protagonist remembers once experienced events. Then he, together with his brother, participated in the battle at the Dolomites: Hero himself was listed in the special division of the Italian army Arditi, armed with heavy armor with a machine gun, and his brother Matteo headed the battalion.

Chapter 1. "Or win ..."

You received an order - master the church of St. Anastasia. Gameplay per boulder is quite new, as you will be closed in heavy "armor", which allows you to transfer a lot of damage, but are significantly dried by mobility. Shot all your enemies, especially paying attention to the flamets that also have high defense.

When the object is captured, you will attack the enemy tools using anti-tank explosives. Destroy the enemy armored cars and take the hill where the infantry group is located. After moving to the bunker, in which there is a powerful gun - blew it off.

After leaving the last point, go to the specified hill, on which the anti-aircraft. Having understood with them, you run the cat-scene.

The following picture will appear in front of you: the enemy aircraft come to the battalion of Matteo, which threatens it with complete destruction.

After the roller, quickly run to the anti-aircraft gun and disperse with aviation. The "birds" of the enemy decide to retreat, but on the way back will undermine the mountain, avalanche with which the battalion will nevertheless nevertheless. Near our hero will fall a baked plane, but armor will protect it from fragments.

Chapter 2. "... Or everyone will die!"

After the fall of the "birds" of Luke will remove the damaged armor and go to look for a brother. On the way you will deal with the enemies, after which hear the call for help. Below you get to the Alpini Fortress, which is defended by the last remnants of your army. Sit to the machine gun and arrange an attacker hell on Earth.

The armor-piercing technique will have to take in a different way - garnet from shelter. When the armored personnel carrier arrives, wait until the soldiers leave him, then throw a grenade into the crowd. Attack is repulsed - it's time to continue the search for Matteo.

Explore the environment and mark the enemies from the hill. After that, go ahead, clearing the path. Apparently, your brother is concluded inside the fortress on the contrary, so you have to penetrate there. You can do this in two ways: on top, bypassing it from behind, or underground. The Austrian Horn has to be seized with a group of opponents.

Spicy obstacles, as armored soldiers will fight with you, which are very difficult to defeat the forehead. Ultimately, you will still get to the room and find your brother, but, alas, he will be dead.

H Acting №6. Messenger

A new place of action is Greece, or rather, the Gallipol Islands, which is in the area of \u200b\u200bDardanwell. The roller will begin on the ship, where our main character is located - Frederick Bishop, who brought here if it is liking directly from Australia.

Chapter 1. Cape Gelles

Attacking the enemy from the dreadnought, the hero breaks down to the ground, after which he leaves the ship and leaves the comrade of phoster. Here you will have to make your way through the barrier machine-gun enemy, move from the trench to the trench. Move grenades and shoot the enemy near, taking advocate.

At Cape Gelles you will find a point to which you need to get. Observe the infantry to speed up the process. Turning the operation, you run the roller, where Bishop will announce the capture of this height.

Chapter 2. No connection

Allies require a connected to which your comrade Jack Foster is. The hero does not want to send a friend-novice to the right death, so he himself takes for this task. First of all, over the roof enemies using binoculars to detect the enemy. After the battle, go to the point to take information about the front status.

Coming around the enemy to the left, you will again find the rooftop soldiers with which you can deal with. But you are also free to act quietly, distracting the guard by throwing the sleeves. Soon you will reach the front, but it turns out that they attacked them. The base is fired by the enemy artillery, which you are obliged as quickly as possible to report to the command.

There is a failure again in place - the opponent began a massive offensive, attack and at your headquarters. Help the allies fight off, after which they report to the commander about the status of the front. Now you have to visit the connected point in the rear. Inside you will not find anyone - only

It is necessary to leave the territory, having previously told about the next army. Communication, as you remember, no, so you have to report yourself. Dove the first point on the horse, where the commander is.

Break away from the opponent's offensive to run the cat-scene in which Bishop will inform the commander of a bad news. However, and now your task ends, because in your army there were volunteers who have already left the headquarters and went to storm the Fortress of the enemy. Foster has left with them.

Chapter 3. Take care of yourself

Get to the Fort of Unbelief, protected by numerous groups of the enemy. You will have to find the way inside, moving on the right side. On the way, bypassing the camp, capture the necessary gear and mark the soldiers with the help of binoculars to simplify the task.

Soon you will reach the fortress, having met Foster's comrade entrance and a detachment. Most of the guys are injured, and the newcomer refuses to leave them. Bishop proposes to cover the guys while those will retreat.

Now you have to fight the fortress one on one. At the highest point of heaven, you will find an excellent shelter, from where you can make a methodically shoot enemies. While you will get there, Fort soldiers will attack you.

To overcome the flamethrower, go to his back and shoot a balloon. Next, you will have to fight back on top of the fortress for a long time, but at the very end you are wounded. The art crew will begin, who will erase the base from the face of the earth along with all its inhabitants ...

H Acking number 7. Nothing is destined

The mission is conducted on behalf of the narrator of Lawrence Arabian. He will talk about battles on the Arabian Peninsula, in the center of which will be the heroine Zara - the wife of Lawrence.

Chapter 1. To hide everyone in front of

You will find yourself on the hill, where you can explore the surroundings and calculate all enemies. When the case is done, go ahead and get to the train. Conduct inside through the hatch and, stepping a quiet sap, cut off all opponents.

At any time, you can go ahead, but secretive gameplay for this mission is more authentic. Take advantage of the machine gun and cover the enemies with a squall fire, or continue to rush and cut all one by one.

Then the roller will begin in which the heroine will be in the hands of the enemy. Nevertheless, after a moment, El Orens and his thugs will attack the invaders who will cut all opponents. The leader of your saviors will tell about a certain steel monster, who, exactly death, inexorably destroys all the living on his way.

Chapter 2. Work for young

Steel Monster is actually an armored train that cannot be stopped without a direct order from above. You will have to deal with three commanders who own capsules with cherished cipher. Each of the leaders sat down in the forts, which are arranged throughout the railway.

Dove the first fort for the horse. It doesn't matter in which sequence you will clean them, but we went to the weapon's warehouse, as it is protected worse than the rest. On the way to him, you will meet the Ottoman detachment - destroy it and move on. In place, find the highest building, on the top floor of which is the goal.

Next, visit the ruins - the second fort. You can use the nearest armor-piercing machine and roll out enemies on the ground, or go quietly, methodically cutting opponents. The goal will be outside, walking with a soldier. Take the latter if you play hidden, then quickly flush the commander and take the capsule.

The third fort is a village that is protected more than others. Observe the enemies and kill the goal that is located in the house. You will not have time to deliver the cipher, as the captive will suddenly paint - the very commander to whom your Savior from the previous chapter has retained life.

Chapter 3. Listen to the Desert

From the cat scene you will learn that Tilchi (this is the name of the former prisoner) managed to leave El Orens. At some point, he will begin to be banked, after which it will distract than and use our heroine. When Tilchi dies, the next video will start, where Zara, along with Lawrence, will discuss the plan for the attack on the steel monster.

Get to the place where you decide to arrange an ambush to the train. Alas, but there will be many enemies with whom you have to deal.

Use all the remedies for the battle, including dynamite, which can be found in the warehouse (Sabel icon).

Near the warehouse, use the tower, from where you can remove the lion's share of enemies with sniper. After that, you will have a face to face with machinery and machine gunners in armor. In this case, it makes sense to use the field weapon.

When the case is done, the cat-scene will begin. Zara will give a bomb to which the steel monster will soon drive. The train will be stopped, after which the enemies will begin to get out of it.

Sit down again for the field weapon and arrange chaos. But you should not sit for a long time behind the same tool, as people from the train will shoot at you from powerful guns - you have to constantly change the position. When you figure them out, the final roller will begin.

On this passage of Battlefield 1 ends. You did it, congratulations!

Video: Full passage of Battlefield 1

Like, if it was useful

DE Gustibus Non Est Disputandum, that is, do not argue about tastes. Ancient Romans from the forces were embarrassed, creating hundreds of winged phrases (including this), but there are very even arguing about tastes to this day. In school, some of you liked more mathematics lessons, and others were literature, well, and some generally strolled everything. The story was often considered a boring discipline, especially if the historic was a daughter of the employer and often could not tie together several proposals. But believe me on the word: if the story was taught as it was done in Battlefield 1, all students were bidded on this subject, remained for additional classes, and at home would be waited only for dinner.

World War I

We must pay tribute to the courageous Swedes from DICE (or their cartridges from the EA): they made a decisive step, and completely revised the approach to a narrative. If you do not take into account the early Battlefield dedicated to the Second World and Remote Future, the plot in the franchise has always been the same. Brave Morpene, who has superhuman abilities, alone stabilizes the situation in the Middle East or to Eurasia, and prevents the world catastrophe. Sometimes an ally is helped in this - Russian, Arab or Chinese. In general, a representative of one of the nations, which is lagging behind Western democracy. Apparently, the scripts tried to show that among these cave people there is hope for enlightenment.

As a result of the imposition of such epic storms, a tangible percentage of gamers did not even enter single Battlefield 3 and 4 campaigns, and immediately launched a multiplayer. Battlefield 1 - another thing. Opinions in our version were divided: some colleagues considered that the connected story is still better. But the author, the system of chapters telling about different participants in the First World War, seemed almost perfect. Otherwise, we would have risked to get a "story" (with a zero degree of historical accuracy) of any Harlem's hello fighter, who under the sounds of hip-hop, who was coming from the boombox, pursuing the Kaiser Wilhelm under the final titers.

This, praise the gods, did not happen. Instead, we have a world map in our hands, and small stories of five heroes: British tanker, American pilot, Italian Commandi (Arditi), Australian intelligence and Arab partisani. Let's just say: Start popcorn and cola, because you are not an absolute realism of the positional war, in which two tired armies have met each other from heavy artillery for several months, and a Hollywood fighter - with staged battles, a lot of explosions and other special effects, with beautiful Intermissions and even with emotions.


The game captures immediately from the first minutes. As soon as the British volunteer first turns out to be in the tank and turns the elegant ignition key (the giant lever in half of human growth), you are tightened into the hurricane action - or in the intelligent stealth, it's like someone else like it - and does not let go to the very end. Immediately amazes the overall beauty of the picture and attention to small details. The tank is expressing smoke clubs, snapshots, the cams are cut down with mud and clay, and the speed is 10 km / h. These were the same, these first land Leviathans. This is not T-90, cheerfully jumping from the board, as if rally-car Sebastien Loeba.

Fritz sat down from the mill? Direct vendor on them! Explosion, smoke clubs, fragments, funny-flight body - half the mill, as it did not happen, as well as German artillery. Tank duels are generally a separate song: shells are walking in enemy cars with a savory lead sound, well, the mini nuclear explosion of the enemy tank will satisfy even the most demanding critics of computer special effects - it is so beautiful.

It is somewhat more complicated with airplanes, because Biplane is not a supersonic fighter and, moreover, not a helicopter (in terms of disposal of control). ASS Heaven BF 3 and 4 will clearly leave a decent amount of time to re-accustomed and mastering capricious corn. But then you will feel with red barons: no Fire-and-Forget missiles, assistance in guidance and electronic traps - only machine guns, courage and head on shoulders. However, keep in mind: As colleagues are prompted, in the biplane multiplayer is even more difficult in management than in the single (in which airplanes have added some arcades).

Aki tatting in new

If you do above yourself and try to deny all emotions, the campaign can be perceived as an epic, beautiful and exciting ... Tutorial for multiplayer. Her Majesty will teach you to control the tank, the state adventurer - biplane, the hot Mediterranean will show a special heavy-costume, the ancestor of the insane Max will demonstrate the aza of the guidance of the lincard guns. "Stand, yes you are some clone Wot, WarthUnder and World of Warships describe" - you say. Calm down, everything is in order: pilots and mechanics will have to run on their two.

In the campaign Battlefield 1 there is a very exciting element that you will not find in a multiplayer: Stals. The story knows a lot of examples when Stals impose exclusively for the benefit of fashion, and also those genres where he is not needed at all. Classic example - Cinematic Order 1886, where, in some "spyware" sequences, detection automatically ended with the synology of death and failure. Decision, frankly, disgusting.

So: BF1 - the epic shooter about the global conflict, and not the task of James Bond. The developers could well limit themselves with scripting battles, and no one accuse them to anything. Instead, the Swedes are the honor of them and praise! - screwed to the usual "battle" a very decent full-fledged stealth, which does not seem to be exhausted. In the fog, the enemies do not see any damn at all, at night the situation is a little better (for them, of course), well, in the afternoon, there will notice something wrong and for a kilometer, and will raise the alarm if you do not work out for a couple of seconds. Dead bodies cause quite logical suspicions, after which the search for a secret chair begins throughout the camp. At the same time AI and there are AI: it is made so that you can feel your superiority over a piece of silicon. Split computer blanks is a pleasure. I threw a sleeve, disgusting, hit the pepper from behind, as the true king of the Russian pop scene.

If Stels fed up, you can feel the terminator. Become an Italian Arditi, take the knightly armor, take a heavy machine gun in the hands - and forward, only forward! At that moment, Hollywood turns into Bollywood (Indian Center of the Cinema): Unhappy Germans barely manage to pour on all sides to dozens of all sides, in order to fall under your bullets and very pictures to die.

Hell Harlem and two series "Lord of the Rings"

And now, according to tradition, criticism. We did not accidentally mention the prologue in the missions list, for in our opinion, it's just some kind of misunderstanding. And do not immediately pour charges in racism at our address. We would not be opposed if Dice did a beautiful and high-quality chapter about a dark guy from the workers of Pittsburgh's workers, whom the powerful hand of Uncle Sam burst out from the arms of his beloved Maggie and threw straight into the horn of an alien conflict of some incomprehensible Germans and French.

Instead, we see, as for one plug, a mission, several nameless dark-skinned fighters either rotates dozens of enemies, or dying under dense flame. And everything is not a response, nor lead, no human history. There is a good suspicion: the Nordic Persons from Dice already 85% were ready for the offensive, but here, from the Ocean with a particularly endless postal pigeon from the Central Staff (EA), an encrypted deppendacle came: "Urgently included in the dark-skinned ZPT of one on the cover of the PTC." The remaining chapters of the Swedes were made with a soul, and in this case they simply departed a subsidity under the threat of an all-powerful tribunal political correctness.

We also did not mention one more - more important - details: the campaign will take about 5-6 hours of time, even if you are not speedranner. You can, of course, try to put the level of complexity higher, but the author seems that the normal of the gamepad is like a hard on the mouse / keyboard, so 10 hours you do not add to your experience. Only if you stand, stick to each Kerosynka for 30 minutes and admire what else 5 years ago, the moths were just points, and now it is clearly drawn and fairly high pollifunctional insects.

Mentioned duration can be perceived in different ways, but we still advise a positive approach. As we have already spoken more than once, the cost of the base edition of BF1 on PC - 2000 rubles, which is quite democratic enough. Just imagine that you bought you and the girl two tickets in IMAX, and enjoyed an epic film with a bunch of explosions. With the only difference that later you "movie" will bring more than a hundred (if not over a thousand) hours of an excellent multiplayer.

By the way, about the multiplayer: he is damn good! We will not go down to completely yellow standards of journalism, and speak "Better than in ..." In addition, I don't want to jump a gallop in Europe (at least BF1 and provides all such an opportunity through its cavalry, not worse than in the game that has established the highest Standards of horse breeding - Red Dead Redemption). Simply put, in the multiplayer you have to play with feeling, with a sense, with the arrangement, and long enough - he is worthy of that! The plot and multiplayer in Battlefield have always been like two separate games - so we will appreciate them in the case of BF1: first the campaign, and later PVP.

+ Excellent graphics, shiny special effects, the strongest engine of modernity

+ Surprisingly good stals

+ Heroes cause empathy, despite the brief

- 5-6 hours? Few! We demand the top of the foam !!!

- Prologue - pure water misunderstanding

- Biplans are complicated in management

The developers continue to talk about the story company Battlefield 1, posted on the official website of the game a brief description of 5 episodes of the company.

Scene of a single company Battlefield 1 Built on small missions, each of which tells about military history, some of which are written on the basis of the memories of specific people who participated in the First World War.

At the start Battlefield 1. There are 20 such missions that constitute the episodes, which will be only 7. This information was several months ago "merge" on Reddit and recently received their confirmation.

High Circles Friends

Allies lose the war in the air. Britain fights with German asami. The average life expectancy of the pilot - 17 days. And now, knowing the statistics, take off and protect the sky over the Western front you are waiting for tense contractions, unexpected clashes and the history of real friendship.

Nothing is destined

In the deserts of the Middle East, the Arab tribes rebelled against the Move of the Ottoman Empire. The empire fights riders armed with only rifles. Your character is a Bedouin fighting shoulder to shoulder with the legendary Lawrence Arabian. The enemy is superior to you by technical equipment. Your chance to win is to destroy a giant rail gun.

Through dirt and blood

In the fall of 1918, British troops were preparing for a massive attack of the French city of Cambre. The command of the allies believes that the support of tanks will provide them with victory. But the Mark V tanks have one significant disadvantage. They are unreliable. Join the crew of a faulty tank in the enemy rear and learn how to get along and work in a team.

Forward, Savoy!

Italy and Austria-Hungary mutually block each other in the Alps. Among the snow-covered mountains, not a single side cannot be fastened. In the meantime, the elite mountain regiment of Arditi is preparing a non-standard attack. Improve Arditi armor and go to the mountains - in place of the fight two armies for the key fort.


The British Empire intends to open a new front in the war with Ottomans, arranged a mass invasion from the sea. Ships gathered at the Gallipolian Peninsula. On the day "D" of the First World War, more than half a million fighters were preparing for landing. Your hero, the wrestling corps of Anzak, will witness the terrible bombing during the landing. He will be entrusted to pass the urgent report. Deliver it through this hell - a question of life and death.

The structure of missions and episodes in Battlefield 1:

Episode 0: Prologue

  • Chapitre 1: Prologue

Episode 1: Friends in High Places

  • Chapitre 1: Flight School
  • Chapitre 2: Total War
  • Chapitre 3: Carry Your Friend
  • Chapitre 4: Blitz

Episode 2: Nothing Is Written

  • Chapitre 1: Hidden in Plain Sight
  • Chapitre 2: Young Mens Works
  • Chapitre 3: Hear The Desert

Episode 3: Through Mud and Blood

  • Chapitre 1: Tank Assault
  • Chapitre 2: Fog of War
  • Chapitre 3: Out Of Gas
  • Chapitre 4: Steel ON Steel

Episode 4: Avanti Savoia!

  • Chapitre 1 :?
  • Chapitre 2 :?

Episode 5: The Runner

  • Chapitre 1 :?
  • Chapitre 2 :?
  • Chapitre 3 :?

Episode 6: Epilogue

  • Chapitre 1: Gallipoli
  • Chapitre 2: The Runaround
  • Chapitre 3: Saving A Life