Harry Kasparov about his wife and children: I lead an extremely exemplary lifestyle & quot. Harry Kasparov - Chess player and politician with whom Kasparov did not meet

The Caucasus gave the world a lot of great and respected people. These are real warriors, and famous scientists, and popular artists. And, of course, the world champion in chess, Grandmaster - Harry Kasparov. This genius deservedly became:

  • the eleventh-time owner of a chess "Oscar";
  • the eight-time winner of the World Chess Olympiad;
  • champion of the USSR;
  • honored Master of Sports of the USSR;
  • champion of Russia.

Part of the experts believes that Kasparov Harry Kimovich is generally the best chess player of all times and peoples. When it appeared and how the talent of this genius was developing, as the personal life of the champion was developed, it would be told further.

Biography of Harry Kasparov

A boy was born in 1963 in the city of Baku in the family of Jew Kim Moiseevich Weinstein and Armeniank Clara Shagenovna Kasparova. And under 12 years old, he wore the surname of the Father, but because of the mother who flourished in the USSR, the mother, with the consent of all the relatives, changed the son of the sown. So changed Harry Casparov nationality, turning from the Jewish boy to Armenian.

By the time the father's father was no longer alive - he died of lymphosarcoma in 1970. But about the talent of the son Kim Moiseevich managed to find out - the kid at the age of 5 suggested the Father's faithful decision of a chess etude published in the newspaper. Then Dad and began to seriously engage in Harry.

At 7 years old, the boy, as it should be, became a first-grader. At the same time, he began to attend a chess circle in the Baku House of Pioneers, where the unique abilities of the child immediately noted his first coach - Oleg Podorovsky. Already at 10 years old, the boy participated in serious youthful competitions. And once fate smiled Harry - his famous master Alexander Nikitin saw his game.

Under the guidance of this coach, the sports growth of young Kasparov continued. It is with the filing of Nikitin that the young chess player falls to the school Mikhail Botvinnik - whose name then sounded everywhere. The ex-champion of the world chess adopted young talent to his fenats.

And Harry did not let down his mentors. His successes were so significant that Botvinnik personally "knocked out" a scholarship for Kasparov and achieved that the young man was engaged in an individual program.

Formation of the future chess player

The efforts of coaches and the ward surpassed all expectations. Soon the chess player Harry Kasparov became known far beyond the limits of Azerbaijan and the Soviet Union. In 1976, he became the winner of the USSR Championship in junior chess. And this is in a 12-year-old age! Two years later, already having the title of candidate for the master of sports, Kasparov early wins the tournament Memorial Sokolsky, which involves eminent grandmasters. And gets the title of Master.

A year later, Harry visited Europe and became the winner of the international tournament in the city of Banya-Luka, passing out the norm of the international grandmaster. The stunning success was possible, of course, thanks:

  1. Analytical warehouse of the mind.
  2. Stubborn work.
  3. Clear settings of the coach.

The mentor achieved that young talent for the first time turned out to be abroad. And to support the talented young man took himself, who in those years was the first secretary of the KP of Azerbaijan - guardianship from his part more than once helped Kasparov. After all, the KGB could not be called a loyal organization, and the biography of Harry Kasparov, the one that refers to childhood, slightly "confused" by a caring mother.


In 1980, Harry ends middle school, he is a gold medalist. As for the sports career, by this time he has a very solid track record and the title of grandmaster of the international class. Recalling to study in the Azerbaijan Pedigrement Institute at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, he continues to engage in chess.

As if they themselves came victory over Viktor Corrun and Vasily Middle. And then the opposition began, followed by the entire chess world for 10 years. Behind the board "collided" Karpov and Kasparov are two strongest athletes who fought for the title of world champion.

By giving tribute to your coach Mikhail Botvinnik, who was 6 world champion in chess, Harry wanted to prove that their joint work was not in vain. And here she is a victory! 1985 announced the world that the chess crown was hoisted on Kasparov's head. He was thirteenth! He was called great and terrible! And then Karpov, after that, once again tried to "throw off" Armenian from a pedestal, but unsuccessfully.

Sports, Politics, Charity

A proud man is difficult to humiliate and put on his knees. So Casparov, when his opinion is undeservedly "bypassed", demonstratively came out of the international organization of FIDE chess players. It happened in 1993. Now he played under the auspices of Psha. For this Kasparov was deprived of the world title according to FIDE. But it did not prevent him from playing.

In 2000, the great and terrible, alas, lost the match for the world championship and gave the crown to Vladimir Kramnik. But the eminent chess player continued to participate in world tournaments and win. Being not only an excellent athlete, but also a good politician, he openly acts in the ranks of oppositionists and even heads the combined civil debt movement. And unnoticed by the world of sports. And in 2005, it officially announces that he leaves a chess career.

Today, Kasparov appears on one, then on another political chain that it did not prevent him in 2014 to run into the presidents of FIDE. True, an attempt was unsuccessful. Since 1987, Harry Kimovich has been engaged in charitable activities. As it should be a real man, he does not shout about it, but simply performs his duty. Refugees and lonely pensioners, as well as wars veterans - these are the people with whom he has already provided assistance to the amount exceeding $ 1 million.

Family and personal life

Well, what could be the biography of Harry Kasparov without a personal life?

Officially, he was married twice. But still, as a student met M. Ruthkova. The woman was older than a young talent for 16 years, which did not prevent them from meeting during the three-year period. As a result, Marina gave birth to a girl nickname, but Harry did not recognize paternity.

But the acquaintance in 1986 with the translator guide was fateful. They met 2 years, and then issued their relations officially. After 3 years, Harry became the father of the beautiful Girl Polina. But the marriage turned out to be short. They say, not the last role played by Mom Kasparov, who categorically did not want a young family to live separately. As a result, the Son, to whom Clara Schagenovna devoted all his life, remained in Russia, and for the ex-wife and daughter was supposed to buy an apartment in the USA - so the court decided.

But life lasted, and in 1996, Kasparov marries again. His companion was young Julia Vovk, who was younger than chess king for 15 years. This marriage lasted 9 years, and the son was immediately born - Vadim. Today, Harry Kimovich is in excellent sports form, he loves football, swimming, gymnastics, but never forgets about his favorite chess.

Remember how in 1998 he created the site "Kasparov Club", and how this Internet resource acquired unheard of popularity. And a year later, Microsoft has already suggested playing the global community against the great and terrible. The success of the site was awesome - 3 million visits for 4 months! And this is chess. To be honest, that today, and after 100 years it will be, first of all, a chess player with a world name, and then a politician, her husband, father, etc.

Kasparov Harry Kimovich (04/13/1963) - the 13th world champion in chess, 11 times recognized as the best chess player of the world, over the course of the 13th year heading the FIDE rating. After the end of the sports career decided to devote himself to politics, and he always stands on the side of various opposition parties and associations.

"In vain, everyone thinks that chess is just a cold calculation, and chess players are soulless robots that are able to calculate a million options in the head. In fact, this is a very emotional game. And besides the mind in it, you need to be a psychologist. And most importantly, chess teach courage and ability to risk. But risk with mind "


Harry Kasparov was born in the capital of Azerbaijan on April 13, 1963. His birth last name was Weinstein. Father, Kim Moiseevich, worked in the energy sector of the engineer, and his mother, Clara Shagenovna, was a specialist in telemechanic by profession.

Chess talents began to appear in the boy for another 5 years. Parents loved to solve the challenges in the newspaper. And once Harry suggested the right course. After that, Kim Moiseevich decided to give his son to a chess school. The first basins of the "smart game" Kasparov compiled in the Baku House of Pioneers. And he trained him at the time Oleg Podorovsky. Unfortunately, when Harry was only 7 years old, he lost his father. He died of lymphosarcoma.

The change of surname from Weinstein on Kasparov occurred on the initiative of the mother. She counted that so the boy would be easier to break into sports. Still, at that time, a certain anti-Semitism existed in the USSR.

Carier start

In 1973, Harry Kasparov was adopted at school, which was headed by the ex-world world champion Mikhail Botvinnik. Moreover, the grandmaster itself achieved that the boy is engaged in an individual program. And it immediately gave the result. At 11, Harry beat a more famous opponent - Grossmaster Yuri Averbach.

At 13, Kasparov already became the champion of the USSR, and all the participants of the tournament were for several years older than Harry. In the same year, Kasparov defended the honor of the Union at international competitions and won the bronze medal.

In 1978, Kasparov received the title of Master of Sports. And a year later, he made talking about himself the whole chess world. He was only 16 years old when he was with the filing of Botvinnik, he was recorded on the tournament, in which only grandmasters took part. And Kasparov won a sensational victory without losing anyone. After such success, Kasparov personally congratulated Heydar Aliyev, the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee of Azerbaijan.

In 1981, Kasparov won the USSR Championship among professionals and became the youngest athlete in the history of the country to whom it succeeded.

Championship path

His first match for the title of world champion Kasparov spent in 1984. The opponent was Anatoly Karpov. For victory it was necessary to win 6 parties. Interestingly, rivals had previously met in various tournaments. There were only three meetings, and they all ended in a draw.

In the confrontation of Kasparov led with a score of 4-0, but then the experienced champion changed the tactics and began to play a draw. As a result, Karpov managed to cultivate an invoice in this confrontation, it became 5-3.

The confrontation between Kasparov and Karpov continued in 1985. Harry Kimovich began with a convincing victory in the first batch, but then the actual champion intercepted the initiative. Everything came to the decisive 24th party. In her, Karpov played white and in order to preserve his title, he was needed to win. And everything was on his side, but Kasparov managed, playing black, reversal the move of the match and snatch the victory with a total score of 13-11.

On November 10, 1985, Harry Kasparov became the youngest world champion in the history of Chess. At that time he was only 22 years old.

Man against the car

For his sports career, Harry Kasparov won many more tournaments against the most famous gloss brusters. But the most interesting was his opposition to the supercomputer. The very first match occurred in 1989. It consisted of two parties. His current world champion easily won.

"If the computer can beat the best of the best, it means that he will be able to compose both better music, write the best books. I do not believe in this. And always ready to protect the human race "

The second attempt to beat Kasparov IBM staff was taken in 1996. They invented the computer, which calculated about 200 million combinations per second. And the first party Harry lost. But then he managed to take himself in his hands and won the final victory with a score of 4-2.

Another confrontation of a person and a computer occurred in 2003. The match turned out very tense. And although Kasparov won the first batch, the final account turned 3-3.

Political career

She began at Harry Kasparov back in 1984, when he was adopted by the CPSU and became a member of the Central Committee of the Azerbaijani CCM. In 1990, Kasparov was one of the creators of the Democratic Party of Russia. And in the 93rd stood at the origins of the block "Choice of Russia".

In 2000, Harry Kasparov joined the opposition movements. He entered the coalition "Other Russia", which was conceived as an alternative to United Russia. Starting from 2006, Kasparov began regularly participate in the Moscow "Marsh disagree". Known as one of the most tary critics of the current power and personally President Vladimir Putin.

Personal life

Harry Kasparov married three times and he has children from every marriage. The first time he went to the registry office in 1989. His chosen was Maria Arapova, a guide from the Intourist Hotel. They lived together for four years, gave birth to a daughter to Polina, but then they diverged. Now Maria with Polina live in America.

The second wife of Kasparov was a young student Julia Vovk. They stayed together for almost 10 years. There is a common son Vadim.

Finally, for the third time Kasparov married in 2005. His spouse Daria Tarasova. A year later, the daughter of Aida was born, and in July 2015, the son of Nikolay was born.

Harry Kasparov - a chess player, which is called the greatest player of the chess world. The eight-time winner of the Chess Olympiad, the 13th World Chess Champion, 11-fold Chess Oskaronosc. In 2005, he left professional sports in politics and headed the Opposition Coalition "Other Russia".

Childhood and youth

Harry Kimovich Kasparov was born on April 13, 1963 in the capital of Azerbaijan in the family of intellectuals. The nationality of the chess player has repeatedly caused disputes in the Soviet society and sports circles. It is known that Kasparov has a Jewish origin on the father's line and Armenian - on the maternal. Kim Moiseevich and Clara Shagenovna, grandfathers of the grandmaster, were considered the elite of Baku Society.

The parents of the future chess king worked as engineers, and also seriously engaged in chess game. Therefore, the enthusiasm of the chess genius began with this sport from the very birth - already at the age of 5, the young Harry began to learn the game from a professional coach.

In 2008, Kasparov created the opposition democratic movement "Solidarity" and began to work on organizing protest rallies for Putin's resignation. But the ideas of the policy did not receive support and coverage in the media.

In 2013, Harry said he did not intend to return to Russia, continuing to fight the "Kremlin crimes" at the international level. In March 2014, Kasparov's website, which openly published calls for unlawful work and mass events, was blocked by Roskomnadzor.

Its vision of the problems that are called between Russia and Ukraine, the politician has expressed a politician on the broadcast "Visiting Dmitry Gordon". Her show took place in 2014.

Personal life

Harry Casparov's personal life is not less saturated than his sports career and socio-political activities. An attractive chess player (height 174 cm, the weight of 80 kg) has always remained an object of close attention from women. The man was married three times, he has children - four recognized heirs.

The first wife of Kasparov in 1989 was the Inturist guide of Maria Arapova. In the 1992th, the daughter of Polina was born in the Kasparov family, but soon the Family Union gave a crack, the spouses had to be divorced at the initiative of Harry Kimovich. Later, Maria and Polina received American citizenship and went to the United States.

The second time the chess player married an 18-year-old student Julia Vovk. In 1996, the second wife of Kasparov gave birth to him the son of Vadim. After 9 years, the second marriage of the world chess champion also collapsed.

Immediately after the divorce Harry Kimovich again plunged into a love relationship. This time his chosen was the secular lioness Daria Tarasova, which is 20 years younger than Kasparov. In 2005, Harry Kimovich married Darius, who gave him a daughter Aida. In July 2015, Kasparov's family was replenished with the heir - the spouse gave birth to her husband Nicholas.

In addition to official relations, Harry Kasparov also consisted of loved ones with the actress of theater and cinema Marina Neelan, who gave birth to a chess daughter of Nick. But at the request of the mother, a man refused to admit her, despite the fact that Nika Neelan looks like a father like "two drops of water."

To communicate with comrades and friends, Harry uses an account in

Harry Kasparov - a man forever who wrote himself into the world history of Chess, the 13th world champion. As soon as it was not only important: "Computer with soul", "great and terrible", "Destroyer", "Bolshevik". Such different nicknames indicate the brightest nature of Kasparov's personality, which in addition to chess is well known in other areas of life.

According to many specialists, Kasparov today's greatest chess player of the world. Certificate for this is a huge number of awards and titles. Only Chess "Oscars" in his collection 11. According to unofficial data, it has about fifty victories in tournaments of various levels of complexity, and is also an eight-time champion of chess Olympiad.

In 1989, Harry Kasparov, the first on the planet overcame the threshold of 2,800 points of the Elo rating, and in the late 90s, after several victories in the highest category Support, it reached a striking figure of 2851 units. This achievement was able to surpass only in 2012 (2861). For 21 years (1985 - 2006), Kasprov had almost permanently dominated by Chess Olympus, not allowing no one from the first place. At the time of chess care, its rating was 2812 units.

Childhood and youth

Harry Kimovich Kasparov (nee Vineshin) was born on April 13, 1963 in Baku. Garik's parents - Father Kim Moiseevich Vinstein (Jew by nationality) and Mother Clara Shagenovna Kasparova (Armenian) were engineers. Up to 11 years, Harry wore the surname of the Father, however, his mother, frightened by the turnover of anti-Semitic sentiment, decided to give him his surname.

According to some information, the parents discovered the non-residential talent of the Son, when he helped his father to solve the chess etude. According to the Soviet tradition, the boy was given to the section at the House of Pioneers. After the death of the father who deceased from Sarcoma, the mother quit from the Research Institute and completely devoted himself to the career of the future champion.

Despite the children's dreams about the profession of a doctor (so he wanted to save the incurablely sick father), the first serious success came to him in chess - in 9 years old Kasparov, the first crown, and at 10 years old already CCM. Soon he leaves for his studies at the Botvinnik school, where he was on the recommendation of his future mentor Alexander Nikitin.

Already at this time, Maestro celebrated the non-cold analytical abilities of the Baku. "This is an exceptional chess talent, very resembling Alekhina, but very subjective and speaking in his decisions," a pupil from Botvinnik speaks about his student.

1980 was marked for the future chess king assigning the title of grandmaster (at 17 years) and the end of school with a gold medal. In front of the young man, the broadest prospects were opened, but Harry entered the Baku Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, which she successfully graduated.

Harry Casparov with Mother, Clara Shegynova

The confrontation "Two K"

One of the most important pages of the biography of the great chess player is devoted to the confrontation with the principal rival, the 12th world champion. Their first match for the chess crown began in September 1984. Then, few people have already remembered that in 1975, at the session of the simultaneous game against Karpov, the young Harry managed to achieve an equal position, but because of the annoying mistake lost (see the party below, in the section "Selection of parties").

After the ninth party, Karpov won 4: 0 (for the conquest of the championship it was necessary to 6 wins), after which Kasparov changed the tactics and began to frankly play a draw. It is not surprising that then 17 parties followed without victories, after what Karpov won again. Nobody knew that an unprecedented chess marathon would last 48 parties and ended with the decision of the then President FIDE Florencio Campomanes ahead of schedule to finish the match. By that time Karpov led in the account 5: 3. Despite the desire of both parties to continue the duel, there was no solution.

At the FIDE held after this Congress, changes were made to the Rules for the title of world champion of the world. Now he consisted of 24 parties on the results of which the winner was announced. In case of equality of points, the crown retained the current champion.

September 3, 1985, began a re-match. And this time, the intrigue remained until the very end. The rivals alternately went ahead, carp after the 4th, and Kasparov after the 16th Party. It turned out to be a turning point. Winning another batch of Kasparov no longer missed the victory from the hands. As a result, 13:11 in favor of the applicant. Not yet reached 23 years old, Harry Kasparov became the youngest world champion in history. After that, three more matches will follow (1986, 1987, 1990), in each of which Kasparov will be stronger.

Then no one else knew that the confrontation of the "two K" would be out of the limits of a chessboard and will fall into the struggle of a single hero (Kasparov) and a supporter of official power (Karpova).

Literary creativity

Harry Kimovich has many publications as a writer and a journalist. Among the most famous and resonant works, the autobiography of the chess player, published for the first time in English in 1987, called the "Child of Changes". Later, the book was Russified and changed the name to the "Unlimited Duel". Since 2003, in collaboration with journalist Dmitry Plisetsky, he creates a literary cycle "My Great Predecessors" in which it describes in detail the biography, as well as creative innovations of chess champions of an earlier period. In addition, in the fivetomy of the most interesting parties with their participation.

In 2007, he produces the work of "Chess as a model of life", which they managed to call him autobiography. Here the author argues about the influence of chess to engage in politics and entrepreneurship. During this period, another work of the grandmaster "Debut Revolution of 70s" was published, which presents a detailed analysis of the cardinal changes that occurred in the theory of debuts.


Back in the late 80s. Harry Kimovich joined the desperate struggle against the Almighty Fide. Then he initiates the emergence of the International Association of Grassmasters. Later, I categorically disagree with the politics of the world chess organization, he together with N. Short announces in 1993 to hold a match against each other under the auspices of the newly created professional chess association. This led to the temporary exclusion of the grandmaster from FIDE rating, where he was soon restored. After the dissolution of PSH, Kasparov took part in creating a new opposition structure of the World Chess Council.

Fights against computer

Kasparov stood at the origins of the confrontation of a person against artificial intelligence. He first measured forces with a computer back in 1989. Then chess programs were still not perfect at all, so the great chess player did not leave the chance of the car, easily defeating in two parties. In 1996, the American company IBM prepared for the world champion of a formidable opponent in the face of the supercomputer "Deep Blue". The match, held in Philadelphia, ended the victory of Kasparov 4: 2. Already then, an amazing fact was recorded - the loss of the current champion machine in the classic chess format. However, the next year the whole world led to the news of the victory of artificial intelligence. Despite the tense struggle, Casparov lost to the 2.5: 3.5 account.

Since then, many strongest chess players have tried to play with a computer and often lost, such as, for example, in a commemorative match against Deep Fritz. The words of Harry Kimovich that there is no chance of the classic chess on the computer against a person, there were no prophetic. Today, even on ordinary tablets, there are many applications that play at the level of the grandmaster, and the most powerful programs have the power of a game greater than 3,000 units on the ELO system.

In the late 90s, Kasparov became interested in the idea of \u200b\u200bpromoting chess to the World Wide Network, organizing the thematic portal "Kasparov Club". In 1999, under the auspices of Microsoft, he holds an unusual match against the whole world and wins him.

Sports departure

Kasparov left professional chess in 41, when the career was in full swing, and ahead was a lot of prospects. As the champion himself explained, for him every party is not just a way to victory, but also the ability to change something. By that time he did not feel the strength to such changes, losing the former drive.

Political Career and Scandals

In 2005, leaving professional chess, Harry Kimovich was plunged into politics, becoming one of the yarn critics of the current authorities. But the first steps on this field he did much earlier. Back in 1990, Kasparov was involved in the emergence of a democratic party, and after 3 years he was actively supported by the political project of the "Choice of Russia". Since the beginning of the 2000s, he goes to the Stan of an implacable opposition. Kasparov managed to participate in the activities of a number of protest organizations - Solidarity, National Assembly of the Russian Federation, All-Russian Civil Congress and a number of others. He also was listed in the Coordination Council of the Russian Opposition.

Casparov's detention near the Khamovnic Court of Moscow in August 2012. Harry Kimovich came to support the participants of the Pussy Riot group of the desecrated christ of Christ the Savior. Police accused Kasparov in the time of detention, he allegedly bitten one of the employees

Having moved in 2013 in the United States, he continues the confrontation of power. In 2014, its resource Kasparov.ru was officially blocked at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. In the same year, he condemned the accession of the Crimea to Russia, stating that the peninsula on the right should belong to Ukraine.

In 2014, Kasparov lost the election of the FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhin, later stating that this international organization turned into a structure that covers the activities of the Russian special services. Alas, the story is not over. Back in January 2014, US reporters told about a contract, which allegedly concluded Casparov with the head of the Chess Federation of Singapore Ignatius Leongos. According to the contract, Kasparov was supposed to pay 1 million dollars Singapurts, if he provides him with comprehensive support for the election of the president of FIDE.

Later it became known that it was only a contract of contract. In the final agreement, the bribe was taken, the money was transferred "to support the development of chess in the country." As a result of Kasparov, not only lost the election Ilyumzhin, but also jumped his reputation. The deceitfulness of the situation was that an ardent fighter with corruption was air conditioned. After this incident, the nickname "Dirty Harry" was glued behind Kasparov.

Career businessman

In the first half of the 90s. Kasparov acquired a large package of shares of the popular radio station "Echo Moscow", which was then beneficial to Vladimir Gusinsky. At the same time, he made the founder of Kasparov-Consulting, which was engaged in charter freight and consulting Western investors. In 1996, in partnership with American Maxim Dlugi, Harry founded the RGF investment fund, which bought the controlling stake in the magnesium factory in Solikamsk.

In 1999, with the support of Israeli businessmen, he creates a company engaged in the development and implementation of paid online services for learning chess games. However, to promote the resource was not properly failed and after three years it was liquidated. Also, with the participation of the world champion, three chess simulators were published using his name in the title. In 2001, Kasparov decided to complete entrepreneurial activities in Russia and translated the available assets abroad.

Personal life

Kasparov's identity is characterized by extraordinary brightness in all manifestations and family life has not exceptions. He was married three times and every marriage did not remain childless. The first spouse of the chess player Maria Arapova had a brilliant philological education received at Moscow University. Her beautiful manners and excellent knowledge of languages \u200b\u200bmade an impression on Clara Shagenovna, whose belief was always listened to the opinion. However, despite the birth of the daughter of Polina, the family after that fell apart.

Kasparov with the first wife of Maria Arapova

The second wife of Kasparov became barely reached the age of adulthood Julia Vovk, with which he accidentally met in Riga on the Tal Memorial. From this marriage, which lasted 9 years, he remained the second child - son Vadim.

A few months after the second divorce, Harry Kimovich married again. This time his companion of life was a native of St. Petersburg Daria Tarasova, who had time to give birth to him two children -Dead Aida and son Nicholas.

In addition, in the mid-80s. He had close relationship with the famous actress Marina Neelanova, which is older than Kasparov for 16 years. In one of his books, the chess player explained that this union was the result of the feeling of their mutual exclusivity. During this period of life, Neelan was born a daughter Nick, but Harry Kimovich hurried to disgregate from her fatherhood.

  • Date February 15, 1985, when the decision of Campomanes was interrupted by his fight with Anatoly Karpov, Kasparov will call the beginning of his political career.
  • According to a survey of the British company Creators Synectics, Harry entered the list of the world of world geniuses, taking 25th place. Interestingly, in this list there are only three Russians and two chess players (except for Kasparov else).
  • Once, speaking in Toronto on the topic of chess benefits for the development of intelligence, Kasparov spoke so brilliantly, which made everyone those present by the deepest respect for an ancient game, for which he lost his shoes that grateful fans had been touched. Now shoes are stored at the local museum.
  • At the end of his career, in 2004, Kasparov played two parties against Magnus Carlsen, who was 13 years old at that time. In one of the parties, where Carlsen played White, Kasparov turned out to be very difficult to escape from the defeat. Judging by the video below, Magnus has no problem with the psyche from a small years - he looked more than calmly, which cannot be said about Kasparov.

Selection of parties

The first party played by Kasparov against Karpova

Leningrad, 1975.

This is the first party that Harry Casparov played in his life with Anatoly Karpov.

The hobby of Harry Kasparov is a weak floor of the legend, he knows a lot about women's beauty, appreciates mind, talent and gloss. Ladies always played a big role in his life. The expression "King makes a switch" in its case it would be possible to reailed in the "king makes the queen."

The main queen, and, at the same time, and the gray cardinal Kasparov is his mother, Clara Shagenovna. They say all his novels and marriages were under her sensitive control - as she says, so it will be. Someone from the relatives of the chess player even joked: "Harry Kimovich marries often, in marriage lives long, and his mother should please this" ...

Classic Wunderkind

In Baku, where the future genius chess was born and grew up, his family caused admiration. The father-engineer and mother doctor belonged to the cream of society. All noted the similarity of Clara Shagenovna with Sophie Loren, her husband, Kim Moiseevich Vinstein, walked prominent handsome.

They talked about them: "What a beautiful couple!", And be sure to: "Yes, a brilliant child!". Garik in children's games did not play, but read books and newspapers. Parents were fond of chess. According to a family legend, a 5-year-old son somehow suggested to them the decision of a chess task - it became clear that the boy had a great future in front.

Over time, Harry began to take part in local tournaments, at first he was recorded under the name Weinstein, but Clara Shagenovna considered that the creative fate of the Son would be easier with the name of Kasparov.

The father of the future chess player dies from the lymphosarcoma. Clara Shagenovna will say that their family was smoothed. More woman married will not come out, she will quit from work and completely devote himself to the child. The Sport Committee will decide to pay her wages similar to the salary of professional coaches.

Irrepressible love

In 1979, after the International Chess Tournament in Yugoslavia, the head of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev will officially take the young grand masterpiece for personal care.

Harry from 13 years will begin to receive a scholarship. They will settle with her mother in a large apartment, and will spend time on the luxurious dacha in the throat on the coast, next to the cottages of Aliyev himself. In the absence of Kasparov, Muslim Magomayev rested there.

Clara Shagenovna will be a personal press secretary of the Son, in its jurisdiction to receive phone calls, negotiate, to solve with whom you can connect, and who do not. It will not move away from the son.

"Call Clare Shagenovna"

For all the questions about the former call, the parents of one of the wives of Kasparov Yuli answered: "Call Clare Shagenovna." In person questions, the effect of energetic mom was also very large.

To the hobbies of temperamental harry, it treated calmly - the main thing is to follow the regime. They wrote that the future champion could calmly bring two prostitutes at once. Mom only carefully watched Garik not violated the schedule of classes and training. If he left the house, he was constantly in touch.

About their relationship with women in the young years of Kasparov responded like this:

"At 22, I became the world champion, I had money, status, opportunities. All this created a lot of temptations. Therefore, life, let's say, was pretty messy. Fans of the entrance did not precipitate, but there is something to remember. Sumbura was less than we can assume, but still enough. "

Roman with Marina Neelan

In 1984, Kasparov got acquainted with the actress Marina Neelan. He was 21 years old, she was 37 years old, but did not feel the difference in the age of lovers. Their romance lasted two years and ended with a gap. The actress admitted to his beloved man, which is pregnant, did not accept the kasparov. Since then, they never communicated again.

The first meeting of the new actress and the youngest challenger on the title of world champion in the history of Chess occurred in the theater. He saw her as Masha in Chekhov's "Three Sisters". But a personal acquaintance occurred in the star of the Star Sophisticate Couple - the coach in figure skating Tatiana Tarasova and Pianist Vladimir Krasov.

Neelova was in the hall during all his matches, sitting next to the grandmaster, Clara Schagenova. They say they were called them: "Two moms."

However, exactly the mother of Kasparov and prevented their novel. She believed that these relationships could be a hindrance in the career of the Son. Harry listened to the mother and broke with Neelan. Marina at that time was already pregnant. "This is not our child," said Clara Shagenovna Press. And she said to her son: "You marry only Russian Masha!"

Proud actress once and forever crossed the man who made her man from his life. In 1987, Marina Neelova gave birth to a daughter, the girl was called Nick. She was almost forty when she became a mom.

Masha's wife

Kasparov married Maria Arapova, when it came to be cooled. Settling in Moscow, Kasparov lived in two "suites" of Azerbaijani post prunes. All the time with the young wife he spent there, but they went to a small-sized one-bedroom apartment of Spouses, where she lived with her grandmother.

Breakfast, the young people returned to Clara Shagenovna, who did not trust anyone to take care of the son's diet. As before, she watched Harry's wardrobe.

Clara Shagenovna will not forgive Masha her mistakes. For example, the fact that that will offer her husband to buy a mother's mom separately from them. As soon as Harry and Masha had a daughter of Polina, a young family finally gave a crack. All the car attention switched to the daughter.

Harry rarely visited his wife and daughter abroad, where she left to give birth. Soon he said to the spouse that matured for a divorce. They began to communicate only through lawyers.

After the divorce, Maria is recognized to journalists: "I was disappointed in Harry. I would not want to hang labels. God him judge. "


Many chess players were betraying: how much will the new marriage of Harry Kasparov - half a year or a year. Kasparov married 18-year-old Julia Vovk in 1996. A few months later, the son of Star Pair Vadim appeared. But in 2005, their union broke up.

Third marriage

In the summer of 2005, Harry sent his second wife Julia with her son to rest abroad. And himself in St. Petersburg connected himself with Darya Tarasov's Uzami Gimenta.

The woman was nineteen years younger Kasparova, a bright brunette, finished school with a medal and received a red diploma of economic college.

In the middle of zero in New York, the twenty-five-year-old Dasha gave birth to Harry daughter. The girl was called Aida, in honor of Mother Kasparov, so the name of her closest people. On July 6, 2015, their son Nicholas appeared.

The third marriage of the ex-champion of the world could be called successful, but a few years ago it became known that 33-year-old Daria Tarasova was delivered to one of the hospitals of New York with injuries. Doctors diagnosed in her nose fracture, brain concussion, eliminating the right shoulder and numerous bruises.

The victim told that she was attacked by unknown persons with her daughter during a walk. However, according to the police, the nature of the injuries contradicts the testimony of the victim.

Neighbors confirmed that in the family of Harry Kimovich a long time had serious problems. Tarasova, allegedly, repeatedly complained about the acquaintances on the soldiers from the spouse, mainly relating to financial relations.

The investigation had no direct evidence that Harry Kimovich was involved in the beating of a spouse. But police officers were inclined to this version, noting that Kasparov is inclined to impulsive behavior, and had previously appealed to a family psychologist with complaints about a sudden loss of self-control.

Based on materials: compromat.ru, in-sider.org