John and Mary games 1. Game Jim and Mary. Modern interpretation of the famous story

Here you can play for free on the online game - Jim loves Mary 2, the original name - Jim Loves Mary 2. This game was played 110197 times (a) and it was estimated 4.5 out of 5, 245 people voted (a).

  • Platform: web browser (PC only)
  • Technology: Flash. Flash Player is needed for work.
  • Ability to play full screen

How to play?

You will be waiting for twenty breathtaking levels, each of which will have to solve various tasks and meet not only with dangerous enemies and various monsters, but also to look for secret levers. At first, the monsters do not seem so dangerous, but with each direct contact with your lovers will take one heart, so hard. After all the hearts are completed due to contact with the monster, one of the heroes will die and have to start first. Each of these levers has its own color that opens the door of the same color. In addition, all the levers do not have any locksators, that is, coming on it, the mechanism of opening the door is activated, but as soon as one of the heroes will remove the leg from the lever, the door will return to his place and the passage will be closed. Therefore, think is pretty well, and after act.

The infancy of fate is so unpredictable and sometimes completely not fair that lovers are far from always can be together. But if two hearts are sincerely loved, then nothing will prevent them in the end. Romantic themes became a reason for touching and fascinating games that we suggest trying to all who are looking for cute and non-militant adventures.

The passage will affect events developing between a pretty guy and a girl who covered with his head love, sincere and clean. Jim and Mary will be impressed both to schoolchildren and reoxoites. All applications are easily launched on the computer and in a few moments take into the amazing world of the colorful plot line, from which there will be no desire to break up to the final minute.

All games Jim and Mary online

Get acquainted with the main actors

Jim and Mary games will have a mutual sympathy between a couple broke out from the first minute of their meeting. The young lady and the guy were eager to continue to communicate, spend leisure together, play, walk in cinema and parks. But Mom and Papa beauties decided that she was still early to think about relations and for boys and girls of such ages should be interesting only to study and hobbies.

Therefore, they insisted that the boy was holding away from their bloodstream. Jim and Mary's games argue that the cavalier from his ladies of the heart is not going to refuse, and even the aggressive attitude of his father was not embarrassed. Yes, he had to temporarily retreat to think over the principle of further actions.

How does it all confuse?

The whole night did not sleep our ardent guy and invented how to do. If it is curious to observe the fate of the character, then join him. He will have to go through the simple way with a mass of tests and if they are divided into two, then it will be much easier to deal with all the problems. So, we have the strategy, it's time to move towards active steps.

So that it was more convenient to navigate, Jim and Mary decided to smash their reunification plan for twenty stages. And we advise the gamers to deploy the picture to the whole screen, then exactly not a single valentine in the form of a heart will be pronounced, namely, they collect a bold knight for his princess.

We'll have to run, jump, climbing somewhere and sometimes go down. All games of this section are quests that you can even download. And where to make the download - to solve you, on the PC and on the android flash drive will run in the same mode. Make so that in Games Jim and Mary was the long-awaited Happy End.

The time of a fun game for two "Jim loves Mary" - 1 Ferlings of the platformer with a love story and dissatisfied relatives. You can play full screen and freely revive your hero in case of failure if you do everything right. We will tell you how to get the game, call friends and start right now!

According to the story of the game Jim and Mary want to be together, but the girls do not like the guy! The guys have to see secretly, hiding from relatives armed with pools, rolling and baseball bits.

How to play

Direct Jim and Mary to the community of the general meeting and help each other, it's the main secret! Switching levers will help open the doors in different parts of the platformer, the holding of the button leads to the movement of the lifts. Often, mechanisms are interrelated: Jim can access a certain area after mary manipulations with choppers or buttons, and, in turn, can press an object that opens the passage for Mary.

The important difference between the game "Jim loves Mary" from most plating platformers in the execution of characters by special properties:

  • Mary easily passes under low platforms;
  • Jim jumps above and further;
  • the girl easily climbs the mother's head to get to the switch or shifts the brother on the button;
  • Jim, when meeting with relatives, can be killed and saved if someone from the couple managed to extract the heart into a common piggy bank.

The third important difference is the collected trophies reusable. Hearts will save Jim life only when slaughter with relatives (from an accident during falling on the spikes they do not save). Instead of his life, Jim loses heart and can raise it to use again.

The first game "Jim Loves Mary" liked the gamers so much, which continued the second and third part. Want to play in them too? Write in the comments, we will try to find as soon as possible. Have a good game!

Surely you had to hear stories about lovers, to reunite which the different unpleasant circumstances interfere. But genuine feelings are able to overcome any interference, because the sincerity is moving. Girls especially like such legends, because the game developers could not get around this topic. The first youthful love is a real storehouse for creating entertaining applications that will seem interesting not only for adolescents, but also older gamers. So the wonderful games of Jim and Mary appeared.

An interesting category of romantic peripeties gathered a whole set of cool flash drives whose heroes are guys who try to be nearby against all sorts of obstacles. Play them will appeal to reoxiculates, tinacecrites, and even adults, because the passage has prepared exciting and fun tasks.

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Modern interpretation of the famous story

The adventures of Jim and Mary very much like the legendary Shakespeare work, where the votes of fate had to fight Romeo and Juliet. True, events are transferred today.

According to the plot, Jim loves Mary, but the Parents of the girl do not live in a couple of people. So, her mother was armed with a rolling pin and breaks away every time to knock down the unlucky cavalier. Dad grabbed Grozny forks, which tries to scare the unfortunate guy, and the brother generally decided to protect the honor of his sisters with a baseball bat.

With such a non-gravity control of doves, it is very difficult to meet, because the games give you a difficult order - to organize a date separated by disadvantages. Help them arrange a fabulous randnev, coping with tricky obstacles. Games for two Jim and Mary will require good smelting, because they will have to use numerous mechanisms, levers, elevators and a bunch of buttons to take place.

Play more comfortable with partner. Then many quests will be faster. But if you decide to cope with the stages alone, I will remember: Jim, like all the increasing worms, jumps perfectly. And Mary, being slim and flexible, can crawl there, where no broadcast guy will crack.

All the adversity fell into doves due to the fact that the family of Young Baryshni believes that she is still early to think about the Highups, and it is better to go with his head to study. But the ripple-dripped one does not stop. Literally at night, the Torvan came up with a plan, how to get to his lady, and the game Jim and Mary for two will ask for a pressing fan to fulfill the conceived.

How to manage characters?

The games have provided a very convenient interface, so it is easy to deal with control. So, Mary will move by arroders, and Jim moves forward using the WSAD keyboard combination. To go to the next level, you need to clamp a space, and if you need to start it again, use the R button.

Total games have 20 rounds of the main line and several bonus. Each must be careed with enthusiastic adventurers, applying their individual skills. So, Jim - the guy is quite high, because it will be easily able to rinse on a hard-to-reach protrusion. Mary has a smaller growth, but it is no problem to leak into a narrow passage and safely get out of a small tunnel.

But the painty family will be accepted for them, so it is impossible to accumulate. Any contact will be completed with penalty points, or even the final defeat. At the same time, it is required to collect hearts that open access to further missions, and at the same time they protect the shouter knight from death. Such an effect will work even with one heart found.

For the successful completion of the game, 60 valentines should be discussed, and only then the final episode will open. We advise not to reduce the cavalier and his girlfriend, until all the symbolic elements are collected. Sample the Cupid's role, swipe through the locations filled with ingredients with stakes, bulky boxes and ingenious objects, and prove that nothing is powerful over true love.

Love is inadvertently granted

If you wonder how much Jim and Mary years, you can safely assume that they are still teenagers, but terribly stubborn and independent, accustomed to always seek their own. As many teenagers, Gima and Mary are the sign of the spirit of rebellion, therefore, when the parents of other relatives banned them to meet, they did not surrender and began to think how to overcome the parents. How to get out of the house - this is what Jim is worried and Mary first, and the rest of the little things. It would seem that in the middle of the night to go through the window and escape to the forest, where no one can prevent the couple in love. But parents were prudent, they are tirelessly guard and doors, and windows, and other openings from which kids can slip out. If they get into their hands, Jim and Mary will forgive for a long time, what freedom is.

However, the parents are not geniuses, they can be overwriting and circling around the finger, do it is not as easy as they would like in love, but for love you need to fight and steal all the burden, so Jim and Mary are ready to try and go to any risks. And if you help them, then it is quite possible, they will immediately have everything.

Heroes, as you might notice, two, you can manage them yourself, but it is not very convenient, so it is better to find a partner - a friend or girlfriend. When you divide responsibilities and roles, things should go better and faster. First you will be offered to get out of the house. There are several ways to do this, but you should think about them yourself. Nobody limits you in time, so you can inspect literally every centimeter location - walls, floor, objects, windows, door, and so on. It is possible that the at your eyes at your eyes. When you choose from the house, the most interesting thing will begin - a dangerous and unpredictable walk in the forest. By the time, relatives will notice that Jim and Mary escaped and rushed into pursuit. The most difficult of all will be Jeme, because it will deal with the Father and the elder brother Mary, who will not allow the boy to get to the girl. However, you can overcome them, if you think about your head and do not panic. Mary will not be so hard, however, without obstacles will not cost, otherwise what's the point?

To freedom!

You probably wonder why Jim and Mary pulled into the forest? After all, there are places that are more suitable for a date. But the fact is that uncle Jim lives in the forest - this is the only relative who has nothing against the union of the nephew and a neighbor girl. On the contrary, he is ready to stand on their side, in case of what. Uncle for many years lives a hermit in the forest and is not going to return to the family, especially now, when such passions are worked. But he is always happy to shelter lovers in his dugout, that is why Jim and Mary want to get to their savior as soon as possible. And you can help them.

On the way to dugout and Mary, and Jim will face a decent number of tests and obstacles. Cliffs and pit, large stones and fallen trees, impenetrable darkness and filling fear of extraneous sounds are only part of all troubles. On the heels, no lagging behind, the relatives wanders and, it seems they are not going to stop.

Help Jim and Mary to get to uncle can a variety of bonuses and coins, which are generously scattered on forest paths. Try to collect them all so that lovers have the maximum advantage. In the future, bonuses can be activated, and the coins are spent on pumping characters and the purchase of interesting items.

The adventures of Jim and Mary are divided into several levels, the first level is to escape from the house, the second is the approach to the forest, the third - overcoming the narrow path, and so on. At each level, you will encounter a variety of obstacles: then relatives will catch up, the road blown a large stone, then the bridge over the river will fall apart right under the legs. Also at each level there will be a certain number of coins and bonuses, collect them all to go to the next stage. The main thing is not to give up halfway!