Snail bob games 5 love story. Graphics, design and musical accompaniment

The game Snail Bob 5: Love Story has many fans of different ages. Why is she so attractive? This will become clear from her detailed review.
It's worth starting, perhaps, with the design. As in other games in the series, it has a typically cartoonish brightness. But here it is worth mentioning about the fairly well-drawn landscapes and various interesting little things that can be viewed “on the way”, if there is time. However, even if it is not there, you are still involuntarily distracted by them, so the main thing is that this does not affect the gameplay.

First Look at Bob the Snail Game

As soon as you start the game, another detail catches your eye - typography. She, too, was clearly given attention when designing the game interface. By the way, about the interface - it is very simple and straightforward, so it immediately becomes clear to which audience the game about the love story of Bob the snail is mainly targeted. The small introductory part is very funny - even an adult finds it difficult not to laugh at the sight of a cupid snail, observing Bob's hasty gatherings and little funny details.

Which do not affect the gameplay, but simply give the gamer pleasure.
The controls, as in other similar games, are very simple and are accompanied by pictures-tips that help you understand what exactly needs to be done now and how to control the snail in love with the mouse. Passing the level, Bob is not just in a hurry - he also collects the stars that are on each of them, and solves simple problems. For example, in order for the bridge to move out, you need to press the big red button, which you certainly will not miss. When the level is passed, a panel with buttons appears - you can continue the passage, exit the menu or pause. It's not hard to guess which button is pressed the most.

And when the player stops Bob's snail to rest (this is often necessary to build a bridge and for this you just need to right-click on the snail shell), he hides in his shell house, from where a smoking pipe protrudes. Seemingly insignificant detail, but it gives the game Snail Bob 5: Love Story charm.
It should be mentioned here that Bob has an accompanying and assistant on his journey - a small ant in an elegant hat, who is always ready and happy to complete some simple task.

Graphics, design and musical accompaniment

And, of course, one cannot fail to say about unobtrusive, but cheerful and positive music, to which it is even more interesting and more fun to play. And the end of each of them marks the image of Bob with the number of stars collected. The snail rejoices in good luck, smiling and making funny sounds. However, during the very passage of such touching sounds are also enough.
Naturally, as the number of overcome levels increases, the game becomes more difficult. New obstacles appear, there are more of them and they are much more varied, so Bob not only needs to crawl, as is inherent in snails, but also jump, fly in a soap bubble, use lifts and try not to be eaten, (however, even different enemies-monsters here not scary at all, but rather funny and cute.

Especially if they don't have time to eat Bob's snail. And it should be borne in mind that in this case, the lover does not always need to move in one direction - to turn, use the colorful button in the right corner of the screen. In addition, it becomes more difficult to get stars - now cunning creators rarely leave them in a conspicuous place. Hiding in small secrets that the gamer must discover. And, of course, with each stage passed, the degree of impatience also grows - I want to know what awaits the stubborn hero at the end and whether he deserves an award from the lady of his heart.

About levels and tasks

And here is the last level - the last tests, the last hidden stars, the game Snail Bob 5 ends and the gamer is already playing impatiently, he wants to see a beautiful snail waiting for his enamored knight in shell armor. The last seconds of the passage - and, having obtained the coveted ticket (after all, without it, you cannot pass by the strict snail-controller), the snail Bob gets to another level, where he skillfully eliminates all rivals claiming to be his beloved.

He gets on the stage (did we remember to mention that this adorable snail is a singer?) - and then a monster appears in front of him. But, since this is no longer the game itself, but just a funny final video, you should not worry - the ant will help a friend in difficult times, and the kiss will still be received. Snail Bob soars in a cloud of pink hearts, so that later, already in the house, admire the poster with his lady and calmly drink tea. Another adventure of the brave snail ended well.

Now another amazing world will become available to you, in which you will learn firsthand about the life of small animals. We go to the mysterious world of snails. You've already heard about a lovely traveler named Bob, who, contrary to all ideas about snails, does not sit in one place for a long time. Our Bob is unconsciously in love with the charming Chikkita, who in these parts is considered the most beautiful and enviable bride. And so, while walking through the forest, a formidable huge toad stole the defenseless Chikkita and imprisoned her in his underwater castle. The brave little snail Bob saw this blasphemous act and decided to save the lady of his heart by all means. All obstacles, no matter how frightening and dangerous they are, crumbling on the path of the glorious hero, who is driven by great love and a sense of justice! Help the brave snail punish the offender and return the beautiful Chikkita back to her home so that peace and happiness will settle there again!

Description of flash games

Snail Bob 5: A Love Story

Ulitka Bob 5: Istoriya Lyubvi

Snail Bob won the hearts of many players of different ages, including ours, with his positive attitude and a certain carelessness. In a series of games about this not the fastest friend, we again find ourselves drawn into an exciting adventure. Well, we don't mind! In a new flash game called "Snail Bob 5: A Love Story" we watch Bob fall in love with an adorable snail and decides to go in search of her to confess his feelings.

He has a long way to go, which is full of various obstacles and enemies. Help your friend complete all tasks. In total, the game has 25 interesting levels, distinguished by their entourage, additions and tasks. In addition to the usual obstacles, you will find mini-puzzles that must be solved in the process in order to move to a new level. The puzzles are very different, but the goal is the same - to help Bob get to the door. Although Snail Bob does not differ in extra speed, the game has a button for switching to a higher speed. Also, if necessary, the character can be turned over, since usually he moves only forward, in one direction. Evaluate all the tasks that the developers have prepared. In addition to exciting puzzles, you will find pleasant and high-quality graphics that will appeal to both children and adults. Fascinating

Snail Bob 5 Played: 37 598 times

If it seems to you that life with snails is boring and uninteresting, and there can be no adventure and travel in it, then you are seriously mistaken. The Snail Bob 5 game will be able to prove to you that such sluggish creatures as snails can take part in exciting journeys. Online lovers will also be pleased with the bright and colorful graphics that are present in this game, thanks to which each player can feel like the real heroes of a colorful and beautiful cartoon.

But if you think that Bob the snail will just have to walk through the territory of a beautiful forest, then you are seriously mistaken. In order to pass from one level to another, you will need to help the main character solve a large number of different puzzles. Your task is to use the mechanisms that are present in the game Snail Bob 5 to open the way for the main character. You will be helped in this matter by the instructions that the game will give you, be careful to notice them in time.

Also, you need to know that in this game Bob has such dangerous enemies as predatory plants that can eat our poor Bob. Therefore, try to make sure that the main character of the Snail Bob 5 game is not captured by these dangerous creatures.

Description of flash games

Snail Bob 5

Snail bob 5

Snail Bob found a new home, got to his grandfather's house, and also managed to visit the past and even space. After all the restless adventures, the hero of this series of flash games lacked only one thing - to fall in love. Which is exactly what happened when Bob saw a beautiful snail with a magic voice on a poster in the woods while walking. Putting on his best hat, the character embarks on a new journey, and your task is to help Bob, following the call of his heart, not to be eaten by crocodiles or poisonous plants.
Each of the 75 levels is a puzzle, in order to solve which you must understand how to properly control the snail, as well as how the mechanisms on the level work. Unlike previous games in the series, to rotate Bob 180 degrees, you do not need to stand on a special platform - just press a key. Also, the hero now accelerates himself, instead of the time acceleration that worked before. The key to victory in most cases lies in the ability to skillfully guess the time and understand what sequence of actions you need to complete in order to bring the adventurous gastropod to the finish line. In the new part, Bob will also have a friend and assistant Ant, who at some levels needs to be controlled in order to press some buttons.
To get the highest score for each zone, you need to collect hidden stars, which are sometimes disguised as a background, and sometimes just hide, waiting for you to find a way to reveal them.