Imaginarium Rules of the game in Russian read. IMADZHINARIUM. Special marks on the field

Beautiful game of Imajinarium. The game for coming up associations to the cards and attempts to guess them. The author of the game Sergey Kuznetsov.

You can play up to 7 people in the game, the optimal number of players begins with 4. Time of half an hour-hour. Age is installed from 8 years, though, I would argue with it, because Some cards are not at all suitable for children, and some can be, and at all, for adults.

In general, if you are a company of funny young people who gathered at someone at home and waiting for entertainment, then Imajinarium is what you need.

Purpose of the game

The game goes to victorious glasses who will get the first to the finish line or the end of the deck will get the most points, he won. However, the Imaginarium is this game in which participation is valued much higher than the points gained. The gameplay as such completely can wish the desire to dull glasses stupidly. Some plays, without a set of glasses, just play.

What's in the box

In a standard square box, 30x30 cm, we will find the playing field with marks for victorious glasses, beautiful elephant chips, sets with card numbers and cards themselves. Maps in the game are the main treasure and the center of rotation of everything and all.


IMADZHINARIUM is a board game on association, which contains a set of 98 cards with creative pictures. It is these cards with unusual images that are the main mechanism in the game.

It first seems to someone that Imadzhinaarium is some kind of madhouse, because Not everyone can immediately take such a drawing style, but gradually drawn into the game they are becoming interesting.

In general, cards are drawn well, but I have a number of complaints about them - some of the drawings look a little incessant, so are not recommended for playing with children or with particularly wounded individuals. This you should consider when buying.

If exactly the cards are for you a stumbling block for you, it is extremely recommended that as a mighty alternative to Domestic Imaginarium, Zabughori. In Dixit, you will not find scary and indecent cards, all pictures in it are cute and warm, suitable for any companies, starting with young children and ending with grandparents.


The uncomplicated field for calculating points, which will run our multicolored elephants. Who is the first - he won. Some marks are drawn symbols: TV, book, a number are additional tasks for players. If they fall into these characters, they have to connect some nuances from the rules when maps are ridding. However, all these characters can be lowered and playing without them. It is noticed that they are a little shouting the creation of associations, because, sometimes people and without restrictions do not quite just come up with something.


Separately aboutiT tell about the winged elephants that perform the role of the players' chips. The elephants are made of multicolored transparent plastic, they look just gorgeous. It is remembered that in past editions, elephants were wooden and it did not give such a visual effect as now. In general, the winged elephants are our everything.

How to play

I would like to tell about this stunning game. At first it may seem that the rules of the game are very tangled, especially calculating points for moving towards victory. But everything is not so scary. Carefully learn the instructions and go!

The number of players may vary from 4 to 7. Each player is initially issued for 6 cards. The remaining cards are set aside. The "narrator" is chosen, which, looking at his pictures, invents the association to one of them and puts this card on the table with a shirt up. Association can be in the form of one word, phrase, suggestions, phrases from a song or work and even just sound. All other players among their cards have to choose the one that is most suitable for the narrator association, and put it on the table (also shirt up). The narrator mixes his card and cards laid out by players, and folds them, but the front side up.

The purpose of the players is to calculate the map of the storyteller. Each player secretly vote for the chosen map (the narrator does not take part in the voting). As a result, the points are calculated, which earned each in this round, and the chips on the basis of this are moving along the playing field.

For a narrator absolutely unprofitable when all players guessed his card or nobody guess. In this case, he does not receive a single point, and his chip remains motionless to stand still. Therefore, we must come up with something that you could guess only some players.

The game continues until someone from playing (with victorious cries) does not reach the end of the playing field or the cards will not end with the "crazy" pictures.


Perhaps instead of your feedback about the game, publishing a review of one of our visitors, who sent me a letter to me, with a request to publish her opinion about the game.

"Tired of everyday fuss: work, shopping hiking for products, cooking food, washing and ironing linen, washing dishes and floors, etc. etc., I decided to see with your favorite girlfriends and chat about. We must say, our meetings occur with enviable constancy, therefore the topics for conversations were brought to the impossibility: the successes of children, relations with husbands, colleagues at work, news from the life of common acquaintances. After the next household conversations, we begin to wash the bones to the classmate Sashka, in which each of us was in his time in love with the ears, and for some reason he married it was not clear to whom.

Going to the meeting, I decided to bring a diversity to the communication of the school girlfriends and captured with him the board game "Imajinarium". First, the girls were skeptical to my idea, but, having played once, we forgot, why gathered. And then again ... and again.

My girlfriends and I lost six o'clock, widowed it (as the associations were very unexpected), madly falling in love with "Imajinarium", completely forgot to chat about Sasha ... "


For the most scrupulous players, it is recommended to immediately buy protector for cards. In them, your game will always look like new. You will need treads of 81 x 122 mm. Typics are usually sold for 100 pieces, and in the game IMAJinarium, and in any of its additions, contains 98 cards: 1 game - 1 pack with cellophane pockets.


Like any popular game, Imaginarium has a lot of additions. Some of them are represented as a separate box, and some of them represents additional sets of cards that are played according to the same rules as the basic game.

Other veras

To begin with, consider independent additions that do not require the purchase of a basic game. Having bought them, you will be able to look at the main version, play on the usual rules.


This version has also 98 cards in its composition. The playing field is in the box and is built into it. We are all also welcomed by beautiful elephant chips, tokens with numbers. This and the game is designed for children from 6 years. Unlike the main version, the picture here is good and bright, the kids will not be afraid - everything is competed by the children's theme: hares, cubs, ducklings. You can try to play and adults, fun guaranteed!


In this version of the game, all the characters from Soviet cartoons are collected. Perfectly can approach both children and adults who want to interpret the USSR. As usual, many fine cards depicting the heroes of all Soviet kids. The gameplay does not differ from the main game. It should be noted that the artists did the focus on more specific pictures than on the abstraction, so the spinning need to take into account this specificity of the issue.

Here is cool! Now your favorite imaginarium is made in three-dimensional performance! This version is supplied with 3D glasses (7 pieces) and cards with special 3D images. Owing glasses, you can feel the whole effect that the authors wanted to convey to us. If you are a fan of all volumetric, you can safely buy this version, because It is completely independent of others, including the main version. Play with pleasure and open up new uncharted worlds in the new quality!

5 years

By the five years of the game, which was in 2017, publishers released a special box, anniversary, which is called - Imaginarium 5 years. In this version, the box, field and other components in the game are completely changed. Now you will be waiting for no elephants, and others, different figures: bringing, duck, boat, machine, horse, whale, logo "Cosmodrome Games" and, which are also made of multicolored transparent plexiglas. Cards also survived global changes, namely, absolutely new cards will meet you.

This publication is released in limited edition and is considered collectible. I recommend this fans!

Sets of cards

Below will list additional card sets for the game, not independent games. You can buy a deck separately, thereby expanding the horizons of your game. Particularly important, they are aboutyat is cheaper than if you bought the game in the box. You can play these cards separately and mix them with each other. You can take with you on the road and do not carry huge boxes with you. The duration and fascination of the batches is guaranteed. Especially important! For a full-fledged game you need a basic box.

Chimera (18+)

The worst and superdepressive addition to Imajnarium. On the maps you will meet various monsters, monsters and strange creatures, after all, Chimera is in ancient Greek mythology a monster with his head and the neck of a lion, a goat torso, a tail in the form of a snake. If your nerves are strong, you feel good to horror and incomprehensible things, then this deck is for you. However, remember, few people want to play it, too, too terrible. Age centers - from 18 years.


Again, we will join the world of ancient Greek myths and try to play this extra. Ariadne - the daughter of the Cretan Tsar Minos. She beloved her beloved, after the victory over the minotaur, got out of the labyrinth with the help of a presented Ariad thread.

Pictures in this version of Dopa are replete with numerous details. There is a glaze for what to capture. Graphics - warm and pleasant, does not shock. The approximate age is set from 12 years. Have a good game!


And again - ancient Greece. Pandora is the first woman, created at the order of Zeus in punishment to people for the abduction of the flam of fire. Curious, she opened the vessel received from Zeus (Pandora's box), from which all the misfortunes and troubles immediately scattered. Despite such a catastrophic preface, the cards in this complement are very positive. Here you will meet horses, quotes and other cute characters. Add a little good magic and magic here - it will all raise you the mood on the unprecedented height.


Odyssey - in ancient Greek mythology, the tricky, intelligent and dodgy king of the Ithaca. This supplement completely copies the version of the IMADZHINARIUM 3D. BUT! The maps do not have the effect of three dimensions. If you are the owner of the main box and do not want to break the eyes in special glasses, then Odyssey is created for you. Save money and enjoy. In the set, everything is also 98 cards, they are suitable in size, it means that they can be kneaded with other cards and standard protectors are suitable for them.


Persephone is a goddess of fertility in ancient Greek mythology. Maps of this deck are very beautiful and bright. Themes are widely represented, here you can find characters from different crops and eras. Cute and beautiful cards will be interested in children and adults, a very good set, which is recommended to play.

Let me remind you, in the deck is still 98 cards standard for imaginarium size. New protector to sweat will not have to. Easily mixed with other cards and played in an enlarged deel.


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Each player chooses an elephant and a set of cards for voting the same color as an elephant. Voting cards seven. You use so much cards as a person playing. If 6 people play, you do not need a card with number 7.

Definition of the first move

You must determine who will go first. You can use for this voting card. All participants take their voting cards, stirred and pull any card at random. The first one who pulled the card with the greatest number begins to walk. You can use any other mechanics to select the player starting the first. We, for example, play this right to chess. The game goes clockwise.

Stroke Game

Elephants of all players are exhibited on the playing field on the cloud 1.

The deck with cards-illustration is mixed and each player is issued on the hands of 6 cards.

The player makes the Association.

Each time one of the players becomes the lead. The presenter comes out the association to one of his cards, says this association out loud to the rest of the players and lays out a shabby to the table with a shirt up.

Guessing the lead card

The main task of the players is to guess which one of the cards posted on the table, and vote for it. Each player chooses one card for voting with the right number and puts up a shirt. The presenter does not vote and does not comment on the picture posted on the table. You can not vote for your own picture. When everyone accepted the decision and voted, the voting cards turn over and the points counting.

Counting points

Players move their chips on the playing field on the number of steps corresponding to the number of won points.

One of the most interesting ways has fun in a circle of friends and family is to play anything. And if you choose the game "Imaginarium", the rules of which are pretty simple, the time will fly imperceptibly, and you can learn a lot of new things about each other. After all, this desktop fun is created in order to guess other people's thoughts with the help of associations.


Before proceeding to a pleasant time, it is worth understanding what the essence of this entertainment is. The basic idea of \u200b\u200b"Imajinarium" can be expressed in this way: you need to invent associations to the chosen picture and try to guess the drawings of other players through the explanations presented by them. Everything is quite simple - turn on the logic and imagination, and the sea of \u200b\u200bpositive, laughter and pleasant emotions are guaranteed.


Before starting to play "Imaginarium", the rules of which are described here, it is necessary to prepare a game deck. To do this, you need to decide on the number of cards. After counting the desired number of pictures, set aside extra. For four players (minimum number), 96 cards will be required, for five you need 75 cards, for six - 82, and for seven players (maximum number) - 98. Not logical, then these are the rules! Now everyone has to choose a chip and the same color card desired for voting. In the game there are only seven sets, and if they play, for example, five players, then extra chips and cards need to be removed.

First stroke

The board game "Imaginarium" (the rules are presented here) does not imply any rivalry, but still it is necessary to choose the lead, which will make the first associations. The authors of the game offer this way: take the cards for voting and select one at random, turn it over and check with other players. The leading is the one who has the largest digit in the picture. But it is not necessary, and choose a player making the first move, you can at your own.

Now the lead must choose one of his pictures, to make an association and put it on the table with a shirt up. And here we come to the most interesting in the game "Imaginarium", the rules of which we deal now. Association can be anything, from the line of a song or poem to the indescribable set of sounds. It all depends on your imagination.

The rest should choose from their pictures the most suitable for explanation of the master player and also lay out it with a shirt upside down. After that, the lead mixes the cards and lay out them already open. Now you need to numbered pictures and try to guess the leading card, which is not involved in guessing. Everyone chooses a vote chip with a map number belonging to his opinion, leading and puts it down in front of him. Here you need to clarify that you cannot choose your card. After all players are determined with the choice, the tokens turn over and points the points.


You should move the elephants on the field in this way: the trick of the master, as well as the players guessing his card, move forward for 3 steps. Also, the chips of all players move on as many steps how many people chose their card. For example, lead Sergey, and his card guessed Katya and Roma, and Kostya chose the Katina card. So, Sergey moves to 5 forward, Kostya stands on the spot, Katya gets 4 strokes, and Roma - 3. But if all players guess the Association of the lead, then his chip retreats on 3 cells back, and the elephants of other players stand still. If no one guessed the card, then the elephant of the master retreats on 2 cells, and the other chips move on as many steps as the players chose them. For example, no one guessed a map of the lead, but the picture of Masha has chosen 4 players, and the Association of Mikhail - Two, it means that the Masha elephant goes forward on 4 moves, and Mikhail is only 2.

Before the leading is a rather difficult task - to come up with a not too obvious, but also an easy association on the card. But this is the charm of the game "Imaginarium", the rules of which we deal. After all, each picture is quite ambiguous and sometimes causes a variety of feelings that turns the game into verbal battle over a particular choice - it will not be boring anyone. At the end of the course, all the playd cards go to the back, everyone is heard a new card from the deck, and the leading right goes to the next player in a circle.

Additional tasks

Some fields on the map are marked with special icons, and the presenter who fell into such a cell must take into account some limitations. If the chip hit the cloud with a number 4, then the association should consist of 4 words. Once on the field with the image of the TV, the player must come up with an explanation associated with the film, TV series, cartoon and so on. For a field with an interesting "Abibas" logo, you must come up with an association associated with any brand - it can be slogan or an excerpt from advertising and so on. If the elephant of the leader fell on the field So the association should be questionative. And finally, the book sign says that the explanations should be issued in the form of a story.

The final

You can infinitely to play "Imaginarium". The rules of the game suggest the final, as soon as the cards ended in the deck. In this case, the winner will be the one who moved as much as possible by the field forward. But if you wish, you can always shift the deck and continue the adventure. And if one of the elephants reaches the last cloud, you can send it to the next circle - it all depends on the desire of playing. But what to do if it starts to seem that all the cards are studied along and across and I want to know something new? In this case, you can always buy additional decks, because the developers indulge their fans in interesting new products.

"IMADZHINARIUM" for the whole family

Some pictures in this wonderful game are quite provocative, and many parents are awkward, explaining their associations to children. In this case, the Option "Imaginarium: Childhood" is suitable for the whole family. The rules of this game almost do not differ from the adult version. In the same way, the desired number of cards is counted, chips and tokens are divided. After the distribution, the first leading is the youngest, and the game continues in the same way as described above, but with some differences. First of all, the participants of the younger than six years do not go back, even if they did not guessed the map. Also in the game "IMADZHINARIUM: Childhood" for a guessed passage there are two points.

Additional tasks: Stone according to the game that the player does not retreat backwards, even if no one guess his card, or everyone chose him to the Association. If you hit the field with a cat, then your association should be invented about any fabulous character. If a stone falls out with a book, then the explanations should begin with the words "long ago." The end of the game comes, if one of the players comes to the field at number 30 - he becomes the winner. That's all you need to know about desktop fun "Imajinarium: childhood." The rules of the game are more simplified and understandable, it will not be difficult for them.

You can not believe it is impossible!
"You just have little experience," the queen noticed.
- At your age, I paid it half an hour every day!
On other days I have time to believe in a dozen impossibility before breakfast!

Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland"

Board game "Imaginarium" - for those who want to blow up their brain, but does not know how. Unexpected associations and the strangest fantasy revolutions, their own and other players, are waiting for you during an exciting party.

About the game

IMAGINARIUM ("Imaginarium") is a Russian analogue of the famous French game Dixit ("Dixit"), manufactured since 2008 and won many prestigious awards. This is a cat-verbal game, which is based on the need to invent associations to images on maps and understand the flight of someone else's fantasy, and the pictures, in turn, can be very difficult.

The game will like everyone who wants to apply their irrepressible imagination or develop an imagination to unprecedented heights. The ability to think out of templates is the path to the victory in Imajinarium! Those who have a creative (smart - divergent) thinking is not strongly developed, it will be a little more difficult to play, but it will be possible to "pump". From the point of view of psychologists, the game allows you to learn a lot of new about the identity of other players and improve their interpersonal links.

The game "Imaginarium" is desktop, so you, in addition to the cards themselves, you will need a horizontal surface where they can be decomposed. Ideally, of course, the table is at least, it is very convenient to slide from laughter to it, and the reasons for a fun game and players will provide in sufficient quantities.

Basically, perhaps the game "Imaginarium" for adults, age limit on the box costs 12+, but it is still designed for an older audience. First, it will be more interesting if all participants have a certain level of erudition and some cultural baggage, allowing to make associations more difficult and precisely. Secondly, the content of the pictures may be too gloomy for the rapid children's psyche.

In addition, children are weaker than developed associative thinking, the ability to abstract from specifics.

But if you want to play the whole family or suggest the game of the defector, then a board game "Imaginarium childhood" was created specifically for such a case. The game "IMADZHINARIUM Childhood" will help children, starting with younger school age, develop the flexibility of thinking, forcing the sake of victory to search for non-standard solutions. However, it is not so simple and boring so as not to be injured and adults.

You can mix different sets to "Imajinarium" so that the game process becomes even more fascinating.

Game mechanics are based on several principles. Main - Association.

Not logic, not luck, but the ability to enable fantasy in the right direction and guess how the fantasy of the opponent worked. Voting: Players must make their choice and confirm its voting token.

Simultaneous actions: Participants lay out cards and vote in parallel with each other, and not in turn, the order is observed only in a change of lead.

How did the game appeared in Russia

The Russian version of the game was created by the "Dixit" fans Timur Kadyrov and Sergey Kuznetsovwhich has become closely within the framework of the foreign version. They decided to launch their own project and give it the name "Imaginarium", which can be translated as "imaginary". The first circulation of the game was released in 2011, the publisher was the company Stupid Casual.

Being in fact the successor of the game "Dixit", "Imaginarium" was officially not officially licensed by its right holders - apparently, the creators did not compare the characters. However, only the mechanics of the stands are directly borrowed, and it, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, is not subject to patenting - take someone who wants, use as you want. Therefore, according to the law in the plagiarism, the authors cannot be accused, especially since the game came out completely new and no worse source.

The differences "Imajinarium" from Dixit actually quite a lot. The design and general mood will be much varied: "Imaginarium" rather goes into the gloom, and "Dixit" in "Milot". However, this complex sentiment is compensated in the game "Imaginarium: Childhood", where the authors have focused on warmth and kindness. Therefore, the board game "Imaginarium: Childhood" is intended not only for children, but also for anyone who wants to resurrect bright memories.

In addition, Imajinarium is more dynamic, there are other points for counting points, and the game itself. In fact, only the main idea remained from the predecessor.

While "Dixit" painted a separate artist, illustrations to Imajinarium and its additions, such as "Imajinarium: Ariadne", "Imajinaarium: Odyssey" and others are, so to speak collective creativity. The authors of the game were wanted on the Internet ready-made pictures suitable for their idea, and bought them from artists - and there were more hundreds of them. In 2014, an art exhibition "Imajinarium" was held, on which their "crazy" works were presented.

Purpose of the game

If you follow the rules, the goal of the game is simple: to score as much points as possible and move on the rest before the card will end in the game. This is formally.

In fact, the game is aimed at helping the participants to develop their inner Imaginarium / imagisarium, Learn to work with associations, not only with your own, but also with associations of people around you. A study was conducted on the influence of boarding games for schoolchildren, and Imajinarium was noted as improving creative thinking. Therefore, they can safely offer the classic version, and "Imaginarium Childhood", with more pictures, - this edition is allowed for the use of children from 6 years.

Packaging, Design and Localization

The box for the game "Imaginarium" is quite impressive, 30 by 30 centimeters, and it weighs with a filling of almost a kilogram. The picture on the box is quite surreal, but what else to wait, because artists clearly included their "Imaginarium" to the full coil.

Flight of the fantasy artists is clearly visible on the drawings themselves, to which the associations have to come up. They are different in style, but it's rather a raisin of the game.

Inside the box is divided into three sections. The main occupies the field in the form of a night sky with clouds floating along it. The field does not need to lay out on the table - it is done in the "podium" and is part of the box. If you raise it, then it will be discovered for storing additional sets. The clouds are numbered - this is, in fact, the meter of points, according to which the chips of the players are moving. The remaining cells occupy cards, tokens for voting and chips.

The game is fully fulfilled in Russian. However, except for instructions and inscriptions on the words of the words anywhere and are not found - the game is based on the immersion in the visual execution. Instructions, by the way, printed on the background of the Milky Way.

The game "Imaginarium Childhood" is implemented in brighter and joyful colors, the pictures are not so wisdom - it resembles Chukovsky's "confusion" than the gloomy "Imajinarium" for adults.

Now the line of games "IMADZHINARIUM" produces Cosmodrome Games.


In the "IMAJNARIUM" box you will find: a playing field, it is the same meter of glasses, cards with drawings, tokens for voting, player chips and instructions.

In the basic set of 98 maps of large size - 8 by 12 centimeters (by the way, the size is exactly the same as in the "Dixit" cards). Each is the drawing to which the Association will come up with. The shirt of the card is decorated with a picture of a whale flying on balloons on the background of the moon, and the inscription "IIMAGINARIUM".

Player's chips are made in the form of seven winged elephants of different colors - yellow, pink, green, blue, red, white and black. In the first editions, they were wooden, now they are made of plastic, because the game is too popular and the manufacturer does not have enough time to paint the figures. Plastic, of course, does not look so presentable, but what to do.

The instruction is written in a living language, and for children is also illustrated by specific examples with pictures.

Lies everything is loosely, so it remains enough space in order to fold into the same card of the card from additional sets, and not to produce essences.

Equipment of the game "Imaginarium Childhood" is exactly the same. In addition, both sets are fully compatible.

Number of players

The minimum number of the player for IMADzhinarium is four people. Less simply uninteresting. Optimal - seven people, one set is just on them and is designed. However, considering that all kits are compatible, you can bring up to two dozen players - the main thing is that the places at the table are enough. Naturally, the more players, the more fun, but the duration of the party begins to strive from half an hour to infinity.

The complexity of the game "Imaginarium" is normal, even, rather, easy if you have no problems with associative thinking. It does not require any special skills, the rules are simple. Enough the game itself and good imagination.

Categories of players

Perhaps the main criterion for the separation of players by category is age. Board game "Imaginarium" is not intended for children under 5 years old. They will not understand it simply by virtue of the weak skill of operating abstract concepts. For the kid, it is better to choose other educational toys.

With particularly intelligent preschoolers, you can start with the games "Imaginarium Childhood" or "Imaginarium Soyuzmultfilm". There are quite understandable pictures for which it will not be very difficult to guess the conceived association.

The "adult" version costs to begin to master not earlier than in adolescence, and it is better to wait for growing up (some players it comes only aged from 30 years, but usually still before). This is due to the fact that the pictures of at times there are absolutely not suitable for children or simply angry.

If you prefer to operate with specific concepts, and not work with imagination, then skip the logical games forward to your shelf, because the "Imaginarium" logic is quite alternative.

Rules and moves of the game

Rules of the game In IMADzhinaarium, four pages occupy, but at the same time quite simple. In essence, they can be cut to one line: it is necessary to invent associations with pictures and guess what others meant.

When you open a box with "Imaginarium" and take the rules of the game, then you see a complete description of the course of the game, even with pictures. The principles of points accrues are painted, how many cards are more convenient to take for the game with different composition, various subtleties of the game that can be followed or ignore.

In "Imaginarium Childhood", the rules are somewhat different, mainly in the principle of counting points. However, no one interferes with each particular company to take at home those or other rules on their own. The main thing is to play it was interesting.

Preparation for the game

The desktop game "Imaginarium", although it has simple rules, but they should still be studied before the start of entertainment. After the rules are read and remembered, and the essence of the game is understood, each player chooses a closing elephant. Seven players - seven elephants, six players - well, it's clear.

Make up the basis of the game in "Imaginarium" cards. In the party do not necessarily participate all cards from the set. If the players are seven, then the whole deck is used. If less, then some of the cards will have to postpone so that everyone is equal to everyone. For 6 people we take 72 cards, for 5 - 75 cards, for 4 - 96 cards. If you want to play more than seven, then the creators are recommended to break the teams (from 4 to 7 teams), and to play as usual. If you play using add-ons, then make the total pure cards in the game there is a multiple of the number of players. Accordingly, the number of players, reduce the number of voting tokens, removing excessive color and extra rooms.

It is determined who will be the first to lead. It is possible to figure it out with a voting tokens, a cube or count.

"Imaginarium" starts for children in the same way, only the first player goes first, and then the leading role goes clockwise.

Stroke Game

Board games "Imaginarium" from Cosmodrome Games, Children's or Adults, have similar rules that differ in minor trifles.

At the beginning of the game, the elephants are set on the cloud with the number 1. At this stage, you can look at the playing field and notice that not all the clouds are the same. On some of them there are additional pictures. These are instructions and simultaneously restrictions on the attached associations. If the player stands on one of these clouds at the moment when it came to be the lead, he must observe them.

The crossword field in the form of the "4" - means the association should be formulated exactly four words. Question sign - Set the Question Association. "Abibas" icon - come up with how to tie drawn on the map with any famous brand, slogan, advertisement, which everyone has a hearing. TV - Association is tied to a film, a cartoon or TV series. Book - you have to come up with a whole story-association. However, if you wish, this moment of rules can be completely ignored or to introduce your limitations.

The game "Imaginarium Childhood" these badges are different, and instead of clouds, stones are drawn with numbers from 1 to 30. If the rescue circle is on the stone, then the loss will not discard the lead back. Cat in the boot - associate with the heroes of fairy tales. The book of fairy tales - the Association needs to begin with the words "long ago."

Before the first move, each player receives 6 cards from the reassembly deck. Of course, they do not need to be shown to other participants.

The player who fell to be the lead first chooses one of his cards one, voiced his association to her and puts her drawing down on the game table. Association may be in any form. One word, for example, "synthesizer" or "bicycle". Or phrase, passage of poem or song, even a set of sounds.

All other players in thoughtfulness look at their cards, choose from them the one that, in their opinion, is most suitable for this association, and put it on the table shirt up. Not showing and not voicing it.

When everyone posted cards, leading them collects, havingles and lays out the picture up in a row and on each card, starting with the extreme left, puts on a series of voting tokens. And then the most interesting begins, because the meaning of the game "Imajinaarium" is to guess what kind of map the Association gave rise to.

Being leading is not so easy. You can not earn points, but even losing already scored if the association is too simple or too complicated.

If he will look, for example, on a flower in a pot and says the "flower" or "pot", then his association, of course, everyone solve, and the presenter will be forced to make three steps back.

Or he will see a trampoline and calls, for example, not "flight on falcon" (flight can still be tied to jumps), and "Parking" (guess that the trampoline has a smooth black platform and in the parking lot too, somewhat problematic). Then, most likely, no one will simply understand that he wanted to tell him, he will not choose his card, and the presenter will be forced to step back, because the fantasy is a fantasy, but it is necessary to see the shore.

This rule does not apply only to IMADZHINARIUM childhood and only to players under six years old - the children's world should be without sorrow, even if something failed.

The complexity of associations should also correspond to the average intellectual and creative level in the company of participants. For someone, the most obvious, someone easily guess the most unexpected, because he plays with you on one wave.

Guessing the lead card

Guess the lead card - the main goal in the game. When the player believes that under the word "rocket" meant, let's say, a children's wheelchair in the form of enotyk, then he looks at what number is the map of interest, takes his gate to the vote with the corresponding digit and puts it in front of him a shirt. Keep in mind that it is meaningless to vote for his own map - this is definitely not mandated.

Examples of unsuccessful associations

As already mentioned, the unsuccessful are those associations that easily click all participants, or those who cannot solve no one. The "doctor's set" is easier to lighter with Aibolit, the "clock" with classes or alarm clock, and the "Runner" - with a running athlete or with zipper.

Counting points

An important step of the stroke is the counting points, which is conducted in the number of correct answers.

If the presenter did not shine a fantasy and his drawing guess all the participants, then he retreating on 3 clouds back (but not further than the number 1). If the Association, on the contrary, turned out to be wisdom and no one guessed, then the leading throws up for 2 steps.

If a picture guessed several people, then everyone guessing, and the presenter receive 3 points for it, and the lead also one point for each player who guessed correctly. Ideally, you need to strive for everything to be guessed all but one.

No offense remains on whose cards indicated erroneously - for each token with their number they get the point. If the player scored so many points that he has little 39 clouds, then he goes to the second round. The main thing is not to forget how many circles you have already passed.

In Imajinarium Childhood, glasses are considered a little different to make it easier for children. The presenter and players receive 2 points for the correctly guided picture, and the leading one more for each gaddy. 2, and not 3 points lead loses if the riddle-association turned out to be too light or too complicated. Players under 6 years ago do not go - sorry for small.

End of action

When all glasses are distributed and all the elephants flew into the heavenly distance, the players get from the deck on one map so that they were again 6, and everything is repeated. When the deck is empty, it is reworked what remains.

If all the cards are over, it's time to sum up. Who flew on his imagine on all, he won.

More interesting - basic additions

A lot of additions came to the game Imaginaarium, all of them are fully compatible with the main deck or can still be replaced. According to the established tradition, they wear names from ancient Greek mythology.


The first extra set, which was released in 2012. In a deck of 98 cards. In general, it is more positive than the basic set, although there are cards with a rather complicated, or even black humor. In the pictures, many references to various brands. On the cover, a thinker trying to find a way out of a strange labyrinth. The kit is mainly calculated on the adult audience, although it can already be shown without special feet. You can play a set and without a main deck, if it does not confuse the lack of playing field and chips.


The most abstract set of extra. "Strange" can be said about all 98 cards from it, although many bright and joyful ones. Players will have to break their head, first inventing the associations to them, and then guessing them. On the cover of the box with interesting guests. The authors offer to open this box and release the will of the demons of their imagination.


The most philosophical extra set. 98 illustrations for abstract topics, including, judging by the name, questions of life and death. The instructions briefly described about the authors of the pictures. On the cover "Miracle tree" and a funny company.

Imaginarium chimera

The most gloomy, terrible and mystical set. Even introduced him restriction 18+So it's not worth playing with children to play it. 98 illustrates as if emerging from your nightmare. On the black box depicted three-liter chimers of a nonappetic look. The Merry Party is unlikely to come out (however, it depends on the black of your humor), but the fascinating will be unambiguous. Let both horror in style.

IMADZHINARIUM desktop game - this associative game, invented in order to wake up the imagination and creative start in each player. In each player, and also to guess associations can be all in an amount of from 3 to 7 players. The game does not provide any hard rules. There are rules, but they are more creative. Your imagination is enjoyed by the game process, and you will discover a new world of associations.

Winged elephants and crazy illustrations.

Welcome to the world of Imajnarium! Each player will be given his personal color elephant with wings, which will smoothly fly from one cloud to another. In addition to elephants, players will be issued 6 cards with images. What exactly is shown on these pictures, you will most likely answer even illustrators who created them.

How to play?

  • Before starting, each player chooses an elephant of a certain color and in the tone of the voting card. All elephants are set on the playing field on the starting mark. The deck with pictures is mixed and every 6 cards are distributed.
  • Each player during the game at least once becomes the lead. He must pose the Association to one of his cards. Then he says it out loud for his rivals, thereby spreading this card with a picture down.
  • The rest of the players need to guess the card that the presenter came. For this, the lead takes a card and mixes with the cards of other players and turns the pictures up. Next, players vote and lay out a voting card with the right number so that it can be seen.
  • After that, points are calculated. And according to scored points, players are moving through the playing field. The advantage becomes a player who has reached the final mark.

The secret is that the lead you need to give such an association so that it is apparent, but not too much. He will receive glasses only if his card guess, but not all. If no one guesselates, the Ecochlennie elephant will go on 2 clouds back. If you guess everything - on 3 clouds back. If, for example, 2 or 3 people from 4 guarantees, the elephant of the master is guaranteed to go ahead.

In associations, you recognize the most important personal belongings about a person, learn to understand it better and better predict the course of the thoughts of different people. In a word, this thing is not only sonsun, but also very, very cool in terms of development of relations.

What's in the box?

  • gaming field;
  • 98 cards with pictures;
  • 49 voting cards for 7 Makers;
  • 7 chips in the form of flying elephants;
  • rules of the game.

Other versions: