Yoga for beginners: YouTube workout and applications

Tatyana Fisenko has long been practicing yoga classes and carefully issued personal recommendations on how to do yoga on his own in his fitness blog.

As they say, the best advice starting - start. But what about? And how to harm yourself?

First of all, we graduate the following principle: in no case do not need to overdo and endure pain. If you have never been engaged in the instructor before you, accuracy and accuracy are your main self-learning guidelines. It is much easier to injury than it seems, especially if your physical preparation is weak.

Also, I can't not quote the well-known popularizer of yoga in the US and online coach Tar Stiles, which most of life instills love for yoga training of different floors and ages around the world: "The way you do is more important than you do. You can do yoga with a voltage - gritting your teeth and frowned forehead, force the body to take poses. Or you can allow the body to move with ease, breathing to be full and deep, enjoying what is happening. "

In fact, yoga is one of the most useful activities for everyone, but the most important thing is to enjoy it. Then the benefits will only contribute.

Yoga on YouTube.

The easiest and most pleasant way to start yoga classes is to do in the form of the morning gymnastics, the famous complex Surya Namaskar ("Greeting the Sun"). Only 10-15 minutes (depending on how many circles you will do) every morning - and changes in well-being will be noticeable in a week or two. Suryya Namaskar gives a charge of cheerfulness and removes intelligible feeling in the back, which are familiar to people with sedentary and standing work.

The easiest example of the greeting of the Sun in this video:

For people who have a sleep problem, as well as the feeling of tension in the back or legs in the evenings, relatives can be the complexes of the Relks yoga, which can be done before bedtime right in bed.

The first complex below is simpler and will be suitable for almost everyone. His goal is to remove the tension and blocks from the muscles, fully relax.

The following complex is slightly complicated, but exercises for stretching legs can be done in a simplified version - intercepting them in a comfortable position for yourself - for example, just below or slightly above the knee. The main thing: try, if possible, to rectify them as much as possible if the exercise requires it.

The complex is aimed at developing joints. Very helpful (and a little easier) will make it after the hot soul or bathroom when the muscles are already brews.

If you are already not enough short lessons for 10 minutes, it is worth paying attention to the beginner complexes. Yes, on Youtube their mass, but I would advise you to start with a rather classic complex, which, as they say, "at all times."

I still sometimes do exactly about these videos, if it is not possible to go to the training session, or I am in departure. This is a complex from Rainbo Mars "Yoga for everyone." In my opinion, it is very universal classes with which it is worth starting to occupy yoga for recovery and improve well-being.

In total, the complex includes 4 classes:

1. "Complex for beginners":

2. "Pure power":

3. "Until the seventh sweat":

4. "Clean calm":

Despite the fact that the fourth complex in the Russian version is called "Meditation", there is no meditation there, it is a complex of quiet stretching with breathing exercises.

If you want to do yoga solely in order to remove the tension from the back or improve the posture - it is worth noting the fourth complex. So you will kill two hares: 1. Daily stretch, which is necessary to any training person, 2. Body collection to the natural for him is a direct position.

If there are no other workouts in your life, start with the "For beginners" complex, gradually raising the level to the "pure sweat". The first-third complexes are perfectly goes in a bundle with the fourth, that is, you first do, say, "clean power", and immediately after it perform "pure calm".

As a result, you will get a full-fledged hour training, during which you first work out the whole body with exercises with your own weight, and then grow it well.

Yoga applications

1. Nike + Training Club

This application for Android and iOS, which contains more than 60 complex classes developed by professional athletes and Nike coaches. By the way, there is a lot of complexes not only for yoga, but also for power interval training that do not require additional equipment.

After starting the program, it is proposed to choose the purpose of classes, then your level of preparation, and then one of several training complexes. Pressing the DO WORKOUT button launches the selected occupation. Each exercise is accompanied by prompts and motivating virtual coach replicas. Exercise technique can be clarified by using illustrations and videos.

As for yoga in this application, there are quite convenient complexes for different purposes. Yoga for digestion, for warm-up of the back, dynamic yoga to maintain muscles and cardiosystems in tone. 15 minutes for classes can always be found. For example, if I work at home all day (and this is usually a sitting job when I write / read a few hours in a row), then you can also break into a small workout, otherwise the back is starting to hurt in the thoracic department. As far as I know, this is the most common problem with the spine from office staff.

2. Daily Yoga.

This application is intended for daily yoga practicing anywhere and at any time. In the directions of training, you can choose even those that are designed for the office - so that in the interruptions between work it was possible to slightly remove the tension from the back and neck. For relaxation, a meditative or respiratory yoga is still perfect.

Training is drawn up, it is clear even for a beginner - these are videos of different durations, which demonstrate asans in detail. If necessary, you can connect audio creatures, however, they will use only own English. You can train under meditative music - for this you need to click on "reproduction" so that in the background we sound the peaceful sounds of nature.


Another curious application, there is a paid version. It is perfect for home use, as well as on vacation. Most of all in the appendix liked the gradation of Asan / complexes in difficulty, and the complexes themselves - in time. Even with each Asan and the complex there is an explanation, for which organism systems they are useful.

In addition, video with voicing is attached to each occupation, what and how to do. More among the advantages of the application - high-quality Russification, a multi-level approach for beginners and skillful users, as well as integrated functions with social networks. For a small surcharge, you can access the entire library of asanas and programs that include long-term classes for advanced yoga lovers.