How to beat everyone in checkers. Rules game checkers: how to play beginners correctly to win. How to play against a stronger rival

Knowledge of the simplest traps will help you quickly win Already at the very beginning of the game.

In this material, consider how correctly make a game of checkersand what you can hope in the very the beginning of a checkered party. This information is recommended primarily novice players, as qualified chairs of course know about it.

It turns out that you can win in checkers after the second move! Of course, in the ladies for such a short period of the game, you will not eat many pigeons of the opponent. But to win one or two checkers at your opponent is quite real.

It should be noted that, having an advantage, even one checker is already in the very the beginning of the gameYou can safely count on a victory, since any positional compensation for this checker after several initial moves opponent is hardly able to get. You also will remain in this situation only carefully and without unnecessary risk to do this party to victory.

Let us turn to the examples.

Example 1. The game begins as follows: 1.CD4 HG5 2.BC3 and by second running black can make a mistake: 2 ... DE5?

white move

3.GF4! E: G3 4.H: H6 and white is an excess checker.

Example 2. 1.EF4 DC5 2.Fe3 CD4?

white move

Black expect to win two white checkers at once after 3.c: E5? F: H4 x

However, the White Playing has the opportunity to win a black checker: 3.e: C5 B: D4 4.C: E5 F: D4 5.FG5! H: F4 6.G: C3 and bring the game to victory.

Playing black, you can also count on similar errors of the opponent.

Example 3. 1.CD4 HG5 2.DC5?

black stroke

This is a mistake, by the way, is quite frequent among beginner players and allowing black to win the checker: 2 ... D: B4 3.A: C5 B: D4 4.E: C5 GF4! 5.G: E5 F: B6.

Example 4. 1.GH4 FE5 2.HG3?

black stroke

And here black won the checker already in the second go: 2 ... ED4! 3.e: C5 B: D4 4.C: E5 D: H2, practically ensuring yourself in the future winning this party.

From the considered examples, novice players must make a very important conclusion for themselves: in order to win, it is necessary to study see and spend in the game (at least similar to those discussed above).

These skills will also help avoid their own mistakes and not allow the opponent to win your checkers and conduct. About how to learn this, you will learn from various materials of the site ,.

When creating traps, as, however, and through the whole game of checkers should be kept vigilance and in time to solve the opponent's response.

Here is another interesting example of traps in the debut: one of the players creates a trap to another, but himself comes across in the west prepared by the opponent.

Example 5. 1.CD4 BA5 2.BC3 CB6 3.GH4 DC5 4.HG3 BC7?

white move

His last move is black prepared a trap: now it is impossible to 5.ab2 white? Due to 5 ... AB4! 6.C: A5 FG5 7.H: F6 X

But it turns out that white is also not averse to win a party at the very beginning of the game and their trap has already worked: 5.CB4! A: E5 6.ED4 C: E3 7.D: B8 x

Tip: Sticky quickly winDo not let the same opponent!

The considered examples are quite simple. Such traps at the beginning of the party in Russian checkers a lot, but there are more complex. One example of a complex trap, in which not even newcomer can be caught, can be found (in the comments to the fifth move of white).

Trap at the beginning of the game - for white

Trap at the beginning of the game - for black

Trap at the beginning of the game is another way to win in checkers, which is often found in a practical game, especially among beginners. The topic of traps At the very beginning of the game in the checkers will definitely be continued, follow the news.

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For many years, checkers were known as a very exciting and simple game. Despite the seeming rectinence, it requires certain knowledge and skills, because there are many strategies and styles of the game.

When studying the strategy, you first need to understand the marks themselves and learn how to create a plan of your game. Many Shashists draw their knowledge from literature, magazines or watch the results of tournaments and matches. Beginners in the checkers often think that experts have some secret mathematical rules that solve all situations arising on the checkered board. This idea is false, since the number of possible positions is almost unlimited, and no one will ever lit-raid checkers in this way.

How to win in checkers - the first move

In almost all modern checkers, the launch rules are the same: dark color begins to move first. Decide on the color of checkers usually helps a coin or sequence. Moving forward the first checker need to learn exactly and quickly analyze the situation, visualizing changes in a position for several moves forward. We must not forget that the enemy will also try to make the best stroke. Know that having at the beginning of the game in your arsenal one checker more, you can safely count on a victory, the main thing about the battle without slipping.

How to win in checkers - make an opponent work on you

Make the opponent to move checkers in your favor - this is one of the secrets of victory. To apply forcing tactics you need to know something about formations, traps, shots and risks at the end of the game. When planning your game, use the distillation principle, hoping on the opponent's mistake.

How to win in checkers - set traps

Quite often, at the beginning of the game, newcomers practiced traps - this is one of the guarantees of victory in a desktop game. Such tactics can disrupt the opponent's plans, however, to understand its goals - a difficult task.

How to win in checkers - develop the tactics of the game

In some respects, the game in the checkers is similar to war. Each player can be called the twelve people commander on the battlefield from thirty-two squares. War's leaders maneuver forces with military accuracy, attacking, sacrificing, trying to overcome the enemy or suppress them superiority. Remember that the army is not moving into battle is unsystematic.

How to win in checkers - go in the ladies

The first of the players who reached the opposite side of the enemy has a lady in his arsenal, and she is quite a formidable weapon. Her long-range possibilities and ability to move on the diagonal of the board can destroy the whole group of rival checkers.

How to win in checkers - strive for a chap

Cut the opponent to give you your checkers or knock them out. To do this, you can apply the reception when two rival checkers are not protected, and your gets up between them (approaching the "Lyubovka") or to determine the weak checker and attack the opponent.

How to win in checkers - central control

In advance, analyze the dangerous zones that you need to avoid the opponent to push you into them. Remember that the control of the center is to control the entire board. A checker standing at her board is much weaker than central. In addition to speed, central squares have wider coverage: you can overcome any flank from them. If the internal squares are so desirable in the game, then the side in many cases become unsafe. Your checker will not be clamped in the corner if there is a number of colleagues nearby.

How to win checkers - play thoughtfully

Always try to play slowly and thoughtfully, considering every possible move. Having moved his stroke in a hurry, you quickly finish the batch, but the result may be on the opponent's side. It is better to play one good game than a hundred negligent. Always expect your opponent can make the best course.

How to win in checkers - play with professionals

Practice the game with professionals. No need to go far to find a specialist. Local experts can be students who disassembled in the game and capable of drawing tough competition or disciples from a checkered club.

Remember that checkers help develop traits of character necessary for a successful life: caution, concentration, self-control, balance, accuracy, patience and even methodical judgment.

Checkers are an intelligent game that uses the play board and checkers. This is a very interesting and entertaining game, it develops logic. Many can play checkers and think that they know how to do it well. Maybe it is so. But to play well, you need not just to know the rules.

Yes, for victory you need to know the rules. But to win constantly, we need considerable skills, tricks and a big practice.

We offer you some tips on how to win in checkers.

  • To begin with, no matter how funny it sounds, you need to stop hard want to win. It would seem that this is a stupid statement, since the ultimate goal of the game is a victory. But, nevertheless, a strong focus on victory can cost a loss, since at a concentration on victory involuntarily appears, and this is unacceptable in this game.
  • A little absurd, but everyone knows that in order to be able to win, you need to be able to play and lose. Before wining, you need to lose the parties. No need to record how many times did you lose, you yourself will feel when you cross this line. But you need to lose is not just like that, but with valuable experience for the future and knowledge of how to win the checkers

How to quickly win in checkers, know the most experienced players. But novice and more inexperienced should not be in a hurry. After all, the hurry is the main enemy of the victory in the checkers.

  • During the game, you should have a goal: to get as quickly as possible in the ladies and do not allow it to make your opponent. After all, the lady is a very powerful figure in the checkers. Its power is that it can move in any direction (without breaking the line, of course) and "eat" opponents at different distances. When the lady appears, just begins the "height" of the game.
  • You need to try to achieve your own checkers to stay more than the enemy's checkers. Of course, it will give you more chances and opportunities for victory.
  • Try to take the central cells of the field with your checkers. Because the checker, which stands "near the board", owns a smaller force than a checker that stands in the center.
  • Think over your actions. The deeper your considerations, than you have more chances to beat the enemy.
  • Players in the checkers probably heard that 7 moves could be in the initial position. But it is not. Do not lose the first two strokes with white 1.C3-B4 and 1.C3-D4. This is few know. So remember these combinations to know how to win the checkers.

The composition of the game:

1. Map 64 (8x8) cells. Cells of two contrasting colors located on diagonals. The designation of gaming cells is alphanumeric (like on a chessboard).

2. Checkers of two different colors of 12 pieces.

Purpose of the game:


The playing field (board) is located in such a way that the angular dark field was located on the left side of the player (Chart No. 1).

Chart number 1

Chart # 2.

Color selection by players is determined by lot or by agreement. Checkers are placed on three, close to the player, rows on dark cells, as shown in the figure. The right of the first move usually belongs to the player who plays white (light) color. The moves are carried out by rivals alternately.

If a simple checker reached the last horizontal, it becomes a "lady" and is indicated by turning (chart # 3). The lady can move on diagonals for any number of free cells.

Chart number 3.

Take the checkers The opponent is made by transferring through it with its own, if it is located on a nearest chass of the diagonal cell and there is a free field (Chart No. 2). If after this stroke there is a continuation to take other rival checkers, the move continues. The poverty shack (checkers) is removed from the board. Taking the rival checkers can be made as ahead and forth, and is mandatory if before the game has not agreed to change this rule.

These rules of the game in Russian checkers are standard, but changes can be made in the mutual consent of the players.

International (stocking) checkers.

Rules of the game in international (stocking) checkers, very similar to Russian checkers, but, nevertheless, they differ.

The composition of the game:

1. Map 100 (10x10) cells. The cells of two contrasting colors are usually white and dark (gray or brown) are diagonally. All dark (black) fields have certain numbers - from 1 to 50.

2. There are two different colors for 20 pieces.

Purpose of the game:

Win the party - when not a single checkers left the opponent, the rival checkers are blocked or the opponent ahead of time averaged his defeat.

If it is impossible to win any of the participants in the game, the party is considered to be finished in a draw.


2 players take part in the game. Players are located on the opposite sides of the board.

Color selection by players is determined by lot or by agreement. Checkers are placed on four, close to the player, rows on dark cells, as shown in the figure. The right of the first move usually belongs to the player who plays white (light) color. The moves are carried out by rivals alternately. The move is considered to be done if the participant of the game after moving the checkers let go of his hand. If the player touched the checker, he owes her to make a move. If, any of the opponents want to fix the checkers, must warn in advance.

At the beginning of the game, all checkers rivals are simple. Simple checkers can be moved only forward to the diagonal to the adjacent free cage.

Take the checkers

For explanations, below are visual examples:

Chart number 6.

Dame 10 can take one checker, becoming on the field 46.

A simple checker 36, removes 3 rival checkers, becoming on the field 29.

Therefore, the capture must perform a checker 36.

Chart number 7.

White has 2 options for taking rival checkers:

Dame 45 You can take 2 simple checkers and a lady, becoming on the field 16;

Simple checker 26 You can take a lady and 2 simple checkers.

In all versions, the quality and quantity is the same, so the player takes the taking on the basis of tactical preferences.

These rules of the game in international (stocking) checkers are standard, but changes can be made in the mutual consent of the players.

More detailed rules, when conducting official competitions, you can find out in the Code of the Rules of Sports "Shashka", approved by order No. 481 of the Ministry of Sports of Russia from May 12, 2010

Brazilian checkers.

In Brazilsiye, checkers play on the 8x8 cells according to the rules of international checkers.

The composition of the game:

1. Map 64 (8x8) cells. The cells of two contrasting colors are usually white and dark (gray or brown) are diagonally. All dark (black) fields have certain numbers - from 1 to 32.

2. Sex two different colors for 12 pieces.

Purpose of the game:

Win the party - when not a single checkers left the opponent, the rival checkers are blocked or the opponent ahead of time averaged his defeat.

If it is impossible to win any of the participants in the game, the party is considered to be finished in a draw.


2 players take part in the game. Players are located on the opposite sides of the board.

The playing field (board) is located in such a way that the angular dark field was located on the left side of the player.

Color selection by players is determined by lot or by agreement. Checkers are placed on three, close to the player, rows on dark cells. The right of the first move usually belongs to the player who plays white (light) color. The moves are carried out by rivals alternately.

At the beginning of the game, all checkers rivals are simple. Simple checkers can be moved only forward to the diagonal to the adjacent free cage.

If a simple checker reached the last horizontal, it becomes the "lady" and is indicated by turning. The lady can move on diagonals for any number of free cells.

The move is considered to be done if the participant of the game after moving the checkers let go of his hand. If the player touched the checker, he owes her to make a move. If, any of the opponents want to fix the checkers, must warn in advance.

Take the checkers The opponent is made by transferring it with its own, in the event that it is located on a nearby-piece diagonal cell and there is a free field behind it. If after this stroke there is a continuation for taking, the move continues, while the option is selected according to the "rule of majority", i.e. Taking the greatest number of rival checkers, in this case the lady does not use any advantages and does not impose any additional obligations on the player.

Taking the rival checkers can be made as ahead and forth, and is mandatory if before the game has not agreed to change this rule. The poverty shack (checkers) is removed from the board.

If a simple checker in the process of taking the rival checkers reaches the field of the last horizontal and it is given the possibility of further taking according to the battle rules, it turns into a lady, stopping on the field of the last row. The right to take on the rules of the ladies it acquires only from the next progress.

English checkers (american, checkers)

The composition of the game:

Purpose of the game:

Win the party - when not a single checkers left the opponent, the rival checkers are blocked or the opponent ahead of time averaged his defeat.

If it is impossible to win any of the participants in the game, the party is considered to be finished in a draw.


2 players take part in the game. Players are located on the opposite sides of the board.

At the beginning of the game, all checkers rivals are simple. Simple checkers can be moved only forward to the diagonal to the adjacent free cage.

If a simple checker reached the last horizontal, it becomes the "lady" and is indicated by turning. The lady can go to one field diagonally or back

The move is considered to be done if the participant of the game after moving the checkers let go of his hand. If the player touched the checker, he owes her to make a move. If, any of the opponents want to fix the checkers, must warn in advance.

Take the checkers The opponent is made by transferring it with its own, in the event that it is located on a nearby-piece diagonal cell and there is a free field behind it. Taking the rival checkers with a simple checker can only be done forward. The lady, when taking only one field in any direction, and not on any field diagonally, as in Russian or international checkers. Taking the rival checkers compulsory, but if there are several continuations of "battle," any, the most tactful is appropriate (the main criterion is the lack of further continuations for taking).

If a simple checker in the process of taking the rival checkers reaches the field of the last horizontal and it is given the possibility of further taking according to the battle rules, it turns into a lady, stopping on the field of the last row. The right to take on the rules of the ladies it acquires only from the next progress.

Pool (Pool)

The rules of the game in the Pool, very similar to Russian checkers, but, nevertheless, they differ.

The composition of the game:

1. Gaming board 64 (8x8) cells. The cells of two contrasting colors are usually white and dark (gray or brown) are diagonally.

2. Checkers of two different colors of 12 pieces.

Purpose of the game:

Win the party - when not a single checkers left the opponent, the rival checkers are blocked or the opponent ahead of time averaged his defeat.

If it is impossible to win any of the participants in the game, the party is considered to be finished in a draw.


2 players take part in the game. Players are located on the opposite sides of the board.

The playing field (board) is located in such a way that the angular dark cell was located on the left side of the player.

Color selection by players is determined by lot or by agreement. Checkers are placed on three, close to the player, rows on dark cells. The right of the first moves usually belongs to the player who plays white (blond) checkers. The moves are carried out by rivals alternately.

At the beginning of the game, all checkers rivals are simple. Simple checkers can be moved only forward to the diagonal to the adjacent free cage.

If a simple checker reached the last horizontal, it becomes the "lady" and is indicated by turning. The lady can move on diagonals for any number of free cells.

The move is considered to be done if the participant of the game after moving the checkers let go of his hand. If the player touched the checker, he owes her to make a move. If, any of the opponents want to fix the checkers, must warn in advance.

Take the checkers The opponent is made by transferring it with its own, in the event that it is located on a nearby-piece diagonal cell and there is a free field behind it. Taking the rival checkers with a simple checker can only be done forward. The taking of a pitch of rival checkers can be carried out through any number of diagonal cells, in the presence of free space for the "victim". If it turns out again on the same diagonal nearby or at a distance from the rival checkers, behind which one or more free fields is located, the lady must continue to take the subsequent and take any free field on the same diagonal for the last tedder.

Taking the rival checkers compulsory, but if there are several continuations of "battle," any, the most tactful is appropriate (the main criterion is the lack of further continuations for taking).

If a simple checker in the process of taking the rival checkers reaches the field of the last horizontal and it is given the possibility of further taking, then the checker continues "fight", while remaining simple.

Italian checkers

The rules of the game in Italian checkers resemble Checkers (Checkers), but, nevertheless, they differ.

Color selection by players is determined by lot or by agreement. Checkers are placed on three, close to the player, rows on dark cells. The right of the first move is usually owned by a player who plays black (dark) checkers. The moves are carried out by rivals alternately.

At the beginning of the game, all checkers rivals are simple. Simple checkers can be moved only forward to the diagonal to the adjacent free cage.

If a simple checker reached the last horizontal, it becomes the "lady" and is indicated by turning. The lady has the right to go to one field diagonally or backward.

The move is considered to be done if the participant of the game after moving the checkers let go of his hand. If the player touched the checker, he owes her to make a move. If, any of the opponents want to fix the checkers, must warn in advance.

Take the checkers The opponent is made by transferring it with its own, in the event that it is located on a nearby-piece diagonal cell and there is a free field behind it. Taking the rival checkers with a simple checker can only be done forward. A simple shash is forbidden to "beat" the lady. The lady, when taking only one field in any direction, and not on any field diagonally, as in Russian or international checkers. Take the rival checkers compulsory, but if there are several continuations of "battle", the option is selected according to the "rule of majority", i.e. Taking the greatest number of rival checkers, in this case the lady does not use any advantages and does not impose any additional obligations on the player.

If a simple checker in the process of taking the rival checkers reaches the field of the last horizontal and it is given the possibility of further taking according to the battle rules, it turns into a lady, stopping on the field of the last row. The right to take on the rules of the ladies it acquires only from the next progress.

At the beginning of the game, all checkers rivals are simple. Simple checkers can be moved only forward to the diagonal to the adjacent free cage.

If a simple checker reached the last horizontal, it becomes the "lady" and is indicated by turning. The lady can move on diagonals for any number of free cells.

Take the checkers The opponent is made by transferring it with its own, in the event that it is located on a nearby-piece diagonal cell and there is a free field behind it. If after this stroke there is a continuation to take other rival checkers, the move continues. The poverty shack (checkers) is removed from the board. Taking the rival checkers can be made as ahead and forth, and is mandatory if before the game has not agreed to change this rule.

The taking of a pitch of rival checkers can be carried out through any number of diagonal cells, in the presence of free space for the "victim". If it turns out again on the same diagonal nearby or at a distance from the rival checkers, behind which one or more free fields is located, the lady must continue to take the subsequent and take any free field on the same diagonal for the last tedder.

Take the rival checkers compulsory, but if there are several continuations of "battle", the option is selected according to the "rule of majority", i.e. Taking the greatest number of rival checkers

In cases where a simple checker, when taken reaches the last horizontal series and it is possible to further take checkers, then it is obliged to continue the battle, but already under the rights of the ladies.

In cases where the checker reached the last horizontal without capture and after that, it is possible to battle, then it must beat, provided if this feature is preserved only by the following progress on the rights of the ladies.

Bailed checkers are removed from the board only at the end of the stroke, repeated "leaping" through broken checkers are prohibited.

For the first time, having acquainted with a checkered game, a novice amateur should not try to memorize certain options began until it fell as the general laws of struggle on a checkered board. Only after a beginner shashist will accumulate some experience in the game and will be able to independently appreciate one or another position, he will be able to go to study began. But from the very first steps, the playing should explore the most common traps in the beginning, so that they do not come across themselves, and if you confuse the traps of your opponent in the networks.

At the very beginning of the party, after the 3-8 strokes made, we meet with the possibility of various combinations.
The combination is usually preceded by a trap.

What is your trap? In the practice of playing, there are often positions in which, at first glance, a profitable continuation of the game is actually refuted by the enemy and leads to the inevitable material losses or to the lost positions.

In this article we will introduce you to the most common traps in the beginning of the parties.

1st trap

1. E3-D4 D6-C5 2. F2-E3 F6-G5 3. C3-B4?

This careless move immediately leads to losing. Should be continued 3. G3-H4 or 3. G1-F2.

3. ... G5-H4 4. B4: D6 H4: F12 5. E1: G3 C7: H4, and black wins.

2nd trap

1. E3-D4 D6-E5 2. G3-H4 H6-G5 3. H2-G3? - Error playing a batch.

3. ... G5-F4! 4. G1-H2 F4-E3 5. D2: D6 E7: G1, and the winnings of black is obvious.

3rd trap

1. G3-F4 F6-E5 2. F2-G3 E7-F6 3. A3-B4 B6-C5? - Black come across a trap.

4. G3-H4 C5: A3 (if 4. ... E5: G3, then 5. H2: F4 C5: A3 6. F4-G5 with winnings) 5. F4-G5 H6: F4 6. E3: C5, And whites remain with an extra checker.

4th trap

1. G3-H4 B6-A5 2. F2-G3 C7-B6 3. E3-F4 F6-E5? - Decisive error, followed 3. ... D6-C5

4. F4-G5 H6: F4 5. C3-D4 E5: C3 6. D2: B4 A5: C3 7. G3: A5, and white achieve a win.

5th trap

1. C3-B4 D6-E5 2. B4-A5 B6-C5 3. B2-C3?

In appearance, a completely safe move immediately loses the party.

3. ... C5-D4 4. E3: C5 C7-B6 5. A5: C7 D8: B2 6. A1: C3 E5-F4 7. G3: E5 F6: B2

By passing the premises field, black win.

6th trap

1. C3-D4 D6-C5 2. B2-C3 C7-D6 3. C3-B4 B6-A5 4. D4: B6 A5: C7 5. A1-B2 H6-G5 6. G3-H4?

White come across a trap. Followed 6. G3-F4

6. ... F6-E5! 7. H4: D4 D6-C5 8. D4: B6 C7: A1 and, passing into the ladies, black wins.

7th trap

1. C3-D4 D6-E5 2. B2-C3 E7-D6 3. A1-B2

Weak move, which gives the ability to bind the left flank of the opponent. Much stronger 3. E3-F4

3. ... D6-C5 4. G3-H4? - This move immediately loses the party.

4. ... C5-B4 5. A3: C5 E5-F4 6. E3: E7 F8: B4 7. C3: A5 H6-G5 8. H4: F6 G7: A1, and black wins.

8th trap

1. C3-D4 D6-C5 2. B2-C3 F6-G5 3. G3-F4 G7-F6 4. F4-E5?

Bad stroke, designed for black error. Stronger to continue 4. C3-B4

4. ... F8-G7 ?? - Losing. We must answer 4. ... H8-G7!

The traps considered by us emphasize the need for a comprehensive and critical analysis of each course at the beginning of the party.