How to lock a region to a region. How to private a territory in Minecraft on a server? Minecraft teams for private territory

There are many ways to privatize territory in Minecraft.

  • Someone is using WorldGuard (hatchet)
  • Someone - Towny (city)
  • And someone understands that this is yesterday and writes his own version of private (as we did and did not lose).

This article discusses the first option - WorldGuard.

Private WorldGuard

In order to seize your territory, you need to follow several steps.


Before we can privatize something, we need to select the territory that we need. To do this, we write the command

and a wooden hatchet appears in our inventory.

How are we going to work?- you ask. Very easy.


LMB is the first point. RMB is the second point. Anything can be selected with two dots. In this picture, these points are the green and blue box frames. The red grid is the selected area of ​​the private.

You can also use the commands

We will use them to designate points in the cube where your legs are located (not on the cube, but in it) In the chat it will look like this:

If you climb far up (or just too lazy) or you want to lock it under the house, then this command is for you. In the chat we write:

// expand<кол-во кубов> <направление>

For example:

// expand 2 down (or just d)

Thus, we expanded the territory that we marked with an ax 2 cubes down (not in a certain place, but over all areas). Directions:

Down or d - down up or u - up north or n - north south or s - south east or e - east west or w - west

When a region is selected, a grid appears that visually displays the boundaries of the selected region. You can remove this grid by typing the command:


To privatize the territory in the chat, write the following commands after you select the territory:

/ region claim zone_name

So we seized the territory on ourselves. "What if I live with a friend?" - you ask again. We write in the chat:

/ region addmember zone_name friend_name


If you are moving somewhere or something else and you need to delete the territory, then write the following command:

/ region remove region_name

Basic commands for working with regions:

/ region claim - creates a region / region addmember username - adds a user to a region. / region addowner username - adds the owner of the region. / region removemember username - removes the region's user.

Sub-regions (subsidiary regions)

Regions can be assigned child and parent regions:

/ region setparent zone_name parent zone_name

In this case, "zone_name" becomes a child region of the "parent zone_name" region.

For such an association, you need to be on the list of owners of both regions. To remove a parent link, you just need to omit the parent region, that is

/ region setparent<регион>

If you just select one region within another, they will not be child and parent. Only the owner of the old region can allocate a new region that partially overlaps the old one.

Additionally (edit, delete)

If you made a mistake while marking the region, and have already saved it, then you can select it as a selection using the command:

/ region claim zone_name

You can delete a region using the command:

/ region delete zone_name

Hello Friend! If you have ever played on the server, then you wondered “ How to private in minecraft?". Today I will try to tell you about all the intricacies of private. I will say right away that the private process is very easy and does not require any special knowledge. So you can easily create your own private and even add friends to it!

On some servers, in addition to the main private, there are additional ones. With their help, you can private chests and doors separately from the locked area. It is very convenient! When you mine ore in a mine and your inventory is full, you can create a sunduk, put things in it and put a private from other players so that they cannot take your resources. I wrote about how to privatize chests in another article. You can read more details here.

Another type of private is private doors. You can also block the doors from uninvited guests. You can read about this in the article "How to lock the door in Minecraft". And we will get down to business and talk about how to prohibit other people from hosting your territory, or, in other words, how to private in minecraft.

How to private a house in Minecraft?

And so, you built your house, or you just found a beautiful area, the owner of which you want to become and you need to prevent other users from changing the position of the blocks in this place. To do this, we will lock the area we need. As an example, I'll take my house, which I quickly built in creative mode, and I'll lock it up.

We need a wooden ax with which we can select the points of the private. Please note that we ONLY need a wooden ax to select the points of the private. The area is not selectable with other types of axes. We don't need to craft this item. It is enough to enter the command // wand into the chat. After that, a hatchet will appear in the inventory:

Now we must decide what borders our region has. I marked the boundaries of my territory with a lightstone. You can put any block on the corners, so that it would be clear where the boundaries of your house are. Now you need to mark the highest and lowest point of your region. This can be done with any block. I will give several tips at once:

  1. Don't choose too large privates. There may be a limitation on the server and all your efforts will be in vain.
  2. When you mark the highest and lowest points, keep a little stock. I dig 3 blocks down from the lowest point of the house and climb 3 blocks up from the highest point of my building.

I have highlighted the top and bottom positions with ginger boards:

In fact, any private should be in this format: we select the lowest extreme point, mark it. Select the opposite uppermost extreme point and also mark any blocks. Those. if we chose the lower right point, then the upper point should be in the upper left corner (when looking from top to bottom). If you don't understand, then here's a picture for you:

Fine! Have you already guessed how to privatize in minecraft? Now we can start. Let's show the plugin where we want to put private on the territory. To do this, take the ax and go to the first point. And left-click on the block. Or we stand in the place of the block and write // pos1. We should receive a message that the first position is selected. I wrote it like this:

First position set to (-204.0, 64.0, 238.0)

Translated into Russian comes "The first position is set to (coordinates)". Now go to the second point and right-click. Or we stand on the block and enter // pos2. He writes to us the following:

Second position set to (-237.0, 82.0, 2660) (19734)

The second parenthesis displays the number of selected blocks. If you know the private limit, then make sure that the selected area does not exceed the maximum value, otherwise it will give an error. On many servers, the selected area is marked with a grid so as not to get confused in the selection. If you have highlighted, then you can check the selected region again.

Fine! We have selected our area and now we only need to register our site! To do this, write / region claim minemik - instead of minemik, insert the name of the site. If everything went well, you will see this text in your chat:

A new region has been claimed named "Title"

“Your region has been successfully installed! Name: …". Fine! We just found out how to private territory in minecraft! Now you can teach your friends how to properly lock your building on the server.

If instead of this message an error is displayed, then try translating it into Russian. You may be able to fix it. If it didn't work out - write in the comments what is wrong. I will try to help. Here is such a house I have locked in minecraft:

Yes, yes, I know - it's just a box. I am not a master of building 🙂

How do I find out the name of the region?

If you have forgotten the name of your private - you can fix it! To find out the name of any territory you need:

  • Craft a stick in a workbench
  • Take her in hand
  • Stand on the sealed area.
  • Right-click on a block that is part of the locked region.

After that, the name of the territory will appear in the chat.

Note! In older versions, a spider web should be used instead of a stick.

How to remove or add a player to private?

Let's say I'm playing with a friend on the server and I really want him to be able to break and put blocks in my private. What to do? It takes a very long time to constantly shoot and set private back. It's good that the plugin developers thought about this and made the function of adding others to the locked area. Here are the commands for managing the list of trusted players:

  • / region addmember [private name] [nickname of the player to add]- adds the specified user to the specified region.
  • / region removemember [private name] [nickname of the player to be removed]- removes the user from the region. He will no longer be able to break and place blocks in this territory.
  • / region info [private name]- shows information about the territory. Using this command, you can find out who owns this lot, its type, priority, the list of residents (those added with / region addmember), and the size.

After adding or removing a player, you will see the following message:

But do not forget that you should not add everyone you meet to yourself in private. I never give other people access to my home.

Private flags

Flags are used to allow or prohibit any activity in your area. To apply the flag, you need to enter the command into the chat:

  • / region flag [private name] [flag name] [parameter]
    • The parameter is written deny - forbidden or allow - allowed.

The plugin supports the following flags (some of them may be disabled on servers):

  1. build - flag for construction. If the deny parameter is entered, then construction on this territory will be prohibited. Please note that if you prohibit placing blocks, then you yourself will not be able to place anything until you turn on construction.
  2. pvp - this flag is responsible for the PvP mode. If the parameter allow is entered, then guests of the private will be able to inflict and receive damage.
  3. mob-damage - responsible for damage from mobs. Accordingly, if you specify deny, then the mobs will not be able to harm you.
  4. mob-damage - enables or disables spawning of mobs.
  5. creeper-explosion - responsible for the explosion of the creeper. With the deny parameter entered, the creeper will disappear instead of exploding. Do you know who a creeper is? Do you know everything about him? Bet you don't? Read the article and you will realize that you were wrong. By the way, there I talked about the whole creeper cult!
  6. enderman-grief - Enables or disables the enderman to steal blocks on your site.
  7. enderpearl - if you entered deny, then the ender pearls cannot be used on the lot.
  8. ghast-fireball - do you live in? Then this flag will come in handy! It inhibits damage from fireballs that the ghast releases. If you are in the territory with the flag on, then the ghast will not be able to kill you and ruin the house.
  9. sleep - allows you to sleep on the bed.
  10. tnt - Enables dynamite explosion.
  11. lighter - if you enter deny, you will not be able to use the lighter.
  12. fire-spread - is your building on fire? No problem! Set the value of this flag to deny and you will prevent the spread of fire in your area.
  13. lava-fire - Enables lava fire.
  14. lightning - allows lightning strikes.
  15. chest-access - Allows access to chests for other players (default: forbidden).
  16. water-flow - allows water flows in your private.
  17. water-flow - Allows lava flows in your territory.
  18. use - is responsible for the ability to use buttons and doors.
  19. snow-fall - snowfall.
  20. invincible - immortality in the region (default: disabled).
  21. entry - entry. If you put deny, then the entrance to your site will be denied.
  22. exit - exit.
  23. greeting - as the second parameter, pass the text that the user will see when entering. For example, the command:

    / region flag [region name] greeting "Hello% name%!"

    will output me the following:

  24. farewell is the text that will be shown when you leave your private.

    Be sure to set the values ​​notify-enter allow and notify-enter alow if you want to use login and logout messages.

  25. ice-melt - allows you to melt ice in private.
  26. pistons - Allows pistons to move blocks.
  27. item-drop - if allow is specified, then players will be able to drop a drop.

Private commands

Almost all servers have the following commands:

  • // pos 1 - select the first position.
  • // pos2 - select the second position.
  • / region claim<имя привата>[nicknames of players] - creates a private and assigns owners to it. The second parameter is optional.
  • / region delete<имя привата>- removes the region. After that, all players will be able to break and place blocks, as well as open chests.
  • / region select<имя региона>- completely sets out your territory.
  • / region define<имя участка>- defines privat.
  • / region redefine<имя территории>- your old region will be deleted, and the selected one will be locked under the old name.
  • / region addmember<имя привата> <ник игрока>- adds a user to the region. He will be able to break and place blocks, use chests.
  • / region addowner<имя территории> <ник игрока>- adds the owner of the private. The owner will be able to add and remove residents of the site. I do not recommend using it!
  • / region removemember<имя привата> <пользователи…>- removes the user of the territory. The player will no longer be able to change the arrangement of blocks in your private.
  • / region removeowner<имя региона> <владельцы…>- removes the owner of the territory.
  • / region flag<имя участка> <параметр>- sets the specified flag to the region. Most flags use the following values ​​as a parameter
    • none - not set
    • allow - allowed
    • deny - prohibited.

Fine! Now you also know how to privatize in minecarft!

As we know, in all games there are people who want to steal something, or break something from another person. The question arises - how to protect yourself from this. That is, how to seize territory in Minecraft when playing on a server?

Almost all servers have a list of commands that allow the player to book a certain amount of territory or just a cube. This cube will be safe for your home and the things that are in it. In order to secure the territory, we need a wooden ax and nothing else, this is a prerequisite in the private territory.

To craft a wooden ax, we will need to cut down a couple of trees and craft 2 sticks and 3 boards, as well as a well-known workbench. By arranging the ingredients in the specified order, we can get our cherished wooden ax.

The wooden ax is not very suitable for chopping wood or killing wild animals, as it is weak and quickly breaks down. But he is needed for private.

Sticks are made from 2 planks, and the planks themselves are made of wood. They can even be crafted in your inventory. But since you still need a workbench, then craft everything in the workbench.

We mark the territory for the private

We have a wooden ax, so what's next? Now is the time to find out the commands for private territory in Minecraft. We select the region we need and suit us, dig a few blocks down, left-click the block under which we are standing, get out of the hole, walk along the diagonal of our territory, build a tower from blocks, capturing the territory that we want to seize, click on the block again but now with the right mouse button.

Now you need to enter commands.

Minecraft teams for private territory

In the chat, we see that after each mouse click, some numbers appear. These are numbers showing the coordinates of the point that we selected with the wooden ax. The next step in private territory is to write a command that will register your site for you and the territory will become bladeless for your expensive things.

Enter the command / region claim [the name of your site follows here].

On some servers, this command is absent, so you have to grow old or far from the place of travel, or ask the almighty admin who will seize the territory for you.

How do I add a friend or friends to your region?

To add a member to your domain, he needs to transfer the rights of the owner of the territory.

To do this, enter the command: / region addmember<имя вашего зарегистрированного региона><ник друга, которого вы хотите добавить>

After entering the command, your roommate has the right to build and break blocks. This is very useful when you want your friend to help you build a house or mine resources on your territory. But you should always keep an eye on him, because if the person is not familiar to you, but you still added him to the owners of the region, then a complete destruction of your house may happen. If you don't trust a person, or just want to remove him from the owners, then you need to enter the command that removes him from the roommates:

/ region removemember<имя вашего зарегистрированного региона> <ник вашего недруга>

For a private house in minecraft, first of all, we need to know the necessary commands or have a wooden ax, you can either make it (craft) or simply enter the command into the console:

We mark the private area.

After entering, a wooden ax will appear in our hands. After that, you will need to mark the area, marking 2 extreme points along the diagonal of your house, it is best to take a couple of blocks further. Do not forget about the restrictions on the server, which do not allow you to capture too large territories.

Be sure to follow the order of clicks with the right and left mouse buttons.

We mark the first point.

There are 2 ways to mark the first point, the first of them does not require a wooden ax:

  • Enter command // hpos1 while looking at the block of the extreme point;
  • Aim at the selected block with a wooden ax and left click mice

Immediately, an inscription will appear in the chat, which will inform us that the point has been set and display its coordinates:

The first point is specified (Corridor X, Y, Z) or First position set to (Corridor X, Y, Z).

We mark the second point.

After that, you need to go diagonally to another corner of the house and also select a block:

  • Right click mouse on the second block, in the presence of an ax;
  • Enter command // hpos2, in the absence thereof.

And we are immediately informed with an inscription that the point has been successfully set:

The second point is specified (Corridor X, Y, Z) or Second position set to (Corridor X, Y, Z).

We expand the private area of ​​the house up and down.

After these procedures, we have formed a plane, 1 cube thick, which must be expanded in height and downward. This is done through the console, with simple commands:

  • // expand (number of cubes without brackets) up- increase the private area to the top;
  • // expand (number of cubes without brackets) down- increase the private area down.

Again, don't forget about restrictions and don't be greedy. Let's add 10 cubes up and down, using the commands:

  • // expand 10 up
  • // expand 10 down

After entering each of the commands, we will also be informed in the console with the inscriptions:

The region is expanded by X blocks, where X is the number of blocks reserved for your house.

We give a name to our private zone.

The last step left is to assign a name to your locked house, this is done with a simple command:

/ region claim NAME where NAME is the name of your choice, it can be your nickname or whatever.

On this, the question of how to private a house in minecraft is fully disclosed, for those who have not fully figured out there is a video posted below. Ask questions in the comments.

How to lock a house in Minecraft video instruction

In Minecraft, you need to take care of safety first. Many players playing Minecraft online ask the same question: “ How to private territory in Minecraft? " In this article you will find detailed instructions on private territory on the Minecraft server Gamai.Ru.

So, you have found a wonderful place where you want to stay at home. Having chosen the territory where you want to settle, it is advisable to seize it.

To make a territory invulnerable, you first need to select it. Open chat (Letter T on the keyboard) and enter the command there

A wooden ax will appear in your inventory. It is they who need to allocate the territory in the form of a cube diagonally.

Allocation of territory in Minecraft

We take an ax and with the LEFT mouse button click on the first cube (in the figure it is “Point 1” - for the top point you can build, for example, a pillar from the ground), then go to the second cube (in the figure - “Point 2”) and click RIGHT mouse button to set the second point. Our recent innovation will greatly help you - highlighting the allocated area.

After that, the region must be named somehow:

/ region claim (region_name)

We name the region whatever you like, but without spaces.

For example:

/ region claim gamai

Your region is now completely protected from other players. No one will be able to destroy or build on your territory, unless you yourself invite a player to do this.

Protection of the territory from creepers, fire, mobs

To protect the territory from creepers, TNT, mobs, fire and all sorts of other destruction, you need to set flags for your territory.

To set the flag, write the following:

/ region flag (region_name) ( flag) (constant)

(region_name) is the region you created

(constant) - deny-forbidden, allow-allowed, none-no constant.

For example:

/ region flag gamai creeper-explosion deny

This command will prevent creepers from destroying your territory in an explosion.

By default, all flags are enabled - allow.

List of flags for the defense of the territory:

Flags available to all players

  • pvp- attack by other players
  • sleep
  • tnt- the ability to blow up tnt
  • creeper-explosion- the explosion of the creeper destroys or not the territory
  • lighter
  • lava-flow- can lava flow
  • potion-splash- damage from potions
  • ghast-fireball- fireball damage

Flags available to VIP users

  • pvp- attack by other players
  • enderman-grief- the ability to grief endermans
  • lighter- the ability to set fire to a lighter
  • lightning- lightning can destroy your building
  • use- the possibility of using mechanisms (doors, plates, etc.)
  • water-flow- can water flow
  • lava-flow- can lava flow
  • potion-splash- damage from potions
  • sleep- players may / may not sleep in your zone
  • ghast-fireball- fireball damage

If you did everything correctly, your region has become invulnerable.

So, there are only three things you need to do to protect your territory:

  1. Enter the command // wand and select the area in the form of a cube with the left and right mouse buttons.
  2. Register the allocated territory with the command / region claim region_name
  3. Specify the necessary flags with the command / region flag (region_name) (flag) (constant)

How do I add / remove another player?

You can add another player (owner) so that you can build / destroy together with the following command:

/ region addmember region_name player_name

Removing a player:

/ region removemember region_name player_name

To find out who the co-owner of your territory is, you can type the command

/ region info region_name

How do you remember the name of your region?

Take the rope in your hand and right-click on the fastened section.

or enter the command

/ rg list

(you can / region list)

How to remove the visual highlight of the territory?

Enter the command // sel (yes, with two slashes).

In order to highlight your region again, type the command

/ rg select region_name

How do I delete my region?

Your region is removed using the command:

/ region delete region_name

Thus, you know how to private the territory on the Minecraft server.

We wish you a pleasant game and incredible buildings!

How do I reassign a region (move, shift, resize)?

If you need to make some changes to the region, for example to make it larger, then you do not have to delete it!

Use // wand to select the new zone (or / rg select region-name), make adjustments, and run the command:

/ region redefine region-name
/ region move region-name
/ region update region-name
The region is now changed, but all flags are retained from the old region.

How to make a child region (region in a region)? (for Mayors)

If you have a main region, for example "reg1", and you do not want to give your friend full access to the region, then you can simply allocate for him some small area in the "reg1" zone.

To do this, you need to be the Owner of “reg1”:
/ rg addowner owner's nickname region
Then you can start allocating a region for a friend (player) using // wand, and then:
/ rg claim region-name
After that, make the new region (for example "reg2") a child of the region "reg1":
/ region setparent child_region main_region
/ region parent child_region main_region
/ region par child_region main_region

For example:
/ region setparent reg2 reg1
Now the region reg2 belongs to the region reg1, and in cases of deleting reg1, then all the regions attached to it will be deleted.
Each child region can have its own flags, regardless of the flags, but so that there are no flag conflicts between the child and the main region, then the priority must be specified for the child region:
/ region setpriority childregion priority_number
For example:
/ region setpriority reg2 20
The default priority of the main region is 0.

Video how to private territory in Minecraft

I think the article will not be complete if you do not add a video review to it. It's much easier to see than to read! Therefore, we look, we learn!

Official video “How to private territory in Minecraft”

Nice review on the same topic by one of our players:

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