World population density map in Russian. World map adjusted for the population of each country Modern population density map of the countries of the world

A Reddit freak under the username TeaDranks has created a map that resizes each country to match its population. And what do you think? Recognized world giants are suddenly sharply reduced in size ... Yes, we are talking about Canada and Russia. Our country is still the largest in Europe, but China is frankly pushing it from the east.

Each country retains its geographical position - which means it remains quite recognizable.

South America and Europe (excluding Russia) have not changed much in size. North America looks like it got its head chopped off, and China and India barely fit into the map. Africa as a whole has retained its shape, although it is now clearly dominated by Nigeria.

Poor Australia can barely be seen, and Japan and the Philippines look much larger than usual.

Each cell on the map "accommodates" 500 thousand people, which means that some countries did not get there at all.

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    The history of any state is, first of all, the history of its cities. The dynamics of the development of cities in the country has been published in the USA. It shows that in the country there have always been several large agglomerations at the same time and situations when one city (like Moscow in the Russian Federation) openly dominates the entire country did not arise there.

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    This publication differs from many others in that a biologist writes about demographic problems. With the development of ethology, social biology and other sciences of animal behavior, biologists began to encroach on a special point of view about the behavior of Homo sapiens. Naturally, this causes an unfavorable reaction among sociologists and psychologists, the invasion of aliens from biology into their reserved territory seems at first blasphemy. And still…

    A series of documentaries dedicated to the wild and distinctive tribes of Africa. The life of the Woodabi and Tuareg tribes is an everyday struggle for survival in the ruthless desert heat. Mursi is a people whose life is determined by what is seen in the night sky. They sacrifice animals, fight enemy tribes, women express loyalty to their husbands - warriors stretching their lips to unimaginable sizes. In the southern part of Ethiopia, there are two exotic tribes - Hamar and Karo. Feuding with neighboring tribes, they have lived in peace and harmony with each other for many centuries.

    National Geographic

    This series of documentaries is dedicated to the tribes of Africa who live right next to nature, keeping their ancient cultural traditions, customs, and way of life.

    Oleg Balanovsky

    Hamburg account

The density of the world's population is 57 people per square kilometer. According to statistics, the total number of people living in all countries of the world at the beginning of 2020 was 7,772,829,000. By the end of 2020, this figure is projected to grow by 1.2%.

Below are the states that were included in the ranking of the countries with the highest population density according to the UN in 2020.

1 - Macau

Macau is a special administrative region of the PRC with an area of ​​30 square meters. km. According to the UN, in 2020, 649,335 people live here, and the population density is 21,348 people per 1 square kilometer.

Macau Special Administrative Region of China

2 - Monaco

The second place in the ranking of countries in terms of population density is occupied by a dwarf state on the Cote d'Azur - Monaco. The population of Monaco is only 38,964 people, and the total area of ​​the state is 2.02 sq. km. For 1 sq. km per kilometer, 19,427 people live.

This population density is amazing. Monaco is considered one of the most expensive countries in the world. The state gained its popularity thanks to the annual holding of the famous Formula 1 racing championship on its territory. And also the kingdom is famous for its gambling business and a highly developed tourism industry.

The country ranks first in the world in terms of population density

3 - Singapore

The third place belongs to the business center of Asia - Singapore. The population of Singapore is 5,804,337 people. All inhabitants of this state live on 719.10 sq. km. For 1 sq. km of the area accounts for 8240 people.

Citizens of this financial and business center are experiencing an acute shortage of living space. The main population is concentrated in the western part of the state. The northern part of the island is covered with forests and parks, many of which are designated nature reserves. - one of the highest in Asia. or use within 72 hours.

4 - Hong Kong

Hong Kong is one of the two special administrative centers of the PRC along with Macau. It is located on the southern coast of China, surrounded by the Pearl River Delta and the South China Sea.

The population of Hong Kong in 2020 is estimated at 7.50 million (104th in the world), and its density is 6,736 inhabitants. The area of ​​the state is 1104 sq. km.

Hong Kong is the second most densely populated region of the PRC

5 - Gibraltar

Gibraltar is one of the 14 Overseas Territories of Great Britain. Its population is 33 701 people, and its area is only 6 square kilometers.

The population density in 2020 is 5617 people.

6 - Bahrain

It is the smallest Arab state in the Middle East, consisting of 33 islets. The average population density of Bahrain is 2224 people. In recent years, the population of the country, called the pearl of the Arab world, has grown from 1,343,000 to 1,641,172 people.

According to statistics, 18 migrants come to Bahrain daily for permanent residence. ...

7 - Vatican

The seventh place rightfully belongs to the heart of the Catholic Church - the Vatican. According to statistics, only 799 people live on the territory of the Vatican.

The Vatican is located inside the Italian Republic and serves as the seat of the Pope, so there are no permanent residents in this dwarf country. The bulk of the population is the government of the country. Not all residents even have Vatican citizenship. Only 450 people have the citizenship of a mini-state.

The Vatican is one of the smallest states in the world.

More than 3 thousand people work on the territory of the Catholic monastery, but all employees are citizens of the Italian Republic. They do not live in the Vatican, but only work, so the labor force cannot be considered a population.

The Vatican has officially received the status of the smallest state on the world map. Its area does not exceed 1 sq. km (only 0.44 sq. km.). Therefore, the density of the population living in this country is 1820 people per 1 sq. km.

8 - Maldives

This state is one of the most expensive resorts in the world. The population density of the Republic of Maldives is 1802 people per sq. m. The number of people living in the Republic of Maldives is regulated exclusively by the processes of birth and death.

On average, 22 babies are born in the Maldives per day, and 4 people die. It is difficult for immigrants to obtain citizenship of the Republic of Maldives.

The capital of the Maldives - the city of Male - is the smallest, in terms of size and population, the capital in the world.

9 - Malta

Malta is an island nation known for the lack of permanent rivers and lakes. In 2020, the population of this country in the southern part of Europe is 440,432 people, and the density is 1397 people per 1 square kilometer. According to forecasts, by the end of 2020, the growth rate of people living here will increase by 4 residents per day.

10 - Sint Maarten (territory of the Netherlands)

Sint Maarten is one of the four overseas territories of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The state is located on the island of the same name in the Caribbean Sea, occupies about 40% of the island of St. Martin - 34 km ².

The population of Sint Maarten is 42,876 according to the latest UN estimates, and its density is 1.247 inhabitants per km².

11 - Bermuda

Bermuda is a British Overseas Territory located in the North Atlantic Ocean, covering an area of ​​54 km². It is a self-governing country with its own government and its own constitution.

The largest city in Bermuda is the historic city of Saint George with a population of 2,600.

Bermuda has the highest population of any British Overseas Territory with 60,833 inhabitants and a population density of 1,158.

12 - Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a country in the southern part of Asia. The People's Republic of Bangladesh is not very popular with tourists. Most of the country is covered with rivers and lakes. The population in Bangladesh at the beginning of 2020 is 163,046,161 people.

Despite the fact that the republic is developing its agricultural and industrial sector, Bangladesh remains one of the poorest countries in Asia. The density of people living in this country is 1116 people per 1 sq. km. can be found on our website.

13 - Palestine

Palestine is a state located between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. The region is home to Christianity and Judaism. The country's borders have changed many times. In 2020, the area of ​​Palestine is 6,220 km 2.

The population of Palestine in Gaza and the West Bank is estimated at 4.981 million, with a density of 801 people per km².

14 - Saint Martin (French territory)

Saint Martin is one of the French overseas territories in the Caribbean Sea, which occupies part of the Saint Martin Island in the Caribbean Sea.

The state has 38,002 inhabitants, while its area is 53 km 2. The population density is 717 people per square kilometer.

15 - Mayotte

Mayotte is an overseas territory of France, consisting of the islands of Grande-Terre (also known as Maoret) and Petite-Terre (also known as Pamanzi) and several small islets with an area of ​​374 km².

The population of Mayotte in 2020 is 272,815 according to the latest UN estimates, and the density is 712.

16 - Barbados

Barbados is an exotic republic with an abundance of attractions and interesting national flavor. This state attracts many tourists, but only a few remain in this country for permanent residence. In 2020, there are 287,025 people living in Barbados. Fertility rates in this republic are also good.

On average, about 10 children are born a day, and about 7 die. From this we can conclude that the birth rate in the country is higher than the death rate. Today the population density of this country is 668 people.

17 - Taiwan

The population for 2020 is about 23.82 million. This makes Taiwan the 57th largest country in the world in terms of population and the 17th most populous country in the world.

Taiwan has a geographic area of ​​36,193 sq. With a population of 23,476,640 people, its average population density is 649 people per square kilometer.

18 - Lebanon

Lebanon or the Lebanese Republic, is a democratic republic in the Eastern Mediterranean. The population of Lebanon in 2020 is estimated at 6.83 million.

The area of ​​the state is 10,452 square kilometers, and the population density is 656 / km².

19 - Mauritius

In this state, with an area of ​​2040 sq. km is home to 1,269,668 inhabitants. The density is 623 people.

20 - Aruba

Aruba is a small island located almost 1,600 km west of the Lesser Antilles and 27 km north of Venezuela.

Aruba is one of the 4 territories of the Netherlands, therefore Dutch citizens are its citizens. According to UN estimates, the population of Aruba for 2020 is 106,766 people, and the density is 591 / km².

Table: top 20 states by population in 2020

State name Population Annual population growth
1 China 1 409 263 205 18.13%
2 India 1 389 067 986 17.87%
3 United States of America (USA) 333 119 387 4.29%
4 Indonesia 273 145 209 3.51%
5 Brazil 216 752 231 2.79%
6 Pakistan 207 932 874 2.68%
7 Nigeria 205 688 835 2.65%
8 Bangladesh 170 078 647 2.19%
9 Russia 146 576 225 1.89%
10 Mexico 135 260 455 1.74%
11 Japan 125 923 284 1.62%
12 Ethiopia 111 523 642 1.43%
13 Philippines 108 244 578 1.39%
14 Egypt 101 085 910 1.30%
15 Vietnam 98 369 303 1.27%
16 Congo, Democratic Republic 89 177 636 1.15%
17 Turkey 85 040 542 1.09%
18 Iran 83 838 593 1.08%
19 Germany 81 458 833 1.05%
20 Thailand 69 157 602 0.89%
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