Card game minions magnet. Walkthrough Despicable Me: Tips, WIKI, Reviews. Mini-contests for the Despicable Me or Just collecting, having fun playing magnet promotions

There are only two weeks left until the end of the action in the "Magnit" trading network. And after all, not all owners of part of the cards will be able to collect the entire collection. But if you are not one of those personalities, but are ready at all costs to collect all 84 unique copies, then let's try to figure it out in an article on NewsTut.

Promotion from Magnet - cards "Despicable Me 3": how to collect the entire collection

So, let's recall the standard rules for collecting cards. You need to collect goods for 400 rubles in Magnit supermarkets and get a bag for this with 2 cards or buy products in Magnet hypermarkets for 800 rubles, getting the right to a bag with 4 cards.

But if only you are guided by these conditions, then the collection may never be assembled. Indeed, often in bags there are cards that you already have, i.e. repeated.

Repeated cards can be changed... Ask your relatives, loved ones, friends or acquaintances. Perhaps someone else is looking for a card that you have not one, but two or maybe even three. Make an exchange.

Also, pay attention to the promotions in the stores themselves. There are products that can be bought and received additional cards. At the same time, sometimes you can get from 1 to 10 bags for a certain product. Can you imagine if you get 10 bags at once? Your chances of finding new cards will certainly increase.

Well, briefly about the main ways of collecting Despicable Me 3 cards, which will soon be out of use and another promotion will begin. Will it be new cards or stickers, we will find out very soon ...

From June 28, 2017 to September 12, 2017 in stores of the "Magnet" series for the purchase of goods in the amount of 800 rubles, as well as special goods participating in the promotion, you will be given a bag with 4 cards inside.

Having received the first cherished cards with minions, many are wondering what to do with them and how to play.

How to play Despicable Me 3 (Magnet) cards: rules and instructions

Please note that an additional attribute for playing with cards is an album with a playing field and a box (cost 169 rubles).

Game 1. "Silomer"

Each player is given 6 cards. The essence of the game is to "measure strength" with the help of cards to pick up their maximum number.

Open play: We open for ourselves all the cards in a fan and choose any. We put it on the table. Your opponent does the same. The one with the greatest strength takes all the cards laid out.

Indoor game: The same is done, only the cards are selected without looking.

Game 2 "Slap!"

Each player is given an equal number of cards. All cards are face down. The first player opens a card, the second player (clockwise) places his card on top of the first. As soon as the top is the same picture as on the first (bottom), you need to cover the pile of cards and say "Slap!" The one who turns out to be faster takes all the cards for himself.

Game 3 "Adventurer"

The rules of this type of game are extremely simple. Here you need an album with a playing field. Instead of a cube, cards are used, which show the number of moves.

And finally video about cards, album and possible games with cards "Despicable Me 3"

Surely many are familiar with the popular action held in Magnit stores, where when buying goods worth more than 400 rubles, a person receives two cards depicting characters from the Despicable Me 3 cartoon. Basically, children are happy with such an acquisition, collecting a funny and bright collection of cards.

You can not only admire the cards, but also play them. Even if the collection is incomplete, you can still have fun. How? Let's tell you now. There are several games with cards, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with their rules.

Rules for playing cards "Silomer"

There can be two or more participants. Each should have 6 Despicable Me 3 cards, but if desired, there is an opportunity to discuss a different number.

The players lay out one at a time and begin to compare the strength shown on them. Here it is worth considering the type of hero shown in the picture and his strength. It can be fluffy, lodder or banana.

The force meter can be open or closed. In the first case, it is necessary to keep the cards in a fan, and independently make a choice. In the second case, they choose a card blindly.

In the game, each participant must collect all the power, that is, the power of a banana and an ice ray is added to the power of the fluffy. It is necessary to calculate the points and decide who is stronger. The winner is the one with the most points.

You can understand how to play Silomer with Despicable Me 3 cards by watching this video:

How to Play Despicable Me 3 Magnetic Cards Speed

Here players need a good memory and incredible speed of reaction. For the game, you will need a picture, which is located in the lower left corner.

The first participant must select the card without looking. He places it on the table with the image at the top. Then the next player takes out the card, but he should not see what is depicted on the card before he puts it.

When on top of the deck there is a card with the same picture as below, it is necessary for any observant participant to say "Slap" and cover the pile with his hand. He's a winner.

Game "Adventurer"

We invite the reader to familiarize yourself with the rules of another entertaining game of cards "Despicable Me 3", which depicts funny characters from the cartoon that everyone has already loved.

An additional field is needed here, it is in the album. It is possible to purchase it in the "Magnit" store for 169 rubles. The game resembles an ordinary walker, here, instead of a cube, the cards received upon purchase will be used. The game is very simple, but fun and educational.

How to play the adventure "Prison Break" with magnetic cards, watch the video:

We can say with confidence that the kids will like the entertainment offered. The larger the collection, the more interesting the game, when there are many cards, the action is brighter and more exciting.

Unpacking Despicable Me 3 Cards

See also a fascinating video of unboxing cards for collection and games:

Let's start from the very beginning. The start of this promotion has passed June 28, she received the name "Just collect, fun to play!", it will end 12-th of September this year. However, I did not notice the ease of collection at all. Then the Magnet became insolent at the end. They released 84 cards! Shopping at 800 rubles in the hypermarket you get 4 cards(and this is without taking into account tobacco and alcohol!), and in ordinary Magnets you need to buy at 400 rubles and to get 2 cards. The question is, why can't you buy 400 rubles in hyper and get 2? Or should I buy it for 200 rubles and get one? I answer, although everyone already knows the answer, such a move is designed just so that you grab unnecessary goods from the shelves in pursuit of these very cardboard boxes. This is how we live, we grab everything and get the coveted packets of cards.

How does this "miracle of Magnet" look like?) Nothing remarkable, really ordinary cardboard boxes! They are marked with strength, endurance and other crap for games.

But, there are such cool cards - shiny. As far as I understand, they are considered the strongest, but I just like them - at least some variety.

Further, you can buy an album to store your cards, which I advise you not to do. Now his the price is 169 rubles, but as practice shows, somewhere by August, it will already cost 69 rubles, that is, a hundred square meters less. In addition, it is made terribly of poor quality - the cells where the cards are inserted are quickly torn even in neat children. The only plus points in it are the poster game and the storage box to collect. Well, in the album you can paint, play, but not use it as a repository.

How to play Despicable Me 3 cards from Magnet?

All games are described in the booklet, which you can grab for free in the store at the checkout.

Games are designed for different numbers of people, so you can connect the whole family. Of course, if you did buy the album, then you will get the most addicting adventure game, by the way, a great pastime.

Now the main thing, my impressions. We started collecting quite by accident, in Magnet the cat food that we buy usually costs 85 rubles, and here such luck - a discount and its cost for a jar of 52 rubles. There are three hypermarkets in the city, I went to all of them and bought canned food. This is how we got our first 12 packs. By the way, yes, in order to collect 84 cards, given that you will never come across a single repetition, you have to buy for 16800 rubles! And repetitions come across very often, we already have a lot of them, but we are changing, because there are a lot of such crazy collectors too. We even sell them, the starting price was 25 rubles per piece, now it's already 15 rubles. We will put together a collection and sell the repetitions ourselves, I will open a business)))

You can also upload checks on the official website, accumulate points and receive other prizes. There are toys among the prizes. puzzles, movie tickets and even a certificate for a trip to Miami. Maybe someone will be able to win!

But what I want to say, the game is absolutely not worth the candle! When there were knives or toys from Star Wars, it was much cooler, and even the stickers in the album were cool! But this is a complete mess, the most uninteresting action, IMHO.