Crystal Garpia magic. Any Magic Black Desert Crystal. Magic crystals. Stones used in ancient fortune telling

  1. A new awakened weapon is a skillful weapon called the "Dragon Killer". The lower indicator of the arms attack "The Killer of Dragons" is below 2 than in the gun weapons, and the maximum attack indicator is the same. The Killer of Dragons also has +5 additional damage in humans.

    The weapon "Killer of Dragons" can be scaffed in Duvenkrune, the capital of Drigan. Materials for weapons can be collected in different habitats of mobs, including spots in Drigan. To restore the maximum strength, you can use scraps of memories or use a new element called "Purified of Black Energy Residues".

    During the murder of the new boss-monster of the Red Dragon, a new weapon cannot be obtained, but you can get a material that allows you to change the additional boss weapon. You can get a new item to the heart of Gamos, killing gamos, and you can process this item with the help of "energy of changes", which is also a new subject to get a "modified heart of gamos". The modified heart of gamos can be used to convert additional Nubera and Kutum weapons in shiny Nuber and brilliant Kutum.

    Sparkling Nuber and sparkling Kutum additional weapons that will have additional parameters (max HP +150, MAX endurance +100, evasion from a special attack + 10%), but the attack will not be greater.

    Other new items that you can get from Gamos is the scales of gamos, which is a material for a new crystal and a special item for the appearance of a dragon egg. The little dragon can be your new companion during the game.

    Information about three new habitats of monsters in Drigan was also disclosed.

    The ruins of silence will have the same complexity as the chime temple, and will have a guard. A new gold ring will fall in this area.

    The village of Red Wolf will be the same in difficulty, as well as Vasili, and with monsters it will be possible to get rings obedience Gaktum, a new blue ring having 11 attacks, 8 accuracy +4 damage on monsters when sharpening III. If you destroy small prisons in the area, a powerful monster will be caused.

    Sherchan's grave is a place where you always have different monsters in the afternoon. When the sun rises, the monsters will be as strong as monsters in the pyllape. At night, monsters will be the same strong as Laiten. Monsters are very powerful, and murder monsters in this location will be more like PVP. Monsters will have a new gold belt.

    Read also about a new location.

    All monsters in Drigan (Dragan) will reset materials for the weapon of the Killer of Dragons.

    A mini-game will be added to collect. One extremely rare grass will appear with the introduction of the new region - Lakiaros, which was grown only in the high mountains of Drigan. It was believed that this grass disappeared, but Drigan's Miracles returned Lakiaros to the world, and now it is available in all parts of the world. Nevertheless, it is still extremely rare, and you will have to travel around the world to discover the grass. A new mini game will be added to receive new grass, Lakiaros.

    To collect Lakiaros, you need to create a special type of sickle, and then interact with Wild Lakiaros to start a mini-game. You either need to find all parts of Laciaros roots, or clean all the stones and the soil around the roots. You must be very careful when collecting Lakiaros, because if you accidentally touch the root, the root will be destroyed. Click on the left or right mouse button to collect grass. The less damage, the higher the award for the grass.
    Added new tool for collecting, magic sickle of Manos.
    The magic sickle of Manos is required when collecting rare grass Lakiaros, recently added object.
    Magic sickle of Manos can create:
    1 Steel Sickle, 50 Power Particles, 15 Solvent for Metals and 5 Agates.
    Magic Manos Cases can be strengthened to V using black stones (weapons) and black stone char (weapon).
    As the improvement level increases the root of Lakiaros, it will be damaged less, and you will have more chances to clean the soil in Lakiaros mini-game. The maximum strength of the magic sickle of Manos will also increase.
    Added a new object of collection, Lakiaros and a mini-game for collecting.
    - Lakiaros appears in random places in Drigan. There are five types of laciaros, young / thin / rough / high quality / main.
    - The difficulty of mini-game will differ from the rarity of Lakiaros.
    - You will need a magic sickle of Manos to start collecting a mini-game. Magic sickle of Manos can be made.
    - The goal of a mini-game is to dig up Lakinaros from the ground, without damaging it, or remove all the soil and small stones around it.
    - Left-click to dig a large amount of soil, and right-click to dig a small amount of soil. If you leave the click on the grid, the root of Lakiaros, will be damaged. Right-click right-click root Laciaros, but the number of clicks right-click, which you can use for each mini-game is limited. (The number increases with the improvement of the magic sickle of Manos).
    - The award will differ depending on how damaged by Lakiaros. If you successfully collect the perfect initial lacioaros, the award will be 100,000,000 silver.
    - You will not be attacked during a mini-game.
    - Lakiaros collection textbook is available at the NPS, the foundation in Duvenkrune.

    Finally, the total number of experience needed to obtain additional influence points will decrease. In addition, the new system called "Union" and the new season for the seizures of the territories will be added along with the update of Drigan (Dragan).
    The required experience of influence, if your level of influence below 500 decreased.

    You can not pick up the glasses of influence from the node on which your working work works.
    You will get a new title if you have more than 3501 knowledge.
    For Drigan, 31 new titles were added.

    The resurrection time during territorial wars has changed by 1 minute.
    - The maximum resurrection time is still 2 minutes.
    - The first aid tent will reduce the time from the maximum resurrection time.
    - The resurrection time during the siege of the nodes will remain the same.

    When the siege of the node / territory begins, the characters that are on the territory (the character will participate in the war) will be moved to the command post / fort of their guild.
    - You will be moved only to the command point / fort, when you are far from the building (more than 90 m from the place).
    - Members of the Protecting Guild, which owns Calfean / Media Castle / Valencia, will not be moved when they are inside the castle. If they are outside the castle, they will be moved to the command post.
    - If you are not on the territory on which you are going to participate in the war, you will not be automatically moved to the command post / fort. In this case, you will have to use the teleportation icon in place.

    Fixed the problem, due to which the fairies could not increase the level.

    The guards will attack the characters committed unsuccessful stealing.
    The guild supplier was added to the village of Tariff and the eastern bazaar.

    Fixed the problem when the characters who transported goods for trade could not sit on board gallery / Ephery / Brig's escort / Brig from Ephery / Boat of Old Beltley using stairs.

    Shl. Information here and in the posts below are taken from

    Li "Data-History \u003d" ON "\u003e
  • Local comments
    1. Total three accessories: Gaktum obedience ring, Ring Ring Ruins, Orkinrad belt.

      Ring obedience Gaktuma - This is a blue accessory that can be obtained by killing monsters in the Locations of a red wolf.
      It has the following characteristics: Attack 5, accuracy 2 and +1 Additional damage on monsters. When improving the attack and the accuracy increase by 2, and additional damage to monsters on 1, which makes it better than a sign of the shadow, but not so good as the chief defender ring.

      Ring Student Ruins - This is a gold accessory that can be obtained by killing monsters in the ruins of the Tchirs.
      It has the following characteristics: attack 5 and accuracy 2, while improving the attack and the accuracy increases by 3 and max. HP on 25. Its statistics make it better than a temple defender ring with additional HP effects.

      Belt orkinrad - This is a gold accessory that can be obtained in the most difficult place of Pharma - the grave of Sherchan, in Drigan.
      It has the following characteristics: Attack 7, accuracy 2, maximum weight +80 lt. When improving the attack and the accuracy increase by 2, protection to 1 and max. HP for 25. If we consider on the attack, it is a little worse than the Vasilisk belt, but it can be viewed as an object for the PVP balance set with protection and HP, next to the average attack. Evasion apply as just evasion.

      The Belt of Orkinrad has one feature; You can get this item not only by murdering monsters, but also by combining parts. You can accidentally get an orkinrad belt - a metal ornament and a leather belt when you student in the grave of Sherchan.

    2. Added new object boss equipment - Librev gloves. Its basic deviation is very large, and you can get a good effect of the kit, putting gloves Librev
      With any other subjects of the boss set, the same as Bhheg gloves.
      (All names are translated literally and will be called in the Russian-language version differently).
      When sharpening on V gloves have:
      62 protection, which is 2 more than that of BhEGA V gloves,
      25 accuracy, which is 25 less than that of BhEGA V gloves,
      33 (+103) evasion, which is 7 (+25) more than that of BhEGA V gloves,
      29 (+17) Reduced damage, which is 5 (+2) less than that of BhEGA gloves V.

      Librev gloves can have good efficiency due to evasion and protection, but many players seem to doubt his real efficacy. The current tendency of equipment kits in BDO is based on a high accuracy, but if you dress these gloves, it will give you less accuracy of 25. Many Korean players say it is difficult to find any benefit in the failure of the accuracy and evasion, since everyone is based on Good accuracy.

      However, let's remember about Argon's shoes, the opinion of the first player was also negative, but it became the best equipment after the shoe masquean, the opinion of the majority relative to the Librev gloves may change in the future.

    3. A set of inlaid stones appeared. Inlay stones can be inserted into any slot, and they will produce installed effects, if 2 or 4 stones are installed in slots. However, 1 inlay stone does not have its own effect, so to get the effect of the set, you must use more than two.

      (All names are translated literally and will be called in the Russian-language version differently)

      There are 3 types of stones inlaid:
      Stone Inlaudation - Gerving

      Stone Inlay - Macade

      Stone Inlay - Ham

      And each of them has different effects. In addition, the effect of inlay stones will be applied only when it is installed in the slot with the same crystals.

      These 3 inlaid stones can be obtained as additional rewards after completing all the second branches of the main quests for Drigan (Dragan). You can also knock them out during the murder of monsters.

      If you connect 1 new inlay stone (Gerving, Macylene or Ham) and 1 crystal reinforced (modified, revived) magic with 3 gamos scales by simple alchemy, you will receive a powerful inlay stone. Powerful inlay stone has its own effect that you can use with the effects of inlaid stones (Gerving, Maculode or Ham).

      Powerful inlay stone imposes its additional effect on top of the effects of inlaid stones.

      Also added crafting stone inlay:

      Added a new stone inlaid, dark stone of red fang.
      Connect Gactunak and IIAIT IV [Protection] / Amber III [Crete. Strike] through a simple alchemy to get a dark stone of red fang.
      Gaktunak can be obtained in a red wolf village, or can be processed through alchemy.
      Dark stone of red fang Crystal armor:
      Reducing damage +7, all resistance + 2%
      Dark stone red fang valor:
      Critical shock chance +2, attack +5

      Latest editing: 10 Mar 2018

    4. Added new golden awakened weapon "Dragon Killer". The awakened weapon "Killer of Dragons" can be obtained only by creating 5 in Duvecrun 5 and by parameters very close to the carade.

      If you compare the weapon of the "Dragon Killer" and the gun weapons, then you can see that the maximum attack figure for weapons is the same, and the minimum of the craft is below 2. Effects after improving weapons are the same, it is an increase in the entire attack, so there is a big difference in efficiency between these two Weapons. In addition, purified ferrous residues, a new item that has been added to BDO can be used to restore the strength of crafting weapons, except for scraps of memories, which makes it not so complex.

      However, the disadvantage is that the awakened weapon "Killer of Dragons" cannot be put on the auction. Despite the fact that it is relatively easy to restore its strength, costs for its improvements (Files (failures) and black stones) are quite high, and you will not be able to return the silver, which you invested in this weapon later, as it cannot be sold.

      In order to scaffle the awakened weapon of the Dragon Killer, you will need:
      Crystal Khazard x 25
      Drawing: Weapons "Dragon Killer" x 20
      Awakened Google weapon.

      Khazard crystals can be done by collecting the remnants of black energy. You can make 1 purified ferrous residues from 25 black energy residues and 1 Khazard crystal from 11 purified ferrous residues. In the end, you will need 6,875 black energy residues to make weapons.

      Drawing: Weapons "The Killer of Dragons" can be obtained as a reward for the daily quest, "[Daily]" Secrets of the drawing ". This quest can be obtained from Hugola's blacksmith, in Duveneckrune, the capital of Drigan. You can execute the quest by bringing Hugol 1 beer, 5 dark beer and 1 wine first grade.

      The beer required for the quest may be manufactured or purchased from the auction, and the dark beer and the first grade wine can be bought from the merchant in the tavern for 1,000 silver and 100,000 silver.

      Gugol's awakened weapon can be created in the workshop of weapons of duvenkrune level 2, but it is difficult to create it, as a lot of materials are required.

      Materials for creating:
      Adhesive skin fierce energy x 100
      Mysterious abrasive x 75
      Deep-water brass ingot x 150
      Drawing: Weapons "Dragon Killer" X 1

      Adhesive skin of fierce energy
      By simple alchemy to connect:
      Copper Copper X 4
      Branches ingot x 4
      Soft / dense / solid / thin leather x 2

      Copper ingot can be made by heating 10 copper pieces through the manufacture menu.
      Bronze ingot can be made by heating 5 pieces of copper + 5 pieces of tin via the manufacturer.
      Relative to the skin, you can kill animals and using a knife for skins to collect skins, and then processed them into the appropriate (processing you can see
      Unlike lemoria, Akum is somewhat lower than the basic characteristics, but it has two slots for inlay.

    5. Another new thing that will appear together with the new region is to improve the processing system and a mini-game for collecting. Currently you can handle only one subject at a time. But with the help of a new processing tool, the magic stone of Manosa processing you can process several items at once simultaneously. Magic Malos Processing Stones are available for production, and various materials are required, including stone Manos. The magic stone processing stone is different types, depending on the type of processing and will seriously reduce the time spent time.

      Added a new system in which you can process several quantities of items at once.
      - You can simultaneously spend several materials to get several results at a time.
      - Materials that cannot be "complicated" cannot be processed in several quantities.
      - A new subject is required called Maneos Magic Stone. The type of magic stone processing of Manos will differ depending on the type of processing.
      - Take the magic stone of Manos processing, then open the Processing window to use a new feature.
      - You cannot handle materials in several quantities, if the maximum strength of the magic stone processing of the Manos, which you use is not equal to 100.
      - Magic stone processing can handle 10 materials at a time. The time required for this will be the same as the time spent on the processing of 1 material is 10 times.
      - If you improve the magic stone processing of the Manosa, you can handle more materials at a time (35 per max.) However, the time you want remains the same as the time spent on the processing of 1 material is 10 times.
      - Mane's magic stone can be increased to +15 with black stone (weapons). It will use the Black Stone Char (weapon) from i to V. The maximum strength can be restored by the same subject or scrub of memories.

Armor and weapons can be enhanced using inlaid stones. To insert a crystal into a piece of equipment, it is enough to call a black spirit, select the window - inlay, select the desired armor / weapon and stone. Everything is simple. Get a stone as simple, but it is destroyed.

Any items:

Combined power.

Combined power can be installed in any slot of weapons or armor.

Effect of storage - when installing two, or four stones, the corresponding effects of the kit will be applied.

Thing Effect of 2 inlaid crystals Effect of 4 inlaid crystals Method of receipt
Chance Crete Stroke +1, speed of movement +1, max. Load capacity + 75LT. Chance Crete Strike: +1, movement speed +1, max. Loading capacity + 75LT, combat experience + 5%, skills experience + 3% Sellion of red wolves, Canyon Karkov, Ruins of Tchirs
Combined Power - Crystallization All Attack +5, Max. endurance +100, all accuracy: +4 All Attack +5, Max. endurance +100,

All accuracy: +4, combat experience + 5%,

Ignoring resistance + 3%

Tomb Sherchan
Combined Power - Hum Reducing the entire damage: +5, Max. Hp +150, all evasion: +4 Reducing the entire damage: +5, Max. Hp +150,

All evasion: +4, All accuracy: +8,

3% all resistance + 3%

Tomb Sherchan

Combined power Han.

If with a simple alchemy connect the crystal reinforced / modified / revived magic 1 pc., Combined power 1 pcs., Camos Czech 3 pcs., You can get a combined power of Khan. Camos Czech can be obtained in Drigan's hunting grounds.

- Combined power Khan is a special modification that provides an additional effect, in addition to the usual effect of combination power.

Thing Material for manufacture Effect of the subject
Combined Power Khan - Gerving

Combined Power - Gerving

Combat experience / experience skills + 1%,

Max. Load capacity: + 15LT

Combined Power Khan - Crystallization Crystal reinforced / modified / revived magic 1 pc. + Casama scales 3 pcs. +.

Combined Power - crystallization 1 pc.

Combat experience + 1%, Max. Endurance +20, Ignoring resistance + 1%
Combined power Khan - Hum Crystal reinforced / modified / revived magic 1 pc. + Casama scales 3 pcs. +.

Combined Power - Hum 1 Piece

All accuracy +2, all resistance + 1%, max. HP: +30.


Stones inlay for shoes

Malachite II "speed" Movement speed +2. high 50 000

TUG, desert castle, PillaP, alchemy

Malachite III "Speed movement speed +2, repulsion resistance / tossing + 5% high 1.1 million
Malachite II "endurance" max endurance +150 high 190 000
Malachite III "Jump Jump height +35, repulsion resistance / tossing + 5% high 1.1 million
Malachite "Zhabra" staying under water +15 seconds high 300 000
By Quest - Travel to Eilat
Valuable malachite "Resistance" knocking resistance / tipping + 25% low 281 000
Malachite III "Resistance" reply repulsive / tossing + 10%, Nokdauna / tipping + 5% high 1.3 million
Church of Crescent
Essence of blood isna - resistance NOCDAUNE / TURN Resistance + 25%, stunning / overgrown / freezing + 5% high 13 — 17 000 000
Ancient crystal-gestry Load capacity +20 lt, movement speed +1 low 400 000
Knight's cemetery
Crystal Magic - Histria Cargo +20 LT, speed speed +1, endurance +150 low 11 million
Crystal Reborn Magic - Histria Cargo +20 LT, speed speed +2, endurance +150 high 24 million
Crystal Modified Magic - Histria cargo +50 LT, speed speed +2, endurance +150 high 24 million
Crystal Remedy Magic - Histria cargo +30 LT, speed speed +1, stamina +175 high 24 million
Simple alchemy: Mix Crysta. Magic Histria + Freedry Rage + Power Particle 10 Pieces


Stones inlay for a helmet

Crystal Reborn Magic - Garpia HP +50, restoration of HP +10,
Evasion +12.
high 11 million
Crystal reinforced magic - Garpia HP +50, HP +5 restoration,
Evasion +20.
High 24 million
Simple alchemy
Crystal Modified Magic - Garpia HP +75, restoration of HP +10,
Evasion +12.
High 24 million
Simple alchemy
Crystal Magic - Garpia HP +50, HP + 5 recovery, evasion +8 Low 2 million
Heat the essence of darkness and trees. Garpy Crystal
HP +50, HP Recovery +5 Low 160 000
Northern Mountains Kayy (Enti)
Temple Ellik
Amethyst III - skill speed speed \u200b\u200bskills +2, knockdown resistance / tipping + 5% high 1 million
Amvestist III - barrier NOCDAUNE / TURN resistance + 10%, stunning / overgrown / freezing + 5% High 1.1 million
Cahaz Bandits, Sulfur Rud
evasion +8.
NOCDAUNE / TURN Resistance + 5%
High 1.2 million
valuable amethyst III evasion evasion +20. low 200 000
Amethyst II experience Combat experience + 10% high 300 000
skill speed +2. high 80 000


Stones inlay in armor

Dark Red Crystal Claw [Protection] Reduced damage +7, all resistance + 2% low Simple alchemy

IOLIT IV [Protection] 1 pc. + Katunak 1 pc

Crystal Reborn Magic - Gobellinus HP +100, load capacity + 50LT, damage reduction +3 High IOLIT IV [Protection] 1 pc. +, Kattunak 1 pc.
Crystal modified magic - Gobellinus HP +150, load capacity + 20LT, damage reduction +3 High 24 million
Simple alchemy
Crystal reinforced magic - Gobellinus HP +100, load capacity + 20LT, damage reduction +5 High 24 million

simple alchemy

Crystal Magic - Gobellinus HP +100, load capacity + 20LT, damage reduction +2 Low 19 million

heat the essence of darkness and trees. Crystal Gobellinus

HP +100, load capacity +20 Low 1.8 million

Closed mine

Valuable Iolite "Armor" Reducing the entire damage +5 Low 240 000

rock Haas, closed mine

IOLIT "Siege" evasion from siege guns + 10% High 50 000

Tugu, alchemy

Valuable IIAIT II "Health" HP +50, restoration of HP + 3 Low 250 000
HP +50, stunning resistance / stunning / freezing + 10% High 1 million

desert castle

Securrent IOLIT II "Energy" MP +50, Recovery MP +3 Low 150 000


Inlaid stones in gloves

Dark red claw crystal [Crete. hit] Critical blow raised by +2 points, attack +5 low Simple alchemy

Kattunak and Amber III [Crete. hit]

Crystal modified magic - viper attack speed +2, skill speed +1, accuracy +12 High 24 million
Simple alchemy
Crystal Reborn Magic - Gaduk attack speed +1, skill speed +2, accuracy +12 High 11 million
Crystal reinforced magic - Gaduk attack speed +1, skill speed +1, accuracy +20 High 24 million
Simple alchemy
Crystal Magic - Gaduk attack speed and skills +1, accuracy +8 Low 15 million
Speed \u200b\u200battack and skills +1 Low 150 000
resistance to capture + 10%, repulsion / tossing + 5% High 1 million

nest of Varagonov

the accuracy of +8, resistance to capture + 5% High 1, 5 million
accuracy +8. High 300 000
Chance Crete Stroy +2, grip resistance + 5% High 1, 2 million
Forgotten ruins
Amber II Crete Punch Chance Crete Strike +2. High 50 000
attack speed +2, resistance to capture + 5% High 1, 1 million
Snake Valley
attack speed +2. High 50 000

Main weapons:

Inlaid stones in weapons

Crystal ELKARA Accuracy +12, Ignoring resistance + 10% high Simple alchemy:

Elkar - 1 pc. + Amber III [accuracy] - 1 pc. + Fire rage - 2 pcs. + Power particle - 10 pcs.

Elkar is knocked out in the ruins of crawl

Crystal Reborn Magic - Flower chance Crete Strike +1, skill speed +2, all attack +3 high 24 million

simple alchemy

Crystal reinforced magic - flower Crete. Punch and speed of skills +1, attack +5 High 24 million

simple alchemy

chance Crete Stroy +2, skill speed +1, all attack +3 high 24 million

simple alchemy

Crystal magic - flower crete. Blow and speed skills +1, attack +2 Low 19 million
Crete. Blow and speed skills +1 Low 200 000

Forest watchdog

lorovo Tashia

Crystal Modified Magic - Flower chance Crete Stroke +2, Speed \u200b\u200bAttack + 1, Attack +3 high 24 million

simple alchemy

Crystal Reborn Magic - Karma chance Crete Stroke +1, Speed \u200b\u200bAttack +2, Attack +3 high 24 million

simple alchemy

Crystal reinforced magic - karma chance Crete Stroke and Attack Speed \u200b\u200b+1, Attack + 5 high 24 million

simple alchemy

Crystal Magic - Karma chance Crete Stroke and Attack Speed \u200b\u200b+1, Attack + 2 low 21 million

heat the Essence of the Mraka and the Ancient Crystal "Karma"

chance Crete Stroke and speed of attack +1 Low 200 000

Forest watchdog

lorovo Tashia

Essence of the blood isna - the power of attack attack +5, add. Damage people +2. High 21 million

heat red essence and valuable grenade III (attack strength)

The accuracy of +8, ignore. Resistance + 10% High 1 million

titum Valley

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All the necessary information is collected in this guide for the most quick and comfortable pumping in Black Desert.

How faster pumping in BDO? Grind or Quests?

Of course, the fastest way to pump in Black Desert Online is Grind, but if you swing the first character, we strongly recommend that you pass the plot chains (about 56 levels) to get acquainted with the game. At first, BDO seems very difficult, so the accelerated pumping is recommended only to those who are confident in their forces. It should also be noted that some quests (for example, from the Black Spirit) are mandatory for each character. A reward for them, you can get additional slots in bags, glasses of knowledge, energy and influence. If you miss important quests, later you will still have to return to them. That is why we advise not to hurry and pump at least one character on quests.

Pumping in BDO using friends

If your assistant has a high attack indicator, and you have all the buffs on experience, pumping up to 56 levels takes only 2 hours. And again, if you swing the first and main character, this method will not suit you, because so you will not earn the right amount of skill glasses and you will not be able to get talents. In other words, such a method of pumping should be used only if your friends are being desire to help you further. Otherwise, you will stay without money and skill glasses.

It should also be remembered that if the helper level exceeds your own on 10 or more units, you will not get prey.


After creating the character, the game will suggest you to undergo training and visit different locations for beginners. If you are not playing not for the first time, you can skip training. Training takes a lot of time and practically does not give anything (except, except for, moving skills).

If you are not inherent in anywhere, you can buy a cart yourself or execute a quest on the wagon in Velia. In the wagon you can store potions and prey to calmly grind, without returning to the city too often.

In addition, we recommend buying 2-3 pets in the in-game store.Pets will collect production automatically and save you a lot of time. In fact, the pet is a prerequisite for successful Grinda. If you do not have extra real money, try to buy a pet at auction.

All points for pumping specified in this guide were repeatedly tested on European, North American and Russian servers. Characters are pumped without a char at equipment and without special bonuses, so any other player can safely follow our recommendations. Equipment was mined as pumping, that is, fell from killed monsters.

We also want to remind you that some classes (for example, Walkiriya) are swinging slower than others, so for them it will be wiserfully searching for a group.

  • Use maximum boughs for experience:
    • + 200% Look for a channel with activated bell
    • + 100% weekend bonus
    • + 50% of the war
    • + 30% bonus from premium set
    • + 10% costume
    • + 200% for 1 hour or + 100% for 2 hours - Daily bug from achievements
    • Some pets give + 5% experience
    • Events in the game are mainly related to holidays.
    • Various consumables (candies, bouquets, tea, beer). Basically, all this is taken at the auction.
    • At night, experience is rising
  • If this is your first character, be sure to try to get a vehicle's vehicle as soon as possible. It can be bought at auction or get a reward for one of the starting quests.

For the most fast pumping 1-60, use the items highlighted with green font

Level 1 - 15

Level 1 - 9: Training

After creating a character appears in the village called Olivia. If this is your first character, be sure to go to them entrance quests. To turn on the aggress, press the T key and set the point on the map. Sooner or later you will take on the right place and you can start learning. Some players do not understand what to do in training quests. In fact, everything is simple - you need to approach the mannequin and execute instructions that are written in the top of the screen, that is, click on the desired keys.

After that, the Black Spirit will give you another quest and send you to kill the beetles. Open the Black Spirit menu by pressing the "/" key. By this time you must reach 5 levels.

Relieve the quest and run to the West Guard Camps, killing all the monsters on your way. So you will reach 9 levels. If you do not know where the West Guard Camp is, look at the map:

Level 9 - 13: Grove Hermit

  • Monsters: Weak Ancient (Middle Fight), Adult Chapel (Far Fight), Young Still (Middle Fight)
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 1/5.
  • Mining:
    • Branch of woody spirit

These monsters do not represent any threat, and they are easy to kill. Ancient dwells for the most part on the hills. The branches of the wood spirit can be sold to a merchant who is at the left entrance to the guard camp. Right-click on the subject in the inventory to see the location of the merchant on the map.

Having achieved 13 levels, go back to the West Guard Camps and take the quest for Jaret's Domonargart, who stands in a tent. Perform quest - it will allow you to awaken the black spirit and improve items.

Level 13 - 15: Mine Hidel

  • Monsters: De-Rudopop (Middle Fight), Small Bad Rudopop (Far Fight)
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 2/5
  • Mining:
    • Rough kirk
    • Valuable amber [Crete. hit]
    • Granat Ain [Damage]

These are also very simple opponents. They cost comfortable, and they are easy to kill. Beware of small demons, as they attack in far battle. In packs also come across elite demons, which impose the effect of periodic damage. They usually appear at the foot of the hill. The location density of monsters in the mine is rather high, so you can kill them without interruptions. Here you can face an impressive amount of silver, so if you need money, you can stay in a mine for a couple of extra levels.

Level 15 - 24

Level 15 - 18: Farmetti Plantation

  • Monsters: Scarecrow (Middle Fight), Field Keeper (Middle Fight)
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 2/5
  • Monster location density: 3/5
  • Mining:
    • Necklace Storam Fields
    • Pugala stick

Entering into battle with these monsters, be alert. They apply a strong damage and pose a threat to poorly dressed characters. Also there are elite frightenings from which Adgeri gloves can be extracted. On different fields, monsters appear at different speeds. Change multiple points to choose the best option for you.

Level 18 - 24: Ruins of the castle

  • Monsters: Al-Rundi's notch, sorcerer Al Rundi, Archer Al Rundi (Far Fight), Warrior Al Rundi, Pathfinder Al Rundi, Soldier Escort, Bodyguard
  • Experience: 5/5.
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Mining:
    • Chip of the gayman
    • Rusty helmet
    • Helm Adgeri
    • Bronze dagger
    • Long Sword Ain.
    • Valuable grenade of animals [damage]

This is a good place for Grinda, but for the sake of it will have to make a big hook. In the castle and beyond the large number of monsters, from which Rusty helmets and swords of Ain can be obtained, as well as bronze daggers and adgerry helmets. Bronze daggers are suitable for lean. If you manage to get such a dagger, we carry it without removing. We advise you to kill monsters in the castle, since it is there them most. In their mining list, both armor chips, crystals and a good starting weapon are also listed. All this can be sold and work well.

Level 21 - 24: Marsh Glisha

  • Monsters: Bolotnaya Naga Marauder, Swamp Naga-Warrior and Swamp Naga-Scout
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster location density: 3/5
  • Mining:
    • Zhara Nagi
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • Valuable grenade of animals [damage]
    • Hasos earrings
    • SELES ax
    • Black stone (armor)

This place is suitable for those who do not want to run far. It is located on the way from the Swimming of Feretti to the bloody monastery. If you swing first character, we recommend that you still look into the castle and go to the swamps only if there are too many players in the castle. With Nag falls good items and even black stones. All monsters attack in the near battle and stand pretty tight, so you can beat them, running in a circle. These packs also meet elite monsters, from which black stones fall, however, to kill them, you will have to try.

Level 24 - 35

Level 24 - 29/30: Bloody Monastery

  • Monsters: sectarian sorcerer (far fight), sectarian giant, sectarian warrior
  • Experience: 5/5.
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Old bandage
    • Old ax
    • Amulet Helrick
    • Armor Adgeri

Monsters in a bloody monastery are mainly in the courtyard. It is easy to kill them, especially if you do not cling too much at a time. In the courtyard there is also an elite monster, but you can kill him at the expense of Oo with the rest. We recommend swinging in the monastery to 29 levels, and then go to the gangsters camp. In principle, you can go to the bandits and at 28 levels, and you can ride in the monastery to 32 levels and go to the cave of Siruto. If there is too much people in the monastery, you can kill monsters outside the courtyard - the effectiveness of such pumping, of course, will be slightly lower, but at least you do not have to take monsters from other players.

Level 29 - 34: Bandit Camp

  • Monsters: Rogue-warrior, robber-giant, robber-archer
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster location density: 3/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • Necklace Yuri
    • Bracers of health
    • Granat Ain [Damage]
    • Power gloves

Try to bring monsters to the chests with a stupid or go inside the fortress. All monsters, with the exception of archers, attack in the near battle. Summer Paks to Archers - so it will be easier to use anyone abilities. Try not to come in traps - there are plenty of them in the bandit camp. The traps are caused by a little damage, but the grinding is greatly interfere.

Level 28 - 34: Orc Camp

  • Monsters: Sizakek-veteran, Sizajek-Berserk, Saying warrior, Saying-scout, Saying, Young Sizes, Sizak-Shaman (Far Fight), Sizak-Officer
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster location density: 4/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Acute Klyuk Sayzhek
    • Klyuk Sayzheka
    • Valuable amber [Crete. hit]
    • Adgeri shoes

This point seemed not to us too successful, so if you have the opportunity, head immediately into the Cave of Siruto or Biragi Laugh. Saged is small here, and most of them are attacking in far battle. Nevertheless, you can get black stones for weapons, so it is not necessary to finally write off this point. If you still decide to shift in the train camp, you actively apply Oo-spells.

Level 30 - 35: Castle Knights Delpe

  • Monsters: Garpia, Garpia-kidnapper
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster location density: 4/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Brilliant feather
    • Malachite I [Jump]

This point is well suited for pumping the sorcerer, the linens, a wizard or a sorceress, as they have the abilities that allow you to shoot down the harpi on the fly. If you play any other class, go to another place. Garpia flies quickly and beat hard, but it is not too difficult to kill them. Follow the level of health, and everything will be fine. The most profitable packs are located on the top floor, there you can walk from the wall to the wall, constantly killing Garpius. If you end the potion, look at the merchant on the first floor.

Level 30 - 35: Siruto Cave

  • Monsters: Suruto Shaman, Siruto-Fighter, Suruto Scout, Siruto Warrior, Siruto Marauder
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster location density: 4/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • Axle Callis
    • Tallis earrings
    • Amulet Juber
    • Talisman Kallis
    • Temory Oros.

This place is great for Grinda. The cave is full of monsters, but you can grint and outside. In the absence of competitors, you pump very quickly, aligning pumping with earnings. The best packs stand in the center of the cave, there you can swing without breaks. Collect as many monsters as possible and bring them to shamans so that they do not have time to beat you by spells from afar. In addition, there is an elite monster on the stairs. He hurts very hurt, be careful with him.

Level 35 - 42

Level 35 - 40: Caphrase Cave

  • Monsters: archer darkness, obsessed giant, warrior darkness, gangster darkness, obsessed magician
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monsters location density: 2/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Armor Taritas
    • Amulet Juber
    • Talisman Kallis
    • A piece of sculpture
    • Dust darkness

The entrance to the cave is east of the village of Florin, in the preservice of the brie. In the depths of the monsters cave more than at the entrance. Wizards and archers cause strong damage, but they can be quickly killed by Oo-spells along with the rest. In general, the cave is not too comfortable for Grinda, and we recommend visiting it only if all other places are already busy.

Level 35 - 40: Abandoned Mine

  • Monsters: infected
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 2/5
  • Monster location density: 4/5
  • Mining:
    • Black fragmentation
    • Stigma
    • Valuable grenade [attack strength]
    • Footwear Taritas
    • Taritas gloves

Numerous monsters live in this mine, which can be killed by Oo-spells. Remember that the center has an elite monster. He slowly moves, but hits very much. Pilons that attack players in far-fighting are also placed in the mine. If the cave was chosen by other players, go to the north, can also be shown there. Do not forget to rent traders mined trash to earn a little.

Level 38 - 40: Abandoned Marny Farm

  • Monsters: Monsters Ruins
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster location density: 3/5
  • Mining:
    • Helmet Tallis
    • Tallis belt
    • Rough Dark Crystal
    • Dust attraction

This is another optional point. It is not as good as the above options, but competitors are quite rare on it. Numerous monsters live on an abandoned farm, on which you can pump and earn. These monsters are slowly moving, but they have a lot of health, and in some classes these circumstances cause tangible difficulties.

Level 38 - 42: Preserve Brib Forest

  • Monsters: Ancient Tree, Round Ruin Tree, Tree with Face, Little Tree, Big Tree, Triangular Ruinen
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monsters location density: 2/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Damned crystal
    • A piece of sculpture
    • Armor Dobarta

This place can not be called successful. Monsters are small here, and they cost far from each other. Monsters are thick, and from the point of view of production, everything is not too good. We advise you to keep this place as a spare option.

Level 42 - 50

Level 40 - 45: Evi Pass

  • Monsters: petrified gnome, petrified minister, petrified mad minister, petrified sapper
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster location density: 3/5
  • Mining:
    • Silver ore
    • Rough Emerald
    • Rough diamond
    • Malachite [Resistance]

Go to the center of location, there are the biggest packs. In the mine themselves do not go - there is no one. Beware of drank, they apply a strong damage and often block the path to the most inappropriate moments.

Level 40 - 45: Marnie Pass

  • Monsters: Chimera, Horned Chimera
  • Experience: 5/5.
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster location density: 4/5
  • Mining:
    • Necklace Pares
    • Tallis Necklace
    • Valuable amber [Crete. hit]
    • Valuable grenade [attack strength]
    • Powder death

This is a magnificent point for pumping, especially if you know where the biggest Paks are. Nevertheless, this place is very popular, so be prepared for competition. The optimal route looks like this: Kill the pack in the ravine, climb the mountain, killing everyone in your way, and then go down to the ravine again.

Level 42 - 45: Sonyl Base

  • Monsters: Lizard, Elita Sonyl, Warrior Sonyl, Private Sonyl, Archer Sonyl, Elder Sonyl
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster location density: 5/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • SELES ax
    • Steel dagger
    • Onion Pares.
    • Armor Tallis
    • A piece of armor

This is a great place for pumping and earning. With monsters, you can get relics that are sold from the auction about 500,000 silver. If you don't really need money, the relics can be turned into a scroll by posting them in the form + in inventory. Run around the camps, collect monsters and use the spells. Try not to go too far from magicians. In the depths of the camp there is an elite monster. Be careful, he hits very much.

Level 44 - 45: Giant Camp

  • Monsters: Giant Fighter, Giant Berserk, Giant Warrior, Giant Drachun, Spotted Hyena
  • Experience: 5/5.
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster location density: 5/5
  • Mining:
    • Tallis shoes
    • Ancient spear
    • Ax pares
    • Tallis Necklace
    • Armor Adgeri

Numerous monsters live in this camp, however, a convenient place for Grinda will have to search. It seemed to us that it was worth going deep into the camp. With monsters, you can get relics that are sold from the auction about 500,000 silver. If you don't really need money, the relics can be turned into a scroll by posting them in the form + in inventory.

Level 44 - 50: Forest Mans

  • Monsters: Speaker, Warrior, Brown Bear, Drone
  • Experience: 5/5.
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster location density: 5/5
  • Mining:
    • Fastened crystal
    • Jerez shoes
    • Granat Ain [Damage]
    • Powder battle
    • Shield Aksion
    • Rutter loss helmet
    • Ring hearing Entov
    • Necklace Fogrov
    • Potted necklace
    • Old necklace

This is one of the last points when pumping up to 50 levels. Monsters here go to packs of 6 pieces, and it is easy to kill ay-spells. Pay special attention to the northern part of the location. Beware of large flames - at least until you reach 50 levels. Later you can still farm with them the best amulets in the game. In addition, a scrolls for calling boss-goblin, as well as relics, which can be sold at auction on average for 500,000 silver, are produced from monsters in the mans forest. If you don't really need money, the relics can be turned into a scroll by posting them in the form + in inventory.

Level 50 - 56

Level 45 - 52: Water Camp

  • Monsters: Water, Elite Water-Fisherman, Water-Water, Water-Fisherman, Fat Water
  • Experience: 5/5.
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster location density: 5/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • Armor luck
    • Mysterious bag
    • Pink salmon
    • Tolstolob
    • Root Loss Boots
    • Helmet Taritas, Helmet Tallis, Shlem Adgeri
    • Earrings whispering enta
    • Belt poem
    • Necklace Pares
    • Piece of crystal from ancient ruins
    • Granat Ain
    • Summon Summon Gias

Water camp is the best place to pump up to 50 levels. The quest is made here, which gives the Black Spirit at the level level. With dodging in the camp, you can get black stones for sharpening armor and weapons, as well as other useful items. Monsters appear very quickly and move in large groups, which increases the efficiency of the Grinda. Here you can swing up to 52 levels and even further, especially if you need money.

Level 50 - 55: Settlement of Clana Tugu

  • Monsters: the leadership of the Clan Tugu, the Hunter from the clan Tugu, the fighter from the Clan Tugu
  • Experience: 5/5.
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster location density: 5/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • Many types of weapons and armor
    • Necklace Secarra
    • Earrings of Oka Assula
    • Ring Oka Asulla
    • Printing ancient guards
    • Working potion
    • Sharp Decoration Clan Tugu
    • Eternal prohibition

These are quite complex monsters, so only those who have already managed to collect good equipment (approximately 90 attacks) at the Clena Clan Tugu. In addition, there is a luxury monster in this location, which causes a strong damage in a long-range battle. In general, the point is well suited for pumping. You can go down to the mines, but without good equipment, the murder of monsters in them will take too much time.

Level 51 - 55: Ellic Temple

  • Monsters: Ellic Caster, Magic Section Ellik, Ellic follower, contaminated swamp, Ellick fanatic
  • Experience: 5/5.
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster location density: 5/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • Fanatic proof
    • Stones for inlay
    • Weapons of Crei
    • Armor of power
    • Leather boots Derek
    • Belt Oka Asulla
    • Ring Zagoya
    • Old books
    • Eternal prohibition

Monsters in the temple appear packs of 4-6 pieces. With a large chance, black stones are falling with a big chance, items from the kit of the grudge and weapons of Creia, which can be done well. Most monsters attack in the near battle, but priests use spells and can deliver a lot of trouble. You can grind in the temple itself or in the south of it. We recommend going to the mountains, as you can find Paks out of 10 and more monsters.

Level 53 - 55 (90+ attacks): poisonous forest

  • Monsters: Cloud mushroom, snow mushroom, high poisonous mushroom, soaring mushroom bubble
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster location density: 4/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Footwear Lemoria
    • Doll Voodoo Manshair.
    • Forest breathing
    • Stone Life
    • Purest black stone

Pumping in the forest is preceded by an awakening, that is, it is designed for 53-55 levels. By complexity, location is approximately equal to the lair of thieves-wallet and the lair of the Grieving tribe.

Poisoned mushrooms are growing in the forest, which cause 10 units of damage every 3 seconds. Most likely, you will have to actively use the potions, especially if you do not kill monsters too quickly. Mining with mushrooms weighs a bit, so it will have to return or send the maid only for potions. Going into the forest Polly, be sure to capture with you tools for collecting resources. The best items that can be extracted with mushrooms is an equipment from a set of lemoria and a voodoo manshara doll. Dolls are needed to create scrolls (by analogy with relics).

Level 52 - 58: Fort Saosh (100+ attacks)

  • Monsters: rebellious spear, rebellious warrior with gun, rebellious warrior
  • Experience: 5/5.
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster location density: 5/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • Weapons of Crei
    • Parts of the set of health and grudge
    • Gladiator's belt Shchulza
    • Necklace Gladiator Schulza
    • Stones inlay
    • Red Nose Call Scroll Scroll
    • Eternal prohibition

The aqueous fort is one of the best places for pumping at 54 levels and above. Here you can swing to 56-57 levels, along the way, collecting equipment for more complex locations. If you have not gotten enough, look for a group. Remember that monsters from the fort are damaged by a strong damage and know how to discard opponents. You can get items from the health kit and grudge, weapons of rising, as well as black stones. Nearby are the spikes of the village and the strengthening of Sarma, where you can buy potions and sell trash. In addition, you can rent a nearby house and use it as a warehouse.

Level 55 - 57 (100+ Attacks): Fort Ingan

  • Monsters: Inan-Warrior, Inan-Infantryman, Inan-Archer, Inan-Koldun
  • Experience: 5/5.
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster location density: 5/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Shard armor Ingan
    • Protective stone
    • Helm Lemoria
    • Lemoria gloves
    • Doll Voodoo Manshair.
    • Purest black stone
    • Fire rage

Fort Ingani is a zone for pumping from 55 to 57 levels. It looks like a water fort.

Monsters in Fort have a small margin of health and quickly die. We recommend running between the cliffs, but it is worth remembering that this place is very popular. Nearby is a camp in which you can buy potions or repair equipment. The best items that can be extracted with Ingani is an equipment from the lemoria set, the rage of the forest and the doll Voodoo Mansha. Dolls are needed to create scrolls (by analogy with relics).

Level 55 - 58: Pirate Island

  • Monsters: Drunk Treasure Finder, Deck Fighter, Elite Fighter, Elite Gladiator Pirate
  • Experience: 5/5.
  • Difficulty: 5/5.
  • Monster location density: 5/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • Red Coral Ring
    • Blue Coral Ring
    • Red Coral Earrings
    • Blue Coral Earrings

Pirates appear on the two islands, the most convenient point for Grinda is located on the North Island. Location is intended for pumping in a group of 5 players. It is hardly the best place to pump up to level 60. If you have not had time to dress well, keep care and do not cling too big packs. If you are dressed well, you can grink alone or together with a partner in the east or in the West. To get to the island, you need a ship and horse for the transportation of mining. Instead of the fishing boat, you can use escort epios, as it has a greater capacity. In the port on the island there are merchants who can buy potions, repair equipment and exchange currency.

Level 56 and above

Level 56 and above (100+ attacks): camp clan bassim

  • Monsters: Calla Piciner, Calla Commander, Calla Veteran, Kerda-Ceury, Okhunesi, Okhonsei Mag
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster location density: 3/5
  • Mining:
    • Armor Rozhhar
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • Ring of Lost Char Asulla

This location is located inside the canyon. There are many monsters in it, but they are unlikely enough for a group. The Klanian district of Bassim is not in the desert, so you will not need purified water and tea from Badaina. With monsters in this location, unique items do not fall, but you can freely swing there, if your equipment leaves much to be desired. Production includes items from the Rochar kit, as well as black and precious stones on which you can earn. If you want to farm silver in pure form, we advise you to go to the aqueous fort.

Level 56 and above (110+ Attacks): Desert Castle

  • Monsters: desert naga-guard, deserted naga commander, desert naga-priest, desert naga warrior
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster location density: 4/5
  • Mining:
  • Gloves Rohava
  • Black stone (armor)
  • Black stone (weapon)
  • Necklace Serap
  • Scrolls with text in ancient language
  • Earrings of Lost Char Asula
  • Traveler map

The desert area is close to the eastern bazaar, in the desert, that is, you will need purified water and tea from Badyan. The horse can be left by the knotting manager. Numerous monsters are inhabited in the desert area, which is easy to win. As a production, you can get black stones, necklace serap and scrolls with text in ancient language.

Level 56 and above (110+ attacks): Titum Valley

  • Monsters: Desert Foganan Guard, Desert Fogian Warrior, Desert Fogan-Dug-Field, Desert Fogian Predictor, Desert Fogian-hour
  • Experience: 5/5.
  • Difficulty: 3/5
  • Monster location density: 4/5
  • Mining:
  • Necklace Serap
  • Shoes Ryhava
  • Black stone (armor)
  • Black stone (weapon)
  • Scroll with text in ancient language
  • Detail of compass
  • Ring of Lost Char Asulla
  • Grenade III accuracy

The Titum Valley is far away in the desert, and it is difficult to find it without a compass. Going there, pour with purified water and tea from Badyan. The horse can be left in the valley. In the Titum Valley, many monsters, but they do not represent a special threat. Despite the fact that Greengets in the Titum Valley is very profitable, few players go there - apparently, they are frightened by the need to travel around the desert.

Level 56 and higher (145+ attacks): Forgotten ruins

  • Monsters: Commander forgotten Ruins, Guardian forgotten Ruins, Cadry Gladiator, Cadry Witch, Cadry Warrior
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster location density: 4/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • Weapon Rochar
    • Necklace Serap
    • Ring Defender Ruins
    • Scroll with text in ancient language
    • Lost Char Asulla belt
    • Granat III Crete. Hit

Forgotten ruins are far from the most convenient place for Grinda, however, there you can get some rare items. Ruins are located in the west of Valencia, not in the desert, not far from the eastern bazaar. Monsters in the ruins are provided abound, but all of them are very strong, therefore it is difficult for characters with poor equipment. Mining: black stones, Rochar weapons, scrolls with text in ancient language. In addition, here you can get a ring of the defender of the ruins. The ring is collected from several parts. Serap necklace falls only with monsters.

Level 56 and above (130+): Robber Gorge

  • Monsters: Sand Marauder, Sandy Killer, Sand Elite Warrior, Sand Arrows
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 2/5
  • Monster location density: 3/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • Weapon Rochar
    • Necklace Serap
    • Scroll with text in ancient language
    • Black Spirit Clamp
    • Earrings of Lost Char Asula
    • Amethyst III barrier

The robbers gorge is not far from the shcat, not in the desert. Optimal requirements: 175 attacks / 220 protection. One of the best spots for pumping. The only minus is a great competition.

Level 56 and above (150+ attacks): Crescent Temple

  • Monsters: guard crescent, Sonyl-sectance Crescent, Sonyl-Guard Crescent, Guard Lizard
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster location density: 4/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • Ring defender of the temple
    • Necklace Serap
    • Scroll with text in ancient language
    • Rusty Ring
    • Lost Char Asulla belt
    • Malachite III Resistance

The chime temple is in the desert, so you will need a compass. Going there, pour with purified water and tea from Badyan to get rid of desert deba. Monsters in the temple a lot, and they are very strong, so that this point is intended for characters with good equipment. Even if you grinstand in the group, do not forget to follow your health level. The monsters of the temple is immune to the discard, and it is very annoying. Optimal requirements 175AP / 220-230DP. This place is very popular, as it is possible to get a rare prey - black stones, a serap necklace and a scroll with the text in ancient language, as well as a ring of defender of the temple. The ring can fall in the "pure" form or in the form of a rusty ring that must be cleaned.

Level 57 and above (180+ attacks): Snake Valley

  • Monsters: Vasilisk Vasilisk Vasilisk, Vasilisk Dollhouse
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster location density: 4/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • Armor Roshava
    • Belt Vasilisk
    • Parts of Vasilisk belt
    • Scroll with text in ancient language
    • Lost Char Asulla belt

Snake Valley is in the west of Valencia, not far from Altinov, where you can repair the equipment and sell trash. Vasilisk's gorge is sick of complex monsters. If you are not dressed too well, watch the level of health carefully. Optimal requirements: 185AP / 230DP. The gorge is very popular, because here you can get rare prey - black stones, scrolls with text in ancient language, items from Ryhava's set, precious stones and Vasilisk belt, which is also assembled from parts.

Level 57 and above (170+ attacks): plain taftar

  • Monsters: Centaur Warrior with Ax, Centaur Hunter, Centaur
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster location density: 3/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • Helmet Rohava
    • Kentura belt
    • Old belt
    • Scroll with text in ancient language
    • The Necklace of Lost Char Asulla
    • Amethyst III soon. skill

Plain Taftar is located in the west of Valencia, not far from the Eastern Bazaar. Monsters on it are not very much, they go to groups of 6-7 pieces, quite far from each other. Centaurians have immunity to knockdowns, so the battle with them can not be called easy. Optimal requirements: 190AP / 230DP. Plain Taphtar does not use specially popular with players, since pumping on it does not differ in particular efficiency. As a production, you can get black stones, a rohaw helmet, a bentaur belt and precious stones.

Level 58 and above

Level 58 and above (190+ attacks): Luga Navan

  • Monsters: Griffin, Riding Peritsa, Royal Griffin, Black Panther
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster location density: 4/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • Stone defeat
    • Stone Life
    • Helm Griffon
    • Doll Voodoo Manshair.
    • Forest breathing
    • Purest black stone

Luga Navan is designed for level 58 characters. Unlike other locations from the first part of Camashion, for Grinda meadow, the best equipment is not required, and therefore this place is very popular. For an effective Grinda, find the group and go fishing and potions. By the number of experience, the meadow of the navel can be compared with the most ancient wise men. If you need only money, pay attention to other locations.

There are a variety of monsters in the meadow, and we recommend in advance to study their abilities. The best object for Grinda is feathered wolves (provided that you do not need claws of the griffin for the potion of the same name). Pernaya wolves appear large groups and know how to discard opponents. Be carefull! On the meadow can also be found funylov, black panther, elephants and perix. Try not to cling your unnecessary monsters if you are not sure about your abilities. From ordinary and royal griffins falls the griffin helmet.

Level 58 and above (190+ attacks): sulfur mine

  • Monsters: Lavova Predator, Lavova Paparun, Lava Tuka, Lava Iznachka, Lavova Powern, Lavova Torun
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster location density: 3/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • Necklace Sichil
    • Scroll with text in ancient language
    • Scraps of an unknown card
    • Children compass
    • Traveler map
    • Black Spirit Clamp
    • Dirty necklace Sichil
    • Blue sulfur
    • Amethyst III barrier

Sulfur shops are located in the north-east of Valencia. You can get there from the capital, leaving a camel or a horse at the entrance. The shops are not considered the desert, but dangerous monsters live in them. Go there along with the group. If there are no groups, kill monsters outside. Mining: Black stones, scrolls with text in ancient language and spare parts for compass. You can also get a Necklace shychila (rusty or ready, as in the case of a ring from the Crescent Temple).

Level 58 and above (200+ attacks): Pillap prison

  • Monsters: Adept Kafras, Railway Jimmer, Vicious Ball, Defeated Hooligan
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster location density: 5/5
  • Mining:
    • Necklace Sichil
    • Scroll with text in ancient language
    • Scraps of an unknown card
    • Children compass
    • Traveler map
    • Black Spirit Clamp
    • Dirty necklace Sichil
    • Malachite III speed
    • Disappeared

Pillap prison is located in the south-east of Valencia, not far from the city of Murikun. If you are out of law, you will not be difficult to get to prison. Otherwise, you are waiting for a long and tedious journey. The prison is not considered the desert, the monsters in them there are many, the location itself is just a huge, so you can grind without stopping. The only difficulty lies in the fact that monsters have a large margin of health and impressive attack power.

Level 59 and above (210+ attacks): Forest Manshar

  • Monsters: Foins Manshar, Hunter Manshar, Warrior Manshar, Priest Mansha
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Monster location density: 5/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • Fire rage
    • Protective stone
    • Doll Voodoo Manshair.
    • Particle of land
    • Purest black stone
    • Lemoria gloves and shoes
    • Necklace Carnaca

Forest Manshar is a location designed for high-level characters (59+). Very dangerous monsters live here, for victory over which Kutum's weapon is extremely desirable.

Most likely, you will need a group, but not out of five, but from three players, since the monsters fall only three treasures. Carefully follow the priests and hunters - they apply the strongest damage, and they need to be killed first.

Level 59 and above (220+ attacks): Alv Forest

  • Monsters: Warrior Lonas, Scout Lonos, Archer Lonos
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 5/5.
  • Monster location density: 4/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Fire rage
    • Ring Lonaros
    • Protective stone
    • Doll Voodoo Manshair.
    • Forest breathing
    • Ring Lonaros
    • Lemoria gloves
    • Particle of land

Lonaros is a location designed for level 59 players and higher. She is similar to Pillap prison, a group is required for successful Grinda.

Lonosov does not use specially popular with players, because there is difficult grinding there, and many prefer Griffins. In this location, you can get a ring of Lonasa, however it is believed that it is inferior to the knob of the defender of the temple.

Level 60 and above (230+ attacks): Anacreon Temple / Histria Ruins

  • Monsters: Anacono Guard, Anacreon Career, Anaconon's Ball, Anacreon Designer, Ancreonon Ancient Guardian
  • Experience: 3/5
  • Difficulty: 5/5.
  • Monster location density: 5/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Black stone (weapon)
    • Scroll with text in ancient language
    • Detail of a good compass
    • Sign of the secret organization
    • Black ancient fragmentation
    • Detail of compass
    • Traveler map
    • Stones inlay
    • Tunra necklace

In these locations, you can only get through the portal, which is randomly appearing in the desert. Both are particularly difficult and designed for groups. It is believed that the Anacreon Temple is easier than histories ruins, but it is not suitable for solitary passage. The passage of these locations does not give too much experience and money, but they can produce rare materials to create a tunra segue, as well as black stones, compass spare parts and scrolls with texts in ancient language. To get to the Anacreon Temple or Histria's ruins, it is necessary to pump up to 59-60 levels, collect good equipment and find yourself a group.

Level 60 and above (230+ attacks): Mirumog Forest Ruins

  • Monsters: Choose Tree Observer, Purned Tree Keeper, Mirumog, Ent-Ghost
  • Experience: 4/5
  • Difficulty: 5/5.
  • Monster location density: 3/5
  • Mining:
    • Bark of young enth
    • Purest black stone
    • Forest breathing
    • Helmet and armor lemoria
    • Weltar shine belt
    • Doll Voodoo Manshair.
    • Fire rage
    • Forest breathing
    • Wind particle

The ruins of the forest of Mirumog are designed for levels of level 60 and above. In difficulty, they are similar to histories ruins, that is, a group will need for passage.

Poplar-observers and old poplars deserve separate attention. They apply a strong damage, and observers also explode before death, imposing a negative effect on the players.

Level 60 and above (240+ attacks): Gaphinracia temple

  • Monsters: an ancient witch tool, an ancient instrument tool, an ancient combat gun
  • Experience: 5/5.
  • Difficulty: 5/5.
  • Monster location density: 5/5
  • Mining:
    • Black stone (armor)
    • Stone defeat
    • Fire rage
    • Parts of Sethene Lemoria
    • Lunar light stone
    • Tunra belt
    • Wind particle

The gayfinracia temple is designed for level level 60 and higher. In difficulty, it looks like a historic temple, that is, it is one of the most difficult locations in the game. Optimal requirements: 220 + AP, 280 + DP, Cutum weapons.

Over all locations are placed the towers that need to be destroyed in the first place. Monsters appear packs of 3 pieces and have a big margin of health, so we recommend collecting a group for a campaign. The Gaphinracia Temple is considered to be a top content for well-dressed characters, here you can get a lot of experience and silver.

In addition, the Temple Monsters falls the best belt in the game, the tunra belt, as well as the rage of the forest, which is used for the manufacture of new gemstones.

From June 7 to July 5th (4th weeks) will be held by the Event "Treasures of Kamasylvia", dedicated to the update in the game.

And also, in connection with the introduction of Pegasov added transport experience Bonus + 10% until June 26.

The essence of the event is that the items will fall from the mobs and when collecting, "the stamp of meadows" and "traces of the Pollas".

You can also get them as an achievement (3 pcs "Stamp of meadows" for an hour of play, no more than 15 pieces a day, and for the 6th hour of the game "Stamp of meadows 3 pcs. And 1" Footprints of Polyan ").

Using the manufacturer (L) - Alchemy of them can be created "Kamassillvia Chest" (20 "seals of meadows"), or "Treasury of Camasylvia" (20 "traces of pollas" and 20 "Camashion Chestware").


At last! We introduced a new location - Camasylvia - the Earth of the Dark Elf. She is in the south - below the bear village. About 50 new NPCs are added to the new location, 150 tasks and 100 types of new monsters and two new call bosses - Carnac and Griffon Ahib.

Now added a weekly task for level 58+ players (which completed the "combat test of the Wentard Order"), which can be obtained using the Item: Velter Scroll. The scroll can be obtained from NPC Milford and fulfilling his task "Wentar Mountains". By using a scroll in a specific place, you will start a test, for this you need to take into a group at least another player. Monsters, as promised, I will be quite cruel.

In the new Loca, you can get the "shiny of Weltar": attack 5, weight + 80lt. When improving each step adds +3 to the attack, +25 HP.

Added Pegasy

this is not a swearing, but horses. Beautiful horses that can soar.

and also possess unique skills: "Stop on the piles", "double jump", "wings", "Speed: pressure", "free flight". The maximum level, like all horses - 30. They can not be crossed.

How to get Pegasus:

To get a pegasus, you must first bring the fan of the 8th rank (this is already headache and suffering), then go to NPC Gulla in the location of the stone wasteland pasture (equipment from the horse to remove and give the NPS). Then talk to Gullah and click on the "Preparation" button - this is an attempt to awaken the trough. Before pressing "Preparation", you will need to fill the scale with special items that are reset at each failure.

Lunar light stone It turns out by compounding in a simple alchemy (key "L") x25 of the wind particles and x25 particles of the Earth. New particles can be obtained as a result of the exchange of jackets and gold printing [Taming] at NPC Siam.

New boss gem: griffin helmet

And new stones inlaid:

Crystal reinforced magic - Garpia
Crystal Modified Magic - Garpia
Crystal Reborn Magic - Garpia
Crystal reinforced magic - Gobellinus
Crystal modified magic - Gobellinus
Crystal Reborn Magic - Gobellinus
Crystal reinforced magic - Gaduk
Crystal modified magic - viper
Crystal Reborn Magic - Gaduk
Crystal Remedy Magic - Histria
Crystal Modified Magic - Histria
Crystal Reborn Magic - Histria
Crystal reinforced magic - karma
Crystal modified magic - karma
Crystal Reborn Magic - Karma
Crystal reinforced magic - flower
Crystal Modified Magic - Flower
Crystal Reborn Magic - Flower

You can get them by simple alchemy: It is necessary to combine the appropriate crystal of magic - GARPIA / Gobelinus / Viper / Histria / Karma / Flower with the rage of forest (1pc.) And a particle of force (10pcs)

Fire rage - Material produced in the territory of Camasylvia.
Power particle - It turns out by heating the yellow magic stones, such as Amber III [Fortress], Amber III [Sop. Attacks], Amber III [Max. Weight], Amber III [Attack power], Amber III [accuracy], Amber III [Crete. Strike], IOLIT III and IV.

When combined, one of three stones for each (GARPIA / Gobellin / Viper / Histria / Karma / Flower) are obtained, whose parameters are slightly better than that of magic crystals. Three variations for each stone have similar characteristics.

For example:

"Crystal reinforced magic - Garpia" - Max. HP + 50, HP Recovery +5, Evasion +5

"Crystal modified magic - Garpia" - Max. HP + 75, HP Recovery +5, Evasion +3

"Crystal Reborn Magic - Garpia" - Max. HP + 50, HP +10 recovery, evasion +3

While the usual "Crystal Magic - Garpia" - Max. HP + 50, HP Recovery +5, Evasion +2

History Kamassillva


At the dawn, the epoch, when the world was still grumbling in his fiery cradle, the goddess of Sylvia went down to the ground so that among the dust and the ashes to sing the first grain of life. The thoughtless of mindless passion for creation, she left her "gift" in the wasteland on the top of the mountain, whose dead silence broke only the wind of the wind. And adults on the place of the mighty Tree Kamassillv, which posted the beginning of the forests and Dubravam district.

The stormy streams of rivers were fitted on black raissecks, filling the moisture once with a lifeline soil. It was cracked by a stalking crust, giving way to the sprouts and shoots, and the malachite crowns of the needles and oaks pulled out to heaven.

But Silvia remained unhappy. She threw two fetus with the branches of Camashion and, the promotions of themselves, the wrist was irrigated by their blood, after which she casually threw her to the roots of the tree. The day from the day was swelling and they ripe, they pulsed in futile attempts to open.

The first one of them is splashing in the rays of the dawn dawn, and lay in it, doring and Humpy from the heat, the cereal child - Garnel, the descendant of the Sun. The second one opened in the darkness and cold of the night, Javil to the world of Vendire, the descendant of the Moon.

274 years in the Ellian Soul

After three delegations sent to the borders of Kamashionvia and who cursed there without a trace, Guy Serik, the young ruler of the calfone, who had time to play in a brilliant tactic and the commander, drawn with speech to his people:

"Kamassillvia! Recently, this word does not come down with the mouth of each of you. The mysterious, closed for strangers the edge manites you as once wild fire - the creation of storm lightning - manifes our distant ancestors.

The merchant, laid down with silks, is interpreted about new trading routes, in taverns among the Crimson evaporation, the banals are tested about inconspicuous wealth, the babies are not underwear, but the bones of the elven princesses, even children do not play the Knights of the calf - they are now in the soul of the fouls of the population.

Heh, I also know what you are shusking in the evenings in the dim light of oil lamps, when you think that no one will hear you. Say, your king passed, sphuming. His ambassadors disappeared, and he still will not leave the army. However, I do not mind, where exactly should I send it? Under the Seine of New Trees, in the impassable debris, where the unknown reigns? Who will guide that stories about the forests of Kamasylvia, who heard in childhood from the old nanniki, only noby, makes the briefness of the minds? Who, put your hand on the heart, will assure me that from the fighters sent by me at least the tenth part will come back?

No, I will not send people to Kamasylvia. Today there are other problems - obvious, crying state needs that require considerable financial and social investments. Crime flourishes, a disease is raging under the walls of the city, the crop breaks in Grad, poverty and hunger settled in the houses .... The trolls were tested in the north and eastern In the army, the hour of swords there are two soldiers out of five.

So leave alone elves with their damned forest! Let me remind you that we are not witching savages, drawing on the villages of the caves, and not exterminated far expensive nomads, sparning around the world in search of a safe place where you can settle. We have a house - a calfone, and we are obliged to take care of him.

I spell, forget about Kamasylvia - it is not for people. We are not destined to cross her borders, as long as the elves won't want. "

276 years in the Ellian Soul

Kamasylvia washed by blood. Blood carminic beads froze on the grass, dripped from the leaves, painted early in the fall in the crimson-gold tone, and the foaming burls between cracks in the frozen land. In the meadow, under a cargo splashing tree - so thick that his barrel could hardly be clamped and a dozen man - calmly lying around, frozen in unnatural poses, the dead. Pointed ears and the almond-shaped eye cut were issued their former belonging to the family of elves.

Over one of them is basicly corpal, trying to pull the curved jogged sword from the neckless back, a tall man with a scraper, black, like Smin, hair. The point was not laid. The bones are complaints about the groovers, the edges of the wounds were swallowed and swallowed bubbles of Sukrovitsy, but the blade did not give up.

Ay-Yai, Derie Me Sonyli! Probably in the rhers settled, "the owner of the blade exhaled during the next jerk. - Well, let's try differently.

He rested his foot in the cumum's lower back, grabbed the handle with both hands and sharply jerked up. Fucking, Cheekhanlo, switched, and the sword, finally, came out of the dead body, capturing with him good shmat of raving muscles.

Another man, during the mentioned manipulation, sacrifted with a powerful view on a suede stone and curiously turned the petal with curiosity before her eyes, as if to read the coming up to his brown lodges, frowned. It did not cover the attention of the dark-haired.

You are hopeless clean, Garnel.

And you are too diverting with death, Venndire, - the nicknamed garlant responded, raising her eyes and leaving the petal alone.

I repent. There is a certain elusive charm in deprivation of the life of another creature. Interestingly, you know whether to observe how other people's hopes, memories and feelings are drowning along the blade along with blood.

Please, get rid of me from my pathetic outpourings. Another 2 moon foreshadowed it seemed to me that I would be on the site of this poor.

Ba, brother, I was sure of this a couple more hours ago, I was predatory with Vendire.
- And who do you call a poor fellow? Isn't that anibrian unfortunate? Yes, they do it worse than Moshkara, cuffed in ears and nose.

Fact. They were loosened lately, Osmellies. So the tree did it. It seems that our nice, kind, soft Bereil is not suitable for the role of the Queen: the cult of the cult that matches it right under his nose.

Eh, sorry, we did not have aware of them to kill them before they found themselves a patron. Salmon - gray shadow, eyes burning in the darkness, whisper in the dark! Ugh, a regular dirty demon.

I'm afraid you make mistakes on his account. It should be sorted as soon as possible.

Well, this is without me.

Did you still decide? - said the descendant of the sun, knocking his fingers a restless fraction on the knee cups.

Yes, we will go to the external lands with dark knights.

It is necessary to leave the ruler to leave his people in such a troubled time.

I do not leave. I am leaving with that part of which, probably there is a future.

Camashion still may awaken. Silvia…

Silvia! Oh, Sylvia! - Mockery, caricaturely made hands to the sky Venndire. - For the past 200 years, you call her! So what? Did she healed the forest, took off the curse from our children? Not! Perhaps, informed useful advice or filed what sign? Not! Our nicinal mother is no more than a capricious child in the body of the Divine. Old toys have been filled with her.

Blasting, as always. You call it a child, and myself impatient and religious, exactly the young Siruto. I dare to refresh your memory slightly: our immortality is based on the strength of this forest. Out of its borders you will not stretch for a long time.

Perhaps, but I, in any case, bend, followed by the voice of fate; Divided from the strained puments and fanatical priests.

I see, it is pointless to join you in controversy. I hope, before leaving Camasylvia, you will pass the sacred blades to the alarms, because after your departure, only they will protect the tree from Anibov.

Of course.

283 year in the Ellian Souls

Whether the success of the Rituals of the Priests was crowned with the success of their children Sylvia, Ile Earth was killed by the blood and suffering of the forest people, but the Tree Kamasylv, finally awakened from sleep.

284 years in the Ellian Soul

In the gazebo, under the closer look accused by ivy karyatid, a pale, almost transparent girl with the milled, but bright features of the face and dark amber eyes, covered with semi-handed centuries, sat on a small throne, stroking with elegant hands carved armrests in the form of griffins. Her outfit is a fitted dress with wide sleeves - sharply contrasted with the surrounding greens and a white predominance of scarlet colors.

In front of her, stopping the knee and lowering his head, the man stood in a ribbed, crumpled in the shoulders of the armor - the commander of the Guardian of Acres. Waiting for him to say, he insulantly wriggled curly hair from his forehead and, firing, scratched wide, who had time to take a crust on the cheek.

The girl on the throne lightly fused her leg.

Mrs. Bereyili, "Akher began, having perceived this gesture as a permission," as you know, Eight years ago, Garnel and Venndire, beatibing Anibov's attack on Camasylv, expelled them for the outskirts of the forest. Then…

The queen impatiently woven his head, making it clear that all this was led by her and should not be sharpening for sections.

Khm-Khm, right, sorry, Your Majesty. We were imagined, as if Aniba, excommunicated from their native lands, would soon lose their strength and will come back to the world of others, so to speak, naturally, without our intervention. Alas, we have become a victim of our own pride.

Amber eyes swung open, flashing the tongues of the hovering flame. On the moment, the Commander thought that Bereyi would jump and would give him an angry reward, but she only bit his lip and looked at the shock, a smoking nest on the head of one of the marble goddesses.

Over the past week, two attacks were committed, "he continued, having sighing the furtively, - one on the northern, the other on the south-eastern cashpost. Both of them burned down. A total result: 35 soldiers killed and twice as much hard wounded. The survivors report on the abolished armed battalions of Anibov and - Silvia, I myself do not believe that I say this, the demons. In addition, today was taken by the Osterveliy attempt to break through to Kamassillva. Fortunately, we managed to react on time.

Bird-haired bird, pickling feathers and displeasure chirped, was trying unsuccessfully to put the branch on the eyebrow curved in eternity. And it seemed that her problem was careful of the Lady of Kamasylvia much more than the story of a soldier.

The situation is severe. Our fathers are stupid to place hopes. There is no news from Venndira, and it is not known whether he is alive. Garnel - do not blame me, Your Majesty, - has risen since the tree awakened. Khm .. I'm afraid we need to ask for help to people - they are our chance to save. You only have to order and ...

Commander is cut. The queen looked straight on him, and in the depths of her pupils splashing on black waves fragile soul, who lost peace.

You only have to order ... - Quietly repeated the aker, and his words echoed in a gazebo.

286 year in the Ellian Souls

The edict of the cessation of insulation approved by the Light Queen of Bereyli, the keeper of the sacred trees and the governor of Silvia on the Barnish Earth, ordered all the roads to Kamasylvia and not to repair the obstacles in the intersection of the borders of the wanderers from the neighboring powers.

Predictions with the help of precious and semi-precious stones are substantiated scientifically, given that physical changes at the earliest stage are not possible. But more and more wishing come to mediums with questions about the future and advice on life problems. For more accurate divination, it is recommended to conduct it in specific days related to church holidays, the pheasses of the moon, the movement of the planets, the days of the week, the time of day and other.

Stones used in ancient fortune telling

Crystals for people

How to choose Crystal

Descriptions of crystals of healers and mediums

  • Amethyst is a stone of calm, help in spiritual improvement.
  • AMETRIN - assists in astral projection, protects against adverse psychological influence.
  • The violet stone (IOLIT) helps at the initial stage of spiritual life.
  • Mica - eliminates the illusions, helps to see the subtle worlds.
  • Feline eye (chrysoberill) - contributes to the vision of prophetic dreams, images from the other world, strengthens clairvoyance.
  • Quartz - easily interacts with a person's field.
  • Pink Quartz - develops and enhances magical abilities, helps to assimilate the knowledge of practicing magicians.
  • Rhinestone (Ruhathopaz, smoky quartz) - cleans from negative, activates the subconscious, protects against someone else's influence.

How to Clean Crystal

How to activate a stone

Stone programming

Stones are collected within themselves information about the world around, preserve vibrations and emotions of man. It is necessary to program only the purified crystal. If you work with a stone constantly, it becomes very susceptible, and it can be used as a catalyst. The crystal is able to strengthen the intention of its owner, change energy, its surrounding. Before proceeding with programming, you must thoroughly think about what information you wish to put into it. The stone does not see the difference between evil and good. He only perceives feelings. You must emit specific clean emotions. Take the purified crystal into the left hand, think about your desire. So you will be able to program the stone, having laid information about the execution of the conceived. Do not forget that various crystals exist to implement different purposes.

Application of crystals in magic

Transparent, mirror and smooth items from ancient times used for fortune telling. They perform the intermediary function between the predictor, the magician and the otherworldly world.

Mirrors, water, crystals can be used as reflective surfaces for divination. During divination, the person concentrates on the smooth surface of the subject. At the same time, his consciousness varies, and thus, he is able to perceive information about his future. Each person is given to know its future, but this will require specific knowledge and practice.

Peering into the magic items, without working on themselves, consciousness and subconscious, is useless. You need to learn to interpret signs, symbols, interpret seen in such a way that you can associate them with reality. Professional gadgets perception delicately, he has a huge potential of mental and psychological knowledge about a person.

Predictions with the help of precious and semi-precious stones are substantiated scientifically, given that physical changes at the earliest stage are not possible. But more and more wishing come to mediums with questions about the future and advice on life problems. For more accurate divination, it is recommended to conduct it in specific days related to church holidays, the pheasses of the moon, the movement of the planets, the days of the week, the time of day and other.

Stones used in ancient fortune telling

In ancient Greece, they walked with mirrors. Oracle predicted the patients a further course of the disease. Located at the fountain, the oracle directed his gaze into the mirror, which was immersed in the water. By the nature of his reflection, the oracle could judge the future - the waitingweed of recovery, deterioration of the state or death.

Incasions for gadas used mountain crystal.

In Siberia, to find out the future, peered into the water, poured into the vessel.

In South America, the future was interpreted by the symbols seen on the polished stove from the black stone.

The peoples of Polynesia poured water into the earthen yam and tried about the upcoming reflections events that were seen in it.

In North-West India, the future was recognized on the liver of the animal.

In Egypt, the fortune telling was carried out with the help of ink, poured into the palm.

Druids were able to predict the future on magical crystals (2000 years BC). The fortune telling is based on religion operating at 10,000 - 5,000 years. BC.

In ancient England, you were fortunate with the help of two mirrors, establishing them opposite each other so that the "corridor" was opened, which was brought to a long time, until they saw a more or less understandable image. To make fortune telling more efficient, lit candles and put the tank with water.

Crystals for people

Experts advise each person to create its own collection of crystals. The stones have the strength and energy that can be applied at various stages of life. They are able to store and concentrate within themselves defined information. How it works? There is an energy channel, with the help of which, directing the energy of any properties (physical, light, informational), can be accumulated in stone the necessary qualities. In addition, the vibration channel is running. Atoms in the composition of the crystal lattice are vibrated with a certain frequency. If their vibration occurs in unison with a person's field, it can help in achieving the goals.

Each crystal has its own characteristics, properties that are largely determined by its structure and color. Before applying the crystal in magical purposes, some actions should be conducted on it. Stone must be selected in accordance with the task. To start, the crystal is cleaned, then the ritual is carried out over it for its activation, and in completion - its programming.

How to choose Crystal

Choose stones on the inner sensations. Look at the crystal. If this is your stone, then you will like it. Take a stone in hand. If there are pleasant and comfortable sensations, emotions, it means that the stone exudes vibrations, harmonizing with your aura. Such stones at one person can be a lot, there are no restrictions.

Descriptions of crystals of healers and mediums

  • Amethyst is a stone of calm, help in spiritual improvement.
  • AMETRIN - assists in astral projection, protects against adverse psychological influence.
  • The violet stone (IOLIT) helps at the initial stage of spiritual life.
  • Mica - eliminates the illusions, helps to see the subtle worlds.
  • Feline eye (chrysoberill) - contributes to the vision of prophetic dreams, images from the other world, strengthens clairvoyance.
  • Quartz - easily interacts with a person's field.
  • Pink Quartz - develops and enhances magical abilities, helps to assimilate the knowledge of practicing magicians.
  • Rhinestone (Ruhathopaz, smoky quartz) - cleans from negative, activates the subconscious, protects against someone else's influence.

How to Clean Crystal

The simplest way to purify the crystal from negative or alien energy is a flowing water jet. Rinse the stone with clean water within a few minutes or place it for several hours in the saline. Not all practicing mediums advise to use salt, as it can break the structure of the stone. Wash the stone in warm soapy water. From time to time, clean the stone so that there is no excessive information load on it. Place the crystal in such a way that the lunar light falls on it (the sun is contraindicated). On the growing moon, the stone will be fed by energy.

How to activate a stone

After cleansing the crystal, put on the night under the pillow. This is necessary to accelerate the establishment of a stone. Dreams with the exposure to the crystal will be prompted to what extent the stone is configured to your energy. The discovery of the stone occurs with the help of plants (cedar, sage), by emphasising crystal incense (incense). Put the stone under the pyramid made of copper, glass, cardboard - this method is also suitable for opening the magic properties of the stone.

Stone programming

Stones are collected within themselves information about the world around, preserve vibrations and emotions of man. It is necessary to program only the purified crystal. If you work with a stone constantly, it becomes very susceptible, and it can be used as a catalyst. The crystal is able to strengthen the intention of its owner, change energy, its surrounding. Before proceeding with programming, you must thoroughly think about what information you wish to put into it. The stone does not see the difference between evil and good. He only perceives feelings. You must emit specific clean emotions. Take the purified crystal into the left hand, think about your desire. So you will be able to program the stone, having laid information about the execution of the conceived. Do not forget that various crystals exist to implement different purposes.

Application of crystals in magic

Transparent stones in combination with the colors of the same color contribute to the preservation of the purity of the human energy field.

The crystals of blue and purple color in combination with a lavender, in fresh or dry form, bring a calming effect, capable of rid of headaches.

Crystal treated with aromatic oil, enhances its protective and healing properties.

Crystals can be used as faiths, as well as energy channels for conspiracies.

To activate the human chakra, stones are used corresponding to each of the chakras in color.

Place the crystal in the water container: after a while, under the influence of the stone, you will get healing water.

Crystal allows you to control the flows of the coming and emitted energy of the person.

From crystals, you can make jewelry and accessories that will perform not only decorative function, but also to work on the preservation of the well-being of your owner.

Crystals - the magical gift of nature for us with you. Crystals are capable of being carriers of both positive and negative energy. They can be programmed on a good or bad, so they need careful attitude. If you apply to historical facts, you can find a lot of confirmation of the fact that precious stones are able to bring the curse to their owners over the years. Crystals are susceptible to respect and love from their owner, and he pays the same, restoring harmony in all spheres of human life. Place the crystals throughout the house according to their magic properties - and then the atmosphere of your home will become easy, healthy. There is enough information about the possibilities of crystals when achieving the goals. The main impact in this matter has, of course, the people themselves.

One of these materials are crystals - minerals, semi-precious and precious stones. In the occultism, the painting and hardness of the stone is essential, and not its chemical composition. Adding stones in a magic rite, as a rule, strengthens its strength and efficiency. Knowing the magical properties of crystals, you can choose those of them that will best affect the course of the ritual. Well, many stones need to get used to, many stones need to tame. He change the color slightly, if a leaning is lean. Try to use the stones of the same color as the candles with which the magic rite is held. The selected stone should not be too big and smoothly polished. Very often, precisely non-rapid stones have greater energy and can significantly increase your magic force. Use those stones that attract you by providing you soothing action. Such stones are most suitable for magic. Stolen stones are rather negative properties, bought in a few years become talismans. Genuine talismans are presented crystals, or inherited.

White crystals

Apophyllit- Provides equilibrium, well helps with fortune-money, prediction.

White opal - Improve imagination and contributes to the manifestation of creative activity and passion. Effective with the disorders of the nervous system, removes depression, improves memory, strengthens the feeling of loyalty, devotion, love and passion. Helps in the treatment of various infectious and colds, regulates the level of insulin in the blood.

Selenite - Delivers sympathy, makes clear reason, develops intuition, provides access to the highest knowledge.

Agate- Brings a victory over opponents.

Blue crystals

Aquamarine - Strengthens the spirit of man and exposes the deception. Gives mystery comprehension, it is one of the most magical stones. It makes it easier for dental pain, helps in the treatment of stomach and liver.

Azurist - Opens the chakra of the third eye, strengthens mental and spiritual abilities, provides communication with the highest consciousness, develops memory, frees from stiffness in communication. Heals the diseases of the joints and the spine.

Turquoise - protects, treats, improves mood. Moves negative energy, bales in man a male and feminine start. Helps find a way out of a predicament. Used in the treatment of eye diseases.

Blue Agat. - increases the vibration of mental energy. It helps in the treatment of diseases of the joints and bones, is used for diseases of the nervous system and impairment of the psyche.

Blue Quartz - Soothes, pacifies, relieves fear and excitement.

Blue tourmaline - Improves mental consciousness and imagination. Helps in the treatment of diseases of the lungs and immune system. Opens the chakra of the third eye. Makes his owner peaceful and agreed.

Lapis lazuli - The stone of people who seek to update their living circle, contributes to the formation of new interests, strengthens friendship. Helps the execution of unexpected plans and projects. Ensures negative energy, improves clarity of thoughts, relieves stress. Removes headaches, improves hearing, removes depression, helps with respiratory tract and injuries. Strengthens immunity, eliminates insomnia, improves eyesight, relieves eye tension when working with a computer.

Sapphire - It gives loyalty, chastity and modesty, facilitates the concentration of forces. Gives secret power, strengthens on trips and travel. Strengthens the informal power of man over other people. It gives the ability to teach others and lead them for themselves. It gives force against all soul and body diseases, against infidelity, anger and fear. This is one of the stones contributing to luck, prosperity and successes. Helps to stop bleeding, treats varicose veins, menstrual disorders and various viral diseases.
Stone with cracks, stains, other vices - is dangerous, he is able to bring big misfortunes.

Chrysoprase - A stone of inventions. Protects against dangers. Helps to focus. Soothes, it has to confidential relations between people, helps to determine whether your interlocutor is sincerely. Promotes the treatment of diseases of bones and joints, blood diseases, lungs and digestive system. Normalizes blood sugar levels.
Chrysoprase, wearable in the bracelet, is considered an excellent tool from evil eyes, envy and slander, contemplation reduces them in the eyes.

Kesetin - It has a powerful strength, contributes to spiritual development. Helps immersion in the astral, resurrection in the memory of dreams, clairvoyance and spiritual cleansing. In therapeutic purposes, it is used for eye disease and ears, to remove toxic substances from the body.

Yellow crystals

Aventurine - Stone is associated with pure love. Too much frequency in handling a stone can lead in the future to material losses. Its magical significance is huge, but it is difficult to work with it, as the stone is capricious and changeable. It can not be worn.

Yellow Yashma - Jasper protects a person from diseases, contributes to aligning relations at work, with the boss. It can be used as a talisman, traveling. Helps adapt to the new setting. Strengthens the endocrine system.

Citrine - The stone of jewelers and gadels on the maps, but also the stone of Zhulikov and Swims. Tied with gambling. Increases confidence in their own power. Citrine is a stone with great energy, attracts money, success, good luck, promotes prosperity. Develops intuition. Used in the treatment of mental diseases. Stimulates business activity and helps to make a conceived. Promotes success in business.

Yellow Topaz - Stone of exposure of secrets, stone of criminologists, hypnotists, stone impact on others, the stone of psychologists. Gives penetration into the essence of the mystery of life. Removes irritability, adjusts the mood, creates a calm atmosphere in the house. Protects the house from robbers. Enhances optimism, restores confidence. It is used as protection against madness, insomnia and an evil look. It is believed that his wearing on the neck facilitates the attack of asthma.

Fluorit - It has a big protective force. Removes stress and tension. Stimulates sexual attraction. Helps in the treatment of teeth, diseases of the joints and injuries. Used to change life for the better. Can be used for fortunes. Strengthens physical health.

Feline eye - Brings good luck. Promotes harmonious relationships, establishes communication with nature. It has strong protective properties. Guards in love. Helps to achieve material well-being. Strengthens family bonds. Helps with eye diseases and vision correction. Removes headaches.

Golden Beryl - develops the ability to telepathy, helps to establish communication with the parallel world. Opens the painshore (corona) chakra.

Green crystals

Beryl - Improves memory, relieves stress, soothes. Helps in the treatment of diseases of the lungs, kidneys and blood. Used in diseases of the throat, liver, heart, stomach, spine, with a concussion of the brain.

Emerald - It is considered mascot mothers and navigators. Modern occultists see a certain relationship between this stone and unconscious human actions. In it, both in the mirror, the future is reflected, the future is detected. It is on the neck to strengthen memory and improving vision. Masted in gold, he protects against infectious diseases, love spells and insomnia. Promotes emotional and physical equilibrium, sets up for good deeds. Enhances the heart chakra, contributes to the manifestation of talent and abilities. Strengthens love relationships, provides peace and happiness in the house, loyalty to love. Helps in the treatment of diseases of the lungs, spine, hearts. Removes dental pain, migraines, crops for menstruation.

Green calcite - Helps to determine the sincerity of the interlocutor, contributes to spiritual development. It is used to purify the organism and the treatment of infectious diseases. Improves brain activity helps with violations of cerebral circulation.

Green fluoritis - eliminates excess energy, soothes, helps with stress. Used in the treatment of infectious diseases, constipation.

Nephritis - In everyday life contributes to changes, out of a dead end. Sets a calm, serene atmosphere in the house, relieves stress, contributes to harmony in related relationships. This is a longevity stone, protects vital energy, regulates the work of female genital organs. It helps with infertility and disorders of the menstrual cycle.

Malachite - Strong magic stone, requiring constant attention to yourself. It may take the attention of other people too much to you, sometimes causes an unhealthy interest in the one who wears. Stone of vital energy and transformation. Breaks unwanted ties. It helps to get rid of bad habits, work out patience and prerequisitiveness, get rid of the effects of negative experience. It is used in the treatment of asthma, fractures, tumors.

Green Agat. - Strengthens immunity, increases self-esteem, dispels negative energy, helps to quit smoking, gives decisiveness, develops the initiative, helps resolve disputes.

Green tourmaline - Protects against negative energy. Generally regulates energy. Attracts money and wealth. It is used to strengthen immunity, with diseases of the nervous system, eye and heart.

Brown crystals

Amber - He has medical importance, is a universal body cleaner. Helps from pain ears, angine and other respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis), removes headaches and pain in the eyes. Removes the nervous voltage, increases the perishability, helps to make decisions. In magic, it is used when insects are insects, the most interesting one in which the scorpion is. Smoke from the burned amber causes vision.

Topaz - Strengthens the energy and sends it to the right direction. Supports stable state of health and good mood. Increases energy.

Eye of the Tiger - helps to make a decision and achieve a certain goal. Promotes good aspirations and motivations. Regulates the energy of the body, helps to adapt to environmental changes. Helps in establishing a connection with other realities. It has the properties of the overag in economic activity. Protects from unreasonable torment of jealousy. Promotes the transformation of a person, his magic alteration. This stone is a real magician stone.

Brown Agat. - increases the connection with the Earth and strengthens sexual energy. Soothes, helps to get rid of fears. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and the central nervous system, problems with vision.

Brown (smoky) quartz - Displays toxins from the body, contributes to its cleansing. Protects from the harmful effects of radiation and chemotherapy. Neutralizes negatives.

Jasper - Opens the main chakra and extends the pleasure of sexual intercourse. If the owner is not quite clean and strong, can give it to the power of Satan. Being is given, gives rise to hostile feelings for the donor and becomes the cause of discord. Being is given, gives rise to hostile feelings for the donor and becomes the cause of discord.

Red crystals

Garnet - It is a source of energy feeding. Give strong passionate desires. Controls unless attacks of aggression. He treats the curvature of the spine, diseases of the circulatory system and lungs. Restores. Promotes the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

It can be used to enhance other crystals.

Ruby - Stone power, shine, vanity. Energizes energy, stimulates heart chakra. Helps with heart disease, affects sexuality, pregnancy and birth of children.

Red Yashma - The stone can be used to establish truth in controversial situations. The strength of bleeding and helps in the treatment of female diseases. Exacerbate smell.

Orange crystals

Orange calcite - Stone of joy, happiness and well-being. It makes a desire for life, enhances sexual attraction, helps to reproduce the dreams seen. Increases potency and helps to get rid of the sense of own inferiority in sexual relationships.

Carnelin (carnelian) - gives courage and power, protects. Helps in cases of weakening energy, helps to get rid of many fears, including from fear of death. Used to quickly achieve the goal.

P scale when removing pain in the back and joints, when depressed.

ABOUTrange celestine - Promotes luck in affairs, helps to achieve good luck.


Diamond - Gives virtue, courage and victory. On the hand of the criminal acts against him. Symbolizes love and deep spiritual relationship. Helps to gain courage. Never brings the benefits to who bought it himself. Heals sclerosis and apoplexy, the immune system, prevents the formation of stones. Enhances the effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Diamond with stains inside is considered the most unfortunate and fatal stone.

Quartz - It has great power. Used to purify and strengthen the energy of other crystals. Regulates the level of energy, can clean and regulate the aura of people and objects. Enhances. Purple crystals
Amethyst (Ceylon Amethyst) is the stone of the world and equilibrium. Amethyst keeps from intoxication, they smoothed wrinkles to do not deepen, remove freckles. He is put under the pillow to see happy dreams. It has a powerful force for treatment and protection, cleans the aura, strengthens the nervous system, soothes. Protects from stresses, removes anger, rage, helps to fight fears. Eliminates physical pain, treats cellulite, helps in diseases of hearing and nervous system, increases the production of hormones. You can not wear it in gold - only in silver.

Fluorit - Soothes, relaxes, improves memory, helps to focus. Heals teeth and gums, reduces back pain.

Sugalit - Stone of love. Provides contact with other realities, contributes to clairvoyance, reflects negative energy. Reduces headaches.


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