Educational portal. Scenario of the game according to the rules of the road Traffic rules games for elementary school children

The scenario of the event according to the rules of the road in the elementary school "Road maze"

Game program on the rules of the road in elementary school

Targets and goals: consolidate children's knowledge of road signs and traffic rules; develop the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Equipment: road signs, board game "Place the signs along the road."

Game participants: two commands.

Game plan

1. Quiz.

2. The game "Cross the street."

3. The game "Recognize the sign."

4. The game "Forbidden-allowed."

5. The game "Red-Green".

6. The game "Place the signs on the road."

7. Role-playing games.

Game progress

I. Introduction.

Leading. Hello guys! We have gathered with you to talk about something very important - about the rules of the road, about road signs. We live in a beautiful city with wide streets and lanes. A lot of cars and trucks move along them, trams, buses go. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. And to calmly cross the street, you need to know the rules of the road.

We give the guys a warning:

Learn the traffic rules now!

So that parents do not worry every day,

To keep drivers calm.

II. Game program.

1. Quiz.

Who are pedestrians?

Why do we need traffic rules?

What is an intersection, why is it dangerous, how to cross it?

At what traffic signal can you cross the street?

On what part of the road should pedestrians travel?

Why can't you cross the street?

How to get around a standing tram, bus?

2. The game "Cross the street."

The host has two cardboard mugs. One is covered with green paper on one side and yellow paper on the other. The second - red paper, and with the opposite - yellow. All players are divided into two teams. Two parallel lines are drawn in the hall, one from the other at a distance of 7-10 steps. This is "street".

The players line up opposite each other behind the line.

Game conditions: when the leader makes a wave with a green circle, the players take a step forward, red - a step back, yellow - remain in place.

Those who make mistakes are out of the game. The team whose player crosses the street first wins.

3. The game "Recognize the sign."

The facilitator distributes to the teams road signs prepared in advance and their pairs (pictures where it is drawn what this sign means), mixed with each other. Each team receives a certain group of signs: warning, prescriptive, information-indicative, service signs and selects pictures for the received signs. For example, to the sign "Children" - a picture of a school or kindergarten. Matched pairs are cut off with a paper clip so that there is a sign on one side and a picture on the other.

For an incorrectly selected sign, the team receives a penalty point.

4. The game "Forbidden-allowed."

How many guys will gather, so many can play this game. But only that everyone had several square cards with the image of various road signs.

The host shows his sign (any) Anyone who finds the same sign at home must tell what this sign allows, what it prohibits, what it informs about, etc.

5. The game "Red-Green".

The leader has two balloons - green and red. The host can give any participant in the game a ball of any color. If you get red - name the prohibition sign. If you got a green ball, call the sign "allowing", "mandatory". If you don't name it, you're out of the game.

6. Board game "Place signs along the road."

For this game, you will need a playing field and 18 road signs: “No entry”, “Children”, “Wild animals”, “Road works”, “Railway crossing without barrier”, “Railway crossing with barrier”, “Roundabout”, “ Bus (or) trolleybus stop”, “Tram stop”, “Pedestrian path”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Drinking water”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”, “Post of traffic police”, “Point of first aid”, “Point power", "Traffic control", "Telephone".

Teams are given the same number of characters. On the way, the players place the appropriate road signs that they have in their hands. Places where you need to put signs are marked on the playing field with crosses. For example, when passing by a telephone booth, they put a “Telephone” sign, near the transition - the “Underpass” sign, at the school - the “Children” sign.

The team that correctly places all the signs on the road wins.

7. Role-playing games.

1) Crossing the road due to standing vehicles.

Purpose: to instill the skills of safe road crossing due to a standing bus, trolleybus, tram.

Attributes: models of a bus and a car, badges, steering wheels.

2) Practice the rules of safe crossing of a two-way road.

Goal: Develop the habit of safely crossing a two-way road due to standing traffic.

III. Summarizing.

The goals of the teacher: updating knowledge on the rules of the road; education of cultural behavior on the streets and roads.


A poster depicting an ancient traffic light in the form of a rock with a “cut through” window and sheets of colored paper: yellow-brown, red-white-black, black and blue - or white;

9 balls (3 each red, yellow, green) for the game "Air Traffic Light";

A traffic light with plastic windows on a piece of paper, a flashlight for the game “What does each color tell us? And how we listen to advice”;

Two sets of 8 cardboard strips (4 black, 4 white) for the Zebrata competition;

Balloons in yellow, green, red for the final dance.

The course of the game program

This event can be held by students of grades 5-8 for first-graders of their school or senior preschoolers, boarding school students, pupils of an orphanage as patronage assistance.

Leading. Guys, we live in a big, big world. This whole world lives by the rules. There are a lot of them, but today we will remember special rules: the rules of the road. We can't do without them. Are there those among you who have never crossed the road? No. Therefore, the rules are very necessary for everyone!

In ancient times, when there were no houses, no cars, no streets, no roads, people lived in caves and they were faced not with the question: “To cross - not to cross the road?”, But “To leave or not to leave the cave? ". The primitive traffic light was a window in a cave. (A poster is hung out with a painted rock in which one window is “cut through”. In the course of the story, sheets of colored paper are attached to the window on the back side: first yellow-brown, then red-white-black, then black, the last color is blue or white.) If such a color loomed in the window, then people knew that a predatory lizard was wandering nearby in search of food, if it was a different color, then most likely a saber-toothed tiger had come, a predatory panther was wandering nearby ... It was dangerous to go out! And when the sunlight appeared with a piece of blue sky, it was not dangerous to leave the cave! This is the very first traffic light. It has been improved over the centuries and at the present stage it looks the way you see it on the streets.

Guys, all of you have seen a traffic light and you know that it looks like a three-story house with lights. Each floor has one color: red, yellow and green. Do you remember which color lives on which floor? Now let's check!

Air traffic light game.

Two (three, four) groups of three people are invited to participate. Each group receives three balloons (red, yellow and green). On command, the players must fold the traffic light, placing the balls vertically in accordance with the location in the traffic lights. Each child has one ball. The group that folds the traffic light the fastest wins. Children can do this task easily and quickly. Then the task becomes more complicated, other participants are invited: the traffic light is assembled by teams not of three people, but of two. And the teams are up to the challenge. The task becomes more complicated once again: individual participants are invited to put together a traffic light from three balls. The host can offer the participants the order of folding (one ball is clamped between the knees, the other is pressed to the stomach, the third is crushed over the head, or all three balls are held in their hands, placing them vertically in front of them, or all three balls are held in their hands, but placed behind their backs) , or suggest improvising. Folding a traffic light alone is difficult, but fun.

Leading. On which floor which color lives, you guys know very well, but do you know what each color tells us?

The game “What does each color tell us? And how we listen to advice.

The presenter approaches with a flashlight to the image of a traffic light, which is drawn on a piece of paper. The three windows are cut out and covered with green, yellow, and red plastic tape (you can use binder covers available at office supply stores). As the game progresses, the host substitutes the included flashlight for the desired color, an imitation of a working traffic light is created. If the red light lights up, then the audience shouts in unison: “Stop!” If it’s yellow, they clap their hands, and if it’s green, they stomp their feet.

Leading. Guys, you all know the rules of the road. Do you follow them? Do your friends comply? Do you notice who on the streets follows the rules of the road and who does not? Let's find out!

The game "What is good, what is bad."

The host reads poetry, and the audience evaluates the behavior of the characters: if they do the right thing (“good”), then they clap their hands, and if they do it wrong (“badly”), then they threaten them with a finger.

Verse options:

1. Even if there are no cars,

Olya is waiting for the green light.

2. On the road, a jeep looms,

And the ball bounces so merrily ...

Sasha and Misha played,

And on the road were...

3. Where he wants, a cat walks there,

And not where the transition ...

4. Borya saw a friend,

Ran across the road...

5. Sveta got off the tram,

He was run from behind...

And Sasha knows: ahead

You always bypass the tram!

6. Petya knows everything

And, of course, he does!

7. All the guys at school know:

The transition is only where there are "zebras".

Leading. And now let's remember what a pedestrian crossing looks like - a striped path. And right here we will build two pedestrian crossings.

Zebra Contest.

Two teams of 6 or 8 people are invited to participate in the competition. Each team receives a set of black and white stripes. Participants must divide the strips into all (each one) and, on command, begin “building the transition” in one of the proposed ways: participants place the strips vertically in front of them and line up or “build the transition” vertically, placing the strips horizontally with a common canvas. The second way is much more difficult.

The game can be played twice with different teams using both zebra patterns.

Final dance.

General dance: each child receives a balloon, and a group dance with a balloon is performed to the music according to the principle “who is in what much”.

Target:Consolidate students' knowledge of the rules of the road.


  • consolidate knowledge of road signs, their purpose;
  • to form the skill of a conscious attitude to the observance of the rules of safe movement;
  • prepare children for the right actions in the current situation on the road.

Equipment:Cards with numbers from 1 to 5, tokens, itinerary sheets,puzzle cards, presentation in Power Point (slides and animation effects change at the click of a mouse, pictures come out automatically, according to time).

Rules of the game:The game is played by 2 teams. As the game progresses, teams collect tokens. The team with the most tokens wins.

Game progress

Leading: There are many roads in our country. At any time of the year and in any weather, cars, buses, trolleybuses rush along them, motorcycles rush, bicycles roll, pedestrians go. Since ancient times, people have dreamed of speed. Remember how the heroes of fairy tales in an instant were transported far away to the distant kingdom on flying carpets, in walking boots, on wonderful ships. Time passed, and the fairy tale became a reality. The flow of cars is growing, the streets are becoming unsafe. Today we are going on a journey along the route "Safe Road".

Each team, completing a certain task, earns tokens. The head of the game will enter the amount of tokens in your route sheet. The winner of the game is determined by the highest number of points scored by the teams during the game. Our program is competitive, which means that there must be a jury.

The moderator introduces the jury.

Well, now, dear friends, let's get acquainted with the teams! They had to come up with a name, a motto, an emblem. This will be our the firstcompetition, which is called - "Let's get acquainted!"

Representation of classes-commands. Handing out route sheets to team captains.Slide

2 competition "PARK OF ROAD SIGNS"


Important road signs -
Compass for adults and children.
Children! Be careful!
Know what is impossible, what is possible!
Do it immutably
Everything the signs say!

Leading. You need to decipher all the signs (using cards with numbers 1-5) and answer which group they belong to. for the correct answer - token. Slides (5-8)

Leading: Teams are offered a task for speed. From the proposed 4 characters, select the extra one.

For substantiating the answer - a token.

Summing up the results of the competition. Filling out the itinerary.


Leading. Use the number cards to answer the following questions.

For each correct answer, students receiveyut token(each question and answer is a slide).


Leading: The following questions should be answered with “yes” or “no”. Questions are asked to teams in turn. For the correct answer - a token.

  • A pedestrian, if there is no sidewalk, must walk on the left side of the curb towards traffic. (Yes)
  • The place where the streets intersect is called a "junction". (Yes)
  • The underground passage is called "zebra". (Not)
  • The road, even on a green light, it is better to run across as quickly as possible. (Not)
  • Road signs need to know the driver, not the pedestrian. (Not)
  • There are special traffic lights for pedestrians. They only have two colors - red and green. (Yes)
  • Roads come with two-way and one-way traffic. (Yes)
  • To cross a two-way road, look left, walk to the middle of the road, and look right. (Yes)

Counting tokens, entry in the route sheet.

4 competition "ROAD LABYRINTH" Slide

Leading. What is a labyrinth? The labyrinth is an intricate network of paths, passages that communicate with each other. You are invited to solve a crossword puzzle. Slide.

Horizontally: 4. Crossing of two roads. 5. Amazing wagon! Judge for yourself: the rails are in the air, and he is holding them with his hands. 7. The car has it, the cart has it, the bicycle has it, and the train has it innumerable. 8. A huge hero lay down across the river in full breadth. He lies - does not tremble, a tram runs along him. 9. Special stone separating the edge of the sidewalk from the carriageway.

Vertically: 1. What a miracle this house is! The windows are bright all around. Wears rubber shoes. And it feeds on gasoline. 2. This horse does not eat oats, instead of legs - two wheels. Get on top and ride it. Just better drive. 3. Where can we go across the road to the store? Behind these stalls, where the arrow is at the gate, we ourselves read on this arrow ... 6. I blink my eyes tirelessly day and night. I help cars and I want to help you.


Horizontally: 4. Crossroads. 5. Trollsbeads. 7. Wheel. 8. Bridge. 9. Border.

Vertical: 1. Bus. 2. Bicycle. 3. Transition. 6. Traffic light.

Puzzle street.Teams receive puzzle cards.

Answers: driver, street, car, road.

5 competition "AMBULANCE". Slide.

Leading. Millions of cars are moving along the roads of Russia. The number of accidents and the number of victims in them is not decreasing. Every year in Russia almost 35,000 people die in road traffic accidents (including about 1,300 children), more than 250,000 are injured. It's a whole school! More than 25 thousand children are injured.

Why is this happening? It's simple: every third person in our country does not comply with the Rules of the Road - sometimes out of ignorance, and sometimes out of disrespect for the rules. As a result - numerous tragedies. To prevent trouble, to save your life and health, you need to know and comply with one law on the whole Earth for streets and roads. Drawings are offered to your attention. It is necessary to carefully consider the picture and answer the questions. For the correct answer - a token.

Slides 29-35. Counting tokens, filling out the route sheet.

6 competition "MUSICAL". Slide.

Leading. Now we will learn a song about what you need to remember the Rules of the road. We will sing to the tune of Crocodile Gena's song. You get a badge for a good performance.

For the performance of a song - from 5 to 10 tokens. Filling out the itinerary.


Route sheets are handed over to the head of the game. The jury sums up the results, determines the winners. Teams are awarded with certificates and prizes.

About myself: In my free time I like to read and play logic computer games. Participated in the development of tasks for the All-Russian intellectual tournament "Growth Factor" for students in grades 1-4; in the competition IT-effect "DER for school". I have publications in the journal "Primary School". (gold)

Presentation "Safe Road"

Author information

Kochetkova Tatyana Leonidovna

Place of work, position:

MBOU Derkulskaya secondary school of Tarasovsky district, Rostov region, primary school teacher

Rostov region

Resource characteristics

Levels of education:

Primary general education






Fundamentals of life safety

The target audience:

Classroom teacher

Resource type:

Event scenario

“We know the rules of movement, like a multiplication table”

Competitive game according to traffic rules for younger students


- to form the legal culture of students;

Summarize students' knowledge of the rules of the road .


- deepen and systematize students' knowledge of traffic rules;

- develop independent thinking skills;

To cultivate the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life;

Contribute to team building.


Drawings of cars for the competition "Who is faster?";

Presentation "We know the rules of movement, like a multiplication table"

Envelopes with answers for the contest "Inquisitive Minds"

Event progress

Leading: Every person has rights from birth, and these rights are protected by law. What are the rights of a child? ( Children's answers)

What are the rights of the child? ( children's answers: in the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in the Family Code, etc.)

But every right has a corresponding duty. For example, while you have the right to freedom of speech, you have an obligation not to say things that humiliate other people. As a person with the right to receive an education, you must do your homework, obey your teacher, and be disciplined. And what obligations does the right to housing entail? ( Children's answers: the obligation to take care of housing, observe fire safety, pay utility bills, etc..)

What obligations lie behind the right to free movement? ( Children's answers: obligation to follow the rules of the road).

Today we will talk about the duties that must be observed on the streets of our village, city and any settlement.

host :(command representation)

Team "Car"

Team "Pedestrian"

Motto:“We walk along the street, we follow the traffic rules.”

The teams are in. Music sounds.


Dear friends, today we have gathered for the competition “We know the rules of traffic, like a multiplication table”, where you, traffic experts, need to pass tests. We wish the teams success. May the strongest win. And who will be stronger - will determine our jury.

Jury presentation.

1. Warm up


Now we will check how attentive pedestrians you are and whether you are ready for the game.

Let me warm up

You guess riddles.

You guys need to firmly

know traffic rules

Friendly to everyone I need to answer

Or, hiding, be silent.

If you act in accordance with the rules of the road, then unanimously answer: “It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!”, And if you, having heard the riddle, don't do it, then just keep silent.

1. Which one of you is moving forward

Where is the transition?

2. Which of you is in the cramped carriage

Did you give up your seat to the old woman?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends

3. To get some air in the trolleybus,

Who stuck his head and torso out the window?

The guys are silent

4. Who knows that the red light -

Does that mean there is no move?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends

5. Who runs forward so soon,

What does not see a traffic light?

The guys are silent

6. Who knows that the green light means:

On the road, let everyone boldly walk?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends

7. Who is near the roadway

Having fun chasing a ball?

The guys are silent

8. Who in their 7-10 years

Sat on a bike

And ran right away

Directly on the highway?

The guys are silent

9. Who the traffic police helps,

Is he keeping order?

It's me, it's me, it's all my friends

Well done boys! You are ready to play.

Participants are invited to solve riddles on road topics. (1 point for the correct one will thaw)

  1. For this horse, food is gasoline, and oil, and water.

He does not graze in the meadow, he rushes along the roads.


  1. A thread stretches, winding among the fields.

Forest, copses without end and edge.

Neither tear it, nor wind it into a ball.


  1. Two pairs of legs on the pavement

And two hands above your head.


  1. Two brothers run away, and two catch up?


  1. Our friend is right there -

He will rush everyone in five minutes.

Hey, sit down, don't yawn

Heading off...


  1. Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

On the road, legs ride and two wheels run.

The riddle has an answer, it's mine...


  1. I am at any time of the year

And in any bad weather

Very often at any hour

I'll take you underground.


8) What a miracle the red house is,

There are many passengers in it.

Shoes are made of rubber

And it feeds on gasoline.


9) At the landing sites

Passengers transport waiting.

Established order

You can't break it here either.


10) All familiar stripes

Children know, adults know.

Leads to the other side


Competition “Who is faster?

Cards with drawings of cars are scattered across the floor. At the signal of the leader, the players begin to collect cards: who is more? (How many cards, so many points)

Competition "Do you know the rights?"

Tasks for the teams - to answer in writing the questions compiled according to the fairy tale by V. Garshin "The Traveling Frog".

Questions and tasks.

1. Select and underline the right that the frog used:

a) the right to free movement;

B) the right to inviolability of the home;

B) the right to education;

D) the right to work.

2. Write down who helped the frog exercise its right to free movement.

3. How far could the frog move using its right to free movement? Underline the correct answer.

A) within the swamp;

B) within the country;

B) no restrictions.

Competition "Road signs"


An ordinary citizen should know every sign.

The sign is not just standing - keeping order,

The sign will prompt, indicate and warn

Knowing the road signs will save your life!

Participants are invited to guess riddles about road signs and choose them among those offered in the pictures. (1 point for correct answer + 1 point for additional question)

Everyone knows stripes

Children know, adults know

Leads to the other side


Does our participant know which group this sign belongs to? (Information and indication signs)

Hey driver, be careful!

It's impossible to drive fast

People know everything in the world:

Can run out here children!

What group does this symbol belong to? (Warning signs)

There is a sign on the road

He says in a stern tone:

I forbid in this place -

Ride a bike!

To which group does this symbol belong? (Prohibition signs)

Leads down from the sidewalk

Long entrance under the road

There is no door, no gate -

That … underground crossing!

You did not wash your hands on the road,

Ate fruits, vegetables,

It's good that the point is nearby

medical care.

If you are with a friend

To the zoo or to the cinema

Make friends with this sign

You will have to anyway.

He will drive you quickly, deftly

Sign… bus stop.

This sign is like this:

He is guarding the pedestrian.

Well, think a little...


What shall we do and how shall we

If you need to call?

Both you and he should know

In this place… telephone

Round sign with red outline -

It means it's dangerous here.

Here, understand, prohibition ...

pedestrian traffic.

It can be seen that they will build a house -

"Bricks" hang around.

But in our yard

The construction site is not visible.

(No entry).

The jury sums up

Competition "Traffic situation"


Traffic inspectors have to go to an accident and understand the situation. This is where you have to make the right decision.

The task of the team is to understand the traffic situation within 3 minutes and make the right decision. (teams are given envelopes with the task)

Situation 1

Two boys and three girls left the school. When they approached the pedestrian crossing, the green signal had already begun to flash. The boys ran across the road at a run, while the girls stayed to wait for the next signal. How many children crossed the road correctly?

Answer: Three girls. A green flashing traffic light warns that yellow will soon turn on, and then red. Therefore, it is safest to wait for the next green signal. Running across the road is dangerous.

Situation 2

Seven guys were playing ball on the roadway. Two went home. The rest were left to play on the road. How many kids did the right thing?

Answer: No one. It is not allowed to play on the roadway.

The jury sums up the results of the competitions

Competition "Automulti".

Participants are invited to answer questions from cartoons and fairy tales that mention vehicles. (1 point for correct answer)

How did Emelya ride to the king's palace?

(On the stove).

What is Leopold's cat's favorite two-wheeled mode of transport?


How did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate his motor?


What gift did the parents of Uncle Fyodor give to the postman Pechkin?


What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella?

(Into the carriage).

What did old Hottabych fly?

(on a carpet - an airplane).

Baba Yaga's personal transport?


On what did the absent-minded person from Basseynaya Street go to Leningrad?

(By train).

Bears rode on a bicycle

And then the mosquitoes...

What did mosquitoes fly on?

(In a balloon).

Who traveled in the cartoon "Chunga-Changa"?


What did Baron Munchausen fly?

(On the core).

What was worn by the tsarina and her baby in the tale of Tsar Saltan?

(In a barrel).

Competition "Regulators" (competition of captains)


Look: guard

Stood on our pavement

He quickly extended his hand

Deftly he waved his wand.

Did you see, did you see?

All cars stopped at once.

Together stood in three rows

And they don't go anywhere.

People don't worry

Walks across the street.

And stands on the pavement

Like a magician, guard.

All machines to one

They obey him.

The captains are given three colored balls: red, yellow, green.


You need to pick up the ball of the color that corresponds to the answer.

1. What color of a traffic light for pedestrians corresponds to the position of the traffic controller when he is facing the pedestrians sideways, and his arms are extended to the sides? (to green)

2. What color corresponds to the raised hand of the traffic controller? (yellow)

3. What color corresponds to the forward right hand of the traffic controller? (to green)

4. What color of a traffic light for pedestrians corresponds to the position of the traffic controller when he is facing the pedestrians with his chest or back, and his arms are extended to the sides or lowered? (to red)

The jury sums up.

Competition "Inquisitive Minds"


Now we have the last decisive competition.

You have to answer the questions and choose the correct answers. Which team finds the answer faster - raises the card.

(envelopes with answers are distributed)

  • What part of the street is for pedestrians?
  • roadway (pavement)
  • sidewalk
  • Bike Lane
    • Where should pedestrians walk if there are no sidewalks?
  • on the right side of the curb
  • on the right side of the road
  • on the left side of the road, facing traffic
    • The bus stopped at a stop, you got off it. How to cross the road when exiting the transport?
  • just after the bus has left
  • behind the bus
  • in front of the bus
    • To whom do pedestrians obey if the intersection is regulated by a traffic light and a traffic controller?
  • traffic lights
  • traffic controller's signals
    • From which side should you get out of the car?
  • from the right
  • from the left
  • irrelevant


While the jury is summing up the results of the entire competition, let's take a solemn oath.

I ask everyone to stand up and say the word "I swear" after each sentence:

  • I swear to cross the street only on the green light!
  • I swear to conscientiously follow the rules of the road!
  • I swear not to play on the road!
  • I swear to demand that my relatives and friends observe the rules of the road!


And big and small -

Everyone without exception

Need to know and follow

Driving rules!

Announcement of results. Winner's reward ceremony.

If you answer correctly, you will move on to the next question. Otherwise, you will know your result. Click on the answer to go.

  • If you answer correctly, you will move on to the next question. Otherwise, you will know your result. Click on the answer to go.
  • 1. Pavement.
  • 2. Sidewalk.
  • 3. Bicycle path.
You have scored one point.
  • You have scored one point.
  • With such knowledge, it is dangerous to go out into the street. This is dangerous for your life.
  • Where should pedestrians walk when there is no sidewalk?
  • 1. On the right side of the road.
  • 2. On the right side of the road.
  • 3. On the left side of the road, towards the traffic.
You have scored 2 points.
  • You have scored 2 points.
  • You urgently need to learn the rules of the road.
  • How should a pedestrian walk on the sidewalk?
  • 1. Keeping to the left side.
  • 2. Sticking to the right side.
  • 3. Sticking to the middle.
You scored 3 points. Sorry, but you urgently need to repeat the rules of the road
  • You scored 3 points. Sorry, but you urgently need to repeat the rules of the road
  • What should pedestrians do if, while crossing the intersection, the green signal of the traffic light changed to yellow, and you did not have time to cross the road?
  • 1. Quickly cross the street.
  • 2. Return to the sidewalk.
  • 3. Stop on the center line and wait for the green signal.
You scored 4 points. Sorry, but your life is in danger and you urgently need to repeat the rules of the road
  • You scored 4 points. Sorry, but your life is in danger and you urgently need to repeat the rules of the road
  • The bus stopped at a stop, you got off it. How to cross the road when exiting the transport?
  • 2. Behind the bus.
  • 3. In front of the bus.
You scored 5 points. I'm sorry, but you're still in danger. I earnestly ask you to repeat the rules of the road.
  • You scored 5 points. I'm sorry, but you're still in danger. I earnestly ask you to repeat the rules of the road.
  • To whom do pedestrians obey if the intersection is regulated by a traffic light and a traffic controller?
  • 1. Traffic signals.
  • 2. Signals from the traffic controller.
  • 3. That's right.
You scored 6 points. I'm sorry, but you're still in serious danger. I kindly ask you to repeat the rules of the road.
  • You scored 6 points. I'm sorry, but you're still in serious danger. I kindly ask you to repeat the rules of the road.
  • At what age is it allowed to ride a bicycle on the road?
  • 1. From the age of 14.
  • 2. From the age of 13.
  • 3. From the age of 12.
You scored 7 points. It's a pity, but if you are under 14, then it's too early for you to ride a bike on the roadway.
  • You scored 7 points. It's a pity, but if you are under 14, then it's too early for you to ride a bike on the roadway.
  • How far from the right side of the road is cycling permitted?
  • 1. Not more than 0.5 m,
  • 2. Not more than 1.0 m.
  • 3. Not more than 2.0 m.
You scored 8 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to ride your bike on the road.
  • You scored 8 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to ride your bike on the road.
  • Is cycling allowed on the side of the road?
  • 1. No.
  • 2. Permitted as long as it does not interfere with pedestrians.
  • All right.
You scored 9 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to ride your bike on the road.
  • You scored 9 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to ride your bike on the road.
  • Is it allowed to carry a passenger on a bicycle?
  • 1. No.
  • 2. Allowed, a child under the age of 7 in an extra seat.
  • 3. Allowed for everyone without exception.
You have scored 10 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to ride your bike on the road.
  • You have scored 10 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to ride your bike on the road.
What part of the street is for pedestrians?
  • What part of the street is for pedestrians?
  • 1. Roadside.
  • 2. Sidewalk.
  • 3. That's right
You scored 11 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to go outside without an adult.
  • You scored 11 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to go outside without an adult.
  • On which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians walk?
  • 1. On the left.
  • 2. On the right.
  • 3. That's right.
You have scored 12 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to go outside without an adult. You are a danger to other pedestrians.
  • You have scored 12 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to go outside without an adult. You are a danger to other pedestrians.
  • What traffic signal is forbidding traffic?
  • 1. Red
  • 2. Green.
  • 3. Yellow.
You have scored 12 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to go outside without an adult. You don't even know the traffic lights.
  • You have scored 12 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to go outside without an adult. You don't even know the traffic lights.
  • Which side of the road do pedestrians walk on when there is no sidewalk?
  • 1. On any side.
  • 2. On the right side, towards the traffic.
  • 3. On the left side, towards the transport.
You scored 13 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to go outside without an adult. you are a danger to other pedestrians.
  • You scored 13 points. It's a pity, but it's still too early for you to go outside without an adult. you are a danger to other pedestrians.
  • What geometric shapes do traffic signs have?
  • 1. Triangle, square, circle, rectangle.
  • 2. Triangle, square.
  • 3. Square, circle, rectangle.
You have scored 14 points. It's a pity you were wrong. But not knowing the road signs is very dangerous.
  • You have scored 14 points. It's a pity you were wrong. But not knowing the road signs is very dangerous.
  • What is the name of the sign that is installed near schools and kindergartens?
  • 1. "School"
  • 2. "Children's institution".
  • 3. "Children"
You have scored 15 points. It's a pity you were wrong. But not knowing the road signs is very dangerous.
  • You have scored 15 points. It's a pity you were wrong. But not knowing the road signs is very dangerous.
  • What is the name of the intersection?
  • 1. Crossroads.
  • 2. Detour.
  • 3. That's right.
You scored 16 points. It's a pity you were wrong. But you don't know the most dangerous place on the road.
  • You scored 16 points. It's a pity you were wrong. But you don't know the most dangerous place on the road.
  • The most dangerous places on the streets of the city?
  • 1. Crossroads.
  • 2. That's right.
  • 3. Road.
You scored 17 points. It's a pity you were wrong. But you do not know the most dangerous places on the road.
  • You scored 17 points. It's a pity you were wrong. But you do not know the most dangerous places on the road.
  • How many pedestrian crossings are there at the intersection?
You scored 18 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road.
  • You scored 18 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road.
  • Our faithful friends and helpers on the streets of the city.
  • 1. Drivers and policemen.
  • 2. Pedestrians.
  • 3. Road signs.
You scored 19 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road.
  • You scored 19 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road.
Name the parts of the road.
  • Name the parts of the road.
  • 1. Roadway, curb, ditch.
  • 2. Roadway, ditch.
  • 2. Ditch.
You have scored 20 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road.
  • You have scored 20 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road.
  • What is the name of the people who use the transport?
  • 1. Drivers
  • 2. Pedestrians.
  • 3. Passengers.
You scored 21 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road.
  • You scored 21 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road.
  • What does the word "pedestrian" mean?
  • 1. Walking.
  • 2. Walking step.
  • 3. Walking on a pedestrian crossing.
You scored 22 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road. Your score is very high.
  • You scored 22 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Please refer to the rules of the road. Your score is very high.
  • What mode of transport can be jumped off on the go?
  • 1. From the bus.
  • 2. From the car.
  • 3. From the plane.
You scored 23 points. It's a pity you were wrong. If you don't have a parachute, jumping on the move is deadly.
  • You scored 23 points. It's a pity you were wrong. If you don't have a parachute, jumping on the move is deadly.
  • Is it possible to transport passengers on the streets on a bicycle?
  • 1. Yes.
  • 2. No.
  • 3. Only adults.
You scored 24 points. It's a pity you were wrong. You were missing quite a bit.
  • You scored 24 points. It's a pity you were wrong. You were missing quite a bit.
The bus stopped at a stop, you got off it. How to cross the road when exiting the transport?
  • The bus stopped at a stop, you got off it. How to cross the road when exiting the transport?
  • 1. Only after the departure of the bus (trolleybus).
  • 2. Behind the bus.
  • 3. In front of the bus.
You scored 25 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Your life is in danger. You were missing quite a bit.
  • You scored 25 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Your life is in danger. You were missing quite a bit.
  • Can a car that is not moving create a danger?
  • 1. Maybe.
  • 2. Can't.
  • 3. I don't know
You scored 26 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Your life is in danger. You were missing quite a bit.
  • You scored 26 points. It's a pity you were wrong. Your life is in danger. You were missing quite a bit.
  • Well done!!!