Overview of monsters, enemies, bosses in Minecraft. Enderman. Who is an enderman in Minecraft? Who is Minecraft Enderman

Enderman is a player-neutral mob. The wanderer's homeworld is the Ender dimension. Purple particles always appear around Enderman. He usually walks aimlessly around the territory, sometimes taking blocks, later setting them in another place.

But at night, if the player looks at him directly, then Enderman will either run quickly, or teleport to the player behind his back and hit quite hard, while he makes frightening sounds. If you look at him or attack, then at a distance of two blocks he will again teleport behind the player's back and continue the attack.

You can put a pumpkin on the player's head, then the Enderman will not attack, no matter how the player looks at him and even loses the ability to teleport.

If the Enderman gets caught in rain or snow, he will immediately teleport to a safe place for himself.

It is impossible to kill him with a bow - he teleports from an arrow before hitting it. You can also use several tamed wolves in the battle with Enderman - they will bite him and prevent him from teleporting. After the death of Enderman, Ender's pearls can fall out of it.

To summon an Enderman with a block in hand, you can use the / summon Enderman ~ ~ ~ (carried: 1) command, where 1 is the block ID.

Since version 1.10, Endermen can be found in Hell.

Teleports behind the back

Enderman is also called: Enderman, Enderman, Paradisewalker.

Enderman is present in Minecraft versions: 1.8.2, 1.8.1, 1.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.9, 1.7.5, 1.6.4, 1.5.2.

Tricks and secrets

  • If you build a visor over yourself at the height of the third block, then the Enderman will not be able to hit you, but you can.

  • To prevent Enderman from teleporting from blows, he needs to be hit on the legs.

The most frightening monster in Minecraft - especially if you are just starting to take your first steps in this square world. Appearing out of nowhere, disappearing if you look at it and it's not even clear how to kill an enderman?

Common enemies

Enderman or Enderman it is a black monster 3 blocks high. He has a large supply of health, plus he has the ability to instantly teleport, which is of course unique to the Minecraft world. In addition, the Enderman knows how to take objects into his black hands ...

When you carelessly walk around the neighborhood at night, the End Wanderer, noticing you, immediately runs at you, while opening his mouth, and obviously not to say "Hello, how are you, Steve!" Oh no, he wants to have dinner!

The enderman's fighting style is quite simple - he teleports behind your back and hits you from behind. Thus, in a battle with him, you need to turn around sharply and immediately hit without hesitation. In this case, it is better to choose a weapon with a sword, a bow is ineffective against a wanderer of the End. When he walks from a distance, do not look away, he will only notice it and immediately teleport away. And you can easily find out who is the coolest of the mobs in Minecraft, for this you will know the answer for sure!

How to kill the Enderman (Enderman) in Minecraft. Without a doubt, the best option is to trap him. Since the Enderman is three blocks tall, and our character is two blocks, this should be used. To do this, we are building a house two blocks high, and from there it will be possible to kill the enderman with impunity simply and easily. The second method is more dangerous, but quite acceptable for an experienced player. We put a pumpkin on our heads and calmly approach the wanderer of the End, he will not pay attention to us. But immediately after the first attack, he will understand what's what, so do not forget to turn around and strike with a sword. And a very daring, but effective way is to pour a bucket of water over the Ender, he takes water damage.

What drops out of the Enderman. Ender Pearls 1 piece.

Searcher vs. Enderman.


The Enderman (English Enderman - literally a man from the End), or Enderman, is a neutral mob that was added to the game in the Adventure Update. The first screenshot of him was posted by Notch in a Google+ post and signed as Enderman. This mob is one of the tallest mobs in Minecraft: its height is three blocks. The wanderer's homeworld is the Edge dimension. Purple particles always appear around the Enderman, similar to the ones that hover near the Nether portal. Present in all three dimensions.


Usually, the Enderman behaves like a neutral mob: he walks aimlessly around the territory (sometimes takes blocks, later placing them in another place) and makes sounds like a crunch, but under certain circumstances his attitude towards the player can change dramatically. The condition of his hostility is rather unusual: during the day, like a spider, he will not attack the player, unless he attacks him, at night, if the player looks at him (directly, and not through glass or glass panel), that is, he will aim the sight at this mob, then the Enderman will start looking at the protagonist in response until the player himself looks away, after which he will either run quickly or teleport a short distance (teleportation frequency once per second) behind his back and hit quite hard, at the same time, he opens the "jaws" (which can be seen from a certain angle of illumination). If you look at him and move away or come close to him, then at a distance of two blocks he will teleport behind the player's back and start an attack. If the Enderman is sitting in a minecart, then he can neither attack nor teleport. It is also worth noting that the Wanderer can charge a player from a great distance. The main thing is to be with a weapon in your hands and keep the End Wanderer at gunpoint.

If the player has a pumpkin on his head, then the Enderman will not attack, no matter how the player looks at him and, moreover, he will lose the ability to teleport. The same is true for the player in the boat.

The Enderman takes damage while in water, rain, or even snow. Therefore, once in such conditions, he immediately teleports to a safe place for himself.

The Enderman appears in dark caves at night, and quite rarely. The Enderman appears more often in the Ender biome.

Moving blocks

The Enderman can collect, carry and place blocks. This mob spawns without blocks in its hands, but can collect some blocks. In his hands any block is slightly larger than in the hands of the player. Pre-release research has shown that the Enderman can even harvest bedrock, but later tests and cracking show that this has already been fixed. Here is a list of what the Enderman could lift and place:


Gold Ore

Iron ore

Coal ore


Lapis Lazuli Ore

Lapis block



Brown mushroom

Red mushroom

Golden Block

iron block

Brick block


Mossy cobblestone

Diamond ore

Diamond block

Red ore

Glowing red ore

Hell stone

Soul sand


Jack's lamp

Stone brick

Brown huge mushroom

Red huge mushroom

After Beta 1.8, Notch announced that he would change the way the Endermen interact with blocks. Since Beta 1.9-pre2, the Enderman can only pick up the following blocks:


Brown mushroom

Red mushroom

Clay block

Jack's lamp

After adding some blocks in 1.7, Endermen can now pick up the following blocks:

Red sand


Rose bush



Haustonia gray

Blue orchid

Brown mushroom

Red mushroom

Clay block

Jack's lamp

Interesting Facts

The Enderman's eyes are a separate texture, just like the spider's eyes. They also glow in the dark. In order to prevent the wanderer from teleporting during strikes, he must be hit on the legs. The original name "Enderman" is a reference to the Internet meme "Skinny Man / Slender Man". Perhaps this is the name given to this mob because of its similarity to the hero of horror stories. This name for the mob was invented by Notch on the Minecraft Reddit thread. Due to the resemblance to Slender Man, many asked to rename him Farlander ("From the Far-Lands"). But Notch wrote that he would definitely not change the name of the mob to Farlander, but rather rename the Far Lands to "The End" (The End (or End)). In the PAX Beta 1.8 demo, diamonds dropped out of the Enderman, in subsequent versions, Ender pearls dropped out of it, which at first had no use. In Beta 1.8-pre1, the trajectory of the Enderman's attack and movement is very confusing - it moves both ON the player and FROM the player, and even behind the player, and often receives damage from such maneuvers (crashing into walls, falling off cliffs, going out into the light (up to Beta 1.9-pre2), falling into the water, etc.). Prior to Beta 1.9pre2, the Enderman burned in the sun. Skeletons and zombies can survive in the water during the day, the Enderman was deprived of such a way of escape. The Ender cannot be killed with a bow. He will teleport from the arrow before hitting him. If you shoot an arrow with an effect from a bow, the Ender will get the effect of the arrow despite dodging the arrow. If the wanderer has nowhere to teleport (for this, for example, you can create walls out of water or remove all the blocks around), then the arrows will bounce off him. The Wanderer has the ability to open his mouth. In his texture, the jaws are separated from the skull, and he opens his mouth by moving the skull above the jaws. Thus, the Enderman is the first mob that can physically open its mouth without switching to a different texture. In Beta 1.8-pre2, the Enderman's eyes and smoke were repainted purple. The Enderman's eyes were changed three times during creation, at first the pupils were pale blue, then they turned green, and by the final Beta 1.8 they were repainted purple Colour. Falling from a great height into the water, the Enderman can survive by teleporting at the moment of contact with the water. He can only teleport if he is in the space more than 3 blocks (the volume of the wanderer). When placed by a wanderer, the Edges of Blocks does not check whether it can be put on this block. Therefore, they can put flowers and cacti on the "wrong" blocks. If, say, for a mob farm or something like that you need to put a cactus in a "forbidden" place, accumulate a few stacks of cactus on an automatic cactus farm, cover several stacks of sand with them and leave the game for a few hours. When wanderers scatter cacti chaotically, remove the extra ones. It would be wise to tie the farm to the place where the cactus ended up, that is, in fact, build it around the point where you were lucky to break the restrictions.

Attention! If such a block is updated, it will fall out, so you need to act carefully.

First official screenshot showing this mob

N.B. At first I did not plan to translate this and many other articles about mobs or Minecraft blocks. However, yesterday happened small discussion, where I had to give explanations about the translation into Russian of some of the names from the game. And then I thought that it is possible to translate such articles, supplementing them with comments on the translation of the term. Of course, if you have something to comment on.

Meet Enderman

Do not give your eyes will!

Do you like the picture at the beginning of the article? Enjoy, because this is the safest way to get a glimpse of an enderman. This long-armed and leggy mob is darker-of-the-night, with purple eyes, ready to take on any staring champion. He can often be found in the End or Nether, but occasionally you can also encounter him in the ordinary world. And even less often there are players who, having met him, were able to look into his eyes and survive ...

This mob shows aggression if you attack it first (which you can not do) or if you just look at it (oh, wow ...). Considering that he can chase you and teleport, bypassing any obstacles, then heed our friendly advice: no need to stare at him! Write this on your forehead to remember. And do not forget to thank later.

“Enderman was created by Notch based on the popular Slenderman meme on the Internet at that time. This is really the scariest mob in the game and is also very powerful. Initially, he had green eyes, so items related to him are also green. Then, one morning, Notch said to me: "Oh, I corrected the color of the eyes, they should be purple." And I said, "Okay," and then all day I thought - why? * laughs * I think it's because the portal particles and the portal itself are purple. But I never got an explanation - actually I didn't ask, because for Notch it seemed obvious! "
Jens Bergensten

It is noteworthy that the End dimension was already conceived after since the enderman was added to the game, so the similarity of names is just a frightening coincidence. But not as frightening as the expectation that the enderman might be hiding somewhere nearby right now, waiting for the moment I finish typing and look around ...

That's all. We had to cover our eyes - better than regretting it later ...

Tom Stone, 03/20/2017

How Enderman tried to stay Enderman

About name translation

It seems to me that the translation of the word Enderman turned out to be the main reason why the translation of the game differs in many ways from the translation done by the wiki community. Unable to agree once on this word, then both sides for a long time did not try to find a common language.

It all started when the enderman was added to the game. It had a working title of Farlander, and on the wiki it was suggested to call it "black skeleton" or "stick insect". But not a single name stuck, until the End Dimension appeared. But the players calmly used transliteration - "enderman".

And it was hard to imagine what could be different.

But then the "edge" happened. On October 13, 2011, a member of the Creep wiki suggested the word "Edge" as a translation of the dimension name "End". This translation was approved by the wiki administration, and the community of players was divided into two parts. Those who started their acquaintance with the game by reading articles on the wiki were surprised to find the Ender Dragon instead of the Ender Dragon and the Enderman instead of the Ender Wanderer. And those who studied the world in the game, with bewilderment tried to understand what the first were talking about.

It was not possible to agree on the term, and at some point in time they simply resigned themselves to this situation.

However, at some point in time, the term "Enderman" was given more weight by the developers themselves. They identified a list of words that cannot be translated - i.e. they can be translated into Russian only by transliteration. This list also includes terms based on the words “End” and “Ender”, which means that “Enderman” can only be an “enderman”.

Endermen (Wanderers of the Edge) - mobs are neutral, not aggressive. They are capable of showing hostility only in the event of a direct provocation, when the player begins to beat or attack him.

Ways to tame Enderman

Enderman is a pretty strong mob, so Minecraft players have repeatedly thought about methods of taming him so that he becomes useful and protects the character. It is very difficult to make this mob your assistant, in some cases it is almost impossible.

You should be patient and prepare for the fact that the efforts of your player may remain unsuccessful, and the attempts will be numerous.

The most important thing is to be careful and follow these tips:

  • First thing to know: never look the Edgewalker directly in the eye. He perceives this action as an attack and begins to show aggression.
  • Approach the mob in small steps. With the onset of dawn, he becomes quite passive, but do not get too close to him, since Enderman is, first of all, a dangerous character. When he makes a threatening sound, run away.
  • Try to feed the Endwalker. It is necessary to initially stock up on bird meat and constantly keep it in your hands. There is no guarantee that the hostile Enderman will be able to be tamed in this way, but you can try and see the result.

It is worth noting that the Minecraft game does not provide for the possibility of taming the Wanderer, but for the modern player this is not a problem: numerous methods and attempts to make Enderman a friend, someday, may become successful.

There is an opportunity to watch thematic videos of how Minecraft players tried to tame the Wanderer.