Online valuation of the ussr coins. Valuable coins of russia. Autumn is the time to sell coins

Old, unusual and rare coins due to circumstances may be in everyone's possession. The question that naturally arises in this case is whether a find or a carefully preserved rarity is of real value for numismatists? At the same time, you want to check the coin for value safely and quickly, without leaving your home. And this is a very real task, especially at the first stage, when it is important to understand whether a given specimen is interesting for collection purposes. To evaluate a coin via the Internet, you need to take a high-quality photo of it. And this task is not as trivial as it might seem. And if you study the theory a little, you can learn how to make a competent initial assessment of coins yourself, both among your own finds and from online photos.

Condition assessment criteria

To evaluate a coin, you need, at a minimum, to know the criteria by which the value of a specimen is determined. They, first of all, will be paid attention to by a specialist who makes an assessment of the condition online from a photo. Therefore, the photo should be as informative as possible.

Wear and tear

This criterion means, at least, the clarity of the obverse and reverse images. At higher requirements, attention is drawn to the presence of abrasions, micro-scratches and other traces of the coin's movement. Its value, as such defects are found, will literally drop exponentially. The light transmission of a photograph can hide these traces, but with further implementation or assessment at a meeting, it will be impossible to hide these traces, and therefore it is better to immediately show the "product with a face" and allow an online specialist to determine the real value of the coin from the photo, so as not to be mistaken about this.

Chips and scratches

These and other serious physical injuries can only be forgiven for rarities of a very high degree of rarity, but in this case they will greatly affect their assessment.

Traces of inept cleaning

Trying to bring a coin into "proper form" and add value to it by cleaning, there is a high risk of getting the opposite effect and losing even what was already in hand. If the possible final price is worth the "candle", then it is advisable to contact a paid specialist with knowledge, experience and available tools for high-quality cleaning of old coins.

Corrosion marks

With them, everything is not so simple. There is a noble patina that increases the value of a product, and there is what is more appropriately called corrosion that kills the metal and its value, although from a physical point of view, they are one and the same thing.

Complete Coin Evaluation Criteria

It makes sense to consider all the above criteria for the quality of the preservation of a coin only when it really is an interesting specimen, that is, it has a market demand. It is he who dictates prices, consisting of many parameters, many of which are very dynamic.


It is this indicator, and not the age of the coin, that is the most basic and important for determining its collectible value. At the auction, you can find offers of old samples, which at one time were minted in a multimillion circulation. There is no need to talk about their rarity, therefore, their demand will be low, and with it the price.

You can determine the rarity of a coin using special catalogs, in which you can see the results of painstaking work done by the joint efforts of a large group of numismatists or their individual enthusiastic representatives. It should be understood that these results are not exclusively objective, therefore, in different catalogs you can see different estimates of the rarity of a particular coin. To understand the big picture, you can compare several of them or see the various auction passes of the sample of interest.


It is a very subjective criterion that can affect the value of a coin very insignificantly, or can raise or lower it (value) dozens of times. In this regard, not only the rarity, but also the interesting history of the individual coinage, the beauty of the coin, and sometimes modern events that shed light on the corresponding historical period, are of decisive importance in this regard.


The general criteria for this assessment have been described above. Let us add that they are all summarized in a common scale, which has 10 levels of preservation, denoted by letter symbols from UNC (ideal condition) to PR, indicating that the coin is hopelessly damaged or has a hole. Two consecutive intermediate evaluative degrees in a very rough approximation reduce the value of the coin by 2 times, after one - by 4, etc. However, once again it is worth noting that this is a very rough approximation, which, like any rule, has exceptions. First of all, rare specimens and those that do not have traces of circulation, but were stored in inappropriate conditions, fall under them.


This parameter is only relevant for precious metals. Copper and other low-value alloys have nothing to do with it. But for coins made of silver, gold or platinum, the value of the ingot itself is added to the collection value based on the sample. Of course, with the exception of rare gold antique samples, the price of which already skyrockets to hundreds of thousands of rubles or more.


A parameter that is not always interesting and not for everyone, with the exception of certain varieties that are widely in demand. There are separate groups of collectors, called varieties, who specialize in this particular area. There are very few of them in the total mass of numismatists, but it is best to ask them to identify such a coin from a photo in order to start with.

It should be noted that not all of them collect their collections by purchasing new varieties, most often preferring to search for them in circulation by sorting through a large number of copies of each edition. If determined by the catalog, then only one parameter of each variety will have a value - the degree of its rarity.

Manufacturing marriages are only interesting for modern coins and the period of the USSR. The value of a marriage is always directly proportional to its expressiveness and visibility. An important clarification: we are talking only about manufacturing defects obtained during the minting. Everything else is equated to distribution costs and has no price.

An interesting point: on the one hand, marriage is valued in itself. On the other hand, it reduces the cost of a rare specimen, even in perfect condition. However, it all depends on the specific sample and the set of situations that are critical to the assessment.


Actually, it would be worth starting with this, because the copy crosses out all other evaluation criteria, with the exception of the rarest cases, which are unlikely to have to be considered by a household consumer. A photograph is not always sufficient to assess the authenticity, since in the case of very skillfully made copies, the task is not so simple and requires a professional approach, including physical measurements. On the other hand, it often does not come to determining the authenticity in the course of research on all the previous parameters.

How do I photograph coins?

The above criteria make serious demands on the quality of photographs for their professional assessment. You must adhere to the following rules.

Image quality

It is unlikely that you will be able to take a high-quality picture with a bad camera. The device must have a sufficient number of pixels to convey fine details and a mode for macro photography. If such a camera is not available, you can go to a photo studio, where high-quality photographs will be taken for a small fee. A photo of poor quality with blurry details, no competent evaluator will undertake to consider.

Focus and lighting

With the focus, everything is clear, the coin must hit it in the most accurate way, but everything is not so simple with the lighting. The metal disk reflects; it should be illuminated not by a direct light source, but by placing it in a special box. It is not difficult to do it yourself, by building a box of thin white paper and placing at least two light sources (left and right on the outside of the paper). You can put the box on the window, best of all in cloudy weather. This will allow the most accurate light transmission provided the correct balance is set.


The optimal distance to the removed coin is considered to be 10 cm. It must fit completely and necessarily close-up into the frame with small gaps on each side.


First of all, it should be monochromatic. A white or light gray background gives the best picture.


It is necessary to take several different shots at different angles, this will reveal the details hidden due to illumination errors. To evaluate the coin from the photo, not one of the most successful pictures is sent, but several - the specialist himself will determine which of them the details of interest are best seen. In addition to the obverse and reverse, the edge must also be included in the frame. In some cases, it is important along its entire length.

Filters and Editors

They will have to say an absolute no. No color or other image adjustments are allowed. You should not artificially increase the sharpness - the photo will not be able to convey with the help of the editor details that it could not display initially. In addition to all this, the use of filters greatly spoils the seller's reputation among potential buyers, and it is quite easy to determine their (filters) availability.

Using additional devices

If it is a tripod, stand, special cable for descent without physical pressure, then their presence is very desirable. It is very good if it is possible to use a magnifying glass permanently attached to the camera lens.


Scanning a coin to evaluate it online is fine, but it's important to consider the resolution of the scanner. Its minimum indicator is 600 dpi. If you can adjust the picture contrast and display brightness settings, this method can be a good alternative to photography.

Find coins by photo

In many cases, the task of evaluating a found coin is much easier if you are able to find analogs from a photograph on the Internet. This works especially well for evaluating USSR coins, since the bank of pictures is very extensive, and it is not so easy to ask someone to evaluate hundreds and thousands of Soviet coins for free, which for some reason seem valuable to the owner.

To find an identical sample, it is enough to take a high-quality photograph according to the parameters described above and set the search using a picture. But in most cases, the search gives information on the input data and without a photo. You need to read it carefully, without missing out on details, since in the vast majority of cases you can find answers about the value of any modern coin.

Insofar as coin valuation is a key link in determining the true value, it is best to entrust it to those who have already "eaten the dog" in this difficult matter. Contact the experts of the Numismatist club, and your rarity will never be underestimated. I have an opportunity evaluate a coin in a store or online by photo

The most important task of a numismatist is not only the ability to assemble a voluminous, well-structured collection, but also correctly estimate all its elements. That's why coin valuation- the topic of today's article. Professional

What determines the price of a coin

Assessed value this or that coins develops depending on a combination of three main factors (there are additional ones, more on them later):

  1. The circulation of this coin,
  2. Her condition,
  3. The cost of the alloy from which this coin is made.

Let's consider each factor in more detail.

Mintage of the coin

Today, it will not be difficult to find out how many coins of a particular denomination were issued in a particular year. This data can be found in any catalog of coins that exist in electronic form, as well as posted on numismatic portals.

Please note that prices in these catalogs are usually for coins that are in very good condition - free from corrosion, scratches, dents, etc.

the picture shows a coin 5 rubles 2003 SPMD, price which 12,500 rubles (May 2016)

The metal the coin is made of

Of course, even the most common palladium or gold coin cannot be cheaper than the cost of the metal itself. If a banknote is made of copper, bronze or a copper-nickel alloy, completely different factors affect its value, but not the price of the metal - the condition of the coin and how rare and popular it is is much more important here.

Condition (quality) of the coin

All other things being equal (the same denomination and year of issue), a coin of better quality will always be more expensive, with minimal or no traces of being in circulation. Or another example: the not very rare 15 kopecks of 1969 in excellent (UNC) quality will cost the same as the rare 15 kopecks of 1942 minting, but of average quality (FINE).

There are many different systems today. appraisals fortunes coins, but in any case, its quality consists of two factors: workmanship and degree of preservation. We recommend reading about the Soviet and international systems on this topic. appraisals fortunes coins.

Rate your coins with us!

Come to the store of the Numismatist Club for free coin evaluation or evaluate coins online by photo... We employ professionals with many years of experience in determining the price of coins.

My father has been involved in numismatics for over 30 years and has amassed an impressive collection of coins. Unfortunately, he died without leaving a will and did not have time to draw up an inventory or register of his collection.

In six months, our mother, me and my brother will inherit. Mom and I would like to keep the collection, but my brother wants to sell it and get money.

Please tell me how to evaluate the collection so as not to run into those who want to profit from the coins? How to make an inventory? And is there a legally competent way to preserve the collection - maybe give your brother's share in money? What if, after the assessment and upon inheritance, he wants to pick up the most expensive and rare specimens?


You need to evaluate the collection with some appraisers in order to understand its approximate cost. Be prepared for the fact that stores will most likely not buy it for the real price.

Victor Tyurin

is fond of numismatics

Let's sort it out in order. To begin with, I'll tell you how to make an assessment correctly.

Fast and free - the "Imitation of sale" method

The quickest way to evaluate your collection is to go to a store that sells and buys coins. It may be an ordinary antique shop, but it is better to go to a specialized numismatic store. For example, in Moscow it is “Numismatist Club”, “Monetnik”, in St. Petersburg - “Konros”, “Coins-SPb”, “Numizmaniya”. Tell them that you would like to value and sell the coins you received. Your request will not surprise anyone: this is a frequent case in such stores. Sometimes a specialist will come to your home for an assessment, sometimes the collection will need to be brought to the store - as agreed.

Take pictures of the coins in advance before evaluating them. This is necessary so as not to lose or confuse anything when shifting from place to place. Then check the quantity. If there are a lot of coins and all of them are in albums, then the easiest way is to photograph the album sheets along with the coins.

Most likely, the appraiser will give you a below market price in order to be able to resell the coins later at a profit. The discount is usually at least 30-40%. The specialist reports the minimum cost, because he is not always able to quickly assess the degree of safety of all coins, defects, sales prospects, etc. He takes risks on himself, insuring himself by understating the price.

Sometimes you can even try to conduct an assessment on the Internet using a photograph of a coin. Explore online auctions for collectors: Find Coins, Raritetus.

I recommend doing this assessment procedure 2-3 times with different assessors. One will say “50 thousand for everything!”, The second will promise 80 thousand, and the third - 120 thousand. This means that the real market price of the collection is most likely not lower than 150-180 thousand.

More objectively and for a fee - the "Specialized Assessment" method

If you want to evaluate the collection more objectively, you can conduct an independent evaluation. True, you will have to pay for this. This usually costs several thousand rubles.

The same numismatic stores sometimes offer an independent appraisal as a separate paid service.

You can also look at the list of appraisal companies in your city and find out who will take on the task. The easiest way is to find a list of the major appraisal companies in your area. For example, you can see the list of accredited appraisers from Sberbank. The list is focused, of course, on real estate appraisal, but no one bothers to clarify whether they will undertake an atypical request there. Many appraisers may refuse, as they only work with real estate, so the search may take some time.

Tell the appraiser that you are not planning to sell the collection and that you are interested in independent expertise and market value. You can say, for example, that you want to insure the collection, and the insurance company requested an appraisal report for this.

Long and free - on your own

You can study the theory and evaluate the coin collection yourself.

For domestic coins, the best option is the above-mentioned Find-Coins and Raritetus sites. I already wrote more about how to use them. Select the section with market prices, enter the name of your coin and see the latest transaction prices for it. Think of these numbers not as a firm floor, but rather as a guideline.

This is what the process would look like on the Raritetus website.

Foreign coins are more difficult. You can view several sites of numismatic online stores: "Numismatist Club", "Unikoin" and others. Look for coins on sale that match yours and fix the prices offered.

The self-assessment process can be very time consuming. Most likely, you will not be able to sell coins at store prices. But as a guide, it might work.

Use a few tricks to get an estimate. Receive 2-3 free evaluations from potential buyers and additionally look on the Internet for the cost of at least some of the coins.

Be aware that the amount received is very approximate and, most likely, an underestimate. It is important to understand the relative value of the collection: 10-20 thousand or several hundred thousand. In addition, you are still unlikely to be able to sell the collection at the highest prices.

Don't exaggerate the value of your collection. The appraiser will not be impressed, and illusions are useless for you. For example, a worn copper penny from the time of Nicholas II often costs about a hundred rubles, although it is more than a hundred years old.

How to make an inventory?

At first, I recommend making a table in a regular file in Excel or in Google tables. This is the easiest way to compile a list of coins with a description of the main characteristics. You can adjust the number of cells for each coin yourself, but be sure to write down the signs by which you can quickly identify it: denomination, year, images on the front and back sides, etc.

An example of a table with a description of coins



Queen Elizabeth II

Edge (edge ​​of a coin)


approximate cost

250 RUB

The expertise of the coin is carried out by specialists of the National Numismatic Register, if necessary, involving outside experts who are well versed in the highly specialized field of numismatics. The examination of a coin allows you to determine the key characteristics of the coin, which are necessary for its further use for commercial purposes or as a valuable collection item. Advantages of coin examination:


All information about coins that have passed certification in the National Numismatic Register (NNR) is entered into the NNR information database. As a fact of confirmation, the HPR issues a certificate, which is assigned a unique number, which is important for the owner of the coin, since the certificate number is attached to a specific coin.


The National Numismatic Register only accepts genuine items for certification. NNR specialists have many years of practical experience in the leading numismatic companies in Russia, allowing them to determine the authenticity and safety of coins. If additional study of the subject is required, the NNR may engage third-party experts or organizations specializing in specific areas of numismatics to conduct an extended examination.

You can read more about the advantages of an examination of a coin in order to secure the collection in the section "".


The coins that passed in the HPR will certainly be of increased interest in the numismatic market. A detailed description of the coin, including an assessment of safety, determination of the exact weight, authenticity and variety of the coin, will allow the coin to be quickly sold, and will also have a positive effect on the growth of its value.


Thanks to the available identification number of the HHP certificate for the coin included in the register, it will be possible to easily trace the history of sales onauctions or online stores, which is an indisputable advantage when buying a coin both for your collection and for investment purposes.


The Russian numismatics market contains a large number of variants and varieties of coins. The description of the variety and type of coin provided by the HPP during the certification process will help numismatists organize their collection and find missing pieces. Read more in the section on varieties of coins.


Listing coins in the register will certainly help coin owners to actually confirm, if necessary, the rights to their numismatic items, thereby minimizing the negative consequences associated with unfounded claims to existing numismatic collections in terms of their recognition as archaeological items.

Want to know how much you can sell your coins for? See our numismatic catalog for indicative prices. For an up-to-date assessment of your particular coin - send a photo of it.

Find out how much the most expensive Russian coins are worth!

We give the most high price of gold and silver coins Tsarist Russia (Alexander 3, Nikolai 2, Alexander 2), USSR (Chervonets sower, 1 ruble 1922) and investment (silver, platinum, palladium, gold). We also buy badges spinning, Tsar's awards and medals, orders and commemorative signs... Special conditions for the redemption of items made of precious metals. We are waiting for you in our club for a free evaluation of your products.

The purchase of coins today is carried out by many organizations and individuals. If you have a valuable specimen and want to sell royal coins or you are interested in the price of rare USSR coins, it is important to find a competent, honest specialist who will help you conduct a transparent and profitable transaction for you. Such services are provided by our professional numismatic club, which has been successfully purchasing antiques for more than 25 years. We will also be able to identify a fake copy after examining the coin.

Aurora coins catalog

In the catalog of coins of our numismatic club you will find photos, descriptions and approximate value:

  • Coins of Tsarist Russia - platinum, gold, silver, including commemorative and award, coin-shaped tokens,
  • Coins of the USSR - platinum, palladium, gold, silver, etc.
  • RF coins - gold, silver, bimetal,
  • Foreign coins - platinum, gold, silver. Our catalog contains coins from more than 50 countries of the world. The redemption of foreign coins is carried out in our Moscow office 6 days a week. Also, with our help, you can buy foreign investment coins at the best price.

Most expensive coins

The price of some coins reaches sums with many zeros. So, the most expensive royal coins for today are:

Experts call the most valuable copies of the USSR coins:

Among foreign coins, the highest prices differ:

  • Double Eagle 1933 - more than $ 7 million. Due to the change in the standard, these coins were melted down, except for the stolen dozen copies. You can sell the Double Eagle coin and find out its history with our help.
  • Small silver dollar of 1834 - more than $ 4 million due to its rarity and the fact that it was minted in honor of a noble numismatist - the King of Siam.

Of course, these are not all expensive coins, but only a few of them. Look through the contents of old boxes, study grandmother's legacy, clean up the attic - who knows, maybe you are the owner of a fortune. And we will help you find out how expensive your property is - a free coin assessment is carried out in our club on an ongoing basis.

Where to sell coins? One of the key areas of work of the Aurora Numismatic Club is the purchase of coins. We employ professional appraisers with a fairly rich experience. The specialists of the Aurora Numismatic Club act as real experts in various investigations, carry out private orders and advise on any numismatic issues.

Cooperation with us is an opportunity to successfully and quickly sell coins at a very good price. For example, the price of Soviet silver coins (until 1961) in the Aurora Numismatic Club is estimated at 900-22000 Russian rubles, and gold coins from the times of Tsarist Russia are already estimated at from one million to twelve million Russian rubles. Thus, redemption of coins with the Aurora Numismatic Club is simple and profitable, since buying up coins will definitely please you at the price.

How the value of coins is determined

What exactly does the price of coins on the market depend on? Why are some samples currently selling for huge sums while others have no value at all? These interesting questions are thought of by both professional numismatists and ordinary owners of piggy banks, either by chance in the hands of coins from other countries or bygone times.

The collectible value of a particular banknote is the amount that professional collectors are willing to pay, based on its value. A number of factors influence the price determination of any such sample. Each of them affects the definition of professional numismatic assessment in its own way, and a sufficiently large set of them makes individual copies rare and very expensive.

Issue circulation

For each specific coin, there is a set number of pieces produced. At the same time, of course, the rating of coins is higher if they have a small circulation. So, the owners of coins, issued in only one or two copies, do not have to worry, as they become wealthy for their whole life. There are practically no exceptions here, just some coins are more interesting to numismatists than others. So, the money of the times of Tsarist Russia of small circulation is now more popular than the Finnish coins of Finland. In this regard, the price of royal monetary units is higher.


The safety of a coin is one of the most important parameters for its evaluation. If a rare specimen is well preserved, then it will cost much more than if it was in poor condition. What is the reason for this? Well-preserved coins are just more rare. In addition, reputable collectors prefer to have only well-preserved specimens in their favorite collections. At the same time, it is worth noting that many collectors value very much defective coins, as any errors during minting add additional value to the monetary units.

Precious metal percentage

The metal that was used to make the coin, of course, affects its overall value. The cost of the sample will be more expensive if it contains expensive metal. Thus, a gold coin will be much more expensive than rare nickel or silver numismatics.

What determines the minimum value of a gold or silver coin? As a rule, on the content of the pure weight of the precious metal in them. Then everything is like with ordinary monetary units: the price is formed from their value and rarity. It often happens that such samples, due to their very high price, are in less demand among numismatists. Collectors simply don't have enough money to buy them.

Coin differences

How do various interesting differences appear in the same currency units? The thing is that a large circulation of coins, in general, is not minted with just one set of stamps. Thus, coins with stamped varieties are rarer and, accordingly, have a higher price. It is worth noting that there are differences that any person can easily see, and there are those that will be determined by an exclusively experienced specialist. There are not many numismatists who are interested in stamp varieties today, in this regard, it is sometimes very difficult to sell such samples.

Year of manufacture

The year of minting is another important factor that influences the price of a coin. It will be more expensive if the currency is very old. And the older and more ancient the coin is, the higher its value will be. However, age in the world of numismatics may not matter much. For example, some antique coins, which are more than two thousand years old, are somehow cheaper than some samples of the nineteenth century.

Popular with collectors

This last parameter is not related to the value or rarity of the coin. Various factors influencing it often defy logical explanation. Nevertheless, popularity among numismatists often raises the price of a regular coin to incredible heights. Another interesting feature is that the most popular for collectors from different countries will be their national coins.

Numismatic club "Aurora" offers a very simple and quick assessment of coins. What is required for this? There are only three steps:

  • Sample attribution.
  • Determination of the authenticity of the coin.
  • Thorough assessment according to all necessary criteria.

This service will not take much time, so very soon you will be able to receive the information you are interested in. After the appraisal, you can also sell us your monetary units if you wish. We have favorable prices, much higher than that of various antique shops and pawnshops.

What coins can be profitably sold

Today you can sell your own coins at a good price at the Aurora Numismatic Club at any time. We accept the following banknotes and samples:

  • Coins of various periods of history: royal, antique, post-war, medieval, modern.
  • Defective coins, commemorative and regular coins, investment coins, as well as with various mintage.
  • Coins of any country - in every country in the world there are necessarily some samples that will interest a certain numismatist.
  • Monetary units from any metals and alloys: platinum, gold, silver and others.

The so-called commemorative coins were issued quite often during the Soviet era. However, among them there are some of the rarest and most precious specimens. Today, many people simply put their commemorative coins in boxes and boxes, without even thinking that they can cost fabulous money. Therefore, if you are the owner of such products, then be sure to determine their cost. Perhaps you are already almost a millionaire, you just do not know about it.

How to distinguish a fake

Due to the high demand for old coins among numismatists and the high cost of many of them, many fakes have appeared on the market. A professional can easily distinguish a counterfeit coin from a genuine one, but you can also know some tricks so as not to fall for the bait of unscrupulous sellers:

But if you have doubts about the authenticity of a coin, it is better to contact a specialist - they will accurately determine the counterfeit using modern methods: hydrostatic weighing, spectral analysis, etc.

How is the redemption of coins going

Before you sell old coins, you need to assess their condition and find out the price of antiques. Our appraisers will help you with this free of charge by receiving a high-quality photo of the product or personally assessing its condition. We strive to offer the client the best price and help him sell coins as expensive as possible. When agreeing on a price, our employees will quickly conduct a transaction while maintaining anonymity and immediately make a payment in a form convenient for you. We are waiting for your requests and will be glad to cooperate.

How are coins evaluated?

In order not to get screwed up and not sell antiques at an understated price, which is offered by pawnshops and unscrupulous buyers, you need to understand how coins are valued.

The value of a coin depends on its condition, which is determined according to the following scale:

  • Uncirculated (UNC) - when the coin was not in circulation. Small scratches are permissible on its surface, but the shine and clear lines of chasing must be preserved. A variant of this state - Almost / About Uncirculated (AU) - with it there are slight abrasions at the highest point of the embossed elements. The value of coins in these states is the highest.
  • Extremely Fine (XF) - Similar to the latter, but allows for deeper abrasions.
  • Very Fine (VF) - luster is preserved only in the deep parts of the coin.
  • Fine (F) - gloss is lost, fine details are indistinguishable.
  • Very Good (VG) - the coin is heavily worn, the letters are rounded around the outer edge.
  • Almost / About Good (AG), Fair (FA), Poor (PR) - the coins are very badly worn.

Our specialists will be able to determine the value of a coin depending on its condition, even from a photo. To get a price offer, send a photo of your copy through a special form on our website or use mobile messengers.