Order and chaos 2 quests. Guide to leveling up your character. Take your time when you are in a certain area

To begin with, I will say that there are only three main options for leveling up your character: 1) Completing dungeons in random group formation mode in order to receive a reward for completing it, 2) Completing quests in accordance with your level, 3) Farming (killing) mobs with for the purpose of gaining experience and resources.

Now let's talk in more detail about each option.

1. Completing dungeons in random group formation mode

Completing dungeons in random group formation mode becomes possible from the moment the first dungeon Knasvaha Prizon (KP - or as it is also called prisons) is opened. Until this moment, we will have to complete quests (tasks). In order to get into this dungeon and gain experience, we have two ways: 1) gather a group of players yourself and enter the dungeon by setting the whole group in random mode, 2) simply stand in line and wait until the required number of people gather and invite everyone to go in the dungeon. I’ll say right away that the second option seems to me the worst and slowest in terms of gaining experience for two reasons: a) due to the fact that the leveling method appeared in the last update, very few people use random search, b) the first reason is connected not only with the fact that many do not know or forget about the random mode of group recruitment, but also due to the fact that the probability of getting into the group of a person who does not know the tactics of passing, or is simply inadequate, is very high. If we talk about the first method, then if you know the tactics of passing a dungeon for your level, you have a team of loyal friends who are ready to run around dungeons for days, then I think this leveling option will not be inferior to the next two. This method is quite good from level 60+, as quite a lot of players from level 60 use this method.

The advantage of this method is the practical mastery of completing all the dungeons of the game, learning the nuances of playing for your class in a group, and getting good equipment for your level.

The main disadvantage is dependence on other players.

2.Complete quests in accordance with your level

The oldest and most reliable way. From the very beginning of the game, you will receive tasks (quests) from game characters (NPCs). For completing the latter, you will be given experience, gold, resources and equipment as a reward. The process of leveling up in this way is very simple, we take all the quests in the location of our location and complete them. When there are few quests or they end altogether, we move on to the next location. Before moving to the next location, I advise you to first run through all the settlements of the location to make sure that you have not missed any tasks.

Locations by level:

1-10 Forest of Arcadia

11-20 Coast of Tears

21-30 Snake swamps

31-40 Whispering Islands

41-50 Great Desert

51-60 Sinskald

61-65 Underworld

65-70 Frostlund

The advantages of this method: good pumping speed without investing real money, lack of dependence on other players. Additionally, I note that when completing quests you will receive things that will make it quite comfortable for you to move to the next location and go to dungeons of your level.

There are no cons.

3. Farm (kill) mobs

In my humble opinion, the fastest way to level up a character in the game, but only if the following conditions are met:

1) You have tablets for bonus experience

2) You have a friend or a second high-level character (kacher) who is ready to put aside his business and work on pumping you up.

As far as I know, before the latest changes in the game, when the maximum level (cap) in the game was level 60, the characters FoX and Dimon set a record for leveling speed using this method. The leveling time in the Sinskaald location, from level 1 to level 60, was about 14-16 hours.

So the main question is how and where to swing?

As of today, 10/27/13, the best place to farm mobs is the Frostlund location - Camp Brutto. To the south of the portal, on the bank of the river, there are level 69 gnomes, this is the object of our atrocities in order to quickly gain the maximum level.

In order to increase the experience gained, there are two ways:

a) Buy tablets for runes +50 and +100% to experience; tablets can be taken at the same time, increasing the experience gained by 150% at once

b) The second method is suitable for owners of two devices. We create a second account, log in from the second device and bring the 1st level character to the place where the main character is upgraded. We kill the twink (second character), fortunately the mobs will do this easily and almost painlessly. The experience boost has been activated.

Both methods can be combined, this will give an even greater effect. I will also say that there will come a time when you won’t need a quality provider and, on the contrary, will slow down your ability to obtain a new level. For those who do not have friends and a main character, I will say that characters of 60+ level often level up alone, but it is beneficial for them to be in a group with a low-level character. Therefore, try to ask to join the group if you have chosen this method of leveling up. Or join a guild and make friends, your friends will definitely not refuse you.

Advantages: highest pumping speed.

Cons: dependence on other players; for maximum efficiency you need to buy tablets with an experience bonus.

Choosing a good mobile MMORPG requires careful consideration - unlike casual games that can be completed in an hour or two, diving into a modern MMOPRG for smartphones and tablets can take weeks, months, and sometimes years. The graphics of online RPGs on Android and iOS have improved considerably, reaching the level of consoles, the gameplay has also become deep and complex, and the capabilities of modern devices are bringing the genre of role-playing games on mobile platforms to a new stage of development. The game Order & Chaos 2: Redemption for Android and iOS from Gameloft is a good contender for tens and even hundreds of hours of your time.

The Order & Chaos series has a large following, so the game will always have someone to fight with, complete quests, trade and, of course, communicate with. MMORPGs must be handled very carefully - if you come across a high-quality one, the game can drag on for a long time, and you will be lost to your family and friends. After two weeks of playing Order & Chaos 2, we can say quite accurately how addictive this game is. So, on to the review, friends.


A complex and thoughtful plot, during which the real story unfolds, is the main sign of a good RPG. The plot in such games makes you empathize with the characters and evokes emotions - no other game genre can provide this. After all, it’s not for nothing that we’re talking about role-playing games. Order & Chaos 2 is no exception to this unwritten rule.

As you might expect, in the second part we will see a continuation of the plot of Order & Chaos Online. 600 years have passed since the destruction of the Primordial Heart, which led to an unexpected catastrophic event that destroyed the usual way of life of the inhabitants of this fantasy world.

The world is now recovering from the disaster, and the heroes are again beginning their triumphal march through the highways, cities and villages. The player's goal in Order & Chaos 2 is to help save the world and find redemption (after all, that's the word in the game's title - Order & Chaos 2: Redemption).


Character customization is one of the main features of MMORPGs, and Order & Chaos 2 is no exception. The question is whether the developers, Gameloft, offer the player enough tools to create the “Person” of his dreams.

You shouldn't have any problems with races and classes in Order & Chaos 2. Of course, you shouldn't expect huge variety, but Gameloft has done a good job creating a clear system of races and classes that differ from each other in both appearance and characteristics.

You can play as a human, elf, orc, mendel or kratan. The last race, by the way, appeared only in the second version of the game. Kratans are clearly descended from reptilians, are tall in stature, and boast incredible strength. A sort of gentle giants who prefer diplomatic solutions to problems rather than brute force, despite its excess.

The appearance of the selected character can be changed within very wide limits, although the mobile Order & Chaos 2 clearly does not reach the level of customization in the console RPG. Yes, you can change the appearance of your Orc or Kratan, but with a fairly modest set of options - hair, skin color, face type.

In a modern MMORPG, I would like to see a more thoughtful system for changing a character’s appearance - we are already accustomed to changing facial features, covering the hero’s body with tattoos, conjuring sliders with lip thickness, eye color, and tinkering with hairstyle. However, we are talking about a mobile game, so Gameloft has certain restrictions - in particular, regarding the size of the game itself.

Crafting and customizing weapons is also a good move by the developers. You can even add various special abilities to your weapons, which prove to be quite useful.


Like any good MMORPG, one of the main strengths of Order & Chaos 2 is its world. Gameloft calls it “living and breathing,” and that’s exactly what it looks like on a smartphone screen. For starters, the world in this game is huge. However, unlike most RPGs, it is not repetitive and does not suffer from visual deficits. You won’t have to wander through monotonous fields with three or two polygons for hours.

The world of the mobile MMORPG Order & Chaos 2 is truly alive - wherever you go, you will always encounter new landscapes. In addition, you will meet characters almost everywhere - both other players and NPCs. Of course, there could be more living players in Order & Chaos 2, but those that exist are enough to not feel alone. Of course, there are also monsters that you can fight to then fill your inventory with useful loot.

It's easy to get lost in the game, not least because of the not very convenient map. However, this can be considered a feature of the game world - difficulties with navigation due to magical fluctuations. During the mission, however, you can turn on a special sign, with which it is almost impossible to get lost.


The cornerstone on which the degree of involvement in the game depends - this is what any passionate gamer will tell you about the gameplay. It is especially important in MMORPGs, where high-quality graphics, the role-playing system itself and a large world are not enough for success. Why do all this if the player is simply bored and doesn’t see the point in developing further? The combat system, the main part of the gameplay in RPGs, could be better in Order & Chaos 2. For connoisseurs of the genre, it will seem simplified - yes, there is a lot to roam around here, but there are not enough tactical possibilities. Know yourself, press the buttons, and destroy the monsters.

To force the character to perform an action, you need to press a button, otherwise our hero will simply stand relaxed in place while the enemy removes precious percentages of life from the already short health bar.

There are four buttons in the lower right corner. The main one is for a regular attack, and the other three give access to special abilities, “abilities”, the arsenal of which will be replenished throughout the game. Special abilities can be customized to your liking and changed whenever you want.

Movement during combat is an important part of combat mechanics. For example, if you choose a ranger, you can shoot enemies from a distance, preventing them from getting closer. Often, if the enemy is too strong, or you have other things to do, you can escape from the fight without losing a single unit of health.

In the heat of battle, you can open an additional menu that gives access to skills, potions and useful items in your inventory. Remember to switch between skills to find the best combination for your situation. It’s easier to use the same attacks, but this kind of gameplay will quickly get boring, and to effectively crush monsters and swing your character you need not only to press buttons, but also to carefully select the actions associated with them.

Quests and missions

This is where the developers definitely didn’t disappoint. Order & Chaos 2 clearly cannot be classified as a casual game. Gameloft managed to transfer an almost console-quality MMOPRG to the mobile platform, preserving all the ingredients. However, the creators of the game could not avoid some “casual” elements - the costs of the mobile ecosystem.

Remember those quests and missions in World of Warcraft where you had to wander around for hours? Typical MMORPGs expect you to spend hours sitting at the computer completing a single quest. In the mobile world, such a number will not work, the battery will simply run out, and they play on smartphones more often if they have 10-20-30 minutes to spare (for example, on the way to work/home). Although you can immerse yourself in Order & Chaos 2 for several hours, it is not necessary. Short gaming sessions are always available.

The longest mission we encountered in two weeks of play lasted approximately 15 minutes. The same timing that corresponds to the mobile platform - you can complete a quest or two between classes, lessons at school or on the subway. Just keep an eye on the traffic - the game is actively “eating” the mobile Internet. Of course, as in any MMORPG, there is simply no offline mode in Order & Chaos 2.

Missions in the game can be obtained from certain characters. They will ask you for help and begin an intriguing story that will unfold over days and months, divided into short quests and tasks. There's always something to do in Order & Chaos 2.


Should I spend time completing this quest or make a choice in favor of another pastime? This question will have to be answered constantly with an MMORPG like Order & Chaos 2: Redemption, since the game is large-scale, exciting and filled with content.

Gameloft managed to create a high-quality mobile MMORPG in which you want to spend time. Fans of the first part must download it, since this is a continuation. Others who like to wander through fantasy forests, chop up monsters, delve into mountains of loot and profitably exchange the found artifact for an Ubersword should also not pass by Order & Chaos 2.

In Order & Chaos 2 on Android you will find a pretty decent storyline, a map (albeit not very convenient), character customization, a clear combat system, and even weapon crafting. You can play this MMORPG in short sessions of 10-15 minutes, or immerse yourself in the virtual world of sword and sorcery for hours (if your smartphone battery allows, of course).

Finally, the main advantage of Order & Chaos 2 is that it is a free MMORPG. Of course, there are in-app purchases (what game doesn't have them these days?), but you don't have to shell out for them. For two weeks, we didn’t have any thoughts about pouring real money into the game. Anyone who likes long and complex games with a written fantasy setting, an appropriate plot and high-quality 3D graphics - welcome to the world of Order & Chaos 2: Redemption for Android, which can be downloaded from Google Play completely free of charge. Gameloft has released an excellent mobile MMORPG, and may the hosting of game servers of this glorious French company not become scarce.

Other news

Almost four years have passed since the successful release of Order and Chaos: Gameloft. And finally, after much anticipation, the sequel, Order and Chaos 2: Redemption, has been released, which will be available for both iOS devices and Android. This game promises to be "the best and biggest mobile MMORPG" on the market. You will interact with thousands and thousands of characters controlled by real players. You will be able to choose new stages (Kratan), new classes and, of course, MMORPG mechanics - new types of weapons, protective and camouflage equipment, as well as hundreds of quests. To collect more loot, you can also play the single player version of Dream Dungeons. However, the main idea of ​​the game is your interaction with players from all over the world.

Many people consider Order and Chaos 2: Redemption to be very similar to RPG games for desktop computers, or, to be more precise, a computer version of MMORPG. This means that you will be dealing with a complex and rich interface, with a lot of information to learn, identify and remember. But your game will not turn into a long and labor-intensive process with our tips, knowledge base or guide for Order and Chaos 2: Redemption.

When you click on one of the quests, you will see some blue dots, but you may also encounter red dots. Red dots mean you are on an incomplete path. You will need to complete this quest again, after which you will notice some changes in the color of the red dots. Follow these points, especially if you see other players along the way. Most likely, they are trying to complete the same quest as you.

2. Take your time when you are in a certain area

If you go through a certain area too quickly, you may not collect the required number of points in the quest, which could increase your overall score. Make sure you complete most, if not all, of the quests on offer before moving on to another area. We would advise you to complete all quests, this will help you rise to a certain level and gain an advantage over your opponent. In addition, these quests are your chance to collect more equipment and materials. Even the weakest quests can have some value, mainly because they will push you to complete the level.

3. Follow the quest

Have you noticed the exit button for the quest - it looks like an arrow? If you click on it, your character will automatically follow the quest path. Thus, your character will come to the destination on his own, or will walk until he encounters an enemy, in any case, you will have to fight him.

4. How to behave in the game

Clicking on another player will allow you to interact with him. You can exchange a few lines with the player in the chat, add him to your friends within the game, or challenge him to a duel. Duels occur immediately and last for 15 seconds. Duels are simple static matches where the player with the best performance wins. Make sure that you have sufficiently durable equipment and a good number of completed quests in the level, this will significantly increase your chance of winning.

Joining a group is a good idea for beginners. This way, you can quickly learn the game and how to interact with your party members. Choose the group that best suits your playing style. In addition, you can create your own group with your own rules.


Order & Chaos 2: Redemption is a fantasy MMORPG on mobile devices with a huge open world, high-quality visuals, action combat, thousands of quests, a system for crafting and upgrading equipment, and tons of content. New exciting adventures and dynamic battles await players.

The game is developed by Gameloft and is free. Players will be able to download Order & Chaos 2: Redemption on Android, iOS and Windows Mobile.



The sequel to the popular mobile MMORPG Order & Chaos Online has become even bigger and better.

There are 5 different races to choose from (Human, Elf, Mendel, Orc and Kratan) and classes (Warrior, Ranger, Mage, Blood Knight and Monk). The main character will have to go on a journey through a deep fantasy world, where more than 1000 quests await him. Some tasks will have to be completed in a group with friends and acquaintances.

Skills and equipment will help you defeat the most powerful monsters, and simple controls designed specifically for mobile devices on iOS, Android and Windows Mobile will make Order & Chaos 2 truly comfortable in any situation.

Players are treated to exciting dungeons with the strongest bosses and dynamic PvP battles. Chat with other players, join guilds and improve your character's skills with experience points and new equipment.

Video review of the game: classes and gameplay