Original gift. Chess from bolts. Chess from bolts and nuts with their own hands chess from nuts

From the girlfriend, you can make an exciting game for those who love to articulate brains. We are talking about chess. From all sorts of girlfriend, in this master class, we will collect a full-fledged chessboard and figure shapes. With such chess you can surprise many, and in the case of loss of figures, it is quickly restored.


To make chess made of handicap materials with your own hands. Prepare:

  • 64 coins of one diameter (half of old and half of a new or equal amount of silver and golden coins);
  • 52 nuts;
  • 14 washers;
  • 16 small bolts;
  • 12 medium-sized bolts;
  • 4 large bolts;
  • glue;
  • newspaper;
  • paint in a black cartridge;
  • a piece of thin wood 15 x 15 cm.

Step 1. Collected coins prepare. They will need to rinse and treat any degreasing composition.

Step 2.. Coins alternately stick to the board. Lay out their smooth rows and alternate, observing a chess order. Upon completion of work, you should get a beautiful chessboard.

Step 3.. Half of the harvested washers, bolts and nuts, lay out on a newspaper or the oilbox and paint their paint black. In this case, the aerosol paints are good, since they do not flow after applying to the surface of the bolts and nuts. Leave the details until the surface drying.

Step 4.. From the washers of nuts, hooks and bolts, collect chess pieces. Little bolts are pawns. To play chess, they will simply need to turn over, putting on a hat.

Rye is medium-sized bolts with five nuts strung on them.

For the manufacture of a horse, take a medium-sized bolt and in the upper part of it between two nuts fix the hook.

An elephant is a medium-sized bolt, at the top of which three nuts must be fixed, placing between the first and second puck.

How to make a chess set using only nuts and bolts. Do you know what you love the ladies? A person who can handle his tools. What are the ladies like even more? A man who can say mat. Well, except this lady.

But what about those of us who have no grandmaster status? We can use these tools that were so good to demonstrate our intellect in another way - with this original diy chess set made of nuts and bolts.

How cool it is? Even if you do not play chess, you want to start. Plus, it is relatively easy to do and customize.

The above chessboard made of clay tiles and chess pieces with nuts and bolts. After a long trip, the author of the homemade collected a bunch of different bolts, nuts and screws to complete her masterpiece.
However, he is not the first who use nuts and bolts for pawns and queens. Julia Suits made what is shown below, although the chessboard leaves much to be desired.

Julia was good enough to provide breakdown of shapes used for its shapes and pawns, as well as many photos.

Breakdown of pawns and figures

Now for any of you who really knows something about chess, you already know that the pawns are called pawns, and the rest of the army is called figures. What for? I'm not sure, but this is.
Now on nuts and bolts.
If you do not mind the equipment in the house, I would choose small packages of each type. They can come in handy for ordinary home fixes or for spare chess games. But it can become quite expensive.
Keep in mind that for this project you will need brass color for one side and conventional shiny silver (zinc) for the other side, so we will split everything in half, and everything will be fine. This means that it may be better to go alone and skip several packages. If you do not plan to draw your white or black army, then it does not matter.
If you already have most of them, good for you. You are one step ahead.

What you need

Here are the basics of what you need for each pawn or figure:

  • Pawn (16 pcs.) \u003d ½ "Hex bolt (1 ½" height) + 1 flange hex nut.
  • Rye (4 pcs.) \u003d ½ "Threaded rod + 1 hex nut with flange + 1 (½") locking
  • Knight (4 pcs.) \u003d ½ "Hex bolt + 1 hex nut with flange + 1 barathk nut
  • Bishop (4 pcs.) \u003d ½ "Threaded rod (3" height) + 1 Caid nut + 1 flange hex nut + 1 inverted (½ ") locking + 1 washer
  • King (2 pcs.) \u003d ½-inch bolt carriages (3 ½ inches height) + 1 hex nut with flange + 1 inner gear + 1 hex nut long-sleeved nut + 4 outer gear
  • Queen (2 pcs.) \u003d 1½ "Threaded rod (4" height) + 1 hex nut with flange + 1 washer + 1 internal gear + 1 hex nut long-sleeved nut + 1 outer gear + 1 (½ ") lock nut

Now, obviously, this is not how you should do it. Some of these components are quite expensive, so you can choose cheaper equipment or equipment that you already have. How many of you have internal gears? Yes ... So use the usual washers.
The goal is to create a set that works and looks great, accurate parts to you. Creative approach and the choice of standard parts can save money and time spent wasted in the store.

Chess board

Hello everyone! Sometimes any person wants to make an unusual and original gift. But in the head, nothing useful is climbing, all some kind of banal and uninteresting. However, there are such people who love to create, creating and their hands grow from the right place. I know several such people and this company periodically (as a rule on birthdays) produces original gifts. One of which I would like to present in this little post.

Chess from bolts

A person who is fond of chess was a presented gift in the form of a chess collected from bolts, washers, nuts of various sizes. It turned out what you can observe in the photos below.

Of course, at the beginning, the type and weight of the chess will seem unusual, but over time you get used to and masterful.

Stacks and flasks with alcohol were added to the box. It turned out such a set for a pleasant time. How is he you? By the way, if anyone is interested in the original gift of this kind - I can agree: Bita: - Write to me in the comments or through the feedback form.

This company has been made by other original gifts. In the future, I plan to make a small cycle of articles on this topic. About the original gifts created by our company.

And here I thought about making the internal transfine of the blog. It turns out the number of reference internal pages and the ankors used affects the ranking of the article in the search results and, accordingly, the number of traffic that it brings. As long as the articles are relatively not much on the blog (less than 100) it is worth doing this. And maybe it will bring more visitors to my bluer, and maybe the filter. The first option looks more preferable for me. How exactly I will do it - I will describe in a separate article. Follow the announcements. I hope chess from the bolts you liked. Until.

The world is unlawfully divided into groups, classes, species and subspecies. "Botany" proudly refer to themselves intellectuals, former two-handers - a working class. It is believed that plumbing after work must be drunk, and from the books he has only a telephone directory on the shelf. In fact, it turns out that the performance of school in no way affects the success in life. And the mechanic can quite well be a well-read man and play chess at leisure. It is for such a category of people the designers invented chess made of metal nuts and bolts.

It is intricate the bent parts imitate chess pieces, differing from each other in shape, height and weight. Designers tried to approach the issue of creating metal parts as creative as possible, thoroughly thinking through each figure. But the unusual figures makes itself felt - sometimes the first time you can not recognize the value of the chess unit and make an incorrect course.

By the way, metal chess can become an excellent gift for a man. Especially if his work is somehow connected with metal details, and he spends leisurely for chessboard. Those who are unlikely to like to play with symbolic figures from bolts and nuts, you can offer a lot of design chess, starting with the "edible" model and ending with a set with gold and silver figures in the image of the knights.

Once, being aside from big roads, I felt something wrong with the car, but I was incomprehensible to me. I had to go to the first met of a small car service station.

The master, and then it turned out, he also the owner of this station, at that time dinner from the seashed house "Topozak", while at the same time solving some chess task. I also became interested in chess, but not as much as the composition as placed on the board and lying next figures. Such, I saw for the first time, they were very unusual: each figure was a certain combination collected from standard steel bolts, screws, washers and nuts, and the "on the appearance" of the figures from the fasteners were quite recognizable and different in color: dark and bright . The chess "board" was also it to be a blatant steel sheet with neatly complicated emery skins "white" cells and diligently scratched, as it should be on all parties, Latin letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G, N and Arabic numbers from 1 to 8. Only one inconsistency was abandoned: the cell "1a" and other cells of this diagonal were light, whereas for all canons they should be black.

In order for the figures to not slide on the board and did not disaddle the cells that remained blames, round pieces of insulating tape were pasted on their soles.

Having settled lunch and listen to my remarks on the "behavior" of the car, the master suggested that I finish the decision of a chess task for him, and I myself was looking for a fault.

I asked the master of permission to make sketches of the "metician" figures, since I had no camera with me.

Unfortunately, I could not solve the task and somehow lost interest to it, but I "figured out" in the car in the car quickly - I barely had to draw pictures.

Then at home I collected a set of "chess" figures from the fasteners and photographed.

The reader will see some small discrepancies between the images of the figures in the pictures and drawings. They arose because I didn't have exactly the same fasteners with their assembly, which were from the master, for which he and readers apologize. But I think there is no big misfortune. After all, the choice of details is not so critical, if only the collected combinations of bolts, screws, nuts and washers resembled the usual chess pieces. And if any of them turned out to be not very similar to their "sobrases", then when playing, they will help the imagination.