Simple card tricks. Focuses with cards - training. Learning simple card focus. Magic in a large company

It turned out that at any age, regardless of whether a student is a party or office corporate, a person who knows how to show at least one focus with maps will always be a nail of the program. All viewers understand that they were deceived somewhere, but to prove, and even more so show how this happens, it is unlikely who can. Therefore, you should not immediately disclose your secrets of foci with cards, because the longer the audience remain in the ignorance, the more attention will be happy with Fakiri. And the girls will gladly give her a hero of their kiss in exchange for the disclosure of the secret manipulation.

Light focus - four aces

The easiest focus with the maps is when they ask the viewer to divide the deck on four arbitrary stacks, after which it mixes them, and at the end it detects that the ace is at the top of each stack. There is no surprise and puzzles. After all, the show of the show knows that he himself shared a deck, he hung her himself, he took the card himself, and therefore what happened can be explained only by mystics. Although there is nothing simpler than after all the person who caused to help himself will make all the necessary work, accurately fulfilling the instructions of the home-grown mage. To show light tricks with cards, no learning is required, it is enough to have a confident kind and know a few secrets.

Preparation and execution

So, for the successful execution of this number, you need a deck of maps, a table and voluntary assistant, and, of course, accurate instructions. To begin with, accommodate all four aces at the top of the deck. Naturally, neither the guest nor the assistant should see it. Asking the viewer (or assistant) to divide the deck into four parts, it is necessary to note for ourselves where the stack with the aces is lying. Usually it turns out to be left or right.

After that, it is necessary that your assistant removes three upper cards from a stack without aces and put them in the base, and then three more decomposed on neighboring decks. The same must be done with the rest of the packs (without 4 pictures we need). At the end there will be a turn and decks with the aces. The assistant will transfer three top cards that came into this stack from the neighboring, in the base, and the freed aces will spread in their places on top of the deck. Now you can ask one of the guests, or, again, assistant assistant, turn the cards that are top, and all the breath of breathing will see the audience with delight that this is really four aces.

Self-order deck - another simple mathematical focus

This focus with maps can be performed as it yourself, and again entrust the deck to someone from the audience and only lead it actions. But imagine that the corporate magician decided to do everything himself. Then the deck must be prepared in advance. All cards need to be decomposed by three sets. The first will be ace, then a twice, triple, four and so on to the king. After folding all the packs on each other, you can demonstrate the deck of guests.

After counting exactly the 21 card, so as not to bring down the sequence of their location (of course, no one should notice that they were divided into account), the top pack must be placed down the whole deck. Now it is necessary to divide the deck of 9 times anywhere. Again, it can be done by yourself, and you can invite some of the guests. After these manipulations, it is necessary to decompose a pack of thirteen stacks, sequentially one after another. All, focus ready! Now you can invite viewers so that they make sure that the whole deck is packaged in dignity: aces, twos, top three and so on.

I won! Pay kisses

The meaning of the entire focus is that a man will bet on the kiss that he guesses the card chosen by his companion. This focus with maps is not only simple, but is very easy to perform. Enough, distributing the deck into two parts, ask the girl to put the chosen card on the bottom of the stack and peep which card will be at the bottom of the top. After that, you can safely cut a deck several times and start shooting and turning the cards one. As soon as the card appears, which was peeped, it can be announced that the next one will be mounted ... and tear a kiss with the mouth of surprised beauty.

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Baby card tricks

Children, like no other, love magic. They are so trusting and naive that even the simplest card focuses are able to cause genuine delight in them. Therefore, it is not necessary to be a good magician to be able to surprise the children - it is enough to study several card focus and learn to show them brightly.

A feature of children's card focus is the fact that they should be very simple and understandable. If the focus is too complicated, then children simply will not be able to understand its meaning and completely wondered by the end of the trick. Long-term focuses should also be excluded from the showing program to children, because The child's attention is too scattered to be able to trace all the stages of the performance. Naturally, the choice of focus still depends on the age of the child. For example, the focus described below can be shown for children 5-12 years.

Guess the map

This light card focus really likes children, because They themselves take direct part in it. So, for convenience, the focus can be performed directly on the floor where children will be cleared around. The magician takes the ordinary deck of playing cards and spreads them completely randomly on the floor.

I scatter all the cards, the illusionist asks one of the children to get him a certain card (you can call a completely any card located in the deck), for example, peak currencies. The child really takes any card with scattered heap and without looking at her, gives her a focus. He, looking at the map, but without showing it to others, demonstrates amazement and delight the extraordinary abilities of the child.

As if for the conviction of himself, that this is not an accident, the magician again asks the same child to get another card (again the card comes out arbitrarily), for example, nine peasants. The viewer again chooses any card, and without checking it, stretches the focus. A grimace of surprise appears on the face of the magician, and even more pronounced than last time. After all, the child and for the second time he was able to get one single mandated card from the deck.

The script of this children's card focus at this stage may be slightly changed. So, instead of asking to get a map of the same child, you can check the presence of magical abilities and someone else from the children. Such a scenario will be even preferable, because More children will take part in the focus.

Further the magician says: "Well, since you, children, have superposses to guess the cards, then I, Mag, I can be suppressed. Now I stretch the king of the king of the peas. With these words, he takes the map and looks. As it turned out, the illusionist, not in vain eats his bread, and as children, can guess the cards. And to proof this, he lays out three cards in front of the audience. Those are surprised that these are those cards that were migrated to the magician.

So, now reveal the secret of this simplest card focus. It all begins with the fact that the cards at the beginning of the focus really spread completely randomly, with the exception of one, the last card. Its to the focus and it was necessary to high. With children, this trick does not require any particular technique. You can simply shifter the deck, and Ioton show the viewers folded stack of shirt cards to them, at this moment and see the first card (suppose it will be a TUZ TREF).

Now, knowing the last map, we begin to scatter on the floor of the cards, starting with the top top. When the queue comes to the last, I throw it in such a way as to accurately remember the place where it landed. Now the magician asks for a child to choose and get from a heap of a chain ace (card that lay below). The viewer transmits the illusionist first card to him. He turns her to himself demonstrates surprise. Further, the illusionist asks the same or other viewer to pull out another map, calling him the dignity and the usteen of the card just saw.

Having received a card and seeing her, the illusionist says that he will now get a card from the deck ... (the dignity and suit of the previous card). After these words, he takes that card he remembered, and which he threw the latter. Thus, it turns out that the magician was on the hands of all those cards that he guess. This light card focus is always perceived by children from the beard of delight and emotions.

Four Tuisa

This simplest card focus also like the children. During the show of this illusion with maps, four viewers are immediately involved. So, in order to show this trick, an ordinary deck is taken from 36 playing cards. The magician asks anyone who wants to name any number from 10 to 20. Hearing this number, the illusionist immediately counts the specified number of cards that move in separate from the deck. Then he folds the numbers that make up this number, and is postponing alternately as many cards into another stack. For example, if the number 12 is called, it means 1 + 2 \u003d 3 is folded, then three cards are shifted from above.

After that, therapy cards are put again upwards the original deck, but the topmost card is closed and placed in a separate place. Now, ask you to call any number in the range from 10 to 20 another child and repeat the entire process again. And so repeats three more times so that the result on the table there were four pending cards. After that, the magician turns the cards, and there turns out four aces. Naturally, all children react to it enthusiastically, because they themselves called any numbers. At the end of the focus, the illusionist can reveal the whole deck, showing that these are really ordinary playing cards, and not all aces.

What is the secret of this children's card focus? The fact is that the deck is addressed in advance so that there are aces to 9, 10, 11 and 12 positions from above. The rest is the whole thing of mathematics - whatever two-digit number from 10 to 20 is named, its difference with the amount of components of this number will give nine. And given the fact that every time a deck decreases by one card, the ace will be taken in consistently with the ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth positions.

As you can see, light card tricks from the side look quite impressive that even an adult can surprise, as it could happen. Therefore, the child will be guaranteed to be surprised by what is happening and will not be able to find a logical explanation to the focus seen. Because of this, children love magicians, even if parents themselves speak in their roles.

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Miracles love everything! Card tricks - spectacular way to entertain guests or steal children. To whom I do not want to become a wizard for a short time. Having learned a few simple focus, you can hit your audience with your telepathic abilities. Focuses with cards are not a difficult lesson to make sure that we offer some simple tricks. You will need a deck of 36 cards.

1. "Guessing cards" is a completely simple focus, with which you can call cards. These cards two people will choose from the deck.

You will need a deck of cards with latin letters marking. To show this focus, divide the deck into two types of cards: one should consist of cards with numbers or letters with a flat or sharp top (ace (A), king (K), currency (j), 3, 4, 5, 7, And the second is from the cards with numbers or letters with a round riding (lady (q), 2, 6, 8, 9, 10. Restrained, you can sort cards quickly, right in front of the audience.

Call two volunteers and dividing a deck into two parts of different types, give each one by one of the parts. Ask each of the two focus participants to pull out one card from the deck of another. Now every assistant should look at that card he chose, show her viewers and remember. At this time you can turn or clog. Further, each participant must put the chosen card in its half of the deck and thoroughly mix cards.

Ask assistants to decompose face up the cards of their halves of the deck. You can easily guess the cards chosen by the helpers, because they will be another type.

2. The following focus is built on arithmetic. Remember the number 27 - you will need it. After that, ask the viewer to take cards and shuffle them, choose a map and put it on top of the deck. Then ask to remove any number of cards and recalculate them, let's say, 15 cards.

Next, let the viewer calculate the number of red cards among them, for example, 6. Next, let it take the second part of the deck and, turning the picture up, counts and remembers the sixth black card. Then the viewer must put this part of the deck on the charts that he removed at the beginning and all the cards must give you.

The deck is turned with a shirt up, and you post on one map from below, mentally counting black cards, 27-15 \u003d 12 - the twelfth card will be the card that the viewer chose.

3. Another simple, but very spectacular focus.

Drag a deck and remember the bottom or top card, for example, a tambourine ace. Ask any viewer to give you a deck of a bubne ace. The viewer pulls out any card out of the deer and, without looking at her, gives it to you. For example, lady worms.

Ask the same viewer to pull out the lady of the worms out of the deck, the viewer will pull another card and give you back again. For example, he pulled 6 orders. Then you say: "And now 6 Tref, I will pull out of the deck yourself," after which it is imperceptible to take the card from the deck that you remember at the beginning of the focus.

Now you have all 3 announced cards on your hands: Bubnovy Ace, lady of worms and 6 treph. Show these cards to the audience.

How do you spend your free time? Love to play computer games, to pass funny tests, communicate in social networks, what about learning focus? So surprise friends!

The most important thing when performing any focus is a persistent practice. You can get acquainted with the simplest trick and to learn how to perform it at least half an hour, but that everyone really managed and you did not expose you, you need to train a lot and for a long time, honing technique and skill. It is necessary to teach tricks, moving from simple to difficult, so then we will talk about how to learn how to make focuses with which any newbie will cope.

Simple focus with cards

Those who wish to learn how to learn how to do focuses are often starting with cards. Among the card tricks there are really a lot of easy options that you can quickly learn and amaze the audience, and one of the most popular of them includes simple tricks with guessing cards. We now consider one of them now. Focus is called - "Guess the map."

What sees the viewer. The magician is tausing the card deck and stretches it to someone from the audience, so that he chose one of the cards. The viewer chooses his card, remembers and, without showing it, shirt down gives her a magician. The magician returns a map into a deck, again it hoses her, folds the cards and unmistakably finds the audience card!

Secret focus. Take a card deck and hang it. ATTENTION: The key of this trick is to imperceptibly high, which card will be lower, that is, the latter in the deck.

The viewer makes the choice of a map and returns it to you. Share a deck arbitrarily inadvertising - you have two parts of the cards in your hands, in one of which is the bottom card - you are remembered at the very beginning. Put the viewer's card on one part of the deck and cover it from above the second part. The viewer sees that his card is now hidden, but you know that it lies under the very bottom card.

Spread the card by fan, then looking for your lower card with your eyes - the right next to her, which is sanging by the viewer. Voila! At the same time, do not choose it too quickly, for example, portray that you are trying to feel energy outgoing from the map - entertain the viewer.

Coin passes through a glass

The next simple trick is a focus with a glass and a coin. It is more difficult than the previous one, because it requires a certain dexterity of the hands.

From the audience. The magician shows the viewers of the coin, takes it into the fist of one hand, and the other brings the glass to him, then knocks the glass on his hand with a coin - and it turns out inside, passing through the bottom!

Actually. Choose a large coin and a glass, plastic or glass. Show the viewers of the coin and then make the look, as if shifting it into another hand, covering the palm on top and as if ragged coin in a fist. But the coin, of course, remains in the same hand, where it was.

This is the key point: it is important to practice and learn how to clamp the coin of the open palm or clamp it between the palm and the little finger, as you will be more convenient - the main thing is that it keeps it imperceptibly and did not fall out.

The same hand in which you have a coin, you take a glass and put it over your hand with a fist, where the coin is in the opinion of the audience. Tell a glass of fist several times. At the last knock relax your hand, so that the coin fell inside the glass, and at this point, open the palm with a fist, imitating the passage of the coin through the bottom of the glass. It is important to work well this room so that everything worns deftly and at the same time quickly, and the audience did not have time to come to his senses and expose you.

Focus with matches

Finally, we will tell how to make tricks with matches that require only agility of the hands.

As viewers see. The magician clamps between the fingers of both hands on the match. By placing them perpendicularly, it strikes matches each other, as a result of which one match passes through the second.

Secret focus. Before taking into the hands of the match, Moisten the index finger of the right hand. After that, hold the matches between the big and index fingers of each hand. The key to this trick lies in the fact that a sink-sulfur-sulfur-powered match concerns the moistened index finger and therefore sticks to it, and if you break your fingers, the match will still continue to "hang".

Turn the matches squeezed in the fingers perpendicular to each other. Now start leading the left match to the right, and at the time of their collision, we turn your fingers, skipping the left match forward, and then compress back. You need to learn how to do it quickly and sharply, imitating the punch of matches - then the audience will not notice the trick.

How to learn to make tricks with a handkerchief

Love viewers and tricks with a handkerchief. One of the most popular such tricks is "passing a coin through a handkerchief." How to learn to do it will become understandable after watching the next video:

To make your speech made the desired impression on the viewer and the surprise was even the simplest tricks, remember several gold rules that observe the experienced illusionists: do not repeat the tricks on the bis, do not tell the technique of their execution and do not warn the viewers about what focus you will do next . So the effect of surprises will be achieved, and the riddle will continue.

Take yourself, tell me friends!

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Interesting and clever skill of the implementation of card focus is at the peak of its development.

Today, anyone can master the tricks of spectacular tricks and learn how to give the public joy and revival. However, this not everyone wants. Many people prefer not to delve into the secrets and secrets of the operations, but simply wish to enjoy the spectacular spectacle and wonder the talents of the magicians. After all, any person, at least an adult, even a child, I want to believe in miracles!

Consider some of the most incredible, but performed by simple focus with cards that are surprised by street magicians and ordinary homemade wizards from the circle of friends and loved ones.

Main requirements for magicians

Even if the truth is just a beginner, without mastering the main technician nothing will happen.

Therefore, first of all, you need to work on the following moments:

  • learn to different types of tackovoy decks, especially false. Very many tricks, from the most simple to complex, are based on the skill imperceptibly leave the deck is not taped. Although it looks like everything looks as if the cards are thoroughly mixed;
  • master the technique of layout of cards by fan, a waterfall, dividing the decks to absolutely equal parts, recalculation in the hands;
  • master the principles of curly false postal posts.

When these rules are brought to automatism performed, the magician can make simple tricks easily and easily, always seeking the desired effect. In addition, with such a base, you can safely move forward and start exploring the subtleties more complex in the performance of focus.

View detailed options for false stacks for any tricks here:

Simple card tricks - amazing and fascinating

Let us give an example of several simple tricks that are very popular and from which many modern famous wizards started their magic career.

Gaying out several cards mysteried by different people. The base is mathematical. Maps laid out exactly so much stacks, how many people have arisen to take part and guess them. An important moment of this trick in the sequence of decomposition of stacks. Strictly clockwise and alternately. We take 4 cards on top of the deck and ask for any of them first person, then the following four with the involvement of the second person and so on. How many people will be, so much stacks on the appropriate number of cards in it (for example, 3 people - we offer three cards and so on). The result of the focus is that when the card is a coup from the pile from above, it is the one that was the audience designed.

A simple and beautiful focus with the maps for beginner wizards, when the viewer chosen by the viewer is placed in any place of the deck, and as a result, it turns out in the expanded fub turning up face among all others. Although the magician did not do almost nothing, just shook the deck in front of the public.

A few more cool and simple focuss with cards:

Since there are many ways to surprise and admire the tricks, we suggest viewing a number of amazing card tricks that relate to the discharge of uncomplicated. And for those who want to perform them independently, you can follow the viewing to learn. You can do this at this link:

Surprise, rejoice and admire the talents of others and do not forget that you can become an excellent magician. Only a desire, patience and training.

To show similar tricks with maps you will need special. Cards with specials. coating. Order these you can