The Evil WitHin 2 assault rifle. Where to find a sniper rifle at the beginning of the game. Where to find the crossing "Guardian"

As B. The Evil WITHIN 2 Something like the open world appeared, then weapons here will have to look for an independently exploring the city of Union. In this guide, we will tell you where to find all weapons in The Evil Within 2.

Where to find a weapon in the Evil WITHIN 2

Crossbow "Guardian"

Probably the most important weapon in The Evil Within 2, because the electric bolts open the doors to some shelters. You can find it almost at the very beginning of chapter 3, in the residential area, after you will find a refuge with O'Neal. Leave from there and head left. Next to the crossroads, behind the White Hummer, the corpse of a soldier is chained by an arbal bolt, and the arbelt himself.


Located inside the house in the central residential area. If you go on a small side track, northeast of asylum O'Neill, then pay attention to the second home on the left, white with a green door, there is still a monster corpses in a bunch. Enter the house, find the hatch leading to the basement, and use the computer to get to the "Network: Arsenal". In the next area, pick up all the rubbers and go further, you will find a cute lady near the elevator, then on the door to the right and on the tunnel there is another gentleman there. In the final room there is a locked door with a wall console, adjust the amplitude and frequency of sound. For this locked door there is an armory warehouse with a box, and it is cut.

Pistol with laser sight

Located in the western part of the residential area, in the parking lot next to the auto repair shop. Jump over the fence and explore the body. It is on Earth, next to a white car.

Sniper rifle

As soon as you leave asylum O'Neill, in a residential area, you will see a building with a brick facade across the road. On the roof of this building there are several dead metabius operatives. There you will find a "broken sniper rifle" that you have to fix. To do this, you need to find spare parts for sniper rifles and workbenches. Fortunately, all this can be found in the barn in near the car repair shop in fact, spare parts lie on the workbench itself. But carefully, next to the barn, an unpleasant monster, calls friends and spits with acid.

Long-life shotgun

This weapon can be found in the business district, in chapter 6. From the shelter of SIM, go south to the cliff, there will be a distortion signal using the radio. You will find a dead officer of Mebius and on its body a warehouse key. After that, you will meet with a multi-headed circular, do not forget to stock up the cartridges. Now go to the post office, it is the first refuge in this chapter, there is a brick building nearby and there is a box with a shotgun. When you go out from the warehouse, do not forget to pass hello.


Located in the plot, after the battle with the boss. That's just a trouble, he is faulty and will remain up to 13 chapters. We need 2 cylinders, which in turn need to take away the defeating two such bosses. In this chapter, they are plenty.

You can find a lot of different weapons hidden throughout the city "Union", and you better find it if you want to be completely ready for large clashes. The structure of the open world in the game is that weapons, ammunition and equipment here in abundance, but for the most part it lies outside the main path of our hero. With a linear passage of many chapters, you can find only basic guns and equipment, but it is worth a little to deviate, spending a couple of hours to study locations, and now the inventory will please the eye even a fallen player. This guide will reduce you while searching and tell you where to find all weapons.

Where to find all weapons in The Evil WITHIN 2

Middle Fight: Knives, Castes and Tops

  • Knife (Survival Knife): He will turn out to be in your shoulder in the course of the second chapter. Used for melee, breaking boxes and hidden murder of enemies.
  • Castete (Brass Knuckles): Allows you to apply very brutal strikes, but with it you can not use the ax. You will get a crack if you pass the game for the complexity "Nightmare".
  • Axes (Hand Axes): This is a disposable weapon that causes great damage, but it breaks away. Axes can be taken away from enemies and find them in the city, they are scattered everywhere very generously. Do not underestimate their power, especially in the early game, when it is worth the cartridges.

Pistols, revolvers and magnums

  • Semi Automatic Pistol (Semi Automatic Handgun): You automatically get it along the second chapter when you leave the house. It will be your main barrel according to the first chapters, the main thing is to be in mind!
  • Gun with a laser pointer (Laser-Sighted Handgun): You will find it in the parking lot in front of the auto repair shop in the "Residential Area". The gun is selected from the corpse, just look for a car with headlights. It is good at the middle distance, the laser pointer helps to shoot more precisely, and the sight is better than that of the ordinary pistol.
  • Silence Pistol (Silenced Handgun): Does not cause big damage, but with it you can lure the enemy where you need only one quiet shit. It is convenient for collecting enemies into one pile. To get this gun, perform an additional rationing mission (Getting Back Online), which you can find in the Business District. After that, in the Syke's Safe House), you can pick up a weapon from an orange box.
  • Automatic Pistol (Burst Handgun): This gun shoots queues, so it will have to aim more accurately. This barrel could only be obtained as a bonus to the pre-order of the game in the "Last Chance" set.
  • Revolver (Revolver): This bad has a good damage, but shooting speed is less than that of a semi-automatic pistol. You must go through the three memories of Anima Flashback: first on Sider-Avenue 336, then the Snatcher "Juke Diner" and, finally, in the location "Network: Labs" (The Marrow: Restricted Labs).
  • Magnum (Magnum): The most powerful firearm in the game. To get it, you need to go through the game at any level of complexity.

Shotguns, trims and doubles

  • SWED-OFF SHOTGUN): Great for close contacts with enemies, where a couple of opponents can immediately hook. It can be found in several locations - outside the "Sider-Avenue 345" (345 Cedar) on the way to "Pete Stop" (The Pit Stop) next to the machine with the included headlights (only at the lowest complexity); In the locations of Treduela (Tredwell Trucking), "Network: Armory" (The Marrow: Armoury) and "Network: Constructions" (The Marrow: Facilities).
  • Shotgun (Full-Barreled Shotgun): This weapon has a big shooting distance, rather than the edge. You can find it south of "Post Plus" in the "Business Area".
  • Double-barrel (Double-Barreled Shotgun): Shoots at once with two cartridges, which turns out in a good damage, but quickly settles the ammunition. To get a double bastard, you first need to pass an additional mission "Last Step" for Juliana Syx. The barrel itself can be found in the location "Network: Experimental Wing" (The Marrow: Experimental Wing).

Snipers, rifles and flamethrower

  • Sniper rifle (sniper rifle): Perfect weapons for demolishing enemy heads and stripping places with a safe distance. We recommend to get it as soon as possible in the third chapter. Anyway, the sniper rifle can be found in chapters 11-13 in the "Business Area" on the roof of the "John's Coffee" (John's Coffee). If you missed this moment, then the next opportunity will be introduced only in the 15th chapter, but then this trunk can lose all its relevance.
  • Assault rifle (Assault Rifle): This rapid rifle becomes accessible closer to the end of the game in chapter 13 in the location "Network: structures". This trunk leaves extremely pleasant impressions from such a quick shooting, but it also quickly burns and cartridges.
  • Flamethrower): Another weapon that can be obtained only towards the end of the game in the 11th chapter. Evil Within 2 delivers a special pleasure and causes a lot of damage, but he strongly limits us in the speed of movement. After you defeat the "precursor" in the 11th chapter, you can get this weapon in the location "Network: Forbidden Area" (The Marrow: Restricted Area). Initially, flamethrower will be broken, so you will have to kill another couple of precursors in the "Business Area" to get spare fuel tanks.

Throwing weapons

  • Crossbow Crossbow (Warden Crossbow): This weapon can be obtained already in the third chapter. The special properties of the bolts for the crossbow lead to the fact that this weapon is better to leave on the bosses.

Other guides

  • Crossbow in The Evil WitHin 2: Where to find how to create bolts and what types of bolts are

In The Evil WitHin 2, you have to collect 15 guns. In this guide, we will tell where to look for them and how to get.

Attention! If you are planning to get achievement " Powerhouse / Forces and funds"(Find all guns), remember that you will have to go through the challenge of a nightmare or in classic mode to get a crack. It turns out that the trophy" Powerhouse / Forces and funds"It is impossible to get a walk and survival on difficulties.

List of weapons (in chronological order):

  • Semi-automatic pistol - Chapter 2
  • Knife - Chapter 2
  • Arbalet Guard - Chapter 3
  • Sniper rifle - Chapter 3
  • Pistol with laser sight - Chapter 3
  • Croc - Chapter 3
  • Revolver - Chapter 3 - 11
  • Pistol with silencer - Chapter 7
  • Long-life shotgun - Chapter 7
  • Double shotgun - Chapter 7 - 13
  • Flamethrower - Chapter 11 - 14
  • Storm rifle - Chapter 13
  • Magnum - for the passage of the game for any complexity.
  • Castet - for the passage of the game on the complexity of a nightmare or in classic mode.
  • Automatic pistol - bonus for pre-ordered. Not required for trophy.

Semi-automatic pistol:

You will receive it automatically in the second chapter. Get it at the exit from the house after escape from the monster with a circular saw. It is impossible to skip (this is your first firearm).

Also, as with a gun, get along the plot in the second chapter.

Arbelt Guard:

You can get it in chapters 3 and 4. After you go out to the street from the shelter at the beginning of the third chapter, turn left on the street and go on the way until you see the armored car. Behind him, you will find the crossbow. There you will find one cartridge for him. It will also be needed to access the shelter in the north of the card.

Sniper rifle:

For the first time you can get this weapon in the 3 chapter. After you come out of the asylum at the beginning of the chapter, look at the highest building on the left across the road. On his roof you will find a broken sniper rifle. Use the staircase on the right side of the building. Having risen through it. You will see a steep staircase that leads to a roof with a sniper. Now go to the northwest corner of the card to find in a separate garage part for the rifle repair. Details will lie on the workbench. Use the workbench to combine parts with a broken rifle and repair it. It can also be obtained later in chapters from 11 to 13 on the roof of the John's Coffee building or in the 15th chapter in the destroyed area of \u200b\u200bthe city.


In Chapter 3, check the parking to the north of the car repair shop to find this pistol. In it improved aiming.


You can find in the 3 chapter in the arsenal mercenary Möbius. During the completion of an additional task, the "unusual signal" (get from about the Nile in the first asylum in 3 chapter), you will get into the car service. Inside very dark and you can listen to the scraps of memories inside with the help of a width for promotion. In the message you will learn It is arsenal under the auto repair shop. Use the power tamblers to turn on the electricity (in the same place where you played the memory). Now you can go down to the gun room if you use the hydraulic elevator switch. Be careful because after you raise The elevator on you from there will attack the enemy locked there.


Complete all 4 Events Flashbek Anima, to get it. Take part in them. If you find certain collectibles. You must find a photo-slide number 2 (Chapter 3), File No. 12 "Women's Diary" (Chapter 3), passage of memories No. 12 (Chapter 7), File No. 32 "Observation of the Pome". See " Guide for all collectible items".

Pistol with silencer:

Give for the completion of an additional task " Again in touch"Chapter 7.

Long-life shotgun:

You can get in chapter 7 and from 11 to 13. A little south of the first shelter in the business district can be noticed by a small hosbler. You can find you and find a long-life shotgun. However, to open in this brick "Sarai", you need a key that is on the corpse in the alley in the very south of location. Watch the video guide to understand where exactly look for the key and hozblock.

Double shotgun:

To get this weapon, you need to complete the additional task " Last step"It is available only if you have completed all the sides in the 7th chapter. At the end" Last Step"You will see a guy sitting in a rescue capsule, and then the room will fill a lot of smoke with him. On this quest ends. We have a room with a rescue capsule and you will find the box of the corner in which there is a double shotgun (zone called" Network: Experimental Wing ") .


Find in chapter 11. First you have to defeat the boss servant. Then raise from his corpse a broken flamethrower. To fix it you need fuel tanks, which can be obtained from the corpses of enemies of the servants. Several of them will meet in a business district.

Assault rifle:

In the 13th chapter in the shelter called "Network: Production Rooms". You can find at the very beginning of the chapter. You will see the assault rifle right in front of your own eyes as soon as the chapter starts. Skip is very difficult.


Reward for the passage of the game for the first time on any complexity.

Brass knuckles:

Award for the passage of the game on the complexity of a nightmare or in classic mode.

Automatic pistol:

This is a weapon from the bonus for pre-orders. If you predicted the game, then get the code on this gun. However, to get trophy " Powerhouse / Forces and Means"It is not required.

Survival knife (Survival Knife)

A large hunting knife that is suitable for the secret murder of enemies in the near battle (you need to approach the enemy from behind). You will receive it when passing the main plot in the second chapter. It will be pursued by a monster with a rotating blade. When the second chase begins, you will reach the red corridor. On the other hand, the enemy will appear, which will throw a knife in you. You will be able to dodge the throw, take a knife and leave this area safely and safe. Now you will be able to kill monsters with a knife.

Semi-Automatic Handgun (Semi-Automatic Handgun)

Another plot weapon that cannot be missed. At the end of chapters 2, a few minutes after receiving the knife, you will fall into a small house. Before getting out of it, the hero will take the gun from the bedside table, standing near the door.

Tops (Hand Axes)

This cold weapon refers to consumables, as it breaks after the first application. However, it can replace the knife in the near battle. You can find them as well as most other game items - just pick up axes from the ground. These toporists can also be taken away from enemies. For example, monsters flying in the northeast of Asylum O'Neal (O'Neal) to such a weapon.

Arbalet (Warden Crossbow)

The first wardrifier crossbow can be found in the southwestern side of the residential area (Residential Area). You will be able to get here almost at the very beginning of the game. During chapter 3, when you finally get in the Union (Union), you will be given a goal - to get into the refuge of O'Neill.

When you leave a safe home and make a few steps to the road, a short cat-scene will begin, in which it will be shown as "Union" falls apart. At this stage, just go down the street until its end. If you raise your communicator, you will find the fallen operative of the Mebius. When checking a map, you will see that weapons are located near this agent. Crossets can be found right behind the White Hamvie (Humvee), not far from the subject, similar to the road harmony. He lies on a gray box next to a dead agent. You also find one shock bolt here, which we recommend that you keep to combat bosses.

The crumple of the warder can be modified at special versts that are located in shelters. As soon as you choose weapons and collect enough of its additional details, you will be able to improve the crossbow. We advise you to reduce the time required for recharging, as well as increase the rapidness, ammunition and power. In addition, it is worth finding an upgrade based on the skills of the main character. To do this, head to Sebastian's room (broken mirror, not far from the shelter) and sit on the chair at the end of the corridor.


When performing a challenge to track the voice source of a girl with the help of the communicator, you will find yourself in the residential area. This is the starting area of \u200b\u200bthe gaming world. After meeting with the operative of Mebius and finding the first asylum to the north to the side track. Go along this road and go to the second home on the left side, where you will find another operative lying right in front of the building. Enter the inside of the White House (322 Cedar Ave) and go through the door to the right of you. In the next room, go along the left edge to another room. Go through the new door and find the hatch, which leads to the basement.

On the lower floor you will find a small dispatching. Come to the computer on the table and use it to go to the bone marrow: Armory (Marrow: Armory). In the next area there is only one place where you can go - to another computer. Use it to get into a new room. Crosson (shotgun) is located at the end of this last building. To gain access to it, it is necessary to go down on the other side of the first room, pass through the door to the left of the elevator, the tunnel will be involved in the tunnel, take advantage of another door and finally adjust the amplitude and frequency on the console. Behind the door that opens through the console is a weapon warehouse. In the corner of the weapon on the ground lies a case with a crop. Having received this weapon, you can check it up upgrades and characteristics in refuge.

Pistol with laser sight (Laser-Sightd Handgun)

The first cannon with a laser sight can be found in a residential area. It is here that you will fall when the third chapter passing. At some point, you will need to track the location of Mebius member. He will lead you to the first shelter.

Get out of this safe room and head to the northwest. In this area you will find a wide street approaching the edge of the map. Follow it until you reach the store of auto parts. You will see it from afar, as bright neon signs are installed on it. Next to this shop, find the closed parking lot, surrounded by the fence from the chains.

Pour through the metal fence and find the body near the white truck. Come to the corpse to find a weapon. At that moment, the monster with unique acrobatic skills can attack you. The gun will still lie on the ground, so you can pick it up and immediately attack the monster. Then we advise you to modify this weapon to improve its characteristics.

Sniper rifle (sniper rifle)

In fact, you will find a broken sniper rifle, so prepare for the fact that in the future you will have to fix it. So, after the start of chapter 3 and visiting the shelters in a residential area, turn the camera to the left side. You will notice a two-story building of the brick. On his right side there is a ladder at which you can go upstairs. Here you will find a few yellow ladies that lead to the roof. Keep climb until you reach the roof. Then turn to the left side and go to the edge. You will notice the dead body belonging to the Mesbius's operative, next to which the non-working sniper rifle will lie.


To get the flamethrough, it is necessary to deal with the boss, with which you will come across at the end of the eleventh chapter. True, this weapon will be broken and you will not be able to use it until you reach the thirteenth chapter.

In Chapter 13, you have to defeat two hipsters (Harbinger) to get fuel tanks for flamethrough. One of them is not far from the starting shelter, and the second - south of the shelter next to the diner. The harbingers are easy to detect - they are psychos in masks with flamethroughs.

By killing two of these opponents, you can finally collect a worn flamethrower. Be sure to take it to the next chapter and use them when they battle with Laura (Laura) to achieve "I'll deal with you personally" (I'll Take You Down MySelf).

What a weapon to download

How to improve weapons?

For the upgrade of your weapon will be needed. We also need armory parts. You can find one such workbench in the offices of Sebastian Castellanosa and in other refuge scattered through the game world. As for weapons, they can be lying on Earth and various objects right under the open sky, and sometimes fall out of opponents or be hidden inside the boxes (containers) that can be opened or destroyed.

As in the case of any other subject in The Evil Within 2, the number of weapons is limited. That is why their proper use is high. If you see a brilliant item, then pick it up. Soon you will collect enough details for the upgrade. When this happens, the time will find out what exactly pumping is best. And on this occasion, we have some tips.

Upgrade as early as possible

Very long, throughout the early stages, I believed that we would expect precious details of weapons on the improvement of a gun that appears in The Evil Within 2 from the beginning, will be irrational. Why spending this subject to improve almost the weakest weapons in the game?

Believing so, I was wrong - do not delay the time and purchase the upgrade immediately as soon as possible.

Each arms upgrade that you do is associated with all weapons of the same category. In fact, improving the usual gun, you buy upgrades for explosive, pistol with silencer or laser sight. The same applies to the category of shotguns - edged, double-barreled, long-life.

Thus, try to update the weapons as early as possible. But what exactly? Good question!

Improve the weapon that you most use

The Evil Within 2 allows you to take the game at your discretion. If you want to act secretly, then just wonderful. If you love with the cries of "Hurray" run on the crowd of monsters - Well, your business! It turns out that the weapon you decide to upgrade depends on your game style.

If you often use a pistol, then focus on pumping it. If you are a big chip fan, then spend the part of the weapon to the category of shotguns. The same applies to shooting from the crossbow "Guard". Although in the latter case it is worth recognizing that the upgrades of this weapon almost do not justify themselves. In other words, invest weapons in that weapon, the trigger of which is under your index finger.

There is another huge plus in this. If you start to distribute items in all categories of weapons, you will soon find that we spend precious resources on those tools that never use at all. An excellent example will be a sniper rifle. How many times have you already managed to take advantage of the game? It is very powerful, but limited to use (especially inside buildings). Best investments in the game will be pistols and shotguns.

Council. Choose your favorite weapon and update it as soon as possible. Especially a pistol. Pistols and shotguns (especially the last), contrary to the default, not so powerful as I would actually like. That is why basically bought upgrades will have important importance in survival. In addition, without going into the details of our next guide, dedicated to the location of the weapon, frankly emphasize - there will be a considerable amount of time before you get a new weapon.

One of the best types of weapons in The Evil WitHin 2 is a sniper rifle. It is ideal for sighting firing on medium and distant distances, and is vital to eliminate enemies, while remaining relative to the safe distance.

Unfortunately, the working sniper rifle will appear only closer to the final game, but you can get it almost at the very beginning in chapter 3. The problem is only in one - it is broken. But we know how to fix it.

Where to find a sniper rifle at the beginning of the game

At the beginning of the 3 chapters, as soon as you are ready to leave the safe, try quietly pass through the residential area. You are looking for an alley between the center for guests and the Jason Franklin restaurant. Check with the card.

Climb the stairs to get to the roof, where you will find a "lost opponent." There is a "broken sniper rifle" and the cartridges for it. Name the corpse and find a communicator who will tell where to move on. The mark will appear on the map.

When you get to the place, prepare for meetings with opponents. One of the opponents will be a "stroller", you will not be able to defeat it, so you need to quickly run to the "shed".

Inside the barn, you will find the workbench on which you can make parts for a broken sniper rifle. After repair, you will receive a fully working sniper rifle.