Fascinating solitaires. Rules of the game Solitaire Kosyanka Single Card Solitales and Rules Game


In the old days the main goal of the layout of solitaire was the desire to pass long evenings. Now it is one of the few entertainment designed for a secluded room. Solitales allow a person to distract from the urgent problems, restless thoughts. This is the same game card, only without a partner.

According to legend, the solitaires appeared in France during the reign of King Charles V, and since then they remain interesting for many. The last statement to someone may seem wrong, however, if the solitaires no longer occupy a wide range of people, then why then in all Windows systems included "Kosyanka", "Soliter" and "Spider"? And besides these, there are still a number of solitaires in the form of computer application applications.

Why did the solitaires have not lost their relevance to this day? This question can be given a variety of answers, but the fact remains a fact: solitairees are popular and in our time, not only simple, but also ancient complex. For example, "damn solitaire" or the famous "Solitaire Anna Alekseevna". With their situation, not only patience is required, but also attention, a strict mathematical calculation and a fair share of imagination.

This section of the books provide simple solitaires. They already exist in the form of application programs, and they can be easily located not only with the help of regular maps, but also on the computer.

It was observed that during the decomposition of cards, unexpected, sometimes brilliant thoughts and non-standard solutions come to mind.

This book describes both simple and complex solitaires. Having learned to spread them, you will forget about boredom, as well as develop mathematical abilities and fantasy.

Simple solitairees


A full deck of 52 cards must be put on 6 cards with horizontal rows in each (Fig. 1). Maps of one suit or one dignity shift to the right left if they lie near or through one card. Thus, the entire ribbon of solitaire gradually moves from the bottom row to the top, shifting to the left.

The collected maps move in a stack, the upper card in the stack continues to play. The vacant place is filled by shifting the remaining cards to the left side. Solitaire fell as if all the cards are collected in one stack.

Fig. 1. "Bayan"

"Two by two"

The table is put a full deck of cards. It takes 4 cards from it and lay out pictures up (Fig. 2). If there are 2 cards of the same suit, they are covered with 2 cards from the deck. Solitaire fell asleep if the cards in the deck ended.

Fig. 2. "Twice two"


For the defold of this solitaire, you will need a deck of 32 cards and both Joker. From the deck you need to remove the aces and put them in the top row of the picture up. The remaining cards are taucked and lay out the same way up, in 5 rows. Each row should be 6 cards (Fig. 3). Only free cards can shift, that is, those that lie on top of the stack and all of the fifth row. Maps are shifted in descending order, alternating black and red suit. For example, on a dozen tambourine, you can put a nine peak or treph, on nine peak - eight tambourine or worm. Free maps are shifted on the aces in the ascending order only in the suit. If a joker turned out to be a free map, it can be left in the reserve and use at the right moment. Joker replaces any card any one. For example, a joker can be put on nine worms, which in this case will play the role of eight peak or treph. It is permissible to use two joker at once. If there was a place occupied by some column in the process of shifting cards, you can put a free map there. Solitaire was descended, if all the cards in the rising order lie on the aces, that is, at first ace, then six, seven, eight, etc. to the king.

Fig. 3. "Joker"

"Christmas trees"

For the defold of this solitaire, you will need a deck in 52 cards. Of these, you need to post two "Christmas trees", each of which should be 16 cards (Fig. 4). The remaining deck is tausal and take from it on one map. If in one of the "Christmas trees", regardless of the suit, there is a free map on one point less or more taken from the deck, then both cards are transferred to a separate stack. Thus, other game cards "Christmas trees" are moved into it. Solitaire fell asleep if the "Christmas tree" disassembled before the cards ended in the deck.

Fig. 4. "Christmas trees"

"A wish"

In solitaire use two full decks of 52 cards, which need to be decomposed horizontally in 8 stacks of 12 cards (Fig. 5).

The top card opens: it will serve as an "index". Below you need to position more - 8 stacks on 1 card. Of these, maps will be shifted to places located above the maps - "indexes." The value of each overlay card must be per unit greater than the value of the map - "index", that is, it is necessary to put a twice on the ace, etc. Do not matter. When all possible combinations are exhausted, you need to decompose in the lower row of the map - "indices". Solitaire is assembled, if all the cards other than the cards are "indexes", regardless of the suit, are collected on 8 bases in the ascending sequence.

Fig. 5 "Desire"


The deck of 36 cards decompose in 4 stacks in this way: in the first stack - 4 cards, in the second - 3 cards, in the third - 2 cards, in the fourth - 1 card. Upstairs leave a place for four bases to which the cards will be collected (Fig. 6). Nearby you need to put a deck with maps left after the scenario.

Fig. 6. "Carlton"

The maps are shifted from the stack into the stack in the descending order, alternating the colors of the masters. That is, at the beginning of the base there must be ace, then a twice, triple, etc. When there are no cards for shifting, you need to take them from the deck. Solitaire is considered collected if all the cards lie on four bases.


For this solitaire you will need a deck of 36 cards. They need to be shirt up in 4 rows of 8 cards in each, leaving places for the aces.

Increased cards are pile nearby (Fig. 7). Next charge the map from this stack. For example, it is a gear tambourine. It must be put on the third row on the first position. Lying at this place the map turns out, say, eight tambourine. It should be shifted on the third row in the third place and, in turn, to open the map here. If this is ace, it is shifted to the end of a number of suitable suit, after which you can again take a map of a separate stack.

Fig. 7. "Coco"


Maps (36 sheets) need to be decomposed on the stacks - 4 side and 1 central (Fig. 8).

Red and black suit alternate. Maps are put in the central stack ascending - they must follow the ace, and in the remaining stacks - descending. For the released places shift any cards from the reserve. From there they take them in the event that the main dignity cards are not in the main stacks. Solitaire fell asleep if all the cards "moved" to the central pile or lie on the "Well Dn."

Fig. 8. "Well"


The deck of 52 cards should be decomposed on 7 stacks in this way: in the first stack there should be 1 card, in the second - two, in the third - three, etc. (Fig. 9). You can shift open cards or groups of cards collected in the descending order by value. Black and red suit alternate. First they collect aces and put them on four bases, then collect cards on suit, starting with twos and older. After transferring the next card to the adjacent stack or the base below the card is open, and it becomes gaming. If the stack is completely disassembled, or the collected group of cards or the king is put on it. When all possible moves are made, you can take cards from the deck of three. At the same time, the game is considered the top card, and if it is suitable for transferring to the base, the next one opens. It is believed that Solitaire was descended, if all the cards from the deck are assembled at the upward order on four bases.

Fig. 9. "Kosyanka"


For solitaire, two decks of 52 cards will be required. Of these, the aces are chosen and put them in the center in two rows located vertically - each four bases (Fig. 10). They will need to shift the cards in the increasing order, regardless of the table. On the left side of the bases lay a vertical series consisting of 4 stacks. The right lay out exactly the same row, too, of 4 stacks. For moving, only the game cards use - the top of each stack. The cards are shifted from the stack into the stack in an upward order: the ace is placed on the ace, the top is three, etc. Solitaire was kept if all the cards were lying on the grounds regardless of the table.

Fig. 10. "Kings"

Solitaire "Kosyanka" got its name due to the fact that at the beginning of the game cards fold out in the form of a rectangular triangle or shim. This solitaire uses one deck out of 52 cards. Every suit must be folded into the stack in order, starting with the ace and ending with the king. This is a very exciting lesson for leisure.

ATTENTION! This is an updated version of the game. It is made using HTML5 technology, so you can play not only on a desktop PC or laptop, but also on a tablet or smartphone. Old flash version of the game is available.

How to play - rules

We have a row of seven pile of cards. In the first pile - one card, each subsequently added one more. Only the top is open. The remaining deck is under the top. When the moves end, the deck is removed on one card, any of them can be entered into the game. If the deck is over, it turns over and opens again. Now about how to make moves. You can only put a smaller map on the big one. At the same time, red and black suit must be alternating. If there is ace, it is better to immediately drop up and then collect this suit in order. On the free field you can shift only the king.

Now about how to make moves. You can only put a smaller map on the big one. At the same time, red and black suit must be alternating. If there is ace, it is better to immediately drop up and then collect this suit in order. On the free field you can shift only the king.

If you feel when disassembling this solitaire is already very confident, try to complicate the task a little. Switch in the settings for passing cards from a deck from one to three. Disassemble the kosynka will become more difficult.

  • At the very beginning of the game, you can change the alignment and choose the most profitable by clicking on the card fuel from the bottom left.
  • If there is a free field and the king fell into the deck, do not hurry to spread it, make sure first that it is described.
  • From the dropped stacks you can take the top card and return to the game if it is useful.

One complete is taken deck and disclosure Veyras - three fans at eight kart And four fans of seven cards. purpose solitaire - Collect everyone cards On one of the fans. Top cards Fero ...


From one deck in 52 cards Allocate nine cards, starting from the ace, twos, troika and ending with the nine. These nine cards, diligently shuffling, lay out in 3 rows of 3 cards In each row. Put them in so that from all sides 3 cards concluded numbers ...


From the full decks are postponed with a separate stack of 13 cards, the upper open is a reserve. Next to the stack are placed 4 open cards, beginner working columns, to the right of the series of these 4 kart put horizontally another open card in ka ...


From one full deck laying three rows of three cards As auxiliary. To the left of them subsequently put basic aces, on the right - the basic two. Everything cards It must be placed on the basic ...


Classical solitaire With wide combinational capabilities. Applied deck Of 52 cards. First lay out four aces - one under another in any order. To the right of each aceave free space (window) for OD ...

King Albert.

One complete deck kart disclosure On 9 columns: in the first 9 cards, in the second - 8 and further to the ninth row, in which - 1 map. 7 kart reserve. Everything cards Open. purpose games - free ame And add rise to them ...


Layout of this ancient solitaire For more than 100 years. Solitaires of this type are distinguished by the fact that from the very beginning cards In sight and the solution depends mainly on the ability to calculate the moves much forward ...

Small piano

Solitaire is also known as Klondike. Output cards on seven vertical rows: in the first seven cards, in the second - six, in the third - five, etc. Bottom cards Open each row. Rest deck in hand. purpose games — ...


Not very accurate historical sources bind this solitaire With the name of Metternich. From the full deck eliminate kings, then put seven open kart in the form of horseshoe. They are used as auxiliary, in ...


Deep from 52. kart stirred thoroughly and start to spread one map From left to right with pictures up. If you turn out to be near cards one masty., right map removes from a number (in the example such cards marked with an asterisk). If it happens so that cards one ma ...

From apartments

From a well-reassened deck in 52 cards lay on the table six kart crap up. Under this first, the first row is put in the same way and, finally, one card under both rows. Then...


Take one a deck in 52. cards And 1 ace is taken out of it, 2 twins, 1 triple, 2 fours, 1 six and 1 eight. These cards They are placed on the table as follows: ace, twice, triple and four. Under each of these four kart Put the card having a double value ...

Sir Tommy

The oldest solitaire perhaps the oldest one of the famous. It is sometimes called - the old solitaire. One full deck is used, which is kept closed in hand, turning around the card alternately. When ace appears, putting it off ...


Lay out 51 cards on three cards Fan, the last put separately. For permutations you can use the upper cards Each fan. They shift each other in rank: lady to lady, Troik ...


One complete a deck We must decompose on 17 open groups of three cards. One open map placed separately. purpose games - Liberation of aces and picking up on them in the upstream line kart This masty.. Free ame Immediately use as basic cards ....


Laying of this simple ancient solitaire - The process is purely mechanical, which does not require special skills. Deep from 52. kart Thusuit and lay out on 13 groups, 4 cards Each picture down. one...

Solitairees are the type of card game for one player. Solitaire has become one of the standard entertainment of the well-known operating system. There are extensions on 52 and 36 cards, the article will describe several species of the game and the rules are given how to decompose solitaire (36 cards).

Solitairees are a wonderful way to relax and pass the time. There are not only playing, but also layouts. Although in this way you can get from the cards only the answers "Yes / No" on very simple questions.

How to decompose Solitaire "Kosyanka" from 36 cards

"Kosyanka" is one of the most popular and well-known solitairees around the world. This type of scenario was included in the standard set of games in the universally used operating system. The rules of the defold are extremely simple.

For the scenario, the decks of 36 and 52 cards use. To decompose solitaire (36 cards), as in each other card game you need to know the rules. There is a variant of a large part of 104 cards from two decks (52 cards). For such an option of the game, 10 rows lay out, to play one deck in 52 - 6 rows, for a conventional playing deck (36 cards) rows reduce to 5. Card display is carried out by a shirt up. The first row is laid out on 1 card in each column, in the 2nd layout on the map only in 5 columns, in the third - in 4 and so on. The last map in each column turn the face up.

The remaining maps are postponed and used when the displacement options are ends. You can overlete a deck by three cards. Active is considered to be extreme in the troika, you can only take the middle after the next to the player. In a large scenario, it is possible to shod a deck only once, in the defold on 36 cards, the use of coupon cards (from the deck) is not limited. To simplify the game, beginners can take from the coupon on the same map.

Rules of the game (36 cards), how to spread Solitaire "Kosyanka":

  1. Aces serve as a base for collecting decks by masters. At the opening of the ace, it is postponed separately, the further collection of suit is carried out on ascending, from less to more.
  2. After moving the active column card, the next must be turned over to face up.
  3. You can only post on a friend in playing columns. Only cards of different colors, such as peaks on worms, or tambourine on the baptism.
  4. The layout of cards in columns is carried out in the descending direction - from the king to six.
  5. The king of any suit can be moved with all the stack at the place of the liberated column.

That's all the rules. Solitaire is considered unfolded when all the cards are collected on the aces corresponding Masty.

How to decompose solitaire "spider" for 36 cards

For solitaire "Spider" rarely use a playing deck. It is possible to lay it with one, two or four masters. For the game take 2 or 4 decks immediately, depending on the desired complexity.

Step-by-step instructions for 4 decks on 36 cards, how to decompose Solitaire "Spider":

  1. Share cards of 6 pieces in the first 4rd rows and 5 pieces in the rest. A total on the playing table should be 54 cards.
  2. Last row lay out face up - these are active cards.
  3. The remaining 80 cards can be folded with a coupon, and you can lay out in the side of 8 lines 10 cards with a shirt up.
  4. Maps unfold up to each other in order from the older to the younger one. Ace is considered the youngest map!
  5. If no options for moving cards are no longer left, you need to take one of the deferred limies and lay out on one map face up on each row in the game.
  6. You can move any card or a continuous combination to the place of the empty column, starting with the older.
  7. If in the column it turns out to collect the sequence from the king to the ace of one suit, this combination is removed with a stacker away from the scenario. The goal of the game is to free the field from the cards.

You can play and fewer decks, then the number of rows also need to be reduced. So, for 3 decks (36 cards) you need to make 8 columns, one half of which is 7 cards and the second - 6 pieces. Play smaller deck is not so interesting.

"Babushkin Singing"

Very simple, but an interesting option of solitaire from 36 cards. A deck is laying out in 3 identical columns from fans of 3 cards, as shown in the photos below. The goal of the game is to collect the sequences of each suit from the ace to the six.

The active card is considered the top in each fan. The aces dropped immediately lay out on the sidelines. Only the cards of one dignity can be put on each other, but their number in Ferra should not exceed four pieces. In a dead-end situation, the deck is collected, they interfere and decompose again along the top three. Solitaire is considered collected if combinations are folded in three distributions.

Solitaire "Pyramid"

"Pyramid" is a very simple way to decompose solitaire (36 cards). You need to mix the deck and lay out 9 rows of 4 cards, the latter in the column of the top view. Next, you need to look for a couple of the same dignity of cards, such pairs are dropped out of the scenario, and the cards are open under them. With places of empty columns, nothing can be done. The alignment is considered folded if all cards are dropped out.

Rules for fortune telling on maps

It is no secret that the cards can open the future. How to put solitairees - fortune telling of 36 cards? There are several simple accepts and demands to the deck for divination. You can not guess playing cards. To the deck should not touch other people's people. It is better to keep several sets of cards, one - for personal needs, the second is for fortune telling. You should not ask questions cards in a bad or depressed mood.

Each fortified deer must have its own storage location, for example, a beautiful velvet bag. You should not ask all questions for one alignment, many answers will not even approximately faithful. It is also not necessary to seek the help of cards on trifles and ask the same question twice. The most accurate layouts are made for a period of no more than 3 months.

Desire alignment

There are very simple fortuneal solitaires (36 cards) at a desire. How to lay one of them is described below. Before the beginning of the defold it is worth holding a deck in hand, thinking about his desire. Then it is good to mix the deck and lay out two cards with a shirt close up next to each other. The remaining cards equally unfold in 2 rows of a look at the top, to start the alignment is necessary from the last laid out.

The first four is considered, if there is one in each column on the map of one nominal, they are postponed to the side, attention passes to the next four. For example, in the first column there is a nine peak, and in the second nine the cross, they can be located opposite each other or diagonally. Ultimately, two cards should be left up and two - a shirt up. The desire will come true if the paired cards are in the same column. If the alignment goes to a deadlock earlier or the same cards at the par value will be in different columns, we should not expect the execution of the intention.

Solitaire "Vorozhba"

"Vorozhba" is another way how to decompose solitaire (36 cards) at a desire. It is necessary to make a desire and mix the deck. The cards are laying up with a shirt up in 5 stacks of 7 pieces, the last - open. An open card becomes a plans.

Next, the stacks must be sequentially open on one map. The suit that does not coincide with the mandated, and the card is worth less than 10 any suit are cleaned of solitaire. For example, the last card fell to the baptism, the stack opens until a dozen, currencies, lady, king or ace to the beast are found. The action is repeated with each column. Found and not open cards are collected from the end - from the last to the open, the deck is declined by 4 columns without stirring. The entire sequence of moves is repeated until 5 cards remain in the hands. Solitaire was descended, if all five cards of the speculated suit and dignity above 10. In any other case, there are obstacles to the execution of desire.

Solitaire "Loves - Don't Love": Laying

When the deck ends, the remaining cards are collected in order from the last one posted to the first. Then the alignment is carried out on 5 cards in two rows, not interfering. Actions repeat sequentially, reducing the number of cards in a row to two.

Solitaire "loves - does not like": interpretation of the result

The result of divination depends on the number of remaining steam on the table. If two cards remained - you can order a dress and look for comfortable wedding shoes. Two innocent couples talk about a strong feeling, three - about interest, four point to a longing of a young man on gadgetting, five pairs mean an easy interest, six to betray. If seven or more couples left on the table - the solitaire did not come up, you need to try to decompose it again.

- This is a game for 2-3 people whose goal is to decompose the deck of cards by masters faster than the opponent. The game involves a deck of 52 cards.

Another name of Solitaire "Kosyanka" -, but it is less common in our country.


  • The condition of victory is to decompose the maps of masters in the right order (ranging from the ace and ending with the king)
  • The maximum time of one session is 4 minutes
  • The black card can be shifted only on red, red - on black. The rank of the lower card should be higher. Example: Red six can be put on a black seven
  • A player can move not only one card, but a whole group of cards. The top card in the stack at the same time should be lower in rank of that card to which it is going to put. Also, she must have the opposite color
  • If there is an empty place on the playing field, you can move the king card or group of cards with the king, which stands on the top of the group
  • The game does not end when one of the players finished laying the solitaire. Other players give 15 seconds to gain as many points as possible. After that, the game ends and points the points
  • If 4 minutes have expired, and none of the players decomposed solitaire, victory is awarded to someone who scored the most points
  • If the player does not see the exit from the current gaming situation, it can surrender. To do this, click the "Rent" button. Also, the game can end, if the Player has no accessible moves. In two these cases, the remaining players have 15 seconds to score more points or finish the party
  • The player can get additional cards from a stack located on a playing field. From the deck of the card comes one
  • The maximum number of participants at one table - 3 people, but two can play

Accrual system points

20 points receives a player who will first move a certain map in "House". The remaining players who found the same card receive 10 points.

Example: the ace first found and moved to the house "Player 1". He earns 20 points. When the remaining players find ace, they get 10 points.