Reveught triad. Guild thieves Skyrim Regenerated Triad Bag

The last two dozen years of the case of the guild of thieves are just awful. Almost every step of her members pursue failures, and their number is steadily reduced. They say that the highest strengths enjoy the curse on the guild ...

Look at each stone

The guild is based in Riften. There I was listed when during the plot task " Diplomatic inviolability I found an unusual gem. Exactly the same is in the shelter of the dark fraternity, for example, and this is not all. A task appeared in the section Miscellaneous. In Riphethen, I met a sledgehammer, who immediately smiled that the stone was stolen and suggested showing it the ventures, the buyer of the guild. But for this you need to become her full member. To do this, we need to talk to the brignolf, the task will begin Casual meeting.
When you finally take in the thieves guild, the Vesks will tell you that there are "Stones of Barenzia", \u200b\u200bwhich were stolen by one thief and distributed throughout Skyrim. Vex will buy only a complete set, 24 pieces. Description of the location of each pebble can be found. But the map:

Also appeared, adding a marker for each stone. It will be easier to look for!
After you find all 24 stones, the bulk will send you to Torvald's cave in search of the Crown of Barenzia. The number of oily trolls in the cave and the surrounding area is offshore. Falmers live in the depths of the cave. Go to Torvald's cave - emptiness. From there in Torvald Cave - Crossroads. Here you will immediately meet the ghost of Refugees from Morrowind, next to the skeleton of which lies a shabby diary. Such diaries and skeletons are three, and the third you will most likely find the second earlier. The crown lies with the remains of Danmer Caravan, under the protection of the ghost elf. Take the crown of the bill, it will appear on a bust, wherever all other your trophies are.

For completing the task you get an enlarged chance to find precious stones! They are very convenient to sell, not to mention the possibility of doing dear decorations.

Casual meeting
Actually the entry into the thieves guild.
In the afternoon, you will definitely find a brignolf on the market in the rift. Of course, just so he will not tell you anything. While the entrepreneur distracts attention, you must rob the Modezi, take his ring and put in the chest under the brand-neck. In the Russian version, by the way, everything is confused ... besides, I had a bug when the ring turned out to be Modezi himself, then the pointer showed that I stole it again from the Modezi box, and only then put a brand neck in the chest, and Then his copy him in his pocket! In short, full Abrakadabra. Perhaps it happened because I simultaneously performed the tasks of the "rat, drove into the angle" and the "random meeting".
P.S. You can watch the arrest of Brand Neck, which has already been promptly reported by guard.

Reliable roof

Brinolf will wait for you in the tavern of the "brown flask". He is impressed with your fighting, like strange, qualities. So that you finally accepted in the guild, you will have to beat the debt of three people, while not killing anyone.
Their names are:

  • Helga
  • Bercy honey hand
  • Kirva

You enter into a dialogue, choose the option that the fight says. We defeat, speak again and that's it.
How ridiculous looks like local fistboats look ...
Bring money to Brinolf.


Follow the brignolf. Listen to his conversation with Mercer Freme. Now you are officially accepted. You will be sent to the estate Zlatocevet, you must burn three bees hives and clean the safe to remind you who is the owner here. You will also receive several tasks in the section Miscellaneous, to familiarize yourself with the guild bonuses. You will give corporate armor, save it! You can learn from the Waist about the secret passage in the estate through the collector. Safe is located in the basement at home, you can smoke the key if you want. In the host room you can find a statuette of the bee, which will be happy to buy Delwein Mellory, a task will appear in the section Miscellaneous.
Then go out onto the street and adjust exactly 3 hiles. They can also climb themselly via the collector.
You can return to the brignolf.

Wrong honey
You need to meet with the Yaval Maven's black heather, most likely she sticks out in the tavern "bee and sting." She will send you to Waitran, in the institution called "Garceing Maul". Talk there with Malya Makius. Now go to Honning's medical worn, which is near Waitran, and talk to her Sabornian owner. It will hire you to destroy rats. Go down to the basement, you need to break through the underground stroke. There will be not only Zlookrys, but also spiders, and also had an alchemist named Hayymlin. Place the poison in the straw nest and move on to enter the Honnign Varnice. Relieve upstairs and build poison in Chan. Take the key near the door and choose out. Report Sabjorn about successful grass etals. Enjoy the spectacle. Talk to Malliam. Close the stairs to the second floor and clean the Sabornna Dresser. Also there you can find a decanter with Honning honey, which will be happy to buy Delwin Mellory with you. Return to Mavent to pay documents and get a reward. Return to Brignolf in the thieves guild.

Caprice Rotary
Talk to Mercer Freme. He will send you to the coherent, and also suggests to talk to the Brignolf.
In Solitude, talk to Gulum-ah, which will most likely be in a "laughing rat". Be sure to bring it up. Then follow the Argonian to the warehouse of the Eastern Imperial Company on the Pier. Fake the guards. You can get up, on cabinets with shelves. If you look up to the ship near the ship, see the house on the ledge. Inside there is a maritime map of the Eastern Imperial Company, which can be sold Delwin Mellari. Gulum-ah will enter the grotto salty water. You can safely kill Marauders, except Glum-Aya himself. He will tell you about the employer and will give me on the estate "Zlatocevet". Return to the Mercer in the thieves guild. He will tell about Colly.
P.S. A task will appear in the section Miscellaneous. You have kept your thieves?

Conversation with silence
Mercer Frey will wait for you in a snowy curtain. After talking, go to the door. Mercer will open the castle. My bug happened to me - the castle did not open, and Mercer was beamed with the wall. Solution - fast movement to the same location from the card. The number of treasses and traps inside is rapid. At times, Mercer will give you tips. By closer to the end of the first level, you can find the ship model that can sell Delwin. In the sanctuary it will be approximately also, and at the end you will explore the word strength of the scream "Disarmament". You will see the unexpected simplicity of opening the castle, which for yourself without claws in life would not be opened. Enjoy the spectacle!

Difficult responses
After the conversation, go to Winterhold and find the entor. Alas, Gaul's diary can not translate, as he is written in the rarest language - Falmersky. You will need to go to the Podcast Fortress of Marcage to Colelmo. He will ask you to kill the pacheichu Nichid in the ruins of Ncunda-Gold. On the way will begin a side task Missing expedition. Then he will give you the key to the museum of the coulemen, right there, in the replacement fortress. From there get to the laboratory Colelmo. You can use traps in your favor. They are activated by valves and levers. In the room with the son of Maga Aincantar there is a dormant cube puzzle, which can be sold Delwin. Go to the balcony of the wizard of Marcard. Use the Kolselmo stone there.
To copy the inscriptions, you need a roll of paper and coal, which is provided in the room. Select outward and come back to the "frozen hearth" in Winterhold, Carlia and the entry are already waiting for you. The enthir will be able to translate the diary, talk to him and with Carly in turn. As a reward, get a nightingale blade.

The pursuit Go to Rift in the "Brown Flag". Carlia will wait at the entrance, follow her in the tank. Watch the scene, then talk to the brignolf. He will send you to be seized by Frey Mercer.
Also, he (additionally) can tell about a dog from the inside of the house. By the way, you can open it not only onions, but also magic.
(Additionally) you can ask Valde's bulk. She will talk about his debt Maven black heather. The Miscellaneous section will appear specifying it. It turns out that Wald lost the dual pen unique in its properties when sailed through the lake. You need to get it from there. Remember Morrowind Was the task to get a ring from the bottom of the big puddle? So, compared to the survey of Lake Honrik, it was mega simply. However, I also managed to find a pen if you are too lazy to do it yourself, here are screenshots:

Return to Maven, she will give you the documents about Wald's debt. Now he will be happy to miss you and give the key. And indeed, why kill people do absolutely? By the way, if he attacks you, the simplest spell of calm (illusion) will help

One way or another, you get into the estate "Rifttenweld". Inside you are waiting for marauders. For the "suspicious cabinet" hides the passage you need. Look under your feet. On the table you will find a Mercer Plan, as well as a bust of a gray fox who can be sold Delwin to the guild. And also on the shop window - hello from Oblivion! - Glass sword of a unique blue color "cooler"! Return to Brignolf.

Reed Triad.
Talk to Carlya. Go to the meeting place at the standing stone. After the conversation, go to the nightingale hall. There you will need to use the stone of nightingale armor. Jump the resulting kit and follow Carlya. It is impossible to refuse to bring an oath - you will be doomed after death to protect the twilight tomb ... That's the prospects. Become a circle marked. After the initiation, talk to Carlya. As you may have already guessed Mercer Frey, the skeletal key was stolen - the main artifact of the Nocturnal. Since you are now a nightingale, his guard falls on your shoulders.

You need to go to Irknthant. By the way, the armor can already be removed. Outside, the bandits will be met, and there will be dwelling mechanisms inside. On the lift will get into a large hall, where you are already waiting for Karolia and Brignolf. They will go further to a meeting with Mercer. When you get into the hall with a brilliant ceiling, the lever will be left on the left. The second is on the opposite side. You need to pull them quickly, otherwise the gate will be closed. Here is full of Falmers. The tower will catch up and you will have to climb up to continue the chase. In the next hall there will be a dwell centurion. You can just pass by, if you can't win by force. In the next room there will already be a door to the heads of slaves.
Immediately you will fall into the torture chamber, from there in the corridor with fiery traps and on the parking lot of Falmers. From there get to the sanctuary. Here Mercer who flies his eyes from a gigantic statue, after which it will attack you. Take the skeleton key from his body and both Falmer's eyes, which can be sold Delwin. The hall will start quickly to fill with water. The stones are cut on top and open the passage to the cave bronze water. Talk to Carlya.

A small note regarding a skeletal key
According to the plot, you must give up this miracle and return the artifact to the place ... But is it worth it?
Skeletal key is essentially Perk "Eternal Mock" in the burglary branch. To open it, you need to pump up to 100 and spend a minimum of 6 glasses of perks! The bars stop breaking, and you throw care of their number from the head.
And now imagine this option: you quickly run the storyline of the thief guild before getting a skeletal key. Now you do not need to swing hacking, quite !!! You save 6 glasses of perks, a couple of hours of training and do not worry about the number of bars!
If you want, you can save before performing the task Reaching Summer, pass it, watch the final of the wonderful line of quests, to spit on funny spells, which are given at the end. And then download saving and continue to play with a skeletal key! This can be considered lightweight, but the solution is always yours.

Return Twumek To return the Luck Guild, you will have to participate in a special ritual test. Go to the twilight tomb. You will be met by the ghost nightinglery guard. In a conversation, you can learn about the diary of the nistrome, who failed to go through the path of the scenery, which you need to make.
First test: Battle with ghosts Solovyov. Second test: Do not step in the rays of the light, hold the shade. Test third: Derct for two rings on the sides of the statue. Fourth test: You need to overcome traps. For example, hacking the door lock on the left. Test fifth: Enter the internal sanctuary, jump down, find the Anders Skeleton with a note. Wander around until the scene starts. Remove the castle of the Black Lake. The skeletal key will disappear. The nocturnal itself will appear and will pronounce a penetrating speech. It is not clear where Carlia appears from. You will be offered three abilities (talents in the section Magic), becoming a certain circle on the floor:

  • Full moon: Nightingale discord. Effect: instantly absorbs 100 units. Health from the enemy.
  • Edge Moon: Cloak of shadows Nokturnal. Effect: Touching, you automatically become invisible within 120 s.
  • Half of the Moon: Nightingale deception. Effect: People and creatures in the zone of the spell attack all in a row in the course of 30 s.

Use the portal to exit the sanctuary. Change the ability, if suddenly you intend to use them, it will be possible in a day, returning to the sanctuary.

However, for the official recognition of you by the head of the thief guild, you need to fulfill the tasks of Delwin Mellari and the bulbs that live in a "brown flask". It was possible to pass and significantly earlier, but they will be described here. Do not forget that you can take two tasks at the same time - from both employers.

Delwein Mellory:


You will need to imperceptibly get to the office book of some store to make changes there. It is quite imperceptible to use it. Return to Delwin for a reward.


Standard pocket theft: there is an object that needs from pocket to steal some object. Consider, you will need a high level of pocket theft. Bring the subject Delwin.

You are instructed to rob a whole city on the round sum! For example, scrolls are well appreciated, one can cover the whole amount. Return to Delwin.



Pretty banal theft with hacking. Wear in the right home and take the necessary thing, drag her lips.


You need to get into the house, leave an evidence in some chest. Back to checks for money.


There is a house, and in the house there are several valuable items. You need to steal them all and bring bills.


Hacking safes in stores. Come to the store, unnoticed the safe, take the object of the task from there and carry it. Need a high hacking skill.

There are also four tasks that can be obtained by performing 5 minor tasks in a specific city.
If the desired task has not fell - reboot and take anew, they are absolutely random.
Also, after each of the tasks, a new merchant will appear in the "violent flask".
And there is also one small task from the section Miscellaneous, which can be obtained from Tonilla, about the help of Kaizhi caravans.
Summertie shadow
After 5 minor tasks performed in WindhelmeDelwin will give a special order about newcomers. Go to Windhelm and find Torsten Cruel Sea. He will tell about the tragic death of his daughter from the hands of Altmers. Go to Niraenia, during the day it trades on the market. Having pleased that you will not kill her, she will give Linvi and his Altmer Mrauder's Shayka, who call themselves the Summer Summer Shadows dwelling in the cave talking hills. There you will meet Summer Summer Shadows and Linvi, from the body of which you can remove the desired silver pendant of fjobs and unique leather armor. Return to Torsten Cruel Sea and give an amulet. Now Nirany will buy stolen things from you.

"Peer Slot"

It is necessary to perform 5 minor tasks in Solitude. Delwin Mellory will send you to Solitude, talk to Ericer merchants. That will send you to the port to Sabine Nitt, which is taught on the ship Red Wave. For the "Balm Xin", the rarest smuggling drug, it will require 1500 gold. But you can also steal the key from the chest, dive under the marina and get the goods yourself. Or even without conducting the key, but just open the lock. Go to the "Peer Snoad" ship. Throw the "Balm Xin" in the chest of the captain. Also in the captain's cabin there is one of the stones of Barenzia! Return to the Ericer.

Amnesty manually
Perform 5 minor tasks in Weitran.
Delwin Mellari will send you to Waitran to talk to Alfried Son Battle. He wants to rescue his friend from prison. To do this, you have to paint one letter and correct documents. Go to the dragon limit and arouse the chairs, nothing complicated. Return to Alfried for a reward.

Silver blank
After you run 5 random minor tasks in MarcageDelwin will send you to Jeweler Endon. That stole a silver workpiece, and he asks you ... steal her back. Go to pine stamping. In addition to unusual silver workpiece, there is also one of the barrage stones. Also lovers read the diaries will not be disappointed with the story of this small gang of robbers. Bring an unusual silver workpiece by Endon and it will begin to cooperate with the guild, buying a stolen. Also, the new merchant will appear in the "brown flask".

After performing all four tasks in cities, as well as the storyline, including the return of twilight, the final task will begin:

Manual change
Return to the guild and talk to the brignolf. Then become in the center of the hall. After a short dialogue, talk to the brignolf again. It remains only to get the Armor of the Guild Chapter from Tonylla.

Yes, the shadows will take you!

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Skyrim Passage # 35 - Reborn Triad



Thirty-fifth episode - we are taken in Nightingale! We are issued by an awesome thieves a set of armor with which I will now constantly walk. After that, I will go for Mercer to some kind of temple. On the way, I will meet some strange dragon and kill him, of course)) Teach a new cry and all that ... And in the new Complete the thieves really cool)) Only because of the fact that the light armor is not pumped, I get quite a lot of damage (\u003d\u003d\u003d \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d The Elder Scrolls Skyrim - Probably the best and large-scale RPG game in which there can only dream of playing! There are levels, and skills, and magic, and Rough physical strength, even the dragons there are HD! I will play in Skyrim Legendary, which means there will be pets in the game, and you can build a house, and you can marry! Although I just started playing, but I know and in general I understand that this game One of the most atmospheric and exciting! Here is full of nonlinear stories, the open world and all that! This game can be played for years! I probably will play ... \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d Letsplay I will shoot purely for the sake of my own pleasure! Everything will be very long, and quite stretched) I play through Steam. I will shoot only when Skyrima is bored or want) Well, of course, I have a version of Legendary. PLAYLIST with pleate -\u003dpl-drz0If you like it or you just want to help in the development of the channel - subscribe to - put like - Add to Favorites \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d My contacts VK - Skype / Steam / Origin / Uplay / Desura / Twitch - SINAS66 Group in VK - \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d donations on a children's dream;) R277245952162 u2149493749266 z796463952266 tags ... not enough fantasy Insert all keywords in text \u003d / On this, these words have to write tags through commas ... in general, do not pay attention;) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Video Game), passage, lettle, Skyrim, Eder Scrolls, Elder Scrolls Skyrim , Skyrim, games, Steam, Steam, Games, Letsplay, Skyrim Lets, First Steps, Play Utuba, Gameplay, Gameplay


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"Thirty-fifth episode - we are accepted in nightingales! We are given an awesome thieves a set of armor with whom I will constantly walk. After that, I will go for a Mercer to some kind of temple. On the way I will meet some strange dragon and kill it of course) teach A new cry and all that ... and in the new Complete the thieves really cool)) only because of the fact that light armor is not pumped, I get quite a lot of damage (
The Elder Scrolls Skyrim - Probably the best and large-scale RPG game in which can only dream of playing! There are also levels, skills, and magic, and rude physical strength, even the dragons there are HD! I will play Skyrim Legendary, which means there will be pets in the game, and you can build a house, and you can marry! Although I just started playing, but I know and in general I understand that this game is one of the most atmospheric and exciting! There are full of nonlinear stories, the open world and all that! You can play this game for years! I probably will play ...
Letsplay will be removed purely for the sake of my own pleasure! Everything will be very long, and quite stretched) I play through Steam. I will shoot only when Skyrima is bored or want) Well, of course, I have a version of Legendary.
PlayList with the Letter -\u003dpl-drz0yzommttd37ctckv2zt3bnywlx9g.
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Task Get Freya from Mercer. You must go to the ruins of a snowy curtain, and there to destroy Carly. On the way to the ruins, you met Mercer who is confident that Karlia remains there. He will miss you ahead and follows you. Do not slow, otherwise it will hide again. Approach the door and give me a merser to challenge it. Now go inside. Be extremely neat - you are awaiting a lot of draped and traps. But it is worth adding that Mercer most often will warn you. Lay one word of power inside the sanctuary.

Get to the door, open only claws. And you have it just not. But Mercer will challenge and challenges it incomprehensible. Go to the door. However, here you will faint from the arrows released in you. Waking up, you will see conversation Carlya and Mercer. According to them, you will understand that Mercer is the killer of Galla! And now he encroaches Carly, but she has time to escape. You will not have time to do it and swung you with a sword (a blow will be in the stomach). Do not worry, you will survive. Come into consciousness, you will see Carly around him.

She will tell you the story, which, however, you yourself probably know. It she released in you an arrow impregnated with paralytic poison. What saved you, as the poison slowed the beat of your heart and did not allow blood to expire. In the ruins, she discovered a diary belonging to Gaul. However, he was written with words in an unfamiliar language, but she guesses who can become your translator in this matter. This is a friend of Galla Entir. So, go to it in Winterholl. The passage of the game Skyrim sends you to the tavern called "Frozen Frame".

From the enthrand you will learn that Galla had a diary, which he led on Falmers. And they own only a few people in all Skyrim. The enthir cannot make deciphering this text, but owns information about who is able to do it. He is in Makarta, it is a dowel magazine. Go there and find it. Although he really knows the Flemer language, it does not want to show his skills in practice. You can fulfill his quest and, thus, enter his trust. There is also an option to steal the key in his back from the pedestal. Then proceed to the museum by guard.

Note: Even if you are invisible, the guard will start talking to you in the first meeting. In the museum you will see many security and well-lit rooms. To pass the Skyrim game, you need to sneak to the Laboratory of Consilma. By the way, if you feel quite confident, you have the opportunity to like the museum and make sure the expensive and necessary things. When entering the laboratory itself, pick the rod, a spider manager. How to use it to read in the diary near the rod. Then you will see the spider himself.

Security in the laboratory can or kill, or just pass by. And you still have the opportunity to put several traps. Then "accidents" will happen to them. And the blame for them can be attributed to obsolete dormant mechanisms. By the way, it is better to go to the room with Aikantar. Mostly it will deal with him. Immediately do not miss the cube, take it and pass Delwin. From there, go to the balcony, and then proceed to the concellable tower. You almost coped. Go to the Cabinet and find a roll of paper and coal there. If there is a desire to search for valuable items, do it now, after you there will be no time. Then leave this room and go to the stone. Draw it on paper. Then you will see the cavalry attending.

You, again, you can chase them all or just sneak by. By the way, the captain will delay in the passage, it will be a wonderful chance of killing him. One guard will be located near the stairs, another couple will rise up. To pass the game Skyrim, we break quickly with the first and go too. There, one will go back down the stairs, and the other will follow in the side of the stone. Kill both and head back to Winterholl to the enthrace. Go down to the basement, where you will see the entor and Carly. Tell him the rewritten text of the console. Then he will start making a translation. You will learn that Gall suspected Frey in betrayal. It turns out that Gaul became aware that Mercer lives too luxuriously and becomes clear that he assigns money guild. He also writes about the desecration of some twilight tomb. Carlia will insist urgently transfer this guild transfer, that is, tell everyone about Mercer Frey. However, you first talk with the enthir and get a sentence from him to come to his board and sell a loot. You can then talk with Carlya. But then you will begin to see a more holistic picture. It turns out that the twilight tomb is a church of a knockturin, which is recognized as a patroness of the night and thieves. The temple, where all the gifts of the tombs are hidden, protect the nightingales, who swear to give life for him. In addition, with the help of the temple, this tomb is associated with our world. The problem is that Mercer is discussed this temple than and caused a decline in the thieves guild (nocturnal abandoned them). Therefore, you immediately get to Rippitna, so that Mercer receives appropriate punishment. And Carlia will give you a sword of Galo called a nightingale blade.

The pursuit

The passage of the game Skyrim will continue the task from Karlia. You will need to check the exposure of Frey Mercer. Go to the tavernu "Brown Flask" in Riften and talk with Carlya. Take together together in the guild. And there you will be expecting a "warm welcome" - Delwin, Veks and Brignolf will meet you. And all of them will be with swords at the ready. However, Karlya will have time to transfer the Bina Diary of Galla, who at first he won't believe, but to offer to see the storage. According to Delwin, two keys are needed for its discovery, and the bulk claims that no one can hack this castle. However, Brin is convinced of all and they make their way to the repository. As a result, Gall turns out to be right, because all the chests are absolutely empty.

Veks will be very angry and will be ready to independently finish the Mercer. Bryn will put her anger a little and will ask her Delweigin to go to the "Flag" tavern and talk about everything that happened. Suddenly the villain will come there. The passage of the game Skyrim provides you with the task go to his estate "Rifteld", where you need to find possible prompts about its location. Plus, you were allowed to kill everyone in our way.

In the manor, Mercer made a special ladder in the courtyard for emergency cases. This is your chance to get into the estate. However, one difficulty is waiting for you - this is a guard Freya Wald. It turns out that the vexes were not so closely familiar with Waldom, so talk to her. From the conversation you will understand that it just will not get to him with him, since this man loves only money. Therefore, give him the Word that Maven will pay for his debts. Here you will again be a choice - either to hold the word, or just kill him and then rolling.

In order to lower the ladder, you will need to shoot it into its mechanism. Sense into the house, it will be empty, but with a secret. After all, one wardrobe leads to a narnation, which is a shelter for Mercer. You will find it on the second floor. Be very careful in shelter, it is packed by traps, but there you will find many worthwhile things (actually like the house itself). To pass the Skyrim game, you need to get to Mercer's room and paint the plans, bust of gray fox (it needs to be transferred to Delwin) and a wonderful sword from the showcase (made of glass, damage with cold). The rest can take at your discretion. You do not have to go back, because there is a direct transition to rat hole. Complete on it and follow the brignolf. Pass to him the card and get a reference that Frey is hunting for gigantic jewels (they are called Falmers's eyes). They are very expensive and valuable. In addition, they will give Merser the opportunity to hide from you forever. After all, such money is enough for the next generation. Time to the edge, hurry to talk with Carly and stop it.

Reed Triad.

The passage of Skyrim game in this task from Brinolf will present you a surprise. You will become a nightingale. Go to a meeting with Carlya near the old standing stone. He is behind Rophietn. When you get to the place, you will see Brin and Carly together. She will ask you to follow her and promises to provide all the explanations on the way. Go to the nightingale and start the transformation process. For this dress their armor. Then you need to pass the rite of initiation. Armor you will find behind the stones. And for the root of the initiation, go to the left circle, then just stand and listen. All, now you are a nightingale. But now, Baria will tell you about the real villain of Mercer - after all, he kidnapped a skeletal key (similarly to Oblivion). It makes it possible to overcome not only physical obstacles, but also human. That is, with the help of this key, he will be able to use all the capabilities of the human body for full force. It is unacceptable so that such power gets to such a person.

Chat with Brin and get a sentence from him to take the post of chapter of the thieves guild. Of course you will agree. To pass the game Skyrim, then head to look for Mercer in the ruins of Irktanda. Six gangsters will stand at the entrance. Conduct by either kill and go there. On the first floor you will see only a couple of working robots, several broken dormant mechanisms and corpses of gangsters. On the second floor you will meet Brin and Carly, who is sure that Mercer is quite recently there. You need to find it. Then you look at the scene in which two Falmer die from the hand of Mercer. Ahead you will see the room where the lattice is worth it. Click on two levers (they are hidden at the top on both sides of the room) and the lattice will open. And behind the door, which hangs the castle expert, is Ballist. Shot out of it in Falmer and follow forward. Be careful not to get into the west. Falmers and mechanisms will meet from opponents. The only difficulty can be centurion. It is very large sizes, it is hard to kill him and attack him quite strongly. Only having a powerful armor you can begin with a hand-to-hand fight. There is another option to let the brine fight with the enemy, and in the meantime with Carlya will shoot it from the bow or with the help of magic. In general, here the passage of the game Skyrim gives you the opportunity to dream and show your smell.

Come inside the sanctuary where you will see Mercer. He will just get from the statue of the Falmer's eye. Suddenly, the platform will collapse under you and you will fall. Brin with Carlyia will still be top. Thus, you will have to step into a fight with Freme. By the way, he managed to smoke Brin and he now attacks Carly. Do not hesitate, start the battle. This battle will not be out of the lungs, because Mercer is very difficult to kill. But this is probably the only difficulty. But he knows how to become invisible, but you can still see it. As soon as you kill it, everything around you will begin to collapse (where without it), and the room is filled with water. In addition, you can not open the door. Output one - wait until the room is completely flooded. Then the stones on top of the statues will break away and open the exit for you. Through it, you will come to the "Bronze Water" cave.

Return of dusk

Karlya will continue your passing game Skyrim the following task. It consists in overcoming the path of the pilgrim. You also need to return the key knockturny. But first the first task. Karia itself cannot do it, because it was she who caused the desecration of the tomb, and Brin is necessary in the guild to guide there. Therefore, you will have to deal with everything. Take the onions from Karlia, he will come in handy.
By the way, you are not obliged to immediately return the key when you find it. And the eternal lock can you even come in handy. You can hold this thing at your own while she does not need it. But at the same time, for the execution of this task you will give a generous remuneration.

Go to the twilight tomb. She is guarding the guard of the nightingale. Talking to him, you will understand that this is Gall! It turns out that he simply does not have the ability to attribute the key back to the tomb. Gall is weakening when approaching the well of the night. And even can die. Therefore, it remains for you. First, learn the diary, belonging to the nistrom (it will find it left from the guard near the wall and skeleton).

Then the quest pointer will disappear, but you and so do not get lost. In the first room you will meet three nightlife guard. Further in the room, keep the shadows, do not go to the light, otherwise you will die. And be careful, you can wait for traps on the floor. Then see the room in which there is a corpse of the gangster near the statue of the knockturnal. At first glance, you may seem that from there there is no exit. Just carefully look around and notice the chain behind the torch on the right (it will look like a bird's head). Take the chain. Nothing will happen. Therefore, look for the same left torch. And then, twitting for the chain, you will open the door behind the statue. Further passage of the game Skyrim Block pendulum blades and pressure plates. But behind the door is waiting for a surprise. Unfortunately, not very pleasant. It will not prevent once again to preserve. Then you will find yourself in front of the door, through which you can just go ahead or make a turn on the right side and examine another room with nightingale guards and buns.